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u n- /~p t r-7471 , Up I ,~11- I ~'A ) Ckange i tA t h e t j v i t f p r i rl I rio, a Rd t h y m i I i no ph o,, ph orv I asen i n t h V I c,r%, tti v rr, o q t i v !i 1~ i, n v m m r row of r i b h i t I ar t e r who I ho~l~j i r rad I i t I F I LANOVAAYA , t.. I . , I' I t, I PIIOVA , V . N - t t i f i r. 1(c -ien rch I ii j t o f I I v iii ei to I L)U!l a nrl D I oorl r i n firi ion , t.eitl offral A 11 r I T/ -4 . 1' r a n i In t ed f rcom 'd, 'I't i qa 4., 4 2.1;( 1,) IJ Filaretma q 5 a As GA Problou of the LYroro of the Analogs of an Inertial z.,jotem of Coordinates. 6 pp LZBOR06TROYMaX , Leningrad, No 9* 1973v PP ?6-78, JPRS 61943 FILATOV, A.D. ET AL //STAL'// --/--/1971,V ---- 1N0011, New Technological Schedule for roiling and finishing channels on a 500 mill, pp 1017-1019,BISI 121320 Hilatov, A.N. 12Sth anniversary of IN. Buialskii's work "on blood tr'ansfusion.11 PJJORI.E~jy CIBIATOLOGIT -L-PRUIUMIYA-MM, 1971, pp 61-62, v. 16, n. 8. NTC 73-12332-06E I I . Ptlattv, A, N, .. . - . Sionifiomo daw in tmufwiozowo . . amn JWRVKZT, so lRj 19690 pp $1.86 ff I&S2212-069 Filatov, A.N, I~ditor Alamll UJI tile Usew of Illuod and gual llloo~ 6ubstitutes - 2ad Edition 1.1'' 1 . IMOVOI)SINU PO P1dMF',.'Q-NIYU KROVI I KROVEZAMENITE LEY OA(',,')'I-K-,1579 MAW$ Pe Go //=.=. U, 1 111111:111 Xam TWVA I OMM// a" ~ OVMTSWW# I I b a Stod Alvmdma hir DWI* kfttgdl= With Vater-Olyed rAquldsv pp Ww'two 74-10934-=m FILATOVA, V. S. 1107GIENA TRUDA I PROMJ'SIONAMYE ""ABOL1,MMI-VAll -1--lignivoolsON00041p *c,,t of hygimi6c working cm0tions mid j jnmw. occupatimial disease incidence =ong oorkerv in ow.pamIc7i po~ytdnyt chZoridc production over a ni", )er of' years, pp 32-34,311C 74-1165.5-06011 Filidi, G.H. et al New Designs of Core Bits for a Baring Core Catcher. BURENIE, 1972, No.8, pp.6-9. A.T.S. ROSGB 969 nlimnov " A. I. A*om of Stand Testing of Traotor and Combine Dieselo. 8 pp IRAUORX I 8FL'M2Mh2L;X, bbecewo. No 3, Mar 19749 PP 33-35- JM 62030 Null Sdft In StablUsUan &vw of a Gyro- vesUcal lath Ifted Gyrx*" Con-ectim Chare AotftinUose by A. Fe illtwovt 7 pp. RMSIAW,, pwo ins" -w7. .6 L*dngndo So 39 Ims pp 94wo" AW 59254 %~m " MiMMOV v Ao Fo oa the Qwstion of Compwisating the Systematic Emr of a Gravimster. 6 pp MBOR=ROXMXI&, ImAngrade No 12s 19739 PP 61- 64. IM 61943 , i--- ), ~ 16') o Aj () v First RwUts of CompLUtlon of Ucal BW940 itesenW, by B. 1, Filimmov, 9 ppo RUSSIAN, per, ansms I , MOSCOW, 140 it Jan 1973o DD 17-023o im 5W5 Apr 73 Filimonov, L.A. The age composition of cyclops vicinus females in July in the plankton of the Sorky reservoir. JOSTROMA, GOSUDAMM- NXI-PEDAGOMCIR-SM INSTITUT, UCHENYE ZAPISKI, 1971, pp.67-76, V.29. NTC 73-12186-06C NLL RTS 7674 Fillmonov, V. Cadet Alot Training Disounsed, 5 pp A I KUSIRONAV Aos MUTSU TIKA, i cow, No 8, Aug 1973. pp 18-19. ims 60360 mimonov, V.A. at al The Rates of Reaction of Individual Groupu of Hydrocarbons in ilydrocracking, I ,IIEFTEPERLRAB. NITTEMIN.) 1970, No.10, pp.4-7. A. ,ume Solutions of the Laimar Butindary-Layer 1"t1witions Ividi ,:)trolij, InjcCtion, by V. PRIKLAUNAYA 111MIMMIKA I '-I-BIIANfKA, Vol 36, No 4, 1972, pp 047-65?,-. - ,NAVY/APL/.JiJU-T-27Z3 June 73 Alimonova, Ye. 1. Perspectives for tile Development of the Coal- ~xtractlng industry. 7 PP EI~Oh2aKA I OLGANjjAT-91YAWMfia.~NQGQ FRQIZVOIXS YA, Novosibirsk, No 3. 1973. PP 77-83- JI'R5 59876 7 7 7 - - - - - - - - MIN, H. A. //METAULI,URG,// V0012~ N0001, Diffusion of Beryllium in Copper and its alloys- pp 93-98, *NTXS-TT-74-58001~~ FILIN, YU. A. //LITEYNOYE PROIZVODSTVO NOVYKH SUDOSTROITEL' NYKH SPLAVOW - - / --/ 1971, V- - - - , N-,---, Vacuum melting of.refractory metals and alloys In lining furnaces (chapter VD, pp 140--190,AIR/FTD/IIT-24-773-7't~ CIM Alr AW A20"Up IV To.,-U# ~P~db RMUNI.- 1369, 1 !4ptp4 1e Feb 1973 P C im W~ joe 73 Filip,, Tirl Czochoslivak Relations With Developin~..,,, Coimtrioa Sumarized$ 9 pp. ZAHRAINTICHIT OWTIOD, Praguo, ' 0 3, Mar 73, N pp 14-1 * jpRs 59785 S 1 on 71 FILIPOVIC R Sc INPUT-OUTPUT DEVICES OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTER S YSTEMS VOJNOTEHNICKI GLASNIK JUNE 1972 PP 545-556 fSTC-HT-23-0571-74 Pillnova"d, Risto 3tructure of the Federal Budget Discussed, 16 pp. PINANSIJE, Belgrade, Mar-Apr 74, PP 135-146, MR 62P3 SOP 74 Fitippsnkoj, h. K. l(ydr,OUmat(4K of phowt in a phvnoloyaU*#xmmo. oyoZohommot mIxtum md th* tWd-phave m of qfok*omot owr Rawy vItioUL ZZVWZYA =a XIIYMrYA, Z XHZMTMMYA NXHNOLMZYA,., Vol 13, 3. 2970, pp "1-442 NX ?8.13532-070 ?i UPPMAN Uquid-phass pro&arUcx of oyolMexanons frm phenol md ayoloUsmot on Rmq miAst. "IIYA X RZWCMXAYA MMOZO.WAA AVAWYZYA na Vol its NO is 3971.0 PP 6fi-fia NrIC MISSO-OFA MIPPOV, E.A. , alld O.V, F'osill 1969 Ooeanologlaal fnotora Alah influenac the diatribution of comarcinl fich naf%r the udstem aho~es or Afrios (o~cennologlohoekle falctory, vIlloluAchie na mopradt-Imle pi,cmyalovykh ryb u calmdnogo ;)obex%2hltn Afriki) Atinntlaheakil olroan. !lvbcTxfol(ovyc l8ale(lovaidia, (21, Atlant haskii iustitut i~ybm-o khozi%~tva i olceanogrnfli (AtLvnt~~1110), i"Itliiiingrad, 164p.: Transi. by V(iia A. I!utchlson for 1% of California. 197,-, 17P., typonoript. Avnil. an I-oun Viruh., D.C. Original Articlo Chockeci.K rilippov, F.. M. .I Thoory of Gamma-Gamma Logging. PRIKL. GEOFIZ. NO.17, pp.231-64, 1957. -0 - 9 Z3, 6 a Fillippov. E. S. //IZVEST VUZ CHERN MET// 1..,../- ../1974 , V-.-.--, nOOOS Causer, of the prouping formation destrucutring melting and boiling of inolten metals w) 115-121 OBISI 12582i'lill Filippov, E.S. Determination of-the ficats of Phase Transfor- inations and Mixing in Liquid Metals and Alloys I from the Light Radiation. -11 IZV. VUZ. CHERN. MET., 1973, No.5, pp.il2-118. 'S a9f, eA'. . .. T�U-- F ilippov, R. S. - Theoretical Calculatioa of Ify4rogen Solubility in Solid and Liquid Metals IZV. V=- WW. MET. , 1973, No. 7, pp 122-128 IMI-11889 Filippov, E.S. et al L The Effect of Successive Alternation of Struc- tures in Pure Molten Metals. IZV. VUZ. CHERN. MET., 1973, No.11, pp.141-146 BISI 12155 riloppov, E.S. The Posible Mechanism and Sequence of Struc- tural Transformations Taking Place in Molten . Tin, Gallium and Indium. IZV. VUZ. CHERN. DIET., 1973, No.9, pp.124-13O.. fff.�rl-f ffifa-- ___ Filippov, F. The 5aviet Intelligentalia - Active Builder of Comunism, 7 pp UKUNM , moscow, No 16. Nov 1973. pp 89-99. JPRS 60882 FILIPPOV.. G. A. //ENERGOMASHINOSTROYENlyr.,// --/09/1973, Optimum value of characteristic ulco for a tUrbinC Stage operating on tojot ote&pit 10 PP pp AIR/FTD/HT-23-1179-740~ Filippovt. G.P. Ilanufacture of parchment paparl of 1011 basic weight. "'WAZLINAYA PROMYSULENNOST 1972, pp 15-16, n. PC IPC-39. I'llippov, D. oil-Well Fire Simulated Realistically for Study Flarposes. 5 pp 140114141K. moscow, No 7. July IW3# pp 34-36. JI)PS 59676 Alippov, V. !!Inploymcmt of Labor Resources Considered. 5 pp PLOOVOYE KHOUAYSTV0, Moscowt No 8, 1973, pp 114- 117- jpr,,,; 0891 Filippove V# Do 50vist DIdI7 IWUBtrY FrOdwUcn fQr 1973 SW)-- arized, 14 pp a 4AXA agglU g' # Moscow* lio 4& Apr 1974, pp 35-41o im 62174 Filippov, V. F. 'itudy of ;-one Properties of Urconitm Ath Additions of Transition Mutals. 9 pp TEUNIMIYA POLUCMIIIIA NQVYKH MAHMMIJ. Kievp 1972# pp 144-133* JPRS 59873 flLIPPOV, V-6 & RU SUMt RL')ULT.-, (A- A S lUUY UF THE SPLCTRAL Al FEN UATIUN OF IR kADiAT ION BY LARMIS kASSI-YANIV- SVETA V ILMN. ATMGSFERL, "NAUKA1, ALMA-AlA, 110-1A- 0 i-STC-111-23-0693-74 rILIPPOV. YE. M. MADERME.RAZVEDCRIKI UMNYM I KOVICHESMIKH MUM, NovosiBrRSK, "NAUKA; PRESS$ SIBERIAN BRANCH,// -4-419741 Nuclear Prospectors of Earth and Space Objects, pp 1-138, NASA TT F 15140~~ FILIPPOVA. TI--,- - I , //TEKHNIKO EKONOMICHESKIE POLAZATELI OPTIMAL NOGO REZHIMA EKSPLUATASII GIDROBUK TROSTANTS11// --/--11967, V----, N"-- Some aspects of the multipurpose use of hydroelectric power plants pp 41-48 MG-TT-70-G7268#0, FILIPPOVA. T. A. //TEKIINIKO EXONOMICHE3XIE PoLAZATELI OPTIMAL NOGO REZHIMA EKSPLUATASII GIDROELEK TROSTANSTIV/ -4-4196770 V----, N____ Use of eoperational characteristics of hydro- electric Power plants and its value pp 64-8.8 NTXS-TT 70-57258#0 rXIAPPOVA. T. A. //TEXIINIKO EXONOMICHESKIE POLAZATMI OPTIMAL NOW RF.ZHIMA EKSPLUATASII GIDROELEK TROSTANSTII// --/--/1967, V----, N____ Power losses In transmission vis-a-vis planning the operating conditions of hydro electric plants pp 81-10J NTIS-TT-70-57250#9 rllivpms T. V. Nechodsm of the 9poddat'lan of 019fim of the KqdO-(p02v1)4%Vtm* Onto Ommmm Val. r -- PlOs 110- 3v VP- 6WI-Mt NW# 11M CD n1i"Oveldys V. 1. Filipska, M. Fractionation of phtlialic resins, and determination of the dispersions of their molecular wkights. CHEMIA ANALYTICZNA, v. 14, p. 821-828, 1969. N 72-14150. NTC 73-11198-07D rilitov, V.I. Prospects of Development of Traction Working Prostheses After Amputation of the Upper Lxtrowities ORTOPEDIYA; TIMMATOLOGLYA I PROTEZIROVAMY4, 1972 No 150 PP 14-18 *ACSI-K-4196 FiUippoVp A. G. Inolusion of tJw kinetia mergy in the statistioal moohmieo of chan moZoouU8. DOXUDY AKADFATZ SAW SSSR ZAT voz 212, 110 1 Tu"rj, n7r, pp ar-85 A SOV - AZP Filippovich, N. 1, Situation in USSR Cement Industry Described. 5 pp -, , Leningrad, No 12, 1973, PP 1-2- JPRS 4d V. V. yylitrv~ll do-) maoldnea. (, pp. " PASTEXTY " flo . 4 8, 1968, pp 20-~j (11 ~11 73 PZL oxovil V, 00 . . 11MOCOUSTOMMYS SUABWY r Z911 PRrIF4?Nsmxye, SBORNM S7ATMY11 PrindpUs of the mnaLwtim of rtuttiotabte oZenvnts taing "Suristm, 6 pp. pp 209-215, ArRITTNU-234018-7400 ,?110, iozef 1971~ Tnsks of Czechoslovak Sciontific and ,,"lochnical Socioty, 9 pp. (',OVRRTTMT--',NT ONLY 7,TTMICKA PRACE, Bratislava, No 1, Jan 74, pp I-b. TPR9/L 4693 ,T)IT) 7h Filo. Llo*ro veveloplM Countriso aunderod by IMmAtUatso 6 pp zal j Tiram, 30 MAY 1974, p 4. JM 62263 Manavq Mv, Do Tenth Flve-Tsar Plan for Leningrad and Laningmd Oblast Reported. 11 pp SJWELI 1%3LI, M Eqa kURMBAPAo Lwdngradi No 60 1974, pp 2.4. im 62664 Pi lonov,, V. A. ilia effect of the organic matter in petroZew on the diapZacepient of radioactive equilibrium in oil field liatera, ~O~v , OVOL. Vol 7. No 6. 1964,, pp 144-146 Aro AJ-6017 . . FILYAGIMo T. //STROnELINM I DMMMM IWWY// :~-/-/l972*V-,W"* FPO and Japawoo Cement Mixer Vehicles# 8 pp,, pp 23-26 tFSTC-ET-23-971-73 M- Fimtlyavo YU& P# lmmatigati= 6f Gas 4mmic Strotw* ad El"tran Distribution in a high-temparature aver"Ale Jet having a Solid Paw* SM-1 wmnzm. ]=MMVNIY TM)LDw. I MMPERMS, 227-2A AIWM'M*2;293-~ Finikov, 'I. ,','election of landing fields. 8 pp. -r]?AZ17DANSKAYA AVIATS"IYA No 3,, '!ar 1973,, p 21 MPR- =FTD-IIT-OfJ-536-?4 rink, c. ut al The Effect of Production Conditions on the Pro- perties of SulphurzAlloyed.Free-Cuiting Steels. B r ERG. HUTTEMI. MONATSHI 1972, Vol.117, No.9, pp.TO-1--90-7. BISI 11999 Ficko F. ReAm fvm&ies for the eowasiou of bou" and IrAntriel lobse. EMMMMM Val 23s, P. 457-460, 1971 IITC 7340654P rmw 73 Finko 0. Finki Ka FTesent State ofq and Trends int.the Non- destructive Teating of Welds, SCMEMSEN M BCHRTDIM~ Vol. 211, 19729 No. 9p pp. 375-M. HB 8919 GOVEOWA USE ONLY Fink, L. M. Problem of the Prospects for the Development of Digital Message Transmission systems. 4 pp VOPROSY R&DIOL&KTROggis- N"CHNO-TakMICHB30 8M94 ILI K MOSCOW, SBOMIKI MU.A kd2jQ02Y SVIA7 No 3 1968o P 15-17* JINS;L 5096 p ILI Simple Arrangement for the Analysis of Geometric Data of Beams of Charged Partieleav by H. Fink. GERMAN# per, &OUNWILk fur A0911joadja fAxalko Vol 15j No 2p 1963* pp 112-114. RTC 72-10274-20H Apr 72 Fink, P. The offset plate and the quality of the printed pictbre. ~.VGRA MITTEILUNGEN, n. 20, p. 459-469, 1970 TC-12764 Fiona a. 0. 1146MCIS GESELLSWIT. FVR wpr- VMD R4WFAURra SUMWUM MR TAMMERMANS BRAMOSOMIGO, kTST (NRHANYO PAPER 74-011// -102110?40 V. 10 m. ,Air onAft noise in m4dontiat areav - mamurownt and vatuation,, 8 pp, 2041 Feb 1974,4YASA 27 F IS090700 rz#as H. 0. IIPZUGTAW IN WMNMZBM MOOG USD. BKVMZZWCII --10211074,0 Airmv,ft gave in msi&xtiat afras Meavurignint and 0 pp, 20-21 Fab 1974,, 4MA 2T F 26,90700 a f& V* 16 ..I limuo a" aftowl .. 40 Asm am A 9 W. 4ilms. ---. 0 Cs v IWO "1. .90 1 x MYSUIBURG, W. IIHANMUCII DER PHYSM11 Ueotrloat arm and VwmaZ pZwma,, so 4 pp, pp 254-444j, ArRIET161IC-23-515-74,, DISTRMUTZON UMMD TO U. S. GOVIT ACENCIR9 WLY4, COPYRIGIT ZVOMIAMN, M118)? rXQV95'r FOR THIS DOCUMIT NOW BE AWFERICID TO Moo FINKEL-SlITUNP m.l. //USNOVY RADIULUKAT.311// Some Characteristics Of a N1150i ITI Radar Signal, 9 pp CIA-X-7922 #8 r tol I Ilyllp N* L //aSVOKr MVMAXMUII --/-/1973#V--#N-t Rms Notbod of AMP MIU"mt by Using a TwOAMMW DoWlIr FAder., 7 P.P. pp 92-101#CrA-X-IWM FINKE.I.-S(ITEM, W.I. //(XSNOVY RADIOLOKM'Sll// 0294-0319 I Colterent-Pulso 'le-thuds of Moving Target sclectiull, 13 pp CIA-X-7923 1 9# DAVID E FINKENL GL LURRLLATION ANALYSIS OF AVERAGED AND UNAVERAG ED LVOKEU VOTENTIALS INCL I PAPER FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF ERLANGEN- NUEKNUERG 24 DEL 1910 KYBER F,SlL-HT-,-'3-Q344-74 Fino,, B. An ozj?*rl=nt%j study of Image codtng utillzbV the hur tranafem an& t'he hulamra ccople" lbransfo=. AMj= DES TMCOMMCATIOLMO 19r- 0 P. 185-~-Oet vi. `7* 1 , :) , - .I V6 NTO 73-1 3TI.-17B Flnochonkog N, L gqwrienos In Organising Specialized Owe at a Payon Emrgency Station, 5 PP 5-Ovj;sxuTE-P_MV_O_OMRUBNj7K, Mom, No 1, 1974j Pp 31-3N JM 61534 WWWWV #ad hftOwd affliAllo ttft,* TT Finsgar, Bogdan Pollce-Comunity TEDENSWA TRIBUNAs P b, ms 60241 Relations Discussed, 6 pp. Ljubljana,, No 34,t 22 Aug 73t (let 7,; Fiomnza, A. Idantification of antioxidant8.p accolerators, wid plastioigero in rubber rdxas by colion chromatography and uZtravioUt ~md inj~wed opectrophotomutnj, MATERIS PLASTICIS, Vol 31,, Uo 10, 1965,p pp 1045-1050 AT 139 TJ 6-Jun-74 lJnc I (A[-C,-tr--7534, pp 139-142) Mutaqenic effects of i nh t b t t or!~ r rom bek r 1 cy secd!i f rrad I a t ed i n phas,~ s of or~janic arLd forced dormancy. FILIPPOVA, N.F. (Inst. of Biological llhy!3icg, flushchino, USSP). Ma.V 1974- Transittted fr~m Radloblolopiyd, 13: No. 6, Qld- n2o( 1~)73 14SA F1101AS W () L. ACE] YLLIJUL INESTf-HANt: hL T I VI TY IN CUR TI S UAGAN 114 At-I Lk txptjsljKt- 10 SL)Uw)s M[,NATS,)(JlRlFJ (.,Hki-NliLlLKUW1)L NU 105 1971 PP 2 .37-,~IiJ L .0. 'onetic Gell fect of Isychotropic Drugs on 0 f ,i,.bstanco., by lHarok Fir](oi 5 nn- ,cii,Iz;i, par -i,'dyc r a Polska, 1-11arsawt lo 1, -Tan 73, Pp 917-76 ,Tf,;is 59o10 Na Y 7 3 FMVI C. //REV. CNIV. BUMMTH -'-/--/1q71,voo22,Nm4, Theory ana Cmatruction of Fuel C". )-q IT PP 213-2219ACOX K-25o6qFSTC-HT-23-2010-72 DINTRIMIM LDWM TO U8 GOVT AGMCIWW CUacal Amporiance With the lieu 1,~asae Tru3dUanium, by.A. A. 4"M0 .60 'Le btashaclup 5 pp. LILUumo per# , Jim i_ - - =YAWbW=J.%wltRm blakirmwnahkn - -- A momov. 1970, pp 1611. 107. JkRs 389" 4W 73 Resulto of ClWosl Trial of a kv Cm*xlf orm Agentq Anatruodumi, by A. A.-AM# L. L. Stasbadw. 6 pp. "MI", per* INg= "UnRegftm !-Q-mz4ft A bin �rWA - jL* Monow. 1970, pp 127 132, JIRS 38" fty ?3 Uporlence In U g tW k*oroUmt, WOWAmIM4 in Anedheidoloao tW As Ao FIrmov, B. 0. 2lus, 8 pp, RuMme part M= ddmmgjiiqhQbw _.9t Lid"g *wow* 19700 pp 252- IS* afm 38949 114w 73 i~ ~ c, v W"Cls or chior Ibpuutim omm kAoss in bawsbp LbUA W Llvdatim Tbarsoll, by 81 A, flnmao 5 ppe RU&Umo per's fimmulso Auxukbummut Hamm* No 3# 1973o pp 1%43. iffis 3076 I*r ?3 Fipsov;l IJ ft~ct of 'Fenipc-raturc atid Fmczing on Cap-acity of fSeedo of tho Um 11c), - 'P,-"UljY Scr. IV, 1937 , pp. 121-12 -1 It "sebero A. ras4tw cbW=d frm text of tM Uft, resistaft and eatre of vmBuft.pattlaw. of otter 100~ smargdoem.. V. 31#- ign, w. Wooft wd no 9f IV* w9o~ WC 73*12813-13J' NU OW2.15 (1106)