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1 i , -. (7,. r ,~;,; .e f., -, I I -, i qpr 0 v en e n t, f) f Cla ox a (' t ~, r i ~', t I -.T. 0 "; o f -, T:', C, (~unlity For~fillfTs h U" bl..' Usin- thn ED Proce,_,.s, I , 1, TTITEITATIOlUd, FORGDG COI-IFE'RINCE 1W0 TE&TI (-)-9th Nmcv HEUMANN,X. G. 11INTEENATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY AND ION PHYSICS11 -1-11972,V0009,0003, The formation of uraniwn and thorium ions and t-hair oxide ion8 as a function of the conditions during thermal ioniaation pp Jlb.324,NTC 74-11592-07E## o I lir-,, , ."TO I'll& r (I "rospects of '~~Lolations Assessed, 0' Pn, -I!"." P': T I O',TADT,' POLITIK 1973, Hamburrr, 121-1.-20 Sep 17~1 17 . P'T c) , , . iis a C)50 Jul '/~i- Burache, E. -M., It. Fithl, and it. -4nnn 1959 Relations between the ohemism and the phytoplankton develop- ment on the Lower Wow (13aziehungen zwirichen dem ChemAsmuz und der MtoplanktonentiriGk1ung auf der unt6ran Weser) Tnternatiomle Revue der gosariten Hydrobiologj d fiyd~rqgraphie !ff ( 2-) : 277,-.2'93. In Germil. - I -- . . q, VA-- . Tranal. by Tranal. Bur. . ?&n. Lang, Div., Dept. of Soo. of State of CanadR, for Dept, of Mviron., FRnC Great Lakes Diol. Lab., Burlington, Ont. ,1973, as Tranal. Series h1o. 2659, 43p., typescript. Avail. on LoQn - MATS, Wash., D.C. Orlqlaal Arficin Oiockod.m~~ Bursohe, R%4%ria 1961 Changes In thet ohloroD)w1l oontent and in Uie oell volume in plankton algae, broueit about by different life oonditions (Aderunson im Chloropbyllgehilt und in Zell,;olumon bei Planktonalgan, horvorqeraron durch unterschiedliche Leben5bodingungen) Int. Revue gas. ~Iydrobloi. , 46(4). Saio-652. In Oenzn, Timnal, by Tranal. i-Mr., Fgn. bang. Div.. Dept. of Sao. of 3tate of GanaU, for Dept. of Rnviron. , F11.13r, Oreat TAken Biol. IAb., "urlington, Ont., 1973, as Tranal. Serice No. 2718, 84p., typeacript. Avail. an Lown - INIIVS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checlwd.~~'~ ~utz, Manfred 197(- Rxperlmental Btuaca on adaptation to salinity shown by the different racca of the three-spined 5ticklebook (~asteroateus aculeatuB L.) (Experimentelle Untemuchungen zur Salzadaptation verachiedener Haasen des !-TeistRchligen Stiahlings (oasteroateus aculeatum L.) Internationale Revue der ~',euamten i~ydrobiologie, Z(6). 845-894. in Gentian. Tranol. for MFeal. 1972, 63p., typoseript. Avail. on Loan - III.U?3, Wash., D.C. . W% Original Arlicle Checked.4 Gutz" M. Experimental studies on adaptation to salinity shown by the different races of the threespine stick4ebaak. (Glwtemateue aculeatus L.) INTERNATIONALE REVUE DER GE,5AMTES HYDROBIOLOOZE UND HYDRO Vol 55, No 6, 1970, pp 845-894 NTC 73-13440-000 I el" &A S.: r~d K"O.Z'~ 1971 A ru'vleW Cf %I and Saplu,At'10 ~Op'l dalift fin fresh- 7;jSEtPUT!e?-s'.O1 ! ~U' ~v kj ~ a n~i'q.- a lco I (i und SQP1-t1b lolo I uOn-in ~,ef'un(IPT~ uji rUSSWaSuc ro I ILI!, r-It, r, jai o~ a I e Pe, .:e oer '~,-saijt ur, d r-ul,0 (3 33': -3 4. 7~ 't '---2 - vai's I va r.t3 1 . .ii r. , ~,gn, 1,aj i PJ D~ cof 3) at., of `1k i & da P-r D-pt. of Ft !i ron. jolt) *J Cal 3t4j, ion, 21-611no, C. i2 , as M S 13 2 1 64 P. P C 110 v, P t A 1. Vas 13. ljhlmann, Dietrich, Jurgen Benndorf, and 1971 Wieland Albert Prediction of the balance of substances in atorage basins by means of continuous or seril-oontinuous biological models I : Auidamentals (Frogwee den StoffhaushAltap von Staugewassern nit llilft! kontinuierlicher oder GemikontInuier- licher biologlacher 'lodelle 1. (;rundlagen) jnttj3,mtjoraje.,Rovue der geawnten liydrobio~~Sle und drographie -Ity Lb(4): -513-57.9. J'n darman: Trarol. by "ranal. Bur, , FSn. Lang. Div. , Dept. of 5oo - of 8tate of Canada, for Dept. of Environ., FRBO Mar. Ecology lAb., Dartmouth, M.S., 19113, a5 Tran3l. Series Ito. 2509, 39P-, typescript. Avai I. on Loan - I!MFS, Waah., D.C. Originol Arficle Checked~ UtemOhl, 11ans 1958 "he Impmvement Of qUntitative phytoplankton mothodoloSy (Zur Vervollkommung der Vantitativen PhYtoplankton- Methodik) Internationale Vereln~jiung fUr Theorettache and Angewandto Limnologie, Komitve hr :Amnologisohe Methoden, (9): 1-39. Tn %,erman. Tranol. by Tranal. Bmr., Vgrn. Lang. Div., Dept. of Sea. of State of Canada. for Dept. of Znviron- PRDO Gmat Lakes Blolimolo [Ab. , Flarlington, Ont. , 19M aB Tranal. Serios No. 2713, Fip., typescript. Avail. on Loan I-TaLsh. rl. C. Original Article ClIeCKOj ..... Sturhan, D. English title unknown. Internationalen Symposium uber Nematolpgie in Antibes, Frankreich, no. 10.9, pp. TUT--174 1966. MIS TT 73-58095 may 73 Krause, 9. R. On a combined method for the enrichment and isolation of truly dissoZved organic phosphorus components from natural water. INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG FUER TIIEORETISCIIE UND ANGEPIANDTE LIMNOLOGIE. MITMILUNGVN,, Vol 14, '1988, pp 94-101 TITC 73-13368-OBH SCHIZISSSFUM, R. //UITERNATIONALE VERBETIGIPIIIIG FUER TiMOMNISCHO br.-D AITGONTIME" LDVOLOGIE. 1,aTTETIMiCTEN,1/ Ivooi-1--, i-,T4 - - o"ll, 21 -1 L~ an e~ZiOizing, and Reducing , u Ues o Mai se-O Micro-orgallisms" plD I 70-TP:(~,NITC 74-1.07.1"-Oc~.TC50 Straskraba, Milan 1968 Tht ahare of higher plants In the production of stagnant watera (Der Anteil der boheren Pflanzen an der Produktion der stahenden deAsser) Internationale VereinigW fuer Theoretische unO Angewandto Umnologie, Mitteilungen, ',4, mar.- 212-230. Tn German. Tranal. 1)y TPR for r~SrSil, 1973, 30P. , VP060143- Avail. on Loan - VZ72, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chacked.1p, Wanner, Herbert Swiss Armor - Development and Future 19 pp INTE RNAT1 ONALE AHR-REVUE, Vol 9, No 3, 1971 11 263-267 FSTC-HT-23-13o9-72 ACSI-K-1883 DISTRIBLfFION LIMITED To U.S. GOVT AGENCIES GDR-Austrian 1971~ Trade, Payment Agreement Si r,,ned, 13 pl). INTERNWPIONALE' I-'IIRTSCRkFT Vienna, 12 Oct 73, S I I -pp-re -me *5 t 1-1) F 7-- T -. ~ ' 'TPRS 60555 I'Tov 73 Soviet-Austrian Trade Relations. 5 PP INTSIMMONALE, 4IRTSCHOT, Vienna, 1,"0 3/0, 6 Sep 74, p 1. i.o-qs 63239 Correlation of Regional Distribution of Sweating and Deviation from the "predicted 4-hrs Sweat Rate" INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FIR ANGEWANDTE PHYSIOLOGIE, Vol 31, 1972, pp 11440. *NASA TT F-14~830 Scarperi, M. Input and output in the System of Thermoregulation during Rest and &,erciac EPIE, MUIUMM ZE, ITSCIM, TE IM, R ZGENAMYTE FIMILOGM, EMSCIMIE MUCH ARBID, ITSIHMSIOLOGIC, 30, 1970, pp. 10 73-21530-06-P I= 1,73-10074 Bleichert, A. Input and output in the system of thermo- regulation during rest and exercise. TNTERNATIONALE ZEMUHRIFT FUER-MGERA-ME ~H)~SLQLOGIL-ElULHUESSLI-CH-ARUIT-SP-Hn!PLOG.IF,, 1972, pp 193-206, v. 30. NTC 73-12221-06P 01A~-.L.-I, ~,'Osults of Af,-Xicultu-,~~-ra 1-1 , ---'ood -ind-ustry Cooi)oiation :.,,,roi.ii-)s Detailed, i-)y '!odau, I.]. I -'-Ornf~tion,dc -eitschrift der Z~-~ - T Landv~irlschaft, I.-loscow/."last _7071,35-11 7~, 7 5) q u 1 -1 1 7 Feeding habits of rats in connection with caries msearch. INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER VITAMINFORSCHuNG, VoZ 34, No 4, 1964, pp 426-433 NTC 73-21818-06E SohZettoan-Goetl, D, Survey of trace elements in food. Part i. Zinc. INTERNATIONALE MITSCHRIFT PUER upAmmoicouNG, 'Vot 4o, 1970, pp 659-672 NTC 74-10278-06H SOLETBEIN-GSELLI D. Trace elements in Food Products, Part V. Nickel WERNIATIONALE ZEITS GiRIFT FUER VITMIIN-FORSMG, vol. 41, pp. 429-437, 1971 NRC C-11827 March 73 Flores, Caxlos Vargu Geological Interpretation of Proportional Images ftom. ERTS-A Satellite INTERPRETACION MOWGICA DE :B== M0PMCZ7MDB8 PRO EL SATELIE MUS-A SERVIC10 GEOJOGIC DE BOLTM, PROGUM DEL SATELITE TECHNOLOGIC0 DE PECURSOS XATU- RALES, IA PAZ. BOMFIA, eport, )973, PP. 9 -qWA TT F-15~265 LUKASHEVICH H. L. //INTERPRETATSIYA IZMERENIY OSVESHCHENNOSTI NA AVTOMATICHESKOY.MEXHPLANETNOY.STANTSII VENERA-8// --/--11973, V ---- ~ N----, Interpretation of the measurement of illuminat- tion on the venera i interplanetary automatic station 18 pp pp 20 NASA TT F 152601# Leon 't L. V. Tril, erpret lton of the dils+--imil-lon of cratern on thp- vls~'.ile side of ~he lunw., slifface ',l:MTERQ-T,,' -NA 1,111MMIr rr 0 , I. 17%.-,P, Arrirler.. of Scienc _nsi.-It'll o ~ntxQe liesm, -h, T Reporf pp. SOLDNER, F. //INTERSUCHUNG DER SOLNELLEN 1,1AGNE-TISCHEN PLASMA- KOMPRESSION ALS L,ETHODL ZUR ERZEUGUNC', jjCjjEj) TEMPERATUREN' BFI SCIRVACHER KOMPIT'SSIONV --/01/1974,V----,N ----, Investi-ation of Fast Magnetic Plasma Compression 0 as Method for Generating High 'remperatures with Weak Compression, 54 pp AEC/LA/TR-74-32 fl Lacaz, Carlos da Silva) ct al ,I I I introductioa to the fledical Geography of Brazil INTRODUCA0A GEOGRikFIA MLDICA 00 BRASIL 1972, 568 pp. fACSI-K-4236 Protection and Utilization of Romanian Inventions, by V. Niculescu, 19 pp. ROMNIAN, per, Inventii si Inovatii, Bucharest, Vol VII, Noll, -110V-727PP 401-40571io 12, Dee 72, pp 4J~1-446- ins 58532 Apr 73 Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, by Kh. Ye. Brainina, 192 pp. INVERSIONNAYA VOLTAMPEROMETRIYA TVERDYKII FAZ, 1972 *IIIST April 73 Uanital Construction --lian for 1973 Discusled, by E'arol U, jh-nzy, -14 p'). GOV'-.l--C]', "T 03ILY SLOVAK~, -nor, Investicni Vystavba, --Irague, T)T 1 0 1, 1973, DT Jll-i3/L 1-473 Apr 7 3 Investment Construction Plan for 1973 Discussed, by T-\"Irol UjhazY, 7 PP. USE ONLY SLOVAK, -por, Invosticni Vystavba, prarrue, .,o 2, 1973, -nT) 3b-42' ,P-.) RS / L3 At)r 73 V Rliha, Ladislav Investment Construction I)evolopment, Prospects Outlined, 1" -T), TJST", 01"ILY I'ME131"ticl-ii VYSTA'MA, Prar~-Lie, !-~,o 2, Reb T - 73- -- 39 - ji Margalof, R., M. Duran, and P. -qaiz 1955 The phytoplankton of the ria of Vigo from Januar~y 1953 to 5arch 19-~4 (91 fitoplanoton de In Ria do Vigo de onero de 1953 a marzo do 19-54) Tpy~Ttl~-acion Poequera, 2: 3~~-129. fn Spanish. Timnal. by Trwisl. J.tur. , Fgn. !Ang. Div. , Dept. of 3(.-c. of St4te of Canada, for Dept. of Environ. , 1711],C Great Laket niolimnolo~y rab., --lurlington, Ont., 1973, an Tranal. Series eacrlpt. zio. z657, 67P., tYP Avail. on Loan - NN1,13, Wash. , D.C. Original Article Checkedllz'~ Chrenko, Simon Slovaldals Construction Activity 25 Years After Nationalization, 5 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY INIIESTICITI VYSTAVBA, Praf,-,ue, No 6, Jun 73, pp 172, 173. tT?RS/L 4671 Oct 73 Malicovsky, lludolf CSR Investment Construction Over 25 Years of Nat Iona 1i zat ion, 10 -op. GOVERMENT USE ONLY INVESTICNI VYSTAVBA, Prague, No 6, Jun 73, pp 174-177. jPRS/L 4671 Oct 73 Valkovslcy, Jiri Development of Construction Activity Through 1990 outlined, 7 P-0. GOVERNMEITE USE 011I.TLY INVESTICNI VYSTAVBA, Prague, No 6, Jun 73, PP 1.787bo' -- ,TPRS/L 11671 Oct 73 Control or I~ecreatlonal Facility Construction T)Isci)ssed, V~ 9n, ~I - INTIES-ICITT 7YSYAI."&I, IIra,r7,ue, No 10, Oct 73, Tp- 3-2 7-7 2-G - JDRS/L 4776 ,Tan 74 Investments in Comnuters to Increase, by Andrzej Vierczynsklil 7 pp. POLISTI, per, Invrestycje i -Pudownictwo, 1,larsaw, ~To -- 3, Mar 73, 5P ,T-P-'-~'S 589.39 il`aY 73 Mazan, Waldemar Motor Fuel Service Problem Analyzed, 5 pp. ININESTYUE, I BUDOWNICNIO, Niarsaw, I-To ~, Apr 731 PP 27-89. JPRS 59551 Aug 73 Plocica, Albin and Prost)ects of Investment Plan Analyzed, 1(,) T)n. IWRSTYCJT2,' I BIIDOIVPIIC77,'.10, T'larsaw, No 10, j~,Ils 61090 F e b 7)- 1. Gniewagzewski., Jerzy Results of Cons Lruction Development Plan Assessed, 1,' pp.. IVM3'PYCR' I KDOI'INICTWO, Warsaw, No 10, Oct 73, P-n b-13. ,TPRS 61000 ]Peb 7k Dobija, Nedward Housing Const'ruction Prosnects Outlined, 8 -Dp. IIVESTYCJTF, I BUDO1,1NICTWO, Warsaw, NO 11, Nov 73, -OT) 1-1~. JPRs 61134 ~Ifk t' 7~1 Szczepanowslci, flenrylk implementation of 1971-1973 Investment Plan Analyzed, 7 PP. I'M-1ESTYCJ'2' I M~DOI-INICTIJ'O, Warsaw, No 12, Dec 73, To, -n 7Z ~ - 2-2 . ,TPRS 61230 Mar 7~~ rob] ems of 197h Invps i,menil- Plan IMallIzOd- A. PP T T"R.y T-,l c, 4;i~r C TV' T RTID(li~-!'ITTCIIII-To I-la-sal. 1.1 '0 L, nn Jpii9 (Ilh9o ma-y )I- ,,- , ol.'IF , -. tl -1 Aszowsli, *JOf':;,Y 1-974 Construci-Jon Plan Outlined, 6 PP. I':T,fNTPYC,T~: I BMDO'lfl-,IIC'P~-!0, *,-.'arsaw, No 1, Jan 74, rn 6- JT', , .~s 61690 May '7~1. (I,Iro].o-*,`.tlc-0.,., Stan--tslpw .~er,jonal. 1,jnvirommontal Protection Plan Outlined, ~~ -n -0 . T?,T,,F7~'.STYCJ'~,' T T317DOWNTC710, T.,rarsaw, '-To 1, Jan 74, -T, 32-7)'57 ,T,-,Tv,) 616,,,,~,' of Tn~,er3t,rion+- P. T ~'~,T TT)01.rT TC- .,o 7, 'Tul '%T C) "r 7 y '00oa-, Of COII,4 oolh y 0 ,u- I o 7,-, n 1, L T.) T., T,-0007, of TT01,1~S, -TT',)n AW4yj %VCIZM. "ImIl"s Po,rzo, cm-74-n I July 1974 Tttles Inthektalya moktronov i Udwxhanlye PI&MY v Mnogoebehalemy Maktremagnit"y Lovust**. Authms O.A.Lavrentlyevj V.A.',',Idarktnj V.P.Gomhwahko e A Somas PhysicAl-ToMical Institute Ace4my of Setnece of Uk. SSR& 13wxMvp 1974 ppl-18 Langmp,es Russian Instructions3 Mass type eiVe space# pagtnateo All paste-up# cimers ready emyo P. Pavel Filitration defects as the cause of the fail- ure of the dam Hrinova. Inzenyrske stavby, Bratislava, Vol. 16, no 2, pp.49-54, Feb. k1968. *NTIS-TT-73-55041 Apr 73 M. Koukal The Concreting of the slopes of a conduit at Upa. Inzenyrske Stavby, Bratislava, Vol. 16, no.2, pp.66-71, Feb, 1968. *NTIS-TT-73-55050 Apr 73 P. Peter Peculiarities of the breech in the dams on the river Ondava. INZENYRSKE STAVBY, Bratislava, vol. 18, no. 3, pp.97-101, Mar 1968. *NTIS-TT-73-55049 Apr 73 Denisov, V. S. Engineering jx3yeholocy in aviation and cosmonautics. ITEHMIERNAYA PSMOLOGIYA V AVIATSII I KOSMONAVTIKE, 1972 315 pp *KASA TY F 799 111V may 11)73 Denisov, V. G. Aerospace Human Factors Engineering. 275 pp JNZHENMIAYA P31KHOLOGIYA V AVIATSII I KOSMONAVTIKE, Moscow, 1972, 316 pp. jPR3 6o4ig REQ TR CHECK 11-05-73 T726 THE EFFE CTO OF VARIOUS TYPES OF HUMAN OPERATOR FAILURE 011.1 HIS PL,21i'ORMAN'CE c"UBINslay, V. I: UR: IN' -''H. PSIKIIOLOGIYA V PRIBOROSTR, ~9637, PP. 13(---1~121 Strumillo, C.A. Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer in the Process of Evaporation of Liquids from Porous Bodies INZ. WEIM. (lZCHA5), Vol 2, No 2, 1972, pp 265-283 *NTIS-17-74-54044 Cybulski, A.N. Analysis of Methods ofthe Measurement of float Transfer Coefficient in packed beds INZ. CHEM. (IZUM), Vol 2, No 2, 1972 pp 343-354 *NTIS-TT-74-54045 Cybulski, A. ifeat Transfer in Packed cods of Irregular Particles INZ. MEM (1ZOMAS), Vol 2, No 2, 1972, pp 355-363 *NTIS-TT-74-54046 INMENERNO-FIZICHESKlY ZHURNAL JOURNAL OF ENGENEERING PHYSICS COVER TO COVER CONSULTANTS BUREAU PECAN WITH 1965 ISSUES Stability of the Convective Boundary Layer in a Liquid Filling a Horizontal Cylinder, by G. F. Shaydurov, 8 pp. INZI[E-IMNO-FIZICHESKIY ZIRMNAL, No 12, 1959, pp 68-71. I NA VY7NISC-3437 June 73 2-May-74 uncl (SLA--74-6013) Theory of damage by cavitation. SEMERCHAN, A.A.; VERESHCHAGIN, L.F.; FILLER, F.M.; KUZIN, N.N. Translated by P.E. Newman from.j_pzh.-F(z- Zh.; 3: No. 3, 87-90(Mar 1960). 7p. Dep. NTIS'i4.60. 13 engineering, translations MN-38 p NSA 0 Relatioil-silip betweell Strcll~~th and ilyna"'Ac tics of Colicsivc 'boils of P,,au,'A "Aructure, by B. 11, Yerykilov, 5 1)1). IN7jlENEwqG-FIZICU-SKIY ZHUNNAL, No 4, 1960, pp 123-124. X-7747 Mril 73 Zhivaykin, L. Determination of the Entrainment of a Liquid by a Gas Stream from the Surface of a Film. Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No. 8, 1961. FSTC-HT-23-1992-72 ACSI X-2533 Doroteyev, S. Some Problems in the Dimensionless Generali- zation of the Characteristics of Blown Elec- tric Arcs, A. INZH.-FIZ. ZH., AKAD. NAUK BELORUSSK. SSR Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.26-31, 1966. A.T.S. RJ-5253 TTL,,. 72 if Berezhinskiy, R.A. Heat Transfer Through Finned Surfaces 9 pp INZHENERNO-FIZICHESKIY 711, No 2, 1970, pp 305-311 FSTC-HT-23-2001-72 ACSI-K-2537 Shleyeman, I.L. Calculation of Contact Surface Temperature in the Powerful Electric Arc of Industrial Fre- quency Current. Inzhenerno-Fizicheski Zhurnal, 1970, Vol 18, nr. 9, pp 878-882. - FSTC-HT-23-1112-72 ACSI K-1632 Trann-jc-I-se Eass on HeRt TransCer amd D~,rnuiics 01' a Turbulent Hou- Air Flov,, in I~ri Svmietric Diffusor w-i-A'Ala a Penneable INZI]EITERNO-FIZICIESKly ZIMIAI~L Vol N, No. 2, 1(1-70 ACGI-K-29Q3 FSTC-TfT-I-,r~',-72 Kurtehdar, D. A. Design Method for Calculating Temperature Fields of Solids Under Conditions of Natural Heat Exchange with Atmosphere. INZHENERNO-FIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL No. 1, 1971, PP 6 rTT. FSTC-HT-23-1996-72 ACSI K-2540 Ylul,, r. B. ,.!ethod5 for "',hc Abla~-,!-on of a Teflon 1-ZO." De~-,radatit)P In -. Hii,'h Tompmatilre Gasj Sh,con pp Il.," U LE IT 11-0 - PIZ ICI IES Kiy ZITUITAL, No. I., in-tl, -np 70-75 FSTC-!Tf-`3-`r04-7-, s 1, aj. Z;. U-~. CALCULATION OF THHM4L INHRACTION BETVEEN AR C COLUMNSAND ELECTROOES KRIZHANSKY, S. LANGUAGE-RU CGUNTRY-UR INZHERENU-FIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL 1971 VOL ~0 NG. 2 PP 299-305 FSTC-HT-23- 1426- 73 kl-ubov, Ya. 11c,11- LOCI. IZICM] T)P IL cEly C"ILUISITY~KS11,17; A. W. a (In.", -w: Ibragimova, L.B. Determination of the Equilibrium Composition of Gas in Reacitng Mixtures at High Temperatures 11 pp INZHERERNO-FIZICHESKIY ZH, No 3, 1971, pp 453-461 FSTC-HT-23-1999-72 ACSI-K-2539 THE INDUCUR-PRODUCl' SYSTEM AS A CONTROL OBJE CT FOR INDUCTIONAL CUNTINUOUSLY HE kAZORENLV, N. LANGUAGE-RU CUUNTRY-UR INZHENERNU-F-IZICHFSKIY ZHURNAL 1971 VOL 20 NO 3 PP 476-80 FSTC-HT-23-14,r_-5-73 Prcnepara tion state of tile mt. 1071 51 17C 7%Inrrr) o,,)j) iT, F- jz ~j 6 0-I f t 1 j 117 17 IT 'rP- V. v. CorOerriai-ion frr)r. i'~r--:crl "Flows (76777- Morozov, M.G. Adiabatic Surface Temperature in a Vortex Boundary Layer 7 pp INZHENERNO-FIZICHESKIY ZHUR. Vol 20, 1971, PP 903-908 FSTC-flT-23-2077-72 ACSI-K-2690 REq TR CHECK . 2C-08-73 T312 I!WE STIGATIO1,11 OF THE EFFECTIVE NESS OF FILIJI COOLI'N;CT ' UNDER THE ACUTAL COTIDITIOT-~S OF SOEE ENGINES ZOLOTOGOROV, M.S. UR: INZ 1-1 EFERr-10 - FIZ iKIY ZHURNAL, VOL 22, No. 1, 19' 17--, DENISOV. YE. YE. //INZHENERNO-FIZIECHESKIY ZHURNAL// --/08/1971, V0021, N0002 Statement of the two dimensional non6tationary problem of thermal conductivity for a bladed wheel of a gas turbine 12 pp pp 257-264 AIR/FTD/Ht-23-725-74## CAP Lo. I :,'Li4 I ;A L 3 1 JiA tjF UN~)Tt A UY I HLRMULLLLTi~ I L kL 6 I UKGAI%i I:) I ~iV I 1- 1 L i;l'. k)L) A A -R L) CGUNTRY-UR IN I M.-F I I. ~hUl~,NALv VuL Z2, 42 2 2 2 R, J- ' I-Sep-73 JnCl (MLM--2082(tr)) Question of the ootimal size of P A BIN) v I cii, S. ~ . : G'--RFV I CH, P- ea - tne separating slit. 2 Translated from -22:. !,'o- 5, 825 529(1972). 7D. Dep. ""IS T4.00. 074 chemical engineerirg; trarslations M14-4 P 4SA 0 Kortikov, N. N. Wall Jet at a Curved Surface INZHENEAVO- FIZICHESKir ZHURNAL .j v. 22., 4972, pp. S81- 884 NTC 73-21502-20D NTIS N73-13296 " 1-ie;)-7 " Uncl (MLM--2083(tr)) Thermodiffusion in liquid an6 qaseous multicomponent isotopic mixtures. RABIN3VICH, lVAMINIK, V.P. Translated froir In z. ZL. zL, -LL_ 22: No. 6, 1020-1026(1972). 11p. Dep. NTIS $4.0D. 07A chemical engineering; 07D chemistry (physical)- Arar,,31atSons MN-4 P NSA Study of Gas Flow in Parallel Jets, by Yu. M. RUDOV. INZII-FIZ Z11. Vol 22, No 6, 1972, pp 1133 NAVY/APL7-JIiU-T-2702 May 73 Calculation of the Two-Dimensional Wake Behind a Body, by L. 1. Skurin. INZII-FIZ DIURNAL, Vol 23, No 1, 1972, pp 104-111. NAVY/APLTj-iw-T-2725 June 73 Study of Jet System Mixing with a Transverse Flow in a Duct, by V. V. Zlobin. INZII-FIZ DIURNAL, Vol 23, No 3, 1972, pp S41-544 NAVY/APL/JIIU-T-2742 May 73 Volfkovich, Yu. Al. SeZf-regulation of water removal in Hydrogen-oxygen fueZ cell and -the width of set-regulating zones. 14 pp INZIIENERIVO-FIZICHESKrY MURNAL, Vol 23,, No 4. Oct 1972 pp 618-626 AIRIFTD-RT-23-399-74