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Gruppit Luciano !T.S,-USSR Detente No raoriallat cause., 5 WMIITAj Romp 9 Oct im ED462 Hindrance to Anti. pp. 73o P 3. Nov 73 GrdPP&, Luctmo ItalUn Commist Commits an TogosUv Cultural poneye 5 pp 1 w1u, Rms 31 out 1973o p 3, s 0 8 Grus. L .The effgCt and Consequencas of Insecticidas DDt and IICH Applied in Agriculture and Animal Production VKHRINARIAL Vol 20, No 2, 1971, pp 247-261 *NTIS-TT-74-56000 C ~ v 5 ~,~ t-l-, K 1'4 ) i- , FAces " a lm*r to Devolop Watilture DisouseWs by L. Grusbotskiyl 5 PPO Russwe Pao k%Rfd Sal# 4&&VAW#" 49-dwta- Mosawt So 3l M" 1973* pp 1649. im 58906, liar 73 Grushevaya, T.r. et al Investigation of Effect of Argon Purity on the Gas Impregnation of Heated Metal. LT-~-Ll, 1973, No.11, pp.1028-1029. BISI 12137 The L;rZ(Vitatiolial Field of Australia and tJ ,L)'Llrl'Mindift,,~ joas, by N. 1'. (;rus)iinskiy 0 ~Ob I p ';0Od,"HClll:NIYA (4)SUDA16TVINNOGO Al'1T%Q?40MICIIBhj('u LNSTITUTA 11,TNI 11. K. No 174, pp 29-41. .-Tc Jime 73 " i c G ,,a s I ravity Reductiomi and sovic Errol's dccurin,'.~ frini their use, by '~. 1,. Grushinsidy. i4~,P JU03SAHENHA GOSIMAk-STMINNOGO LT'ITITIrl'A V~;UNI -11. 1,. SIjTj~UNBI.-'RC'A, iNo 174, pp 42-53. 0 11:. IAAC -Tc - j q &.S June T; The Australia Gouid, by N. 1'. (,rushinski), -,P-qe ,UOBSJCIJV,,NIYA WSW ASTRONOINICHESKOGO INST IMENI 71. K. SHTERNBEAGA, No 174, pp 3-28. 'vW MC -1-C - j June 73 H. P. GnwhinW Catalog of Gravity Stations in Antarctica (Explana- tory Notes and Charts). Tru4Y astronmichealcogo irwtituta immA P. K, Sthernbergap Vol 42p pp 115-117, 122-123 4 2 dwt,3v 1972. DMAC-TC.1921 apr '13 OmAkov Ya. R m Poinn" Matsu WA TWO 1wrawde comouaft In 226intritd Dlad=W Wat4W* NOMMA. Ifteows 17mv 173 pp lomr- JUIY 1973 GRUSSNF k rtli Wili - G F SHORUNING AC(A-SS TIME IN THE ilkOCLSSING OF C ONVFNTIONAL PHOTI)GRAPHIC PAPERS 11111) UND WN 13 09 PP 284-)O~ FSTC.-HT-23-13?I-73 GRUSSNER, TUEODOR UBILD UND TON// ."/../1970,,VO023*N---- Shortening Access Time in the Processing of Con- ventional Photographic Papers 6 pp Pp 284-28S. A*VFSTC-HT-23-1321-7388 Grutovays, B.H. Some Problems of Taq)erature Regime of Snow Cover 12 pp AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSRI INSTITUT GHOGRAFII. ME, 39C.51M FURROVA V FRIKOUNIM PHOTSESSAM 19;0, pp 121-ISU NTIS-IT-71-51038 Available LY La Grutta, V. Some Characteristics of Efferent Olivo-cochlear Inhibition in Noncurarized.Cats. Interference. with the Effects of Activation of the racial Nerve. ARCH. SCI. BIOL., 53, 19-69, pp. 32-45, 12 pp. FSTC-HT-23-1187-72 GRMZMt 0. //SQw=m mm ocrzmm// --/--/19?3,,VOW5sNOOO6j Intergranular Corrosion of Nitrogon-Alloyed 18% cr.. 10% NI Steaut pp 2249MB Trans. 9188M Gruza, Go V, letter to the Editors. I p JOW 4 -01DROMIYAt klwcowo No 5p 1974, 49P-IYA pp 126, JPRS 62559 Gruza, (is V. y to StudY the On Using the Principle of' Analop !'redietability of Atmospheric Processes and 6olve Weather Forecasting Probloms. 16 pp IsnoEpJaIYA I GlDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 11, 1973, pp 22-31, JPRs 61249 GRUMN, V. //RBCHNOY TrWJ.9POn// --/11/1974#V ---- oNO011, PP 0052-0055 Volga River Tourist Vessel 'Plaxim GorIkiy' Described 7 pp jpRs 63&3 -,-W" &Odao P. L. 2odL$WboUm at Atom of AUAWft MMMUU on Aebe of b=4ftdWl AUGn no* 20 J~ wait I mo VOL 2w- ca OGMWY* 17mo F* r7ryaonov,4 B. A# A study of the life of twbins blades operatIM under atochostic amaltions. 9 pp. MKM WMAMI v OMIMIMI NUMIZIP Jum 1965, pp. 252:25T. AWM/ff -n-n9-73 MY 73 Gnaxwo, V. no FaZk&um-puthenim aZtes as nw*rtxs oat4tyetw .. DOKT" AX4WMZr FAUX S=. -~` PRYS-r= m, WL 11T.- no. J. druty, pp. 827 11 - --, ca Gryatnova* As Conference on Production Efficiency Hold in Ilbscowf 7 pp MMCMKIYE --- NAUXI, Foscow, No 6, 1974, pp 119. RK. jpRs 62675 7, b 7 vo awnurgo it. FMIwn4Ty resuUm of a systan"o etM* on. pmtein oantitwnts of the aMmata of hunm Mthroqt*s,, soams a Cuzws Mum M OLrUrZN lot 52# 1070 ..A = 75-13258-OBA CSIRO-trMB-12338 Gry,nn, J. L. Professional Rural TraininW Prograin Outlined, 8 pp ' '()VFlRNt,IT.:NT WILY I Ar,FT)CE' 11MI-IlE TNI PRESSY., Phnom -Ponh, 5 Doe 73, PT) 6-1e. ,TpqVT, 4811 ~.Ts r 71L - . ... .:, .. I... I -- GRZMR, PHANTISHK //TMMtXCKA PRACR// --/11/1974sV---#NOOllt PP 0017-0021 Developwnt of Air Tr4noportation in ozooboolovakia 5 PP GOVEOTMT USE OIITLY .,TpRs A5144 I/ 7 Pq 5 .,~A Kj ~, r~ - L-/ 60 V,'.~ k I 197S Railroad Locomotive Service Plan Out'llnedo by Ryezard Grzybowskif 9 ppe POLISHO per$ przegls~d Kolelowy n-lektrotpohni- ozn7, Warsaw# No Zj* FOD '(.31, Pp -L-t~ip 7M 58707 Arm 73 Grzybowsl~i, Ryszard 1974 railroad T~lectrification Plan Outlined, 5 Tm - T)q7j~.(' ILA[) F01,F,TIT,1YT !-!Orsaw, ~~o 1, -ITan 74, Pr) -3- .TPTT~ 61453 ,'I , -. r, "? I I Gravity Surveys in the Northeast and Central-Eastern Region of Brazil, by J. Gualda PUBLICACOES DO SERVICO GRAMETRICO, no 3, 1971 55 pp DMAAC-TC-.1Q1.8 total 55 pages June IP73 TMVIU wat"Otti 7" COATAgt of 04a OP&M , rA COWM n=-PbM MTM-jt 19,73,, 4 vp MU TT 7-15019 1 , "ualtirrott-~, 2'On7uato conquciat of outer opaac, 17 Ipp. LIL, c A`~'TTO - Im";A, TIP b, 14J831j, ;,;(v ( 73 luang-jisiung YOU 1972 Studles on the ouourronaa und blochenioal properties of viz,Ulent and aVirUlOnt straina of freckwator, fish rathoZon, 11(mefnaie "I ourna-1 -0- Eerl PE CS Society of Taiumn) 1(21: 6-17 Tmns 1. by Tranal. F-ui Vgn. ULng. Div. , DL%pt. of Son. of Stato of Cariuda. for Dopt. oir Environ. , MUIC Toch. Unit, It. joluils. 14fld, , rm Tmnal, 4v,'ie,3 110. 2740, 1ZP- typoucript. Avail. on Lcan - NNIPS, Vw3h. , 1). C. GUBANOVAOR.A. //=U" AKADEWA #AMC DELOWSW SSIR11 -1.12970* V00140NOOPS't Lw-moleautw wight orgmia adds in sod-podxolio coila wt&r a fomet, 284-2870*YASA 2T F 159480# IdC4~.- "Ottinf- for "orill klffi)~.s Lotlinc~~ by -azalchstan.a, 5901? -i rpp A711,DIVOTA. 1971, :t" I j d- 71; GUBAREV, V. //POVELITELI STRATEGICHESKIKII,// -4-41972~ V,----ot4 ----t The stars fall upwardp 40 pp pp 83-98, AIR/MD/14T-44-1428-740 -I monko" V. S. monstWmary mo-dimmmional visam fWd JZoo. fn a dofom4bte tube. PRULAWAYA Z 90 170 4, 1973# pp 104-107 W&IAMXKA' Vo STC 7F-14260 20D "~n, 14. P. .. Draft tubes of hydro-etectic stations WSAMAYUSHCHIS ?RUBY GIDROSMUROSTANTSH EltOrjiy4 ;7. 0 Frese, MOO 970 us r ,YTXS IT 72-52000 GUBINA, S.M. //IZV. VUS WIM I KIIIM TUHNOLOG// --/--/197laVO0l4# NOOOl# Resistance of Cotton Fabrics Troated with Organo- silicon, Compounds to the Action of Cupramonium Reagent S pp pplSO-133, NTIS-TT-72-5109900 Gubin, V.E. Transition from Non-Newtonian to Turbulent Flow in the Flow of Viscoplastic Liquids in Pipes. NEFT. KHOZ. Vol. SO, 1972, Ho.8, pp.59-62. A.T.S. ROM 845 Gzd~l'n. 17, it (1,3e of ciq)~Pical infbze~w fwzction8 for Me p2weiichon of matearotogLoal fialclo. 175 pp. 'd ISPOVOOVANIYE RiLPIRICIIESIUM F NKT,91Y TILIMIYA DLYA PI?OG'JM-7,A ~ETEOP.0.67-7-0-11,-*S-A"K POLE y1,97-0. pp 1-121 Ylipilrv)~,!T-771 32- ~3 .j Gubin , V. 1. On the ),or-mulation and Solution of the Initial- Value Problem for lVdrodynamic kquations. 7 pp MUMMOLOGIYA I GIDROLOGLU, Moscow. NO U, 1973. pp 32-37. jim61249 )MlmmMCrx A. 1. . I . Tbs offed of vulow too of, fdlums at a b=ou qwator an the draUvooss 6f Ids vwko, 9 pp, PRI, rML I X~~ v PBVXMM. I 1967S VP J,150-2W4 AlRoMM-r-4-695-73 WAIMMU=v J6 to omvt at tau" 6I "mum tt how 4006,w. nnI6 OL nwL Is -0 lempolkil~ w Z%Rm. 'Ml=NMMW 10* AnwRDAW3,6~73 4000M Ao L " offidow st "m wAmod" ~mw ONOWL V U06 GL MIL - n, M---,Immooft w ltxvm -- 1*0 . 91 I Gabkins K. It _a_" Shook-vm 4- (goetlM 6) n pp. mmixi v MR ZA 50 LtTv Val. 2m, 1970P PP. )03-3U ARAM4M-~'M AIRIFTD-IIT-23-323- 73 Gubonin . N. S. CwUln Problem of the R9preamtation of Scat. terad SignaU for the Parpose of Analogue lliodeling* 4 pp PERM VSISMZLr-x MMM - - MawaiLUTA I M"M MAUZ SLUC KH PROTSESSOV I t2,W, Novasibirakt 1968, pp 113-U8, JPRS 6NM =u's TtF, L. //Mn-=- M- MD// ft-1-Aq(6.v--jmom, '"*'*t* Ot UMP DMU of ArktlWmtjc On a TUXW Of an xxtraity,, PP 7T-78PWTC 74-Ulo5,0* Gudlmv,, X. ~m, PhOicochemical principles of producing glans parts frm POlY2&tbY1=tham7l&te Organic glaism witb high reliabil. ity and the required safe life. 9 pp. IDMPWATATSMWAYA NADMMSTIAEg~ I MYOVA M"OD ONNLCHMM MUTA Wr. 177, 1971v pp 9-17 AB/FTD-HT-23-0434-73 audkovo A. 1. Ulthods and Toftiqm of Alrfnm Str*MU njot - Tests JIM= I TXKMFJECA ~~ RWAM a moemoff, Ono, limarliviodu .00 19729 PP-1-248- WMA TT M- . Guam# Aop it Atterxwd loaft wA AUtrdt Ctmfttb ~ 1 w I - PIL . ----67V 0 1 .---w mm ~,L.Wwmq 19wp Do 1.2 ;70= MA TT V-733 Unc I (AEC-tr--7430, pp 194-200) storage effect in irradiated plant !eeds. ( Inst . of Plant Phy-jiology, Kiev ). [;ndjobjojoqjyn; 13: No. 1, 140-145( NSA 13-Aug-73 Mechanism of the GUDK)V, I.N. T r a n a I a Md-T-e-6m- - 1973). 0 Gudkov, V.M. Relationship Between the Distribution of Zoo- plankton, Sea Birds and Baleen Whales. TRUDY INSTITUTA OKEANOLOGII, Vol.LVIII, 1962, NOO T-7 Oudkovas V. A. On tbQ Onwic fiOld-&Iigftd currents in the mapetolphm. 0 RP_MKE PRODMINM TMV v mNMTODMI Moscow,, AcadoW of Goiances USSR Inatit-u-io-of Sp* lasearch. PP 83l 2.9719 a pp, j NMA TT F .15,075 Gudoshnikov, L. M. On Features of the Hise of the Modem rblitical Mechanism of the PRC,, 13 PP PWILIA BALIKI&O VOSTOU Moscow, No 2. 1973. pp 23-33. JFRs 59716 aufteeho 1. S. awmwwr-wm bed" fm )bE"Uo* ZVOIC .0 1 am om AMA= am* yd* W# no* 20 D*iwwt IMP IF. 3M-F.4 OU&MYS, Sol. Jet famatim VM Agludm or *tau halmmp AIMIOMMWV -Mww~iz;4 Ems, vlw .. a NILMM souff. Le 2w 1 - D04 ~iv Y4ftVAWY# 197Z#- V, 3v, ca (" ucl-t )yl 1 4 - cown6swive Develffp"u bf r4ftvla ?news* V J4 Qwlpo 13 ppq, RMWO ywo Ammold MdRu nabinwo No 22* Ime Fp 2&350 ms 0895 4W 73 Oudsl P. 2. Morphologeal ebanpa to eArftital mumaes ar4 rarm under conditions of wertr4ining , ATMIV SEMI LUTMWIX r samotmix, voi. 45l no. 79 1963* pp' 55-63 MA TT F.1;,251 "abot L. 1. moot= Immitlaw of mufti" in a Raw IM& . ism mmm s= EM !M INMEN lb Vol. 20TO W. 5p DMAWS, IqMp ppo IOU~6W CB )I -1 -1 C u C- Cultivation Of IVCOA tv the aslyVIN t*bWO bir P. T. 0"l, 0. QWduklyl, 7 pp. BMW", W6 k- MP&A dl + fink =. Moscow. 9=zaxmm 1; - jm5m 14 30 19"0 pp 24-18.1 NOY 73 w"Mumm a /MMWB lwm=7~ H ~ ~/1972pMI#N--9 On Problme Comweted vith the Detamination of the In Situ Fracture Porosity from a Geopbpical Point of View, PP 1085-10%sNTC 74-10501-03M. amums, 0. . . I.. i Humsbcom no BMW/ 00 pyw"JI--o ~1,11-yftft W-4ftobW In AUdMU&*,, pp 9"-Mift 7h"w5&20Tw 19-Jun-73 Uncl (LIB/Tranq--501) Behaviour of the Tc/lV/ at Indicator level In a non-complexing medium. GUENNEC, J.Y.; GUILLAUMONT, R. Translated from Radiochem. Radloanal. Lett.; 13: No. 1, 33-38(1973). 12p. Dep. NT13 $3.00. 07E chemistry (radio and radiation); translations MN-4 NP NSA 0 2 ~- Ju n - 2 4 Inc I Ijk --I '1 .30 .:,j I, w : a twc-d imeri,ii Orim N p ru~j ro rin 4) r-~ L) I vn hi- I) ki t v on - I ra ri s pu r t v q un t i on j r, t, ec tari qu CLr(i iti~ n.1 1, i ti 1.0PW 1 1, It a T 11 t, INP W.F.AKI Oli TECHNI N j LL II ')13 ;4c r i, ec- f ri r mv dAmd(- r [In i t(-,! t a t 9 - - q1 r~t keac t or :.x ch )n e r o q r aii,. c oni 1) u t er u 18K r e a v. t o r p 14 v 3 1i c s 3 T 1) - 7 1) d p S A GUENSEL I STAFFAN Sw FLUIDICS IS COMING I ~ i ~ .!. 't. rt., I I I J L~ TEKNISK TIDSKRIFT VOL 101 NO 13 Z SEPT 1971 P P ZZ-24 AND 27 /,' ~-~ /I FSTC-HT-23-0446-74 CoVarism of diffomnt alWtset elothingo rogar&ng shaM purlaae and har&wo- DEW 7. r 1. WSJ, pp.. 356-30 MIMUNIMA, ffO 7&2;6C5-ZZS I j - r. a r- Iii Unc I JPR,)--61020 , pp 1-7 ) Analy!3iq of tile results of an invegtipation of the biolo(lical errect of heavv ions with different linear enerfly losses on the basis of a I It corf! t I ca 1Inactivation model [interpretation of ex per i ment u w i th E . co I 1 1. GUENTHER, E.A. ; KRASAVIN, E.A.; KUDRYASHOV, E.I.; RYZHOV, N.I.; SCHULTZ, W. 1973. Transiateci from Kogm. Blot . Med. ; 7, No. 6, 3-8(1973). Space biology and medicine. NSA Guenther, Karl-Heinz ftity of Sohool and Life Discussed. 6 pp UU15CRE 1111HRERZErlurn, Last WrIbi, Illo 17, Apr 1-9-74; -p 4. il,,wq 62205 1D-dan-74 Uncl, (JPRS--60471, pp 17-24) Analysis of resilts of inveqtiqation or bi3iogicni effect or heavy ions with ijifrerent linear energy losses on the basis of a inactivntion model. GUENTHER.-K., ~RASA41N, E.A.; KUDRYASHOV, E.I.; RYZHOV, N.f-.; SCHULZ, W. 1973. Translated from Xosn. Biol. Med.; 7: No. 5, 14-2D(1973). NSA 0 Hz. alsmo M. MOH TM Mrfsd of fta*Wd Mftly lrmtivi# an oatakrftto Td*Mftp 13 W. V 11110frillto !-- f a-- - //UUWMm==WwDMCw// "/-119739VO046&X ,o modd lavostivAtow of Pwts for Ubm*l as Bum" lbr Twk rammmt Vp 92-98,,NC O-IM19-USW Okamther~, R. ItAmtioat model of a turbulmt diffWion flaw in a qyUndrioat aawbiotim ahan~ev vo d5,, no 5,v Z975,0 pp. 4&322 N2V 7344648-M AMth0l*,o A. Zn trmoport in avaites tow ootte. MEEffM gaZS= MMZR JWD JWracas M~p Vol 9, 19710 pp 4386442. N7C 73-13854-00E 10.11 110ve A= I'llmill1l: . I for 1 0 ISTSH 00 a* it TWM Nag tma Tu IQ* to noM % Oda Bomks, VP 3TJeo= 74-100-0W ... .;, duentelp No the consequential eeonwle effects f~pm the Aittilizatift of an Improved red 1=1mcent wabstance picture tubes vith base of eurapizimactivated 71ttrium eompounde )"=. v. 20, no 7A 1964P VP* 76h-769 rite 73.M87-in ~-,, , ~ 0 17, ~ I , lJa lt or Bloc Enorgy Problems Reviowed, b pp. ')TF Pamburg, 20 Dec 73, P 8. 7-p-li7,7MOO 'l,',7,,b 74 (;,~crl vloro, Joan do Txi Jonn de la Gueriviorols Articlos Draw Oriticism, 6 t)p. Ll~'. I-ITTI,IParis , 26 Mar 74, P 4. ,TPR'-', 61030 J,m 7,11. 111.1criviere, Jean do la ileport on Present U,', MMIMT,', ','ar.*s, p 2-,' Pj Fleb '?I~, p xmis 61532 Situation In 7.aire, 15 pp. 21 Feb 74p PP lo 3; 22 Fob 74, 6; 21~-25 Fob 74, p 2. A pr 71~ Guerivioro, Joan do la Statils of Tititu-Tiital Conflict Analyzed, 10 pp. i I L~`, MOIII)'-:, Pari3, 13-14 Jai" '74, Pp 1t 4; I-')- Tan 74, ;) 7. -TIRS, 612P7 !-! F, - '? 1, L 1; nneriviore, Joan do la major Powers I-,Ioo T,'.conomically Troubled Tsland, 13 pp. J~P~ MOTTDT!,, Paris, 20 73, p 5. 22 Tlov 73, .TPRI; 60822 ',,Iov 73, im 1, 8; 21 Nov p 7. JA n A ~-Sayl dz, LOL ~Uexlvle Y, In Chinon conomio iiCl to frion p I -)y Teen do la Liuarivioroo 6 pp, F?~),~*Tcli. rpx T.0 Hondo, Parlap 16-19 llclr 73o T-TS 5)6625 Anr New camguoy llealth Caro, ammri,, nPs PP 4-7, JMS 593-U madicai swaooi win jisp Improve by a t.mU.-m ~ N, I -...# 6 pt. I . , -A wr D6b~mUs Havm.. 23 ftb 73s. ,T= 7 3 Guerra& Jesus Casal Dcorcise to Train Conzanders in Combat Operations, 4 pp V M-M 2U-Vo, Havana. 23 Aug 74, pp 36-37. JM 63U9 Guerra, Jesus Casal ~3olected Units Train for Anniversary Parade, 5 pp umus ouvo, navana, 18 Nov 1973, pp 9-11. JFRS 6085B Report on (1-5. ilasile jases im Gama Zone, by I,anucl Guerrero. 5 pp. 5111W.Ulif nps W*&-(~U, havana, 18 Ilar 1973, pp 16-18. J I R5 53841. 4v '1 3 2-Ju) -71 Uncl Method of the Isotope sepAration. GuzRS, K. 17 Dec IM. Translation of . German ~~`a-terit 2,150,232. I)p. Dep. 4TIS V.00. 1191) 1 gotopetl MN-227) 11 14 S A 0 Guertler, J. Interstellar molecules 20 p ASTRON. RAUNIFAHRT 1972 no, So p IZ9-136- NASA TT F 14961 Guertler,. 0. FbZarWrVhic examination of the Redox behavior of oapper ompts=s with Ugands of the mipmin ". ZP.rISCBRr?r FOR ANOPGASTSOIR VHD AUMPSZNR I Vol Fg-6. 1373. pp Dr.231 NTC 73-1476547B Guertler, W. Dr. A compendium of constitutional ternary diagrams of the metallic systems. 265 PP. A COMMMIX OF CONSTITUTIONAL TERNARY DIAGWO OF TBE IS'TAMO MTEMS. NADC TECUICAL REPORT 58-615. PART I, No. 1, 1959, pp 1-245, AIR/fTD-11C-23-1740-72 Gueesouss fkmsalem Healthy kirmincial CoMition Noted, 6 pp u JQf,5, Brusaels, 1.15 Cot 1973v pp 15-17. im 6o62u Guettes J. 0. The effect of outdoor run and soit on the growt' and hemoglobin content of the blood of suckling 0 P. Cwttseheso 0. R"utts of stWisor on Ow Omab*mt of mwim disordt."s with Sayro Ym. . I II . . is Vol Sao Iola$ P~ Off-agdo, MIMM W MW 75-lf?586060 Gugel, Bob at al. Investigations of the Scorification of Silicon- Carbide Materials In the Blast Turuce sTARL ErsEN, 1972, Vol 92, No. 4, pp 144-49 DISI 10671 .1 , , -1 j I c YugoslaV Air Pollution Survey,, by Zoran Ougio,, 6 ppe I SERBO-CROATIAN, per,, 14 Rw 73#, PP 28-30. jpRs 58822 VIesnik u Sr Jedu, Zagreb, Apr 73 GOVERNMEW USE ONLY 011glial"ni. Juan E. River Plate Nain or Southern Conce 11 pp ESTRATEGIA, Buenas Aires# Fay-June 74* pp 7-17. JPRS/L 5041