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N. M. Monakhov Hypersonia gas flow around conical bodies. IZV. VUZ. AVIATS. TEKH. No 1,, 19660 pp 3-13 Dept of Ndvy AP-r7,e-TF.UT-2256 may 69 16-Jul-73 uncl, (NRC-TT--1624) Assimilation of protococcold algae by cyclopes. rMONA III I.V.; SOROKIN, YU.I. Translated from Byui' nst. Tol. Vodokhran. Akad. Nauk SSSR; No. 3, 24-27(1959). 9p. Dep. NTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $3.00. 06 blamed; translattov%s MN-48 NP NSA monakov, A.V. 1967 Role of the extromitles of 08111noids (Cimstaces C popods) In movixont and ill capturing pray (Rol' koneohms;8? calELnoida (Crustaota. Copepoda) ir peradvizhanii i sakhvate pishchi) InformatsimuVi blullet*A, (1), Inst. biologil vnutrersAlth vod,(Akad. Hauk SUM 31-34. In Russian. Tranal. by Tranal. Bur., 10&n. Laro. Div., Dept. of Sea. of State of Wade, for Dept. of Environ.. MG Gmt Lakes Biolicmlogy Lab., Burlington, Ont., 1973,,as Tmn3l. Seriels HO. 2656, 49-, tYPOSOViDt. Avail. on Loan - 11M, Wash., D.C. Originol Article Checkecl.#~ A. V. Monakov Cyc4opidae population in the inshore zone of Rybinsk reservoir. TRUDY INST BIOL. VNUTREMVIKU OD V j No 17 (20), 1966,, pp 33-40 Dept of Interior Bureau of Comercial Fiaheries Branch of Foreign Fisheries june 69 16-Aug-73 Uncl (UCRL-Trans--10700) Characteristics of Kurile- Kamchatka earthquakes as observcd from nearby stations during the period 1952--1954. MONAKHOV, r.i.; TARAKHANOV, R.Z. translated fror Izv. Akad. Neuk SSSRj Ser. Geofiz.; No. 5, 401-415(1955). 29p. Dep. NTIS $3.50. 8G geology; 08K seismic phenomena; translations MN-51 P NSA mmathm,p F. 1. CharactwIsuce of musue - fis"tka auguNquabN of Obomed ftm awtj Otabiami &wl" the farlod 19W 1954 98 PSI IXFO m "M-A awo ponzos P. 5 IM5)#- a*, ~1~ AwAml4m4MO043 mmastyrevo V. Dot-Discharging Cemomt Plant in ftvoromlysk Fined. 5 pp 11MUMM MU, mmow. 25 July 1973, p 1. JpRS 59942 ~ r. I I - ,, -P"I v 0, 0 O~ 7: V, 's ~ K, I ~t B*IWUty Mqwovumat In Cackle *Ivo of OnottractIft Md lk*Jmo %v 0. Vo MW~IWPWIWAIWI16 6 )V4 INIMMW~.Zz a .- im-M ft Is 1,9no AW 73 *mckelberg 0 YbrU OUYSA Intardw Rith MAW* Ardster Jorge Cauas Ims 60 H&MAS asnus9of 23 id 746 pp 3.1-136 JM 62737 MONDOTj'Je FR IMPORTANCE OF THE CHOICE 'OF U 5 CRYSTALS IN A UTOMATIC NON-DESTRUCTIVE -CONTROLS 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NDTv POLANOr 4-8 JUNE'73t PP1-8 32 i FSTC-HT-23-0646-74 Monheim, Chr. Belgian Trado With Afrioa 1968-1972 Reported, 5 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY MARMESIROPICAUX ET MEDITERRATIREMS, Paris, 16 M5v 73, PP 3317-33TS. JPRS/L 4770 Jan 74 .,lonin,, A.S. On meandering Of Equatorial Flows IZV- AN 555R. VEKHAN. WIDLI GAZA No 3. 197S PP 98-102 CIA-X-7828 M ming A.: So L219LOUR ---- -- - I . I.. 24th CPSU Congme and C*UabmeUon Betwom sodeasot cmweo* IW J6 *dAq u ppo :Bono* pen [on" nub ol - bbmdbd~ 41 lb as AW 197300 am X" am " 119MALO De BVPWVG D PUM, Mat V preW a ?RA r5sofflatiri ASSMUMN 4UJWAffrqlg IM A5r)WA , 0 WRIN cor"UR. DurmDriAmmm ApprrQ.UBts ICA# tlWTWWn,T..-Vs U= I,LrUJPWCV, PAW11 awfotiffe twto with a mmpt kting in thf tPaWONO MWO- 30 ppo W Nov. 19?3, *NASA IT F 15,,80300 Mmov, A* 1, Grain and Oil Buring See Crops Disoussed#. . 8 PP 1. . - O.YABOOWO No 1 ~ Jan 1974 l DD P 9 4 im 618-166 Manakhovichg Ls Placement of Northwest's Prodwtive Forces Considered* 6 pp aggKon MOVOS Moscow, AD 79 19?30 pp W-926 ins 0339 Marhe 73 . I I I i I ~ I Montelro, Oscar Struggle to Advance More Quiekly in the Future, 6 pp. REVO-LUTION AFRTGARTE, Algiers, 18-24 May 73, pp 27-31. im 59383 JU 73 Mantenegrol Gonalo F, Closing of Williams Homey Smalt6r Affects BoUvian, Witish Tin Industries. 5 pp PMENCIAS La ftse 14 idy 19"t p 30, im "M A.T.S. RJ5282 /2 -/- -~ " ~' /, ~`! 0 Al 'i, It) ; Mechanical TatTers Workh* Betveen Sieeperm and an the Ballast Moulder,, by Attila Montvai. AS ALJKM - ES JAGMATSMTMVO GET IVINSr"I MOW= ELVI ALAPOL 11W), rp 1 145. wwrm Amilablo at MS TT 73-55M "I A pr I Moral. Reinaldo Penalver Cuban PAU in Satellite Commmications RqAabied. 7 pp A FAV"A, 16 NOV 19?39 PP 449- JM 61506 - moralsov Wro Plans for Now Flobift Researah Vessel D*UJIsd,* 4 pp . v MCC-At FAV&W* Apr 19749 pp 10-1). j Moraleaq Pedro CWW Officials AttW Vigo Plabing Exhibitior.II 5 pp . . r MQ Havana. Nov 1973, pp 1.0-154 ,... 4M 61M - . . I ... I . mordleviChip At Problow of 1wromesd h4vate Boot OvAorabip, 5 pq - GNUU 9MAWA. Knom. go 41. Oct 197h p Be- im 60577 Mforand* A. M-birodal sye'tem, 30 pp . . I LE SYSME-BI-MDE,,' I-lay 2973, 32 p .. - . NASA 9T P 15058- .I . de Moranha, F.'usebio Fconomy Becoming Less Dependent on Agriculture, 5 T)p - Pi,TTRAFRTQTTFj Par-is, Feb '11~i pp 7-9. TDRS 61693 ai n 74 ~,Tol.aWS1,1, 7dzislaw ClIltural Wee!rly Reviews olszowsl,,ils Rom Visit), 6 rm. ],*T'L'PTTRA, Warsaw, 9 Doe 73, p 2. 7, ",570 9 5 0 ,Tan 74 Aforay,aenry I Sliort review of "Radiation energy". 8 pp UFO - MAERIETEN, No BOO,, Apr 2973,, pp 2-2 C.2&290-74 DrSTMUTrON MOTED TO U*S. GOVT AGWMS ONLY. COPYRrGHT ZNFORMATION, OWR %)QVEST MUST BE REFERRED TO PTD* Mardasova, N.V. 1969 Determination of orpnio (3arbon in soa vater usirig ul~ravlolot radiation (Opredolonie *rganiahaskogo %Sloroft v mmkDr vads 3 ispeltzovanian ulltrafieletovogo ~pluoheniia) Trudy molodykh uchorrikh. (1), wesoiumir rAnolm-isalDdovatell - skir irwtitut iftorskogo ribnogo khoxiaYat-m i okeanogre Ri MITRO) and Otdol nauelwo-tol6nioheakoY inforvataii (001), Moscow, 2006p.t 9-17- In Russian. Tran5l. by Tranol. Mr., Ygn. TAng- Div., Dopt. of Sao. of Sta to of Canada, for Dept. of Environ. , FM3C F'realwato P Im t. , Winnipeg, Mon., 1973, as Tranal. Series Vlo. 2752, 10p., typesoript. Avail. on Loan - IMPS, Wash., D.C. Original Article ChackodA I-lordvintsev, I* Fr&lems in Petrcaeum Prospecting and Drilling in Tatariya. 5 PP UB INDUSTRIYA, Moscow, 29 6W �MLAUSTIC 1973. p 2. JFHS 60818 J. Moreau ProbZems reZated to the definition of the ahieZd-,~,ng of a large power reactor. ,lTH IN2TRNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REACTOR SHIELDING. PARIS 9-23 Oct 19?2, Paper No. Al-S. 18 pp. C-E txww 6140 apr ?3 15-Aug-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7567) Hydrothermal changes and te~-tonic controls in the Intragranitic uranium vein deposits In the French central massif. MDREAU.-A.; RANCHIM, G. [nd]. Translation of pp 77-100 of the French Colloque ScIentifique International, Paris, 1973. 46p. Dop. NTIS $5.50. 8G geology; translations MN-51 P NSA Moreira, Jalme Uniti Loader Savlabi-Interviewed on Paeoloniza. ~~*ii Problevii, 13 TM . . NOTICTAlp Luindap 2M9 74s PP 86-88P '90-~94.- 7PIM 53155. - Nov 74 morelre., ivilm. Ilborstion movman.t Leader Explalne Development,, .11 ppo . . NOTIM 0 1.Luandat 14 Sep 74v Rp 3~~- JFHS 0341V . .. . .. NO 74 mobutu DiscuBses Mobutismp Angolan, Relations, 5 Pp- NOTICTAO Luandat 21 Sep 74# pp 20p JPHS 63273 1 1. Portuguese.. More4ont G. TAYO Foruth SdentUio Somirw Hold in Eatioral 6cientifto Resurob Coftr4. - 3 v ~1WO Bhvmo 21 Doe 19730 pp 3k-37. 1 4 ,m amg Ploreno, Jesus Suarez Cuban Satellite Comunications Station Bdlt. 5 pp URDB 0 HAVAM, 18 liov 3L9?3. pp im 60858 Iforenov Miguel J. Fadio Airs Rouruftble on Cma ftotlations, 9 pp Radiol, ftdo Iqactog Fown City, MD? GMT, 18 Jan 1974- JM 61103 ' 1-brp-v$ I* Intersectorial Speci&Uzation Problem Discussed, 7 pp cossm saMSKOT -1973v pp L -a= rags, No6,, 18-23. JM 60181 Morepis, Ya. L Reserves for Ebonomic Incentive Funds Di6cussedo 20 pp g2m U MR, 14"Cow, No 10, 19?30 pp ?1.80. JM 002 Manenstom, Karl 3601allat Intamtional Specializations, COOPWOUOU Wood# 6 pp. DIE W2RTSMPTo BUt ftr2bo 15 Aug 73# VP-15*Zb - MRS aw Oat 73 6 pages wrguer, W. The Role of Par"itia 6 In TbSXMD- electric Power s In Inaroscoge looms. Wm. Z. %=. EM-P VOI 13) NO 5# 1*p VP 451- 3o ACOX-1--1992 n=-W-23-1439-72 73 MORI. E~. //FISH CULTURE// --/--/1969, V0006, N0007 Winter culture of penalid shrimp using power'', plant metal effluent., pp 113-115 C. E. TRANS .653190 I ny 0=0 T. //*UqW ND ==// ~;-/-A9709VO001*wwl ca*amto Alpmam ;)~O;gm ion Plants for Fiolk " ArAIMI WUtff, PP 61-65MC 74-10416-MM9 Fmigarov kiyj V* Me bUrad CsutrwUon Disawasda . 7 pp llag=sm,. moncovo No So VAY & pp 14~ 2ao .. ... JM. 62354 1. Moril;,.oto, Jullio Enclosuro 1: IR 2-253-0071-74 Ferrocene and Fer-roconp-Copper Chromite as Bumini.Catalysts for a Composite propellailt 6 P-J) JOURNAL OF THE INDUSTRRAL EXPLOSI IM SOCIEN V51 34, No 6, 1973 ' r)~ 329,-333 3-Apr-74 Unc I (AEC-tr--7508) mounana uranium deposit. MORIN, N.; TARDIEU, Y. Translated from Ind. Miner., Mine; 21- 32(1972). 23p. Dep. NTIS $3.25. 8G geology; translations MN-2 P NSA 0 Morishima, N. Duet collection on atomized droplets, calculation of collection effeciency with consideration given to droplet size distribution. KAGAKU KOGKU v. 31, p. 1114-1119, 1967. NTC 73-11085-07A .1. . ., AMI-c-1863 MM-12-23-2213-72 Mori8aet, Jacquea Pirst te8t of 14-53 on the "Camvelle"o 5 j7p. All? E"A COMIDS. No 00, 7 July 1973., pp 14-15 AIIVFTD-ffC.23-73&-74 ATSTRIBUTZ011 LIA112WD TO U*S. GOVtT AGE1101*8S ONLY, COMMIT IWPORMTZON. OTHER REQW-M PUST Dr. MUM TO FTDo