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FrA ---l- -I WLara, et Al StUdieE on ~,' m,"", of tl-~e sk~pjac~ 1-n thF. !a n 19-1 mQVe PQ np4 experiments. of To,,olku Re,-, Pish. Res. '.ab. , (31), ',-Arch., 141-152. In rapanese. 'jr-.nsl. by IPRS for 71'178, Oct. 19f-11. 20P., 'upesaript, Avail. on T.osn - WaBit. mg Griginal Art1de Cheded. ... Asano, M. and '.". laraks 1971 Sttidies on tne maturation of tl,e 31ciplaok in th,e western PscJf4c OceQn - -. ,.k,,13. of Tohoku Re~-,. Fig:-.. Res. Lab., (31), [Ig",h: 153-161. :n 7aPanese. 'i'rarisl. by -MM for N"I'S, Oat. 10--1, 111P., t,'P0S0rW- Avail. or.- !.oari - Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked.k', Fardness Test ofWood by a Pendulm Friction Apparatus, by S. Ibmda ~ 18 pp, JAPAIMSE., bul, -Pulletin of Tokyo University ForestB, Uo 49, June 10,55. SLA Tr 2356 Sci - Engineering '4 -_q 3 / '~- Sep 57 LMUti9&tIQ)2 Of thO Vkdi--'ina Plants Fouud ok2. the Palau lGlauft : 71'LqJr ViIIV83 GUd Pormlar ric-undicis , by Nasorosbl Ombs. JtT,AM,*";, Yar; ~,4~ -Tro-p- ktlg-umqa~-, 5, loho I'MPt of ht~~Vlor Bel - (L-t '62 Dynaza"ics n" Sc-,ilc by A. id~ -1,531zlolm~ pei,,. BaUctin of thle US&R Acudlc~ky Sciciaccat 3.053- PAM Or-4237 9f-A - Gcolphys Apr 60 An Attempt to Determine tbe Absolute Pee of Innar Forw.tiousj, by K. A. LyubarolWj 13 PP~ RMEW~ -Ip~ Bulletin of VAGO, (All-TJni(-,r. addRk-136d- ) '? -- - Aatmnomic and 111.0 41 A Scl - Astronomy A-or 61 6-IA/.qDD X-4619 "JI "S1 MA T) 18'? -at cl t-f L-n -, '5j ,,-ato-volcanoo.- in japan TaIrlas,W--le SUZUKI Bulletin of thc' Uolew)ologIcal looci-ly ut' Japam, Voll. 1,11, NO. 3, 19'f0, pp Lanrly-we: Japane:i~-- Int-Li-)-letions- Tran,,-,latV. and pw-',tu up on original translatioll. LISDA W-113-r-S-67 B-7337-D 10 Au C G6 Review on the. Zloais Formation in HELrdwcod Vezcclu By: T. Kisbim From BuUctin of the Tlocd Rescarch D--,,~Utuitc I~Yrlto University Iio. 3"t, Unrch Ic,4)U -pp 1-5 5 1)1) Japmese - erit for vds: Tranr,late oand type 1 oriL-;ilaal copy. roe-ument .1 Pp DiO. LC~J- T-534-1 r,-6,(14-i) 26 67 PvcParation chev le polinsin de serum; de referance jicxa~ Ilideatification des &bovims per llqpr(rx~-c (Vinbition de I'licluQ;lutination By: MIMOM~ C. et al From. Bull. Uld. Hltli. Ore;- 32: 665-673, 1965 9 pi) Prench - est f or wds: Plcase translate and type 1 camr-ra resAy copy. Document can be cut. Please make cover as sm9le attachea. T-5-34-1- Results of First Clinicai Trials of CIDA 32,644-Ba in the Therapy of Vesical Rilhurziasis, by C. It. Lwabert, F.S.Da. Cruz Ferreira. SUISS, per Bulletin of World 11calth Organiza- .L Vol ;A11, I tion No 1. 1965, pp 73-82. CFSTI TT-66-10989 Sci - B/N Jul 66 305,324 Serological Diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis by Neans of Antigens Preparea on Cell Cultures, by A. Betz. Health Organization, Bulletin Vol 39, 1968, World 1 0 pp 367-374. NTC-71-10572-06E Nov 71 I- :~ ji~,joju~uiojj Of FlIjorescent Antibodies Dari ILI Human Malp-ria by P"i.asmodium Vivax Malariotllerap~, by J - P. Garin - EVC-LISH, per, Ilorld ilealtih Organization. hulletln, vol 44, 10,71, PP 669- 99. NTC 72-14274-06-14 Jan 73 Irmunofluorescence in litunan ~Iala-ria. Screenin,,: and Epidemiological Stud~, by P~ AlOol-OiGe-Thomeas. ENGLISH, -jar, World Health Orgonization. Bulletin, vol 44, i971, pp 699-706- lrIC 72-14271'55-o6i.; J.-m 73 Prosecutor Asks Death,, Secret Tri4i for Mitigoverrmolit Plot, 17 pp~ ARABIC, rpt, Cairo Radio, 1130 GMT9 5 Sop 71, JPRS 5~,170 Oct 71 F4ujymeut for Proccosing Honey., by E. Braun. U-MM, per.. V01 LUI, go 5, .1954, PP 11-19- CSIRO Set - Biol jun 61 j~C 1; - I ~(OIINL-tr-2524) 5NEIG11130RHOOD GEOGRAPHIC AND PSYCHOSOMOWGICALSTUDY, ;MLttOn,Alaiil. 1810'1'raiis- LLted by 11. Gregg Matiffield (Oak f(idgu National Lzil~., Tenn.), frotil q~~OEEq; 13: No. 4, 299-316(1969). ID0251). 24Dup, NTIS, 26tn"'s';'t'o'ls 2T 2,.NIN-2 291, ~NS,~ Research au Submerged Sand Deposits by Meant of Undisturbed Samplingp by F* Tavenaa, ENGLISH, per, C&&Adiag QeoleghnicAl Joutnall Vol 7. No 37v 1970p pp 37-53 WTC 72-1 2096-08G June 72 Go,nments on U10 Ufoots of L4,,.'Iit on itrimbiation. Canarlian Journal of ~,,Otmay~, ViA 1-964, T)n 3L~ oct 5"~ 7, T~ Effect of ATP &W $g2+ on RibuloseaDiphosphate Carboxylass -and Ribose-5-phosphate Isomuse/Kinase Activity in an Enzymatic Preparation of Chloroplasts, by M. L. ChaV~ipy 16 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per,, Can. J. Sot. (Ottawa),, Vol 48,0 19700 pp 1227-1233. NASX IT F 13394 july 71 Bacteriolomical Diagnosis in Urinary Infections, u by R. Frot. ENGLISH, per, Canadian Joarnal of Medical Vol 29, 1967, PP 141-159. NTC-71-12445-o6m Nov 71 Oz till (,ha N'w's *h--2 KI'lay C? on, FO 191 (A", (Aitroot,Ato) f.A. Flieh atitudeo by'I'm Mmre. lill MECIUS ~jpv 0 Canadian pi;r -is Ilmna" Nos 101 j ~my Go Vibrational-Rotational Spectra of Simple Diatomic or Polyatomie Molecules With a Long Absorpdon t - I Path. )M'. The Spentrum of C12016 Between 3500 and 8000 CM-1 and the Molecular Kstants of this Molecule, by G. P-. Courtoy. FRENCH, per, Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol XXXV, No 5, 1957, pp 608-648. NASA TT F-8523 Sci-Nucl Sci; Phys May 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 257,495 P.- ~. 4(0RNL-tr--2rjlO) 5ELECTROSTATIC SrECTHOMl-,- TER-5. PART H. 6Ailard, P.; Olmtte, J.-D. joTranslated hy N. Gregg IlMlsfield (Oak Ridge, National Lab., from, Iscall. jjlj~-s.; -19: 2132-7(1971). 0131). 2~,,Dep. N"I"Is. j . Ninstruniontation; translations ~16D NIN-37 ,I' NSA Th(~, DcVble Photoe 'Iectric an(I Manometric net7istr~:- Ilion of RapiL: Rcactions in the Gaseous PhaGe tIr,6 t6s Application to Cold Flamesp by J. 13. Jutras, T,, r, ~P,:, - '. ~t-rcr. FIRIEITII; Canadian Technol~ Vol YKKIV, No I lci5b, pp 29-38. &Wdy of Wactim by the SM 9 Vinwo by Lucatt/3 Lalour., W Bezmrd Martimau. FEME.. per,, Cawdlon *aftml Association Joumml, Vol LX=Mp -Doe 1969, yp 1367-13W- __ - NM 4-19-63 Eel - Biol/riad SU ju 63 C, , ~,z ,~_? /, e Can Congenital Malformations Be Prevented?, by Paul De Bellefeuille, 10 pp. FRENCH, per, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol LXXUX, 1963, pp 933-936. NIH 5-28-64 Sci - Biol & Med Sul 64 262,214 OT Observations on the Effect of an Ele-crricol Current an Segregation, by Remi Tougas, Andre Hone, 5 pp. FRF-NCH, per, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol U, No 3. Julk-Gep 1963, pp 281-289. 9222633 ABC-Tr-6366 Sci-Mat X& Met Jul 64 260,998 (in the Solutions to the Equations of Ternary Diffusion, by J.. S. Kirkaldy. 5 pp. FRENCH, per# Can Metall Lua-r, Vol 3, 1964, pp 279-293. *14B,S) TT 70-57584 Sci-Phys Jul 70 Strain-Ag!mg of Iron-Carbon Alloys; Influence of Method of Defo=ation, by J. Ho Dorlot mm, per, Ean. Yeto q.., vol 6. go 4,, iq67.. pp 375-399. *BISI 6856 Sci-Materials Feb 69 CuL an 21 o 3 c1) Collection of Dowstic kwioarch 1Wports Concerning Various Fiol&- of the Food Prowssing industry, 20 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ON Ly JAPANESE, per, Cannin~ Teduiolog, Vol TV, No 6., 1963,, pp 345-350, ACSI 1-9320 ID 2204013566 uixmbd ms,xxm FE/Japan/Econ Jun 66 300$895 roperties anG (Ise of P I S. Yamada, 111. Sato, at JAPMESE, per, Carbon pp 253-260. CJA X-6266 sc--Platerials Am 67 Foj~ (ff'jj ("I !1~1' ~J( j-' J'y 4~ 1 ~; , Glassy Carbon, by al, Vol 2, No 2, 1964, 327,624 Interaction of Carbon Products in the Course oi Graphitization, by P. Cornuault, F. du Cliaffaut, J. Rapponeau, tM. Yvars, A. Fillatro. FRENGI, per, Carbon, Vol 4, 19660 pp 411-?4. AEC LA-tr-67.T7- Sci - Chem Oct 67 342,297 %- -aixil ji:~actor 26;c iLl 33~-353. (,Ct 6j 395,260 I"Ouctions 01, culbon-'satitrated vmadiw.~ Caijijo ,Bolt with a Disurdered Arrwi.,w.~oiit oi Carbon, b)' -1. Fitzer, i;. Kugel, 33 jjp. Carbon, Vol 0, 190F, ly 433-4`6. ALVSC-Tr-70-4035, .~ov 70 Anisotropy of the g-Factor of Poly- crystalline Madagascar Graphite Samples Containing a Rhombohedral Phase, by F. Dalhaes. ENGLISH, per, 2arhon, Vo! 6 1968, pp 925- 935. GBGB Trans 1119 Mar 72 Tho kual.,LcaLicv. fr"L tho ViLy.",-Atlall pro,,~em, in & Caot Stnel, by P- A,~ biochuz.-e, Cc~s)t S'lael. -ii, Vlbrati.,~~ W,at c-ad, Tecii Fabl, ror VooJwa, is'ngr LS-v~,rjlomsl~, (;,~. t 1959. co Basic Concepts of Corrosion of Metals, by A. A. Farkhadov. RUSSIAN, rpt, Cathodic Protection Against Corrosion of Steel Structurei-ff-8-e-a-W-a't-e--r-,--Mo-a-c-'ok-'-1-9-6'-2',-~-'~ 7-16.- - Navy Tr 3734/ONI 966 Sci - M/M Mar 64 250,939 Corrosion of Marine Structures, by A. A. Farkhadoy. RUSSIAN, rpt, Cathodic-Protection Against Corrosion of Steel Structure~ln--gea-wateF,-~Foicow, 1962, pp 17-73. Navy Tr 3734/ONI 966 Sci - M/M Mar 64 S250,940 Cathodic Protection for Piles in the Submerged Zone, by A. A. Farkhadov. RUSSL4,N,:rpt, Cathodic Protection Against Corrosion of Steel Structures-75-S-e-aW-ater, MoscoW;7[%j,.--ff-j2T--l73. Navy Tr 3734/ONI 966 Sci - M/M Mar 64 250,941 Development ef Cathodic Protection for Hulls of Seagoing Ships, by A. A. Farkhadoy. RUSSIAN, rpt, CAnAf1c-Zrotacdnn-A&ainsc Corrosion of . ... 7q Steel Structures in Sea Water, Moscow, 1 62, pp 189-211. Navy Tr 3734/CNI 966 Sci - M/M Mar 64 250,942 Technico-Economic Efficiency of Cathodic Protection of Marine Structures and Ships, by A. A. Farkhadov, RUSSIAN, rpt. Cat~odic~.Protection Against CorrosAon of . Steel Structur'd-iff Sea Wa--tii, Mosc-,Qw;-NQ,-ff-226--240. Navy Tr 3734/ONI 966 Sci - MIN Mar 64 InAu 250,946 Lt Lcy,~Ss; i0vo ------------------------- Effect of the Cellulose Quality on the Rayon Staple Quality, by H. Schmiedeknecht. EUROPEAN, per, Cellulose Chemista and Tech- E21ogy, Vol 1, 1967, pp 231-248. NTC-70-12784-11E Feb 72 Coprecipitated Polymers. Part IL Binary Mixture, Cellulose Acetate and Poly- ac--ylonitrile, by Ce Vasilee EUROPEAN, per, Cellulose Oiemistry and Tech- nology, Vol 1, 1967, pp 423-429. NTC-70-12786-11I Feb 72 Polyelectrolyte Effects and Viscosity Measurements on Diluted Solutions of Na Cellulose Xanthate and Model Substances, by J. Schurz. EUROPEAN, per, Cellulose Chemistry and Tech- nology, Vol 1, 1967, pp 529-544. NTC-70-12783-11E Feb 72 Synthesis and Investigation of Som Properties of Cellulose Derivatives Containing nuorim, by 11, So Sletldmg Zo As Rogovin, FMICHt per, CoUplose Chem. and TeRypl.Lj Do it 1967v pp -641-6~3. ilL Raft 58a,4F (706) sai-cl-lem Jan 69 372,609 Problems of Alkali Cellulose Xanthation, by M. Pasteka. EUROPEA141, per, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, Vol 1, 1967, pp 689-698. NTC-70-12782-11E Feb 7.1 Synthesis of New OelluloBe Derivatives by the Methods of Hetero-Organic Chemistry, by E. M. Akovbyan. ENGLISH; perj ellulose Chemistry and Techno!2ZXy Vol 4y No lp 10,70) pp 0-21. NTO 72-10801-07C Apr 72 E. A. Plisko Modification of 4dmte Cellulose Fibers by Nitriles and Amidee of Unsaturated Acids. ENGTMH, per, Cellulose Ghemistry Rnd Technology, Vol 4. No 5. 11970s pp 525-531 RC 72-12620-11E sept 72 T. A. Mishina Effect of Marcerization Conditions Upon the Reactivity of Cellulose in Ethylation. ENGLISH, per, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, Vol 4. No 5, 1970p pp 559-565 NrIXu' 72-412621 -11 E sept 72 Effect of Oxygen on the UC Phase-Existence Domain, by M. Boncoeur. EUPOPEAN) per, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol 28, 1963, pp 233T NTC-70-12829-18i Feb 72 Intrinsic Viscosities of Short-Chain Solutions, by C, Sadron. En-OPEAN, per, Journal of Polymer Science Vol 29, 1958, pp 127-140. NTC-70-12823-07C Feb 72 Modern Analytical Methods in the Cellulose lndustriy, by A, Dovietzhuker,- . . BUIROPUIT, per, Cellulose Chemistry and Technol=, No 41 1970, pp 95-106. NTC-71-11930-11L Nov 71 IT, '[7-6 1i 4-13 4 Candlor, E. DIFFERENT THEORIES ON THE CONSTITtrTION OF LIME AND CEMENTS /~ND ON THE SETTING AND It. T111c: 111MVIACC ... HARDENiNG OF MORTARS [AND) INFLUENCE OF CaCl AND OF CaS04 ON THE SE77ING AND HARKNING OF MORTARS. 1 k9631 11 p (tests tab;es omilited) Orde~~ from SLA $1.60 77-64-1423 Trans. from mono. Cement and Hydraulic 1.1mee, 3d ed, ParJs, 1906, p. 392-41B. DESCRIPTORS: "Cements, "Calclum compounds, Oxidea, Hardening, Water, Ciiernical analysis, Theory, Chlorldes, Sulfates, Mortar. (Materials, '17, Y. 11, no. 7) e.,'. q i b s Approximate calcuZation method of characteristic Parcanet-ers in simple fluidic 10giC CiMUitO. ~ pp. FRENCH, Centre for development of autom,,.,ztion and computing techniques, Vol 2, pp 39-49 AIRIFTD-EC-23-) 387-712 U.S. II'OV'T USE MLY. --"OPYRI,~iff INP-0:16DITION dec 72 Ot ~iu 'AII~,! Of OLI j-11;, t Oxidatioll oi zircu'dul.if by "eys-, an-cy !;(?r. .1 a ot al. 26 vp, yl~zfj Ceater Jetallor~~ical k(,,svarch tlie- 'Scilocil *K77-ns ill Vz4ris, Uct U~ ~6 ~Jq 29 1 Calculations of Critical Experiments on Assem- blies in ZPR-S Wlith the Aid of the System of Con- stants Foi, by N,O. Bazazywits., S.14, Zaritskiy. l,',USSIA,N, rpt, Water for Nuclear Data Vol 2, 1965, pp 247-28U. 9232678 AEC tr-6693 5ci/Nuclm Sci Jun b6 301,146, ~-Mirl:04ICe Of PJ1XIN, at C;-,, -,0,-.1f, I'll t-IIJI L5,01; Oct. Lifshits On the computation if the nose of a wing profiZe in sonic fZow, RUSSIAN, Technical notes CAH1 (Central. aerodynmrc arid ~~4ynamic institutel Vol 2., No 4, 1971, pp 1-6 *11ASA TT F 24, 2 85 aug ?2 Albanian 'grade Unions Condom Soviet Aggresaionp 5 PP, FRENCH,, rpt, Central Council of Albanian TIMde Unicais, ATIL, French-1700 GEIT9 Tirana, 170c 1968. JPRS 47v159 & -Albarda Pol Jan 69 372P443 WIrther Talk With an Authority on the Constitution, by Fang Yueh, 3 PP- UNCUSSIFIED CHIITESE~ d np, CentrEll Daily News, Taipei, ib 19 Jan .1956. CIA/FDD X-28o4 FE - Formosa Pal Apr 58 A~;eacy: AE?Oeuri. P.O. Nwfil)er: D11-70-42 j2 11491~ IWO Title: Opyu Fad6w:o1fid laijmi~aLsil d1ya cl:a4lizovelmojo Vv0de v Hezilduuari~>&Iuyu sisix"Mu Yaderuoi lairjxuwi~sii- Aw;hors: V. F. Setwoov, ei; A. SOU=e'. CenLral InSLLtuce wr Inituvorlua vad Tacludeei-Ecanumic ReSearch on Accraic Scieace~ and Tet,~haojcigys Ejuseaw, US$Pt. Pap-or SH-12V3,7. 19-10. Ilp. L.-in,guage.- Russian Special lustrucLious: Picase zraiLglfwc and 1~ype Okke cUpy L4 ue voceived in i:%4o L)~: chree t,e6w. A,.,--rericy.- AEC/Term. I-Ylu5ar, P.U. Nmmoer: DTI-70-43 12 Ticie: Opyr. sozdadiya DvuyrzyCll&-lf:)Sj ellyzi ludeltsirovalliya Wl',-u4vzlli;Ov pU ALOR1110i Flauke i Teldmike. AuUms: Dykovav L. He* cc cale SOUrce: CCUL-C,01 Inscituix lor Im-orunUun awl' Tachnical-Econumic Research at) Atamic Scieuce and Techuolo~,,y, Hiscows USSR. Paper SN-126/4Q, lWu. l4p. Russian u ~~ Special lnstrtwtions: PICOSO LIA118414ACCO und cype ~4xw c,;py to oe received LEI rX0 W- Lhree wwks, per, Central -oreali DJA _L;; .~Ocoad Dow C)i* 'the tic."s w, ~'ross socie'llics of tho Po, per, ~;(,,-tral y i`rensa Lattina I-ublislliod thD Stanlor~oat The gona, of Cmrado 11L.,-, li~ "Let Us tl-.o hnti- ii-a.parialist ,-.--)d iLnti,.A-nieric-7,n RUSSDL~,~, por. i,entral Korean lole raph 31 Aug 1967, DIA L, 3,38-(Z a,.,-Or 1-ast Responses to tly-- Asser-tvion of the Governmont of tha Korean People's Danocratic Iloyiblic of 21 August. IGSSLC Telavrp-r 1~ N, per, ~.e~iian.I.Lorean 11 A~Oncy. 31 Am-- 1967. Dl~ Iii 38,8-(),~) 1-ar EI.-,st P 01 ~mr 68 for Accoloration of tho Use of ChODIlicals in Agriculture. ean Te_~gra i~A-'eilcva RUSSIL',.i, per, CerrLral Kar ~I-e 31 Aur, 1907, aii i.,i 38~;-66 S c i A 6-ri , ~-'k 68 351 o 05'; il Review of the Press, 15 ppa UISSLIL1.40 -per, Central Korean TeleL,,ranh ALreiicy, 31 Auz; 1967, pp 1-15. DIP, IJ 383-68 scihusc ,ar 6C, 351,103 Reasons Mhy Meteorological Stations at an Idtitude of M I-lore Than 1500 Meters Above Sea Level Dont Issue Reporti on Atmospheric Pressure at Sea Level. CHINESE, Cent Met Bur, Weather, No 8, Peking, 1956, p 27. *AEC Sci - Geophys Mar 59 Simplification and Improvement of the Soviet Method Sounding Calculations. Peking, CHINESE, Cent Met Bur, Weather, No 9,/1057, pp 20-23, Sci - Geophys Mar 59 The Metal Installations for the Purpose of Su,p~portin~; and ProtectilIL; Instrimants, by Yatzvev, CHI-ITESEP -az-. Cent Met Bur~, Wealther, Val IV, -1957, pp 23-27. Encir 59 Preparation of FE.198 and Cdll4 Filectrodeleos LEu)jps, b~., T. TDIm. JAPA2-T.37, per,, 'Re-port on the -Inspection Inr,t~tute of '.1el-j~-it- ~.,eaz=e,5, Tol-yo, Ja-Pan, Vol VII'L, ',:o 4, 1960, pp )01-401. CSIRO 535E Sci rec 6n:. Principles (kf Totm I'laniiii-,; iii oc soviet Unimi, Volmme 1, 416 pa,6es. RUSSIAN, bl,, Central Re I search and I)esi,,ji Institute of Tom 111'a F Civil Tn~ineciivg and lVchitecture wider Gosstroy USSR, IM. *CFSTI '17 69-53003 USSR/hcon Fob 69 timber Skidding by Tmtor in the USSR, by K. L Voronitsin, et al. RUSSIAN, bk.. Central Research Institute for Mechanization aM Power Applications in the Forest Industry, 1959. = M. 3198 BCL Apr 62 Alclear ;'itican 'AtrbLin Inntallations, 20 pp. 'U4:, ary Gentral, ,Srdx~xitif ic-.ieBoarcI3 nrlnti't-ute the larilic OX Lila 43 r,~~, oO .,brch=ju- Of vlo U13silp J-963.4 pp 113-135. T, 4'r avy JCV.;.q. r cmv 3 o"",