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utth air ALROSUL ABSORPTION Ul- SHORT-WAVE RAOIATION. AUTHUR ------- GAYLUSKAYAP Go PROB. ~IZ ATMOS. (LENlNGRAD)i 910, 1972, PP 86-92. FSTL-HT-23-0251-74 Gayevskiy. Yu. S# ~iachine Tool lYogriamdng Slystom Proposed. 7 PP S'TANKI 4 Dagumul, Moscow. No 6. 19739 pp 6.8. JOIS 59679 Gapullin, Fe Tatar Petroleum FrQduction, 5 pp T Ybscowj No 17, Sep 74, pp 17-19, N P1241 GMrmitdiumi, R. 8h. Limar P$r*Usis of XateAWA undtr the Innuence of a pmerftl Flm ~of Raliant -Nora 7 IV W_ ==- I _vzwil 1979P PP- L-JO-193 AtWTV-MZ3~74 Gmwrmkiy, Y. -r. Egerimntal md thooreticat inmstigatiow of mogfidal mystalUxation and dUNmal of oWerowUd elouds. Is pp. TRWY v VSSSOYVWOW l&XOROZOGrwsxoGo s S=ZYA BRIM VOZMYSTVXY SA AMWFKRNY sm7ory. roz T,,- "MI, pp RT-172 V7VFrD-4N24-2S5-7# Vw aotion on ommMum olouds by pokdor-Ma reagents. pp* TRUDY V M9,05.2-210 MMO)?OLOGZCHBaww SNMDAA AKfXMYXq VOZDKYSTVXY NA ATAWFEMYS PJWWSY. v0; 4,0 10780 pp 70-86 ArR,IFTD417-24418-74 GAL PHOTOELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF P-N JUNCTIONS BAS ED ON N-GAP ILV AN TURKMENSKOY SSP SERIYA FIL-TEI(HNICHES KIKH KHLM 1 GECL NAUK 5 73 r FSTC-HT-23-0006-75 GaUUM 0 mo Ysin TrwWs of Machine Building SPecializatiOn Givem 16 pp VOMY ;KON2UXI* Mosaawo No 5, 1974o pp 4&-30# JM 62443 GAZDZICKI, JERSY //PRZEGLAD GEODEZYJNY// --/--/1970, V...---, N0007 DeveloDment of electronic computation technique in D011BIl geodesy 10 pp pp not given ARM/FSTC/IIT-23-518-74 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 0 N LY # U CAMMOS 0. G. IIXZVESTIYA AKADEWYA YAUX SORN SHRIYA RIOLOGICRESWAI, -1--11974a V--,01-10004o Biologtcal mueardi in opcm (Slom conclusiona and proopects). pp 461-4?5,0*,YASA TT F 159610 Odain,, J. P. Vms gyrator.- Sttuk, reaZimatiow. ucea ts pp TOUTS LikEp-M& P. 368,0 JuZy Z9723, pp, 23-27 ATRIPTD-11C-23425-74 Dietribution limited to U. S. Gov't agenaiea onZy; Copliz-1glif Inforp4tion; other mquent for thie dommnt mwt be reforred to FTD. Vie contanta of thin dcewwnt are suepooted to he subjeet ot c-opyright proteation. Godyev, Ya. 1. Investigation of the Distribution of aighly Active Articles According to Dimensions in the Troposphere in September-Decemher 1967. a pp TRUDI INSTIJUA No 21, 1971. pp 105-M. im 60185 Cd4T#Vtohs IntwUptiomm of the ionmphemusing the "Interkoemm .Part 2. InvestigWons of the equatorial anomaly of the -region and Vw outer ionwphere by uoing spherioaZ i on trapo. XOPICUESUR ISSLEDO vot 11" so 2" 1973,p pp 245- OC 73-14459-04A - ~L/- - qd,~_ e, MAIMCHt Go Lo II Heat Influx to a Elect= Gas A714-180 km Attitudes GB302enW I AERONONrYA, vol. 12, pp. 26&-272, 1972 RR 73-10023- March 73 Gdowski, I.Iojciech I-T, Polish Author Reviews Chinals Policy and Trade t-fith Third World Countries, 7 Pp. . Mr, WAR370TY ', 2 Apr 74,, P 5. ,TPRS, 61~5T-- -~'I Al Creangala, T, 'Priorities In use of Methane nas Discussed, 9 pp. DROBLEME -1CONOMNE, Bucharest, Doe 73, Dp 24--32. ,TpRs 61349 Mar 74 Gobauer Officerts Efforts to Improve Unit Effectivo- nons Desoribad~ ARMER-MMSCHAU, ITPR19 59549 , pD. East Berlin, Jun 73, pp 60-65 Aug 7 3 Gobauer, 0. )IEI*L-'I~INAI~-i%IF--VIZINISC[IE NAGHUCATEI 19650 lip 39-44 *NTIS-IT-74-53205 Gobaucr, 0. RATO, -NATUR, MIMA No 1, 19530 pp 79-83 *NTIS-'rf-74-53192 Gebeaud, N, A0 L.' M Memorial of the French Artillery on the Efficiency of Projectiles Against Soil and Reinforced Concrete 44.pp MEMORIAL DE-LOARTLLLERIE FRANCALSE, Vol 23o 1949 FSTC-IIT-23-226-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U,S, GOVT AGENCIES Gebert, K. H. The dyeing of polyester textile materia,l in perchloroethylone by the exhaust process. AND !IIXTILBERICIITE. CINTERNMONAL), 1971, I)p 710-715, v. S2, n. 6. NTC 73-12065-11E. Geboyll, Claire Ha3hish Enters the sohool* 5 Pp. LIORIENT - LE JOUR, Beirut, B-14 SOP 73s, pp J4-15 .TpRs 60A2 Nov 7 3 Gabhavdt~ L. Reactiona of Solid Iron with Melts of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys. Z. METALLK., 19S3, Vol..44, pp.1.54-166, amHml 71 //Opmammcm mm==// ~;-/-/1973*VOMmlw--# On the B*Wiow of ftedmIly Dondid Mrome- Magnmite Bridw in the Iftenwatore of Flat Glum Tanksp pp 329-133t]RTC 74-10603-11M r c, L,, ~ k P, Z ~ -~, Tho Flaw Photometric "a.IyUn of Calcium In Glawes idth Particular Considoration of the Influenco of Aluminum wid Zirconium on the C41cium Etissiong by Fs Bobhaxidt GEHNA14, per$ Gjp -sche Berichte, Vol 36, 1963# PP 225-2~2 ItITO 71-15305-11B mar 72 an"* to A.- ~ JEWAAAMDM VXMCWM// mm1-,A973#V=A"".* .., . U&MNKUN* at tb* sma 46004" ty amp's . 43 pp l2j7*U $= 74406M)dO600 aeasters S. Trammission of ommioations via muZttmode gtoo fibem. . . . NACH1,UICHMfg Vot 261, No Is Z973jo a MOMIS pp W-32 NTO 73-1396047D 30-Aug-74 uncl (ANL-Trans--959) Sampling and determination of tritium in the lower layer of the atmosphere. GEDEONOV, L.T.; BLINOV, V.A.; STEPANOV, A.V.; GAVRILOV, V.R-,-' TISHKOV, V.P.: MAKSIMOVA, A.M. (ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB., ILL. (USA)). 1973. Translation of SM--180/78. (CONF- 731117--7). Up. Dep. NTIS $4.00. From Symposium on environmental surveillance around nuclear Installation; Warsaw, Poland (5 Nov 19?3). 07 chemistry (analytical); environmental studies-, translations MN-11 P NSA GEDEONOV, L.I. HINTEINATIONAL AGLNCY IOR ATOMIC ENERGY// --/--/1973,V----,N ----p Sampling and Determination of Tritium in the Lower Layer of the Atmosphere, 9 pp IAEA Symposium on Environmental Control in the Vicinity of Nuclear Facilities Ai:C/ANL/TPj%jNS-9S9-740@ 30-Aug-74 Unc I (AEC-tr--7566) Radiochernical method of determination of uranium, neptunium, plutonium, transplutonium, and rArc-earih elemento in sampieg or aerosols, radloartive faiLoutq and soil. qEDI~13 L.I.; GRITCHENKO, Z.G.; MAKAROVA, T.P.; MAKSIMOVA, A.M.; STEPANOV, A.V. (USAEC TECHNICAL INF'ORMATION CENTER, OAK RIDGE, TENN.). 1973. Translation of RodiokhLmichesXaVa metodika opredeleniya urana, neptuniya, plutonlya, transplutonlevykh i redkozemellynkh elementov v prob&kh aerozo[eV, radioaktivnVkh vypadenlyakh I pochvakh. 14p. Dep. NTIS $4.00. 07 chemistry (analytical); 07E chemistry (radio and radiation); translations MN-4 P NSA is (EDHONOVa L.I. //RADIWILMIGIESKAYA MTODIKA OPREVELENIYA URANAj, knuNiYA, PLUrONIYA, TRANSPLUMNIYEVYXII I REDKOZEMELI NYKII BLEIENTOV V PROSMI AEROZOLEY, RADIOAKTIVNYK14 VYPADENIYAKH I POC11VAKH/I Radiochemical Nothod of Determination of Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Transplutoniwa and Rare-Earth Elements in SWIes of Aero5ols, Radioactive Fall- our and Soil, 13 pp 13 pp, AEC/KKMIKKUUTR-7S66-74G~ G*eleum A. van Tbe quantitative problms in selv*tioS flat I ago* � ln=BLS, Vol. 350 n. 49 19700 I pe w 0 IM 73-11581-115 cof on, Harc -,'nossot Member Malcos political Ilay r-rom Mistakos in Racent Var, 9 pp. 9AL ITAI-TISIMR, Tol Aviv, 1 Feb 74, P 3. XP-RS M94 Apr 74 Won, Mark Shm-Tov Discussou Current Political Situation, 15 pp. ,AI, FAMISITARO Tol Avivi 30 Sep 74s pp 3-4.. 1 'rim 0 1 2. -- - Doo 74 Won$ X. Ye. StuOy of the Reactogisideity# Safeqv W Immlo- gleal Iffeetivems of the Aemol Method of Immization splut Antkm in Testis vith Rman Oubjectis 9 IV ZWJN" 1~1~zm I fir. 120 :L970$. pp. ul-fj~ ATR/PTD.HT-23-40P.74 1~_-Nov-74 -?_~72) Uranium deposits in the French GEFFROY, J. Translated from pp, 541- , geomorphologie et structure protonde du Francals, Clermont-Ferrand, J972. 55P. ilations 0 1Z-Nov-74 Uncl ( ALC- t r--7j7e )Uranium deposits In the French Massif Central. GEFFROY, J. Translated from pp 541- b79 of Geologie, goomorphologic et structure profonde du Massif Central rrancals, Clermont-Ferrand, 1972. 55P. Dep. NTIS $5.75. 8G geology; translations MN-5 I p NSA 0 %ssibilit7 Rejeated,q by GMMiq,, per, pp 6-9. VRS 58607 of Ideological Heinz Gaggel, Rinbettl ftst Cease-F ire 5 pp. Berlin, an 73j, Apr 73 Gaguzin 4 Krivaglaz MACROSCOPIC Dafoct3 in Metals NAKROSKUPICIFSKIYE DEFUTY V METALIAKU Froscow, 1962 344 Vp *NTIS-TT-73-53052 owl's stvs an va mwtw an mftimom ll=TAUW awl Vol ZiNim=m ~ r1b. % ca 0egUxiII& Ya.. It. MOOPMt Of OtOpt On 4 MWM*OOpi.da9Zy mwmd sturfaaa of a single mWetal of U? &r~mg owrta *VqXnVtf4ft and o.pukaeatio" W)MADY ANADWZ SAur "gg SOV= PHYSUCS, 2% pp. AIP OMM114 T16 X. soodm-- . omm" in by"U MWAMUM.M.-Ifte .; 1W NXIM, Val. 205. 3w ofts i 00-150;w . - - I , i I I Y, I K I ~ ~ I I j " i ~! j i~ II .--, I F,M, I 11;W, I Lji,, jllj~ I U j-', R I f 1-~l--f I i I-- ;~ , ~ s, 4 j f-kA P k, I j.i(, I i !,~ i ~ f, iii) 11. i, ~i),i o,-'il 7) fljV %:4~14 1') 1" i ) I t,-il I -1j, )-[1)Y,- -(,I 0ANtJL),jLjk A.~iSLI-16LV ANu I wU V P t~ i-,L I Lfi.,) I - i A Ai 0 AWL I i[-,\ VL.,L ZJ fil Ic 119 8- 7 3 Me solid bUnk process om the it-nwhim "acursaw BRRZCM 440 zqn* pp. 399LI-403 rc r2- I Eq, 08 0 MB K. H. Goib Addition reactions with fl- and H- atoms at low temparaturee. 17 pp. BER. DEUT. CHEM. GES. (HEIDELBERG), Vol 66B, 1933, pp 1815-1825 NASA TT F 14,643 apr 73 O"bler, W. 11 ~ I. Cda4ablon of t1a Rftatlal FIbw Awat bodSA4 of Revolution 6261mdwa -Im - -- - --V; voL 20.* no* 32, 9100after 1972# PN 457-402 MA TT F-15v P43 Geiger, T. Creep Damage Due to rabrication ractors. VG5 MATERIALS CONFERENCE, 1971, pp.79-84. Lffff-rl-934 Geiger, 11. A Method for the Reduction of the Spalling Effect 7 pp FSTC-HT- 23- 799- 73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. COW AGENCIES Geike, F. Method for thin-layer chromatographic. enzymatic detection of heavy metals with urease. ZUIUMELDI, &AAMILCIM-01 1972, pp 2S4-285, V. ZS8. NRC C-12072. Geisel, 11. The Calculation of Efficiency for the Conduction Welding SCHWEISSEN SCHNEIDIA, 5F-'T�"r- q - BISI 11168 Power Density ~ and. Thermal Longitudinal Induction or of Tubes. 1970, Vol.22, No.9, Dr. Odger Innumme of ifttwioi Proporitin on the Ydmstlon of Natural Fragments 16 IV BATIMM MTVM, ~~ w jM IPSTC-E-23-798-73 16 pageo Dr. OeiGer influence of Haterial Propaties on the Fo=ation of Natural Fra&wnts. Boma Rumms nwvw m MAIN. FSTC-HT-23-798-73 Aug 73 GIA iii i~ i OL, I I Li~ (3L P(6~, IB I L H Il S I-Ul, I MPROV ING LXHAUS I LM I SS I ON Ci I (O(AL I Lik I ~ I I GS Ot oAS I-Nu' I NE ~ 3Y MOTU~, 4i: I I bGH181 FT VUL 33 NO 5 MAY 1 TO PI) IJJ-206 I-!.') IC-H i --,'J-U1148- 114 WITHDRAWN Pulsating internal pressure tests on circumfer entially-welded large-di4meter St.60.7,pipas. SCHWEISSEN UND SCHNLIDEN~ Vol.23, No.4, April 1971, pp.123-125. BISI 9613 Geineman, A. V. Thermophysical-Charadtarietics of the Boiling ... Open-Hearth Baih. UVEST. VUZ. CIIERN. MET.t 1973, Mo&6~ ppe .29-32,~,, bibi 111W (,-Ciro, -,. -,. tj'OoAe)7?!ca4 charaoterlatios of Bitww" according to t6frared abcorption epectra. R.V4 AIM.D4 RAW S SER. PIZ Vot 27, No 1. 1.903, pp 110-11J ATS Pli-GOIS GWO 3. //Vd XMIm " WEM TUIMIM AND STEAM-TUMM OPBRATIOIF" // Mom Turbine Shaft Vibrations. Part I-The Significance of Shaft Vibration Measurmntsp pp Unknovap C. E. Tr4w, 64170~ GEIS, H. //Vr,B MEETING STEAM TURBINES AND STREAM TURBINE OPERATION,// Steam turbine shaft vibrations'. Part II~ p1) C. E. TRANS 6417@~ Temperature Distribution in.th6 InducHou Heating of Hollow Cylinders at C~nstant Heat Input and Consunt llcat~ Loss 12 pp~ CLUXTROWAMBIE, Vol 25, No 3,, 1967# pp 86-90 I'STC-IIT-23-820-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U,S* GOVT AGENCIES GLISEMILYNEK S GE AI~MUREJ SCOM (,AR- THE L-YL OF HIE DIVISION I'I ~ ~/. I~, I I ,.-!, .."V ~111 I I WHJR UNU wlvJSLHAFT 3 1973 PP 204-;~08 f S K-111 -23-Ub16-7/i Liduction Heating for the Longitudinal WeldinFl, of Ribcs with zui Diclircling Inductor, by 1-1 Ge-isler "XIINTISSIN SCHUMN, IV, Vol 19, No 3, pp 117-20.1 I - '1~vs fill - ---, J) '2~ ~ '~/ -(~ (- U '~'. April 7) GEISLER. WLADYSIAW //DIE GESCHICHTE'DER ENTWICK LUNO DER RAMENTECHNIN UND ASTRONAUTIK IN POLEN. VOR DE14 JAR, I History of the development of rocket technology and astronautics in poland before 1949 7 pp pp 3 pp NASA F 1574400 GEISSIX-R. W. //Z-.FLUGWISSEHSCHAFTEN,w --/12/1972, ',74-' -, N0012 Calculation of potential flow about axially aymmetric fuselages, annular proifiles and engine inlets 16 pp pp 457-462 NASA TT F 15213#9 Goklmn, A. S. Advantages of Tanks for Storing, Oil in Sviampa I .Ascuasod, 6 pp. STROITELISTVO TnBOPROVGDOV, Moscow, t1o 5, May 75x PDAP 12M. JPRS 59557 Vic? ?3 Gekht, 8, m. Control Systems of the Brain and P;Gchanisms of Diaturbancos of Autonomic ReguUtione 6 pp M".1a UPPAVLbau Ew-a-.5;= OMI" Cf(WEKA I UIVOTNICIt Mum, 1973o pp lb-139. im 59818 GUMBARG, YE, //VODNR TRMSPORT// l3/07/l9?4.V--,N-,, PP 0002 Development of the INIeroMnt YArine Pleat 5 pp JPPS 63845 Gellbrov, V. G. China: The Crisis Continues* 10 pp QAX: NIZIS FRODOLUZ YA, Moscow. 1973. pp 1-6, 207-M, 2229 2244 im 0688 GoVd, P.V. Self-Diffukon of Nb in sumo of Its Alloys With MO. IZV. VUZ TSVEINAIA NUALLORCIA, 2j, 1066 pp 135-141 *NTIS-17-74-53075 2U mo&fioagon of the SZOOtMt4tie dharg*i Me iteaUUty and the mahmioaZ proportim of th* syngetio Aboris by mom of emPting IMM- WW -, ?ZBR)V, cavremcs Lno. lu WCAL R I&I s truw is n NX 73-13642-11s autyms 31 So. - . I //X.u,=- AUMM zw mI MM/I . . ~~A9730",WMP Immouptift of ampradm va" in 4 MAW* of . Uqkdd Idth On Dftlftv vp 1043-u46AM odttww6 3, 1. 1 . . 1. 39SOMM ~t a Am or arjope" UqMU Ir Me* WOM ma o= am 9%. on WIM "UM4 ~. we Of gnaws ME* no 1304M a GLL'FAND9 Boi G RU SPLLIAL FEATURLS OF THE PRLJPAGATIUN OF SPHERI CAL SHOCK WAVES IN A TWO-PHASE COM ZHUR. PRIKLAD. MEKHANIKI I TEKHNIOESKOY FIZI I(It 5/1973t 112-117. FSTL-HT-Z3-UU25-75 GEL*FMs 1. M. //MMBY AKADMI XAVK, RMII 90=CEI/ -'/--/1973PV0210PNOO02o Application or Criteria for Hio BeindeltyO Derived for Soviet Central Asia,, to the Cue of Antolls Adjacent POgiousp pp 327-330AM GELIFAND, S, NO RU INFLUENCL Of RADURIZATION ON CERTAIN BIUCHEMI CAL PROCESSES IN REFRIGERATED MEAT TRUDY VNIIKOPf VYP. 18t NGVYYE METODY KONSERV lRO,i 19731 112-124. FSTC-HT-23-U474-74 S. Yu. Gellfand Effect of Radiation Treatment on Digestibility in Vitro of Proteins in Cooked U08t. 7=49-23-608-72 S. Yu. Gel'fand Effect of Packaging Msterials on Changes in Intramuscular Lipids in Irradiated Meat Portions SOORNIK -- OSESOYUZNAYA NAUMNO-TEMNICHESKAYA KONFEREN-ISIYA "XX LET PROIIVODSTVA I PRIM A IZOTOPQV I ISTOCHRIKOV VADERNYKH MUCHERY V NARODNOM KHOZYAVSTVE SSSR" FSTC-HT-23-609-72 Gellfer, L. I. Correlation of the barycenter shift of a fo- cussed light beam in a turbulent atmosphere. IZVESTIYA VUZ RADIOFIZIKA. Vol. 16) No. 21 pp. 245-253, 1973 APL/JHU T-2783 T, P - (;. e- L ;c tJ Mood Senm Protein Fractions During Barylllosis,, by I. A. Gelfon. MBLAN) per, Giglena Truda i Frofessim I!L-Ibwe Zabolevaniya, Vol U, No 12p 1~64, pp 22. NTC 72-1717-061 Jon 73 Gellfreikh, G,B, on possibility of Measuring Fields Using Radio Asto.noey ASTAOINOMICHESKII TSIRKULIAR *AFSC (6 Jul 73) Week solar Hapetic Methods No 699, 19720 pp 3-5 July 1973 v$- 1. 1., 1. 1 1. ftmT at *a* now" at NAME soft W and" am sandow "I..35p .10. lit (1000 Nowra"m 21 n TNU* 1w Geller, Yes S. Meaning of the Concept of 'Control' in EtLo- cybematics, 5 PP a2alm, UMJ.]Xll& 1301= 9MMILIA CRELOVEKA I ZflIVg[1JM, VOscowo 1973, PP 15-20, JM 59818 Vincosity of Freon Fluids in a Saturation Line, by Z. 1. Gellero 7 PP. KHOLODIL I RM TEMNM I TMMLO(;rYA -P9. j 1970v PP 22 A31rFS-T-C7H-T-23-2l44-72 Gellman-Vinogradov, K. D# idetorical FXperionce in the Dovolopmoyit of occhanize-d Documental Information 6ystems. 5 pp A14ALIZ TH4DONTSIX I JiAUCjMG- TRENJUBSKOGO PROGA"S , KiGv, 1967, pp 127-131, JPRS 60402 Golovanip A. Giaovani Cormmto on Yd.Utary Comtruction Persormelo 3 pp &"YA . I*scow, 11 Aug 749 p 2. im 629 I ~ Go Zparin, M. 1. Romoving hydi"m fluorl4. frm goor in vorubbom with ftiddixed apherival p**ing. YRDOOMMA &~~SHLW~106T~ So 10,0 1970j, pp 788-784 117C M13325-07A Vr~ 53/.?/309