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Garsche, J. Consuwr Dsuand, Planning, 7 pp. DIE WIRTSCHAFT, M9 uwq a Criterion for Long-Term East Berlin* 18 -%1 73p pp Oct 73 GARTE, D. //~iACH,'ZICIITI-3',ITECIII~IIC-'ELEF.T'tZOiqIK// --/--/l973,VOO'23,U0007, Computer-Asolsted Layout Design for Solid State Switohing Circuits, 13 pp AM/F$TO/HT--P3--l733-73 11! 411 C,ARU:,'IIF, Vp A. R. 11YEFTYANOYE KHOZWSTVOII --1--11973, V----,iVO003, Inveatigation of the taq)eratwv ficld around a~i injection wolZ I pp38,P.'PC ?4-11410-0610 GArviki V. V., Principe campmenu of dW&&WTwIc,M"s of photogrsp)de adwials. Part 11. Accaate des- cription of the chwaoteristle curm by new mwltm parmwtors MM fi~=U I PnX=W rMMAM 1 XMX420- OMM - Vol 16 Ito 20 1 pp #Mi~17-& Garyan, A, A* Mathential Welbig of Tachnolagica Process Described* 6 pp 50KXOH 'IN I W -WT -AMMI. Yemvan. No 6, 1974, pp 32 .r,o JFRs 62913 Oama X. Stu&es of As owdie &ssol4dion and piWng of niakel minjU mystat &UMW" COMMON SQuas V. 90, togg'O pp, 71-89 1 WE YXII93-11F OWMV*U. Gasan aliz ado, AS-G.. Measurement of the Wave Lengths of the Fraunhofer Lines and the Red Shift in the Center of the Solar Disk SOLNEGINY4 DANNYH. HULLETHN. No 8, 1962 pp 64-7a *AFCRL-4 Dee 73 Available at NTIS Gasanov, A.P. et al The Results of Injecting IKSG-l Corrosion In- iiibitor into the Rock of Wells with Downhole Pumps in the Azizbekovneft Petroleum Product- ing Administration. KORROZ. ZASHCH. NErTEGAZOV. PROM., 1972, No.7, pp.10-13 A.T.S. R;&GB 1001 GASANOV, G. G. //TZVF,STIYA ATfADFMI1 XATJK A-,,raBAYDZ11AW3KOY SSR~ SPRIYA BIOLOGTCTTFZKIKT.T ITAUTV/ --/--/197kjV""-~qTTOO0l, PP0027-0029 The Role of SatentlatB of the USSR Academy of SoienaeB in tha Development of Phystolo ical Research In Azerbaydzhan 3 PP JPRS 63699 1) r Gasanov, R.A. The Oil Content of Mishovdag Field. AZERB. NEFT. KIIOZ. 10. A.T.S. RO&GB 1016 the Akchagyl Stage of the Vol. 52, 1972, No.70 pp-8- amehal ir. Anahtioal pppUoatime of ths eat4tytio aotfolty of P012, P4rt 1. QwUtWvs teat for patt4diuw b=ed an tho oatalytio mdwtimof Amo ompwgb by roUouUr lWFOINCION D9 QVZAgCA ANdfi "ZCA PURA Y APUCAVA A U MGM INDU37RXA IS# NO 6j, 196f* Vp 167-17V NOW M22079'07B Ouch,, H. Asswumt of Aynande load stressing of structural anAers. VDI-BMCIVZO No U3v P. 77-81s 1967 NTC 73-IMU-13M MW 73 Gasch, 1". itablo llm-wio,, of l'urbine Eotols ~ UNST 1 ~ O"r 10"1 pVol 17, 1965, pd 447-W C.F. Traits t)270 GAVKW V.A. PROPMA ONSANA Z ArtVWMRY".LSNZffGRAD* MAUKA011 jl,lw.arioat o4vftmn*v on itworsitm of ooatt4wfng index by the rmthM of otatiatioat mautarOationj 18 pp pp TT P 10140A Gasik, M.I. et al The Micros.tructure of Commerkial S.Ilicomangane. IZV. VUZ CHERN. 11M.0 1973~ N0,8$ pp.63-66. 1=7-1f IT 2 5-Feb-74 Onc I ( JfIRS-6066") , pp ~' 1 -.30 ) n(-terminatlon or admi ss i ble radioactive pollution in water. -~~Il ~L-- 4 !) (,. r 1 'J T" -T r a n L I a t , (I r r o ii, q i ~i r o t , h n i c A ; I A :241)- 2 Ii ()( 1 W 3 ) . NTIS. T r a n s I a t i o n 3 o n c d !j t c. r n E u ro p f- . s c i e n I ific affijrs No. 371. M 2~ A is Gaspar, Dzillau Determination of AdmisAble Radioactive Ponution in Water, . 10 PP 'HIDROTEHNIgh. BQOl*"st* MlY 1973, yp 245-249. JERS 60685 ,11.1-io NiarTmcist in tho Field of Chemical To.xicology In tho Chomical Laboratories of the Foalth Service, 8 pp. A:,',')!jV '~A PARMCIP, Bolgrad*, 11o 1~, 19720 5-Z29. 7 M" 59695 !~;O-) 73 ' I Casparovic, V. i-titric oxides in Gas Turbitics: Furiuation and Remcklial t~,'Vasarcs Vol 25, No 1, Jan 1973 pp 1-6 C.L. Trans 62f)0 Gasparyan, L* A. et al Formation of Solid Solutions and rluidity of Alloys Based oP Aluminw. and..Titan, OppoyX Obrazo4aniya LitaXnkh Sklavov, No. 14, 8 pp "Nauka" Moscow 1970, pp 279-281. FSTC-IIT-23-1641-72 lass, Andrze.1 nrevent.1ve Action Ilr,7ed to Control Drug, Addl.ction, 8 Y)n. !"rT17. r,pA , Warsaw , 18 ~Tov 7 3 , T)P it, 11 - JM-S 7-085 3 Tn n 711 16-Oct-73 Uncl (LA-tr--73-44) Application of an Injector buncher In a 30 MeV accelerator. GAS�_j_ VLF.~,; MILOVANOV, O.S.; SMIRNOV, I.A. Translated by Anna Vakar from Izv. Vy9sh. Ucheb. Zaved., Radioclektron.; 16: No. 1, 104 107(1973). 17p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 2OG particle mcceleratorn; translations MN-28 P NSA revision GMMMRS R. /--/1973jVWl5q*bO6j Fatigue Life of Structural Components under ftndom "dingo OP 197-2105ATC 74-10796-207M G4stauds 0. SFC witching: Simulation of enviromont. COMMATIM RT ELMMORIOxi No 35v 1971o PY 85-91- w r_1159?,17B GMANOXI* J. svoce5 boults of a petmatric WA ra-&atrmcophdWapbic Lmstiption of 130 Ex-Priamm 6f the Onlecla- Ihmazinks Cmcentration Omps vp 25-28)MC 74-1*44.o5m !~ntlnsl~ly, Yu. (l. ~;t.rucluriql Plorients of tho "'erritory of tho r)ml, 20 pp. ,OVP'.TSlfAYA OFOTAIIYA, Moscow, 'lo 9, sop 73, 7-0- 97 =-. ,TPRS 61176 ':,In r 7)1. Catkin* N. G. Signal Detection in the Pi-osonoo of NorkgaussUn Noioo,. 0 pp TM G K~~Wff y wolumpi MRQ:~kml k~n �LATILT ZR&OAMSV, UM, Nmsibirskl 1973,, PP 235-1wo-M JM 6248k Gatkin, M. G, NoiseXwfneeo of Optiml Raceivero for the Two. cammnent signalo 7 pp TRUDY CHMEM YSIEQ=my BKO'LY-SRMIL OTHMICHrom OIDRQM=, NovosilAmkVj9?3v pp 2ZI-M8. me 6M Gatkint No Go Deteetion of 11dus Signials in a Field of i1stributed and Local Interferenc*o 19 pp. MU-DY RMYMOX Vs =ua- SH~m-22PAELP-0 HMKOT Qmg=;ZQ Navosibink, 1973, pp 2a-ags JPRB 62481 Gatkint N. G. Algorltbw for Optima SWe-Tim Processing Of RaMox Dieldso 13 PP MUD $ .1 RWMWOX YgWIWA- HSY-SdgRAM -M- SMUWC MY Glpg_QAKusTjMi, Novosibirsk, 1973, J~u pp 168.200# jpRs 6M Gatkins N. G, q*1mal Methods of Space-Time Processing of an Additive XLAWO of Deterldnistic and Random SipAs Against a Backgrowid of Noise With an Arbitrary Distributon lAw, 16 pp TEUSY DDUAP_OV TRV_I= VSESgMNQX SHU.Y-SRZN FO STATISTICHEMOY OIDROAKUSTIU, Moscows 1972, pp ins 625n Gatkin, V4 Ge The PI-ocessing of *droacoustle Late in the lt*sence of Gaussian NonstAtionary Noise. 15 pp TRMT -LMLY -VSF52MIOl Lg&y--SMUA PO QlM2MI , Novosibirsk, 1970p 200 pp. JERS 62406 6XI ov"'KA" T. V. 141,1-14210 Vro],CrtIO5 ot Cu I I til ( 10. 1 ntI", Procos-S ui Q&t*vmUy# L. prwedupos t9 I-Apm EffsoUveness of New Toohnologya 13 pp HMI EQ21%U, moscovo No 3v 1974s PP 26-35a JFRS 62605 Gatovskiye Le Complex Control of New Biulpad Effsotiveness, 9 PR FAINIW64 M06COW9 'No 140 S*Pt '19731' PP &739 JFRS 60631 Catovs!'iy, L. M. tional and Cost Accounting of !-Tow Toobnology, 18 pp. I,~'k-.'FSTIYA AKADDIMIT NMI!( SSSR , ,BR I YA T"17,011TOMIMPTM, 'RATKO Moscowo 3.10 3777-m- ,TpRs 59603 Mir 71 Gatsa, A* Changes Proposed for Management of Ukrainian Footwear Industry. 10 pp 'EKONPI'AIKA SOVETSIKOY UKWNX, Kiev, No 9, Sept 1973, pp 38-45. jpRs 6o414 GAUBERT. A. ' . //SOUDAGE TECH. CONNEXESI/I v----, N---- $ 8tandardisationof french welding -pp 473-78 DISI 11744 N0011-N0.012 Of Gaubert, A. Standardization of French welding. ,.I SOUDAGE TECII. CONNEXES, 19721, Vol.26, Nos.11/12 Yrf-.1173-78. 6BISI 11744 06udio, Attillo Ttallan Firms Aotively Involved in Moderniza- tion Effort, 6 pp GOVEMMENT USE ONLY MARCHESTROPICAUX ET KEDITERRANEENISt Pariar 7 SOP 73 Im i!0'Vr_ZD_(0p Zboue JpRs/L 4994~ Nov 73 409604 u0 No ftumi - -411tion of Ifforomle PasswWr Abwatt on Immelbe rtwi IS vp I~Tmwm SAMMEM. no-IM nr. rwo Itep Ignt j1po I AZOTD~W-23~M-73 Gautier, Hermann DKP Celebrates Anniversary of 1969 Hoecow Conference, 5 pp. TJNSBRF ZEIT, Duesseldorf, 5 Jun 74, p 7. ,TPR9 62325- Ser 74 GAUZE,.G.G. //DOKIADY AKADEMIX NAUK SSSR -411/1973o V0213, NOOOSO RNA-dependent and dn 'dependent dne,polymerase activity of tho unfertilized egg of the ailkworm bombyx mori I* pp 1184-1186, CB~~ Gauze, G. G. A new fraction of rapidly laboled DNA from isolated rat liver mitochondria. DOKWY AMDMII NAUK SSSR, Blochamistry', Vol. 208, No. 2, January 1973, pp 456-459 CD am, D. M. 61=141on of the role of adero-orpaim during ore for. m4los in lat". MOM AK~U NM Ma M. - s 1971P 573-W ha tV F-15j,023 f OAVEZ, E //Vr,TERINAP,SXI CLAS141K,// -4-41970. VOO?S, N0003, reaction of organic substances to stimulus- (II) allergy as a.specific pathergy, 14 pp pp 221-22S, AIRMDMC-23-2084-7400 om"Ming the Deftpvtnatim of the gonlitivity of Hot Wire AwmoWimwtore in Skpaivoxfo Ptam AMNU DES SOMOSS, FARM COW= RENDW, Sort" A* V. Iff'o "no pp. 68"37 NW 7$-2957044B NTIS N72-32475 Gavozdoa# Ion Shortoomings of County Construction Units Diselosedi, 7 pp. CONWRUCTORUL* Buebaresto 21 Apr 73s pp 1, 3. J?R5 593W I jul 71 nmlo 1.,lith the 7.1nited .Aatos, by Mladonjm-yric, r Poll lovii 111m,ovina, Dolgracle, ,,lo 2, Fob '73, pp T-, J ?l Is 59067 gay '7 3 rtavrtc, Iviladon N;T,ew Trado Agreoment With Furopean Comon MarIfet Announcedt 7 pp. "TO',-'A TRGO7,117A, Belgrade, No 7, Jul 73, pp 11- JTI-Rs b0349 110, 71 Gavrik, V. V. PrInapat Comonats of tho chameftristas Cows fop :1.q Photogmpljio IlaterfaU ZUVRMM WOW r ?]?Zr"DNOZ POrWRAPXZ Z XMMAM- GRAM v. Z64, 1970,0 pp. 353469 MfC 2ZSSS-14R NTIS NW0473 Gavrila, C. Rolling of a Heat-Resisting Austenitic Steel of the CrNi 25-20 Type. IIETALLURGIYA, 1972, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp.308-90. MY ~Mgf_ GAVRUMO s N. G. Huv~ mm// m-/--/1973oVO018,NO003o Organisation of RoWre and R*Wr Work in Metallurgical Plants in the USSR$ pp 135-139PBISI LIAOM CAVRILENKO. r. B. //ZHURNAL PI'IXLADNOY SPEKTROSI(OPII/ .408/1970, V0013, 140002 Photoluminescbnce and cathodoluminescence of Trivalent cerium in borate glasses 6 pp pp 375--378 APH/FSTC/lIT-23-1191-73#11 Cavrilenko, V.G..L .On the Spectrum of a Wave,After:Pasaing Through a Turbulent Stream. RADIOTEKHNIKA-I ELLKTRONIKA, Vol.18, 140.61 p51106-1110, 1�73. AFL/JHU T-2802 GAVRILENKOVA. V. YU. //VAKTSINY I SYVOROTKts MOSKOVSKIY NAUCHNO ISSIXDOVATELSKIY INSTITUT VAKTSIN I SYVOROTOK IMENI 1. 1. MECIINIKOVA, SBOR91K TRUDOV,// --/--/19711 V----sNO010, The isolation and study of the allergen from the plague microbe, 8 pp pp 39-45, AIR/rTD/MT-24-468-74@@ qAvrilesout Clement safet7 Measures Neoessary in Botabliehing Mixed CoMpAnion Abroado 10 pp. FINATITE SI CREDIT, Bucharestp Har 7k, pp 17-26. .TPNR 627 9 ITov 74 Inwortanco of Intornational Tourism for ,.'conomy, b-y qj~( ., .~~vrlleacu, 8 T)p. .,gapn ~",IOMAIUAII, por,, Problemo Econdi2iTlicil, I'Licharest, Mar 73, pp 59-6"r." JPR3 59217 GavriMs A. -L. Investigation of pulsed currents in pressed lead azide in prebreakdown fields. TWL POIXMMCMM MSTMIT. IMMM, Vol 162s 1967, IV 194-197. M 73~-11451-220C ~ ~- y - 79fl GAVRILIN, E. F. //IZV VUZ CHERN MET// -4-419741 V ---- $ N0002 Determining the position of a roof oxygen lanc in an open hearth Surnace by electrical.metho( pp 48-52 BISI 12342#0 Gavrilin, I.V. Structural Relationships of Liquid and Solid Metals. IZV. VUZ CHERN. NET., 1973, No.4, pp.149-152. BISI 11624 Nomogram for Determining the 09timum Amount of Hicro-Cdolers for Suspension Poor.lng. IZV. VUZ CHLRN. MM, 1973, No.8, pp.139-'141. BISI 11978 Gatwillins, A. r. Ignition of Thitiatom by an 91datpioal Spwk ? pp LVRMFZ-V I VZRYV. 72,0 pp. 4448 AIRIP"47-23-621.74 GAVIULOV, ALMSANDR /~UTEWMAYA GAZIZA// 18 D9/1974.V--.AO038. PP 0013 Do You ToU the Patient the Truth 12 pp inis 63694 Analytical Description of Bratial Plotribution. of Scattering of Mametic Field by Magnetic Field of Gyromotorp by,A* N. Gavrqpys V, Yu. Chi7hikov.* 1-1 . . ........... I.-, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya VUZA Prihorostroyeniye, Leninf-rads No 2# 1973., pp M-91i. &TS, 59053 May 73 (4'VrttMj. P" V, Som results of flight tests of an ion engine modoz with Surfaos i0mixatim of ossium an tmpw WRIMM. IMLEDOVANLYA .,p V. ZZ, Me 140-Iff NX M0725-22A lavrilov, 1972 f ol i Vo a ha c, ts i - a i v I rt h (.- A ra I I e a d u r I ng the, !~uuie~Lttr~~; pevio,l In 19' 4 !9~ (.f~bcny oligol~het v ArallsiVyl v.ort z& rtmvtgj-~tpil 191-4 1 t9; M. ) I - glLn-cblclcSi,-,heairo5 Tru i, I ;o bahchestvo, ~~vllOvN: A. a], editOM), L7. A~.a 1, I,allV 030011, 191p.: ~12 m -~mvvlma. Irmuml. U,:. TrAnii!, ur. , Pqn. Ning. N v, , Dept . of Sec. of ,Jtstv of :ctinu for i'i, lot, of i~~nvlv n. ,;JR! C lot. StA. , St. AnAr,~rg, lq'~'-, IL5 'Lranjsl. Striez .17o. 2121, 2Mp. t,;pp.5cript. Ave I I . ori ,cwn V: -.7. Wash. , V. C. Gavrilov, I,V, Approximation of the Geometric Figure of the Noon Using Spherical Harmonics ASTROMETRIVA.I ASTROFIZIKA, Issue 16, 1972,, pp XDHAAC - 14 Pob 74 're.01004 Gavrilov, I.V. on the Position of the Center of AM in the body of the Mom TRUDY 18-Y ASTROMETRIMESKOY KONFERENTS11 SSSRI ?U=L- 1969 pp 287-292 *DtIAAC - 14 Feb 74 wor!,~ tmdfavay in -ontral ~,hcrnonu??Tl. in. ~a~Kmr(,nko, 5 PP* ?0 Apr 19,13, 91) ,.y 73 Gavrilovs L. ifirvesting in VoronozhskkVR and lipstBkoa Oblast. 5 pp U&M, mosew, 4 Aug 1973, pp 1, 2. JFM 59891 Gavrilov, L. Kurskqa and Belgorodskap Oblastts Seed Grain Harvests Considered, 5 pp EALVLA, Moscour. 17 Aug 1973, pp 1, 2. JPRS 60011 Gavrilav, Le Measures Urged for More Effective Uti-lintion of the Chernazem Zone. 6 pp MVDA, Moscow. 26 APr 1974& PP 1-3, jM -&.on Gavrilavq L, Re The ftdcal Kwhodam of Deatruction of MiAogical Tissues Ath the Vao of Focuvcd.atmsOWd* a pp A!=CMKIY N&l 140800va No 19 19749 pp 27-32. -2flIaL Jm 62463 N ftAmm offioua hainn mawAntive moA. oombwg tv Ile GaTtLIMI JLO ppo RMWNO -- - A A#NftW # 20 Apr 1973042 0 w im 5A62 JmG 73 GILVAIOV i V , Agriculture Affected by Natuml, L4anomia Conditions, 11 pp VESINJ4 4TATI�IIU, Moscows No 2v Nb 74s pp 17-2)o JFRS 62516 CombAt Cooperation in WarBaw Pact - Fraining Cltddo,, by V...fVrljqy* 15 pp. RVIZIANO pers Nommunist Vooruzhennykb Si . Moscow, No 6.9 Mar 1973-9 pp 76-76. JPRS 59072 MW 73 V. A. Gavrilov Det4mination of landing visibUty at airports. 13 Py. TB- GL- GEMIL OBMV- NO 153o 1964s, VP 18-23 USA TT F IM - " . . f ("IforLiovip I.". /I. .11 1 . 11 deter-r.natior oj' landing vinibility at air7)orts. TRUDY eMAM-1AYA GEOFIZICHESICAYA ORSERVATORTYA, I No 153 1.964j, pl) TT P 14,887 v:,Ti 73 GAVRIWV, V. 1. MESTAIK AKADMI IWITSUS&UH NAUX SSSR11 -/--/1974oV---~NO009* pp 0033-0046 bubacute wW Chrordo Abboviral Infections of the Central Nervous 4stem 20 pp ins 638o1 GA VRTLOV, YR. YA. 11GEOUIPTYAll --l-11,973* V----,,N0004p Distribution of argon isotopee in hydrocarbon gmas pp 559-569OUTC 74-11434-06D## GAVRILOVA, M. K. //IZVESTIYA ZABAIKALSKII FILIAL. GEORGItMOHESKOE OBSCHEISTVO SSSR// --/--/1971,VO004,N----t pp 0069-0078p Mateorologleal and Radiation Conditions in 'Winter In a Forest in Oentral Yakutia, *NTIS-TT-74-58030## GAVRIL'YEVON. N. //DOMW ANWOUI NAUK 8801tt -'/--/1973oVD2lOsNOOOl,, Terrigenous Minerva Provinces Sedimentary Formations of the yp 165-momm UM 6CWCE// of Preewbrian Aldan Shield, Gavrilyuk. SotanisUv Ivanovich One Contner of Grain in 15 Minutes. 28 pp THMER 911KA - U M IgNIMO Moscow, 19?4* 38 PP. JPRS 62959 ~I,ma mcH~,,NIKD, Y".j. V. //IU'VE8TIY,A TM,!'l--,XOGO -.'O.-UITI;KlRll0NF,-,KOGO IWITITUTA// I)P 0069-0071 S tl za tion of thr, Photocon;.luctivity and photo rmf of (le~ivy "latal AzIden Colored by Orvjmic Dyes, pp Llic Ccaculation of I'luaLim. Ivuritles in lbtaLlic Vapor Doposit- by Ile-sichml Vacuum Gasosp by 11. Gauchn Gmi,W'O part ZgitAchrift fwr, An",kmwlg IlgrAlt, Vol 14, 1962p pp 126-M -15272-20L 72 lawal, ozeslaw (Ileneral NOW&k COMMOntS on ?--lilltary Manage- ment Efficiency, 6 pp. ""0T,!7TV.1T,' WOUNT0301, warsaw, 5 Dec 73s PP It 3- ,fflm 60815 .,ran 74 awas X. Swooptibility of meim and aphattow oontained in wWo oil to wking in the pmme of oatalytio hydmoraAing. W zNsmvr c2wmrr r matmowar ,4LqA POLMCMXXA. NAM X WKGTA PRACK MA so lea 1978", pp 146-1 NTC 73-14292-22D Gaw1owald. 9 Karol Agriculture official Comments on State Farm Growth., 12 pp. 1101-Ir 19OLNICII-M., Warsaw, 1-15 ITA7 73.- PP 1-4- JPRS 51559 Aur~ 73 (lawrilov, G. The Chemical Deposition of Dispersion Coatings. with NI-P and Ni-B Matrices. Embedding of Ox- ides! Titanium Dioxide. t4lp GALVANOTECHNIK~ 1973, V.64, pp.23-28. OIPW- 7* Ctaychevskayao F. Comerical Servicon Under Socialism. 13 pp tKMQA~%C~W" KIYL' NAUU, Moscow, no 11, Nov Ig?3. PP W55. JPRs 610?2..