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Rotler", R. lldt,m:olzz m"timmow omtt&,g ixvt4ttd*4xw for ow toy adwam of a4voops.-f1w high spodawpity awr IVA'Cznllllcfir M12TUANION znpp, 0. uj, tms R71''Moe mww~ 0 - 0 MIT ?gj.zs374-IJFI tocar 4 )IMA"I'llm ammew/ J11, allialptimat a wkwd fm sta*ft Grow" CiMpimb in the AtM40mmot vp 31,143MC 7440ft4M POLIT9 - J. i, /RETUE GENEFALE ELECTRICITE// ---/Q1/1971, V0003, N0001 Tochnique of power transmission by V. H. V. underground cables, installation and service [)'vohlem 1?-,) 45-66 ESB Trans 540#0 I Rcillot, P. Agglorreration chain No, III RFVUE DE METALLURGIE, v. 6B, p. 693-699, 1971 71",- 12615 3 Polnik, Amos T-.!ounded Veteran of 'Six-Day Ilar Plelps Wounded T,ocl,ay, 6 pp. W.W.'WIFIT, Tel Aviv, 1.6 Jan 74, pp 12-13. T - 777 7 AT),-, 74 'Zoviain, J. P. I' j~,xperimental study of the dynamic compres- !Ability of an aluminum- copper lanallar i~.-Olllpl)site. PARIS, COMPT ~_- J.=IJ.S.-1972, pp 637-640, Series B, v. 275. NTC 73-12047-11D. ,.569 ... v-dIO Rawas V, M. -Ampilysis of upumWItating fJAw =*and almodw ipmftl" In a bwoUL stvwm. ON I,* lb rjF, V. 22-30p IWI M-1 -eft Mo' `3 clroup 10'onfors on Industrial Economics, by I-RINGARM11,19 por Ma ar Tudomany, Budapest, I Mm '10 3, 1 -lar 73, ')P b7- ,Ti,fiz 5,-)007 wnw f,34 KO 9 1. -flSKON01MIKA SELISZ-30 mmuysmfl -111/1974,11-914(aLls PP 0042-0030 Ad,rantages of intasifisd Uvestock RalsW Sim-eissed 12 pp jp,,rs 63850 i Ro romem ko, 1Y. To Pnoupatio daqqnif in a tmvogdnio PAWORSHO 4rofftme ZUKIS TA ML M fwmr. so Pp lips,, pp S"? Prillromic ""-- ( -.?'6 -- x - knons1*09 P. N* IV" ~ Of a Trimoverlm, Ilk" now on mat Tradw ad 1"wtu of a Tobulait Ibt Air Flm In Jtd lyawtvie DIMMV with a pe"MIMS Van 8 VP I UjMb V4 169g, No. 2# WO J IM AStAt-MB NIMT-1995-72 7. N. Rownealco A* Possibl* Applicatlon of Wer PropertUs in 114110techwA001(al Installatlow FIMA-M-23-4U.72 RC*U,,NUiKO, TE, V. J'/50OLCGICHFSKrr 7.HUR':tiW/ ---/-,-/l97)pVOD52j,N0010v pp I j~yxlvodywdc ChamoteAstics Mkf~ Bay"l Seal. 8 pip jr-m 63632 Romiftw*ol To. Ve DweffUgatiM Genemblon of Schdoestion Adsox In 142pbIns, 8 py, ~ 19 DGICMKU ZHUNg, moscowt No n. ign, w b96-1703s Mull 61333 rolm"VE'lao, if. tj. 1/1M.721YA AKADEMIYA NAUK 33SSJ?, NEORGANIMESKIF I-MITUALY11 -1-10731* V0009,,N0002, Otstribut-Im., coufficimita and solubility cumva of of vome ram.-eafth a lewnta in GzAs pp, 190.,.190,PITC 74-1258d~-07D## J1'=w1ukj, L. 1. COMIAtion between tko p"atlal ad dowity f1lactus. tUm at * plmmp avd, tio comomeblyo trowpwt at pr- t-Aclaip wxm Wo mpstU tl*U In a. pomlxg dlnbwp Ilk W1 pvoomw at mableal "Ulty. 91i I Vol ist ank imo 1138 mom am& III 47s,41AW fam IN 1-15A1 IIOM=iiuk.. L. 1. RmvmUtim betwom Cm patmt1al and desity fluctua- tims of a plswmj~ mt t2w canwtivo tramepwt of pultbiles aerms tM sw4wtic flaM In a pmslng dis. chmxg~v In the pmmm of regAlaml lm"Ultp 01MAZI WM.' 2MAI Vol IGP No 3., Nuvh 131r0, IV 455AW 1IAm 2T 7-15.OM6 T I - C)'C I(' fltiOLLC Of 13". chromium steel Li !,ascokis I,.ydroj,'Cn. " "T.1i,-0 ~.,IZ -FIIVIICHF~'KAYA '~,WKIIANIKA MATERIALOV, Vol. Nlo. 1, p. 1,02-104, 11972 ma y 73 Rowdyt A, W. untles or low-qcla totigus or sumis in lk .~Vdrovm atmm*we mt VOUT vw~- 0 Nza. vtaw 80 IMP #30 tv - 75-W im 9047 niv 73 ROMAI-liv, d4 110 RU FKi~CVURE MICROAPPEARANCL ANU FRACTURE TOUGHNE SS Of~ TLMPEREO STEELS FIZIK,D-KHIMICHESKAYA MEKHANIKA MATERIALOV9 It IY31 3-8. 10 F 5 1(-,- iT-23-0 713- 74 Romwivs, ). M. CWtiod myA openiiW ord the mlovotmoftm of ftw,hava in slimto-at atioelf. P1 W)MILM WWAWV *I #s lk to , T 41 pp $4-69 Ao 1-7173 (~, ~J, A-'OMCiA;V ,ftucture TouloMes as a CMtfttaUtte Of the Uli- ability of VAUrials In ServicA, by 0. No lameniv md Yu. Do Pstrka. I?IZEKO-KHIH. MEKH. HAT., Vol 8, 1972, Be 3$ pp 12-1S. 0-3891 ,(~prik 73 .1orvanov., A, mo2davian Officials '~Asauss Industrial i PsycholoL-y, 6 pp. I7V71,,,TlyAf Moscow" 5 Tun 73, P 5. 771 57~, o !.! z - ? 3 A. Y. Romanov .PZ-i?lcipze8 of automating controZ syetems. 351 pp. AVTOMATIZATSIX SISTEVY UPRAVLENIYA 1971, pp 1-248 UIR-17TD-MT-24-1341-719, apr '3 1~onariov, Go itagon of I,P-onodc Ormyth, 20 op KQ "!,411i; MloscmT, ;"~O 1, Jan 1974, 76-92. 9F- - 5114 4:1 pp LIILINGMUIA imm, r-Z I. mis 62232 Ilrelftl W ( V - n, TA ti I Yl/~ /V " V, ftlopftmt aw miau u QUdrim in Gemato 1* M. 1. *49" of Seboa 14*4,yvvo ,~ PAMM. V. T. - al MZA PPA a 0 ~, saw ft 3s, .191,"PPP 394 'Jits V" ftftsw~ 24-Aug-73 Uncl (3RNL-tr--2592) Specific characteristics of cra,-k propigat ion during cyclic 10ading in I IquIJ media. RD'! ~14OV, 13 . N. ; PET R I N4, Y'J.D . ; Z I M A, YU. V. Translated fro, FiZ.-Khin. Mekh. Mater., 8. No. 4. 35-38(1972). 7p. Dpp. NTIS 13.33. 13 r,r gineering; IIF metallurgy: translations MN-25 P NSA ROMMOV, O.N. Ot 91 Specific Characterinics of Crack Propagation During Cyclic Loading in Liquid Media FIZAU-011-11WESKAYA, MEKIIMIKA MATERIALOV rOT 8, No 4; 1972, pp 39-19 AECYOWIL tr-2692-72 July 1973 Ron mov, 0, Ya, The Theory of A* SUbility of Pm&r hma6W ? pp WRJ'Nzyjr Z M?YV, 1978 pp, ##,go 74TV-MV-Pl-ll:,W7,i " RKWIMOV - - ~ I # V. A. a study of tbw probLm of acid cmdematim t4opMUSO in ship' boiltr abavat pme. XM?F UND UAJW,, Vol. Z?m Aug 19W# PP 729-7W MR mm" Wr" 1,101=10vt V, 06 (lbowillamelonat tmwn "lu fbr the vm eqntlan liolakm MANKM WK 805h !W =a. "10 2310 M14. 5p 1973 Aigpitl p1w. 1003010% AV *immmp Tj 04 941tqawsu lbmftl fors OWN" MM at bl*44M lww" 44IMM ADJEM I" i IN Ift., i3al MID& VIL 0*0, I's its =7369IF' . V . I - / of 1, " 11) ~-) IS T p OY T., 111 y 1, / / - ./ .- /19737 V---- - . T10012 PI-xi.-de couTplings 19 1r, .1 -.21: r ONI PIT- 3 0 -14 2 -75#11-P 1, RUMANJV, V. r"I Ku UPTIMIZATION uF FHE GRAPHIC DATA INPUT-OUTPUT S(.J6S,(:)TLM IN AN AUTOMATE-0 INFURMA NAULlHN(J-TL-KHNlCH. INFUR. SER. 2 1972 NO. 129 PP 34-tZ Romnav . lu, A* Sam * Fwuliaritiea of the Wind Field at the aquator in Ownnactim With Atwsphsric Pressure llatribuUonc 8 pl) IR i amamm, Mscows No 6* 1974v Ili 11 1 lp)V5`~ ll~fta ipm 62864 Ace-aracy of Natcorological Obsorvatiom on Ships ,,,nd the Porsibility of Mesomteorological Measure- mew-..q in the Tropical Part of the Ocean, by Yu. TZ, rZomano7T,, N. A. Rommova., 7 pp. US:IIAN, per Meteorolo i OldrojolUa t & MOSCM79 Ian No la 1973v m-99-103- mz,L,l 5go52 MaY ?3 lit,wm,va,, A, K, ,Z'mhibiN,mt of RibuZoom Acphooputo C4*O*LM,by Ad'anootne friphoqphate ist AsttotropWo orgmhm. jN),,KLAD.f AKAMWI HAUK SWIR. rot slim J10 is .V~711'3, pp 24Z-244 (IT ulmirm, r'. N. Sam t eUvlor patterm Im the rW*trtW..Ift *f DDIfiture on slopoi- - "MOTATA Me Railm. TIANT, n. 1470 19b"135 Vil. "*M jffir7lo,'jPM5-OF44 Im's xv-P8159 IMM"Al 1. N. //Irrml v XMI// 4-A973*16-- AWO9p ; VOW Of UN MAOMWAS AdUvIty Ot tM MU4 Aft Vins Vaeeiw ftnin Xgommpvwl-wv Vp 127-230,,WC 74-110r3646wo Romanova, MO F. Credit Conform to bionmadc laws of Socialim 10 pp RENIQ4 I mall, ljosc.,aw,, No 4, 19749 pp 39-47s JPRO 62?05 RaffianoVSkly', 1,Vt Turnpike Theorems for Sevi-Markov Decision Processes 23 pp TRUDY ORDENA LBNINA MATEMT10tESKOGO INSTITUrA I MEN I V, A. MftM 93 111,, 15701, pp 241-725 FSTC-IIT-23-272-73 RIV'AOWBKIO E. /ItAWMIEkA TAICIA 21,=IA I SWMANIA// w~-/--/1971&VDOIO#v-,s *Aol Investigatiou ct ftiational ftbigue Strength iMI" ftindle and Shcft Jowm%Uo Al 159,-177,,C, 2. lb.-mv. "* Itill Confiras Givwth Trend In Cattle Popula. tions by Tadousig Roommki,, 7 pp. KIIISHIS 4s J&'jj~d ..- ----_,_. Is Waftwo 13 XRY 731 v p 6. ivits 59284 Am 73 Romantseva, T.I. rile Extraction-Photogictric Method of Detarmin- ing the Tin in Forrous Metals. 3KS1 12045 ~~cmantsov, Yu. V. The United States and Cuba- The Start of a ?rew 6 pp. 13RA: ECTTOMICS 'POLITICS, IDPOLOGY" MOSCOW, "I - ;-TC E, M 7 PP 5T--b3- T-r-RS 59539 - kr r,* ~ 73 Abinmyuk, r. Z. r0w jhnw" oldlIal" in a ppWAV 44AOno PUM mukr smatiomm of Obrota*m ion towwoo .gMMsXZX FZZZWZX JELA!E (MPAtOXAN Bvz7ttw)o vot 11 I'm III! 7# an VPCO 73-14191-2ar 5, 1. Romanyuk L~w frequency oscillation in a penning discharge ,.Olaama under conditions of cyclotron ion source. 13 pp. YKR. FIZ. ZH. WEV) Vol 17, No 5, 1972, pp 818-824 USA -- TT F-14,-649 apr 7 3 Romnyuk, L. 1. Rotation of the ion ccmpon,?nt of a hot-cathode Penning diacharge ptamra. UVRAIN,9KTY FIZ.~CRESKIY VIMMAL. Vol 17, No 12, Dec 1972, pi-,, 2004-2010 " VIVASA TT P 14,931 ROYAS50% As L APAU01NO-TWIUMNSKOrl GVPNOYN AFTOOSEYSMMA T VORONJU VrBROSA PRr AVZNWM VZRYVAXI. ~IIIIWORNIK 64121111 Oh the meahanf4M fOP J10"MrHom mdoon As aWtarity of tifeible omtom during, eq)&wlow for ojootiom fm aoil*p 7 R pps pp hapuboys, A. 1. Atilluste of w4matuns of Una dwft a godatim for tjoation &MI scm 4uMdow at the statUKIW of allotwo 2319 /-/I;. r 0 - "t (.r -'y - v V ,v ,Ikxmho,vo A. 11. ~1',Iortdn resuZtv in tho uss of :aPposeals dimeW (11r,pimion (Sperlonat at Woo md DqMcn). 0 pp. 'r."POZIZOVANZYR VZRrVA V NAROATON MLY ,i.. ro r, 19,700, pp 102*707 ------ --- ATRIM-1121-24-1193-44 l,cw?,20hovo A, i'l, Directod explonions -Eaperience at Modeo. 22 pp, FIRTRODA No 3 1'968,0 pp 61-6? , .IbNlmmbwo A. 14 lftlwsmKp"M~ ad lama*& ~,'IWJAW. 20 P*# I - -- -- 13 ap -230*4 '*,A W. U* ROMASHOV. 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