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A~ " I . -w- -0 0 4-,11 n I Ilqmj j 11 11mtfl - //wom ~ t I*W =0 me " 0 .# 06 0103-105M0 1 . A-Sw Rat* 0"041. &Mj~ *00000000*4 5-j u 1 -74 Uncl (LF-tr--81) Studies of the QOY distribution In dninial organs using autoradiagraphic and paper- electrophoresis detection methods. ..U8~L, E.H. ; HUNDESHAGEN, 11. Tra,~slated from Strahlentherapie; lG6' ,05-417(1958). 20p. Dep. NTIS $4.00. CO radlobiology; tranglatlons HA-0 P NSA ~i Sion I I-Ju L-74 URC I k'Lr-tr--91) Mettiodology or the autoradioqraphic detection prucens. GRAUL, E.H.; [IUNIPFSIiAGFN, H. Trnnilated from Z. Naturfor%cii, b-, 12b-. 534-S360957). Hp. Dep. INTIS WoR radiobloloqv; tran4intion, MN-4H P NSA Grave, Petr Sergeyevich Cybernetics and Psychdogy. 71 pp HIBERIJETIM I PSIU;M, Rip. 1974. 94 pp. JPRS 63147 0 ~oij',TUH f KOM L I diyi,~lt,UYNANA VOL to INJ LAPLI~ I J NA r. ., ~ ", Lj I I iN I S k. tY S i 1~ S C L) -"10va" '-'CtrtY POLP01' Analyzos Inpact; of ,ie,v 13'On's" On by Ve ,';razdaii 5 AT pn. 3.,0VAT,,', nnf 13Mvda Brat- 59083 Grazhdamikov., Yo., D, Matrices of Time Expenditures, Budget Presenteds. 6 pp IZVE%IYA SIBIRSKOGO M&joIXA AKAMIJAUX SSSRs SMIYA 4MOVENNYIDL NAUK, Novooibirske. No 6. 1974, pp 116-U9. ins 62836 caszhrlannikov. Ye. D. Chronolo,gical !,pectra. 1.2 py) MIALIZ TENDO-ITSTY I PJ?CGNQZjR(NANjyp~ I.IA[Jc[Dj()- TVKHNICIIP~SKWO 11WORLOSA, rdev, 1967, pp 319:328. MRS 90402 Grapla, YU. V. - -, Cryetallixatim Equations AMMZYA #AUX SOR. D= v. 109, n. Sv 1966,, pp, S66-568 SU 7&0191 - NYC 7&UM-203 Grdzelov, L.I. et al Oil and Gas Prospects of Egypt. GEOL. NEFTI GAZA, V.16, 1972, No.8, pp.71-2. A.T.S. RQ&G5 M Grebe~ K. Swelling Behavior of Hardened Iron-Ore Pellets Containing Different kmnts of Ganpe of Different Compositions. STAHL M Emtv~ Vol, 93t 1973~ No- 11.0 '--r pp. '12-WO. RB 9093 . I I I.- z , I I" I I * - . . . 11 % , ~'. ~ I , An Accelerated Method of Fatigue Testing and Parameters Fatugue Curves, by V. M. Greben:V-., 12 pp. IZVESTIYA VUZ. pisHmosTRoymm, xo 6, 1964, pp 51-50- AFd4/FST7H-T-2 .-7r- P11, ',I) Gr4sbanlkovo Zhm, A* Investiption of VarlaUs Regbw of Fmr Pluts UNIM Dissocutod workift swmftnces.~ 13 pp MMUREMMONE ma Ka womwa I 4MME TMA ENEWUMMUM MMOVOS 19730' PUt 10, 1973. pp 109"121~ JPM 60560 Orebonshchikov, Tu. B. lnvesflgat~on of the conformation of polyrwria chains in concentrated solutiona krf a paramagnetic tdoling no-Mod. DOXLADY AKADERIY NAUX 17SSR, PHYSICAL MEWS2 Vot 210s No 5, Juno 1973, pp 1114-1126 CV Grobnev, A's How to Irpme Flanr&g RstAil Tmde Circulation in Mmize Discussed. n pp 45~m IWOZMZVOa fteowe No 3o 1974p PP 80-87t. im 62164 ~- I ~ (.,), 6 1(-, C-ill It) I I'&) The America Econory in l9no by A. A. Grochikldno ? pps, RU=ANp Me I . top, 0 bogpOA281 - -4-00RU-4 ksoveowt No 3, rAr 1973p pp ", ims 38654 Apr '13 Grachikhing A* A* The United States EconoW In 19". 10 pp WA i ECOI 5. azip a ULgM, Moscow# No 3. A - Mar 1974,, pp 79-85. JM 618a Grachishchey. S. Ye. Thermal & Mechanical Interaction of Prozen Rock with Engineering Installations to ~14 TEPLOVOYU I MCKANIGIESKOH VZAIM)EYSTVIYU HHHUMI I MMF S INMENEPIM41 MOMMIAM . 01 pp 1373 0.0~ RACSI-K-4597 Grechishchev, S-Ye, Fundamental methodology of Prognosis.of Temperature stresses & Deformations in Frozen M Soils K. OSNOVAH METODIKI PROGNOZA TENPERATURNYKII R;MkTXM171 I MFOMMIY V RRMITI Mau 53 pp 1970 JACSI-K-4596 GRECHISHKINt L- RU INTERkELAriUNSHIP uF LHOLINDRECEPTURS WITH HI STAMINL ANO SLi~UTGNIN bV THE GASTR all. f-AKt-IAKULU(JIYA I TUKSIKULUGIYAr'72iVUL. 351 , 6.L5-23. (SLPT-OCT). 41 F-SIC-HT-2.'3-UbGI-74 Soviet Liberating Mission In World War Up by A. A, GroOk9s 14 pp- Russiu's" , - telfam Wain Bovetaldkh T all TO VTO= mroycy TOY=# FIOAKWV 1971P pp 1,0 20 515-5171 3-12. JPRS 59091 May 73 Greahko, A. On Guad- Over hace aW SooUUmme 1? pp amig;q momawt No ?s kAy IM* pp 12-26* JPRS 5m Marshal Grechko Report at ArYW Conference of PaAy Organization Secretrxiesp by A. A. Grechko, 10 pp. RMSIAN, npt Krasnaya Zvezdam* ~6s.coI;,r-v---. 28... Mar 1973, pp 1-2. Jm?.') 59o69 MaY 73 Grechko. A. A. Grochko ixtenda bost WisheB to New Journal -- 'Znamcnenosets'. 5 pp ZNjU*I'QNusLgs, mowm, No 1, Jan 1974, pp 2-4. j.otz 61271 Grechko, A. A. V. 1, I"in mid the Soviet State's Armed ribroes. 15 pp KWIUNIST. Moscow, No 3, Fab 19?4, pp 12-24. JM 61776 Gmd*o,o Le V. Soo TeMl ootor film for pmparing dWUoates fwm rommal positivs. IWXWZXA KYNO Z AARUMENVA oZ 17* go 4,9 29730 pp, ME ._A V Nrc 73-14757-14R. Greco, G. Evaluation teckmiquea of g&nem diffusion in porous so- lids. nm , 1, : iA cmam iTALiA . vol 8,0 No 10 . oat 1972,, pp 225-231. 0. E. Trans 6232 Groff* Le A Study of Hospitalized Morbidity in the ft. garian People's Republic. 5 pp SOVETSgig U10OWWRIM, Moscow, No 1, 19741, pp-58-62- -a JPPS 61;~ Gragorg Vratialav Rpd R 20A Computer SDELOVAOI TBOB112YAs PP lEb-Ji:!-(* JPRS 593% Deseribed, 9 PP* Prague, 1-10 4s 1973., Jal 73 Grakov, V,, methods for improvIM Civil I)sfense Opomtionse 6 pp SjaY PATRICTs Moscow# 17 Apr 74v p 2, ins 62YY4 Grokovo Vs h"gwWa ftine kkophatis in Civil Defense. 8 pp VOMNM ZNMIYA# Hoseawo No 3l FAr 1974, pp 140 15 - JAB 62065 Grekov, V. itrty Dolitical Work in Civil Defense Syatem. 7 pp VOYO-INgLe -MI No 8, Au~q, 19?3, PP 8-9- --&NANX XKE-&N NX mioscaw, &N , 4 jt,ris 60481 FRENCH COO: 811&672 4 Oeto'ber 1973 Automatic Assembly for Study of the ocean Floor, by R. Kh - GrekU Paper which appeared in official publication (Vol. 11) of the International CoWess on Exploitation of the oceans in Bordeaux, France, 9*12 March 1971, pp 1-8 Spec type B DD not publish I'v Translator's draft plus KU COPY Gmm.*nger, G. K. Reaent davelqmwnto in additiveo for Zatex painto. PX27URE verIN11cr VOZ 48,, No 2,. 1972,, pp 46-50 l?rc 75-15492-lic Grepp, Kjorsti Question of Territorial Waters Discussed In Communist Paner, 7 pp. FRTHRTEN Oslo, 2-7 Sep 74, pp 8, 9. TM'q itk ~Twr 'A &Oddlmo 11 IL halimes Is DO PaYASr OolvtAmm ME to-a. Im ME=$ "I* 2wit - ra NNW 0 of lbw*wi 1.7mv w i2qu-Im . , .. ox GRWILS P. ffiplz AM Rm. m WINZW// -,/--/19rpvOO30#x---* The Effect of Timeq Minate and LowUngon the Bending Behaviour of Wood Base Materials. Part 1. Previou Investigationsq Test Plan and Research Methods PP 259466olITC 7~-10362-Wffl 19 yozen W. Gretler Intermediate Bal'Istics Investigations on Wing Stabilized N-oJectiles. MOM M UM MWAM HR=M~ Doc 1967- FSTC-IV-23-e269-72 Auz 73 GREVEL,A1. 115-TAIIL RISEN11 1 -1-11974.9 V0094j"10012# .. Investigatimi oil MoVement mvItanispw in front of the Twjerea of mi induatr~al blact furnace uaing an andoncopc pp 53&.53803131 V "1464## Grauner# Rdnhart TreWs of Haohins Tool Indu3try lAacuosedo 6 pp DU kZa~ IOUAIMI, fj)RUt fArUng No 15s Apr 1974# p 14% . .= E, JIM 69224 Grouner, Reinhart 5goigliat jd(grdlOn. 1973 ldpdg Fdr Disouseds 7 pp DU WIUSCRas wt Ber3la. 26 Sept 1973. pp 2oa. JPRS 60695 onwo 11 . //2,,-j,vfj,W/ , '' Aloww(ft of affib O*U%Qntm In 008ow cutia" of 110-1 Typ by Cubldt AUttlows VP 8~-93,=r ngiON Groze, V.N. Plankton and Biological Productivity of Tropi- cal Atlantic. PLANKTON I BIOLOGICIIESKAYA PRODUKTIVNOSTI TRO- WY P YN 1100 T- hU00 Lib. T-1 S=w StAtILOUMI CbaK*tfttauoa Of the Atmool- phado Osms Mnawwwotoo bV N, X, rarlb, 9 FPO RUMMo par* yAmnu" A %&d2on, amm, me 40 19730 pp 87-93. JPRS 59no imo ?3 Statistioat w0jods tn the objeative emaLjst# o.? 7- ..~ 1 10 /J ArR1PTD-tl2'-2&SW-?4 QMo S. A. llq*~aw= I 4ammaw/ 6~1"Ag"S"Wom"t aw of 13ww- ww obwkwm ut4majon Vlt& mwtb*s mowtalwolo pp 7W-M*M 711~-IO*A*Aft C- ~A s 0 . GRIDENSKI, ANDRE . .I. IIANN OTO LARYNGOL// --/--/1970t V0087t 140001-2 Efferent innvervation of the vestibule 21 pp pp 77-92 NASA TT r IS232#0 Oribenakip 0. Effereqt Innervetion due of the Ventibule ANUM D"OTOUMMMIE. Paris. voi. 870 3.9709 PP, 77-1F NUA TT F-15i,232 Gribkov, A. Surprise in Combat. 5 pp - KWNAYA ZVFZPA, Moscow, 11 Jan 1974. p 2. jpRs 61219 Grigoroseu, Constantin Romanian-Soviet Economic Development Discuzs 5 PP. 17IATA ECONOMICA, Bucharest, 13 Jul 73, p 19, ITPI19 597M Oct 73 Cirlrorescu, Constantin Economic !)cvelopment of Romania and Other Cl'~.TA Countries Compared, 12 pp, PROJIL-FIM11" '.,-;CONlOHIC!I, Bucharost, No 7, JU 73, PP 51-0. .TPR!~ 6o523 nit 71 Grigormuo Con2tantin 25 Years of Econmic Progreso D98cribed, 7 pp, VIATA ECONOMICA, Buolarestp 22 Au,9 73,, pp 1-2, M 0253 Oct 73 Atemys 903/2489 POO.M. S04975 6 Nov* 1974 Tit,lal DctavAnamm ACIlutut CtanbldrlC AM Indwtriala Ctb*Toba Lanpwvepi '~'k&zdan np572-574 In"'Itriwti(xins 7yps 31INg"10 spaces NO paste-up, Ifaaw ipato, ITATU, late all C22tims. ',~. I _e -11~ e~ e ~ I g a~ comtin and Tdn Pointa in a YaVns bY J. ofripst. DUTCH, per., MUMN EgISMAM NO 1., 1963, 1p 53-70. NTC 71-14188-IIE P ab 72 Grigolyuk, E. 1. State of the art of the theory of multilayer shells PRinADaAYA mmmmm, - , vol 8, No 6. 1972j, pp 3-17. NTC 73-11351-20K orisgy*,,. lc, lo ~ M6 loma~~OnSUV Md ONVIm Lu tie lbmy at 09"K*M4 Molb Idth Uatt fixiwo MM =NLMz mmo VOL 2mv - 30- 3v VP- 563-ab5o Nwasbas 19M (a Xff*Ot of a Samd hoetwo Wm =I an Mwtle owda., Sb*U F"t4MWd In JS $Groft -"= mkwm, = on., im VOL 2020~ no- 5, Fanampro-, IlMs p-e- Grigorescu, Pampillu Demographic Evolution, Social Mobility in tirban Areas, 12 VIITORTJL SSOCIAT,, I -- PO 547-5W- JPRS 63390 pp,. Buolmrost, 110 3, JUI-Aug-Sep T)" 74 HOW Drugs for Treating Angina Pectoriev by P. 3, Grigorev. RUS8IANj per# �gXdakgj& Kidildup Vol 26t No 9t 1962p pp 101-104. NTC 72-10950-060 May 72 Experienoe With Nev Coronary Vasodilators In the Treatment Of Angina Peotorlas by P. S. Grigorev. RUSSIAN* part jX&Qkgbgog ReI2, No 12p 19619 pp 40-43. NTC 72-10955-060 May 72 Grigorev, V. Determination of the effect of the polarity of the substituents of the effectiveness o.f the corrosion inhibitors of mettals. Part VT. Diffusion of hydrogen through iron membranes in the presence of airline de- rivates. ZHURNAL PRIKLADNOI XHIMII, V. 44, p. 124- 129, 1971. TC 12741 Grigor .too,* 11, X, Atomle radiation in&md by fmt paticUs. DOXLAUY AKADSHrY FAUN 980ORI, squor .PHYSres 21 31, no. 1. 073j, pp,, 67-69 AXP - 17-Sep-74 Onc. I PRO-62082 pp 1-8 ) Cgtolo~jical and c~togenetlc offects jjx the cells of bacteria and i.~aiumals under the influence of nccel(,rmt(,-d hLavy ions. GRIGURIEV, YII.G.: RYZHUV, N-I.; FEDOPENKO, B.S.; KRASAVIN, E.A.: VOROZI]TSOVA, S-V.; KOSHCHEEVA, L.A.; SAVCHENKO, N.YA.: MILAPONINA, V.r. Translated from Vosm. Biol. Avlakosmicheskaya Med.; !3- No. 29 3-8(197A), NSA --- 61WIVR6 L IL . . ops"m at soon%"* an"dom In tio OKMA .r4"Vy at S"Uldty 11110111M m IMA = 0 VOL Wror ~ A an* 40 DwAdws 19720 pp. M4-0= 0 gorviva, Imustigation of ptaom heating in a,etrmg twl4ZO OZC*Wo A014 AMAMIA NAUK MOVSKOr SSR. Fr=O-WXVrCMKrr a M-X.W.A R" is M 7302 Oh.Loan Somide Char" A.1 A s A--TT- o 3 oRr6vnvvwys V. P1. ll?;ABLYUWNZYA XSKUSSTYENNYKH spulwigov'U'AlUll SO= MOUUS Of the 19S8 eS I ohsartpatl?~. 22 ppp pp 228446j,1,972s AIRIM6M83-1986-74, r,OPYRrGHT INFORMATZON, D-r,9TMVTXON WOO TO US. GOVfT 4ORNOTS ONLY.OTHER MQUES.? NUST BE REFFORD TO PTIVO (hial""Wo Vo Me Nothoo Of Sateluts ?A*tcmttry to tap 19W0 Iv. V. 11. Grigorevskiy Revutts of observations in hte 1967 spin program. 39 pp ITOGI NABLYUDENIY PQ PROCRAMME IfSPIPP V 1967 GODU., 6 Nov 1968, pp 3-42 ATRIFTO-Iff-,23-1,50-70 jullo 70 GrigorlnyRyabov, V. V. Fundawntat Unds of shipboard radam RADAMMMONNY1 OTBOI87VA: NORM IPRINWIPY POSTRWHAr iTOUSMOO -106 me. M087w. 075, Chapter 20., pp. 50-654 HTC 7242988-171 lholgorin-ji~abov, V. V. I?ADZO,WmroNfiyg M?ROISYVA I 2WORtYA I PRr=.rPY pwrwmzyA mmooo * Woo pp. 48&520 fire 72-Z,522 in Grtgorln-I~mbovj V. V. Pabr apparatus (theory and principles of construction). RQIO!TVjgMD LUSTROISTV.A,_Tr3ORTYA I PRM, IPY 1970.1~01.ZIW6 ew A MIT 73-17-03 1716 1 4w,," Crigorin-Ryabov, V. V. Aircraft Panoramic Radar Stations. Translation from mono. RADIOLOKATSIONNYE USTROISTVA: TEORIYA I PRINTSIPY POSTROENIYA. Sovetskoe Radio Press. Moscow. 1970 NTC 73-10899-171 Gricbelo C. Confusion of Tabacco Seed with Poppy ZZ LE-141-.NSi~111TE-L-UNfi.16UQI.-FU16CII0 Vol 900, 1950 1)[1 109-112 *INTI S-TT- 74- 5 3174 catif:51scu, 0. //UNKNOWN// Oil ti Cal-L lectrunic Fire Control Device IIERI-R 12, E~,LS 12, 18 I)p brochure, ikiq.[/FSI'C/11'1'-23-0085-73C)Ca Gribkovg A. Komowl Work In Isningrad XlUtary Diatriet. 3 pp KCMUNIb'T VODRUZHENNXM_SIL, ),bacovg No 61 YAr 1974. pp 45-50. im 61753 Grldchin, Bo Fe New Caspian Seagoine Dredger Described. 5 PP .MROM41Y-P,, Leningmd, No 10. wt 1973. ap PP 3-5. im 6oB23 GRIDCHIN, B.F. MUDOSTROYENIM/ I . -../--/1973,V----,NOOOS,, Suction dredge for scouring .shoals, p 11,NAV/NISC/O,NI-IIT-,30-IiS-711~ Gridin, G. S. Eldbastuz Open ,,trip Aning, 8 PP POLI , Moscaw, ilo 6, 19?3o PP 5-9. am 59693 &Idlnp V. D. 4nodes of a fm-Piston Eqauder CmWmsw 8 pp 12v. M, -- 0., NO- 5,s 19TI PP "2 MA-X-7795 7 '. ~ % ) .", , 1; ~! - i- k"-j ". 1 -111 L V, 1. Trostormt1ow In Defbmi Carbo r)t**U. at Wd NWiM ^Wn* 29s IM, '107-3-10 GAUt OMM.) 34, 40 GRIBOV, V. N. //YADERNAYA rIZIKA,// --/03/1973, V0017, 0003, Properties of the pomercmchuk'pole, diffraction scattering and the asympototic equality of the total cross sections, pp 603-613 AIPH 11-May-73 Unc I 1~1 (~ CERN-Tr an s--72-20 System of stow targeting of an accelerated beam on Internal targets in the IREP 70 GeV accelerator. GRIDASOV, V.I.; KARDASH, A.A.; KOZLOV, K.M.; K[IRNAF.V, 0.V.;--,i,APlN, V.V.: LOBANOV, S.V.-, MOIZHES, L, L,; MY ZN I KOV, K.P. : NAUMOV, A.A. (GOSUDARSTVENNY1 KOMITET PO ISPOLIZOVANIYU ATQMNO1 ENERG11 SSSR, SERPUKHOV. INSTITUT FIZIKI VYSOKIKH ENERG11). Dec 197Z. Translation by R. Luther of IFVE-SKU--70-57. lop. Del). NTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $3.00. 20G particle acceleratorsl translations MN-28 NP NSA r,P,T.DC I I IN. B . r . //SUDOSTROYE:N1YE// -4-41973, n0010 The first soviet seagoing suction dredlae SO left sovetskomu azerhaydzhanu T)T) a--5 NAWNTSUONIMT.- 30 -110-75 ## I- ho, 1 ;4 1 Ll R K I- I- T A H I I I J L JAN) 191-it I'll 33-3 I L: 3 U I ~RJBNYAKf L. RU PHOTOELECTRIC PROPERTIES 13F ANTIMONY SESQUISE LENIDE 61SMUTH SESQUISULFIDE SYSTE IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED. FIZ. 1972 15C1) PP 140-2 FSTC-1-iT-23-1292-73 arlbrdkow,, z. s. An Isotropic Redistribution of Oarrmt Carriers Near mi CbwV SaMeonductor Wlaea 19 Py VArmigau nxldmkly nm=lp Vol. 16p No. 5 (1971) PP TTIPOTOZ ACSI-K,M3 YM-U-23-1-635-72 Mouns, V. I. /Azy, vm ==- WoH I-Amov--mm, Vfttft Ot OWbm md M*wme an F4U* MW4W 'A *WWO AUAp# pp M-131;pmr nogm 6wgorov, G. Stu* md malisation of a now moo"No lieu. 27 vns,,7 .ONS ,, JIUS. APPLMA NrC 7.~-14762-13K im oubtimtion pwr with So 2,, 1973* pp 2449 -1 r .ri-.ore, 'Zicolae _r,,?e )IJOllty of Labor in Telophone . lograph "ector "'txd1od, 9 pT). IT,STA, 7~T "FT,I,,Cr)MMTTCATIT, Pucliftrest, T40 10, TF773 T)TT-7 0 ~ w ,TTT,q 01,170 Nf4 1, '/~! low Sulgalan OUs and Thdr AnUesatiWas, by Go Cklgmvv# 8 Ippe vmm MUM& so 1$ 1972s, (X=ert). Aw/mcmm~~72 Apr 73 *~Le an* PP 580*5&,*C 74-10923-24M 29-Oct-74 Unc I N--74 -,242!) Cosmic ray ntudies aboard a r t ificial Earth !)atvilites. GRIGOROV, N.L.; AKIMOV, V.V.; NESTEROV, V.L.; RAPOPORT, I.D.: KALMIN, L.F.; VOLODMIU, N.N.; K1KNADZE, I.N. May 1974. Translated from pp 1-172 of Izucttcnie Kosmiche:iklkh Luchey na Iskusgtvennykh Sputnikakh Zerrilij Na!ka Press, Moscowq 1973. 230p. NTIS $14-50. NSA Grigorovp H., L. et *I Gtudy of cosmic rap on artificial earth satellites .230 Mirp'. XWOMYS roamm Lumr 11A IS&USSTMMIN hoscow, Nanks Max, 3s iv. 1-1-W IMA TT 7 15,377