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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160004-1 DA 88-2185 #_ 14 October 1988 CG i' MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: R. M.-Huffstutler Deputy Director for Administration Status and Accomplishments Report: Directorate of Administration Goals for 1988 DDA's Memo to DCI dtd 6 January 1988; Subject: The Directorate of Administration - Goals for 1988 The Directorate of Administration has made some important progress toward achieving the goals established for the Directorate earlier in the year. In our 6 January 1988 memorandum to you, eight specific Directorate-wide goals were identified for 1988. A ninth goal was to follow up on items, as appropriate, identified for 1987. Each goal will be addressed separately in this memorandum (in no particular priority order). 1. GOAL: IMPROVE CUSTOMER RELATIONS, SERVICE STANDARDS, AND RESPONSIVENESS Throughaut the Directorate of Administration, senior managers have been charged with the responsibility of developing programs to improve customer services. Already we have seen significant strides being taken to improve customer relations, service standards, and responsiveness through various system developments and/or modification and procedural enhancements and changes. While some are almost completed, others are in the embryonic state. As examples of efforts undertaken in this area and progress made up to this point: a. The Office of Communications (OC) operational elements are actively involved in documenting specific interface standards for communications carrier, cryptographic, and processing systems as part of standardization efforts, and performance standards, as perceived by our customers, have been tightened. OC management continues to emphasize responsiveness when dealing with unique and urgent customer 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160004-1 b. Our Office of Finance (OF), in response to growing external pressure to ensure the integrity of our contractual relationships, augmented their commercial contracting audit staff. As part of the Financial Management Improvement Project (FMIP), we have implemented performance and measurement standards for planning and targetting commercial audit activities, allowing us to conduct more frequent audits and to implement additional safeguards to limit our vulnerability to fraud, waste, and abuse. Through FMIP, we have implemented an invoice tracking and statistical sampling system to facilitate commercial vendor invoice audit and payment, thus ensuring compliance with the Prompt Pay Act. Renewed emphasis has been placed on improving support to the Directorate of Operations through judicious use of automation and the assignment of experienced finance professionals to a number of sensitive projects. We have improved service to stations and bases worldwide by streamlining procedures for recording certain field expenses; this has significantly reduced paperfiow and time required to resolve problems associated with these transactions. Customer assistance teams also have been established to support our finance officers worldwide. We have achieved initial operating capability in our automated system to process and pay bills for supplies and equipment purchases from DoD and GSA. This system enables us to determine on a more timely basis if goods and services have been received before we initiate payment. C. Our Office of Logistics (OL) recently underwent reorganization, and as one outgrowth, all facilities-related functions were combined under one umbrella to improve communications and reduce the need for time-consuming coordination. In the logistics area, we have streamlined and corrected major deficiencies in the receiving activity to be responsive to all customers' requirements. A customer service supervisor has been identified to interface directly with all of the component customers. We have developed and implemented a skills workshop in "Customer Service Excellence" focusing on customer -2- S E C R E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 support and telephone etiquette; streamlined the requisition process, providing a computer-generated request for direct action by the proprietary activities; and now provide each of our customers with monthly status reports of outstanding requisitions in a proactive manner, not in a reactive manner; in other words, we have taken the initiative. Further, an aggressive visitation program has been initiated where OL representatives meet with customers on a regularly scheduled basis in the customer environment to assess the effectiveness of OL services and to assist customers. Other procedures that have been put into place include the assignment of additional personnel in key areas to provide real-time customer follow-up, one-on-one tutorials for customers on the requisition process, regular briefings/orientations and training on various logistics/supply areas for both old and new employees, expanded worldwide flight for the Agency, increased visitation to various user sites, and the addition of new areas of service including a Logistics Services Center planned for the NHB atrium. d. Our Office of Personnel (OP) (1) revised procedures to ensure new Agency employees receive their pay on time; (2) expanded on existing system in order to expedite payment of contractor fees; (3) worked with the Office of Security to extend clearances to 180 days from 90 days making it possible for components to hold cleared applicants in process until their strength permitted hiring additional employees; (4) installed the Recruiter Applicant Processing System (RAPS) in each field Recruitment Activity Center (RAC) to provide an automated data base for employment and applicant inquiries; (5) published a new and more informative Student Programs brochure for distribution to university placement directors; and (6) further reduced applicant processing time by two additional weeks. A financial planning session was instituted as a part of the biweekly new employee orientation program. The sessions are designed to provide these new employees with information on basic financial management in order to prevent possible future financial overextension. We also expanded the assistance programs for Agency employees. For example, arrangements were finalized for the transfer of processing responsibility for the Workers' Compensation Program from the Department of Labor to the Agency to eliminate cover and security concerns associated with processing the claims. We have initiated a retirement Career Transition Seminar, a Career Transition Workshop, opened the Career Transition Center (1 October 1988), and are increasing the commercial and private sector contacts for post-retirement employment. We also opened satellite travel services to better serve Agency travelers in outlying buildings. e. Our Office of Training and Education (OTE), as part of its 1988 zero-based review of the entire curriculum, eliminated 16 courses, significantly revised another 20, and added 37 others. In the training area, we also (1) conducted a comprehensive review of our full-time Russian language program in coordination with DO/SE Division and other customers; (2) conducted a research study for the Language Development Committee to assess the effectiveness of the Agency -3- S E C R E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 training registration orocess: and (4) opened Learning Centers in Language Incentive Program; (3) introduced the Training and Education Automated Management System (TEAMS), which has improved the internal to bring training closer to our customers. Additionally, we have instituted an on-line schedule of courses and course descriptions and developed an on-line catalog that describes the 18 courses now available on OTE's mainframe computer-based training system. A brochure and videotape on the Career Training Program has been produced to assist with recruitment and program explanation. f. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has taken decisive action to structure the Office and to position assets so as to deliver the highest quality central computing and records management services to the Agency. To more directly apply necessary resources to customer problems, to clarify functions, and to improve lines of authority, separate groups were formed to (1) provide all data and voice communications services to our customers, (2) manage and task all customer requirements other than the routine maintenance of OIT-supported equipment, and (3) work with our customers and the Customer Standards Committee to establish hardware and software standards for ADP procurements in order to insure the necessary connectivity for all Agency ADP users. To monitor our delivery of services, Levels of Service standards have been established and distributed, and a board or panel has been established to review, approve, and schedule all changes to the operations hardware and software in an effort to meet those service standards. We established the OIT Service Desk to provide our customers with a single point of contact for information and assistance and for reporting problems concerning the general services provided by OIT. More recently, we have initiated planning for the Voice Messaging System which will provide our customers with immediate access to system availability data and direct access to technicians skilled in particular types of OIT-supported equipment. To improve our delivery of main-frame computer services, we are aggressively automating many of the manual functions in the Computer and Communication Centers to reduce errors and improve availability and processing throughput. To improve the delivery of software development, we have initiated a broad-based outreach program to our customers. They are invited to OIT planning and standards development sessions. In many other instances, we detail OIT development teams to other components where they can work closely with our customers and their projects. We initiated a multi-faceted effort in the area of electronic forms including the creation of a standalone prototype system; an automated Form 4340 to request telephone and terminal service for our customers; and a new Form 2600, Document Courier Receipt, which is not only more economical to produce and user-efficient, but, more significantly, facilitates tracking and improved record keeping. OIT spearheaded the acquisition of the new Agency workstation and, in S E C R E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 conjunction with our customers, established standard hardware and software configurations, simplified and automated the'ordering process, and developed handbooks to assist customers in using the new workstation. 2. GOAL: CONTINUE EFFORTS TO INCREASE THE NUMBERS OF MINORITIES IN THE DIRECTORATE AND ENCOURAGE THEIR ADVANCEMENT An aggressive minority recruitment effort has been initiated throughout the Directorate--especially in the professional category. At a July 1988 offsite with DA office directors, we agreed upon new and revised minority recruitment initiatives and strategies. As a Directorate, our efforts to increase the number of minorities have resulted in improvement in FY 88. Twenty-five percent of the total new employees for this fiscal year were minority, with 11 percent of those joining at officer levels. We continued emphasis on two relatively new Agency programs, the Minority Undergraduate Studies Program (MUPIE), and the Undergraduate Scholar Program (STOKES). Participation in these programs increased from 27 students in FY 87 to 73 in FY 88. Both programs are valuable mechanisms to recruit minorities from universities and high school campuses throughout the nation. The Directorate of Administration's participation in the MUPIE and STOKES programs increased more than 100 percent. Other actions taken to increase the minority population include: -- Assignment of a hearing-impaired minority officer minorities and the handicapped. --Realignment of geographic territories for the recruitment centers to permit an increased focus on the recruitment of minorities. --Establishment of a DA Minority Recruitment Task Force to improve and coordinate the minority recruitment effort in the Directorate. --Development and issuance of the Agency's Flagship recruitment brochure in Spanish for use in Hispanic communities, especially to provide information about the CIA to Hispanic applicants and their families. Manta ers in the Directorate will take a more active role in the decision to reject minority applicants and in the review of promotion lists to ensure that no employee is unjustifiably excluded. Increased emphasis has been placed on ensuring appropriate training and assignment opportunities. n ~ n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 GOAL: FIT UP AND BEGIN THE MOVE INTO THE NEW HEADQUARTERS BUILDING V (NHB) WHILE CONTINUING DAILY SUPPORT TO THE AGENCY WITH A MINIMUM OF DOWN TIME AND INCONVENIENCE TO THOSE BEING SUPPORTED AND THOSE BEING MOVED The move to the NHB was and continues to be the bjggest challenge to the DA in 1988 and 1989. To date, we have successfully moved into the NHB the Offices of Technical Service, Scientific and Weapons Research, East Asian Analysis, and Near Eastern and South Asian Analysis. The data processing and communications needs of these customer offices were carefully coordinated and satisfied before and after the office moves. Next day system accessibility after the office relocation is the standard support provided by OIT; on numerous occasions, same day system accessibility for critical applications has been accommodated. Of all office ADP devices relocated to the NHB during FY 88, 98 percent were made operational during, or the day after, the office relocations. moved to the NHB Computer Center over the Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, respectively, with a minimum of down time and inconvenience to the user. In the words of our IBM contractors, these were the largest and most complex moves of a computer system against a fixed deadline in history. In both cases, the systems were restored to full operating capability significantly ahead of schedule. We opened two new Information Service Centers to provide high quality registry, data output, and communications services to NHB components. These centers were opened one week prior to office moves to minimize disruptions in their information handling requirements. The successful move of components and units to the NHB can?be directly attributed to the joint meetings conducted biweekly with OIT and OS to coordinate all construction and device installation in accordance with the approved move schedule; the continued coordination of furniture acquisition, scheduling, and placement; the scheduled support for removal and disposal of furnishings after relocation; and the pre-move, during-move, and post-move briefings for customers. Our Office of Communications completed the initial operational installation of the MERCURY Packet Switching System at Headquarters, and the installation of the Headquarters Network Service Center was initiated in September 1988. Our office of Finance has initiated plans to renovate the Agency's primary cash disbursing facility at Headquarters. These improvements will enable us to accommodate the increased workload generated by additional components occupying the NHB without degradation of customer service. Refinement of requirements and completion of design work continues in concert with the Master Move Schedule. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 4. GOAL: FURTHER DEFINE THE STANDARDS FOR "CORPORATE DATA BASE" AND CONTINUE THE PROCESS OF HAVING THE OFFICES WITHIN THE DA JOINTLY MOVE TOWARD MEETING THAT STANDARD FOR AUTOMATED DATA PROCESSING I have established a task force which is reviewing progress and developing a long-range plan for our corporate data program, our effort to automate administrative information and make it easily accessible to anyone who needs it. Meanwhile, the Office of Personnel has a major effort underway that will facilitate the sharing of personnel data--the key portion of our corporate data program. The Corporate Data Base standards continue to be developed. They will ensure rules on how the data may be accessed and used and will greatly facilitate the development of new data base applications in the DA. Initial accomplishments include the establishment of an environment and the development of a global database structure for the sharing of personnel, insurance, and training data. 5. GOAL: EXPAND CAREER DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS, INCREASE MANAGEMENT TRAINING AND ESTABLISH A DA EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Increased, emphasis has been placed on these areas in recent months. A DA Personnel Policy Task Force was established in August; it is comprised of a representative from each office in this Directorate and my immediate staff. Among their responsibilities, will be the requirement to assess and address these areas. As a part of the career development effort, several of our offices have produced (or are in the final stages of producing) career development/personnel management handbooks which, among other things, outline for employees various career tracks available within their offices and describe the evaluation process. In addition, offices are expanding career counseling responsibilities of supervisors and Career Management Staff members. One of our offices recently adopted an occupationally-based evaluation panel system and appointed chairpersons for each occupational group to provide counseling on training, assignments, and other career matters. Other initiatives include the completion of job profiles on numerous job categories, the increased placement of senior officers in rotational assignments outside the immediate office and Directorate, the establishment of succession planning boards/systems, and the expanded use of the Individual Career Development Plans to ensure consideration of the employees' interests in assignment decisions. In recent months OL developed and implemented a revised Wage Grade Panel to ensure that the assignment process and comparative/competitive evaluation system are in line with the policies and practices which pertain to the other 75 percent of the office workforce. We are aggressively pursuing management training as is evidenced by the increased number of supervisory and managerial personnel completing our Agency (OTE) training program for managers. In 1988, the first full fiscal year for the program, over Agency Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 managers--aboutL__]from the DA--attended 17 Hqs and 3 overseas runnings of "Management in CIA". We also instituted the Management Electives Program for experienced supervisors. Several other offices have pursued and implemented office-specific supervisory/management training courses. Our Office of Communications',junior managers have received developmental training through the auspices of a unique office program, Project Groom. To date, over managers have received training in basic management and counseling techniques through the worldwide efforts of Project.Groom. A "Supervising in OL" course was designed and presented for the first time to prospective and current first-line supervisors and will be offered at least six times during the next fiscal year. OIT initiated a Management Development Seminar, a series of Customer Relations Workshops, and a study by Price Waterhouse to determine the full scope of their management training needs. Work continues on the establishment of a DA Executive Development Program. 6. GOAL: IMPROVE MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY, DISCIPLINE, AND FOLLOW-UP The Office of Personnel (OP) has actively taken the lead and provided direct support to several Agency-wide initiatives designed to improve managerial accountability, discipline, and follow-up. a. Decentralized Position Classification System: OP is in the process of putting into place a more flexible and responsive system for position classification and management. Key aspects are the simplification and decentralization of position classification, and distribution of grade points to the Directorates. The proposal will be implemented over at least a 15-month period, beginning 1 October 1988 with one or two occupations in each Directorate. Under such a system, managers will be authorized to determine the grade levels of positions for which there exists approved descriptions and an agreed upon grade structure. With this process, managers have more responsibility for and control over their office grade structure. b. Manage to Budget: As a follow-on to the decentralized position classification system, OP has developed a prototype Manage to Budget system. The system is designed to increase a manager's flexibility by allowing him/her to use personal services' funds as a means of control, as opposed to positions. During a time when priorities change constantly, managers can shift resources to meet them, without the review process centralized in OP. The system will be implemented in pilot programs in FY 89. c. Delegation of Authority to Approve Awards Amounts: The Office Director or DO/Division Chief has been delegated authority to approve performance and achievement awards of amounts uo to $1,000. In addition, the delegation to the four Deputy Directors was increased to cover amounts from $1,000 to $5,000. Delegation of this authority downward and simplification of the entire awards process is designed S E C R E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 to allow managers increased flexibility in rewarding employees without cumbersome procedural requirements. A number of other steps have been undertaken to improve managerial accountability: --Our Office of Finance line managers have been given full approval authority for all normal operating expenses and must account for them accordingly. They are also responsible for developing and defending their respective operating budgets in the course of preparing the overall program for the Office, and they are held accountable for the expenditure of those funds during the operating year. --We have begun an extensive review of how prspr;Pt-ar;pc.(and V ,other commercial entities over which we have control) are managed. Our efforts have revealed a need to develop a comprehensive training course for field case officers, project desk officers, and budget and finance officers to familiarize them with proper management and financial accounting procedures. We have reviewed the type and level of support currently provided by our Proprietary Systems Branch and have identified areas that need improvement. Finally, we have begun to modify appropriate Agency regulations to improve the administration of proprietaries and have suggested the establishment of an inter-directorate board to provide continuing oversight and evaluation of these entities. --Periodic conferences and meetings are being held to address specific issues, obtain feedback, and ensure follow-up. --The review of the three-year trial period employee has been given greater emphasis, requiring managers to be more thorough and explanatory in their decisions to recommend the retention/nonretention of employees. --Some offices are requiring that Performance Appraisal Reports (PARS) for GS-14 and above managers address specific areas; i.e., the development of subordinates, preparation of PARs, etc. --Several offices have published office-specific Project Management Handbooks which clearly outline managerial accountability and required follow-up procedures. --Through mergers of various DA elements and reorganizations, we have created organizations capable of bringing to bear resources necessary to resolve a customer's problems without unnecessary bureaucratic involvement and which facilitate the identification of responsible people and units. A typical example is the recent formation of the Network Services Group/OIT which is responsible for all aspects of a customer's voice and data instruments and S E C R E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160004-1 connectivity. Another example is the creation of the Technical Security Division/OIT, responsible for all aspects of computer and information security. --OIT developed an aggressive on-going dialogue with selected outstanding leaders in private industry to discuss and view firsthand how managerial accountability and initiative are achieved and maintained. It will be our challenge to apply these lessons to our unique operating environment. --Wherever possible, we have initiated a policy of delegating to line management the authorities necessary to serve our customers; we recognize that these are the individuals who are capable of and directly responsible for serving our customers, and they must be empowered to act. --Many units have established reporting requirements which highlight service statistics and discuss the resolution of problems. For example, the OIT Service Desk developed a data base to track the length of response time to trouble calls; as a follow-up, morning meetings have been initiated to review troubles which have not been resolved within two days. 7. GOAL: TAKE STEPS TO IMPROVE THE COUNTERINTELLIGENCE POSTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION, IN COLLABORATION WITH OTHER CONCERNED ELEMENTS OF THE AGENCY posture, our Office of Security has assigned cal~ ositions to the newly These positions established COMSEC careerist constitute the core of the security group of CIC, and OS careerists are assigned to them to perform CI functions. OC has increased its staff dealing with counterintelligence issues and has assigned a All OC personnel returning from or going to foreign field locations are scheduled for CI sessions which include responding to a written questionnaire, and having discussions on communications center vulnerabilities, perceived threats, and security violations both reported and unreported. In consultation with the ADDO for Counterintelligence, the CIC, and the OS, our training area has developed a one-day CI awareness program for all Agency employees. A pilot running will be conducted this fall. We also reviewed the Field Tradecraft Course, the Operations Course Accelerated, the Career Training Development Course, and several other new employee courses to determine whether the CI content is sufficient. As a result of this review, we have made several changes in the curriculum to strengthen the CI component. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 S E C R E T 8. GOAL: CREATE AND IMPLEMENT A MEDICAL INSURANCE STRATEGY TO PROVIDE FOR OUR EMPLOYEES THROUGH THE ASSOCIATION BENEFIT PLAN The dual objectives of developing a proper medical insurance strategy through the Association Benefits Plan (ABP) and implementing a Flexible Benefits Program have been addressed in a coordinated fashion. The proposed flexible benefits health plan options have been designed to address most of the existing ABP shortcomings, such as disparate treatment amon em loyees, absence of health insurance choices and escalating costs/premiums for employees and the Agency alike. Of equal importance, the options were carefully structured to provide a range of health insurance choices which would bracket the most popular plans in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). A flexible benefi is approach would provide choices to all employees in the event that compulsory enrollment occurs in 1990 as is now contemplated. The plan has been developed and endorsed by the Agency, and in preliminary discussions the NAPA Study team has recommended its implementation as a "test bed" for the Federal government under secure conditions. The study team findings are currently under review by the full NAPA panel and, assuming no problems develop, the Agency should be in a position to brief the oversight committees no later than January 1989. In addition to pursuing the goals outlined for 1988, we have continued to follow up on selected items and goals identified for 1987. They are discussed in goals 9-15 which follow. 9. GOAL: BRING CLOSER TOGETHER AND BETTER COORDINATE THE ACTIVITIES OF THE OFFICES OF PERSONNEL, SECURITY, TRAINING AND EDUCATION, AND MEDICAL SERVICES AND THE COMPENSATION FUNCTION OF FINANCE The movement of the Compensation Division from OF and its incorporation into OP was effected in October 1987. This organizational placement has provided an integrated personnel-payroll function for the first time in the Agency's history. This integration continues to require close coordination between OP and OF in terms of both fiscal, manpower, and ADP resources. The Offices of Personnel, Medical Services, and Security are working together to share data base information on applicants so that one entry into the data base by any of the three offices will update databases for the other two. This will provide increased efficiency in determining applicant status for those making inquiry. Representatives from the three offices meet weekly to review and discuss upcoming scheduling, existing or anticipated problems, and applicant processing flow. Psychologists and/or psychiatrists have been assigned to Polygraph Division to assist the polygraph examiners and provide near real-time reporting of medical information. The overall effect of the closer cooperation between OMS, OP, and OS has been to streamline the applicant processing system to meet the Agency's long-term hiring needs--without reducing our standards. 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GOAL: REEXAMINE AND ADJUST BOTH THE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION AND POLYGRAPH PROCESS AT THE INITIAL AND AT THE REINVESTIGATION STAGES A number of initiatives have been undertaken with regard to the background investigation and the polygraph testing as well as the processing of applicant and reinvestigation cases: --Briefings are provided to applicants just prior to their polygraph testing in order to help relieve any anxiety which they may have developed while waiting for their test. --Applicants requiring more than one polygraph test are accommodated within 24 hours. --Issues in the reinvestigation polygraph test have been prioritized so that the focus is first on the hard CI issues; secondly, the handling of classified material; and, finally, lifestyle issues. --Additional examiners whose Agency and polygraph experience best equip them to understand and deal with the issues relevant to this testing have been dedicated to the reinvestigation program. Also, additional examiners have been dedicated to the applicant program. --The ratio of supervisors to examiners in the monitoring of reinvestigation polygraphs has increased. --OMS staff psychologists and a senior Clearance Division/OS representative are assigned to the Polygraph Division to provide advice and counsel during the progress of polygraph testing. --A reinvestigation briefing program for employees has been established which allows any interested employee the opportunity to receive a briefing prior to initiation of his/her reinvestigation processing. The briefing covers the entire reinvestigation process, including polygraph testing. --Special briefings for individual offices, meetings, and conferences are offered. --Each of the Directorates has established an ombudsman to whom employees can go with concerns and questions about polygraph processing. --A Senior Officers Adjudication Panel (SOAP) has been established to adjudicate extremely derogatory cases and streamline the processing of applicants. --A new procedure for providing polygraph information to Clearance Division has been implemented, allowing for quicker adjudication of applicants most likely to be approved. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 --OS, OMS, and OP have collaborated in producing a videotape which addresses the entire Agency screening program. --OS is leading a community-wide study to determine the appropriate scope of DCID 1/14 investigations, including the period covered and the sources of information. The study is in its preliminary stage with an expected completion date near the end of calendar year 1989. 11. GOAL: PUT IN PLACE A COMPASSIONATE BUT FIRMLY MANAGED STRUCTURE TO HANDLE EMPLOYEES LIVING ON THE "MARGIN" In support of the Agency's commitment to assist employees living on the "margin," the E"ee Assistance Program (EAP) provided counseling services to new cases (self referrals, management referrals, and OS referrals) during 1988, consisting of general, financial, and alcoholic counseling cases. We expect the numbers of various counseling service cases to continue to increase as we move toward the 1990's and fully intend to be able to meet these increased counseling service demands through increased resources. Of particular interest has been the growth, since August 1987, of the financial counseling services. The Agency's Reinvestigation Program, through field investigations, polygraph testing, local and national agency checks, formal credit checks, and other sources, is able to identify employees who are living on the "margin." In order to minimize the potential counterintelligence threat which these employees pose, the Agency, through the Employee Assistance Program, attempts to provide immediate assistance to improve their personal/professional status. We believe that our counseling identifies and prevents suitability problems from getting out of hand. GOAL: FOR FISCAL, SECURITY, AND EFFICIENCY REASONS, THE NUMBER OF OVERT COMPOUNDS (BUILDINGS) OCCUPIED BY THE AGENCY IN THE WASHINGTON AREA SHOULD BE REDUCED FROM ABOUT During 1988, a _Space Task Force met to study Agency facility requirements from now until the year 2000 and to develop both short and long-term plans. Recommendations to consolidate into major centers and approximately other complexes have been forwarded to senior Agency managers for review. During 1988, OL has continued to develop) the Master Plan phase of the project is currently nearing completion. The county and community review processes will be initiated in October 1988. The will help to reduce the large number of overt occupied buildings in the Agency. It will accommodate most of the DS&T and some of the DA components. S F. C R F T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 13. GOAL: IN THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE AGENCY, CONTINUE STEPS TO BETTER COORDINATE THE ACTIVITIES OF THE OFFICES OF COMMUNICATIONS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION SERVICES, AND THE PUBLICATION AND PRINTING FUNCTIONS OF LOGISTICS The reorganizations between OC and OIT and within OIT have resulted in more crisp and responsive organizations. Additionally, regular joint planning sessions are held between the offices, and a number of joint working groups have been established. The joint working groups ensure coordination of projects and activities, facilitate the delivery of services, and permit the free exchange of information and ideas. OC and OIT continue the process of rotating key officers between the two offices in order to provide broadening experiences necessary to deal effectively with the blurred boundaries of telecommunications and automated data processing. During this fiscal year, our printing and photography area has endeavored to enhance coordination with the Offices of Communications and Information Technology. Following are several significant results of this interaction: --A fiber optic link was successfully planned and constructed between the printing and photography production facilities and the Headquarters Compound. Transmission of digitized information in support of Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS daily publication production has been implemented. This link currently provides greater efficiency and quality in the production of FBIS publications, while offering the potential for handling changes in both composition technology and volume in the future. --The continuing explosion of personal computer (PC) usage among Agency employees has given impetus to a parallel growth in D s~ ktop Publishing (DP) hardware and software within the Agency. Our Printing and Photography Group (P&PG) is currently involved, together with other Agency offices, in researching this burgeoning technology to provide support Agency-wide to DP users. Concurrently, a P&PG objective has resulted in the establishment of a DP position and the purchase of hardware and software to provide consulting support to all Agency components. --With the assistance of other DA Offices, recently P&PG successfully built access links between its system and other major electronic systems within the Agency. These links have resulted in greater efficiency, volume, and ease of operation for both customers and P&PG composition personnel. This is a continuing activity with P&PG providing ad hoc support, in concert with other DA Offices, to establish new links for Agency components requiring enhanced access to P&PG composition services. S E C R E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24 : CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160004-1 14. GOAL: CONTINUE THE UPGRADE AND RECAPITALIZATION OF OUR ADP AND COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES AND CAPABILITIES, WHICH SERVE THE WHOLE AGENCY Our commitment to the continual upgrading and recapitalization of our technology base continues unabated and ranges from the procurement of a new generation work station, to wideband network enhancements, to mainframe enhancements as evidenced by the procurement of the CRAY Supercomputer. In addition, our communications and data processing areas work hand-in-hand to bring to full operating capability the new generation message hardware and software systems. Similarly, we work with other components of the Agency to provide needed connectivity today and to assist in their planning and development for the next generation in field automation. Recapitalization within OC continues to enhance the Agency's capability for rapid and secure communications on a worldwide scale. Installation and operation of the packet-switching system (Project MERCURY) has begun both domestically and overseas. Significant increase in the current network transmission capacity will be accomplished in the future through modification of existing satellite terminals and the introduction of a new family of field and base terminals. A contract for new-generation field terminals was met in late FY 88. Delivery of first-article units is scheduled for mid-1991. The development of the Enhanced Terminal was completed and it was deployed Phis replacement system improves overall operational efficiency. 15. GOAL: MAINTAIN THE SURGE OF ADDITIONAL RESOURCES INTO THE TECHNICAL SECURITY ARENA The DDA has continued to support OS and its technical and physical security mission with resources commensurate with Agency requirements: --Our Plain Text- _Processina auipment facility has been open for business over a year and has put 25 percent of our overseas posts into the program. --Our Interagency Training Center (ITC) has continued to grow and expand and has become a national technical security training academy. I hope that you find this update on our goals accomplishments helpful. We will continue our pursuit of the goals that we established for ourselves in the DA in 1988 and 1987, as appropriate. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160004-1