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Gutshabash, S. D. Diffusion of radiation in a medium limited by a glassy surface 0 DIFFUZII MUCHERIYA V SREDE OGRANICHENNOT UALIAN- I IVA:4vbt'rAir L Nauxa rreas, Lu-17, pp. 14ASA TT F 14,777 Gutshabash, S. D. Light regime for a two-layer atmosphere-9,ca medium SVETOFOY REZIMI DVUKHSLOYNOY SREDY ATMOSFERA- OR, !R-:, 6PTYRA- WAR T ATMosrERY, NauRa fr-egs, 1972,-pp. 114-56 NASA TT F 14',776 GUTSIIABASH,, S. D. //WKNOWN// -1-11972l V--, N----# Difftmion of radia6ion in an mediwn liffd6ed by a gZassy surfaca, 20 pp pp 56-62,0 NASA TT F 1477700 GVTSHABASH,o S. D. 11UNVOWN11 --1--11972,0 Light regime of a tw-tayer2abwaphere-eea nidim, 20 pp pp 44-56,, NASA IT F 2477600 outgo M. Lkp#r-IMmtaZ st&W4m on a4tatim 0 sixtinity aham by the dij'forent raw of. Me thmspim etidkUb,aeL Mwtemtew. aeuZsd*w L.) 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Or 73s PP 3 -"# 5,2- JpR8 - M6 31-11 73 Ha$ Thanh fAdld-Up of Saigon I a Army aral National Police Detailed. 10 pp TAP CUI QUAN DOI NILAN PAN, Hanoi. No 10, Oct 1973, pp 64-76. im 60B70 "a, `rnn %~an "'olvint, t-be TAvontoc), ;,n c, UlAil, Ifanoi, flo 11, 7"T-,'77,7051i Food Problem 8 1r). r1ov Y3, PP 23-30o 81. 'NA) '74 UMv A. //M. AM= -low/ ma proculm wm&ms p1jette ADCW41m. to pew for Dotftslow the spedrie wd*t of nuldis vp 317-121sNM 74-212~?-AW 26-Sep-74 Uncl (LA-tr--73-54) InvestwatLonu ;aito the re!mtIcnshIp bcwoes DN,'. cunii,,', tand fluorescence Intensity in cc:Is atainod with flucrochromeb. HAAG, D. Tranr!ated fron H:st~chemic; 3G: ZBZ-291(1973). 13p. Dep. NTIS $4.00. 06 biomed: translations MN-48 P NSA 0 26-Nov-73 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2719) Contribution to fluidized bed coating of nuclear fuel particles. HAANGE, R.; GYARMATI, E.: NICKEL, H. (KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE JUELICH G.M.B.H. (P.R. GERMANY)). May 1973. Translated from JUL--946-RW. 68p. Dep. NTIS $6.50. Thesis. Submitted to Technlsche Hoch9chule, Aachen (West Germany). 11F metallurgy; 18J reactor fuels; translations MN-25 P NSA Haas E Large Electrodeposited Molds in the Production of Tools and Molds 17 Op WERKSTATT IWD HETRILD, Vol 1050 no 40 1972 pp 257-262 FSTC-IIT-23-881-73 DISTRIBLfrION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES 4 Rotat4ry thivehoZd dstemlwUm cod suporthmshotd teou of r4byrinthim switability it'nomtpfreowo Z IT WD FOR UMGOWGZR MISOLOM MOjMZ ZORN 01WRzoemn Vol 4 ffo .5. 11 180-100 NX Hans Haass. The fourier coefficients of the eisenstein P,eries of the second dVree 32 p 14M.-M. MDD., KGL. DAN VIDENSK. SEISK. 1964 P.P. 3-24 v I 3,~ w - .7 NASA TT lp 14937 ' 'T / " " ~' '- - -, The E.Frect of C~ienclib~g wid Tcqwcring as Well as Strain Aging on tho Transit' -in T(-,Tcraturc of Low- Carbon RhRACLI and M-ly Alu.dmiun-Killcil Steel, by J. I laas. PRACE INST. IRM, 1968, Vol 20, No 2, pp 63-75. I MS f 75 Aprii 73 muss, a. //ft. stion &n& AntidpaW Syntbotle ribre hv&lctlola MNUM in oftums PP 701-704MC 744logi-nao flaastert, H.P. et al Production of Titaniferous Pig-Iron with Low Nitrogen Content. STAHL EISEN, 1973, Vol.93, No.3, pp.93-99. .. BISI 11355 mautert'O H. -P. Produftion of t4anim omtdning pig imn cmd ift pmmesing into tw nitmgen st"I 2w4asaw PoRsauffla 4s no 314,0 W72,0 pp. MUM .0 V. Nrc 73-UOZO-IZF 15 fY -7 1 // Z, 2- J"' Haastert, 11. P. Production of titaniferOUS pig iron with low -- content of nitrogen. STAHL USEN, 1972, Vol. 93, No.$, pp-93-99. Haastert, H.P. Treaiing titaniferous pig iron in the oxygen converter for producing low-nitrogen steel. STAHL EISEN, 1973, Vol.93, Na.3, pp.100-107. 17 f `Sf 11-34 8 " - Ifabbal, lAbd-al-Ghani jiddah Port Expansion in Process, 5 pp. AL-MDVTAHp Jiddahq 23 Jul 74s p 4. VVS 63361! DOO 74 RM9 Le //BCMMR ARCUV// ../oq/jqTj#VO037#X**--p Dateminstion of the State of Bmdlug In Nitrogen in PWn-Carbm Bt"3j CmUining Alumbium,, pp 297-304,omi 116ow HADY, R's J. 117,FUTSCHRIFT FUER -1--11973, V0013,N90--, ~,leeJi(mirm of the catalytic oxNatimi of 4yd.rocarbonv on oxide catatysto pp I'll 41-253,NTC 74-11456-07D#P, Haber, J. Aotive sifte in oatalysts for hoterogemom hydrooarbm addW4n, PRZR,gSL esslacur Vol 61,, No 9, 1972, pp 556&wWl tM 736.18489-07A llabeTmann, E. Vaso-active peptides and proteins. Up,migosTS ET-DIATlil;~SLq,_ILgt',10,98~IAGT 1971, pp 193-213, supplement no. 50. Cy2-ac)'7----2,rS-114 NTC 73-12276-06P Ilaberra, Djamel Construct"1011 Of NTOW Port Discussod, 7 i)P. RL MOVIVAPID, Al~~iars, ?0 Oct ',l, t, (); :)I-;lp n(,.i '73, n 15. ~~O%," fai I ..'0111tion sou,~Jit to Alleviat-o T,indequacy, by ... Ijabib., ,v~Ajivu, n?), al-Ahram, Cairo, 1 -F`~-' 59016 School Health 5 PP - 3 Apr 73, p 3. . T" 1,1Y 7.1 Habu, R. at al Hardenability of Aluminum-Boron-Nitrogen Steels Pt. I - Baron Content Ensuring Good Hardenabi- lity. TETSU TO HAGME, Vol.59, 1973, No.4, Lec.-,.210, Hf-, 212, p-p-82-12, S213, S214. fIB 9144 flabu, R. et al flardenability of Aluminum-Boron-Nitrogen Steels. Pt. II - Optimum Amount of Aluminum and Boron for Improved Hardenability. TETSU TO HAGANE, Vol.,59~ 1973, No,11, Lecs.210, 211, 212, pp-S212, S213, S214. 1J13 9144 flabu, R. et al flardenability of Aluminum-Boron-Nitrogen Steels Pt.III - hardenability Improved by a Double Quench. TETSU TO 11AGANL, Vol,59, 1973, No.4, Lecs.210, 211, 212,-pp.8212, S213, .13214. HB 9144 Fwbuo Y. Origin of the Black Spots on Sulfur F-Tints Taken of Contimmsly-Cast Slabs. TEM TO UMIM, Vol. 59* 1973., 710. 4,, TAc- 86, . pe 6 0 HB 9095 I Hach, J.P. Radio Navigation 20 pp ZEITscflplpr VERHIN WUTSQIER INGENIBUREjul-Z) Vol 1156 NO 3, 1973 pp 214-219 MIAAC-TC-1975 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U*S, GDVT AGENCIES 0. 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Effect of signal d&W in optiml filters according to 17. Wier m, = RMCHTENTWMSCHE 7MITSCRMO Vol 20j, P, 595-600P 1967. ETC 73-10458-17B mw 73 Haentxeohg, Ss S*pav%-Ww of twer aliphatic minse by g4o Ziqad Mlwukvrqhy. TALWA Vot Mi 1988 pp 1297-1302 WC" Yr! 47-07C 'g Crailial 'ILICOrllYCUSi5, by 1. . _qKj-Q~,- 6 I)JI. DLUT ZAHINAERNLICUL ZIAT, Vol 25 1970 pp 56S-568. :i,% V Y /IT I - 16 3 9 Aay 73 Ilaessner, F. A Process fur Texture Determination International Syi.iposium on Textures in Research ~] Practice, 2-5 October 1968 pli 1-23 *AFCRI, - 4 Dec 73 Available at NTIS amftvls 0l Rumor