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Dyban, Ye. P. Experimental study of the cooling system for the rotor of a low-flow gas turbine 11 pp. ENERGONASHIN,OSTROYEKIYE, No. 2, 1973v pp. 7-10 AIR/FTD/KT-23-532-73 *Mo. -Vo. IIU offe*6 o1 a deflo*6or goontav on heat trawfor in Ae owUPWIoup of d#fU*W om"o 10 VP No pp Dydenkog bohdan &ports Disausis Parasitism, Countemesoures Proposodo 9 Pp SLM NSKIMB, Waraws 7 MAr 1974, PP It 5. JPRS 61737 naval Commawers Tralsim Ilimunw, k& , by a.. ~ 90 3 pp. i * *6 &UMM-ItOAft, Smov, 28 Bob 1973a, p 2. JHW "? Apr 73 Fighway Construction illans Reviowed, by ~Tgu .9 ~V!:~Ptt 7 PP. GOV17RIME'ITT USE OTTLY C7IF!,Cli, per, silnicni Obzor~ Prague, NO 3~ 1973, p-p 65-66j, 937- - ,TPR3/L 4526 "Ry 7, Dykhovichnaya~ Me Yus Anotherlstrategy for Survival's j pp USA: BCOMQ, ~VLOJQS4 I", al. hoscowt No 9t sop 749 pp 92-934 JPRs 63209 DYLEIISKA. 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R6&GB 1051 DZHAVADOV. R. B. //SOVETS,KOYE ZI)RAVODKHRANENIYE// -/--/1974,V---,NO011,, pp 0094-0095 Conference DWicated to the Centenary of N. A. Seushkols Pirth 2 pp JPRS 63798 0 Dshawarorv, 1. Leal Paper Attacks Itlemic Vestiges in Central "Us 3 PP MVPA. ygaoUo Tashkento 28 Sor 1974o pp 2-3. JM 63-793 Dzbelopov, Simeon w1garlan Patent Polloy, Protoction Poseribod, 15 pp. I M R.IMUTTARODII O'M?O5ITF-,ITjYAt Sofia,, No 3, 1973, PP 35-70 ,TPRs 60466 'Tov 7 3 14-May-74 Uncl (DRNL-tr--2810) Marked chromosome associations in :nDnkeys. 11. The association frequency and quantitative analysis or nucleoll In cultured lymphocytes berore and after the, ant I-lymphocyte immunoglobulin t red t me n t .WHEMILEV, Z.A.: VERBITSKII, M.Sil., SHATALOVA, I.N. Translated by M. Gerrard from Tsitoloqiya ; 2 5 :No. 99 1133-1134(1973). 6p. Dep. NT13 $4.00. J6 binmed: translations MN-48 11 NSA DVIESSATI. 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Fast Barlint Vol 299 No 4l 19749 .... pp . .. 3~30 JM 62139 Zborts G, Interfacial effects and protein coufa- mation of f lbre keratins. FCRTB=rff MULM Me LOWID3 OR MUM V, 531 P. 38-030 IVYI. WW- an 93-0*36-413 may 73 ; ~~b ' erf., leorfT priority of Capital qoods Ovor Consumer Goods -Dist--Iflod, 11 -pr). '-T~NTTT!iTP, ir'aat Berlin, 'lov 73, PP 1326-1333. .77r,790 ja n 71~ .,*, (!~ I Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Curie Pointp by R. Ebert. GERMAN9 perp axalkaUmahe Z211mok=p Vol 39p 1938p pp 598-605. HTC 72-10991-20C May 72 FBF-MT, URSTJIA //J)Tn- WIRTSCIIAFT// --/10/1974,V----,NO041, Work 5hift to 3timulate 5 pp jpRs 63645 R PP 0007 Initlativos Diacussed Organ Y and the Determination of Grovth and floul-ting In Carcinus Maenns (L.) Decapod Crustaoonno by 0. Behalier. 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OmMag wd monVaim Wl Tooveraturs Meamwommto Part L Testing Romdto vith the Aid of Tautoehrono Plots WIT= W Lunt V. 12p 1960# pp. 63-0 1ITC 73-21576-0W Nm x7e.324M ~-Ioasllras to improvo 'lutritional QUality of roodstuff a ')iacusaod, by 7 por, !Ao Wirtschvf t, '~.:ast 2 ma y JPIIP~~ 59230W Ya n 7 3 O^y K~ CO 0 _yj 0 A -Y WITHDRKWAL Ecker, K. et al Experiments involving vacuum- treated steel for forgings and plates. BERG. -U. HUTTENMI 197.1, Vol.116, No.11, pp. 407-417. BISI 11549 ECKERT. K. D. //EINTGE BESONDERHEIIMN PER LANDENHILTEN 'DLS UND SETAU/ Some particulars of the landing ai4s DLS and setae 33pp pp 34 nASA TT F 16607#0 :,~ckert, Ra-Inor aofom and Rovolution Tinder Conditions of Q State Monopoly, 9 pp. MARXISTISCHR BlAJ!7FTER, PrankfiLrt am Main, JuMug 7-3-,-pp 16-22. .TP133 59816 Son 73 Eckhardt, W. I -I MILITARTECHNIK, No. 4, 1973, pp.182-183. NISC 3465 A Modern ASW Ship of the Soviet Navy Ecksteing H. Investigations into the influence of water from the river Rhine on the limnology of Lake Schluchsee ARCHIV FUR HYDROBIMMIS SUPPL. . Vol 28, Wo . 2/3 pp. 119-182 (YAr 1964) c. E. Tram 6m BOYSTEINt HAITS /MVE HTTETTE// --/09/1974$,Vww-",TT----, pp 0532-0539 Development of Nonferrous Metallurgy Discussed 13 pp .Tp,,is 63745 4r,