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Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 The NATO Central Region and by Anthony H. Cordesman Western security is dependent on many military balances, and each presents its separate hope of peace and risk of war. A Norwegian depth charge could trig- ger a low-level naval conflict off the north Cape and make the local balance of naval forces critical. Arms smuggling or assassination could bring Turkey to the edge of war with Bulgaria or the Soviet Union and make the Southern Flank balance critical. A war could escalate out of a Soviet invasion of Iran which would suddenly involve NATO in a conflict to protect its oil supplies in a region thousands of miles from Europe. A riot in East Ger- many or a misfired missile could sud- denly lead to a conflict in the Central Region. Even within a given balance, much depends on warning and politics. The Soviet Union may or may not deliberate- ly initiate a conflict. The USSR may depend on forces in being, covert build- up, or overt deployment of the maxi- mum forces it can bring to bear. The Soviet Union may use a given balance to put political pressure on the West or divide it without resorting to arms. If a conflict does occur, it may or may not be limited to a single region of NATO or even to a single country. NATO must have the proper mix of military strength to deal with all these balances. The West's security is depen- dent on its ability to create a reasonable deterrent in every area where there is a meaningful risk of war. , :> The Importance of the Central Region Balance Two balances, however, are far more critical than the others. NATO can lose many small confrontations or conflicts. It ; cannot, however, risk more than the most minor loss of territory in the Cen- tral Region or engage in more than the most limited use of nuclear weapons without defeating its purpose. To sue- coed as an alliance, NATO must succeed ..indeterring a major armored attack on the Central Region, and it must deter escalation to nuclear war. While nuclear deterrence is currently receiving the most political., attention, Western unity and security are just as dependent on deterring Warsaw Pact ar- mored attacks on West Germany. A lim- ited or even major defeat on either flank would be drastic but survivable.'? The USSR would also face the risk that such a defeat would unite the West into ac- tion and the West would fully commit its immense economic and technical resources. The occupation or neutralization of Germany, however, would shatter NATO's defense structure, the Europe- an Economic Community and OECD. NATO's failure to defend West Germa- ny might well thrust France into isola- tion or neutralization; it would force the smaller European countries to give way to Soviet political pressure and lead Asian and Third World countries to turn away from the West. Whatever the world's initial reaction to a Soviet occupation of even part of West Germany, it seems unlikely that the West would get a second chance. It would take years to rebuild NATO's forces to the point where they could re- take West Germany after an initial de- feat, and the pressures to dissolve the Alliance would be too great. NATO's commitment to forward de- NATO cannot use its total resource inputs to compensate for its inferiority in military outputs. fense is not the result of a political bar- gain with West Germany, but rather the result of strategic realities that are just as vital to the rest of Europe and the Unit- ed. States. ` NATO' stands or falls on its ability to'preserve the ;Central Region. This has its drawbacks and its advan- tages. It weakens NATO in .a' war fight- ing sense because it places a decisive military objective right at the border of Soviet-occupied states. The Soviet Union does not need to occupy Europe or even all of Germany, and it does not need to defeat NATO's armies in the sense of destroying them. The USSR only has to move its forces 100-200km further west, and it .will still be on the edge of victory. While the Federal Republic of Germa- ny's industry is still heavily concentrat- ed in the Ruhr, four of its seven major industrial complexes are near the Czech or inter-German border. These include the complexes ~.,aiound Hamburg, the Wolfsburg-Hannover. axis, `Nurnberg, ' . ~ and Munich. ~ Even if Soviet armor can' only move i00km, it will control at. least 30% of West Germany's population and 25% of its economy. If it can reach the Rhine to the north, it will control at least 75% of West Germany's popula- tion and resources. NATO has no op- tion for defense in depth. Its economy and its unity are on its front line in the Central Region. THE LINKAGE BETWEEN THE CENTRAL REGION BALANCE AND NUCLEAR DETERRENCE At the same time, the very importance of the Central Region strengthens NATO in terms of deterrence. It creates an "iron linkage" between the balance of armored forces in the Central Region and NATO theater and strategic nuclear capabilities. The USSR cannot consider the balance of forces in the Central Re- gion without considering the risk that any attack on the Central Region will lead to nuclear conflict. This linkage is the key uncertainty in the NATO-Warsaw Pact balance. The USSR cannot predict the point at which nuclear escalation will come, and the risk of such escalation increases in di- rect proportion to the forces the War- saw Pact commits to an attack and its success. Regardless of NATO's emphasis on conventional options, the USSR must still face the fact that NATO could be forced to nuclear war within hours of a Warsaw Pact attack. Nuclear escalation would be almost inevitable if NATO was caught by surprise and lost its main air bases and peacetime caserns before it could execute its dispersal plans. It could become equally inevitable in two or three days if the Warsaw Pact suc- ceeded in creating a decisive break- through on the Central Front. The very fact that so many of NATO's members are bound together in a common effort to defend West Germa- ny at its eastern border and that the US is so heavily committed in terms of con- ventional and nuclear forces means there is little chance that a major Soviet inva- sion of West Germany could end with a conventional conflict. This confronts the USSR with over- whelming odds that the failure of NATO's conventional defenses in Ger- many would trigger a nuclear war whose aftermath is certain in only one respect: the immense costs to both sides would be immensely more costly to the Soviet Union than any foreseeable benefits. The Price of Nuclear Uncertainty Once such escalation occurs, the bal- ance of forces in the Central Region ac- quires a new and drastic meaning, one I Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90TO0155R000500030029-5 nal/July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 the Balance of Uncertainty which is largely measured by each side's willingness to escalate. Even weak NATO nuclear forces would still allow NATO to fight a nuclear conflict that will involve levels of damage and uncer- tainty that will transcend the "war fight- ing" capabilities of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact. While it is theoretically possible that the USSR could win a nuclear conflict in Europe in the sense of defeating NATO forces, limiting damage to its own side to "?cceptable" levels, and preserving enough of NATO's civilian population and cconomy to give an attack purpose, the possibility is not particularly great. Both sides would have to fight by extraor- dinarily well-constrained rules and fight without the slightest miscalculation. It takes remarkably few ground bursts against urban targets, or with the proper fallout patterns, to trigger levels of dam- age that make a nuclear conflict in Eu- rope seem almost uncontrollable. It is no accident that in the vast pool of strategic literature developed in the West, there is virtually no serious un- classified analysis of the full effects of nuclear conflict on Western and Eastern Europe. It is also no accident that the war games of both sides either involve incredibly careful use of nuclear weap- ons or simply ignore their short and long term civil effects. According to one simulation, nuclear surface strikes on NATO's main air bases and dispersal bases in Europe would kill about 30% of Europe's popu- lation within five years. Depending on wind and rain, additional strikes on NATO's major ports and buildup facili- ties would increase the figure to close to 50%. The cultural and economic cost would be as high or higher. At the same time, NATO strikes on key military facilities in Poland and Czechoslovakia might well inflict, enough casualties to ultimately destroy both nations' ethnic identity. The econo- mies and populations of Eastern Europe are better dispersed but far more fragile and more dependent on the survival of a few highly centralized urban facilities. Further, the USSR must consider its own vulnerabilities. Its territory is just as much a military target as Eastern Europe. It is true that NATO might not climb the ladder of escalation to that point, but the Soviet Union must consider that its very success in a nuclear and conventional conflict would tend to drive NATO to strike at steadily more sensitive targets. It must also consider the uncertain after- math of even a "successful" war. The ability to occupy Europe is very different from a stable or survivable political and economic victory. The Uncertainty of Conventional Options At the same time, NATO faces its own balance of uncertainty. It cannot afford to rely on the theater nuclear equivalent of minimum assured destruc- tion. NATO must avoid nuclear conflict as long as possible and must avoid a level of conventional weakness that might allow the USSR to win a limited conventional war in Germany. NATO cannot rely on a hair trigger that pre- sents so many risks that NATO may be unwilling to pull it. NATO does, therefore, need a major conventional option or "battle fighting" capability. While winning an all-out con- flict in Europe is beyond NATO's means and probably beyond a meaningful defi- nition of "winning," NATO must be able to fight even theater-wide conflicts for a reasonable period of time. It must be able to impose conventional losses that fill the gap between inaction and Murphy's law works on both sides of the inter-German border. willingness to use nuclear weapons. NATO needs strong conventional forces for other reasons. NATO's unity is dependent on "flexible response." No democracy can sustain its support for NATO if it is asked to live constantly on the edge of nuclear war. Incidents hap- pen and mistakes are made. NATO needs major conventional forces to avoid relying on bluff or facing the inevitable?, reality of crises and limited conflicts. NATO cannot abandon hope .or con- trol with the first nuclear explosion. Con- ventional forces are essential to uny mean- ingful battle fighting in nuclear conflict and to denying the Soviet Union the option of a nuclear first strike that could leave NATO with no option other than massive nuclear war or surrender. While the West cannot guarantee that' its social system will emerge intact from a large-scale nuclear conflict, it can, be sure that everything it does to create an unbroken spectrum of risks from a bor- der crossing to a strategic nuclear, ex- change will act to keep the peace and reduce the risk of escalation. This creates another iron linkage: a linkage between NATO's having enough'', conventional forces to support its strate- gy of forward defense in West Germany', and NATO's ability to avoid nuclear', conflict. Both the survival of the Alli- ance and the avoidance of nuclear war depend on the ability of NATO conven- tional forces to keep the Warsaw Pact from exploiting NATO's unwillingness to use nuclear weapons at limited levels of conflict and from occupying enough German territory to destroy Germany's economic and political viability. Understanding the "Balance of Uncertainty" It is these linkages between forward defense, the battle fighting capability of NATO's conventional forces in the Cen- tral Region, and the risk of escalation to unacceptable levels of nuclear conflict that make up the "balance of uncertain- ty." It is also these linkages which allow NATO to be a strong and purposeful alliance in spite of inferior forces and war fighting capability. It is a cliche to say that NATO is a defensive alliance. Its defensive charac- ter is shaped by the politics of its mem- ber nations and by the size of the mili- tary forces democratic peoples will fund in peacetime. NATO will be attacked, not attack. NATO is also, however, a deterrent alliance. It is designed to deter war rath- er than fight wars to some undefined form of military victory. NATO may have to fight major battles, but it relies on deterrence rather than the capability to win a general war. NATO relies on conventional forces to deny the Warsaw Pact the ability to win a quick conventional victory in the forward area, and to make nuclear esca- lation.seem a rational and inevitable re- sponse to any massive and sustained So rRer ~ eans.* t N ?. , n forces equal totafs P`abf ' t ,+can dea w ctase"'s war fiighting scenarios DETERRENT CREDIBILITY NATO's force improvement problem changes radically when its goal becomes deterrence and preserving the balance of uncertainty. It shifts from a problem of trying to close an impossible gap in con- ventional and/or nuclear capabilities to one of how "best to maintain and strengthen an already. effective deterrent. This, however, still leaves the problem ,,of determining what conventional capa- bilities are adequate . Evt . a :deterrent alliance must back the balance of uncer- tainty, in nuclear forces with a credible Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 19, Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Even the most disciplined 1.55-2.64. NATO's estimate of artillery superiority is 2.9-4- the IISS estimate is military leader cannot NATO's "horror+`story'"' does, stow- follow a great tradition. Virtually ever , i Wore the fact that what g all of the NATO-Pact comparisons is- might he "limited escala- sued inthe Secretary of,DDefense's,Annu- " for the SovietUniOn r - tion The Uncertain Value of Global could be "national suicide" ` Posture statement ;tompare, the total forces of all NATO and Warsaw Pact " . w ; "Horror Stories for his own country. , countries. They differ from NATO's flg- The key comparisons which emerge in ures largely in further exaggerating the balance of uncertainty in conventional capabilities. The question still remains as to whether NATO has, or can create, sufficient conventional forces to keep the peace in the Central Region. The question of "how much is enough?" remains as valid as ever, and acceptance of NATO's role as a deter- rent alliance presents new complications in assessing the balance. The problem becomes one of how to measure NATO's Central Region forces in terms of their relative ability to shape Soviet percep- tions and deprive the USSR of any in- centive to attack. Uncertainty becomes important as well ns capability, and ca- pability is defined in terms of deterring any Soviet armored assault on West Germany rather than fighting the result- ing conflict. Deterrence does not lend itself to a single set of answers. Many different combinations and levels of forces can provide a high degree of deterrence. This is one reason it has proved so tempting for NATO to set impossible goals for conventional forces or sustained conven- tional war fighting capability, even though there is no practical political chance that such forces will be provided. If the goals have been unachievable, they at least have been fixed and have put constant pressure on each member na- tion to provide more resources. But _it klso helps explain why NATO has fallen into the trap of seeing the resulting gap between such goals and reality as evidence of its weakness. It explains why most assessments of the balance end up giving the impression that NATO lacks the ability to preserve the peace and in undermining the impor- tance of the linkage between strong nu- clear and conventional forces. It explains why NATO fords it so difficult to set force improvement priorities and to- make trade-offs,: where everything must be improved, no feasible set of force un- provements seems to matter THE CENTRAL REGION "BEAN COUNT" The Warsaw Pact must consider that the "peace- loving" peoples of Eastern Europe are scarcely the ideal mobilization base for offensive war. NATO publications, in NATO and War- saw Pact comparisons by the US Defense Department, and in the recent work of the International Institute of Strategic Stud- ies (IISS) are "global" balances which lump together the forces in the Central Region with those on both flanks and then make arbitrary and/or undefined as- sumptions about what US and Soviet reinforcements should be included. Such "balances" have no relevance to the forces each side could commit in an actual conflict. Yet they are the primary data provided to the Congress and to the public. NATO, for example, focused on broad force totals which were deliberately designed to dramatize its weakness when it published its first major public force comparisons in May of 1982. NATO ignored comparative readi- ness, deployability, and buildup capabili- ties. It used geographic categories that made a bad balance impossible and which had nothing to do with either deterrent or war fighting capability. The NATO land force "bean counts" included the flanks and excluded most units in the USSR and all NATO forces outside Europe. The resulting totals gave NATO 2.6 million men to 4.0 million for the Warsaw Pact. The NATO-Pact ratios for other cate- gories were 84-173 divisions, 13,000- 42,500 tanks, 8,100-24,300 heavy anti- tank guided weapons launchers, 10,750- 31,500 heavy mortars and artillery, 30,000-78,800 other armored vehicles, 400-700 attack helicopters, and 1,800- 1,000 transport, helicopters. The NATO aircraft counts-which for some strange reason excluded allre- inforcements from outside Europe but included all aircraft in Russia's three Western, Volga, and Urals Military Dis- tricts-gave the Pact 7,240 combat air- craft to 2,975 for NATO. The NATO-Pact ratios were 2,288- 2,115 fighter bomber or ground attack aircraft, 740-4,370 interceptors, 0-350 bombers, 4,200-11,000 antiaircraft guns, and 2,300-6,000 surface-to-air missile launchers. These NATO air figures seem a bit thick even for comparisons designed to serve the purposes of political games- manship. They include most of the stra- tegic defense forces of the Warsaw Pact-which almost certainly would not be committed in bulk to any attack on NATO even under the worst condi- tions-and ignore America's impressive ability to deploy tactical air power based in the US. They ignore the fact that both sides would be short of air bases, air base protection, and support during the ini- tial phases of any conflict. The issue is how many sorties can be supported in the forward area. Both sides have more aircraft than they can effectively deploy in the first 30 days of a conflict. In broader terms, NATO's balances not only ignore NATO's peacekeeping and deterrent purposes; they are counter- productive. Their intended message is obviously that NATO should spend more on defense. Their practical message is one of hopelessness and that NATO force improvements do not matter. The problem with "horror stories" is illustrated by the reaction of one Dutch Minister to a similar assessment of the balance in a SACEUR force goal brief- ing in the late 1960s: "Why does it mat- ter if we lose decisively on D + 12 rather than D+2?" While one may get away with crying wolf, announcing that the sky is falling presents unacceptable prob- It is also interesting to contrast the force ratios that result from NATO's numbers with those developed by the IISS. The IISS figures are equally tal forces of both alliances, but they do include all the forces in NATO noun- tries, and US reinforcements and pro- vide a meaningful range of buildup between the NATO and IISS force ratios by category illustrate how damaging the gamesmanship in NATO's figures is to an understanding of the Alliance's strengths. NATO gives the Warsaw Pact a superiority in medium tanks of 3.3-1; the IISS estimates the superiority at NATO is unique in its tendency to underestimate its strengths. The most commonly used numbers on the NATO and Warsaw Pact balance have nothing to do with the Central Region balance or with any other balance that has military or political meaning. They ignore NATO's reliance on de- terrence, they give a false impression of overall weakness, they fail to single out the trends and risks that matter, they fail to identify key uncertainties, and they fail to give NATO's force improvement opportunities proper credibility ... - r . ___~ r__--- .A..sY ~. 1 ? matk1T1e1~ t Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029 5 r .Yy w - . Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Table One The Central Region Balance in June, 1983 NATO Warsaw Pact US' Other NATO' Total Personnel' Divisions 282,000 743,650 1,025,650 Committed4 Armor Other 2% 2% 13 8 15 10% Total 5 21 26 Ready Reinforcements' Armor 1% 5 6% Other 11% 11 22% Total 13 16 29 Sub-Total 18 37 55 First-Line Reserves' Armor 2 0 2 Other 8 0 8 Total 10 0 10 Total Divisions 28 37 65 Medium Tanks' Deployed 2,000 6,905 8,905 POMCUS 1,000 0 1,000 Total 3,000 6,905 9,905 Tactical Aircraft' Bombers 144 16 160 Fighter/Attack 336 1,370 1,706 Interceptors 90 560 650 Total 570 1,946 2,516 MRBM/IRBM9 0 18 18 Other NATO USSR' Warsaw Pact Total Standing 535,000 715,000 1,250,000 -224,350 13 12 25 -10 13 19 32 -21N 26 31 57 -31 4 0 4 + 2% 4 0 4 + 18% 8 0 8 +21 34 31 65 - 10 12 0 12 -10 12 0 12 - 4 24 0 24 -14 58 21 89 -24 18,000 7,000 25,000 -16,095 0 0 0 + 1,000 18,000 7,000 25,000 -15,095 0 0 0 +160 530 1,000 1,530 +176 350 1,225 1,575 -925 880 2,225 3,105 -589 525 0 525 -507 'US personnel strengths are active Army and Air Force only. The Soviet side includes Category III divisions at current strengths. Soviet personnel total 410,000 in East Germany, 50,000 in Poland, and 75,000 in Czechoslovakia 'French Army and Air Force totals are included in all categories, even though those forces are not under NATO control and only three divisions are de- ployed in Germany. Danish and German forces in the Schleswig-Holstein Province on the base of the Jutland Peninsula are technically a part of NATO's north flank, but are counted in the center sector for purposes of this comparison. 3NATO personnel strengths are active forces only. They include 282,000 Americans, 83,500 Belgians, 5,400 Canadians, 50,000 French, 426,000 Germans (excluding forces with AFNORTH), 700 Luxembourgers, 92,100 from the Netherlands, 65,100 British, and 20,850 Danes, a total of 1,025,650. Warsaw Pact includes Cat III divisions at current strengths. The total reflects 535,000 Soviet forces, 150,300 East Germans, 364,000 Poles, and 200,000 Czechs. 'Committed NATO divisions are those in West Germany. All US divisions are Army. Three CONUS-based Reforger divisions have one brigade each forward-deployed in Germany. Warsaw Pact divisions are those in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland. All are Cat I. Division equivalents are excluded. 'US Ready Reinforcements do not conform to current contingency plans. They reflect what could be committed quickly, rather than what necessarily would. eight full Army, parts of two Reforger divisions (that show as X and % respectively) and two Marine Amphibious Force (MAF) division/wing teams. NATO Ready Reinforcements are six French, two Belgian, and three Dutch divisions. Soviet lists are restricted to Cat I and II divisions in the Baltic, Belorussian, and Carpathian Military Districts. 'First Line Reserves do not conform to current contingency plans, which contemplate withholding two or more divisions initially, including the light 82d Airborne. Instead, they reflect reinforcement by all forces in CONUS and CINCPAC's Army reserve to show the best possible US case: eight Army Reserve Component divisions and two MAFs (one active, one reserve). Soviet forces are Cat III divisions in the Baltic, Belorussian, and Carpathian Military Districts. 'The United States has replaced all Sheridan light tanks with M-60 mediums. The number of Soviet reserve stock tanks is not ascertainable. 'Aircraft statistics exclude US dual-based forces in CONUS. F-111s count as medium bombers. US aircraft in Great Britain and Spain show. 'US Pershing I missiles are Short Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBMs with a maximum range of about 400 miles), so do not count. The 18 "NATO" MRBMs/IRBMs are French. About one-third of Soviet MRBMs/IRBMs are in European Russia. Another third in Western Siberia could cover European targets on call. SOURCE: John Collins, Congressional Research Service. balance in favor of the Pact by including all the reserves on both sides. ? any militarily credible cintingen , and again are designed to use the worst sible balance to get the best possible pnd- get. Their defect is again that the result ing balances have credibility only where such credibility is least desirable', iCon- greys-has learned to ignore them, but the public, is given the impression of weak- ,"Tile situation is little better when one compares most counts of the Central Re- gion balance. The comparisons in Table;' One are almost unique in summarizing the force totals on each side in ways which ; explicitly define the `: forcesthat~ are `counted and show the range of build They reveal obvious and massive lima- tations in NATO's ability to fight a gene' eral war in the Central Region. At the Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 same time, they are considerably more reassuring than the "global compari- sons" just discussed. While NATO is clearly inferior to the Warsaw Pact, it still has an impressive level of deterrent capability.' Table One shows that NATO does not face a massive Warsaw Pact superiority in manpower. It shows that NATO has sig- nificant M-Day and ready reserve forces, and it shows that NATO's inferiority in tanks is partly offset by a far smaller inferiority in aircraft. Unlike many counts of the Central Region balance, it treats Britain, Denmark, France, and the Unit- ed States as full members of the NATO Alliance and counts all the forces they would deploy in an all-out war. Above all, Table One begins to give a tangible feeling for the uncertainties which affect any analysis of the Central Region balance and which the Soviet Union must weigh in considering its ca- pability to attack West Germany. The Uncertainty of Central Region Force Counts These uncertainties are further illus- trated in Table Two, which compares the leading official and semiofficial counts of the Central Region balance. Even allowing for differences in date and definition, it is obvious that there are many different ways to count the bal- ance and many different ways to look at even the simplest data on NATO and Warsaw Pact forces. These differences do not, however, il- lustrate the key trends that shape the balance of uncertainty. Most of the bal- ances in Table Two share the same prob- lems as the "global" balances just dis- cussed. They have been structured to emphasize NATO's weakness to support the case for the largest possible budget or force goals While the full range of differences in- volved cannot . be illustrated without comparing the supporting text, NATO's Table Two The First Balance of Uncertainty: NATO and Warsaw Pact Forces in the Central Region Category CRS Estimates NATO Estimateb UK Estimatec IISS Estimated FRG Estimates NATO 1,025,650 n.a. 780,000 n.a. n.a. Warsaw Pact 1,250,000 n.a. 950,000 n.a. n.a. Soldiers in Fighting Units NATO n.a. n.a. 580,000 n.a. n.a. Warsaw Pact n.a. n.a. 720,000 n.a. n.a. Total Division Equivalents NATO 65 35 n.a. 57;; 28-43 Warsaw Pact 89 95 n.a. 101? 58-68 Division Equivalents Before Mobilization NATO 26 n.a. n.a. 27 28 Warsaw Pact 57 n.a. n.a. 46 58 Main Battle Tanks NATO 9,905 7,600 7,500 7,000 6,500- 7,500 Warsaw Pact 25,000 25,500 17,500 19,500 19,000- 21,700 Artillery/Mortars NATO n.a. 4,050 2,700 n.a. n.a. Warsaw Pact n.a. 17,500 7,500 n.a. n.a. Total Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft NATO 2,516 1,985 1,250 2,251 1,750- 2,230 Warsaw Pact 3,105 4,590 2,700 3,950 2,800- 3,180 Fighter Bombers NATO 1,866 1,340 n.a. 1,602 n.a. Warsaw Pact 1,530 1,580 n.a. 1,350 n.a. Interceptors NATO 650 445 n.a. 386 n.a. Warsaw Pact 1,575 2,595 n.a. 2,050 n.a. Recce Aircraft NATO n.a. 200 n.a. 263 n.a. Warsaw Pact n.a. 415 n.a. 550 n.a. :w of the balance. West Liermany: Robert Lucas Fisher's Defending the Central Front. The Balance of Forces, Adelpht Paper 127, IISS, London.'It was published in An- gust 1976, however,` and is now' seriously dated. John Erickson and Davin' C. Ishby have provided numerous studies of Soviet buildup capabilities and attack capabilities, and Ishby's Weapons and Tactics of the SoW- et Army is perhaps the best available assess- eq rent Soviet for es.;'Neither Erickson .not' however, attempted "net asset Ishby , ments." John.Collins has done excellent workIn comparing US and Soviet forces has not' addressed NATO and Pact capabW.. ties in lull depth.,Phillip Karbeit,,has done excellent work on tracing the development of the NATO/Warsaw Pact arms race but bras! not assessed many aspects of readiness and buildup capabllif, 'See Table One for definitions and forces counted. bSee NATO and Warsaw Pact Force Comparisons, May, 1982 AFJ, Figure 6. NATO never defines what it includes in the Central Region, but seems to exclude all French forces, to count only NATO committed land forces now stationed in the FRG and Benelux, to count all Warsaw Pact forces and equipment holdings stocks in East Germany (GDR), Poland, Czechoslovakia, and in Russia's three Western Military Districts. The NATO count adds the UK for air forces but excludes France and all US reinforcements. It counts all Soviet aircraft in the Western Military Districts including strategic defense aircraft. `British Defense White Paper, Volume One, 1982. Counts only French forces in Germany. The term "Central Front" used in the British estimate is otherwise never defined. It seems to compare all Pact forces in the GDR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia against those in NATO-committed M-Day forces in the FRG, Benelux, and UK. dThese estimates are taken from the 1980-81 IISS Military Balance, and are somewhat peculiar in that they lump together the forces in and opposing Norway with those in the Central Region. They do, however, include France. The IISS counts of the conventional military balance in the 1981-82 and 1982-83 editions of the Military Balance are useless because they only provide data for the entire Warsaw Pact-although they break out US, Northern and Central European, and Southern European forces. The result is militarily meaningless. - "FRG White Paper on Defense, 1979. The FRG is the only major source of estimates which properly defines what it counts. The low end of the range includes all NATO and Pact forces in the FRG and Benelux versus forces in the GDR, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The high end adds all forces in France and Hungary. 24 x* Armed Forces JOURNALinte-natipnat/.fuly 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029 5 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 I Table Three Central Region Force Trends: Army Manpower .. and Division Equivalent Forces Stationed in Benelux, FRG, GDR, Czechoslovakia, and Poland No= Comparative Manpower and Divisions 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 1-1 Czechoslovakia E. Germany r.~ Poland r ti. (1~ Soviet Union Divisions by Type _ and Other Motorized Rifle 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 N cars 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 Vears Source: Adaj)Icd bN (fie author from mork 1).% Phillip A. Karber ol the 1;1)\l ~'No agreement exists over the count of -diN,ision eqLii%,aIcnIs- in NATO. main ire, t sand Ai g Rea, .n bslattce ~y f is sl'. vnger than, ule ~~ gj in '~q T o indicateaIt itlu~4t4 th I 'fiat NATO cn" improveipents and =~1 . _ unprovemen y ~e1 d'ies~. T1 rcestuAir, can udies lid i 3 u t ,roU 4 and the United Kingdom are only mar- ginally better, although they seem to be counting different alliances, particularly in the case of aircraft. The IISS count is somewhat better but again does not track in detail with the other counts, even al- lowing for the fact that it is somewhat could only'; provide limited insight into the actual military capabilities of NATO and the Warsaw. Pact. Even the moat' purposeful estimate of the peacetuneull- ttary strength of _ opppoossing, forces must select some set of figures and exclude - , - . other possible contingencies.' Counts which define ranges based on alternative geographic regions and build- ups must ignore many critical factors like readiness, training, leadership, "morale, tactics and strategy---and luck. There also is no reliable way to weight weapons, unit, and manpower numbers' to, make Nevertheless, the problems in most of the balances summarized in Table, Two go beyond excusable' limits; yet such force comparisons' matter."They shape the West's perception, of the balance. Further, deterrence differs fundamental- ly from war in that "victory" is deter-' ` mined by perceptions of relative strength. Finally, comparisons like those in Table Two have played `a key role In shaping the current perception of NATO's weak- . .. - ,. _. `~. ness credibility . of deterrence from ?a. soviet perspecive_ While Soviet perceptions un- gence, war gaming, and analysis, it seems likely that they are still influenced by such "bean counts" if,only because the other factors shaping the balance are so complex and uncertain. Further,, Soviet pertions arundou tedl cep weakness in the'West The Uncertainties Posedy NAB O Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Table Three has two major aspects. The first is that any attack on the FRG and Central Region involves the major na- tions of the Alliance. The US has over 210,000 soldiers in the FRG and 256,000 soldiers and airmen in the Central Region. It has also steadily increased its commitment to forward de- fense. It had 210,381 military personnel in Germany in 1972, 224,466 in 1977, and 256,391 in 1982. It has hundreds of thou- sands of civilians on West German terri- tory and hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of economic ties. The UK has 55,000 men and most of its modern equipment on the front line. Belgium, France, and the Netherlands commit key elements of their forces. It takes a considerable act of faith, one bordering on the incredible, to assume that any massive Soviet attack on these forces can end without a global or nucle- ar conflict. At the same time, the manpower trends by NATO country track with other trends in NATO forces. For all the arguments about burden sharing, the Alliance's commitment to forward defense of the Central Region has been remarkably consistent. NATO has made remarkably few cuts in its combat strength in the forward areas of the Central Region since the foundation of the Alliance. The figures for divisions by type also show that NATO has maintained its strength and completed its moderniza- tion to armored forces. These trends are particularly important when one realizes that the conversion to armor occurred during 1958-64, which was also the peri- od in which the European nations had to fund their own major equipment pur- chases for the first time since 1945. The very cohesion of NATO forces in the Central Region is itself a power- ful deterrent uncertainty. For all the talk of a crisis in US and European re- lations-and it is worth noting that this talk has continued for more than a quarter of a century-NATO has a ba sic military unity which makes any at- tack on West Germany an attack on NATO and which casts serious doubt on Russia's ability to exploit any short term political divisions among NATO countries. NATO may not be a perfect- ly integrated alliance, but in the words of Robert Osgood, it has proved incred- ibly entangling. different standards m terms o training, ese The uncertainties imposed by the ammunition stocks, war reserve equip- sessment has ever' n:made `the opm- Warsaw Pact's reliance on East Europ - inert, combat dservicesupport,' are fiive readiness f ' each N y. an forces are compounded by those that part, unit integrity and turnover, TO Can only to rats stteh grow out of the differences between biped arms and land/"itive issues and .muss oncent eft NATO and Warsaw Pact readiness and host of other factors _ `the extent tti which each rat n;mee ?has a agreed standards and its obi nation buildup requirements. These differences The FRG, for example, still Table Four NATO Divisions Detailed Breakout, Central Region as of January 1, 1983 NATO Divisions Separate Brigades Armor Other Total or Regiments Committed Divisions in West Germany from: Belgium 0 1 1 0 Britain 4 0 4 1 Canada 0 0 0 1 France' 3 0 3 0 Netherlands 0 2 2 0 US2 2% 2% 5 3 West Germany' 6 5 11 3 Total 15% 10% 26 8 Ready Reinforcements Belgium 0 1 1 0 Britain 0 0 0 1 Denmark' 0 1 1 2 France' 5 8 13 0 Netherlands 0 1 1 1 US2 1% 11% 13 3 Total 6% 22% 29 7 First-Line Reserves Netherlands 0 0 0 2 US2 2 8 10 18 Belgium 0 0 0 2 Britain 0 0 0 2 Grand Total 24 41 65 39 'French Army and Air Force totals are included in all categories, although they are not under NATO control. 'US brigades/regiments include the Berlin Brigade and two armored cavalry regiments (ACRs). Ready reinforcements are two active brigades and one ACR in CONUS. First-line reserves are 14 reserve component brigades and four ACRs. (Four separate brigades join active divisions under the "round out" program. Two replace school troops at Fort Benning and Fort Knox. Brigades in Alaska and Panama stand fast.) 3Danish and German forces in the Schleswig-Holstein Province on the base of the Jutland Peninsula are technically a part of NATO's north flank, but are counted in the center sector for purposes of this comparison. SOURCE: John M. Collins, Congressional Research Service. The Uncertainty of Readiness does not assign men to specific conibat units in peacetime. It`is also heavily' de; pendent on reserves'to expand its.cwm Table Four illustrates 'these differ- bat divisions in wartime and to ill :key enees. It shows the complex mix of com- support units. (Some ; artillery units have mitted, ready reinforcement, and first only one-third of their wartime manning line reserve units in each NATO nation requirements in peacetime.) The Dutch , in the Central Region. It also shows that assign reserves to specific units but have virtually all of the NATO divisions com- sharply cut their force structure and pared in Table Three are combat ready support capabilities. The British ;also as- sign reserves to specific equipments, but orM-Day units . The Uncertainty Posed by These NATO units admittedly, differ their reserves are grossly short of heavy Differences in Readiness and in readiness in many obvious or ,subtle weapons and anti-armor, capabiltttay. Buildup Capability ways.. Different countries impose very There is no easy way to summarize f th differences No nearing net s$- Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 The US almost deliberately avoids di- rect investigation of the readiness of its allies-this borders too close to spying on its friends. While it has conducted intense debates over Warsaw Pact build- up capability since the early 1960s, it has never conducted the kind of country-by- country or unit-by-unit analysis needed to evaluate NATO. At the same time, enough is known to say that the 26 committed divisions and eight independent committed regiments and brigades in Table Four are generally ready to fight within one to two days of preparation, are heavily equipped with armor and other weapons, and share a common structure and level of readiness at least to the point that they are ready to provide the battle fighting capability that is the essential buffer between deterrence and reliance on immediate nuclear war. In contrast, most of the remaining 39 divisions and 31 brigades in NATO's Central Region forces are far less well equipped, far less well armed, and have far more uncertain training levels and ability to be committed to combat. There are excellent reserve, national command, and rapid reinforcement units in NATO, but the bulk are either much lower in quality or will take far longer to arrive than the committed or M-Day units. This is one reason that NATO mili- tary commanders place so much empha- sis on combat ready vs. reserve units and on the weaknesses they can identify within the political constraints imposed by national sensitivities. Combat ready units are not only the primary means of ensuring that NATO can implement a forward strategy in the face of an inabil- ity to be certain of more than 48 hours' warning; they are the only means of al- lowing NATO to keep up a broad pres- sure for combat effectiveness. It is also a reason why there is so much criticism of NATO's readiness and so much emphasis on being able to fight. Civilians may prefer technology or impressive "bean counts" to ammuni- tion and training; NATO officers do not. Table Five, however, shows that for all the uncertainties about NATO readi- ness, such uncertainties in the Warsaw Pact are even greater. While all of the NATO divisions shown in Table Three are more or less combat ready, 11 of the 57 Warsaw Pact divisions are Category II and III reserve units. Further, all of the 32 Soviet divisions in the Western Military District are Category II or III divisions, and between. 30-60% of the Pact's non-combat support manpower would have to be mobilized. The Soviet Union must evaluate its own strength in light of the fact that its own significant combat experience since 1945 has been in Afghanistan and that it no longer has any significant number of combat-trained troops. Quite aside from the issue of the reliability of non-Soviet Table Five Warsaw Pact Divisions, Central Region _ Category Divisions Total I II III In Czechoslovakia Czech Tank 1 2 2 Motorized Rifle 3 1 1 Total 4 3 3 Soviet Tank 2 2 Motorized Rifle 3 3 Total 5 5 Grand Total 15 9 In East Germany East German Tank 2 2 Motorized Rifle 4 4 Total 6 6 Soviet Tank 9 9 Motorized Rifle 10 10 Total 19 19 Grand Total 25 25 In Poland Polish Tank 5 Motorized Rifle 8 Other 2 Total 15 Soviet Tank 2 2 Motorized Rifle 0 0 Total 2 2 Grand Total 17 12 Total Committed Non-Soviet Tank 12 2 2 Motorized Rifle 17 3 4 Other 2 0 0 Total 31 5 6 Soviet Tank 13 13 Motorized Rifle 13 13 Total 26 26 Grand Total 57 46 In Western Russia Ready Reinforcement 4 0 4 0 (all Soviet) 4 0 4 0 8 0 8 0 First-Line Reserves 12 0 0 12 (all Soviet) - 12 0 0 12 24 0 0 24 89 46 13 30 w....-a c... , _ dMInUAI intarnational/July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90TOO155R000500030029-5 reserve forces, it also faces the issue of how well its Category II and III units can deploy and fight in a theater-wide conflict. The readiness of these reserve forces is now the subject of considerable contro- versy within NATO, and intelligence ex- perts do not agree on how to define or allocate Category I, II, and III classifi- cations. The term Category I seems to have different meaning for Soviet units in Eastern Europe and in the USSR. The Soviet units in the GDR and Europe seem to average 95% manning, while units in the USSR may range down to 85%. Even when manning is high or even overstrength, this seems to mean a unit has a special training role and may actually be unusually short of combat ready manpower. The USSR has built up its Category II divisions to the point where these are now fully equipped-there have been in- credible increases in the amount of com- bat equipment in all types of Soviet re- The USSR also cannot covertly mobi- lize more than a few units in the USSR and can only really determine the combat capability of Soviet and non-Soviet Cate- gory II and Category III units by observ- ing them in combat. It faces the added uncertainty that World War II and Af- ghanistan provide little tangible basis for assessing its own combat power. This balance of uncertainty again tends to favor NATO in some important ways. NATO's best forces are concentrated where they should be: in positions to immediately support the forward defense of Germany, and this includes virtually all of the forces counted in most of the pessimistic estimates shown in Table Two. At least one-fifth of the Warsaw Pact strength counted in the various esti- mates in Table Two (a minimum of 3,500 tanks' worth) is in forces which are con- siderably less ready than most NATO units counted in the same comparisons. Warsaw Pact Category 11 and III divi- sions. Table Six presents the view of many US experts in delaying the arrival of Category II units for nearly a month after M-Day and the arrival of Category III divisions until M+130. Other US and most European experts feel differ- ently. They feel that the USSR would rely on mass and ignore problems in training and the ability to fight as a cohesive unit. They credit Category II units with almost immediate combat ca- pability once they fully mobilize-some- thing that requires 48-96 hours. NATO estimates of the availability of Category III units is based on hard-won political compromises among intelli- gence experts. Depending on the source, Category III units are credited with the ability to achieve readiness in no more than several weeks and often within one week. The resolution of this uncertainty is critical. If the more pessimistic estimates are right, the Warsaw Pact's emphasis on armor and weapons numbers will al- low it to bring massive firepower and maneuver capability to bear within days of the beginning of mobilization. Fur- ther, the threat will grow steadily worse. The Pact's massive lead in military pro- duction has already allowed it, for in- stance, to increase total tank strength in the Western Military District by nearly NATO's total tank strength in the Cen- tral Region in just the last five years. At current rates, all Warsaw Pact divi- sions-except the weakest cadre units- will be fully equipped by the mid-1980s. In contrast, most of NATO's reserve units lack the heavy armor to fight War- saw Pact divisions. There is no debate over the NATO buildup ratios in Table Six, which are optimal estimates for NATO. Even full deployment of the best NATO units will not change them. The US Army reinforcing units whose equipment is pre-positioned in Europe- 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment to ar rive by D+9, 3rd Armored Division at D+ 10, and 1st and 4th Mechanized Di- visions at D+11---and Dutch M-Day ` and Rim units in the Netherlands, plus the remainder of the French First Army The Uncertainty of Buildup Capability The resulting uncertainties in buildup capability are difficult to estimate and illustrate the fact that NATO runs mas- sive risks as well as the Warsaw Pact. Table Six, for example, shows how critical the uncertainty surrounding the readiness of Warsaw Pact divisions can be. The estimates in Table Six are taken from unclassified work by Col. Daniel Gans in Military Review' but rely on hitherto classified intelligence data. They provide a good picture of the kind of buildup model used in most NATO planning. At the same time, they show how crit- ical the readiness issue can be. Table Six assumes that four motorized rifle and 10 tank divisions in the western and north- tready Central ern USSR are they can be deployed vagainst so that entral Region between M+10 and M+14. Some NATO experts believe they could arrive as early as D+4 to D+7. 'Others believe, however, that they could only be deployed in ;fully combat ready form by D+30 to D+40. A few believe that the USSR would be forced to draw on more ready units in military districts further from the inter-German border. Even more disagreement exists over the arrival or combat readiness of most serve units over the last decade-but their manning is only 50-85% of war- time needs, and training and readiness is much lower than in the first line Soviet units in Europe. East European generally still short some items of mili- tary equipment and have only 50-75% of their wartime manpower. Their train- ing is generally considerably lower than in Soviet Category I units. Soviet iet Category III units can range from near cadre strength to 35% of manning and now have most of their combat equipment . Again, the USSR's vast output of military equipment is al- lowing it to correct most of its past re- serve shortages. East European Category III units , however, are still short combat and extensive amounts of support equip- ment and rarely have more than IS- 30% of their manpower. NATO intelligence estimates have ten tended to ignore these readiness prob- lems in calculating the threat, as well as the fact that Warsaw Pact divisions of all types are constantly undergoing mas- sive equipment conversions, and are sub- ject est to large-scale manpower, turbulence because of a reliance - sett ts, almost `all of w must also P i the unit rerve basic +viuch they area t It is difficult, however, to see how the Soviet Union can view the situation in similar terms. The USSR is anything but reckless in military matters, and its readi- ness assessments are nearly certain tobe ultraconservative. It will know the weak- ness of each Warsaw Pact unit as well as SACEUR"comes to know privately the weakness of each NATO" unit under his command. Its' calculation of the risks of committing understrength" and rapidly mobilized units will give it a very different picture of total buildup capabilities than cannot significantly alter the immense superiority in weapons numbers which the Pact can deploy by rail and road. Most British reserves are not equipped to fight Warsaw Pact armor, and the US cannot deploy additional armored units from the US in much less than 32 days or deploy its reserve units in less than 70 days--and these are NATO's only other major armored reserves. -;, It is also important to note that the Warsaw, ;Tact will begin `any buildup with the elements of four offensive fronts already deployed in Europe: one in the GDR, one in Poland to cover the north- ern front, another at Tabor in Czecho- slovakia, and a fourth to cover the Dan- ube Corridor. 4See Col, Daniel Gans, USAR-Ret., "Fight Outnumbered and Win," Military'Review, Vols. LX and LXI. Gans' estimate of the total threat to the Central Region includes three Category I divisions in the Belorus- sian, Carpathian, and Baltic Military Dis- tricts, plus nine divisions in the, Moscow Military District, one in the Leningrad Mils- tary District, and one :in the Kiev :Military z District."Cans also adds four divisions I Hungary that arrive by M+8. ;He counts seven Polish Category I divisions vs. 10 for-, the CRS and five Czech Category I divisions vs. four for the CRS.,,, Armed Forces JOURNAL Intemational/July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Table Six Jhe Build-Up Problem: Illustrative Estimates of the Impact of Warsaw Pact i1II. ? Unit Deployments Main Battle Tanks in NATO Central Region Cumulative Commitments and Losses 23 21 19- 17- 15 A 13 11 7 5 3 Commitment Notes*: (D- POMCUS divisions by airlift and French First Army by road - Active Army divisions by sealift Q3 - Reserve components by sealift Category I divisions by road and rail Q - Category 2 divisions by rail 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 *Replacements from war reserve stocks 7.0 6.0 5.0 Main Battle Tank Ratios NATO Central Region, D-Day D + 96 1 3.0 2.0 1.0 rc, -LJ C4.5 Commitment Notes: 0 - POMCUS divisions by airlift O2 - French First Army by road Q3 - Category 1 divisions by road and railroad - Active Army divisions by sealift SO - Dutch and Belgian reserves by road l I I I I I _I I I ?- Category 2 divisions by rail 73 - Reserve components by sealift Main Battle Tank Ratios NATO Central Region Sectors, D-Day to D + 35 O n f(, /(ORTHA(--- ~U 1 --------------- Oj cEr1A(. souls. 4clor - HflI Commitment Notes: lO - POMCUS divisions by airlift O2 - French First Army by road 0 - Active Army divisions in first sealift ?- Dutch and Belgian reserves by road Q - Stavka Reserve The Warsaw Pact has a major surprise or sudden attack capability, and enough Category I and II divisions, as Table Six shows, to create a 3-1 superiority from roughly M + 9 to M + 30. The arrival of Category II divisions would raise the ratio to as high as 7-1. (The ratios would be even higher if they included the 36 Category III divisions in Table Five, which could arrive as early as M+30 and which would arrive by M + 130 even under the most conservative estimates now available.) At the same time, at least some as- pects of the balance of uncertainty do favor NATO. Any such Warsaw Pact movements would literally involve the deployment of over one million men, re- gardless of what assumption is made about readiness. Even under worst case conditions, NATO will find countless opportunities for conventional "deep strikes" against key rail and road links and facilities. Under more favorable as- sumptions, such NATO strikes could vastly compound the uncertainties the Warsaw Pact faces because of nationali- ty and readiness problems. There is no question that the Warsaw Pact has the rail and road capacity to physically carry out the movements shown in Table Six, has large numbers of railway troops, and constantly practices such offensive buildups under the guise of dealing with "invasions" by NATO. It also now regularly practices extensive air movements from the USSR to fill in the manpower missing in its forward fronts. A real-world attack, however, would be far more massive, could not be con- ducted on the set-piece and well-pre- pared basis of Soviet maneuvers and ex- ercises, and would pose monumental risks. These include the risk of error and mistakes of the kind that occurred dur- ing the invasion of Czechoslovakia. Murphy's law works on both sides of the inter-German border. The best exercises in the world still leave many opportuni- ties for things to go wrong. Such attacks would also involve forces so great that the risk of ultimate escalation to nuclear conflict would rise close to near certainty. A sudden massive onslaught would leave no time in which to work out some "rules" regarding escalation in& reliance on conventional combat. The message behind the uncertain Table Six is, therefore, twofold NATO, it dramatises the 'need to 'm- tain large conventional forces in bein the forward area toAeal with thesis sudden buildups or, surprise attacks awl the need for deep strike capabilities that can halt or disru t the juggernaut the Soviet Union will lave to m ove. w > ,. For the Warsaw Pact, every un - ty regarding its hull up ca a`b'ltty creates: increased uncei taint.' regarding its s ty to conduct a successful limited attack k on the FRG or control the process of nuclear escalation. It is the cumulative " risk of Armed Forces JOURNAL Intemational/July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90TOO155R000500030029-5 trying to execute a massive build up by reserve and potentially hostile foreign forces using a peacetime army. The Uncertainty of Geography Like uncertainties surrounding readi- ness and buildup capability, the uncer- tainty imposed by geography cuts two ways. As Map One shows, time and dis- tance affect both NATO and the War- saw Pact. Map One shows that the Soviet Union has seven tank and seven motor- ized divisions immediately near its bor- der with West Germany, although at least four Czech and two East German tank divisions are equally close. These forces have at least 6,500 tanks (and possibly over 7,500), and for all the de- bate about the nature of first and sec- ond echelons in attacking Warsaw Pact forces and the arrival of forces from units in.the rear or reserves, these forces give the Warsaw Pact considerable sur- prise attack capability. Pact could conceivably W arsaw The / begin an attack with the 3rd Shock Army and achieve significant limited gains before NATO could move out of its peacetime caserns. The Soviet Union `could deploy substantial armored forces in the event of some crisis or incident or even launch a large-scale attack with forces in the forward area and rely on massive follow-on reinforcement with- out building up its normal Fronts, or carrying out the kind of prior buildup or force movements that would give NATO clear warning. NATO has no guarantee that the So- viet Union will carry out the kind of attack that would force it to take full account of the nationality and readiness ct re or t Pact carries out massive prior move- ments under the cover of some exercise (and movements close to the FRG on this scale would make such a cover thin), it will become vulnerable to NATO air and missile attack. This cre- ates a strong linkage between any major land attack and the need to suppress or counter NATO air power. This linkage creates new uncertainties regarding the ability to implement such attacks and nuclear escalation-given the increase in conflict intensity and the need to strike at dual-capable forces. It also means lucrative target opportunities for NATO, whether these are part of deep strikes or the air/land battle. Map One also shows that NATO's current deployments put much of its ar- mored strength in the forward area, and that NATO's forces are much better dis- tributed to reinforce each other than NATO's national corps zones would indicate. Roughly 80% of Egypt's Soviet-made combat- deployed tanks had broken down by the time Israel successfully crossed the Suez Canal in 1973, and comparable exercise data on the T-62 and M-60A1 show that the T-62 has a breakdown every 160-200km of operations vs. every 240-320km for the M-60A1. ra problems in its total forces the buildup uncertainties raised in dis- German forces are well deployed in cussing Table Six. It is just as credible forward positions near the front. The US that the USSR will set the limited objec- also puts substantial forces "in harm's five of seizing just enough of the FRG to way." :If one includes selected Dutch try to shatter NATO's unity ' before and British units, NATO puts more than NATO forces can deploy to their com- half its Central Region tank strength in bat positions. positions where it can rapidly implement At the same time, there is little pros- its forward defense strategy pect that Soviet forces will suddenly There are, however, serious problems leave their caserns .,and arrive _ at the and uncertainties in _ NATO's deploy- Rhine' or the Weser. No matter what', ments as well as in the deployments the scenario "leads to ? conflict, the Soviet Warsaw Pact ,would have to carry out Union'will"have: to carry out major-divi- to attack. -'British, ? Dutch, and Belgian sional-sized movements. The average So- force cuts and redeployments leave the th GDR is located north German plains much weaker than e The Uncertainty of Armored and Anti-armor Force Strengths.- viet division ,. in , rable: 125km awa y,,from tlie' triter-German "is des' bordei, and wo-thirds are located more As Map `One- shows, the 2nd Guards The uncertainties affecting nationali- and'3~t1 Shock Army. e a con- ty, readiness, buildup capability, and ge- than ?10okm from the border even if one Army art of t threat that th r limited yo affect any uncertaineffort to ty in armor and annti- draws a line (fiat ignoies road lengths { s The. Soviet armor capabilities. Neither NATO nor and to Soviet Union also attack. As? Two shows, the 8er re o could ar ts serious the Warsaw Pact is a monolith that easily se r ? as re n on any attic C Y the, forces it `lies; near , terrain all 11Vest Germany p ? use:'t t territory north of lends itself to a.single count of the weap- the_boriett ?wouidhlmost".certa.:. pro blems; liave to commit all its : force&':ini;-iy the Helmstedt is'fai less y to defend than ons or that which allows l`beary counts" each to side e GDR,, Western Poland, and C itoslo-. the territory Further south vakia in a matter of days.' The area around Iiannnver` remains a compared without regard to readiness, , .. British forces could nationality, differences in force structure, This means that unless the Warsaw key problem, since take 12-48 hours to deploy, forces in the Netherlands would take at least 48 hours to arrive, and Belgian forces could take up to four days. NATO also has serious problems with its reserves. Ideally, the British Army of the Rhine should be reinforced with enough reserves to expand it from 55,000 to 147,000 men. It will take at least 10 days to fully deploy French forces from France (if these are in fact committed) and nine days to deploy any meaningful Danish support to the 6th German Divi- sion. A French unit would also have to move over 300km to come to the aid of even the northern sector of NATO's Cen- tral Army Group (CENTAG). While NATO is well deployed in broad terms, few NATO units are de- ployed directly at their wartime posi- tions, and about half the combat battal- ions in West Germany are 50 to 100km from the border. NATO requires be- tween 24 and 96 hours to occupy for- ward defense positions of the kind that do most to prevent the loss of any Ger- man territory and provide the defender with the most advantage. While these movements are now far better planned and more flexible than in the mid-1970s, they still are complex and make NATO vulnerable to Warsaw Pact air interdic- tion and deep strike attacks. Further, the Warsaw Pact's vast intel- ligence effort in NATO gives it near- real-time access to most deployment and readiness reports. The Soviet Union, for instance, probably does as good a job, or better, of tracking every key NATO offi- cer with low proficiency, marital prob- lems, or other difficulties as most NATO countries. The problem NATO faces is to in- crease the uncertainty of geography in ways that maximize the vulnerability of Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces and min- imize its own vulnerability in terms of uncertain warning, movement times, and the inevitable complication of problems like civilian refugees. It needs to increase the uncertainty of geography by increas- ing its ability to strike at every major Warsaw Pact movement in :the forward area in ways which deny the USSR any, high probability of being able to mass and penetrate. ,nunuAL IntamationaI/July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Map One -The Geography of the Central Region Land Balance WWII I! "IN 11 S. ", MI Mj L11-1911611 Armed Fo. ;s JOURNAL Intemational/Juy 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 ? ? 9.4, OF-TITO 01 NE TM ERlAN05 US Force Structure in NATO iBrookings Institution, 1974) and also from US Army materials Plain Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Armed - _InhlDuAI Inlurnafinn~V 1, Jv 10A7 wN2 ;?< Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90TO0155R000500030029-5 or the other uncertainties that can shape the outcome of a conflict. Nevertheless, the overview in Table Seven on the next page provides some important insights into another critical aspect of the Central Region balance. It draws on the work of Phillip Karber discussed earlier and on trend curves adapted from the annual Military Pos- ture report by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While such estimates inevitably have un- certainties of their own, they still pro- vide a reasonable picture of the kind of force ratios and uncertainties that NATO must deal with. The Uncertainty of Tank Force Numbers and Sudden or Surprise Attack Capability The first part of Table Seven shows the trends in the tank balance in the FRG and Benelux vs. the tanks in the GDR, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. It presents a worst case for NATO in that it excludes 1,000 pre-positioned tanks in the US, French and British tanks on their respective national territories, and Danish armor and does not take account of readiness. It presents a favorable case for NATO in that it excludes forces in Hungary and the USSR. The force ratios in Table Seven are not, therefore, atypical of the ratios that emerge from most force comparisons for the Central Region. This is confirmed by the fact that the trends in Table Seven track reasonably well with the range of tank ratios in Table Two and the range of buildup estimates shown in Table Six. The trends in Table Seven also track with the trends in tank production. The USSR is now producing 2,100 tanks an- nually to 650 for the US, and the War- saw Pact is now producing 2,500 to NATO's 1,200. As is the case with most major arms exports, a much larger pro- portion of Warsaw Pact tank production is going to Pact forces than NATO pro- duction is going to NATO forces. In fact, counts of tank strength sharply favor the Warsaw Pact regardless of how one counts NATO and Warsaw Pact tank forces. The Pact leads in terms of force trends, numbers, and modernization. The 'Warsaw Pact has ' increased its tank ?trength far more quickly than NATO, and trends favoring the Warsaw Pact have accelerated since the early 1970s. The USSR reacted to the lessons of its invasion of Czechoslovakia and the "",Arab-Israeli conflict of 1973 and to the .development of improved antitank ' creasing the flexibility of its armored forces and their ability to carry out quick; large-scale attacks. Warsaw Pact tank production out ;paced that of NATO by 2.6-1 during 197882;: much of this production was used to increase the number of tanks in FWarsaw Pact forces. Roughly 50% of the Soviet tanks opposing NATO are now T-64s, T-72s, or T-80s. The increase in Soviet tank strength in the GDR was particularly sharp and reflects shifts in Soviet doctrine which have no credible explanation other than an effort to in- crease Russia's ability to attack West Germany. The USSR restructured its Fronts in Eastern Europe to provide far better air and mobile infantry and artillery sup- port for armored movements. It correct- ed some of the weaknesses in its logistic and support forces, and has introduced new concepts of combat unit organiza- tion like the Operational Maneuver Groups (OMGs). The OMG is task-force oriented and provides far greater and more flexible integration of combined arms. These forces are now acquiring helicopter squadrons and are supported by ad- vanced command structures. Both they and the Fronts of which they are a part have shown a steady improvement in tactical skills and have largely broken away from the traditional rigidity of So- viet force structure. These OMGs are specially structured and designed to penetrate NATO de- fenses in quick thrusts. They are backed by reorganized fronts which will support the OMG divisions with massive Soviet fighter, helicopter, and artillery attacks and the use of sabotage and special forces teams. Each OMG division may have up to 415 tanks (vs. 325 for a regular Soviet tank division), and some experts feel they will be supported with special Sovi- et motorized rifle divisions with 266 tanks rather than 188. These divisions get the newest Soviet equipment and are steadily increasing their combat helicop- ter support. In any case, changes in the larger So- viet formations on the inter-German border have given these armies a special meaning. The 3rd Shock Army shown in Map One is a good example. Although the 3rd Shock Army has less manpower than the British Army of the Rhine, it has 2.5 to three times more tanks, six times more artillery weapons, 1.5 times more combat infantry, 1.5 times more logistic lift, approximately seven times more antiaircraft weapons, substantially more nuclear delivery systems, and over 30 times as many major chemical war- fare equipment items. Regardless of buildup uncertainties, these forces have substantial sudden or surprise attack ca- pability. While British divisions are the worst equipped in terms of major weapons strength of any divisions in NATO, these differences are paralleled through- out. NATO and Warsaw Pact force r structures in the Central Region. This is illustrated by the differences in the num- ber of tanks and men per nominal divi- sion shown in Table Eight on p. 48.' The three main strike groups in the four Fronts in Soviet forces in Eastern Europe now can command up to 200-250 battalion-sized combat ready elements in the first echelon of any at- tack on the Central Region. This is a force of up to 9,000 tanks, vs. 3,000 to 6,000 for NATO. For all their deficien- cies, these forces all probably have 98% of their combat manpower and have suf- ficient stocks on hand for seven days of combat operations. The USSR does not, therefore, face the same kind of uncertainties in tank numbers and armored offensive units that it faces in the previous balances of uncertainty. It is steadily improving its ability to conduct a quick and limited seizure of West German territory and to conduct conventional wars at sufficient- ly limited levels to raise doubts about the credibility of NATO's escalation to nu- clear war. The Uncertainty of Tank Quality and Support Capability The Warsaw Pact, however, faces un- certainties in tank quality and support capability. While Table Seven shows that the Warsaw Pact is modernizing its tank pool more quickly than NATO, both sides are comparatively slow in modernizing their total strength. The earlier generations of NATO tanks were significantly better. than comparable gen- erations of Soviet tanks, and this gives NATO an advantage. Even the new Soviet T-80 seems to be anything but a "supertank." It probably has composite armor in its hull, like all Soviet tanks since the T-62, and may 'Figures on average division size and equip- ment holdings differ significantly by source. The figures shown in Table Eight are typical, however, and the differences shown do not vary significantly from source to source. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 ,,Table Seven A-Central ~, Region 4' Force Trends: Tanks, Armored Vehicles, and fAnti-Tank Weapons in Army Forces Stationed in Benelux, FRG, GDR, Czechoslovakia, and Other Armored Vehicles 18,0001 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 53 58 63 68 73 78 Years Total Heavy Antitank Weapons 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 Years 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 lsl Gen (T-34) 2nd Gen / (T-54/T-55) Years *Includes active and reserve forces-does not include USMC and USMCR equipment. Armed Attack Helicopters in Combat Units* Anti-Tank Weapons Anti-Armor Weapons per Opposing Tank* Warsaw Pact vs NATO NATO vs Warsaw Pact 74 76 78 80 End FY *Includes active and reserve forces. Anti-armor weapons include tanks, ATGM launchers, anti-tank guns, and Copperhead. Anti-Armor Weapons per Opposing Armored Vehicle* Poland (t inns \%i\ 30. I r?r,p.udI r "j'.1 rd 2, ,11-I 63 68 Warsaw Pact vs NATO "A 1_0 ~. W1 arNa" Pact It I I I I 1 74 76 78 80 83 End FY *Includes active and reserve forces. Anti-armor weapons include tanks, ATGM launchers, anti-tank guns, and Copperhead. Source: Adapted from work by Phillip A. Karber and updated by the author for 1980-83 using the IISS Military Balance and CRS working materials, and from OJCS, Military Posture, FY 1982 as updated by the author. Armed Forces JOURNAL international/July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 have such armor in its turret. It does not, however, have the US M-l's kind of advanced armor or that of the latest British tank designs. Like the T-64, it seems more of an evolutionary effort to correct the problems of its predecessor than a serious advance (May AFJ). The T-62 and T-72 make up the bulk of first line Pact forces, and even the T-72 re- tains many of the past defects of Soviet tanks which have been revealed by the fighting in the Near East. While Soviet tanks have superior cross-country mobility and well-shaped armor and recent models have thicker conventional armor than the armor on NATO tanks, even the most modern types lack advanced range finders and fire control equipment. The newest Sovi- et tanks also have automatic loaders that require repositioning of the gun and which severely complicate operation of the tank. Although Warsaw Pact tanks are rug- ged, !:eve not proved particularly reliable, quality control of critical parts is pcc:, ~... cots are not routinely cor- reeted once tanks enter service. Roughly 80% of Egypt's Soviet-made combat-de- ployed tanks, for instance, had broken down by the time Israel successfully crossed the Suez Canal in 1973, and com- parable exercise data on the T-62 and M-60A 1 show that the T-62 has a break- down every 160-200km of operations vs. every 240-320km for the M-60A1. Soviet tanks lack flexibility in using a wide range of ammunition types and carry only 28-40 rounds (vs. 63 for an M-60A1). Their guns track slowly, and their turrets rotate at only 17 ? per second (vs. 24 ? for an M-60A 1 and 40 ? or an M- 60A2). Even the T-72 and T-80 seem to have extremely cramped cabins and poor human engineering, poor "buttoned- down" visibility, and problems while fir- ing in defilade. Soviet tanks cannot shelter behind hills because their guns only de- press a maximum of 4? (vs. 11 ? or more for NATO tanks). While NATO tanks have many design defects of their own, they are less serious than those of most Soviet tanks, and even upgunned and re-engined M-48s with modern fire control may be superi- or to the T-80 in tank-vs.-tank encoun- ters. The Warsaw Pact, therefore, must regard comparative tank quality as a sig- nificant uncertainty in evaluating its own capability. Further, Warsaw Pact units still lack the tank recovery, repair, and replace- ment capability of most NATO divi- sions. While the Warsaw Pact uses training sets, rather than divisional equipment, to reduce tank wear and emphasizes reliability and crew repair of minor breakdowns, it designs its divi- sions to be consumed and replaced rath- er than sustained as operating divisions. The Soviet Union has increased its training for long range penetrations and its logistic support in recent years, but recent maneuvers still reveal serious problems in conducting major armored penetrations, and Soviet tanks and artil- lery are still limited by poor cross-coun- try logistic and service support. There is also little evidence that Soviet training makes up for the turnover of its tank crews and their lack of the kind of expe- rience with mechanical equipment that is routine among similar age groups in the West. The Uncertainty of Total Armored Vehicle Strength The comparisons of "Other Armored Vehicle" strengths in Table Seven illus- trate another area of uncertainty. NATO has only a marginal inferiority in the number of armored fighting vehicles and personnel carriers in its forces, and far more of the NATO vehicles are fully protected tracked vehicles than those of the Warsaw Pact. While the Warsaw Pact has overtaken NATO in the number of modern ar- mored fighting vehicles in its forces and has equipped its other armored vehicles with better anti-infantry and light anti- armor weapons, NATO's strength still remains high. This may change over time because the USSR is producing 4,800 other armored vehicles annually (compared to only 850 for the US), and the entire Warsaw Pact is producing 5,500 compared to NATO's 1,800. But NATO's existing vehicles are generally superior in quality and have far more effective antitank weapons.' In spite of the upgrading of Soviet armored fighting vehicles like the BMP, which proved disastrously ineffective and vulnerable during the fighting in 1973, the antitank guns (usually rocket launchers) and missiles on Soviet vehi- cles still use relatively low-lethality rounds with awkward guidance systems requiring prolonged visibility (thus mak- ing it hard to track a maneuvering target while on the move), long flight times, and extremely high operator proficien- cy-a proficiency rarely demonstrated in Pact maneuvers or training of Russia's Third World clients. Even the most advanced Soviet sys- tems, like the new BMP, have many design defects and large amounts of un- necessary "dead space" where the opera- tor cannot track the weapon or fire. Ma- jor weapons cannot be fired in defilade, 'Based on 1978-82 averages. The US pro- duced only 160 other armored vehicles in 1982 vs. 4,150 for the USSR, and NATO produced only 1,300 vs. 4,500 for the Pact. Table Eight Comparative Tank Strength of NATO and Warsaw Pact Divisions No. of Men Per Total Tank No. of Tanks Armored 18,300 78 324 Mechanized 18,500 86 216 Britain Mechanized 8,500 57 148 France Mechanized 16,000 99 162 FRG Armored 17,000 57 300 Mechanized 17,500 70 250 Tank-Forward Area 12,500 30 415 Tank-Regular 11,000 34 325 MRD-Forward Area 15,000 56 266 MRD-Regular 14,000 74 186 Tank - 12,000 37 325 MRD 14,000 75 188 SOURCE: Adapted from the IISS, Military Balance, 1981-82, and previous editions. Note that many disagreements exist between various sources. Armed Forc '-??--?- '---------- ,,...,., 47 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90TO0155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 and most are more effective against hard, fixed targets in built-up areas than against tanks. NATO has the option of upgrading or converting much of its present inventory of both armored personnel carriers and armored fighting vehicles to use modern antitank missile launching systems, and it would gain far more from such con- versions than the Pact could gain-given its need to conduct an offensive with far greater numbers of tanks. These trade-offs could range from keeping more older-model tanks in ser- vice as new tanks phase in to the pur- chase of more attack helicopters or deep strike munitions. They also favor NATO in that manpower costs tend to dominate the life-cycle costs of NATO units, and conversions of constant manpower levels to more expensive equipment would not mean major increases in defense budgets. The Uncertainty of Antitank and Attack Helicopter Capability The remaining trends in Table Seven are less favorable to NATO. They show that the Warsaw Pact has been far quicker to acquire "force multipliers" like attack helicopters and antitank guided missiles and now has a major lead in both areas. While the comparisons of attack heli- copters and of anti-armor weapon per opposing system are adapted from JCS figures which are NATO-wide rather than based on the Central Region only, they still illustrate very real problems in NATO's force improvement programs. NATO has never collectively come to grips with the need for attack helicop- ters. While the recent fighting in Leba- non and the Iran-Iraq War have con- vinced all of the countries involved that added attack helicopters with antitank guided missiles represent a vital force improvement-and one worth substan- tial trade-offs in terms of regular infan- try-NATO has tended to purchase few systems and concentrate on a slow-mov- ing R&D effort. In contrast, the Soviet Union has seen the helicopter as a powerful means of disrupting NATO in the rear, halting NATO movements, outflanking NATO armor and air defenses, and supporting its own breakthrough attempts. It has steadily upgraded both the number and firepower of its attack helicopters and built them into a major force in the Cen- tral Region. There is now one Soviet helicopter regiment per ground army in the Soviet forces, and this may increase to two by the mid-1980s. More important, the USSR is now rapidly deploying one at- tack helicopter squadron of six NE-24 Hinds per division, and East Europe seems likely to follow. The USSR has as many as 600 Mi-24 (Hind) attack helicopters in Eastern Eu- rope positioned where they could be rap- idly committed to any attack. This force may well exceed 1,000 helicopters by the mid- 1980s. The USSR also has large numbers of Mi-8 (Hip) armed lift helicopters. While these are unarmored and slow maneu- vering and have problems flying nap-of- the-earth to avoid short range air de- fenses, they are adequate for long range (460km maximum) assaults on NATO targets in the rear-particularly under the surprise or sudden attack conditions which Soviet forces in the GDR regular- ly exercise. The USSR again leads the US in pro- duction. It produces 400-450 annually compared to 150-160 for the US, and the entire Warsaw Pact is producing 500 military helicopters annually compared to 200 for NATO. The Pact is deploying a substantially larger proportion of its total production with its own forces than NATO and has completely overcome the US' once com- manding lead in helicopter gunships. The US led the USSR by 702 attack helicopters to 0 in 1970. The USSR built its attack helicopter strength to 400 in 1978 and to 800 by early 1983. It over- took the US in 1981 and has steadily increased its lead since. Russia has a total pool in the Central Region and western USSR of well over 1,000 M-8C (Hip) armed transports and Hip E (Gunships) and 1,000 Mi-24 A-F attack helicopters. The GDR has 70-85 Mi-8 and 24-28 Mi-24s, Czechoslovakia has 20-30 Mi-8 and 24-36 Mi-24s, and Poland has 22-30 Mi-8s and 24-48 Mi-24s. In contrast, the US has only about 575 helicopters in the Central Region. While US Army and Marine Corps forces have over 1,000 armed helicopters in world- wide service, they had a worldwide in- ventory of only 324 of the newer AH-1S TOW at the end of 1982, and the first AH-64 Apaches will not become opera- tional until early 1985. These are the kind of helicopters needed for combat in the Central Region, yet many are com- mitted to contingencies in the Gulf. Belgium has 60 Alouette II, some of which have limited attack capability; Britain has 90 Lynx/AH-1, some of which have TOW; Canada has virtually nothing; the FRG has 84 armed helicop- ters, only some, of which are BO-105Ps with HOT antitank missiles; and the Netherlands has 24 B0-105s which evi- dently lack anti-armor armament. Denmark has 12 Hughes 500As but evidently will not commit any combat helicopters to the Central Region land battle. France has 66 Alouette Ills with SS-11, 118 SA-330-Puma, 154 SA-314F, and 42 SA-342M with HOT but also seems unlikely to commit any significant proportion of its attack helicopter strength to the forward defense of Europe. The US Army's efforts to rush the production of advanced attack helicop- ters are, therefore, scarcely the result of an obsession with attrition or advanced technology. According to US estimates, NATO has only 400 attack helicopters in the Central Region. NATO does seem to retain an advantage in terms of helicopter maneuverability, protection, sensors, and antitank weaponry, but it must make major increases in produc- tion to take advantage of this opportu- nity and offset the Soviet advantage in production. There also is growing uncertainty re- garding NATO's lead in technology. While the performance of the Hind D and Hind E has been overestimated and both still seem to lack advanced antitank weapons, the Hind F seems to represent a test bed for more advanced laser-desig- nated missiles, and Soviet armor and maneuverability have improved steadily as the result of lessons from the fighting in Afghanistan. The Uncertainty of Antitank Weapons For all its rhetoric about force multi- pliers and force improvements, NATO has treated antitank weapons in much the same way the British army treated the machine gun before World War I: as an exotic weapon to be deployed only to skilled operators in relatively few num- bers. No NATO army in Europe has de- ployed long range antitank launchers in densities approaching those of Warsaw Pact forces.' While NATO has signifi- cant numbers of missiles, it is curiously lacking in major antitank launchers for a force which is defensive in character and which has made the acquisition of such weapons a major force improvement goal since the mid-1960s. In contrast, the Soviet Union has de- ployed very large numbers of missile launchers as well as much larger num- bers of antitank rocket launchers. It also has gradually replaced its unreliable, slow, and cumbersome first-generation missiles with more advanced second- generation systems. These include the AT-4 Spigot, AT-5 Spandrel, AT-6 Spi- ral, and at least two more advanced types. Unlike earlier Soviet antitank guided missiles-which were slow, could not be fired at short ranges, required incredible levels of operator dexterity, and had poorly designed and highly unreliable warheads-these newer Soviet systems share many of the features of the most advanced Western semiautomatic com- mand "track target only" systems. The guidance systems of the AT-4 and AT-5 'The US has such launcher numbers only if one counts the Dragon, which has limited effectiveness and cannot penetrate the fron- tal armor of newer Soviet tanks. Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90TO0155R000500030029-5 are still somewhat awkward and unreli- able by comparison, but the AT-6 may be appearing with a laser-designated warhead in both vehicle and Mi-24 launched versions. Further, the role of the antitank mis- sile is somewhat different in Soviet forces. Soviet maneuvers reveal a heavy use of such missiles against NATO in- fantry in other armored vehicles and us- ing the cover of built-up areas. These targets rarely move, and Soviet missiles are much easier to use against them. The USSR can also screen its superior tank forces by denying NATO the abili- ty to advance. It does not have to achieve the same extremely high attri- tion ratios against tanks with antitank guided missiles (ATGMs) that NATO must achieve. As a result, the main uncertainties which affect the balance of antitank weapons consist of force improvement options which can shift the balance in favor of NATO rather than weaknesses in Warsaw Pact forces: ? First, there is no intrinsic reason why NATO cannot develop greatly improved antitank and attack helicopter forces. It has the resources to do so, particularly if it is willing to concentrate on a mix of high-capability and low-cost helicopters and emphasize antitank missile launcher numbers rather than missiles. ? Second, NATO still seems to have a lead in guidance and sensors. In spite of leave" Soviet antitank guided missiles and next-generation Soviet systems, Russia's existing missiles seem to have far less operational lethality than NATO systems like TOW and HOT. ? Third, the advantage would seem to lie with the defender. Well-positioned defensive forces should be less vulnera- ble than attacking armor, regardless of their air defenses and antitank guided missile suppression capabilities. It is also clear from Soviet writings and exercises that the USSR fears NATO's antitank weapons, regardless of the shortages in NATO weapons. The USSR has developed extensive doctrine on deploying high densities of tanks against prepared antitank weapons de- fenses and has restructured its training to stress outflanking and enveloping such defensive positions while increasing its rate of advance to prevent antitank weapons defense from being properly sit- ed and deployed. Even given the ratios shown in the lower half of Table Seven, NATO al- ready has significantly enhanced its de- fensive battle fighting capabilities over what it could achieve with tanks, and the USSR must take NATO's superior- ity in antitank guided missile technology into serious consideration in evaluating its chances of success. The Uncertain Balance of Artillery Strength The balance of uncertainty in artillery also favors the Warsaw Pact. As Table Nine shows, the Warsaw Pact has a mas- sive advantage in numbers and in its rate of modernization. The USSR has greatly increased its combat support artillery in recent years, and its army-level artillery regiments are being expanded to brigades-an increase of 30-80%. Its divisions are getting new self-propelled and nuclear capable guns, and artillery battalions are being added to each tank regiment in Soviet tank and motorized rifle divisions. This has result- ed in a 30% increase in the combined tube artillery, heavy mortar, and multi- ple rocket launcher strength of the Sovi- et armies and divisions in Eastern Eu- rope since 1978. This, however, is only part of the sto- ry. Warsaw Pact artillery is generally superior in terms of range, operational rate of fire, reliability, and barrel life. Further, a much larger proportion of Warsaw Pact artillery consists of multi- ple rocket launchers (MRLs) which can deliver immense amounts of suppressive area fire against NATO infantry and antitank units during the assault or breakthrough phase of an attack. The Uncertainty of Artillery Quality There are some compensating uncer- tainties. While the amount of self-pro- pelled artillery in first line Soviet forces has increased to the point where more than 40% of the Soviet artillery in East Europe is now self-propelled (vs. only 'A'Table Nine .Re ion Torce'Irends: 'Artillery Weapons in Army lForces"Stationed in'Benelux,,~FRG,4GDR,'Czechoslovakia,- and Poland FY 1978, VY 1980, and tY tbe author from "ork by Phillip A. Karber and from MCS, )Vlilifar~i l'odure ,*Source: Adapted by 41982 using CRS and IISS data. Armed Forces JOURNAL International/July 1989 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 still use towed weapons. The Pact is un- likely to fully convert to armored self- propelled artillery like that common in most NATO units, although it is con- tinuing to deploy nuclear capable heavy artillery brigades armed with self-pro- pelled 240mm mortars and 203mm guns. It is also introducing two new 152mm guns, one self-propelled, and a new 16-tube 220mm multiple rocket launcher. The Warsaw Pact does not have fire computers and targeting aids equal to those in the best NATO units, has fuzing and artillery round reliability problems, and does not have rounds with the same lethality against soft targets-although its fragmentation patterns are generally more lethal against light armored vehi- cles than those of NATO.' The need to carry out linear deploy- ment of artillery in the Pact units that still use towed weapons leaves 80-85% of the personnel involved without cover, and the USSR has not succeeded in modifying its artillery organization to remove its dependence on a few highly skilled officers, NCOs, and technicians. Soviet writings indicate that Soviet artil- lery units are highly vulnerable to the loss of such personnel. Overcentralization and lack of skilled personnel make it difficult for Soviet ar- tillery to shift fires rapidly or adapt to new tactical conditions. This is com- pounded by a lack of adequate commu- nications-a problem Iraqi forces (which are based on Soviet models) found crippling during the early phases of the Iran-Iraq War. While the USSR is deploying new tar- get acquisition and command vehicles like the BMP, ACRV-2, and the MT-LB radar vehicle, even its best forces have problems engaging mobile targets. The Warsaw Pact also has uncertain ability to sustain its theoretical rates of firc and to provide the massive ammu- "ition resupply needed to take full ad- vantage of its numbers of tubes. Unfor- tunately, NATO intelligence seems rather uncritical of the potential weak- ness of this aspect of Soviet force capa- bilities, and it is difficult to weigh how important such problems are, but it does seem likely they will keep rates of fire substantially below the levels called for in Warsaw Pact doctrine and artil- lery exercises. The problem of lethality is complex. Many US manuals that criticize Soviet rounds as- sess only lethality against exposed infantry. Most targets in a NATO-Pact conflict will, however, have either light armor or ground protection. Some "highly advanced" US rounds are "advanced" only if the target is not protected and is vertical or crouched on a perfectly flat plane. Independent British and German studies have shown such rounds to be substantially less lethal against real-world targets than ordinary NATO or Soviet rounds. The Uncertainty of Artillery Production Even so, these uncertainties do not make up for NATO's current deficien- cies, and the future looks even grimmer than the trends in Table Nine indicate. The USSR produced an average of 2,450 artillery weapons annually during 1978-82, compared to 170 for the US. The Warsaw Pact produced 2,800 weap- ons compared to NATO's 400. During the last two years, however, annual Warsaw Pact production has in- creased to 3,750 weapons, while NATO production has dropped to 300. This is giving the Warsaw Pact a superiority of 12-1, and again, far more of the Pact's production-particularly of the most ad- vanced types of self-propelled weapons and MRLs-goes to Pact forces. NATO is devoting a heavy proportion of its total production to export. The Uncertainty of Relative Area Fire Capability NATO has also made many of its problems worse. Instead of seeking weap- ons with area fire capabilities or exploit- ing its technical lead in smart submuni- tions, it has tried to field direct fire solutions to killing tanks and artillery. The result has been expensive artillery rounds like the 155mm Copperhead laser- guided projectile. While the US Army maintains its faith in such systems, such weapons can achieve only limited rates of tank attrition because of the limited num- ber of tubes involved relative to the threat. Further, they require laser designation or line-of-sight targeting. NATO has been equally unsuccessful in fielding battlefield electronics to deal with the Warsaw Pact superiority in ar- tillery numbers. It must still rely on di- rect or near-direct hits, and a long series of costly and unreliable targeting and fire control systems has left NATO with the need to fire tens to hundreds of rounds to suppress a single Warsaw Pact weapon. NATO still has virtually no hope of survivable exchange ratios against Pact artillery. Accordingly, the key uncertainty is again NATO's ability to take advantage of a force improvement option. The FRG has already deployed 176 LARS 110 multiple rocket launchers (MRLs). Unlike tube artillery, the LARS can de- liver very high rates of fire over short periods of time. It also can deliver large numbers of anti-armor minelets. Al- though the LARS minelets lack terminal homing and are not very lethal, they have the advantage against an attacker that must move often and along predict- able paths. The US Army is now deploying its own multiple launcher rocket "system" (MLRS) and is improving it to combine smart munitions and long range target- ing capabilities to achieve much higher lethality against tanks and artillery. The first MLRS unit became operational late in May and will deploy to Europe this summer. While this US multiple launcher rock- et system has had a slow gestation and still falls short of being the perfect "as- sault breaker," it and similar German efforts unquestionably offer far more po- tential than existing NATO artillery. They give the advantage to the defender, can increase the balance of uncertainty in NATO's favor, and offer NATO the ability to reverse at least some of the trends in Table Nine. The Uncertain Balance of Tactical Air Table 10 shows the final major bal- ance of uncertainty, one which partly reverses the previous trends favoring the Warsaw Pact but one which also raises major uncertainties for NATO. The Uncertainty of Numbers and Weapons System Quality The Warsaw Pact lead in aircraft numbers shown in Table 10 is mislead- ing, as noted earlier. The Pact totals include strategic defensive aircraft which are unlikely to be used against NATO in large numbers, and the comparisons ex- clude large numbers of tactical aircraft which both sides can rapidly deploy from outside the Central Region. Both the Warsaw Pact and NATO will probably be limited more by base support, munitions, and C'I in the for- ward area than by aircraft numbers. While the Warsaw Pact has an advan- tage in air base numbers-about 45 ma- jor bases for attack aircraft in the for- ward area and over 200 bases in Eastern Europe (vs. a total of around 70 NATO main operating bases in the entire Cen- tral Region)-NATO still enjoys a slight numerical advantage in the number of bases near the inter-German border within the normal operating radius of its combat-loaded attack aircraft. NATO bases also have substantially better abili- ty to survive combat damage. In spite of the "generations" shown in Table 10, NATO has a distinct advan- tage in terms of individual aircraft capa- bility, munitions, and numbers of air- craft that can directly support the land battle. Although the allocation of air- craft by major mission shown in Table 10 indicates the Warsaw Pact has large numbers of fighters with at least dual capability in the attack role, few have the avionics to acquire and hit ground targets with high lethality. NATO also draws major advantages from its superiority in airborne early warning and control, in electronic war- fare, and in air-to-air missiles and retains Armedr Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 53 RECCE EW, AWACS Interceptors / Dual Role FGTR FGTR/ATK IR Bomber /LR ATK 74 76 78 80 83 End FY US and Soviet Modernization US/USSR Fighters* (Central Region) New Generation Soviet Aircraft \ Fiscal Year *US figures include aircraft based in UK: Soviet figures do not include aircraft based in western military districts. Air Defense Weapons Mobile Tactical Surface to Air-Missile Launchers* Manpacked Surface to Air Missiles* 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 Years 74 76 78 80 83 End FY *USAFR, USANG, USNR, USMCR included. 74 76 78 80 83 End FY *Includes active and reserve forces. 74 76 78 80 83 End FY *Includes active and reserve forces. 74 76 78 80 83 End FY *Includes active and reserve forces. Source: Adapted by the author from work by Phillip A. Karber, and from OJCS, Military Posture, FY 1977 and FY 1982, and updated on the basis of data issued by the IISS, OJCS, CRS and NATO. Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Table Ten .Xentral Region Force Trends: Combat Aircraft and Air 4 Defense' Weapons Normally Deployed in. Benelux,' FRG, ,France, GDR, Czechoslovakia,, and Poland 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 48 53 58 Years Combat Aircraft Strength Warsaw Pact 1,500 1,000 500 Allocation to Major Missions Warsaw Pact Aircraft NATO Aircraft* Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 '"al/Judy 1983 3rd Gen ISU-17, SU-19, SU-20, MIG-21 IMP, MIG33, MIG 27. MIG-251 01 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 Years 63 73 75 78 83 Years Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 at least some superiority in surface-to-air missile technology. The Improved Hawk, for instance, is probably better than any system yet deployed in Eastern Europe. The comparisons of ground based air defenses shown in Table 10 also include large numbers of Soviet homeland defense systems that will probably never move near the front. They also include large numbers of short range systems like the SA-7, SA-8, and SA-9, whose operational lethality now seems far more limited than most intelligence experts originally esti- mated. Neither the radars nor IR seekers on Soviet equipment have advanced as quickly as has been expected. The Uncertainty of Comparative Production and Deployment NATO does, however, face a very real and growing threat. NATO must take advantage of its force improvement op- portunities if it is to maintain even the present balance of uncertainty. For all the definitional problems in Table 10 over what to count and what belongs in a given generation, there is no question that Table 10 is correct in reflecting far greater Warsaw Pact production and de- ployment levels. The Warsaw Pact is producing 700-850 combat aircraft annually to NATO's 600-650. The Warsaw Pact is also deploying almost twice as much of its total combat aircraft production in Pact forces as NATO is deploying out of its total production. The Pact is produc- ing 400-500 military helicopters annual- ly vs. NATO's 200-300 and again is deploying more than twice as many in its own forces. The Warsaw Pact is producing 28,000 surface-to-air missiles annually to NATO's 7,200-8,500 and is deploying three to six times as many in its own forces-depending on how one counts man-portable missile systems. The USSR has also begun to make major improve- ments in its air defense deployments, sen- sors, and electronics which vastly outpace the rate of improvement in NATO sys- tems. European experts say that the Pact has recently begun to deploy over 10 times as many new major short range air defense systems as NATO. The Uncertainty of Tank Killing Capability NATO also faces the problem that air power has only secondary value in strengthening deterrence. The imbalance in armor, artillery, and potential build- up capability is so great that NATO must concentrate on killing tanks, com- bat units, and the choke points through which Pact ground forces must move. NATO must commit its aircraft to these missions beginning on the first day of combat. NATO cannot wait to win the war in the air or to see the effect of strikes against less immediate interdiction tar- gets. By the time such attacks can be effective, the ground personnel on NATO air bases will be speaking Russian. This, however, raises grave uncertain- ties about the value of NATO's present air power. While NATO has a major advantage in the range-payload capabili- ty of its attack aircraft, it faces many of the same problems with these aircraft that its artillery faces. NATO has focused development of its air power on line-of-sight, direct kills of ground targets. Thus NATO Tac Air at best is a force that might generate one tank kill per pass. More likely, it will generate about one tank kill per sortie. Since present weapons require that the planes overfly their targets against dense, mobile, forward area air defenses, the planes are not likely to survive many sorties. The US Air Force has the most tech- nically sophisticated force in NATO. Its present mix in the Central Region in- cludes 70 A-10, 85 F-111F, 65 F-tIlE, 95 F-4E, 25 F-4G, 70 F-16A, five F-16B, 90 F-15C, five F-15D, 20 F-5E, 35 RF-4C, and 40 OV-10. In addition, it has 50 dual-based F-4E and 55 RF-4Cs. For all this sophistication, however, only its 70 A-10 (70 out of over 700 aircraft produced) are optimally config- ured for killing tanks, and they are hard- to-fly "day" aircraft which derive from designs formulated before Russia de- ployed modern air defense weapons that move forward with combat units.' While virtually all USAFE aircraft can carry large payloads, none have the kind of modern avionics suite necessary to use missiles like Maverick against ar- mor or most hard targets. At present rates of conversion, USAFE will also lack such F-16E or F-15E equivalents until the late 1980s and will not be able to convert more than half its force before the year 2000. The rest of NATO is even less pre- pared to carry out its most vital mission. NATO's main first line fighter is, after all, the F-16. Although this is a fine air defense aircraft, it was deliberately cho- sen in a configuration that did not in- clude advanced attack avionics. Mirage variants are equally limited at best, as are all configurations of the Jaguar and the British and West German variants of the F-4. The Tornado is the only aircraft in the Central Region with the avionics and capability to carry out precision guided missile strikes with high survivability, yet even it is not specially configured for this mission. While some other Belgian, British, Danish, Dutch,. French, and West German fighters can fire missiles like Maverick, all lack the avionics to 'A growth version of the A-10 that corrects most of these problems has not been procured. achieve more than marginal aircraft-to- tank kill ratios in the forward area, much less in missions against second echelon or buildup forces. This leaves NATO facing a key force improvement uncertainty and one that explains much of the thrust behind "strike deep," the "air/land battle," and SACEUR's recent conventional force improvement initiatives. Developments in standoff weapons and near-zero CEP smart submunitions could allow NATO to use its existing fighters and those on order to strike at key Warsaw Pact ground targets using smart area weap- ons that can be fired from survivable ranges and on a launch-and-leave basis. (Nov, Dec, Jan AFJs). Advances in sensors and Cl systems can allow NATO to locate such targets on the move and regardless of weather and provide near-real-time targeting data to NATO aircraft. The avionics on virtually all Central Region fighters are already good enough to allow low-alti- tude penetration and the use of such smart area munitions even under poor weather conditions. Such systems are suited to a defensive alliance because it is much harder to locate and kill dispersed and comparatively static defending forces than armored units on the move. NATO can thus correct the critical deficiencies in its forces and take advan- tage of the favorable aspects of the balance of uncertainty in air power. West Germa- ny has already begun to do this by arming its Tornados with such weapons, and many others are under development, in- cluding light submunition dispensers that can be fitted to virtually any NATO fighter. The key uncertainties are those of timing, procurement quantities, and the speed with which NATO can adapt its air doctrine, tactics, and training. The Uncertainty of Air Defense NATO will also have to come to grips with another uncertainty. The rate of improvement in Soviet aircraft and ground based air defenses shown in Ta- ble 10 raises serious doubts about NATO's ability to cope with massive, surprise air attacks or to operate effec- tively in protecting its ground forces and attacking Warsaw Pact ground targets. This confronts NATO forces in the Central Region with yet another set of force improvement uncertainties. First, good as the Improved Hawk missile is now, it must be replaced with a succes- sor at some point in the 1980s. While it is not obsolete or ineffective, like the Nike Hercules, it is growth limited. NATO can only compensate for the growth of Warsaw Pact air power, how- ever, if it procures large numbers of highly advanced and expensive surface- to-air missile systems like Patriot and makes major improvements in its all- weather, short range air defense systems Armed Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 (SHORADS). These improvements have received only minimal funding in existing NATO force plans, notwithstanding in- creasing Congressional support for them. This raises serious uncertainties about funding. Deploying Patriot with the nec- essary electronics will be incredibly cost- ly relative to NATO's present invest- ment in air defenses. Coupled to necessary improvements in SHORADS and passive defenses, it could add $10- to $1 S-billion to the investment costs of the plans now submitted to NATO. Further, NATO must find some means of dealing with Warsaw Pact air- craft. It needs to reduce the vulnerability of its air bases through improved dis- persal bases and co-operable air bases (which Congress has not funded well), but it will still have less than 200 bases. V/STOL systems like Harrier cannot provide a meaningful near-term answer: even under optimal conditions, NATO could not acquire large numbers of suit- able V/STOL aircraft in less than a de- cade simply because of development, production, and funding constraints. Such measures also will not suppress Warsaw Pact air forces within the time required to halt an armored attack or to deter Pact strikes on NATO air bases. This, in turn, explains the recent empha- sis on the use of ballistic missiles carry- ing conventional warheads with smart submunitions designed for air base sup- pression as well as halting or killing So- viet armor moving towards the front (May AFJ). While such technologies may seem es- oteric or some new extension of the arms race, they are a natural alternative to early nuclear escalation and could rein- force deterrence regardless of the grow- ing vulnerability of NATO air bases. They are yet another key force improve- ment option in dealing with the balance of uncertainty. They also, however, could add another $10-billion to the cost of the force improvements NATO must make by 1990. Weighing the Balance of Uncertainty et Union. Grim as some current trends, force ratios, and numbers may be, each member country now has the resources to create a balance of strength in the Central Region. NATO can continue to leave the Soviet Union with no choice between conventional stalemate and de- feat, and unacceptable nuclear risks. The Uncertainty of "Conventional Wisdom" The trends in the balance also support the thrust of NATO's "conventional wisdom." They show that NATO's pri- orities do lie in the areas suggested by SACEUR, by the work done to develop NATO's key long term force improve- ment programs, by new initiatives like strike deep, and by studies like the "Air- Land Battle 2000." NATO's uncertainties are not, there- fore, ones that stem from a lack of re- sources or options. They stem from the need to build a political-military consen- sus around the value of strengthening deterrence and to revive popular support for the Alliance. They stem from the need to build con- fidence in NATO's mix of conventional forces and ultimate dependence on nu- clear deterrence rather than cloak it in an image of weakness. They stem from the need to make hard and painful trade- offs and to stop treating key force im- provements as ones which can be layered on existing budgets or as some kind of "free lunch." The Uncertainty of NATO Military Planning cues of which they are a part. As a result, they inevitably seek forces which offer some hope of preserving their soci- eties even if war occurs. In this sense, West Germany's high command shares the same ultimate goal as its anti-mili- tary "greens." This helps explain the seeming surreal- ism of so many NATO war games-war games that inevitably end with a sudden termination of conflict by the Soviet Union; that end with the situation left hanging and the Pact on the Rhine; that fight a nuclear war for three weeks using 6,000 weapons only to have the Pact suddenly seek to negotiate; or which des- perately try to find out how NATO can sustain 90 days of defense and then ignore what will happen on the 91st. NATO cannot deal with the trends reflected in the previous tables, however, by trying to meet impossible force goals. They require hard trade-offs and clear priorities. A focus on more antitank weapons, on multiple rocket launchers, on smart area munitions, on standoff air munitions, on new land based air defense systems, and on deep strike systems can- not be layered over existing force plans or the search for 90-day stock levels and high enough logistic and support levels to fight massive and prolonged wars. There is also a point of diminishing returns in the search for conventional options. There is no practical prospect that NATO can ever rely on convention- al deterrence or means to fight pro- longed theater-wide conflicts or deal with the full military capabilities the USSR can eventually bring to bear. This must be done through nuclear deterrence. Thus, the priority is for im- provements like the ground launched cruise missile and Pershing II and not for more divisions, wings of aircraft, or the other incredibly costly improve- ments necessary to raise NATO's present conventional battle fighting ca- pabilities to a level that , can deal with another Soviet Shock or Tactical Air Army. The first step in this process must be to rethink NATO's force goals and as- sessments in terms of deterrence rather than war fighting. Many senior NATO officers probably already accept this re- quirement, but it still seems to present major problems for NATO planners, and NATO's rhetoric still does more to provoke fear of nuclear war than sup- port for adequate forces. Western planners have learned to live with the fact that strategic nuclear war has no end game: no clear resolution that ends in victory or even a predictable termination on equal or favorable terms. They have not learned to live with the reality that there is equally little chance of a predictable outcome of any major conflict in Europe. This is partly institutional. No profes- sional military officer, and particularly no officer with the heritage of the devas- tation of World War II, will willingly trade the ability to win a war for the ability to make one unbearable to the enemy. NATO's military men are really citi- zen soldiers: they have no ideological, strategic, or even bureaucratic goals oth- er than ensuring the survival of the soci- The balance of uncertainty, therefore, does not support either fear or compla- cency. The complex mix of capabilities and trends that now make up the bal- ance of uncertainty in the Central Re- gion indicate that NATO still has great deterrent strength. While many key trends are shifting in favor of the War- saw Pact, NATO still has a remarkably strong mix of conventional forces in the Central Region. It is also clear that NATO has serious weaknesses, but even where it is weak or has miscalculated, it still has major force improvement options. NATO can un- questionably sustain enough convention- al capability to make a Warsaw Pact ttack virtually unthinkable to the Sovi- The Uncertainty of Resources NATO's force improvement problems are further compounded by the problem of NATO resources. NATO defense budgets are now mortgaged to the break- ing point. Even in the mid-1970s, NATO lived on capital in the sense that it did not invest enough in new equip- ment to replace what it consumed. The oil crisis of 1979 and the resulting world depression have made-things far worse. Every. NATO defense budget is now filled with undercosted programs which eventually must be paid for. The end result is that NATO cannot possibly afford even its existing force plans with a 3% or 4% real increase in defense expenditures. The kind of force costs reflected in NATO force plans are A-...e,4 Fnrrnc JOURNAL International/July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5 own way. It has a natural motive to avoid AM General ............... 12, 13 in early June. The MLRS rockets, which Europe contributes to the problem in its AAI Corporation ........... 30, 31 long field training exercise which began no desire to assume. - I I "'"A% `v I' - %A V ..? " The firing at Fort Sill capped a week- as historically unreal as those projected increases in real defense expenditure bears about the Central Region balance if it is to in US defense budgets and show the absolutely no resemblance to the ability to create the kind of forces that do most to same widening gap between projected re- buy any given level of defense capability reduce the risk of any kind of conflict. sources and actual costs. and explains why NATO's defense minis- This, in fact, is NATO's best hope for This raises the importance of setting ters emphasize both war fighting and arms control: not more forces or force realistic force goals and accepting NATO's weakness. reductions, but the right forces to deal NATO's strengths rather than emphasiz- While NATO's politicians may pri- with the balance of uncertainty. ^ ^ ing its weaknesses. The Alliance cannot vately accept reliance on deterrence deal with its arms race unless it can deal in more willingly than NATO's military Fort Sill Fires M LRS, honest costs, budgets, and trade-offs. planners, the conventional wisdom of Deploys It to Europe This leads to the final barrier that democratic politics is that the only way THE NEWLY OPERATIONAL Mul- NATO must cross to maintain its to get a bigger defense budget is to avoid strengths and take advantage of its op- controversy and hard choices and cry tiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), fired in a portunities. NATO politicians are wolf instead. As a result, NATO is poor- made by Vought Corp., was live demonstration at Fort Sill, OK, in caught in institutional traps of their ly structured to make hard political mid-June. Soldiers of C Battery, 3rd own. Defense ministers must compete choices and has done more to scare its Battalion, 16th Field Artillery were the for resources against countless other so- voters than to make the proper resource first troops trained as an MLRS battery cial needs and do so in a political envi- decisions. to actually fire it. C Battery deployed to ronment where every need is expressed Fortunately for NATO, it can survive West Germany shortly after the firing to in terms of artificial crisis. its failure to deal with these problems. the US Army's first MLRS contin- Any public declaration of reliance on The Soviet Union faces so many risks man deterrence presents the risk that they and uncertainties in the Central Region will be pushed towards fewer forces and that it may never test NATO's capabili- growing reliance on nuclear weapons. ties as long as NATO remains politically Realistic budgets mean fights with one's united. In this sense, NATO is the military and one's treasury on terms no strongest and most successful defensive other part of government is willing to alliance in history. use. Domestic programs, after all, are no NATO's leaders can also do a great more honestly costed or defended than deal even within the present political military programs. and financial constraints on the Alli- Further, the Alliance is still politically ance. Western governments have devel-3.'~' ri . divided as to how to approach deter- oped an amazing ability to ignore their 'r?*.c *?, .,~:+ rence. The US still tends to pursue con- more inconvenient force goals and to fail t' . ventional war fighting options as a to pay their mortgages. means of avoiding the risk of strategic Survival, however, is not the same thing MLRS nuclear conflict. The heritage of World as security. NATO needs a new realism gent in Europe. Plans call for one MLRS War II has also given the US global battery to support each Army division increasing its defense effort and collec- Bath Iron Works .............. 81 normally carry 644 bomblets in their tively shares West Germany's desire to BDM Corporation ............. 35 tactical warheads, carried 100 steel pipes make the risk of nuclear conflict so high BMY ........................ 87 as ballast during the practice firing. Pre- that any conflict on German soil will seem Boeing Marine Systems ..... 44, 45 viously, MLRS had been fired only at ventional capability and a high threshold GIAT ......................... 2 was also scheduled for a chemical war- of nuclear deterrence. Hughes Aircraft ............... 73 . head as this issue went to press. ^ r ^ ---- - - -- - - peace through an affordable mix of con- FMC Corporation ............. 33 presently undergoing flight tests. Testing ventional battle fighting capability or EDO Corporation ............. 79 tactical anti-personnel warhead, a termi- grips with the need to convince its popu- Creusot Loire ................. 17 Army officials, is for 26 batteries to be lation either that it needs a major con- Detroit Diesel Allison ....... 48, 49 equipped with MLRS. In addition to the This failure to set clear and common Hughes Helicopters ............ 88 goals for strengthening deterrence has Lockheed/CALAC ............. 61 Setting It Straight divided the Alliance since the early Lockheed/GELAC ......... 20, 21 1960s. The US has won European accep- Lockheed/LEC ............... 77 AFJ's June preview of the Paris tance of stronger conventional forces and McDonnell Douglas ........... 63 n Air Show, we incorrectly identi- options at a policy level but not in terms Pratt & Whitney of fied two photos. On page 65, the of resources. At the same time, the US Canada ............... 7, 69, 85 ith a caption about Hunting has been internally divided by the fact Raytheon ................. 38, 39 photo with Engineering Ltd.'s JP-233 airfield at- its civilian planners have constantly Rockwell/Collins .............. 65 tack weapon was, in fact, a picture of attempted to prove that minor budget Royal Ordnance Factories ...... 15 Hunting's improved BL-755 ad- increases or reallocations would provide Sikorsky ..................... 27 vanced airborne anti-armour weapon, a conventional defense, while its military Telesoft ....................... 5 in use with the Royal Air Force. services have fought for the far higher Texas Instruments ............. 57 now And, on page 66, we featured a pic- force levels they feel are necessary. Thomson-CSF/DSE ........... 67 ture of the General Electric This helps explain why NATO's politi- Todd Shipyards ............... 25 SNECMA CFM-56 engine, not the cal debates often have the same surrealism Vought Corporation ............ 29 F-404-GE-400 as noted. ^ ^ as its war games. It explains the fact that Wyle Laboratories ............. 11 NATO's hope to maintain 3% annual 58 Armed Forces JOURNAL International /July 1983 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/07: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030029-5