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October 30, 1987
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 Listed below are the topics that were discussed at the D/L staff meeting on 28 Oct 1987. While they do not represent the totality of our discussions, they do represent the highlights. Your division or staff chief can provide you with additional details on those topics in which you are interested. 30 October 1987 1. The Office of Lnaistir.s (nr1 ic rOimmc.A 25X1 newest employees 25X1 to the Logistics Operations Center. 25X1 to welcome its , assigned 2. We are pleased to announce that the following OL employees successfully completed the Career Trainee Program and were presented their certificates by Judge Webster at a graduation ceremony on 2 October: Logistics Officer, Latin America Division/DO Foreign Buildings Office/RECD Real Estate and Construction Division Facilities Management Division 25X1 Procureme gement Staff 3. a. All division and staff chiefs have been asked to collect a list of volunteers to run the OL Christmas party. If you are interested in serving on any of the various committees, 25X1 please call Marie, Dawna or Brenda on b. The Basic Tenets of OL Personnel Policy have been sent to every Logistics careerists. If you have not received your own copy of this verli .ninnrfarif A^^"m4" please contact 25X1 Marie, Dawna or Brenda on 25X1 4. a. There are now handicapped employees working as full time Agency employees; 29 more than in 1986. b. In 1980 33.8% of the Agency population was female; the total now is 40.1%. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 OL Staff Notes 28 October 1987 5. Approximately employees attended a successful one-day symposium on career issues and strategies sponsored by the Federal Women's Program Advisory Council on 14 October. The keynote speaker was Commissioner Patricia Price Bailey of the Federal Trade Commission. Other speakers included Judy Mann, Washington Post columnist; Dr. Geraldine Cox, Vice President of the Chemical Manufacturers Association; Michele Lord, Executive Director of the Congressional Caucus; and a panel of Agency SIS women. 6. Other Significant Events which Occurred in OL this reporting period were: a. Renovations in the Office of Information Technology second and third floor computer centers in the NHB 25X1 were completed during this reporting period. b. OL took possession of the fourth floor (east portion) of the North Tower of the NHB. This area is slated for occupancy by the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research 25X1 in January 1988. c. Shirley Contracting Corporation installed the base coat of pavement along westbound Route 193 near the intersection of Route 123 and at the intersection of Route 193 and the Turkey Run Access Road. On 28 October, the contractor rerouted traffic and raised the elevation along eastbound Route 193. During the construction, the contractor will provide a separate lane for Agency employees turning from eastbound Route 25X1 193 onto Turkey Run Road.. d. On 27 October 1987, the backfilling of a trench across the Turkey Run Access Road construction entrance was completed. This allowed the construction traffic flow to return to normal. Construction traffic had been diverted to the Turkey Run Access Road employee entrance as a temporary 25X1 measure. e. On 13 October, an OL team with assistance from Allied and Kane Movers, started a lengthy project of rearranging the secure, essential and non-essential power in the New Headquarters Building (NHB) to conform with the furniture layout. The project will last until the last office in the NHB is turned over to the component for occupancy. A deadline of 23 October was given for the third floor so that the Office of Information Technology could pull commo and data 2 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20 : CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 OL Staff Notes 28 October 1987 lines to the 100 holes drilled in the floor tiles. Upon completion of the third floor, a new 4ea.d1in will be set for 25X1 the completion of the fourth floor. Attachments A. One Individual Can Make a Difference B. November Visitations C. Item of Interest from PMS 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 T 25X1 25X1 25)(1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ATTACHMENT A ****** ONE INDIVIDUAL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ****** The Director of Logistics extends a sincere "well done" to the following employees who, by their outstanding performance, have not only received acknowledgment from OL customers but have helped to enhance the "can do" image of our office: The Mail and Courier Branch, FMD, was commended in a of appreciation, dated 26 October 1987, from Barry Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs, for the excellent assistance and speedy delivery of time-sensitive compartmented information to various agency and department heads. stated that the response was positive and immediate. Also commended were and Mail and Courier Branch, for their superb assistance in the pickup and delivery of mail for the National Security Council. Logistics Officers, Intelligence Community Staff, were recipients of a letter of appreciation dated 26 October 1987, from Chief, Unauthorized Disclosure Analysis Center their assistance during UDAC's moves. UDAC moved three times in the past three months, from Headquarters to the Ames Building, then twice within the Ames Building. Two of these moves were done on very short notice. Kathy devoted a great deal of personal attention to the details of moving and spent many hours assuring that the UDAC was properly handled. Rufus provided the necessary supportmake the move take place on time and in good order. ---Qi (UDAC), for Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 ATTACHMENT B OL VISITATION SCHEDULE November 1987 OFFICER COMPONENT DATE C/IMSS C/AS/CPAS and Logs Officer 11-05-87 C/PMS C/CPG/CS and Logs Officers 11-10-87 STAT C/PD nd Logs Officer 11-10-87 EO D/OC, OC/AMD and Logs Officer 11-10-87 D/L C/SAS and Logs Officers 11-13-87 C/PMS C/SDG/CS and Logs Officers 11-13-87 DD/L1 C/EPS and Logs Officer 11-16-87 C/PD C/AS/NESA and Logs Officer 11-17-87 DD/L C/EUR and Logs Officer 11-18-87 C/IMSS C/AS/SOVA and Logs Officer 11-19-87 EO D/OD&E and C/SPG/CS 11-24-87 C/SD C/SB/ORD and Logs Officer 11-24-87 STAT D/L and Logs Officers 11-27-87 C/SD C/AO/OEA and Logs Officer TBD C/FMD C/SS/OIT and Logs Officers TBD C/FMD C/AS/FBIS and Logs Officer TBD C/P&PD C/AS/LDA and Logs Officer TBD C/P&PD C/AS/OIR and Logs Officer TBD c/ RECD C/ESG/FBIS TBD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9 1 la C ONFID NTIAL PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT STAFF, OL ITEM OF INTEREST 27 OCTOBER 1987 "THIRTY DAYS HATH SEPTEMBER..." The procurement process has never seen a September with only 30 days. The requisitioning and procuring processes build to a climax beginning in August. At this time, those involved with the budgeting process are working to assure that their dollars Are obligated. Procurement personnel are, once again, doing a balancing act, trying to accommodate the customer yet adhere to the established deadlines for acceptance of certain types of requests. Dollars not legally obligated by midnight on 30 September are lost by the office to which they were originally allotted. Since obligations must be recorded in the General Accounting System (GAS) prior to fiscal yearend closeout, the Office of Finance (OF) gives the Contract Information System (CONIF) a 2-to-3-day window in which to get all obligations recorded. Systems managers from CONIF, GAS, and the Inventory Control System meet with managers of the Office of Information Technology operations, beginning in July, to insure goals are set, procedures are clearly outlined, and contact points are provided for any situation that may arise. September arrives. The clock is ticking and the countdown has started against the unobligated dollars reported daily by OF. A successful yearend requires total dedication and commitment by all those involved in the commitment/obligation process. This vpar. with just two weeks left in the fiscal year, there 25X1 was in unobligated dollars. Daily progress was monitored. By 30 September, there was still $130 million 25X1 outstanding compared to on the same day last year. Would the dollars get obligated? Would the obligations get recorded? Yes! Once again the Office of Logistics, committed to superior service, would get the job done! Total dollars obligated during the last month of this fiscal 25X1 year totalled (31 percent of the Agency budget), but we did it! 25X1 The pressure was greater, the system downtime extensive, and the increased numbers of actions and dollars seemed insurmountable. But the Office of Logistics met the challenge head-on and another fiscal year was successfully closed out. We did it! C 0 N F ENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350004-9