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Fedorov, Ye.A The Biological Effect and Behavior of Radioactive Fission Products in Agriculturalz Chains 10 pp State Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy of the USSR# Moscow ALC/RFP/TRANS-156-74 Worova Yoo Ki. Wootber and the Harvest, 50 pp FWODA I !MSMOAX, Leningrad. 1973. PP 3-56. JPRS 63M Fedorov, lo. K. WSH, World Itw6rs !-fist Preserve lbvironment. 16 pp VgAIMORLYSTUIL 0WOMMA I -M'AOI)I, Lardngrad, 1972. pp 74-86. ims 6o446 *dd sawl-I a ym 'ga l'g*lqA*4w pw $nspasm . 60040V 111T mm $V=MM I V===Uv// ..- ad 'U OAMOil I LI)OkOV t VU. A. KU I YP I. ~, I ~ oLz~ u A I w. 0 1 N III R101 UGR A P It I(, -swu,fl ti Vt R;~ I 1 -,,o1 I , ~ I : . .". ,-f, , , " //. I") I GLJla--l I YA I KARTIA;RAF IYA I #It 19731 42-45 F:-, TC-H I -2,J-U 151)- 74 Fedorova, I. S. Determination of the Distribution of Thin-Shdled Spheres by biametere PIrom Electromagnetic Radiation Scattering L'Sta. 8 pp, go"EA, moscow. Vol 18, No 6, Nov-Dec 73. pp 1014- 1019. jpRs 63027 Fedoroup Is Be Calculation of Distribution Flanction for the N a tera of Thin-Waned SpIkeres an the Bmsis of Electro=gnetic RadiAtion scatter Data# 8 pp KOF171RA, Moscows Vol 18j, Ilo 69 1973,, PP IW4- la9l jpRs 62.91+2 Fedorovicho Ve A* Institute of U.S. Studios of the AcadeDw of Sciences USSR. 7 pp USAi ECONOMICS, POLIMS, ID.FjOLOGY, Moscow, No 3, may 1974, pp 12-16. j ms 6a91 24-hay-74 Uncl (CGNF-7006B1--, pp 114-115) Radioprotective effect of dimethysul fox He at superlethal doses of radiation. FEDOROVSKII, L.L.; VASILIEVSKAYR, V.V. 1970. Translated from Materials or the first all union conference, pharmacology of antiradiation preparations, 2- -5 June 1970, Moscow. Prom I. a I I -uni on conforence on ph a rmnco I oily of ant I rndl ?jtl on I)ror)nrnt Ions; Mr)gcow, USSN (2 Jun 1970). NSA 24-Oct-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7571. pp 177-180) Some data on the -lignificance of the hemopoictic tissue in the mechanism of 3.5 to 5 day death of rats under the conditionn of nonuni form Irradlet tion. FEDOROVSKII, L.L. (Inst. of biopligsic!3, Moscow). Aug 1974. Translated from hadiobiologlyal, 14': No. Z, ?95-2)7(1974). NSA 0 Fedoruk, A. Atmospbere of Actual Battle Needed in Training Exorcises, 5 pp XWNAYA ZVUDAj Moscow. 26 Aur, 1973, p 2. JFRS 60249 Incroased 1, oddor Base to I romote !.,oat Velivorics, by 1. i-odorus, 5 PP- " i(uj , pert owcov, lio 2, Fob 1973, PP 4W~2, JfIZS 58996 Clay 73 LVortance of Regular Livoutook DoUvery Sohodules Uscusedo by 'I* Fioprdws 7 pp. RUSSIM s part ., -- n lobadn MSRV mosoms No 4t Apr IM# pp 4-7s, jm5m JMO" Fedaseyev, Bo of Modern. WaU-Adapted neld Equip- =at 0 5 pp SELIHAU ZHMI . Nbacowo 10 id 74* p 2,, im 62744 FEDOSEYEV V., A. //FIZIKA AERODISPERSHURMTtm MaliVEDOMSTUNN NAUCHNYY SBORNrK// ..--/--/1972, N0006 Ignition of magnesium particles in various media 6 pp pp 68-72 AIR/rTD/ht-23-1214-740# Fedossyevo P, The Theoretical FOMWAtions of the Ler&dst Party, 9 pp &=QI k, Homeow, So 14,1 Sept 19?39 pp 24-36, MS 60631 Fedoseev, P. N. New method for the q%;antitative determination of nitrogen in nitrogen-containing sub- stances, IZVESTIXA YUSHIM-MiLBSYM ZAVEDENIT- IEL-KIINOLOCIIYA LEGKOI PROMISHLENNOSI. 19711 pp 55-57, 11, 1. NTC 73-12207-07C. FEDOSEJEA, ANNA //7,rinctiRim, FUP WISSMISCHArTLICHE PHOTOGRAPH PIIOTPIIYSIK UND PHOTOCHEMIE// V0063, N--..- Contribution to the subject of color developing Part 18 on the regeneration of color developing I-Paths by means of ion exchangers and adsorption resin.,3 9 pp T)T) 1,03-111 ARM/FSTWIT-23-13SI-73 Numbf.~r 7-A DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US COVERNMENT AGENCIES ONMIN! Fedoseyev, P. 11. Building of a Developed 6ocialist Socioty in U5JR - Triumphs of Ideas of Leninism, 16 pp KO&MI-5R. Moscow. No 2, Jan 19?4, PP 20-32. ims 6-107 FEDUSEEVA A GL RL.k')LNLRAT'lUN UF UJLOk-L)LVELUPING BAMS - ION EXCHANGERS AND ADSORPTION RESINS FUER WIS PHUTOGRAPHIE-PHYSIK-CHEMIE 1969 NO 7-9 PP IU3-111 FSTC-M-23-1351-73 .Unstable Internal Waves in a Viscous Fluid. Marine Hydrophysical Researcho.No. 1, FSTC-HT-23-1498-72 FedomeM, A, GOVEMMT USE ONLY WiUtbe USSR Ugbt Cbim? 7 pp JNW-o Fmnh'vrt/Ndn, Jbv 1973m PP 37-40,p ~7M 4761 Fedoseyev, Po Need for Deeper at~u4 of PArAsis-badnism, 6 pp x2m%l R&NOWL boscow. No 2. 1974, pp 6a.64. JERS 61671 Pedosoyev' Ps No f*Put"os ROPOrt On f;ducatiOn, Science, c)dture, 16 pp T'PAVDA, A;,Osc0w, 19 Jdy 19731, p 2. JPRS 59856 Pedosoyev, Petr 'Tilmlayevich ~,~oviet-t''DP Idoologues Emphasize Unitad Communi at-Soc ia list Action, 15 pp. F-ITITTIETT, Fast Barlin, Vol 26, !,'o 12-73, pp lk~ -1372. ,T--,,RS 61011 Fn)) 76 F'-,o'I) OS BYEVs V. A. 113RD INT."MiATTONAL 5YU-'0,71Ulj' CYN COi-011,17TION pp-04W KAZP?.Tl,,'J?Z, POTANDII --/0 11/1.9 73., Acrosusponsion can.)uation, 3 L,`P, 84- 36 1 .1,70 07P4 73, 11 lk.,caLber 1973 11110,19--iff-el 3-1412- 74 PISTRIBUT*MY TO U.S. GOPT A(T,,,'IIC.TEs ONLY COPYRIclily' INPORPIATTON. OTHER RRQLIRS~' 131,tZ BE Rl"Ph"RIA'd Po PP[)## Fadotops N. P. I ritu"tigagm of str*Mth .of alootro&pWOod nfobt ZHUMAr, PRrKUWOr KHZMJX vi, 44,0 Z9714, pp. Z8284833 ==W.~ . M W-1201PE-117 YU rNC 7464260 Fodutovp N. burns, Frostbite, and Freezing -~' ~~ ~) I STARS)ITNA SPIRZHANT, No 1, 1 Jm 1970, I)p 33 OACSI-K-4858 Fedotov.. Fluorination of Mthaae at Low Pressuros W AKADOW.UmseaRL.-MOIC.ALMaSWALvoliv LAR R 205p No, 2* JanuW 1973, rp 1101-1,01 . I C3 Podotops, R. G. Partioutar Featww of the Stmtm md"'Pomy of unstable S-Solid Solutions vfAS W-Y.44tOM Z4 pp NOW XOMURMONNY MArMAL Wo" pp. 48-56 Ff- DO 10 v 9v S I A Ni)At~o I Li tj 4 1 Nu-i L V L, I k IG P UWLR UN I T M,FKH. L LI-KIVA I- IK. t 1971 , NO. 7# PP 43-4 Fedotov# YaoAf Editor Semicoaductor Devices ikod Their Application, Issue 25,p 1911 407 pp POLUPROVODNIKOVYVE PRIBORY I IKH PRIMENENIYE Issuo ~5* 1971 FSTC-IIT-23-450-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITRD To U.S, GOVT AGENCIES 15-May-74 Oncl (CONF-703681-9 pp 93-94) Evaluation of the increase In radioresistance of tissues under the influence of radloprotective compounds. FEDOTOVA, M.I.; P9ZHDESTVENSKII, L.M.; ROMANOV, A.I. 1970. Translated from Materials of the first all union conference, pharmacology of antiradiation preparations, 2-5 June 1970, Moscow From 1. ail-union conference on pharmacology of antiradiation preparations. Moscow, USSR (2 Jun 1970). NSA Fedotarse No F* Two Foms of Subjective Determination of the Uader's Position in &wLU Omerimental Groups. 7 pp . Mm, au ISIMIAM IS la I mrVr mraL &I EWIMMIUt IARWrado 1973o PP 16~;110- JPRS 61651 Fedotova, T. Devolopmnt of IAlasures to Combat Wheat Rut Described, 5 pp &EL#S6&YA &HIZN'. Moscovil 8 mar 1974,j p 2. JPRS 61816 Fedulov, D. flanning for Large Panel Residential Housing Construction. 7 pp ARKIJT~U t4 M, 1, Moscow, No 8 * Aug 1973, pp 39-41. jpRs 6o381 FedYMOV p A* Me A MW of Determining Obsolescence of Hadinery. 8 pp UAHT7ATSju-j I*QT - JMBW IF,& ~-01 1101002 )rA,YST , X0800wo No 10 pp im 55 rooww,, av P* v iavt~i~ to Inveil Toobniques ~Gm issues ~~~a for Lry vaccino Avrosdat by i.GdySM# ?U19 per& ibi=3 ifikm"ala4i , WdodalmAL Howowt so no i9m, pp 92-96o 73 FEDYAYEV, S. F. /lI.ABORATORNOYE DELO,// Using the method of light scattering in stydy- ing biological aerosol., 5 pp pp 699-7011 AIRIFTD/Ift-23-1648-74~0. 7gumms W. //Mmlz// W-/07/19739VO0251,NO7/89 Problems of the Reliability of Themal Power Stations hvm the Planning Stage to the Operstioml stoop pp 190-198,,C. E. Tftm. 6456" 25-Apr-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7423) Systematic recording and evaluation of failures. FE"NPRICH, W.; rELDMANN, J.; rRANZEN, L.r.: STOLL, A. (TECHNISCHER UEDERWACHUNGS VEREIN E. V., COLOGNE (VEST GERMANY). INSTITUT rUER REAKTORSICHERHEIT). 1973. Translation of (IRS-W- 4). 50p. Dep. NTIS $4.50. 181 reactor engineering; 181 reactor safety; 18L reactors power; translations HN-80 P NSA W. Fekse- Exanple of Draving Ml*er System In a MacbIne Tool Factory., by W. Pehae. OMWAN,, per$ lndustrl*-AnzelgD 1963, PP 747-7'TO-- aw 72.14246-131 Vol 85, No 37, Jan 73 U89 W~4 Im I -- - M&W 6d "WT '6 09 OEJ 10A 0W M AM= oviv"m (ormaq) a; =Baptq jo uol%vaW*M pTft OH "aftmom reiatingero U.K.- Rapid Sampling and Determinatiohlof Hydrogen in Commercial Steel Molto. ARCHIV EISENIIUTTENW., Vol.44,,1973, No.4, pp. 277-281. HB 9067 Feichtinpr,.R. , Sr. Hapid determination of hyd.rogen in (ferrous) metals. ARCH Ell DAS L, I S LUN, 1972P pp 693-697, v. 43, 'n. 9. HB- 8871. reigellson, Ye. m. Radiant Heat Tranafer in a Cloudy Atmosphere, LUCHISTYI TEPLOOBMEN I OBLAKA, 1970, pp.1-191i 1MM P;,3gi;amofor 9cienil Translations Jeruslaem 1973 Some Problems of the Theory of Nonlinear Damperev by Me I* Feigin. RUSSIAN, per, jgXjjhQk W a Do Omnoi (age 3), 9 1963t pp 235-247. HTC 72-10956-20K May 72 am=# :0 0t //Am=.- mmwxwml U W 110TOW/ ;-v /1my"Ovow"I b"studics of the Btu Of ombudlon of Kffdr4st Tutu" " 17974401TO 74-UL,09-UM Pairing, Robert COmmmists Criticize Propoaed Platform for New Party, 6 pp, FRIHETEIT, Oslo, 2-7 Sep 74P pp 'It 14. JPR9 63159 Nov 74 Fairing, Robert ClarMcotlan ASIced Is CP Fragna on N*mAW"s Road to SocitUms 5 pp Eumot Oslos 15-20 Oct 1973# p 10. JM 60623 rsist,o R. J, Me ot"n4im of odors by ctat4lytio omobustion. STMDMYGIM Vot let No 38, 2986,0 pp SS-61 I YR 7XITHM Feitknechts W. The basic carbonate of zinc. CA gUlfA AMD Vol. 499 19668, p. 334-344 WTC 73-11360-07B Feizulin, Z.I. Optical image of two dimensional light diffraction (U~Sg IZVESTIM VUZ RADIDFIZIKA _ ) 7"-,w7r C.E. Trans 6139 object using ultrasonic Vol 15, No 5, pp 713- may 73 Feigin, T.S. Somc charactoristics of antibody.formatioll during hyperimmunization of rabbits with oscherichia coli antigens. 1971, pp 29-34, v. 43, n. 2. NTC 73-12184-061,1 NLL ilk TS 7419 f'Ice-timly A~rauajjj V) 924210974 L.1 o i ,u r t a -wnco, roa(!y Copy. 'EJT I 'I. /ELEXTROTECHNICKY OBZORI// ,ybird ac and.dc tranmissim.of aleot~ric.power,. ,p 712-720 C.E. TRANS 6431fl~ Pokste, Laszlo Gyor 1972 consumr Goods FIGYMO Budapest,* 7FEM039 Trade Emaineds 6 pyt No 31o 1 Aug 73t PP Is 50 Oot 73 FeWo-p Sondor atom, Exbont of State Subsidies Detailed# 6 po#' viv EwnSTA,, Midapento No 6m Am 73,, nn Wplv* . ~iIAS 59465 Feklichev, V.(;. lustru;:jant for the Crystal-optical Stiply of Hillerals by - - - VSI,'SOIUZNOL- MINERALOGICHESKOLI OBSIiQIESTVO ZAPTSKI. Vol 102, Nu 3, 1973, p1) 374-377 *.NTIS-'F'1-74-55031 OM 110 4 & ) AV Alb Qq e, "o 4b -- .. . ell bs ./ 11 40 ,e e ~p ie - - . e 4 I Clik 44e 04 b,% NP J~ lz$p v I 4~0,v -P. p-- Ad Falds Sv Rol* of Inventions in Toolmiwa PMress Veiwedq 12 pp PLAN40YE -Ka2&1&MQ, Mo3cowo iio 6, 19740 pp 84.93, JPRS 62629 FELID. YA. N. //RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEXTRONIKAsO, --/09/1973t V0018, H0009, Diffraction of Scalar Waves at open surfaces. English pp 1305-1312 Rusuian pp 17H S/P@@ ftl% IL No lo Vwe Diffraction by a Finite Plane. parGII&I MweSdde "an 12 pp %got,"- I -ILaktrw, volo 28# moo 4# IMP PP 8ff- 9w CIA-X-r9l Fel'd, Ya. Ui Diffraction of electromagnetic waves by non- closed screensi DOKLADY AKADEMII N VIET PHYSICS, V.212~ 140.1, 1973, pp.79-82. AIP FFLDFR,o R. IIAN WE ;J'1lRHOVOLFJ'(IJlAl?7, CNElflIk,'11 --/--/1,9?,3, V0031,N---., Invcf)bi.,mtio7w on hheir mechantsm Of light stoUlizem. Part 1, pp 35-54*XTC 74-11448-07M Folodmant P. A. Mobanism of the Formation of Thnval Cracks to Mgh chromium Iran. IBV.ITUz. cow, WRT. p 1973p Nos.2p ppo 134-138 BISI U479 - ludmomp j4 /Irj= 72H 16/10/19728va-SOMONO-v-0 Duago in limleOr MUMS Po"r 9/120 Ce to Trams 7A388~ vcildmans N. L. G~mptf-jr 2: Gircuits for tho tiectric Powor Raquiroments of Atodc Power Plante. 50 pp WiJklMOSTI 1-11!,KTIUCIII,~SLOX CIJQ)'j ALQM_YA~ L4LLKrRUST&jS,II, Lderdugradq 19720 pp 30-?2. il,i(s 60000 I.'el Idm . an, 11. 1, Chapter 4: Assuring Continuity of jupply of an Atomic Power Plant's Own Power Requirements Onder hmorgency Conditions, 31 PP WUbh-NNWTI IIIATIUCI ",KOY CIL&STI ATOMIYU vLLKrRW"TX4TSIY, Leningrad, 1972, pp 92-117, JVRS 60000 ~elldman, 11,1. L. Chapter 31 Deteridnation of the ReUability or supply of an Atomio Power Ijantos On Power Roquire-ments Lbider Norml And Ikorgancy Gmcd- tiono. 25 PP QSUBI-MaTj LIJ-XT~,12dUo CJJA~a ATOjjNjQJ . Lmingmd. 1972. PP 73-91. I-LEUMANTSIX JPRS 60000 Feltdman, M. Le Appendex to Characteristics of the Electrima Part of Atorda-blectric Plants, 20 pp OSO�gNOBTI LW-=PjQHWiQ Q"I MPAIKH W-ILKWUMS11, Leningrad* 1972, pp 1 3. JFRS 60000 Polldinan, X. L. Chapter 5: Characteristics of the !,Ain Plectri- cal Circuits of an Atomic Power flant. 15 PP WOOk%NWT1-L-UtU)dCj~QKOY CHASTI ASOMILi "MTROSTANTSIX, Lcnlngmd, 19720 pp 118-129. JM 60000 Felldman. Me L, Chaptor 61 Working Conditions of AES In a Flower Syatem. 2-1 pp 2�WDJ4NQST-1 aUTRI-~M�KOX, -EIMIX ATOMNY ~,'LF,KTFO,qjMTSlX. Leningrado 1972. pp 13 6 JMS 60000 Felldman, Me. L. Chapter 7: Operating Characteristics of Al!sP Electrical bquipment. 5 pp 5 -H QS0BWlQ'lTl LMRICWSKQI OWI AT2MYK FIMROSTANL31.1, IAordngrad, 19721, pp 147-151. JPRS 60000 Felldman, 1,~, Le Chapter 1: The Pole of Eloctric Circuits and Ilectrical Lquipment in tho Tecludcal Cycle of I-lectric Vower Production at k:S. 23 pp 030BUMQgTJ ALML100401 QJUSTJ AT(IMNXKJI hLI,-KTROSTANT�LX, Leningmd, 1972, 168 pp, JPR370000 Fet&ms 0. 0. . . ..., ,flawhiotowdat IWA04 i" hygismie OtOS&OURsdim .OMMA X ,qANXfARZYA rot $I& so 4# 1978,0 pp 08-88 ~ 117C 7361589-08of I~vlldmn, I-M, I.I. Mvadukaya, and 1963 [1.1. Lyutova Temporature resistmice of some mrine n1gae under nstura~ awi experimental imiditions TsltolcOis, I't(2): 125-1'4. n iiussilaii. 'Prans. ror Fir, na (). lo~,,. d A I 1~4 b! ~. rolUran, N. L, Thernal stability of forrodoxin from PEA (Plaw. sativum L.) leaveo hardoned I~y heating. DOKTADY AKADEAVY NAUK SS-R, 444 BOTANICAL SCIENCH3, ra PM,, ?7o 9,, Jan 1973', pp 479-4010, OR Feldowns N. L. Taqwrature resistance of some mrim algae under natural and experimental conditions. TSIMIDGIYAS VO 9 n. 20 19630 p.125-134 Sw 71~# us //STAn 111 z 13 // -'/--/l973aVW3,,WW3t Mallurly of the Proftetion of Lm-.Nitrog4n Steel In the 03wm emnwtar St"i mautj PP 85-939M1 11356OR Yu. Feltbywl Throahold concentrationa of diketew during ahort-tarm inhalation. RIOLOGICURSKOE nff,75VIS I GIGIENICRESKOE WOOD? ATMOSFERVYKH ZAGRYAZNENII. VbZ 11, 1968, pp 168-195 NTC 73-10498-06? (r. 45-51) on loan $8.00 narvice charge wa! I ?.~' Fi.'.LIU.Wql XU* I ww/4wwjl968vVa-mfta~NOOD34 pp 0051-0065 Angdar Tmcking of a Target Against a ftokground of Correlated Noiso in War Ath lxttrml Coherence (For Linear Detocti*n)o 19 pp Quo JPFS U5U5 Falldmann, B.A. et al Mechanism of the Formation of Thermal Cracks in Ifigh Chromium Iron. IZV. VUZ CHERN. MET., 1973, No.21 pp.134-138. OEM 11419 nUKWj It. D. //WT.Z IRD. rwm.// ~~-/07/1973#VOOOXMq Wd Pbmlzg Machim"alection and Requirowirtes rp 393-4MoMl 1220hg~ reldmann, H. D'. , ",-' - Cold forming machines - selection and require- ments.' WT - Z IND FERTIG 1973, Vol.63, No.7, July pp.393-400. *BISI 12204 Feldmann, J. Mechanical Amage on the nuclear and conventional sides of nuclear p"Ower stations NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, Vol 19, pp 207-219, May 1972 C.E. Trans 6167 may 73 3-Dc t-73 Uncl (JPRS--60000) Characteristics of the electrical part of atomic-clectrIc plnn~-3. FFLIDNAN, M.L.; CHERNOVETS, A.K. 11 Sep 1973. trmnslatl-W o Ciobenno3tl elektriche5kot chasti atomnykh elektrogtantsli, Izdatellstvo Energiya, Leningrad, 1972. 202P. 4TIS. 18E nuclear power plants; 181 reactor engineering; translations MN-80 N P NIS A Felldshtsyne It. I, Variations of Magnetic Fields in InterPlAknetarY Spikes and an the Earthes Sue&00* I? PP VESTVIK MQEjj__NAW �M, moscou.. No 8. AUg 1973. PP 15-27. JPRS 60575 Al~-,3;indro P~Ag IHS'fIT1jT0 NACIONAL DE 1NVEc"rIGACIONrS ACRO- 0 ;- 6T.7 - - - - - 1i ;..ICA; Cj."~TPG DE , Vol. P , - s -1 J) 1). 11 ? j -- 11 13. TT 7L1 -S3020 reliu, S. et al Influence of Humidity and tamination on Atmospheric in Madrid. CORROS. TRAIT. PRO. riq, Tp.474~482. BISI 11303 Sulphur Dioxide Con- Corrosivity of Steel 19721, Vol. 20, No.7