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Ch'ih Heng Uphold the Proletarian World Outlook LIU-LIF-1-cf-11i, I-Jo.1, Jan. 1, 1974, 6pp I S elccFl~ns China Mainland Magazines, No.767, January 24, 1974 ching Yen Carry Forward the Party's Fine Styles of Work. Hung-c'h'i, No.1, Jan. 1, 1974, 7pp. China Mainland 14agazines, No.767, January 24, 19714 XXX HURN Hung Kuang-szu Grasp Well the Cla5s Struggle in the Ideologi- cal Field. 9ung-ch'i- No. 1, Jan. 1, 1974, 8pp T(~,f J c -f i-o n- sC4ina Nainland Magazines, 14o.767, 0 January 24, 1974 Hung Yuan Communists Must Strengthen Their Sen5e of Dis- cipline. I Hunp-ch'i, R0.1, Jan. 1, 1974, 6pp. ~ ficTITlis China Mainland Magazines, No.767, ' January 24, 1974 V ien K I ai The Laboring People's Anti-Confucius Struggle in History. Hung-ch'i, No.1, January 1, 1974, 9pp. _C4 --- Selections China Mainland Magazines, No,767, January 24, ].~J74 Chao Yun--ciianj Pe-ll-v on Lli,2 t"asses to Quic,'Keri t'Lie Pace of Agri- Cultural Devc1opfflell-t. 1~lio,l. Jan. 1, 19174, 7pp ~il:~ IS Cill i'-'aiFilalld 'Nagazines, 'No.768, ft.-,ruarv 4, '111,174 Aruas into a Now Socialist Jan.1, 19714, Gpp. Cilina 1%',ainl an d Hapazines , i%lc,,. 768 ,ebruarv 4, 1Y711 Cni U'u-CII, U1, The Proletariat Nust Firmly Occupy the Cultural PO S -1- L i On NO. I., jOn . 1, 19711 ~ Spp "ainiand ~-'i igci7ines, No. 76 8 I Uruary It 197 4 C11 I u Lan ~ia?,idficcnt II Istovy. j IvIII g... c.illi, ffjljc~-Cl-o-n-3 It., -f Scrolls of Chimasc Revolutiona y Jan. 1, 1974, 7pp. China Mainland Maczazines, No.768, 1.974 Jiu chii'l-'Nun~11 11ow Did Confucius Defend tfle Slave System by i-IclKing USL! of ~Iis compiIation of Illistory. No.1, Jan. 1, 1974, 10pp. cclofTs cilina ~-,aiillarld 1.1 le 1974 Consolidate and Develop the Achievements of the Revolution in University Education. I liung-clh'i, Alo. 1, Jan. 1, 1074, 7pp s-,CfJcfi-,o-n-s CIiina 1--lainland Magazines, No.768, February 4., 1974 A Great Poten-tialL Cruative Power Exists Among VIC IlLjss~-,S, llunr--ci-I'L i-10 -in. - 15 Jc 1, 19711, 7T)p G China llainland Mag i ' u ~ - ec 011S azines, Wo.7H Fc~)ruavy It. 1J74 Wei Pill,.-k'Uei Persist in th~~ Fri)icijj-)lc-, of Illaintailli.11,o, Inde- pondellco allu, 1,'Uk~olnp Initiative in Our Own 'W lj~.Ijjds and jllclyir-,~, on Our Ourn Lfforts in Achi v liun,-,-Cllli~ 110. 1, jam. 1, 1974, 60D Cnina "' an g , - Li 1 Confucius -;,-n itoscow. ilun~-,-cji'i, iio.!, Jan. 1, 1974, Si3p. EeMc~~&Fis Cfiina '14airiland I-lagazines, iio.768, FeL)ruary 4, IIJ74 I:X-,)O,-,c -tile "Humarlitariardsm" Illoax Hung,,-ch'i, Feb, 1. 1974, 5.Dp ~TO-IjEfio-n-'s China Mainland Magazines, No.769 February 25, 1971~ Chou I-liang Read Liu Tsung-NTuan's "On Feudalism" ~ung-ch'i, No.2, Feb. 1, 1974, 10pp. SolecE&Ts China Mainland Magazines, No.769 FebruarY 25, 1974 Lin Piao and Doctrines of Confucius and Menci- US. HunE-ch'i, No.2, Feb. 1, 1974, lOpp. =,~C!=Oil-s Chil-la MaiTiland Magazines, No.769, Februarv 26, 1974 Hung cli, Ull Irrefutable Lvidence. liung-cil'i. ilo.2. Feb. 1, 10711, 12,pp Selections China ll-~airilarid PiapaZ4fles, No.769 February 2S, 1974 Lo Szu-ting The Development of ti-te Polemic between Confuci anism and Legalism as Seen from Wang An-shihIs Re f OrIns . llung-ch'i, Jo.2, Feb. 1, 1974, 12pp Solections China Mainland 11,11agazines, No.769 February 26, 19714 Cj 'ang Cli ' ien Behind the So-called ILE~nergy Crisis" 111ung-ca'i, i4o.2. reb. 1, 1974, Spp '~E-Ioc'MoTis chinch Mainland Magazines, No.770 Narch 4, 1974 Hung ch,en.'T 1. Resolutely 0:)servc- tfie Three IMain 'I'lulias of DisciT)line ank-A 'the Light Points for Attentl0n. 6 19,7 L, , 6-DD ictions China Hairiland "agazines, Ho.770 iiarch 11. 10711 Awarencss of Grasping Major Feb. 1, 1974) 6pp.. To.770 China 1-1di'lland Ha'oazines 1 -1 , [A "arch It, 10711 Yueh ilen", I g Give Full Play to L'I'le Enthusiasm of the Masses for Socialism. Eun~-,,--cn'i. Jo.2 F-1). 1, 1974~ TDI) ,~el~~ctj.olls Cnil-'a ~.iainlcmd 11arTazines, i,.To.770 ~.I~arch ~1. 191711 K'an,-~ U Cw-ifucius and L41i Piuk) iwc Both Political Swind lers. II(Ing-cilli, J-~o. 3), Elarcili 3, 19745 8pp =- ~r - - lect Olis Peol)l."~'s R(~-;)U~Ilc of ChIna 1,'-auazines i - i,'o.771. !,icircii ilfl., 1.9714 Li Shin ~. 1'. ~~.Iat L~S 'CiliC, i)eCiSiVC! FdCtOP Tilat Chlin to Uni-l"I Lll(-- Six Status? 3, 3., 1974, 8pp -ia. i ia, -7d C, c, Cron s Pk~ c).p I c, i-,'cDublic of Ciij ga:dn s W. 771., AlICH 7 ii Criticism of Lin Piao and Confucius Is a Gre-at Stru~7,gl~3 to Com0at and Prevent 1,evisionism. 5-o- C ~0, 1,2 c n"S !--.'cT-.bulic of Claina 'Ha.,-,,aziries I il--LY'C~~ 11 '1) , 19 7 '1 771 Hsieh Tso It is necessary to unite with the vast majority HUNG-CH11, no. 4, April 11 1974, pp. 5 gelecti-ons from People's Republic of China Magazines, no. 774, April. 29, 1974 Wei Chin Attach importance to Revolutionary Historical Relics HUNG-CHII, no. 4, April 1, 1974, pp. 5 Selectiong from People's Republic of China Magazines, no. 774, April 29, 1974 Criticism of Lin Piao, and Confucius is a powerful motive force to spur the development of production HUNG-CHII, no. 4, April 1, 1974, pp. 5 Selectio from People's Republic of China Magazines, no. 774, April 29, 1974 How are the 13~000 contracto fulfilled? HUNG-CHII,,- no. 4, April 1, 1974, pp. 6 Selections from Peoples Republic of China Magazines, no. 774, April 29, 1974 Take the Revolutionary Road ot Mountain and Rural areas HUNG-CHI, no. 4. April 1. 19745 pp. 6 Selection from People's Republic of China Magazines, no. 774, April 29, 1974 Chiang Lei Rely on the passes to develop the electric power industry HUNG-CHIII no. 4, April 1, 1974v pp. 6 Selections from People's Republic of China Magazines, no. 774, April 29, 1974 Hung Yuan Learn to observe problems with the law of unity of opposites HUNG-CH'I. no. 4, April 1, 1974, pp. 7 Selections from People's Republic of China Magazines, no. 774, April 29, 1974 Fang Yen-liang Being big has its own difficulties HUNG-CH'I, no. 4, April 1, 1974, pp. 10 Selections trom Veople's Republic of China Magames, no. 774, April 29, 1974 Penetratingly Criticize "Restraining Oneself and Returning to Propriety" Hung-chli, No. 5, May 1, 1974, 5pp. SelecTfo-n-s People's Republic China Magazines No.775, May 28, 1974 Shih Chung Historical Experience in the Struggle to Cri- ticize Confucius During the May 4 Period. Fyn&-ch'i, No.5, May 1, 1974, 8pp. SelecTI-Ens People's Republic China Magazines No.775, May 28, 1974, Yu Fan The Bankruptcy of Lin Piao's Counter-Revolu- tionary Tactics. Haung-chli, No.$, Mayl, 1974, 9pp. Selecfl'ons People's Republic China Magazines No.775, May 26, 1974 Liang Hsiao A Study "On Salt and Iron" Hung-ch'i, No.5, May 1, 1974, llpp. 3-el-ecTI-Ens People's Republic China Magazines No.775, May 28, 1974 Grasp Revolution and Promote Production. Uung.chli, No,S, May 1, 1974, 5pp. S=eecfi'o-ns People's Republic China Magazines, No.776. June 3. 1974 Rely on the Masses to Do a Good Job of Rail- way Transport. Hung-chli, No.5, May 1, 1974, Spp �e_1ecTTo_n_s People's Republic China Magazines, No.776, June 3, 1974 Rely on Poor and Lower-Middle Peasants to Transform Methods of Teaching. Hung-chli, No.5, May 1, 1974, 7pp. S-e-re-cfl-ons People's Republic China Magazines. No.776, June 3, 1974 Make Big Efforts to Introduce Universal Pri- mary Education in Pastoral Areas. .1-chli, No.5, May 1, 1974, 6pp q!jn Selections People's Republic China Magazines, No.776, June 3, 1974 The Movement to Criticize Lin Piao and Con- fucius Pushes the Educational Revolution to Develop in Depth. Hung-ch'i, No. 5, May 1, 1974, 7pp SelecTir'o-ns People's Republic China Magazines, No.776, June 3, 1974 UNKNOWN //HUNG-011 1// 01/06/1974,V----,NO006 The Strength of Self-Mliance Lies Among the Masses 5 pp SELEMONS FROM PEOPLE-IS REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES #779, 8 July 1974@@ UNKNO1VN //i1UNG-CH'I// 01/06/1974,V----,NO006, The Great Cultural Revolution Promotes Great Develop- nent of Agricultural Production, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES #779, 8 July 1974@@ PANG CHIN //HUNG-Q-1'1// 01/06/1974,V----,NO006 An Encouraging Achievement in the Creation of Short Drama, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINESV79, 8 July 1974@@ GRANG VIEN HHUNG-0i I I// 01/06/1974,V----,NO006 Shines The Brillance of Heroes Shies on the Screen, 7 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MA W INES #779, 8 July 1974~0 UNKNOWN //BUNG-011 I// 01/06/1974,V ---- 01N0006, Criticism of Lin Piao and Confucius Propels Technical Innovation, 6 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES #779, 8 July 1974@@ HSIN WEN-TIUNG //HUNG-01 I I// 01/06/1974,V ---- ON0006 Arts that Come from the Mitant Life of the Masses, 6 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S RE-PUBLIC OF MINA MAGAZINES #779, 8 July 1974@@ Ll VO //HUNG-CH1I// 01/06/1974,V----,NO006 Man Learns about Matter in the Course of changing It, 11 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES #779, 8 July 1974@@ UNKNOWN //IIUNG-Cil 11// 01/07/1974,V----,XO007, Step Up Cooperation, Speed Up Loading and Unloading, 6 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S RETUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINFS, #785, 5 August 1974~@ UNKNOIVN //Ilu"x-cil, I// 01/07/1974, V------ 510007, chlin shili Iluang's [look Rook Burning as Viewed from the Yingchluchshan Bawboo Slips, 6 I)p SELECTIONS FROM ITOPLE'S ITPULIC 01: CHINA mAGAZINLS, #785, 5 August 1974~0 Qf'U LAN //IIUNG-01'1// 01/07/1974,V ---- SIN0007 A Decade of Revolution in Peking Opera, 9 pp SELECTIONS FROM PELPLEIS 11-PUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #785, 5 August 1974@@ QIU CHIANG //IIUNc-avi// 01/07/1974jV----,NO007 Correctly Handle the Relations Between Movements in Leading Organs and at Basic Levels, 5 pp SELEMONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES #785, 5 August 1974@@ C1111 YUDI //I 1UNG-0 I 11// 01/07/1974,V----,,N0007 Rely on the Masses in Uoveloping Agriculture, 7 pp SELECTIONS FRO"'! PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, 9785, 5 August 1974@@ iVEI K10 //i]U,\,G-Cllll// 0l/07jl974,V----,N0007 Further Improve the Cooperative Medical Service, 5 pp SELECTIONS FRO'M PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF MINA MAGAZINES, #785, 5 August 1974@@ CIIUNG WEN //HUNG-CIIII// 01/07/1974, V----,NO007, Strengthen the Idiological Building of the Party, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #784; 29 July 1974~@ VIEN LI //HUNG-Cli'l// 01/07/1974,V----,NO007 MENCIUS-Trumpeter for Restoration of Slavery, 10 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MGAZINES, #784, 29 July 1974@~ HUNG KUANG-SZU //IIUNG-CI[II// 01/G7j1974,V----,N0007 Revolutionary Struggle Requires a Contingent of Marxist Theorists, 6 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #784, 29 July 1974~0 UNKNOWN /liluNG-cill I// 01/07/1974,V----,NO007, How Do We Link Reality with Criticism of Lia Iliao and Confucius?, 6 pp SELECTIONS FROM PLOPLEIS RFPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #784, 29,July 1974@@ UNKNOWN //11UNG-C] I 11// 01/07/1974,V----,NO007, Criticism of Lin Piao and Confucius Promotes Revolutionary Unity, 6 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #784, 29 July 1974@@ L ANKNOWN //JIUNG-CII'I// 01/07/1974,V----,N0007 Pay Attention to Developing Female Membership of the Party, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, 4784, 29 July 1974@@ UNKNOWN //11UNG-CIP 1// 0l/07/l974,V----,N0007 Firmly Grasp the Building of a Contingent of Theorists, 6 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #784, 29 July 1974@@ CHIN UJI11-PAI //HUNG-C11 11// 01/07/1974,V----,NO007 Criticism of Confucius and the Struggle Between the Two Lines, 14 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #784, 29 July 1974@@ CIIII HSIN //HUNG-GIII// 01/08/1974,V----,NO008, Be Promoters of Revolutionary Unity, 6 pp SELECTION'S FROM PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #787, 30 August 197460 SHEN SSU //If UING-CH I I// 01/08/1974,V----,NO008, Penetratingly Criticize Lin Piao's "Sic Tactical Principles", 10 pp SELECUONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, #788, 9 September 1974## LO SSU-TING 11HUNG-C14 I I// 01/08/1974,V ..... N0008, On Class Struggle During SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLES No 787, 30 August 1974#k the Chlin-11an Period, 14 pp REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES LI CH I UN 11HUNG- C11 I I // 0l/08/l974,V----,N0008, The Confucianist-Legalist Struggle and the Development of Science and Technology in Ancient China, 7 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE IS REPUBLIC OF CUINA MAGAZINES, 9787, 30 August 1974## CHIEN CHIN //HUNG-Cfll I// 01/08/1974,V----,NO008, Worshipping Confucius and Reading the Classics, and Worshipping Things Foreign and Betraying the Country, 10 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 787, 30 August 1974## CHUNG TA //J-1UNG-C11 11// 01/08/-f974,V----,NO008 On Wang Chlung's Struggle Against the Confucians, 7 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 787, 30 August 1974## UNKNOWN HHUING-CH, 1// 0l/08/l974,V----,NO008, If the Line Is Correct, Production Will Rise Rapidly, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 788, 9 September 1974#0 UN KN OWN //1-JUNG-GVI// 0l/08/l974,V----,1N0008, Learnfrom Tachai, Talk about the Line, S pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 01' CHINA MAGAZINES, No 788, 9 September 197449 UNKNOWN HHUNG-01, 1// 01/08/1974,V ---- 00008, The Program for Agricultural Development 1974-1980 of 11sinching Production Prigade, Antling Commune, Chiating 11sien, 7 pp SELECTION FIZOM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 788, 9 September 19700 UNMA //I IUNC-cl I 11// 01/08/1974,V----,N0008, Use Chairman Mao's Philosophical Thinking as the Guide in Finding Oil and Gas, 10 pp SPICTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S RITURLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 788, 9 September 197400 UNKNOWN / /HUNG-01 I I// 01/08/19741V ---- ON0008i Carry Fonvard the Revolutionary Tradition of Unity Between Officers and Men, 5 pp SELEC TIONS FROM PEOPLE'S RE-PUBLIC OF CHINA NMM MAGAZINES, No 788, 9 September 1974#0 UNKNOWN //I IUNG-Cll 11// 01/08JI974,V----,N0008, Heighten Vigilance, Defend the Motherland, 7 pp SLLECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S RFPUBLIC OF CHINA WAZINES, No 788, 9 September 19740# UN KIN OWN //11UNG-CHI I// 01/08/19740V----IN0008, Criticize Lin Iliao and Confucius, Promote Preparations Against War, 6 pp SELEMONS FROM PEOPLE'S RUTUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 788, 9 September 1974## UNKNOWN //IIUNG-Qitl// 01/08/1974,V----,NO008, Some Understanding fTom Criticizing Lin Piaols Bourgeois Military Line, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 788, 9 September 1974## UNKNOWN . //HUNG-CH'I// --/--/1974, V----, nOO09 Persevere in Reading and studying wbile criticizing Lin Piao and Confucius 5 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG September 1, 1974 No 791## CHOU, CHUNG //HUNG-CH'I// --/--/1974, V----l N0009 Critique of the Chleng brothers by the insurgen army of Li Tzu-ch'eng 8 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG Septebmer 1, 1974, No 791## .1 LING-I LIANG //HUNG-CHI// --/--/1974, V----, The chief exponent thinking 11 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC September 1, 1974 N0009 of Pre Ch'in legalist OF CHINA MAG No 791## UNKNOWN //HUNG-CH'I// --/--/1974) V----, N0009 How we carry out ciriticsm on lin Piab and Confucius 5 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG Sept. 1, 1974 No791## 0 FANG //HUNG-CH'I// --/--/1974, V----, N0009 Study the confucianist legalist struggle for the sake of consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat 7 pp PE"OPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG September 1, 1974 No 791## mbAN, KUO //HUNG-CH'I// --/--/1974, V----, N0009 Give serious attention to environmental Drotection 6 pp ~EOFLEIS REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG September 1, 1974 No 791## UNKNOWN //HUNG-CH'I [RED FLAGP/ -1/09/19749 VQ---, N0009 Produce move coal for revolution 5 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG No 792 October 7 1974## UNKNOWN //HUNG-CH'I [red flag]// 01/09/1974, V---- ~ N0009 Carry out the correct line reap a high yield of wheat invesiigation report on Hsinhsiang District Honan 6pp PEOPEL'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG No 792 October 7, 1974## UNKNOWN //HUNG-CH'I (RED FLAGP/ 01/09/1974, V---- ~ N0009 COnsolidate the rural socialist front 6pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Or CHINA MAG No 792 October 7, 1974## UNKNOWN //HUNG-CH'I (RED FLAG]// Ol/M9/1974, V----, N0009 Educate the company with the Party's correct Line 5 pp .. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG. no 792 October 7, 1974## [AN CHING 'MNG-v,;rf I I [RED FLAG] 11/09/1974, V----, N0009 Zapacious International exploters S pp it PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG lo 792 october 7 1974## UNXNOWN //HUNG-CH'I [RED FLAG]// 91/09/19743 V----, N0004 The confucianist discilining the army according to propriety and Lin Piao's bourgeois military line 5 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG. No 792 October 7, 1974## UNKNOWN //HUNG-CH'I [RED FLAG]// 01/09/1974, V----, N0009 ExDose Lin Piao features as right opportunist 6 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAG. No 792 October 7, 1~~4## VIEN CHUN //HUNG-CH'I (RED FLAGP/ 01/09/1974, V----, N0009 Critique of lin Piao's crime in opposing party leadership over the army 5 pp PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA HAG. no 792 OCTOBER 7, 1970# UNKNOWN ///11UNG-CHIII/ 0l/10/1974,V----,N00I0, Take the Road of Developing the Petroleum Industry by Our Own Efforts, 8 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA NAGAZINES, No 795, 29 Oct 1974, UNKNOWN HHUNG-CH 11// 01/10/1974,V----,N00l0, Persist in Revolution, Strive to Advance, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA NRGAZINES, No 795, 29 Oct 1974 UNKNOWN HHUNG-CH 11// 0l/10/1974,V----,N0010, Once the Army and the People Are United as One Man, Who in the World Can Match 'fliem?, 7 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLEtS MPUBLIC OF GIINA MAGAZINES, No 795, 29 Oct 1974 ft UUNKNOWN //HUNG-Cilll// 01/10/1974,V----,N0010, Chairmaii i%laols Guiding Light Illuminates Liehmai, 7 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA :ia 795, 29 Oct 1974 UUNKNOWN //IIUNG-Cll'l// 01/I0/1974,V----,N00l0, A Creation by the Contingent of Worker Theorists, 7 pp SELECTIUNS FROM PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 796, 4 Nov 1974 KAN KO //ilUNG-CH'l// 01/10/1974,V ---- IN0010, Unity Is to the Basic Guarantee for Victory, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PLOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 796, 4 Nov 1974 SHM LUN //[1UNG-C11'1// 01/10/1974,V----,N0010, On the "Black-ficaded People" 10 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLES RE-PUBLIC OF C11INA NAGAZINES, No 796, 4 Nov 1974 CHIIU SHM HHUNG-01 11// 01/l0/1974,V----,N0010, The Affections Between the Army and the People Is as Deep as the Sea, 5 pp SELECTIONS FROM PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA MAGAZINES, No 796, 4 Nov 1974