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Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Attacking Targets Beyond the FEBA NATO needs new weapons by Mark Hewish A major problem facing NATO is its in- ability to match the Warsaw Pact's relentless build-up of conventional weapons for use in a European war. The Alliance's present conventional force structure in Europe has changed little since the 1950s and 1960s. In that era, when the doctrine of massive retaliation reigned supreme, NATO's conventional forces provided the tripwire for a nu- clear response. The Soviet Union reacted by building up a large theatre nuclear capability, and in 1967 the West switched to a doctrine of flexible response, with the emphasis on battle- field nuclear forces. The United States' main gift to Europe the strategic nu- clear umbrella that allowed European countries to keep their defense budgets low and concentrate on rebuilding their economies ? remained in force. Throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s, however, the Warsaw Pact steadily upgraded its theatre nuclear forces in terms of both numbers and ca- pability. As the West's tactical nuclear advantage was being reduced, NATO also failed to close the traditional gap between the size of its conventional forces and those available to the Soviet bloc. Simultaneously, the West's tech- nological superiority was being eroded. The Warsaw Pact has maintained its post-World War 2 level of 180 divisions facing NATO, and now also has 4,000 aircraft and 12,000 nuclear weapons available for European operations. The Western Alliance can field only 26 divi- sions, plus five in reserve, with 2,000 aircraft and 6,000 nuclear weapons. NATO studies show that, at the out- break of a war in Europe, the Alliance would have only 400 to 600 aircraft available for interdiction missions. These would be required to attack some 2,000 fixed targets from the FEBA out to a depth of 300km, together with large numbers of vehicles in each War- saw Pact armoured division. Analyses have shown that current aircraft armed with free-fall 227kg bombs would have to fly 2,200 sorties to destroy 60 per- cent of the assets of a single armoured division. At present, therefore. NATO could not interdict the second echelon forces of a Soviet attack by means of conven- tional weapons alone. The problem is compounded by the Warsaw Pact's heavy emphasis on chemical weapons, for which the West has no equivalent deterrent. The need to wear NBC pro- tective clothing continuously degrades a soldier's ability to fight effectively by up to 80 percent. Therefore, in the opi- nion of several senior US defense of- ficials, NATO would be lucky to last a week without having to escalate to a nuclear exchange as its last chance of stemming the tide. General Bernard Rogers, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, has been saying for four years that NATO needs to build up Its conventional forces to a point where they act as a deterrent in their own right. NATO's conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) has drawn up a list of four areas to be emphasised: (1) stopping the first-echelon attack with the aid of indirect-fire weapons such as MLRS Phase III and smart ar- tillery munitions, using remotely piloted vehicles for reconnaissance and target- ing; (2) attacking follow-on forces from stand-off ranges; (3) using specialised airfield-attack weapons for both offensive and defen- sive counter-air operations; (4) improving the type and survivability of battlefield information by so-called tactical fusion systems and inter- connected C3I networks. The West cannot match the Soviet Union one-for-one, because of political and economic limitations, so it must emphasise its technological superiority. The United States now spends about $8,000 million a year on nuclear weap- ons, of which about half is allocated to tactical weapons. Many senior US planners believe that an expenditure of between $2,000 million and $4,000 mil- lion a year on conventional weapons for what is generally known as deep attack ? interdicting follow-on forces ? would make a significant contribution to NATO's ability to win a European 1,2 ? A major increase in NATO firepower against enemy first echelon forces will be pro- vided by the LTV Multiple Launch Rocket Sys- tem (MLRS ? 1), which has a range of up to 40km depending on the type of warhead. The first battery is already deployed with the US Army and MLRS is also planned to enter ser- vice with the armies of France, Germany, Italy and the UK. The MLRS Phase III development, dispensing six Terminally Guided Warheads (TGW) based on a millimetre-wave homing de- sign proposed by Raytheon (2). is not sched- uled for service entry until 1992, under present plans. Because of the realignment of the Joint Tactical Missile System (JTACMS) program, the US Army's next-generation system for at- tack of enemy forces at ranges out to 70km ? which is likely to be a derivative of MLRS ? may be well into development, if not produc- tion, by then. The Phase III TGW is likely to be used in this and other dispenser systems. INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 1053 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 war. To put this level of spending into perspective, $3,000 million a year would not even buy a single additional divi- sion of the type now fielded in Europe. In 1981 the US Defense Science Board highlighted 17 areas of technol- ogy that could make a significant con- tribution to redressing the balance. Of these, nine apply to the concept of deep attack: ? very high-speed (VHS IC) ? stealth developments ? advanced software and algorithms ? fail-safe/fail-tolerant electronics ? machine intelligence ? microprocessor-based learning aids ? supercomputers ? materials such as advanced com- posites ? high-density focal-plane arrays. These "emerging technologies" (ET) will allow NATO to extend its conven- tional stand-off capabilities. Present technology permits the acquisition and attack of soft area targets at ranges of 100-150km. In the near term, this will be extended to encompass hard area targets at the same ranges. Research is now aimed at establishing the ability, in the long term, to attack hard point tar- gets at ranges greater than 100km. In April 1984, CNAD agreed to consider 11 programs as part of ET, including several relating to deep attack, such as the terminally guided warhead for MLRS Phase III, JSTARS, and some elements of management-information systems. integrated circuits personal Stopping the first echelon Five NATO countries ? the United States, Germany, France, Britain and Italy ? are increasing their artillery in- ventories in the short term by deploying the LTV Aerospace and Defense MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System, IDR 5/1980 pp. 728-732). The US Army fielded the first operational MLRS batt- ery of nine launchers in early 1983 and plans to spend a total of some $4,000 million on more than 300 launch vehi- cles and approximately 400,000 rock- ets. The four European countries have set up the European Production Group (EPG), comprising RTG (Raketen Technik Gesellschaft ? owned jointly by MBB and Diehl) in Germany, Hunt- ing Engineering in Britain. Aerospatiale in France and Bombrini Parodi Delfino (BPD) in Italy. Britain is waiting for a European production line to be set up before ordering a planned 105 launch- ers and 82,500 Phase I bomblet- dispensing rockets (plus 12,500 train- ing rounds) from the consortium; Ger- many would take 200 launchers, 16,000 training rounds, 65,000 Phase I rockets and 20,000 Phase II anti-tank mine dis- pensing rockets; France would require 55 launchers, 3,000 training rounds and 32,000 Phase I rockets; while Italy 1054 INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 wanted 20 launchers, 1,420 training rounds, 5,400 Phase I rockets and 600 Phase II rockets. According to LTV, a single MLRS vehicle with its three-man crew and carrying 12 rounds represents more fire- power than 18 203mm howitzers manned by nearly 600 personnel. The launcher vehicle's inertial-navigation system is accurate to within 0.4 percent of the distance travelled and is normally updated every two hours or so. Less than two minutes elapse from the vehi- cle stopping to the launcher being laid on the first target, and the interval be- tween successive rounds can be as little as four seconds: two seconds to re-aim, and a further two seconds to allow tur- bulence from the previous round to subside. Even the first rocket is claimed to be more accurate than a howitzer af- ter firing many registration rounds. The MLRS Phase I round accom- modates 644 M77 bomblets, an im- proved version (with a slightly longer ribbon parachute) of the M42 that is carried in the cargo rounds fired from the 155mm M109 (88 bomblets) and 203mm M110 (190 bomblets) how- itzers. The M77, which weighs some 180g, carries a shaped charge that will penetrate up to 100mm of armour. The MLRS Phase I round dispenses its 3, 4, 5 ? The British Royal Air Force will soon begin receiving the JP233 airfield attack weapon from Hunting Engineering, to equip its Tornado IDS aircraft (3). The Tornado will have to overfly its targets in order for the JP233 to dispense its H8876 (area denial ? 4) and SG 357 (cratering ? 5) submunitions. Hostile air defenses are likely to become increasingly dense and effective, and the RAF is now fund- ing teams led by Hunting and British Aerospace to design a powered stand-off dispenser that will allow Tornados tasked with counter-air missions a greater chance of survival. M77s at a density of some 250/hectare (compared with about 200/hectare for the M109 and M110), equating to a separation of about seven metres be- tween the bomblets and a coverage pattern measuring 80-100m in diameter at maximum range. The Phase II rocket houses 28 RTG AT2 mines and is ap- proximately 45kg lighter than the Phase I round, increasing maximum range from more than 30km to some 40km. The US, France, Britain and Germany also plan to buy the Phase Ill version of MLRS, carrying terminally guided sub- munitions to attack moving targets. Multi-national industrial consortia are now conducting a 28-month competi- tive component-validation phase for the terminally guided warhead (TGW), Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 which is expected to be followed before the end of 1984 (possibly in Sep- tember) by the selection of one or more teams to proceed with the planned 30- month system-validation phase. At one time the program was due to be nar- rowed down to one team at this stage, but IDR understands that two consortia are now likely to receive further con- tracts. Managerial as well as technical problems still remain: the United States would prefer competition at all stages, whereas the European partners want their nominated contractors to remain in the running. This could lead to further reshuffling of team membership for the next phase. Another problem is the long timescale ? a further 40-month matu- ration and low-rate production phase, currently planned to follow system vali- dation, would stretch the program to 98 months and prevent service entry before 1992. The technical solution adopted for the TGW is the "long-glide" concept originally proposed by the team led by Raytheon. The MLRS Phase ill would contain six unpowered TGWs, or sub- munitions, in the nose of the rocket. These would be expelled to form a ring, with the individual submunitions enter- ing a shallow dive and individually homing on to their targets by means of millimetre-wave radar seekers. IDR un- derstands that targets would be ac- quired initially by the 94GHz seeker op- erating in active mode, which would then switch over to passive radiometric homing at a range of some 250m in or-- der to minimise glint problems. A steep dive during the final stages of an attack allows the submunition's warhead to penetrate a tank's lightly armoured up-- per surfaces. The United States is expected to bear 40 percent of the cost of the TGW pro- gram, with the three European countries contributing 20 percent each. The sub- munitions developed for MLRS Phase III are also likely to be adopted for other dispensing weapons. Despite its recent problems, the Mar- tin Marietta Copperhead laser-homing 155mm shell will make a significant contribution to the West's armoury. The weapon's reliability in lot-acceptance tests has now reached 83 percent, and the company is building 15 to 17 rounds a day. Total procurement is planned to reach 44,000 by 1 991 for the US Rapid Deployment Forces, and further sales in Europe are likely. The US Army's plans to deploy the SADARM (Sense and Destroy Armour, IDR 8/1980, pp.1235, 1236) munition ran into problems during the Spring of 1984, when Congress cut off funds as a result of the Army's inability to agree a unified plan for anti-armour munitions. The program is expected to be relaunched in October, however, ini- tially to provide a "smart" round for the 203mm howitzer. Some 2,000 to 3,000 of these heavy calibre artillery pieces re- main in the US inventory for the nuclear and counter-battery roles. Weapons of 155mm calibre are operated much more widely, however, and one candidate to provide a fire-and-forget anti-armour round in this category is the Avco Sys- tems XM898 (formerly known as the Enhanced Sensing Munition). This packs four Skeet submunitions into a standard M483A1 cargo shell. The Skeets are ejected over the target and deploy a simple Kevlar wing with a tip weight. This causes the descending submunition to describe a rotational motion similar to that of a single syca- more seed, so that the Skeet's infra-red seeker scans over a large area to find the target. A millimetre-wave radar al- timeter detonates the submunition at the correct height, firing a self-forging fragment through the top of the tank. Those submunitions that fail to find a suitable target while descending have a secondary role as run-over mines. Follow-On Forces Attack NATO is now establishing its long- term policy guidelines for Follow-On Forces Attack (FOFA), which it defines as engaging targets at ranges from 25km to more than 400km beyond the FEBA. Mission-need documents drawn up by SHAPE are expected to be sub- mitted to the CNAD before the end of 1984. This wide range bracket overlaps with weapons such as MLRS and can- non artillery, and air-launched weapons are in many cases suitable for both close support and interdiction. ? Long-Range Stand-Off Mis- sile. NATO expects three memoranda of understanding relating to new air-to- surface weapons to be signed this year. The first, covering competitive feasibil- ity studies of the Long-Range Stand- Off Missile (LRSOM) to enter service in the early 1990s, was due to be signed this summer. The 18-month studies, costing $6 million (provided equally by the United States, Germany and Bri- tain), are expected to be conducted by two teams: one led by Boeing and in- cluding MBB, British Aerospace Dy- namics and Marconi Avionics; and the other headed by General Dynamics' Convair Division and involving Dornier and Hunting Engineering. Major sub- Improved Lance proposals Although the USAF now plans to use a cruise missile for the deep attack role, rather than a weapon based on either Lance (1-22) or Patriot (1-16), the prob- lem remains of how to replace Lance itself. LTV Aerospace has proposed an improved version of the weapon to replace the 16 Lance battalions deployed by NATO in Eu- rope. Improved Lance would have a solid rocket motor, using the same propellant as in MLRS, in place of the present liquid mo- tor. This provides three times the 110km range of the present missile, allowing the weapon to be launched from 50km west of the present FEBA yet still reach the East German/Polish border as well as providing cross-corps support. The improved missile would have five times the accuracy of its predecessor (0.5mrad rather than 2.5mrad, equating to a 50m CEP at a range of 100km) and three times the lethality, using the M251 warhead carrying 825 M74 anti- personnel/anti-materiel bomblets di- spensed over an area 400m across. LTV Aerospace has offered the US Army a firm, fixed-price contract for Improved Lance, and estimates that RDT&E and pro- duction of an initial 1,000 missiles would cost less than $600 million (at 1983 prices). The missile itself, at some $175,000 a round, is half the price of existing Lance. A further $75,000 buys the APAM war- head, while conversion of existing launch- ers (including the addition of a fire-control system derived from that in MLRS. and a vehicle navigation system) would cost $800,000 per launcher. Phase 1 of Im- proved Lance, using converted single- round launchers, could enter service in 1987-88. Phase 2 would introduce new three-round launchers on wheeled chassis, while Phase 3 would add further warheads: a terminally guided version for attacking hard structures, an improved nuclear pay- load, a chemical warhead and anti-armour submunitions. LTV Aerospace has signed marketing agreements for Improved Lance with the Royal Ordnance Factories in Britain, Weg- mann in Germany and Difesa e Spazio in Italy. The European contractors would be offered co-production, and co-devel- opment if possible. They would also be able to contribute to the development of new warheads and ground support equip- ment. INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 1055 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 contractors on the GD-led team are ex- pected to include AEG-Telefunken, LITEF, Thorn-EMI, Lucas Aerospace and Marconi Defence Systems. The US Air Force will act as lead service for the feasibility studies. LRSOM would be a subsonic cruise missile with a range of 500-600km and carrying various specialised payloads to attack targets such as air bases, bridges and C3I bunkers. As the total payload will be limited to 500-600kg, the mis- sile itself will be required to incorporate extremely accurate mid-course and ter- minal guidance so that small targets such as hardened aircraft shelters can be destroyed at long ranges with "dumb" munitions. The Boeing-led team will draw on the US company's experience with the Air-Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM) program and on the work that has been under way at British Aerospace Dynam- ics for several years on a cruise-missile derivative of Sea Eagle, known as P4T, with TERPROM guidance. General Dy- namics Convair also has extensive cruise-missile expertise from the Toma- hawk and derivative Medium-Range Air-to-Surface Missile (MRASM) pro- grams. Dornier is contributing its knowledge of subsonic unpiloted vehi- cles from the CL-89/CL-289 drone projects and Hunting Engineering is of- fering its work on submunitions with the JP233 airfield-attack weapon sys- tem. Dornier has been collaborating with GD since 1978 on studies applica- LOGICA SPACE & DEFENCE SYSTEMS LIMITED REQUIREMENTS Easy to use Evolutionary Interoperable Cost Effective Robust .tz=1 ROYAL NAVY el .......... . TECHNOLOGY Design Methodologies Simulation Human Factors Software Engineering Database Capable Secure MEETING THE CHALLENGE Aerospace and Defence systems requirements present challenges that can only be met by advanced computing and communications technology. Logica Space & Defence Systems Limited has the skills, experience and resources. Come and talk to us on Stand SC7 at Farnborough about our products and services. Logica Space & Defence Systems Limited 64 Newman Street London W1A 4SE Communications Advanced Hardware Knowledge Based Systems looica 0 1056 INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 6-10? RTG (owned by MBB and Diehl) is to deliver the first production MW-1 dispensers in October. to equip Luftwaffe Tornados (6). The Italian Air Force also wants the MW-1. The weapon can dispense either anti-tank or anti- airbase submunitions. Anti-tank submunitions include the KB 44 (7) and MIFF (8) plus the MUSA mine (not shown), while those for use against airbases include the MUSPA (9) and STABO (10). See text for further details. These submunitions are also being proposed for a va- riety of US and Franco-German powered, stand-off dispensers. ble to LRSOM, emphasising guidance and warhead options. The German company has also developed "stealth" techniques as part of its future fighter studies. Dornier prefers a dispenser ar- rangement that can accommodate a wide variety of submunitions, with the emphasis on high reliability and low cost. The company has designed a di- spensing mechanism whereby submu- nitions are ejected sideways from the weapon in pairs, then separated by a pyrotechnically-initiated air bag that ac- celerates the outer submunition laterally and retards the inner one. This allows the missile to attack targets immediately beneath it. Ejection speeds of up to 70m/s have been demonstrated, and components suitable for LRSOM will be test-flown at Eglin AFB in early 1985 as part of a US-German-British technol- ogy program. Dornier's studies have also concentrated on guidance techni- ques suitable for use in all weathers, in- cluding heavy snow on the ground. The company's original work on two-di- mensional pattern recognition proved inadequate in snow, so Dornier has now added a range input ? provided by a laser rangefinder or millimetre- wave radar ? to build up a three-di- mensional picture of the target. The United States has recently re- aligned its efforts to develop a deep- attack weapon, which is now orientated around a cruise missile rather than a ballistic weapon (see below). Although the cruise solution adopted for LRSOM has advantages in terms of range and payload, making it suitable for attacking fixed targets such as airfields and bridges, it is slow and comparatively ex- pensive. For this reason there has been a powerful US lobby in favour of a bal- listic deep-attack missile that could en- gage moving targets at stand-off ranges by virtue of its quick reaction time. One argument in favour of this solution is that a mix of aerodynamic and ballistic weapons already exists in the forms of MX Peacekeeper/ALCM and Pershing II/GLCM, exploiting the individual ad- vantages of each type. The Europeans, however, have been less keen on ballistic weapons. A ballis- tic deep-attack missile could easily be mistaken for a nuclear weapon by the defending forces, and problems of demonstrating that such a weapon has no strategic role ? especially if it is fired from a silo ? appear to be insur- mountable. Until May 1984, the US Army and USAF were collaborating on their own joint weapon system for the deep-at- tack role: the JTACMS (Joint Tactical Missile System), with the Army as lead service, and the complementary USAF- led JSTARS (Joint Surveillance And Target Attack Radar System). On May 22, however, the two services revealed that they had reached agreement on which would be responsible for specific roles and missions. The USAF assumes responsibility for what was JTACMS and plans to develop a cruise (rather than ballistic) missile for this role. The weapon will have a range of 370- 550km but will not be a derivative of the Tomahawk cruise missile or the pre- viously cancelled MFiASM. The Army will concentrate its efforts on a ground- launched weapon with a range of some 70km, possibly a derivative of MLRS (see above). Defense Department of- ficials acknowledge that European con- cern about ballistic weapons was one reason for the re-alignment of the pro- gram, although the driving factor was cost. The JTACMS program had been launched by the Defense Department in ES 1624.2t Image- Intensifier Goggles BM 8028 This 2nd generation compact Out powerful device provides the soldier and the helicopter pilut with night viewing capability. The German Army has opted for th RM 8028 and has initiated procurement. Elektro Spezial untQmorimenbtmaLich Uti FtiiIips cirmo PP,stf4Ph P ?aod [31011t 11 44 IN I HiNAI IONAL DEFENSE fILVIEW 8/1984 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 1057 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 11 ? The USAF has approved low-rate initial production of Texas Instruments' new Paveway III laser-guided bomb in its GBU-24 version (based on a Mk84 900kg bomb). Paveway III can be delivered from very low level, in all weathers, and can also be tossed from stand- off ranges. 12 ? The Rockwell International GBU-15 TV- guided glide bomb, shown here on the port in- board pylon. of an F-4E Phantom, has been adopted by the USAF as its interim stand-off weapon. Operational testing of an imaging IR version is due for completion by end-1984, and the USAF plans to develop an AGM-130 pow- ered version, with a range of 24km. 13--- The McDonnell Douglas F-1 5E Strike Ea- gle has been chosen as the USAF's new Dual- Role Fighter. It features improved ground attack capabilities, including use of the twin-pod Mar- tin Marietta LANTIRN system (shown in this impression), for laser illumination of targets at night. Other weapons will include the new Combined Effects Munition (CEM) cluster bomb, 19 of which can be carried. The CEM consists of an SUU-65/B Tactical Munitions Dispenser (TMD) loaded with 202 multi-role bomblets. ment system to detect and track follow- on forces, and to guide attacks accura- tely against them. The airborne radar would initially operate in the wide-area MTI role to provide an "electronic high ground", with fixed-target indication and weapon-guidance modes being added later. Time-sharing would permit the simultaneous engagement of several targets. The C-18 would carry a large amount of on-board processing equip- ment and would have eight to ten ope- rators/controllers in the fuselage, in the same manner as the E-3A AWACS. In- formation would be exchanged with ground stations and with other airborne platforms (including missiles being guided to their targets) over secure digital data links. June 1982, six months before comple- tion of the Assault Breaker project (IDR 9/1982, pp.1207-1211) that demon- strated the delivery of smart submuni- tions from ballistic carrier missiles. The two services had great difficulty in agreeing a common requirement: the Army wanted a ballistic weapon with a longer range than present artillery and rockets (out to about 100km beyond the FEBA), while the USAF leaned to- wards a cruise missile with a greater range. The targets to be engaged were similar, but with different emphasis on each one: the Army's list of priorities was VI targets, air-defense assets and manoeuvre forces, while the Air Force's main priority was Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD), followed by anti- armour and counter-VI. The Army wanted anti-armour, Anti-Personnel/ Anti-Materiel (APAM), mine-carrying and chemical warheads, while the Air Force favoured unitary (of approxi- mately 500kg), anti-armour, APAM and possibly mine payloads. Before the JTACMS program was re- aligned, plans called for a joint require- ment to be agreed in May 1984. This was to have been followed by requests for proposals, evaluation of the bids and letting of a contract for full-scale engi- neering development, with service entry five to seven years later. Projected costs for research and development were $115 million in 1985 and $1,237 million over the period 1985-89. Details of the new program may not become clear for some time. The complementary JSTARS radar system will now be installed only in the USAF C-18 (Boeing 707), and not in the TR-1 or Army OV-1D as previously planned. JSTARS, initiated in May 1982, absorbed the Air Force's Pave Mover and the Army's SOTAS BDS (Battlefield Data System) programs. It was intended as a complete manage- Concept-definition studies of the ra- dar have been carried out by Hughes Aircraft, Westinghouse, General Electric and a team of Grumman and Norden. Before the program was re-aligned, plans called for selection of a single in- tegrating contractor in August 1984, with full-scale engineering devel- opment lasting a further four years. Projected R&D spending was $203 mil- lion in 1985 and $666 million in 1985- 89. Over the next few years. NATO air forces will deploy a number of new weapons suitable for use against inter- diction targets. RTG is due to begin production deliveries in October this year of the MW-1 (Mehrzweckwaffe 1) dispenser that will form the standard ar- mament of Luftwaffe Tornados. MW-1, which weighs 4,500-4,700kg when loaded, contains 112 tubes that house submunitions of 132mm diameter. These submunitions are divided into two groups: HZG 1 (Hauptzielgruppe I), now in production, is optimised for the anti-armour role and comprises the KB44 bomblet, the MIFF (Mine Flach- Flach) anti-tank mine and the MUSA (Multisplitter-Wirkkorper, Aktiv) frag- mentation mine. MW-1 can also carry the HZG II combination of submuni- tions in the airfield-attack role (see below). The same submunitions are planned to be used in the CWS/Apache free-flying dispenser, and MBB is offer- ing a cut-down version of MW-1, known as MDS (Modular Dispensing System), for fighter ground-attack air- craft. 1058 INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 The US Air Force plans to deploy 60,000 rounds of the Hughes AGM- 65D Imaging Infra-Red Maverick air- to-surface missile (IDR 5/1984, p.647), for which Raytheon has been named as second source. Joint production will rise to a peak of 44 rounds a month in 1986. The AGM-65D will arm the F-111, F-16, A-7, A-10 and probably the F-1 5E, allowing them to attack hard targets from stand-off ranges at night and through battlefield mist, smoke or haze. The F-ills will operate the weapon in conjunction with the Ford Aerospace & Communications AVQ-26 Pave Tack electro-optical targeting pod. Pave Tack can also be used with dumb or laser-guided bombs, and with the GBU-15 glide bomb. The televi- sion-guided version of the GBU-15, based on a Mk84 900kg bomb, is ope- rational on USAF Tactical Air Command F-4E Phantoms. Initial operational test- ing of the version with an infra-red seeker (as fitted to AGM-65D Maver- ick) is due to be completed by the end of 1984. The USAF has standardised on the GBU-15 family as its interim stand- off weapon and plans to develop a powered version, the AGM-130, to arm F-ills and F-4s. The 24km-range AGM-130 is intended to provide a large increase in capability at low cost, and comprises a standard GBU-15 (includ- ing the present data link) with the addi- tion of a rocket motor and, for the dis- pensing version, a radar altimeter and a facility known as Adjusting Aimpoint Compensation. The last-named allows for the fact that the seeker's view, as seen by the weapon-system operator on his display, is offset from the target in the case of a dispensing weapon. A contract for full-scale engineering de- velopment of AGM-130 was due to be awarded in June 1984, with deliveries starting in 1987. The weapon can be based around the Mk84 bomb or an SUU-54 dispenser carrying Aerojet Ordnance BLU-97/B bomblets. The BLU-97/B also forms one pay- load for the USAF's new SUU-65/B Tactical Munitions Dispenser (TMD), this combination of dispenser and 202 bomblets ? each of which contains a shaped charge, fragmentation section and incendiary device forming the CBU-87/B Combined Effects Munition (CEM). The CEM will replace a series of earlier cluster bombs and is claimed to provide two to four times the kill rate of the current Rockeye.The weapon com- pleted initial operational testing in Oc- tober 1982 and can be delivered at heights down to 200ft and speeds of 700kt. Up to 19 can be carried by an F-1 5E. The burst height can be selected in flight by adjusting the time delay and operating height of the proximity fuze, and the spin rate of the dispenser can be selected between zero and 2,500 revs/min to vary the submunition pat- tern (the weapon is spun up by pop-out canted fins on release from the carrier aircraft). The TMD can also contain the Gator mine family, each dispenser accommo- 14-16 ? The USAF's new SUU-65/B Tactical Munitions Dispenser (TMD) can be loaded with a variety of submunitions including Avco Systems Extended-Range Antiarmour Mum- tions (ERAM) and Sensor-Fuzed Weapons (SFW ? 14 ? photo: Brian M. Service). ERAM is a smart mine containing two Skeet submunitions which it ejects outwards and up- wards when it senses approaching tanks, while the SFW deploys four Skeets from the air. Photo 15 shows the IR-sensing, top-attack Skeet (centre left), ERAM (top) and SFW (bot- tom). Up to six Skeets can also be delivered by conventional IRAAM 155mm artillery rounds (16). dating 72 of the anti-tank version and 22 of the anti-personnel variant. An F-111 can thus deliver some 600 mines over an area of 200m by 300m from 200ft and a speed of 800kt. Another payload for the TMD is the Avco Sys- tems Sensor-Fuzed Weapon (SFW), now in full-scale engineering devel- opment. The TMD can contain ten such submunitions, each holding four Skeet self-forging fragment warheads. Yet an- other possible payload for the TMD is the Avco Systems ERAM (Extended- Range Anti-Armour Munition), this combination being designated CBU- 92/B. Avco has completed advanced development of ERAM, which deploys up to two Skeets when it senses ap- proaching tanks, and the weapon could enter full-scale development immedi- ately, leading to production in some 18 months. No money is available at present, however, and the ERAM pro- gram may be handed over to the Army for deployment from helicopters or trucks. This solution would avoid the need for expensive shrinking of the electronics in ERAM that would be nec- essary for it to fit comfortably into a TMD. The USAF has approved low-rate ini- tial production of the Texas Instruments Paveway III low-level laser-guided bomb in its GBU-24 version, based on a Mk84 900kg bomb. Paveway III is de- signed to operate in poor weather and in a high-threat environment, and can be delivered from level flight at very low altitudes, in a toss mode from stand-off ranges, or in a dive of up to 60?. The use of an autopilot for mid-course guid- ance allows the pilot to merely sight the target through his windscreen and pickle, without having to track the tar- get. A boosted version, using a rocket motor, has also been proposed. The US Naval Weapons Center at China Lake is conducting operational testing of Skipper 2, a Mk83 450kg bomb fitted with a laser seeker and the same rocket motor as is used in the Sh- rike anti-radiation missile. The addition of a motor allows the weapon to be launched from stand-off ranges. In the UK, Hunting Engineering is developing an improved version of the BL755 cluster bomb to meet Air Staff INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 1061 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Requirement 1227 (modified). Each of the 147 bomblets incorporates an uprated explosive charge, and a para- chute has been added to the rear in or- der to pitch the bomblet sharply nose- down following weapon release at very low levels. Air-to-surface weapons used by the French Air Force include Matra's Belouga cluster bomb and the Aerospa- tiale AS.30L laser-guided air-to-surface missile. Matra has launched production of its BGL laser-guided bomb system, which is due to enter service with the Armee de l'Air this year. Firing trials car- ried out in October 1983 resulted in a bridge pier being completely destroyed by two Arcole 1,000kg bombs with the BGL guidance and control kit. A version based on a 400kg bomb is also avail- able. ? Low-Cost Powered Dis- penser. NATO is now looking towards a future air-launched stand-off weapon for use at short and medium ranges, and expects to sign a memorandum of un- derstanding this year leading to a feasi- bility study for a Low-Cost Powered Di- spenser (LOCPOD). The US, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Italy and Norway have expressed interest in such a weapon, with a range of some 20km, for service entry in approximately 1990. A pre-feasibility study under Dutch lea- dership has been completed, and Ca- nada is expected to assume responsibil- ity for the feasibility study. Britain has already drawn up a requirement for such a weapon in the form of Air Staff Target 1238, and has awarded competi- tive feasibility study contracts to two UK industrial teams led by British Aero- space and Hunting Engineering, respec- tively. Neither the German nor the French defense ministries have yet es- tablished their exact needs, although the Luftwaffe is looking for a weapon in this class to arm Alpha Jets, but the in- dustries in those countries are taking 17,18 -- The Skeet submunition features an IR seeker and an explosively formed penetrator (or self-forging fragment) warhead. Formation of the penetrator is shown in photo 17. while photo 18 shows a Skeet in action. the initiative in forming international teams to develop suitable technology. MBB and Matra have agreed jointly to provide company financing for devel- opment of the project known as CWS (Container Weapon System) by the German company and as Apache (Arme Planante a Charges Ejectables) by the French firm. Dornier and Brandt Arme- ments have also agreed to collaborate on a weapon referred to as the Short- Range Stand-Off Missile (SR SOM) and Pegase, respectively (see IDR 6/ 1984, p.796). Franco-German govern- mental financing of one or more of the proposals may be made available in 1986. Techniques suitable for incorporation in CWS/Apache have been developed as part of a US-German technology program under which MBB and Bruns- wick have collaborated on the Low-Al- titude Dispenser (LAD, IDR 6/1982, p.804). Flight trials of the LAD 1 vehi- cle, for which MBB contributed the warhead section and its submunitions, were carried out during 1982 at Eglin AFB. Inert KB44 bomblets (as devel- oped for the MW-1) were dispensed from the unpowered LAD 1 vehicle to check the ejection performance. These tests have been followed over the last year or so by trials with the 1,360kg Remotely piloted vehicles Several NATO countries are developing RPV systems to provide intelligence infor- mation and to aid in acquiring and engag- ing battlefield targets. The US Army's major program in this field is Aquila, being devel- oped by Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. Each Army division will have two central- ised launch/recovery sections (CLRs) with associated forward control sections (FCSs). The RPV itself carries a stabilised daylight television camera and a laser rangefinder/designator. With the RPV fly- ing at a height of 3,000ft, and the camera's sightline 25 degrees below the horizontal. the ground area being imaged at any given time mesures 700m across by 1,250m deep and an area of 25km2 can be searched in five minutes. Sensor information is tran- smitted back to the FCS via a jam-resistant data link. Aquila is intended mainly for artillery fire adjustment, replacing manned aircraft in this role, and to designate targets for attack by Copperhead. Hellfire and laser-guided bombs. A prototype system has been de- ployed at Fort Hood in order to provide op- erating experience. The day-only variant is scheduled to enter production next year and to be fielded in quantity during 1987. Full-scale engineering development of the associated FLIR system is planned to start this year, allowing a night capability to be added to Aquila in 1989. Matra and MBB have agreed to collabo- rate on an RPV system and have submitted proposals to the French and German gov- ernments. The Brevel program,. which has absorbed Matra's Scorpion and MBB's Tucan projects, would use an RPV weigh- ing 100-150kg and having a range of 50- 80km. The payload would comprise TV and/or FLIR, and the system could become operational at the end of this decade. The British Army has a similar program, Phoenix, which will use air vehicles de- ployed at corps level to conduct battlefield surveillance and to find targets for attack by artillery. The main sensor will be a FLIR. IN TERNA1 IONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 1063 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 LAD II, which uses gas generator dis- pensing (as in the MW-1) to reduce costs and provide greater flexibility. MBB has developed a standard dis- pensing unit containing four tubes (ejecting two submunitions to each side), and these can be attached me- chanically to build up a weapon of the size desired. Smaller, two-tube, mod- ules are also available. The LAD flight path is controlled by an autopilot and altimeter, using four control surfaces on the rear fins, but it would be fitted with an inertial naviga- tion system. It can be pre-programmed on the ground or in flight, with data passed via a MIL STD 1553B digital data bus. Several LAD flight profiles have been tested, including low-altitude level delivery and "pop-up" for a steep dive attack, to allow kinetic energy run- way penetrators to be released. Launch speed limits are 300 to 600kt (556 to 1,112km/h) and, launched at 600kt, the LAD can manoeuvre to a target up to 2.5n.m. (4.5km) off the aircraft launch axis. Maximum launch range along this axis is 5.5n.m. (over 10km) but Bruns- wick claims that this increases to 13n.m. (24km) in the powered version. A variety of submunitions have been tested, including the US Kinetic Energy Penetrator and MBB STABO to attack runways, the US Sensor Fuzed Weapon using Avco Skeet submuni- tions and MBB's KB-44, both anti-ar- mour, and the US Anti-Material Incen- diary Submunition (AMIS). Two dis- pensing systems were used. One was a variant of the 135mm (5.3in) tube dis- penser used in the MW-1, which em- ploys a sequencer-controlled cartridge gas generator to eject the individual submunitions laterally in a controlled pattern. The second was a Brunswick- designed four-bay airbag system which simultaneously ejects all of the submu- nitions in a bay. A further series of LAD demonstra- tion flights, funded as a US Foreign Weapons Evaluation program, will start in early 1985. This will test three sub- munition dispensing systems, including one each from Dornier and MBB, used with a variety of German submunitions. Three LAD vehicles are to be built. One will be similar to the earlier, slab-sided unit, while two others will be more aerodynamically refined, and presum- ably lighter, as they are claimed to be suitable for carriage by all USAF strike aircraft. The test vehicles will be recov- erable for re-use. MBB's dispenser modules form the 2m-long centre section of the CWS/ Apache which can contain up to 48 tubes for German submunitions of 132mm diameter, or 44 of 184mm cali- bre to accommodate Matra's submuni- tions. The MBB ordnance section can be loaded with any of the submunitions planned for MW-1 (see above and below), while the French version can house Matra's Mimosa fragmentation submunition for use against troops or light vehicles, the Arcadie "semi-smart" anti-tank weapon, or mines. Alter- natively, 12 Samanta runway-cratering munitions could be mounted length- wise within the missile's centre-section. CWS/Apache is expected to fly in 1987-88, with troop trials following in 1989-90. Three basic versions are planned: an unpowered dispenser with stub wings and a range of 7-15km, depending on the release height and 1064 INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 whether a toss delivery mode is used; a derivative, also unpowered, with flip- out wings to give a range of 25-30km; and a powered weapon with a range of some 50km. Matra sees CWS/Apache as the natural successor to its present family of specialised air-to-surface weapons such as Belouga and Du- randal. Dornier is already collaborating with Hunting Engineering and Honeywell on MLRS Phase III studies, and, together with Brandt Armements, this co-opera- tion is continuing with PegaselSR SOM. Aerospatiale is also expected to join the team. The weapon typically car- ries 24 submunitions, of which several types will be available. Dornier regards millimetre-wave radar guidance as be- ing too expensive for this application, as well as being unproven technology that may not be available in time for SR SOM. A modified SADARM submuni- tion is therefore a prime candidate for the weapon. Detection range would be extended to increase the size of the tar- get-acquisition footprint from some 80m radius to about 600m, allowing the target signature to be analysed before attack. A steerable parachute would also be added to the submunition, al- lowing it to turn and follow a target 19, 20 ? The USAF has ordered 3,000 Matra Durandal boosted anti-runway weapons. shown here on an F-111 (19), for the counter- air mission. Up to eight of Avco's Boosted Ki- netic Energy Penetrator (BKEP) anti-runway weapons (20) could be dispensed from a TMD for the counter-air mission, together with Brit- ish HB876 mines used in the JP233. BKEP is now in full-scale engineering development for the USAF as a potential follow-on to Durandal. Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 The increased footprint size would per- mit navigation errors of 300-400m for the dispenser itself to be tolerated, and a kill rate of 30 percent could be ex- pected against a tank column moving along a road. Test vehicles demonstrat- ing aspects of SR SOM technology are due to start flight trials next year. ? Suppression of enemy air defenses. The success of any deep at- tack mission that requires the use of penetrating aircraft, and of close-sup- port engagements, depends on sup- pressing enemy air defenses. The third Mali covering tactical air-to-surface missiles that NATO expects to be signed this year relates to SRARM (Short-Range Anti-Radiation Missile), a high-speed ARM intended to be de- ployed in the early 1990s for self- defense of tactical aircraft. Members of Airfield attack NATO's Air Force Armaments Group is studying US proposals for a concept known as Counter Air 90, which envis- ages the use of ballistic missiles to at- tack enemy air bases in the first few hours of a European war. Several com- panies have put forward proposals for such a weapon, referred to as Axe by the US Department of Defense. Martin Marietta has proposed CAM (Conven- tional Counter-Air Missile), using an extended-range Pershing II carrying a dispenser warhead. The US company has discussed CAM with Hunting Engi- neering, which is carrying out studies related to the British MoD's Air Staff Target 1236 for a future airfield-attack missile. Lockheed's studies to meet the Axe requirement have centred on its proposed Ballistic Offensive Suppres- provide a much-needed improvement in NATO's counter-air capabilities. The British Royal Air Force will intro- duce the Hunting Engineering JP233 dispenser weapon over the next few months (IDR 4/1984, pp.485-488). A Tornado can carry two complete J P233 weapon systems containing a total of 60 SG357 cratering submunitions and 430 HB876 area-denial mines. Luft- waffe Tornados will carry MW-1 dis- pensers loaded with the STABO (Start- bahnbombe) cratering munition, the MU S PA (Multisplitter-Wirkkorper, Passiv) fragmentation mine using acoustic fuzing to attack taxiing aircraft, and the MUSA and MIFF mines also carried in MW-1 for the anti-armour role (see above). Development of this submunition combination, known as HZG II, is scheduled for completion at the end of 1985 and to become opera- tional in 1987. Negotiations now under way with the Italian Air Force are ex- pected to lead to that service arming its Tornados with MW-1s carrying HZG II submunitions for airfield attack. STABO has already been tested by the USAF at Eglin AFB under the Foreign Weapons Evaluation Program and is to be further demonstrated there in October 1985 from a Tornado. The MUSPA mine will also be examined at Eglin under the same program. RTG has carried out initial devel- opment of two further submunitions 21,22 ? NATO is expected this year to start feasibility studies for a Low-Cost Powered Di- spenser (LOCPOD) with a range of about 20km, for service entry in about 1990. The Brit- ish RAF has already awarded competing study contracts to teams headed by Hunting and Brit- ish Aerospace to meet its Air Staff Target 1238. Two Franco-German teams have also been formed to compete for the anticipated NATO contracts for LOCPOD, as illustrated here in two artist's impressions. 21 shows two Dornier- Brandt Armements Pegase/SR SOM powered dispensers beneath the wings of a Lufwaffe Al- pha Jet. The MBB-Matra CWS/Apache is shown (22) dispensing MBB bomblets devel- oped for the MW-1. the Alliance that have expressed interest in such a program comprise the US, Ca- nada, Italy, Holland and Britain. The US is deploying the Texas Instruments HARM as its standard weapon in this category (IDR 11/1983 pp.1585- 1588), and is developing the Side- winder-based Sidearm I and II as low- cost interim weapons to protect tactical aircraft. The German Navy has also se- lected HARM, which is being promoted by MBB as standard armament for the projected Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance (ECR) version of Tor- nado for the Luftwaffe. The Royal Air Force has selected the British Aero- space Dynamics ALARM as its new lightweight anti-radiation missile, to en- ter service in 1987, and Matra is pro- posing its ARMAT as a dedicated long- range ARM (derived from Martel) for the Armee de l'Air. sion System (BOSS), based on the Tri- dent C4 missile. Following a cold launch from a silo and booster separa- tion at a height of 80,000ft and Mach 6.7, the weapon would reach an apogee of 160,000ft at Mach 5.5. Stellar updat- ing of the guidance system at 110,000ft/Mach 6 is followed by a mid-course glide of the warhead sec- tion at its maximum lift/drag ratio. The vehicle then turns on to its required azi- muth and executes a terminal pull-up at 20,000ft and Mach 2.4 to dispense submunitions. Most European countries are op- posed to such an exotic solution using ballistic missiles, preferring to rely on cruise weapons and manned penetrat- ing aircraft for the next generation of airfield-attack weapons. A number of new weapons optimised for this role are now coming into service, which will that could be incorporated in MW-1. The ASW (Anti-Shelter Weapon) em- ploys a similar principle to that of STABO, using a tandem arrangement of warheads to blow a hole in a hardened aircraft shelter (HAS) so that the sec- ondary grenade can detonate within the HAS itself. Another submunition, LASSO, erects itself on legs and de- ploys sensors so that it can detect pass- ing vehicles and penetrate their sides by means of a hollow charge. Further de- velopment of these submunitions de- pends on money being made available. In September 1983, after more than three years of competitive evaluation, the USAF selected the Matra Durandal as its interim anti-runway weapon for Tactical Air Command. Durandal, des- ignated BLU-107/B by the USAF, has been in production since 1977 for the Armee de l'Air and export customers. INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 1065 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8 Orders and options now total some 29,000 rounds, including approximately 3,000 for the US. Up to 24 can be car- ried by an F-111 (although 12 is more typical), and the weapon is also likely to arm F-4s and F-16s. In addition to buying Durandal, the USAF has funded full-scale engineering development (to be completed in April 1985) of the Avco Systems BLU-106/B BKEP (Boosted Kinetic-Energy Pene- trator) as a specialised airfield-attack submunition. BKEP was originally planned to be carried by the AGM- 109H MRASM medium-range air-to- surface missile, and following the can- cellation of that weapon there were proposals that dedicated future coun- ter-air versions of the GBU-15/AGM- 130 family could accommodate 15 to 17 BKEPs in a dispenser vehicle. This proposal has died through lack of fund- ing, however, and a possible first appli- cation of the submunition is in the Tac- tical Munitions Dispenser. IDR under- stands that the USAF Armament Divi- sion at Eglin AFB may look favourably on a proposal for a version of the TMD loaded with eight BKEPs and the HB876 mine as used in the British JP233 anti-airfield dispenser. The two submunitions have the same diameter ? a legacy from the days when JP233 was a joint Anglo-American project -- thereby aiding integration into the TMD. The TMD can be tossed for 1,500-2,000m but is essentially a fly- over weapon. Although a stand-off mis- sile such as LOCPOD or LRSOM would seem more suitable as a delivery vehicle for BKEP, senior decision-makers wi- thin Tactical Air Command are at present committed to penetrating air- craft. Avco was due to have delivered nearly 60 trials rounds of BKEP, includ- ing some complete submunitions, by July 1984 for testing at Eglin and at the company's facilities on Cape Cod. Pro- duction could start within six months of FSED being completed. BKEP is de- signed to defeat the hardest targets, which are not necessarily those for which European-developed weapons are intended. The USAF, with its world- wide responsibilities, needs a weapon that will destroy air bases in Siberia and on the Kamchatka and Kola peninsulas as well as in Central Europe. US experi- ence of building airfields in Alaska dur- ing World War 2 has shown just how 23-27 ? The USAF continues testing of MBB and Dornier submunitions from powered Low Altitude Dispensers (LAD) developed by Brunswick (sequence 23-26). Unlike the MBB submunitions, those developed by Dornier are carried longitudinally and ejected sideways, with separation between submunitions being achieved by means of pyrotechnically-initiated air bags (27). 1066 INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW 8/1984 hard a target a runway can be when it is constructed by digging a trench down to the permafrost layer in summer, filling it with gravel, tamping down and topp- ing with concrete or tarmac. The size of hole made by an anti-runway munition against such a target is not as important as creating heave to produce slabs that offer no purchase for a bulldozer blade. Battlefield data management NATO's intelligence capability is now good enough to provide detailed ana- lyses of Soviet exercises, allowing the Alliance to pinpoint vulnerabilities, but deep attack using conventional weap- ons is possible only if accurate and timely battle-management data are available to all levels of command. Over the past five years or so the US Depart- ment of Defense has sponsored three series of experiments to demonstrate that deep attack is feasible. The first series, designed to show that it is possible to locate targets and vector attacks with sufficient accuracy for conventional weapons to be used, involved Pave Mover radars for non- emitting targets, PLSS (the Precision Location Strike System) for emitters at the upper end of the frequency range, and CELT (the Coherent Emitter Loca- tion Testbed) for lower-frequency radio systems. The results have been incorpo- rated into the JSTARS program (see above) and into the US Army's /m- proved Guardrail system (using RC- 12D aircraft) to cover lower-frequency emitters. A second series of trials, the Assault Breaker program, demonstrated a ballis- tic delivery system and the use of smart submunitions. The third element, relat- ing to information management in near- real time, has involved a number of de- velopments all of which have been tested in Europe. TRW, on behalf of the US Army and USAF, has been responsi- ble for the Battlefield Exploitation and Target-Acquisition (BETA) system and Limited Operational Capability Europe (LOCE) programs. BDM developed the Army's TAPS (Target Analysis And Planning System), using Apple micro- computers to assist battlefield planning, and RCA provided a computer-based signal-sorting system for emitter loca- tion. These programs have led on to the Joint Tactical Fusion (JTF) program, involving the USAF and Army, which was intended to complement JSTARS and JTACMS ? although the re-align- ment of Air Force and Army responsibi- lities has thrown the program into a state of flux. For the interdiction mis- sion, JSTARS would have provided the targeting sensor, passing data to the JTF network and also cueing and guid- ing attacks by JTACMS. The JTF pro- gram was allocated some $600 million for R&D alone in 1985-90, with an in- terim capability becoming available in Fiscal Year 1986 and the full system in Fiscal Year 1990. ++ Approved For Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP90T00155R000500030026-8