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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 DDA 88-0536 9 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director Science and Technology Inspector General General Counsel Comptroller FROM: R. M. Huffstutler Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Reducing Transactional Costs 1. The Directorate of Administration is currently reviewing its internal procedures for a wide array of activities--procurement, finance, awards, space planning, etc., with a hope of streamlining our dealings with your organizations. If we can facilitate routine business, it will serve you as customers and our own personnel who ultimately must provide services. I would appreciate your help and advice. 2. Please propose any areas which your personnel believe require excessive time, paperwork, or coordination to obtain goods or services from our Directorate of Administration. Please include on your list any authorities resident in the DA that you believe should be delegated or reassigned to your organization. I will explore each of these with a view to making the Agency operate more effectively. 3. I would appreciate a response by 15 April. R. M. Huffstutler ORIG:DDA:RMHuffstutler:jal DISTRIBUTION: Original - ExDir 1 - Other Addressees 1 - Each DA Office Director 1 - MS/DA 1 - SSA . 1- CMS/DA L , _ DDA Subject 1 - DUN -Chiono 1 - RMH Chrono ADMINISTRATIVE - L USE ONLY REASIMI.; '7> ? L-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 STAT t Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 CONFIDENTIAL ?_ DDA 88-2396 7 December 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director for Science and Technology Inspector General General Counsel Comptroller FROM: R. M. Huffstutler Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Reducing Transactional Costs 1. Attached for your information and review is the second interim report from the Directora?e of Administration's Transactional Costs Task Force. The task force has now examined and has taken action on three-quarters of the issues you submitted. As you will note, we have already made modifications to procedures in several areas and have plans to do the same in some others. There are issues/areas, however, which, after examination, do not lend themselves well to change in procedures at this time. 2. You might find it helpful to know that during the next six months, we will be examining certain delegations of authority to assess the effect of pushing the responsibility tc a lower level. This will be accomplished as we continue our review of the remaining issues and areas of concern that you surfaced. If you have any questions about this report, please give my Executive Assistant, Hank, or me a call. Attachment Regrade as AIUO When Separated from Attachment URIC: EXA/DDA Distribution: Orig - Adse - DDA Subject Watt R. M. Huffstutler CONFIDENTIAL STAT STAT 25X1 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 1: ACTION/STATUS: Delegate authority to approve restoration of annual leave to the office level. On 15 May 1986, the DDCI approved, under Section 8, a change in our restored annual leave policy by expanding from two to four years the time period for employees to use restored annual leave. In 1986, authority to approve restorations of forfeited annual leave was delegated by the D/Pers to DD/PA&E (currently DD/CAP). For the 1987 fiscal year, OP approved approximately 205 leave restoration requests which restored some 14,000 hours of leave. Less than 4 percent of all requests were disapproved; however, 20 percent were either incorrectly prepared or failed to include the required documentation for restoration consideration. There are certainly advantages to delegating this authority to the office level, namely, Office Directors would be more accountable for subordinate leave, and the paperwork, required in the current process, would be decreased. The disadvantages seem to outweigh the advantages, however, because there would he no central point to serve as a check and balance and there would he less standardization and more disparate application of the policy. There is the possibility of unequal treatment of employees because of the variety of people who Would exercise approving authority. If this authority were delegated, an extensive educational program addressing policy 4pp1ication would be required for every office. Because of the disadvantages cited above, we have determined that authority to approve the restoration of annualleave will not he delegated to the office level at this time. CONF ID Ei Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 4.: Authorize custodians of imprest funds to pay routine claims and have approving officers approve when custodian accounting is processed. ISSUE 5: Reexamine the need for two original authorizing signatures on Form 540B, Domestic Travel Request, one on the original and one on copy 1/4. ISSUE 61 Reduce the time consuming nature of travel accounting by making repeat trips into "canned accountings" or return to a flat per diem system. ACTION/STATUS: We believe this suggestion has merit, but will require revision of existing regulations to allow disbursement of funds by cash custodians prior to approval of the claim involved. Our Office of Finance will develop proposed revisions to the applicable regulatory issuances for circulation by Regulatory Policy Division for comments by Agency components. We will keep you advised of the status of this proposal. ACTION/STATUS: We believe there may be a misunderstanding of the requirement for two signatures. The signature on the top copy of the Form is that of the authorizing official and the one on copy #4 (now changed to copy #2) is the certifying officer's Signature necessary for the disbursement of funds related to the travel. Travel automation efforts, currently underway, envision electronic certifications which will negate the need for the signature of the certifying officer on a hard-copy medium. ACTION/STATUS: The idea of "canned accountings" has merit, and there is no objection to an employee submitting an accounting based on previous trips which are identical. In such cases, the employee would be required to update the prior accounting with the new dates, flight information, and receipts to substantiate the accounting. Foreign per diem rates are flat rates; domestic per diem rates, however, are set under the Federal Travel Regulations which, as pointed out in a previous issue, have the force and effect of law. qit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 7; Delegate to individual offices authority to write?off instances of personal indebtedness to the Government not to exceed t100. ACTION/STATUS: Certain on forgive damage, held by chief of the authority to forgive indebtedness payments of pay and allowances and of relocation expenses and allowances is Finance level for amounts up to t.500. instances of personal indebtedness may be forgiven based In the former case, the authority to 25)(1 indebtedness to the Government resulting from loss, or destruction of personal property of less than t300 is the Operating Official, Head of Independent Office, or In the latter case, resulting from erroneous travel transportation and held at the Director of We believe that the authority to waive personal indebtedness in the second category must continue to be closely held for a number of reasons. First, the Agency has a number of Federal statutes by which it must abide. These statutes include the Federal Claims Collection Act which holds that certain debts (this reference to "debts" also includes those arising from fraud, embezzlement, etc.) may not be forgiven and must be referred to either the Attorney General or the General Accounting Office for resolution or possible criminal proceedings. Delegation of this waiver authority would possibly result in a disparity in the application of tests of the legality of claims. Second, the Agency is required to follow the provisions of the Debt Collection Act in pursuing repayments of indebtedness where claims are disapproved. Third, the requirement for the Director of Finance to report the total of all amounts waived by the Agency during the fiscal year to the Comptroller General of the United States through the DDA would make further delegation cumbersome. For these reasons, the authority to forgive/write?off indebtedness to the Government will be retained by the Director of Financial Management. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 r`e1.1.1trrNr";? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 8: Improve delivery of immediate priority mail to customers. ACTION/STATUS: Our Office of Logistics (OL) feels that it may be feasible to develop a reliable, controllable method of moving and tracking time-critical material through the use of OL resources, coupled with the Information Service Center (ISC) and Registry (REG) network. As conceived, the mechanism to accomplish the movement of immediate/priority (I/P) material requires the following: , o Development of a mechanism for distinguishing and segregating I/P material from routine material. o Creation of two additional document distribution runs (DDRs) serviced by two dedicated, internal couriers. These DDRs would be distinct and separate from the routine courier runs currently provided to customers.. o Providing I/P service to the ISC and REG network, only. This service would result in visits to ISCa and REGs four times per day, in order to "guarantee" delivery of I/P material within one workday, for material originating from or destined for addressees outside Headquarters Building, and delivery of I/P material within four Working hours, for material originating from and destined for addressees inside Headquarters Building. OL will complete a feasibility study on this subject within 30, days. If deemed feasible, OL will implement within 90 days, so as to allow for the acquisition of needed equipment, the preparation of procedures, and the coordination of activities of the various components involved. 6 CONFIDENTAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 1.0 Ensure supply rooms in outbuildings are kept adequately stocked. 0 ACTION/STATUS: Surveys have been undertaken by OL to identify deficiencies in stocking external building supply rooms. Included have been onsite unannounced inspections as well as scheduled meetings with logistics officers, administrative officers, secretaries, and other component representatives. Recently, service was increased to each building to include two surveys for stock replenishment and actual replenishment two days per week. In the past, only one employee was handling this requirement. With two employees there have been minimal complaints from outlying buildings. Additionally, a campaign has been launched to advertise that assistance can be obtained from the Headquarters Supply Room. OL will also improve its service to supply room customers as a result of a reorganization that occurred on 1 October 1988. Briefly, the responsibility for the management of supply rooms, stock, inventories, issues, etc., will be transferred from the Facilities Management Division to the Supply Group, OL. We feel that this transfer of responsibility places the Supply room function in its proper organizational entity. }" II) sNi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 11; Reduce the burdensome procedures and approval time required by the Fine Arts Commission's regulations. ACTION/STATUS: The Fine Arts Commission (FAC), at each monthly meeting, reviews proposed projects that affect the appearance of public areas of Washington Metropolitan Area facilities. A decision is normally made at the same meeting. Occasionally the determination will be delayed until the following month to enable members to inspect the area to be changed. These requests pertain to signs, colors, plants, exhibits, and some physical structures. Contrary to popular belief the FAC does not control the selection of furniture, carpet, and accessories. These are controlled by federal regulation and, in many cases, are regulated by Congress. OL is charged with verification of compliance with these rules. The regulations are defined 25X1 and are illustrated in several, frequently updated publications of standard, approved furniture and furnishings. All items shown in these publications are manufactured to Government standards for safety, economy, comfort, durability, uniformity of style, and practicality. 25X1 Review and approval of those orders which are in compliance with the standards are acted upon and forwarded for processing immediately. Orders that have errors or that do not comply with standards must be delayed until they are made acceptable for processing. FAC has advised that these mechanisms are a must. 10 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 12: Improve the quality of janitorial services in Ames Building. ACTION/STATUS: Janitorial services in the Ames Building are provided by Dominion Management, the Building Manager, who subcontracts for these ?services. These services are monitored by OL. The restrooms, elevators, lobbies, and hallways have been found to be exceptionally clean. Improvement is needed, however, in the vaulted areas. The vaulted rooms must be cleaned during the regular workday hours to allow access for cleaners. The amount of vaulted space has more than doubled in FY 88 and management is currently increasing the daytime cleaning force to handle the additional workload. OL expects a noticeable improvement jn this building's vaulted areas and will monitor the situation carefully in the future to ensure that our expectations are in fact fulfilled. 11 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 t F\ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 1.3: Expand the use of Form 2420 to include procurement of goods. ACTION/STATUS: OL is actively pursuing a practical means to consolidate procurement request Forms 2420 and 88. The goal is to have the new form in use in first quarter 1989. A working group has been established with representatives from several components in OL and a component logistics officer. The working group has reviewed the Form 88 (Requisition for Material) and the Form 2420 (Request for Procurement Services) to determine if the forms could be consolidated and made more user friendly. After several meetings and lengthy discussions, the working group has developed a consolidated form. The proposed form will be sent to all groups, divisions, and staffs in OL for review and comment. It is anticipated that a final decision will be made early in the first quarter 1989 regarding the feasibility of the new, form. This would be an interim solution since this would occur electronically when the Commercial Logistics Applications System is fully operational in October 1989. A menu screen will be utilized to request either goods or services and, hopefully, for inventory issues as well. 12 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 14: Eliminate requirements for PRA/MPA. Suggestion: Allow OIT to maintain a flexible pc inventory for the Agency, provide equipment out of stOelt against receipt of customer funds, and use the funds to purchase the appropriate replenishment :equipment. ACTION/STATUS: It is a goal of the Commercial Logistics Applications System (CLAS) project in the OL'to eliminate the use of MPA/PRA when the project comes to Initial Operating Capability (IOC) on 1 October 1989. The Directors of Logistics and Finance as well as the Comptroller have already tentatively agreed to eliminate this antiquated system of bookkeeping. Both OL and the Office of Finance (OF) are pursuing a method replacing MPA/PRA through Cullinet Software packages associated with CLAS and through procedural changes. The current thinking is that this can be. accomplished through a working fund that permits the reimbursement for inventory items between cognizant components who will manage their own inventories and who will replenish using monies budgeted for, or reimbursed from, other components. All other purchases would be direct buys, previously budgeted for. In this scenario there would be a one-time tax on all components to fund the start up cost of the OL general inventory. Thereafter, it would be self-sustaining by use of the charge-back mechanism for inventory drawdown. SUGGESTION TO ALLOW OIT TO MAINTAIN A FLEXIBLE PC INVENTORY .... From a policy or a procurement standpoint, there is no reason why a flexible PC inventory could not be maintained. It appears that that is required is the identification of warehouse space equipment. This has some merit, and is the same concept described in the elimination of MPA/RPA. However, for PCs this may not be practical due to the rapid technology changes that are occurring in the field. The danger is that the Agency could end up with an inventory of obsolete equipment that the users do not need. 25X1 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 CONF ACTION/STATUS: ISSUE 151 Raise the dollar threshold required for Contract Review Board action. ISSUE 0: Institute procedures for notifying originating officgs (Of Form 88s) expeditiously when items Will not be received by required delivery dates. The dollar threshold for ACRB review was increased via Procurement Note 140, Revision 7, from $500,000 to S1,000,000 on 29 July 1988. ACTION/STATUS: When a contractor encounters difficulty in meeting the delivery schedule or date, the contractor is required to notify the OL contracting officer in writing. It then becomes the contracting officer's responsibility to notify the appropriate officers of failure to meet the delivery date. OL has emphasized to its contracting officers that this procedure should be followed when possible. Inasmuch as contracting officers are responsible for as many as 100 contracts and more, applying this procedure in every case becomes difficult. Additionally, procedures are available from the Materiel Support Branch, Supply Group, OL (MSB/SG/OL), which enable customers to query the Inventory Control System database to determine the status of their requisitions. It is our objective to issue retrieval passwords to customers and instructions for querying the Inventory Control System. The MSB will notify requisitioners of all items being issued from stock which will not meet the required delivery dates at the time requisitions are edited. Subsequently, the customer will be able to query the system or contact the MSB for status information. The customer may also contact MSB to expedite the order. The Data Management Branch, Supply Group, OL, encourages customers to use the query function. OL officers are available to train all customers interested in this procedure. 14 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDPqnuni qRADrinnonfln 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 18: Authorize office directors to approve up to $1,000 in claims. ACTION/STATUS: Personal property claims are settled under the authority of the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees' Claims Act of 1964, as amended, which is implemented in the Agency by 25X1 The Government has strict statutes governing the settlement Of claims, usually requiring legal knowledge only lawyers or claims experts can provide. To protect against violating Federal law by approving a claim that is not allowable under the law delegation of this authority is not recommended. The adjudication of a claim, which can be very complex in nature regardless of its monetary value, requires 4 working knowledge of the law, past Agency policies and precedent, and a consistency in arriving at the final determination to provide a fair and equitable settlement to the claimant and the U.S.G. These judgments and technical yardsticks can best be applied by professionals who work with the subject on a routine basis. Each claim must be researched to determine such considerations as: Is the employee an eligible claimant under the Act (staff employee, staff agent, contract employee, detailee, survivor(s) of employee, etc.)? Independent Contractors are not covered under the Claims Act. Has the claim been filed with the Agency or other U.S.G. office within the mandatory 2-year timeframe required by law (2-year timeframe cannot be waived)? 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 f- tr1v kITI A q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 18: (CONTINUED) Authorize office directors to approve up to $1,000 in claims. ACTION/STATUS: o Is the loss considered incident to service (lost, damaged, or destroyed during authorized Government service)? Is there negligence (any degree) present on the claimant's part, his agent, or his employee which would bar payment under the Claims Act? o Is there enough credible evidence to support the claim? Evidence includes details of the circumstances of loss including signed/dated inventories noting loss/damage, written repair estimates, appraisals, etc. Policy reports are needed for POV accidents. Police reports are also needed fot thefts along with details of the theft. Authorizing office directors to approve up to $1,000 in claims would result in a great deal of additional work, research, and coordination which might impede a currently well functioning process. Because of the legal knoWledge required, the understanding and knowledge of past practices and precedents, as well as the need for coniistenoy, the current process and procedures will remain in effect for the present. 18 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISUE 19: Improve the timeliness of services; e.g.,.getting telephones and computer lines and equipment installed, removed, repaired and/or relocated. ACTION/STATUS: Several initiatives have either taken place or are under way that address the problem of timeliness of services: Effective in September, Office of Information Technology (OIT) was reorganized and the Network Services Group was formed. This group now has the full management responsibility for network services, including installations, relocations, and changes, irrespective of location or technology. The resulting streamlined coordination should improve the timeliness and quality of customer service. Also effective in September, OIT formed the Requirements and Plans Staff (RPS) which serves as a focal point for the handling of all non-routine service requests. RPS will work with OIT components to ensure timely, coordinated responses to service requests. In addition, RPS will track service rquests through to completion, providing customers status report S on a periodic basis. OIT is in the process of streamlining procedures for managing voice and data service requests. These procedures are discussed in Issue #20.) OIT is beginning the phased implementation of a new Se procedure. Through the use of new technology, Voice Mail Exchange (VMX), customers with maintenance problems will be able to key in via their secure telephone the nature of the problem. This will put them directly in contact with an OIT maintenance technician who is a specialist in the problem area. It is believed that through discussions with a trained technician up to 50 percent of the actual service visits to the customer area will be eliminated. This will result in much More efficient and timely customer service. Agency-wide implementation of VMX should be complete by February 1989. 19 n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 19: (CONTINUED) Improve the timeliness of services; e.g., getting telephones and computer lines and equipment installed, removed, repaired and/or relocated. (Continued) ACTION/STATUS: In an effort to improve service associated with the integrated voice/data PBX, language in the O&M vendor's (Contel) statement of work has been revised to reflect the importance of timeliness of service. As our PBX program comes to its conclusion with the occupancy of the New Headquarters Building, almost all available office space in the Headquarters and will have been pre?wired. This should greatly expedite relocations and changes to existing data/voice services. The new workstation contract with International Technology Corporation (ITC) for the ITC 301Z personal_computer should shortly be effective. This contract provides for the timely delivery (30 days or less) of workstation orders by ITC. In addition, OIT acquisition and installation Support will be geared to handle routinely the known set of ITC products under contract. We., therefore, expect to see improveMents in timeliness throughout the workstation support lifecycle. 20 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 20: Develop a tracking system for ADT and telephone requests so that offices may receive status report on work orders. ACTION/STATUS: OIT is in the process of streamlining procedures for managing voice and data service requests. This streamlining involves the modification of existing on-line databases and the automation of the Form 4340, which is used to request voice/data services. The automated Form 4340 is in the final stages of testing. Pilot projects have been established in selected DO offices and in DI/OIR. This testing is expected to be complete by the time the new OIT supported workstation (ITC 301Z) is routinely available to all Agency components, early in calendar year 1989. An Agency-wide phased implementation will follow. The target data for Agency-wide use of the form is the end of FY 1989. When fully implemented, these steps will result in a more timely and efficient processing and management of data voice requests. Customers will be able to 1) ensure that their requests have been filled out properly, avoiding costly corrective action; 2) track their requests through their own component and directorate management chain to OIT; 3) receive an acknowledgement by OIT indicating OIT has accepted the request; and 4) query OIT on project status. 21 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 STAT ?1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 21: Improve the prioritization of requests for data and voice setvl.ces within each directorate. ACTION/STATUS: This issue was originally submitted by OIT. Since then, each directorate and the DCI area have identified individuals to serve as points of contact for requests for OIT services. These individuals will be responsible for working with OIT to establish Work priorities within their respective directorates. The points of contact for routine mairitenance and repair .(such as workstation and telephone installation), support to the New Headquarters Building relocations and the Original Headquarters Building backfill are: DCI Area DA DI DO DS&T 22 '11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 21: (CONTINUED) ACTION/STATUS: The points of contact for all other requests for OIT services, including Major new requirements, are: DCI Area DA DI DO DS&T 23 CONFIDENTIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 22: Focus on identifying individuals or components having full responsibility for a project and assign authorities to improve coordination. ACTION/STATUS: OIT has significantly improved the focus of responsibilities within the office; moreover, a much greater effort is being made in publicizing information on component responsibilities and points-of-contact. Management improvements in OIT include: The establishment of the Network Services Group (NSG) in September 1988. This new Group is responsible for providing all data and voice communication services to OIT customers, It puts, in effect, all network responsibilities under a single manager. C/NSG/OIT may be reached on 25X1 The establishment of the RPS within the Office of the Director of Information Technology in September 1988. RPS is responsible for tasking and tracking all customer requirements other than those for routine equipment maintenance and installation/ relocation. RPS is tasked to act as a focal point for all non-routine requests and in addition to marshalling and coordinating OIT resources will be able to provide customers with the name of the specific OIT project officer assigned to manage the OIT efforts supporting the requirement. C/RPS may be reached on 25X1 The merger of the three OIT information security-related components into a single division, Technical Security Division. The basic operational responsibilities of computer security (COMPUSEC), communications security (COMSFC), and the policy development responsibility now all report to a .single manager, C/TSD/MSG, This should significantly improve 25X1 coordination in the information security arena. 24 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 203/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE ?22: (CONTINUED) Focus on identifying individuals or components having full responsibility for a project and assign authorities to improve coordination. (continued) ACTION/STATUS: The establishment of single points-of-contact at the deputy group chief level for all routine New Head uarters Building (NHB) voice/data activities (DC/COG/OIT Headquarters Building activiti DC (DC/ESG/OIT; ensure that receive the Original 25X1 NSG/OIT; aPc325X1 This is es grie to .25)(1 moves and relocations in the respective facilities appropriate priority and coordinated OIT effort. The computer maintenance organization has implemented a system in which resolution of trouble calls will be the responsibility of the individual or area in the division which gets the call, regardless of the involvement of other components. In addition, a procedure has been established whereby the longer a trouble call remains unresolved, the higher the management level to which reporting on the problem is done. OIT has identified points-of-contact within DA offices hay automation projects of interest to other Agency offices. points-of-contact will be a place to start for queries about a particular project being supported by OIT personnel but under the auspices of other DA offices. Address inquiries to C/corporate Systems Development Division, DSG/OIT 25X1 OIT has a 1 January target date for a complete revision and simplification of ADP Management25x1 This revision will emphasize a single point-of-contact for Agency-wide coordination on ADP procurement requests. 25 CONFIDEN11 1AL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 22: (CONTINUED) Focus on identifying individuals or components having full responsibility for a project and assign authorities to improve coordination. (continued) ACTION/STATUS: In May 1988, OIT published an Organizational Directory and Services Guide which provides a description of office mission and functions by component and two telephone listing documents: one for OIT components; the other for points-of-contact by service offering. Because of the dynamic nature of this type of information, the guide is currently under revision with a new publication date of mid-De e guide is available from the OIT Technical Library, 25X1 OIT is making a significant effort to better focus responsibility, provide adequate authorities to deliver the services, and publicize these focal point officers and components. This is, of course, a continuing process that will see additional emphasis in FY 89 as new services are initiated and new organizational and management approaches to the delivery of traditional services are developed and tested. 26 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 23: Continue automation efforts (BARS, STARS, ELECTAS, Travel Automation, Commercial Logistics Application System, etc.) ACTION/STATUS: Progress continues on the major systems that are being developed as part of the OIT Corporate Data Program. Project tanagers have been identified for each system. They work closely with the customer office to ensure development efforts are kept on track. These systems are: Budget and Accounting Resources System (BARS); customer: OF. Commercial Logistics Application System (CLAS); customer: OL. Corporate Data Personnel System (CDPerS); customer: OP. Federal Automated Requisitioning system (FARS); customer: OL. Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS); customer: OP. General On?line Service History (GOSH); customer: OP. Integrated Applicant Processing System (IAPS); customer: DA. Insurance, Claims, Accounting, Reporting and Enrollments System (ICARE); customer: OP. Locator Information for Employees (LIFE); customer: OP. Medical Information Diagnosis and Artificial Intelligence System (MIDAS); customer: OMS. Payroll Automated Inquiry Database System (PAIDS); customer: OP. Training and Education Automated Management System (TEAMS); customer: OTE. 27 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 A.No1/4011 ISSUE 24: Improve turn around time for informing students of course confirmations?reduce to days. ISSUE 25: Provide ow-line forms in the AIM system for external training and conferences. ISSUE 26: Delegate from D/OTE to individual offices authority to waive reimbursements for incompleted external training courses due to emergency operational requirements. ACTION/STATUS: The Office of Training and Education (OTE) is providing quick written and on-line notification of course acceptance for a significant number of its courses starting in October 1988. Using the new on-line registration system--TEAMS--we will send notification of acceptance within a few days of receipt in OTE for courses that do not require course director approval. We are working out procedures by which course directors will review as many courses as possible on a weekly basis, allowing timely notification to students of their acceptance. Students will also be notified when they do not get in a course. ACTION/STATUS: The Form 136, Request for External Training, has been programmed and is undergoing testing. In addition, OTE is working with appropriate branches in the Office of Finance and the Directorate of Operations to establish procedures for passing the Form 136 from office to office for on-line approval. Our goal is to begin phasing in the on-line form by early 1989, with full implementation by the middle of the year. ACTION/STATUS: We agree that the individual office directors should be delegated authority to waive reimbursements owed by individuals for incompleted external training due to emergency operational requirements. Prior to implementing this change, however, we will secure Office of Finance and/or Office of Logistics approval and a change Subjec25X1.' to all approvals, we plan to Implement tn3s cnange Dy anuar 1989. 28 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 LuiNr iLiCi ISSUE 27: Grant external training approval authority to individual offices 41.114 terminate the requirement for an OTE approval number. ACTION/STATUS: After careful consideration of this issue, OTE recommends that we not decentralize external approval authority to individual offices. Most federal agencies undergo review by the Office of Personnel Management of training programs at non-government facilities. The Central Intelligence agency is exempt from this review by Executive Order 10805. However, we are required by public law to "provide adequate administrative control by appropriate activity." In our view, the external training process needs centralized control as provided by the current system. In addition, recent changes in the tax code place an added burden on all federal agencies to ensure that training is "job related." As long as our external training conforms to specific criteria as defined by Title VI, it is exempt from being reported to the IRS. OTE currently returns several requests each week to component training officers because the requested training is non-job related. Using the current system, we can state with a high degree of certainty that our training reflected by Forms 136 is "job related." Several of our providers of external training require that requests be handled through a single point of contact in the Agency. FSI, for example, wants to work with a single office for all of the Agency. As another example, one of the Wang contracts for training requires that OTE handle registrations. In cases where there are more requests from the 'Agency than there are available slots for training, the central point of contact insures equities and a matching of priority needs to training availability. 29 CONFIDEIN4 IAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 28: Investigate replacing the mechanical arm. On the badge machines with a light beam or other technology to the flow of personnel through the machines. ACTION/STATUS: .The purpose of the arm is to "stop" the processes at the access control devices (ACD) of the Personnel Access Security System (PASS) if there is a problem with the validation of the improve individual, i.e., expired badge, improper personal identification number (PIN), unauthorized use, etc. At those entrances where large volumes of people are passing through multiple ACDs, it is difficult for the personnel monitoring the system to identify the individuals the system does not validate if these individuals are allowed to proceed beyond the ACD. The length of time that it takes to pass through the ACD is not contingent on the mechanical arms but on the time it takes for the validation signal to he transmitted from the ACD to the computer and then back to the ACD. The length of time is a function of the volume of signals from all the ACDs. Actual movement of the arms is measured in fractions of a second. With the exception of the Headquarters Main Entrance, which due to safety and aesthetic considerations is limited in the number of ACDs it can accommodate, all other entrances have the maximum number of ACDs that space will allow. We are aware that a temporary, serious backup does occur at the Headquarters Northwest entrance due to the construction of the New Headquarters Building (NHB); however, with 16 ACDs planned for the NHB, we believe that backup should be alleviated. To summarize, reducing the processing time involved in moving through the ACDs would require the replacement of the system computers, including the software. Such a replacement would be extremely costly with its actual gains measured in hundredths of a second. OS will be planning a PASS for the outyears which will not only concentrate on enhanced security but convenience to the customer. 30 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forlelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 CONFIDENI ISSUE 29: Improve the speed at which security approvals are provided for Independent Contractors. ISSUE 30: Reduce the backlog in the 4C system to ensure expeditious passing of clearances. ACTION/STATUS: This issue has been of concern to us from some time, and we have made a concerted effort to make improvements in this area. Through a coordinated effort between the Offices of Personnel (OP) and Security (OS), processing time for Independent Contractors has been significantly reduced. OP now handles processing for all Independent Contractors and has expanded its staff in order to expedite the processing. OS is now able to process requests for Independent Contractors at the Unclassified level within three days of receipt. Processing for Independent Contractors at the Secret level has traditionally taken 60 days due to the time involved in completing FBI checks. With the new link between the Agency and the FBI, utilizing SIMS-based tapes, the time required to conduct FBI checks in cases where there is no record/information has been reduced to one week. ACTION/STATUS: The Compartmented Information Branch (CIB) of the Special Security Center (SSC), which maintains the Agency's portion of the 4C data base, has been operating without its full complement of personnel. In order to compensate for this shortfall in staff, the Branch has been utilizing other additional personnel on an overtime basis. During the month of September a concerted effort was made to reduce the backlog in the 4C. system, in particular, the contractor-related input. As a result, we are achieving a systematic reduction in this category of backlog. We will continue to focus on further reductions utilizing non-CIB personnel on an overtime basis. It addition, we are conducting a study to determine the feasibility of using an optical character reader to reduce processing time. 31 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 31: Improve the process for passing clearances in and out of the Agency. for zodeword and noncodeword meetings. ISM n: Establish workable emanation standards for the acquisition and deployment of workstation PqaPPent Which will lead to a simpler and more expeditious procurement and installation process. ACTION/STATUS: It is fairly routine for the OS/Compartmented (CIB) to receive requests for the expeditious accesses of Agency personnel. CIB recognizes these requests and responds to them either by to expedite passage. Information Branch confirmation of the the immediacy of cable or telephone The Office of Security's Clearance Division (CD) handles the passing of clearances in and out of the agency for noncodeword meetings. Telephonic confirmation of the individuals' clearances is made the day the request arrives with written confirmation mailed the some day. A significant number of requestors have expressed a desire to receive this written confirmation more expeditiously. In an effort to be responsive to our customers' needs, CD is currently conducting a study to determine the advisability of using a FAX machine to forward written confirmation. ACTION/STATUS: OS hosted a half-day offsite on 17 October 1988 to discuss domestic alternatives tor emanations security (TEMPEST). Attendees included representatives from OS, OIT, OC, Cl/T, and DDA Staff.. OS is currently preparing a memo for the DDA outlining 0 coordinated position on new specifications. 32 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for li-e1;;se-'201-3/0-9/1'd : CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSUE 33: For reporting personal foreign travel via terminal on VM, redes4t the system to allow for coordi.nation on-line as opposed to coordination of hard copy. ACTION/STATUS: The current system for reporting personal foreign travel is a dual-track system. For most Agency employees it involves the Private Foreign Travel System (PFTS) which i sYsteth utilizing the VM Northside or STAT systems. The second system is the traditional Form 8/9, outside Activity Approval Request. This system is used by the DO which does not hap Plprtronle interface with either the Northside or the which service the rest of the STATj Agency. While on-line coordination may appear to be a more time and cost efficient system, preliminary inquiries into the feasibility of redesigning the current system do not substantiate this presumption. On-line coordination in PFTS might be achieved by "broadcasting" the request for personal foreign travel to the employee's supervisor and component security officer and automating the sequential routing of the request to the area security officer, Central Cover Staff, CTC, and the External Activity Branch, OS. Coordination would be via AIM. However, in order to work, the employee would have to know the user IA Of the approving supervisor and component security officer.; all supervisors would need to have AIM/VM access and know bow to use it, and a confirmation of valid user ids would have to be made to prevent the loss of requests. Likewise, supervisors and all other approving officers would have to log on each day to check their AIM messages for requests, and requests directed to approving officers on leave or TDY would be inaccessible without surrogate ids, shared folders, etc. 33 CONFOF '4\4- ,AJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5 ISSU2: (CONTINUED) For reporting personal foreign travel via terminal on VM, redesign the system to allow for coord4nation on-line as opposed to coordination of hard copy. ACTION/STATUS: In Addition to the above, on-line coordination in the DO would also involve either granting special accesses or physically, transferring data tape in order to forward the request from the DO to the other approving offices. The user community has begun to accept the current private foreign travel system, and it is in increasing use. Changing it at this time may increase the "confusion factor" for the travel and the approving officials. Thus, we do not anticipate any change to the system at the current time. 34 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP90M01364R000800340017-5