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ratveyev, V. IMstvayev Discusses A)rategy and Tactics of Cold War Advocates. 7 pp &&HDUN&ODWAM-gd&M#, ioscow, No n, 1973, pp 26. 30. im 6 o78i w*v4vo4 L A. Aft of lkhe Im 1 0 M NOW I - 1 as VIW*Aft.- at mbwmu -htvr ycv, ~msic Probluas in the Desipiing of Absorbing of Fast Powar Reactors. 10 pp i-,WL08ifCHALYU~ijCl]IY&.,,'-AT~,'UAbY I- STFRZIZj RE G ULIROVglyA UYS-k Kli W7 ~ JIL AKT-QRQV,-, Dirdtrovgrad, 4-8 June, 1973- JPRS 598-63 Matvienko, V.N. Thermal Conditions and Some Questions of the Tectonic Zonation of Western Ciscaucasia. NEFTEGAZ. GEOL. GEOFIZ., 1972, No. 8, pp-13-16. A.T.S. ROCG-B956'- - Matvienkol V.N. Nature of the Link Between the and Oil and Gas Content of the Example of West Ciscaucasia), GEOL. NEFTI GAZA, V.16, 1972, A.T.S. RO&GH 883 Thermal Regime Depths (On the No. 8, pp.54-62. Miktviyevakaya, N. The Combined Method of Geological Prospecting, in the Kond ASSF. 5 pp -rICj&jW MDUSLRIJ amlQb _ A, Moscow, 29 Mar 74# p 2. jpRs 62305 Matpikbas I* Automtion of Family Budget 13tudies amed. 7 pp MTNIK, STATIMIU, Moscow, No 1, -1974, pp 22-27. JM 61M I M ats, 4 On the sWfiemw of mitmanIpm to envirowntal h*41th. j1pno pp ovi-vue = 73-14695-06E KAML, W. //MMCHE MKDVMMM WWMCDM// --/--/1-957jVOO82,ffO049s Idiopathic PalmonarT Bwmiderosis in an Adult. 13 PP. pp 2194-2196,IWZ #1",*MMMWnt USIB Ym*as only F. Himenti4l ObOOitY polmmm LvR AffDrUN-;- vol. 90* 1972j, pp. 785-8 ,JASA IT P 15,589 Maurat, J.P. Electron microscope study of the myocardium in potassium deficient rats. ,ARCIIIVL-S DES iNALADIE-S BU COHIZ DES VAISSWAUX ET DU SAN~,11ES''- '1004 , pp -1021, V. 58. NTC 73-12153-06E MA"al, R. AeUvItY Ot wbduo owndow. Twt MM. omowim At as - at" of-votm Tat SOM049M ca pladom., A 2'. AbWM ftwp w wv~ Carr, im j J* no=* IMMM at 29 W28 :-A Te Mi2m Wis CAIII" aFSACIAI/ T 04/12/1974.V-,N , PP OM Bishopg Ask for &Lonsive FoUUcal Amesty 3 PP im 63788 mom, F. /A.M.Ow// ~1.110680v---ON .. ~b Influencing the Drag and the Bow Wave by a Neat Addiikion in the Stagnation Point Dm*in of Blunt Bodies in Supersonic Flow, 22 pp. pp i74-i8q,crA-x-7qoaw MAURERK, G. flUNTERNOWNGEN UDER PAlliOGENESE WD MIERAPIE Ml KOMBINATIMSSCHADEN// --102/1974,V----,,N ....a Studies of Pathogenesis and Therapy of Combination Injuries, 6!5 ~12~ 1-71 'A OACSI-K-49970~ MAUMo R. //WEMERG UND MM// ft./.-/Iya,vOO18,NOOO1, Simplified Col-Imetrign Determination of Sugarp PP 39-4791"C 74-10430*070M, XALWO, A. a. *No "nown Llmlo~Amxv = A Now Cone%* In ConwIcas Damob" Oorrulvity O"fficimto PP 11-18MI 1113W Maurin,, Framois world Conditions Dwand Modern Defense Establisbuent, 12 DEPEW SATIMLE, J-PHS 6u 31 pp. Paris# Jul 73s PP 21-33. On't 73 MAURrs J. P. //AMLkrn DE TM=UWCATIONS// -, /-/1970#vOO25011-P Computer Datemination of Optimm Rmiting StratqW in a Commication Network. Ecrinn I - W-3170ATC 74-10536-17MIrL ; XAYJBNMs, R. //=%KC-MU XWM n't Oll t IMII PAIltj MM// ~:-/-/1972vV-A---& -s f4v Mxdtm4ft hboust Air ftvn Nw-Uw Statiout pow 9118AU Winfrith ?raw. VE (Trus) 3MM MAIVATTr,3, DOMBAST MA IRIF// Pp 0047-0050 verekou Discusses Broad Range of Topics 9 pp jPRs 63552 ft ~Apvntl,'-v, loribFisi 'T'ombnlbnye Olsciissos "ew ~JPINV,, Ilranch Cooperation, 11 nP. -'AT`3ii', "Inshnsa, 44-45, jj~ Jall 74, PP 41-)~2, 1-~ 777. 61303 '.,Inr 71~ I f-1, A V L k ki (j ~ i ,I . I~kj 111 L ~i A i IN I- i 1 1- F I t L u I ij . A N d N S Y i% (-- H i,~ U 1~ Li U.)~ M A C, i I ~~ E ~NlTli A LIAUULI lk, LUVU~, dii ffit- K K i i, ~ k: 1~ t- i I ~ JA . I V y (. 11, 1 -') k, I I L L I N A Y A I L t~\ t i . k (, ~ P . i1 t- I 11 V I I ~ . I I , I . i I i j i 1 1, ~l 113 - k I- " i (, -;-I I - , ~ - i ') t~- I -) Mavlyuberdinov. Z. Some Aspects of Protccting Caspian Sea From Pollution. .5 pp VYSHKA, Baku, 7 SePt 19?3. P 2- JPRS76302 7AW""'Mmum m wr// ;;-1-A966m,yoWjv-- masum units at i;Ivests rer'th* RAMANUM at Solvent Oam In the Alro PP 385-389Jft 74-UO89*13WO Nay. M !~D IIITEPNATIONAL CONIFFUNCE ON NIETAL CORROSION// Comparative te,,,tg on stainless steels for corrosion in atmosphere of a-,-- and water vapour 184-391 C.E. TPAN C529'Hi 'lay, 11. On the Initial Processes Taking Place During the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Titanium Carbide onto rerrous Materials. NEUE HUTTE, vol. 17, 1972, No.6, pp.328-333. i 19' 8 6-17 - WAWM,oA*R. IIUVMAr, MUMUaWaffs RnWMWY r ZPMCBZOWW// -/oll/lorionvasymrs 1"Oru zrz. ammourcstl(Aw of intemtadow be', - I - oettutw OMVMM#S induded into Wo CaRmitlm of attaromodw" fivwt4w in ador4ackpla of vo-low gowa. ? pgo pp 2J-28,,AZR1FrD-mu24-lWo.74#j i'..'aynt, ,,;ocitajdsii, of, thu OxiLhitive Jc~,radl~ition oi Cclialost in Alhaliac 10 pit U-)UKlJ9()LF-KilLIARNYE Sul"NiNUAlylk Vol 6, Nzi Li. llj4 pp l(A 3- 1 6911'~ A i.3-17-71-SI004 ftyat, Te. Review of Book on Islam. 6 pp j~WZQWKOYE NUBM04M, ~bscow, 110 9, Sopt 19?3. pp 139-143. jas 6o6i5 / 7rooll A0, 705~v // %~ Present SftU of Alr PaUution in Hoodca Cityp pp 99-3.04PETC 74-Mig-13M ,Aydardk, K. L. The Victory of the Cuban People and the World Revolutionary Process. 14 pp UM6KAYA UL~.tdKA, m~oscow, iqo 4, Jay-Aug 1973. pp 36-49. ik,Rs 59908 ork. oittlLned, 1212 U-0r, 1-3. a' 18 Anr 73, i)~I P Y L) j,' ; v L L2 t Ul L i0. YK I I j I L L L; "I V. Mayer,o D. Me Ampa in Z&Vht Pmmse visome and OAC an a fwwKm teneton and prodming. , axn~-PRWS (ZMWArZOfAr.),, CC 7&13438429 of PA66s, PA6,o FES* of the te"mtwv Vol 27, 1972, pp S-9 P Study of the Distribution of Lead in Fre-e-Cutting Steel Coiitninin~,, Sulphur and Lca~i, by H. Mayor. Sl',%T ITST"i, In(),, Vol 38, 1-'kc. 210~ pp 1445-9. P I ST -11.101-1 A~~ril 71-~ MkVer, H. The large WInd Pmror Plant TECHM vol. 2, December, 19'ris iv. 5p7-528 r-15,313 1wer, N. Hlethod of transmitting additional picture information during the vertical blanking interval of a TV trans- Mission. MWMW-T4CM=CA MITTEILUNGIN, Vol 151, P, 2o6-213 1971. NTc 73-lo6ft-17B mw 73 MVer p S. Production of Pig-Ir(m &W Blast Rmimce/F*Wry DuplaxiAg in the Moinstabil. ScWM Verein Gmbh. Mielostabl Teebmik,, 1972, Vol. 10, No. 2. pp. 75n-77 BISI 11b72 lamp wo .-II-Mm to vw AWITBU md StdAUty of s ftw aft"Womeaw malatft Not=* hrt 1. swort: lumm at jau"06% w*Mus" Bdwdor =d -01"alan of ago moft9guen to is P M& lip 4 it windum ftivattv"s VP 32-W,WC 744X*&-06M Mayergoyz, 1. 111. Econordc Integration of NuroPean CFMA Member Nations Discusued. 12 pp VA(zXOY4-(JL. UNIVER51TETA, MOSCOW, NO 5, sept 1973. pp 3-11. jpRs 60979 lftykovp A* Inefficient Use of Manpower Hurt8 Industrial Development. 5 pp SOT�j"T1CW-9u ViDUSTga, Moscawg 12 Play 19740 p 2. jpRs 62298 JfttIwA3IzIW the of labor Pasomms in RSFSR,' b7 A*- MAYWY, U PP- RUMANs per# jdjdjI4ItjwmkIv zwv moomf No 40 1973, pp U7-125. JM W37 Jme 73 Mayorchik, V. Te. Changes in IAte Components of Evoked Potentials aider Conditions and in Focal Brain Pkthology am Related to StimuIi WrAng In Significances u pp WATEW 140b ZUZM VYSSHEX NERVNOY 71, Moscow, No 4, 1973, PP 78&790. JPRS 62005 more Powerful agh Voltage Tmsfozmws btroduoads by A6 Ia ftyorstos 14 pps RMSIAN * per. Madrgtakhrdics mwmvw. No 3. Mar 19736 pip 1-6, MRS 59237 JMG 73 mayorov, A. PreirvUetion Training in Baltic MilitAry District Described, 4 pp A~kmln uZHUNYXH .51L, Moscow, No 10, eay 74, pp 25-31. JM 625U MAYOROVs L. V. //INSTITUT ATOMNOY ENERGII L-,ENI I. V. KURCH.ATOVA// --/--/1969,V ---- UK W OA Relative Efficiency of Various 3stimates In th4 Ymte-Carlo Method, 71 pp A&T/r-;S`TC/HT-P-3-1785-73 Mayorov, L. V. Calculation of rod clusters using the 41bedo method - I.V. KURCHATOV ORDER OF UNIN INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC M~G-T 0 1~ I pp 40. 1910 G.E. Trans 5976 may 73 I H ayorov, S. V. Fhotoclactronic an(] Thernroolectronic lnstru- mcnts and Their Applications. 23 ?p I AMBOY ~ 11CH PEMMOUIE, ~ioscow, 1973. pp 20-37, 155-157. JTW 59951 Mayr, E. A. ACKER NINCENBAU Vol 1.19, 1969, pp 112-120 *,NTIS-TI'-74-S302'9 Maystmkh, Ko Va Now Book Discusses Child Care in the USSR, 3 pp 50ygugE ZDRAVOUKUM"JU, Moacow, No 7, 1974o pp 88-89. JpRs 62929 :,Aystrakh. 9. V. uldef 'Aages of lAwelopment of Higher i'..'edical Education in the USSR. 5 pp SOU,TSKOIL ZDRAVCXJKl-IWIJh141Yb, 1-110SCOW, NO 7, 1973, pp 62---766-. jpr,s 60003 MAYSTRAKIls YE.V. flormn GiPoTERmy I ANABiOZA U NEZIMDSPYASIJQiIKII MLEKOPITAYUSI]QIIIUI I 04ELOVEKA, BROSHURY, ZNSNIYE, SERIES SIULOGIA// --- 8, "Turned-Off Life. An Ussay on Hypothermia and Anabiosis in Non-Mbernating Mamals and People. A* pp I- ---, and bibliography# ftCSI-K-48680~ r 'llystrakh, YC.V. lheoretical ProbIciiis in the Effect of Low Temperatures on the Oody iiy FIZIOLUGICHi~SKlY MURNAL SSSI',, lr,,cni I.M. seellenova, No 9, 196D, pi) 1171)-7 *ACS 1 75 2 HAD= a D. Z/0". bowilV/ ;;*/09A9n,Tomp=l ion of am Ojptlml Proflu at a ml, 6 Il 41, anitims. 8 lop. pp mmms D. (Aft. =M-H "AW~.mmmm. a Nawqfte "b& 6 PPO FWd Uffftfted %y PP 309-3UJMM-W-MWVW H&Mrl, V* The Growth of People's Prosperity Urder the Con- ditions of DevelopW 6ocialism, 17 PP gago-Isr, moscowt No go June ?4# pp 62-74. M6 61594 ~-IAYTET,, S. S. //SlJDOSTPOYE'MIYr,// .- . / --/1973, V----- I 11001f, ooiler Tmni-ovin-. stoam seDaration jj,. ship's ' -)C/OTII/Ht--30-4O--75~.,# )[I ?(; ?8 AAMII~ L Maza Alvarez, J,A, INGENIERIA AIDRAULICA EN MEXICO Vol 20s No 2t 1966, ~p 22-37 *NTIS-TT-74-SS064 mazan, Valdomar motor ~Iual Service Problem Analyzed, ' 1) pp 0 TTT,,TT,qTYC-T- I RUDOE"JIMI-70, llarsawt '~To 4-P 7)r 73, pp P7- 9. JP3~s 59551 Al ';-~ 7 3 Mazanek, E. Fxaminnt4,on of sinter properties by the linder method. HUTNIV, KATOWICE, v. 38, p. 321-325, 1971 CRL T 5074 )(AEAUDp Js C* //ACTA MAMMIU// -'-/10/1971vVW19#N---# Met&Uograpby of the 7W 0 Precipitation in an Fe-" It Allm Containing Berylliump PP 1133-1140PHB 9142M MAZAY97A, N.A. //ZEML WMPATDLOOII I PSIKHTATRII INUI s-.- s. xoR3AxovikH --/--/1974,V----, N0005, Vp 0732-0738 One of the Varlants of Sohizold Psychopaty 8 Vp I JPRS 63749 MAIAYEV9 YU. I KU HANLu'M'4, Lk MAJAM KATtS ANO DUEL (~ON~,UMPTION? 2NO LH. SPi,,t.VUk-hkIK PL1 M)AkSHA i Ki~,AHOUA 6Cl-', YULht.k'.~,j 1/,i1. I'L. VOLil.hi,Yi- iz-b. MIN. 660KUNY SSSki f-IOSCbW7I ut 104 PP. is - F s I-C - H 1- 1 3- u'-, 6:)- 141 matepovt Ve Is Fivquency Optimization of Measuring lWdroacoustic Bquipment and Method of i~,stimting the V"tion of Its Rangeo 5 pp TEZISY MgAM TREVINY VSESOYM-OY- SHKOU-sFam M SUMMMKOT GIMg&=IKF-, Moscow, 1972, pp 296-301- JpRs 62571 I'A Z , PI. V. '-")Yp,,T)LIEN.TV1 V---, ''ir0012, ,'~pzthev-*s of ',3,7,8-~~etyertLt)'z,,ildibe~t.~ofur(vip pp 1597-159D,,*,TTC 74-11666-07cliiil 24-Jul-74 Unci (JPRS--62167) Cosmic radiation burst observed bi the 'Ko~wos-4611 artificial earth satellite. MAZETS, GUENETSKII, S. V. ; ILI INSKII I V-N. Translated from Zh. Eksp. Teor. Piz., Pls'ma Red.; No. 29 126- 128(1974). 4p. PAT IS . ~,Oli cosaic radiation; tranr3lations YN-3q b N 1) NSA MA ZM, YK. P. 1)'PRTRODAII -/0 1/1-9 740 V-S N"030 Fgah-W of wedo jamp-raliation from obeervatifow aboard ARS slommos-48P. pp 96-97,No 3(703)j,*NASA 27 F 15,v?90#9 Hazharov. N. Stages in the Development of CEMA Marine Transport Cooperation* 5 pp XoRsi% Fig, Moscow, No 2, Feb 1974, pp, 4-6. JPRS 61735 I 19-Jun-73 Uncl ~~'(SLA--73-604) Distribution of raindrops accordinq to size. MAZIN, I.P., NEVZOROV, A.N. Tran-glated hy Patricia Npwman (Sandja Labs., Albuquerque, N. flek.) from Meteorn), (;Idrol,; No. 4, 99-106(1968). 1'7p,, Dep. NTIS $3.00. 04B meteoTology; 04A physic's (atmosph,2ric); translations [N-53 P NSA muiWAas S. The Nflumm of air pollution on the state of the protedtive qparaW of Me eyes of sehoot ohitd*& ROM MKUD HYMMY, WAWA Vol 19* SO .,. ~Mr PAIMM 7968, pp 31-58 AITC 74-20097-06F mazierski, Jacak Effectiveness of Workeral Self-Govornment Conferences Viewed, 10 pp. POLITY"KA,, Warsaw, 29 gap 73P pp 4P 5. Pn 66316 110v '7'1 Mobs A. L 1b 1 a - of the *aeb4lds Soqvmm ct the M of outan rIdW DOOM ASUMIM Mae lomml, My-Ilk "it -gloo no. 110 VW* 19TIP NP. MeD CB Ruing L L. C*rr*Utt*n between the content of OC " 5 - Iftth- y2atesim in A-A-1 M MM~= AKAMIIM I= M!, I I'm I I I 11- - 0 vol. 210; no. 4, Jump 1973t Pj?. 9b3-956 ca Mmin, A. Lo CorreZation betzwn the oontent of GO and 5-awthyZdy- toeine in the DNA of pZmts. DOXWY AKAXMrX NAUK &,W, VoZ 211, No 4, Aug 19730 pp 985-988 BIOCHEMISfRy 0 MUltovo R. 1. 04 144=4 1u 34MIM In eamplem in solutim DKLAW AUMO WK R. M"M mim. VOL 212P 30- 4y 1973F PP- 905-910 CD Mazmanishvili, S. Modernizing a Mobile Radio Noise Detector Sta- tion. AVTOMATIKA, TELEMrKHANIKA I SVYAZI, no. 12, 1970, pp 34-35. FSTC-HT-23-1439-72 ACSI K-1985 Muot V. L. latefering pwn*t*m in a 5 1 11 Rol I Of 21004r im" TERM r"re"Im --l Mlw MINMI .-.4mrvat PR-Mj 19M p WC 73-13-19T-I?A --- NM 97?-20,6n RZ UR, B. YfffDYCYNA D06WADCZArNA r MUROMLOCIA // -1-11973"Voms- 7w spread of entemvirmen in min's envIorment, PartI. 'he presence of the OPlimjelitie" virus in varioto parts ,f vegetable plants mtBod on wntoninated aoil, p. 93-98, NTC 7440329-08Y On loan SeMoe Margeg~ alms T. to --.& 80* It akeue lowalt" in AUft-AUW -0l=- . VOL ms - ism an ME map goo % Avswts lm,$ lvp. AW3#OM4 a Mazur, Yu. 14 Chu Si GY6n Mid Conte*omry Cl-dnese UWdstics, 2 pp aLRLU.IY W~MOVCKOYo Moscows No 2#19?4, pp 203-207. JPRS 62512 Azurin, L. 1. Efficiency of Construction Hinges on Consolidation* 8 pp nNANsy SSSR, Fosccrw. No 5. 1974, pp 27-32. JPRS 62.745 .-Azurin, L. 1. Keserves for Lmiering ~Aimated Costs of Gon- S~ruction. 6 Ipp 'A IiINAji""y ;Oscml, i!O 51 ., y 19'?3. pp 57-60. ji~iis 6oo22- Mazurin, 0. V. Electrical Conductivity of Glasses in the Na2 O-Ro-SiO2 System. riz. Tverdogo Tela, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp.1477-81, 1960. A.T.S. RJ-5291 Max O'ya,, V. G. Asynptotie behavior of Ow solution of the Navier-Stokee equations now fins. DOYJ" AK4D IIAVK SSR IRT PHYSrCS Vol 210S NO 40 S,,,A SOV .rune 1373, pp 803-808 Amer Inst of Physics '.17amadou 1,enyi )rol,,fj,y~t, ;'l()Ilef effort (,'alled Insufficient, 6 pp. T,tOfr:,-:`,'- APRTCAT'l, Dalar, 18 Jan 74, T)T) 1, 5-, 25 -Tan ?!t., Tm ~, 11. T')*Is ~!- ..I, Xboimoua, Eteld New OAU Socretary General Tnterviewed, 7 pp. GOVERTIMENT USE ONTLY JEUNF AFRIQUT, ?arls, 6 Tul 74, pp 26-29. ,TPRS7L 1~931;- ,qeP 74. lill"Boup, Tbrahlma Mansour Poccart; to Requeat -.Drourrjit Aid, 5 Pp. T,'.~ ",OUJL, Dakar, 5 l7ob 74, P 3. T"IZ.3 ='-~a ". -., 1, .,1h - -_QWto 014 a 0. P. ZM~ft of WrOm" m -'I an tu ~~v w il~ I . 1111 14 am Am== ~ SM I Vag EMS, Wo 1 ~~51C.Jffs, :1~ (a 110001mas we am ~ I - --d Md UmUd Appe0a or fte %Md" or ymms via IV" Pot m IlEl"Am TAP To got no 31 IM ww-~ 23W-231* - we TS42"Mn Nowns W. ka V * - go ag Umfte AMMU In Wain of ftbidw nbws vi#A w" lot iv ~~ 2~~L( L, To 52s, a. 60 IWIP If- TRAOM we t34249413 llem8lFmq we ku 2h I VINSfe =A UMUC AIPWU at ft Ord" at hbwtw ftw" With NOW" low pwt v 11111.1111M . .'fl! am, T.- go, lkwf- Too - - alim xw'-W-MN~ mc i372AX'm XdMwUm, W. S~ " 1% to md UngUe Aspoeft at Um W4ft Ot ftUWtw F9W Idth Ketaft "4NWft Pat I mm Q& To 50,0 as it Iwo St. "44 m bml-246-= 17-qpr-74 ljnc I L 13 R F NR - - I IK A P E R :iatt ice Program for 1w. t e rogeneous c r i t i c a Ifacilities (~jerls guide). MC6RATH, P.E. ( K --- 0j~DRSZ,lUNGS2!FWTRJrI. K A -~LSRUHE ( F . P. (I , rR MA NY ) . I NS T . FU 1-1.:i A N G EW A ~J PT E 5 Y S T EM TECUI I K IJ4D PLAKTORPHYSIK). Nc 11)73. 73 lj . (KFK--IBq3). DL~ P . NTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $5.75. WorXed perfo-i , under United States-Euratom Fast Reactor Exchanqe Pr.-jgpam. M computers; I8K reactor phVqics S T D - 79d Aj PNS A md"w, P. -1 --1 5w 4"wt#tlft of aping plan M. hrt n. owtivaum m&a s,"tft NSM 9 IV* 499 u* 4 19(6p IF* 1319&13V _WQ AMA. I WfC 73-M79-UM