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r1 Ipeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 I 25X1 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET suBJEckeisnnto . f Audit of Real Estate and Construction Division .- 1 July 1985 - 31 March 1986 -- FROM John M. Ray Director of LogisticS ExTENsioN No ... DATE 9 November 1988 -- , TO: (Offic?f dirsterration, room emeato?r, and bundler%) i DATE - OFFICERS INITIALS COMMENTS (Number ?creh comment to show from whom m whom. Draw a line across column a fur Roth comment) MEMO fORWARDED DDA 7D24 Hqs. Attached is a status report on recommendations #1 and #2 of the Report of' Audit of Real Estate and Construction Division with an attached MOU on Reporting of Real Propert (Attachment A). This is an update of the status report we submitted on 2 September (Attachment 13). , , Deputy Inspector General for Audit . . . . 10. IL 12. . - - 1 11 1 ....IL 1 . -+....74........-..-. ' -. ri r'' 15. ? _ FORM 6Inummtwo 1-79 v MONS - 4-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 !N / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 LOA! 1 6 NOV 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Inspector General for Audit VIA: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: Acting Director of Logistics Report of Audit of Real Estate and Construction Division, 1 July 1985 - 31 March 1988 Memo for Dep. Inspector General for Audit, from Director of Logistics, dtd 2 Sep 88, Same Subject This memorandum provides an update of action taken on recommendations #1 and #2 of the subject audit report: a. Recommendation #1 - Completed. A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding is provided for your internal action and for forwarding to the Inspector General. b. Recommendation #2 - Revisions to real property reports are now being considered and discussed within Facilities Management Group. Future actions will be as stated in the referent. We have established May 1989 as a target date for completion of a revised report. Attachment A. MOU B. Reference All Portions Secret SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 N r/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 SECR ET 25X1 25X1 LOA! MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REPORTING OF REAL PROPERTY I. Purpose , This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is in response to Memorandum No. OF-ADPP 82-86, dated 23 May 1986, to the Director of Logistics (D/L) from the Director of Finance (D/F), Attachment A, which offered suggestions for improving Agency real property accounting and reporting. It also responds to recommendations and clarifies reporting requirements discussed in the Reports of Audit for the Real Estate and construction Division, Office of Logistics (RECD/OL), for the period I May 1983 to 30 June 1985, dated 30 October 1985 and for the period 1 July 1985 to 31 March 1988 -dated -21 July 1988. Signatures on this MOU affirm:that each participating office agrees to the provisions herein. II. Background A. In order to gain a .complete understanding of the need for this MDU, .the Agency's past and present real property feporting requirements and procedures have been examined: 1. The General Accounting Office (GAO) prescribes accounting principles and standards for federal agencies in the reportinkofl property having an initial acquisition cost or value 'ort$t,000 and a service life of two years.,Ai. These guidelines require agencies to report all real property which is Agency owned, transferred from other agencies, or acquired by capital leases. In conformance with GAO principles, OL reports such real property costs to the Office of Finance (OF) via the Annual Agency Real Property Capital Cost Report (AARPCCR). The OF, in turn, records these costs annually in the CIA Financial Report. 2. In aadition co this reportimg-requiremept, the. Agency has established additional standards for the reporting of real property. , requires the D/L to establish and maintain accountable and historical records for Agency real property: OL's accountable records for real property list: Properties assigned by the General Services Administration (GSA) (recorded in the Domestic Real Property SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 I/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 SEUK 25X1 95)(1 25X1 Summary CORPS); Properties acquired by the Agency under the Direct Lea"intheDl_a_m_kr_e_c_o_r_d_e_S)overseas Properties and CONUS properties acquire sig assignment recorded in the SRPS). Data for the AARPCCR has been extracted from these real property systems. B. The needfor this MOU is two-fold: 1. Clarification of the contents of the AARPCCR. As many years have elapsed since the implementation of the AARPCCR, it has become unclear which Agency properties have been included in each of the main acquisition categories, and therefore, the meaning of the statistics from the report has become somewhat confused. We have identified a need to define the categories and enumerate the individual properties contained therein. In addition, in light of an evaluation of GAO standards by OF, it has become apparent that some properties included in the report need not be reported to GAO but only recorded in the Agency's internal files in OL. - 2. Definition of summary financial data for the AARPCCR. The second need for this MOU arises as the result of audit recommendations, which indicate there is concern as to whether the present AARPCCR is accurate. This MOU defines the contents of the AARPCCR and further refines the AARPCCR in conformance with the review of the GAO guidelines. III. Policy A. The D/L will prepare and submit to the D/F an AARPCCR. The report will be prepared as of 30 September each year and submitted to the D/F by 30 October, if possible, but no later than 15 November. B. The D/F is responsible for reporting the aggregate dollar capital costs of Agency real property in the official accounting records of the Agency, based upon the annual report cited in III A above. C. The threshold for entries into the Real Property Summaries, from which the AARPCCR is calculated, will be $5,000. Therefore, real property included in the AARPCCR will have a $5,000 or more acquisition cost in accordance with the GAO standard. This reporting threshold does not preclude appropriate internal controls over all real property assets. D. The following definitions will be used in preparing the AARPCCR to OF. 2 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 SECRET 1. Assisned Property - Agency acquired property which is U.S. Government-owned, -leased, or assigned for which the Agency has been given control by formal or informal agreement (in the form of a use permit, license, pro rata share cost, or other type of arrangement) with another Government agency. By virtue of the agreement, the Agency has authority to assign and reassign use of the property and authority to make capital improvements. The Agency may pay operating expenses on assigned property but may not pay rent. If the Agency pays rent to a landlord directly or through another Government agency or if the property is purchased through another Government agency on behalf of the Agency, that property is considered leased or purchased, respectively, not assigned. ? 2. Capitalized Costs (fm/P40, Appendix I, GAO Policy ? Plans Manuall - All amounts paid to acquire and install the assets-in-their current form and place. Costs to be. capitalized also include the costs of additions, alterations, betterments; rehabilitations and replacements that extend the useful life of the asset of its service capacity. 3. Capital Lease (fm/L10, Appendix I, GAO Policy and Procedure Manual) - Lease agreement which is essentially equivalent to an installment purchase of property. If any of the following criteria is met, the lease agreement is presumed to be equivalent to an installment purchase: (a) The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessee by the end of the lease term. (b) The lease contains an option to purchase the leased property at a bargain price. (c) The noncancellable lease term is equal to or greater than 75 percent of the estimated economic life of the leased property. (d) The present value of rental and other'alaimum lease payments, excluding that portion of the payments that rep-.esents executory costs, such as insurance, mainten .ce, and taxes to be paid by the lessor, equals or exceeds 90 percent of the fair value of the leased property. The lessee shall compute the present value of minimum lease payments using the Treasury Average Interest Rate for Marketable Interest-bearing Debt unless (a) it is practicable for the lessee to learn the interest rate implicit in the lease computed by the 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 SECRET lessor and(b) the implicit rate computed by the lessor is less, than the Treasury Average Interest Rate for Marketable. interest-bearing Debt. The last two criteria do nct apply if the beginning of the lease term falls within the last 25 percent of the total . estimated economic life of the leased property. An agency's "rental" of space from GSA does not meet these criteria. 4. .Construction Cost - All costs to construct buildings and structures, including architectural fees. S. Domestic - Property located in continental USA, -Hawaii, or Alaska. 6. Fair Value (fm/L10, Appendix I, GAO Policy fk Procedure_Ma_nua0. -Price for which the property could be sold in an arm's length transaction between unrelated parties. 7. Improvements - Additions, alterations, betterments, rehabilitations and replacements "that extend the useful life of the property or its service capacity", in amounts over $5,000. 8. Initial Cost - (a) Donated, Devised (Bequeathed), Forfeitured, Confiscated Property (fm P40 Appendix I, GAO Policy Procedures Manual) - The fair value at the time of donation plus any costs incurred to place the property in use. (b) Leased Property - The amounts paid to acquire the property and costs incurred to place it in use. This definition applies to OL cost accounting of non-capital leased properties. It is included here to provide an explanation of internal controls of the properties. Only capital leases are required to be reported in the AARPCCR. (cj Purchasea Property - Costs to acquire ?1ar24 and buildings including agent commissions, legal fees and settlement, and other costs related thereto, (d) Transferred/Assigned Property (fm P/40, Appendix I, GAO Policy and Procedures Manual) - The amount recorded on the assignment document (use permit, license,_ etc.) or on the transferor's books. If no figure is recorded on such document, the fair value of the Property at the date acquired shall be estimated from available records or evidence. 4 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 SECRET 25X1 (e) Appraisals to determine fair value shall only .be contracted for if deemed necessary by OL. -9. Lease f.1-/L10, Appendix I, GAO Policy Procedure Manual) - An agreement to convey the use of an asset or part of an asset (such as a part of a building) from one entity, the lessor, to another, the lessee-, for a specified period of time in return for rent or other compensation. 10. Foreign - Property located in countries other than U.S.A. 11. Purchased Property - Property that is paid for by the Agency and for which the Agency is the legal owner. 12. Real Property - Fixed capital assets of the Agencyconsisting of land and interests therein, such as ownerships, leases, permits, easements, licenses, utility, systems, and any appurtenances; also, expendable or nonexpendable property attached to or integrated intoreal property, where such attachment or integration is intended to be permanent or where removal 25X1 would change the original design infeasible. 13. Real Property Summary or be economically - A summary report which lists real property station, base, or other activity. reporting elements are used The two latter reports serve record for Headquarters. assets and their The summaries to compile the DRPS as the principal costs for a from Agency and SRPS. accountable 25X1 14. Reporting Agency - The Agency which has control of and the authority to assign and reassign the use of the property or any portion thereof. This rule shall apply regardless.of the manner of acquisition or which agency is currently using the property. CIA is the reporting Agency for owned properties, assigned properties for which total control and authority for use and improvements has been granted through an agreement ;i.e., use permit, license., pro rata share, or other arrangement) and leased properties acquired through lease agreement. 15. Structure (fr/The BOCA National Building Code/1987) - That which is built or constructed. E. The format for the AARPCCR's 1. Format for previous AARPCCRs is at attachment B. 5 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 CONFIDENTIAL 23 May 1986 ADPP 82-86 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics FROM: Allen R. Elkins Director of Finance SUBJECT: Real Property Accounting and Reporting 1. We have recently made a comprehensive evaluation of the conformance of the Agency Accounting System with the Accounting Principles, Standards and Related Requirements for Accounting, prescribed for Federal Agencies by the Comptroller General. 2. . It_ie the, purpose of this memorandum to discuss Agency practices for accounting and reporting for real property in comparison with the above tited! principles and standards and to propose joint consideration of changes in Agency practice as suggested in paragraph 6. 4. 3. There follows a brief synopsis of the essence of the Comptroller General principles and standards for real property accounting and reporting. a. All real property with an initial acquisition cost or value of $5,000 or more and an estimated service life of 2 years or greater must be capitalized and reported in financial statements. b. Costs should be capitalized concurrently with disbursement and include all amounts paid to acquire and install the assets in their current form and place. Costs to be capitalized also include the costs of additions, alterations, betterments, rehabilitations, and replacements that extend the useful life of the asset or its service capacity. Other payments shall be accounted for as operating expenses. c. Real property comprises land and structures (1) purchased or constructed including such property acquired by capital lease (when the lease agreement is essentially equivalent to an installment purchase of property), (2) transferred (assigned or on loan) from other agencies, and (3) donated or acquired by other means. It also includes any real property owned by the agency but assigned to others. d. The initial cost of property acquired by transfer from other agencies shOuld be the amount recorded on the transferor's books. The initial cost of property donated should be its fair value at time of donation. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/02/05 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001_4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 25X1 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL e. Depreciation accounting is encouraged. Copies of the relevant sections (Sections L 10, L40, P40, and 110 of Appendix I) of the GAO Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies are attached. 4. The Office of Finance maintains a general ledger account, "Real Property Owned and Improvements to Real Property Assigned or Leased to the Agency" and an offsetting "Reserve" account. These accounts are adjusted annually on the basis of the Otf ice of Logistics' Agency Real Property report which is based on the Real Property Summaries required by That report does not cover proprietary real property and does not include the headquarters building - we are not certain whether it includes all other "assigned" (transferred from other agencies) properties in the Metropolitan Washington Area. OF also maintains a general ledger account, "Property on Loan from Others - Headquarters" for both personal property and real property on loan to the Agency. This latter acount is adjusted on the basis of annual reports submitted by the 'accountable entities. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 R Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 . APPENDIX I APPENDIX I LEASES INTRODUCTION .01 A lease agreement, is an agreement to convey the use of an asset or part of an asset (such as part of a building) from one entity, the lessor, to another, the lessee, for a specified period of time in return for rent or other compensation. Lessees have either capi- tal or operating leases while lessors have either sales-type, direct financing, or operating leases. Capital, sales-type, and direct financing leases transfer substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership from the lessor to the lessee. Al]. other leases should be accounted for as operating leases, i.e., rental of property. (The LASS Current Text, section L10, contains accounting guidance for specific areas of lease transactions, such as real estate, related parties, and subleases.) ACCOUNTING STANDARD .02 When the lease agreement is essentially equivalent to an in7i stallment purchase of property, an agency shall record the approOri- ate asset and liability. See paragraph .03 below. In such casei, the substance of the arrangement, rather than its legal form, shall determine the accounting treatment. The following paragraphs pro- vide criteria to use for guidance in assessing the substance of lease arrangements. Paragraphs .14 through .22 contain definitions of some of the terms used in this standard. Capital Leases .03 Lessees shall .classify a lease as a capital lease if the lease agreement is essentially equivalent to an installment purchase of property. If any of the following criteria is met, the lease agree- ment is presumed to be equivalent to an installment purchase: (a) The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessee by the end of the lease term. (b) The lease contains an option to purchase the leased pro erty at a bargain price. (c) The noncancelable lease term is equal to or greater than 75 percent of the estimated economic life of the leased property. (d) The present value of rental and other minimum lease pay- ments, excluding that portion of the payments that repre- sents executory costs, such as insurance, maintenance, and 73 TO .1_.111 1110A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 APPENDIX I APPENDIX I L10 taxes to be paid by the lessor, equals or exceeds 90 per- cent of the fair value of the leased property.. The lessee shall compute the present value of minimum lease payments using the Treasury Average Interest Rate for Marketable Interest-Bearing Debt unless (a) it is practicable for the lessee to learn the Interest rate implicit in the lease computed by the lessor and (b) the implicit rate computed by the lessor is less than the Treasury Average 'Interest Rate for Marketable Interest-Bearing Debt. The last two criteria do not apply if the beginning of the lease term falls within the last 25 percent of the total estimated eco- nomic life of the leased property. An agency's "rental of space from GSA does not meet these criteria. .04 Agencies with capital leases shall treat capital leases as the acquisition of an asset and the incurrence of a liability. The as- set shall be recorded at its fair market value, with a like amount shown in the liabilities section. The difference between the total lease payment and the fair market value is interest. The properti shall be accounted for in accordance with the Acquisition Cost of Assets standard, section A20; Appropriations for Property, Plant, and Equipment standard, section A40; Property, Plant, and Equipment standard, section P40; and Depreciation and Amortization standard, section 020; reported in the Statement of Financial Position as a component of property, plant, and equipment; and depreciated in accordance with the agency's policies. .05 Interest shall be computed and recognized periodically. The effective interest method shall be used to produce a constant rate of interest on the remaining lease liability. A portion of each lease payment shall be allocated to interest expense, and the balance shall be applied to reduce the lease liability. The amount allocated to interest expense shall be computed based on the interest rate used to compute the present value of minimum lease payments. (See paragraph .03.) The. interest expense shall appear on the. Statement of Operations. The portion of the appropriation used to cover the interest expense shall also appear on the Statement of Operations as a Financing Source. Illustrative journal entries are provided in paragraph .23. .06 In leases containing a residual guarantee by the lessee or a penalty for failure to renew the lease at the end of the lease term, following the above method of amortization will result in a balance of the liability at the end of the lease term that will equal the amount of the guarantee or penalty at that date. In the event that a renewal or other extension of the lease term or a new lease under 74 Declassified in Part- Sanitized, Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 APPENDIX I-- APPENDIX I L.10 which the lessee continues to lease the same property renders the guarantee or penalty inoperative, the asset and the liability under the lease shall be adjusted by an amount equal to the difference between the present value of the future minimum lease payments under the revised agreement and the present balance of the liability. The present value of future minimum leas. payments under the revised agreement shall be computed using the rate of interest used to record the lease initially. Other renewals and extensions of lease terms shall be considered new agreements. Sales-Type Leases or Direct Financing Leases .07 If the need should arise for guidance on accounting for sales-type and direct financing leases, reference should be made to the FASB Current Text, section L10. Operating Leases .08 Any lease that is not a capital, sales-type, or direct financing lease is an operating lease. Lessees shall treat the F payments and accruals for operating leases as expenses; lessors ! shall treat the payments and accruals as current revenue and depreciate the asset in accordance with its depreciation policy. The asset shall be reported on .the lessor's Statement of Financial Position as a component of Property, Plant, and Equipment. Disclosures - Lessees .09 For all leases treated as capital leases, lessees shall report assets, accumulated amortization, and liabilities arising from the leases separately in the Statement of Financial Position. In addition, current amortization charges to income must be disclosed clearly along with (11 gross assets leased as of each balance sheet date in aggregate and by major property categories and (2) minimum future lease payments, in total and for each of the next 5 years, showing deductions for executory costs, including any profit there- on, and the amount of imputed interest to reduce the net minimum as. payments' ta gresent-vglues. .10 For all operating-leases having noncancelable lease terms in excess of 1 year, lessees must disclose (1) minimum future rental payments, in total and for each of the next 5 years, and (2) a schedule of total rental expense. .11 In addition, lessees must provide a general description of all leasing Arrangements. Refer to the FASB Current Text, section LIO, for general information about which matters should be included. 75 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05:, CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 , APPENDIX I Cisclosures - Lessors APPENDIX I L10 .12 In general, lessors shall also provide a full description of the leasing arrangements. /n addition, agencies that do a significant amount of leasing must disclose the following for operating leases: (1) A schedule of property held for lease, less accumulated depreciation, as of each balance sheet date presented. These schedules should be broken down by major categories. (2).. A schedule of minimum future rentals on noncancelable operating leases, in total and for the next 5 years. (3) The amount of contingent rentals included in each operating statement presented. .13 _SiMilar lease agreements shall be aggregated for purposes of the required disclosures. Definitions .14 The following paragraphs contain brief and general definitions of several of the terms used in this standard. .The FASB Current Text, Section L10, should be referred to for more specific guidance. .15 For nonoperating leases, the lease term is the fixed noncan- celable.term of the lease plus all periods, if any, representing renewals or extensions of the lease which can reasonably be expected to be taken. F .16 Noncancelable means the lease is cancelable only on the occurrence of a remote contingency. Funds not being appropriated by the Congress in future years to cover the lease is considered a remote contingency. .17 A bargain purchase option is a lessee's option to purchase the leased proporty at a. targalm ?rtcePttrav-:rrs*es-crie- exerciseu-ot the option almost certain. .18 The estimated economic life is the estimated remaining useful life of property for the purpose for which it was intended, regard- less of the term of the lease. .19 The minimum lease bayments are the payments that the lessee is obligated to make or can be required to make in connection with the leased property. (Contingent-rentals are excluded from minimum lease payments.) 76 Ts 2-24 nni-mhas. 11 100A npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 APPtNIDIX t APPENDIX / LIO .20--The fair value of the leased property is the price for which the property could be sold in an arm's-length transaction between unrelated parties. .21 The interest rate implicit in the leas, is the discount rate that, when applied to the minimum lease payments (less executory costs and.the unguaranteed residual value), causes the aggregate present value at the beginning of the lease term to be equal to the fair value of the leased property at the inception of the lease. .22 The renewal or extension of a lease is the continuation of a lease agreement beyond the original lease term, including a new lease under which a lessee continues to use the same property. Illustration of Lease Accounting .23 The following is an illustration of the accounting entries made by an appropriated activity in a capital lease situation. Company XYZ, as lessor, enters into a lease agreement with f Agency A, as lessee, on January 1, 19X1, for equipment. Agency although not required to, does follow the policy of amortizing its intangible assets. The following data are relevant to the agreement: 1. The term of the noncancelable lease is 11 years, with no renewal option. Payments of 510,000 are due on January 1 of each year, beginning with January 1, 19X1. 2. The fair value of the equipment on January 1, 19X1 is $60,000. The equipment has an economic life of'20 years with no salvage value. 3. Agency A receives title to the equipment at the end of the 11th year. 4. Agency A pays all executory costs. S. Agency A is aware that Company XYZ used an implicit interest rate of 15 percent in computing the lease payments. (The pre- sent value factor for 11 periods at 15 percent is 6.0188. Thus, the present value of the minimum lease payment is $60,188, which is also Company XYZ's fair value at the commencement of the lease. Fpr simplicity, we are rounding the $60,188 down to $60,000.) 77 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 APPENDIX I? APPENDIX L10 Agency A's Lease Amortization Schedule Annual Interest Reduction Balance of lease on unpaid of total lease Date payment amount lease obligation. obligation, $60,000. 50,000 47,500 44,625 (For simplicity in this illustration, the remaining years are omitted from -this' schedule.) 1/1/X1- $10,000 $10,000 1/1/X2 10,000 S7,500 2,500 '1/1/X3 10,000 7,125 2,875 It22-2.-?1-1Aerntin January 1, 19X1 (1) Equipment under capital lease $60,000 Obligations under capital lease (to record the signing of the lease agreement.) (2) Obligations under capital lease $10,000 Cash Unexpended appropriations $10,000 Invested capital (to record the first lease payment.) December 31, 19X1 (3) Amortization expense Accumulated amortization Invested capital Financing sources (to record the amortization expense and the funding of that expense. If the agency does not amortize intangible- assets, cnis ertry- will not be made.) January 1, 19X2 (4) Obligations under capital lease Interest expense Cash Unexpended appropriations Invested capital Financing source (to record the-second year's lease payment.) 78 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 $7,500 $10,000 $60,000 $10,000 $10,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $10,000 $2,500 $7,500 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 ? APPENDIX r- APPENDIX I LONG-TERM CONTRACTS INTRODUCTION .01 This standard includes the requirements for long-term contract accounting by federal agencies for the following: --long-term contracts for the purchase or sale of goods or services, and --long-term contracts for the purchase or sale of property manufactured or constructed. ACCOUNTING STANDARD Long-Term Contracts for the Purchase. or Sale of Goods (Excludial2maatEty.L Plant, and Equipment) or Services .02 Agencies shall recognize the liability for goods and servic4s purchased under a long-term contract in the period in which the - goods or services (or a portion thereof) are received or accepted by the agency. The related asset (i.e., inventory, materials and supplies, or work in process) or expense, as appropriate, shall be recorded at the same time as the liability. .03 Agencies shall recognize the revenue and costs of goods and services sold under a long-term contract in the period in which the goods or services are delivered or constructively delivered to the purchaser. Constructive delivery occurs when an agency (the seller) meets the obligations of the long-term contract. Long-Term Contracts for the Purchase or Sale of Property. Plant, and Equipment .04 For financial reporting purposes, agencies shall compute the llability.for property, plant, and equipment manufactured-or con- structed for them under long-term contracts on the basis of veri- fied estimates of work'completed (percentage-of-completion method) per contractor reports or invoices received during each accounting period, rather than on disbursements made. Appropriate liabilities for contract retainages, if any, shall also be recorded. The ap- propriate property, plant, and equipment accounts .(including con- struction in progress) shall also be adjusted based on liabilities recorded. See the Property, Plant, and Equipment standard, section P40, paragraph .09. 84 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 APPENDIX APPENDIX I Advances Under Long- -2 Ter-22n112212. L40 .05 Payments by agencies to contractors under any long-term con- tract in excess of related liabilities at the end of an accounting period shall be accounted for as advance payments under long-term contracts. For accounting guidance, see the Advances and Prepay- ments standard, section A30. .06 Receipts by an agency from purchasers under any long-term con- tract in excess of revenues earned as of the end of an accounting period shall be reported as revenues received in advance (a lia- bility account). The liability amount shall be decreased as the revenues are earned and recognized. 85 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 ? . APPENDIX ??? PROPERTY PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT APPENDIX r P40 INTRODUCTION .01 This standard applies to property, plant, and equipment in- cluding land, structures and facilities, equipment, and related improvements that have a service life of 2 years or greater. Property, plant, and equipment AlAp includes as_sets,acauirecilly. capital, leaseg.(see the Leases standard, section L10) as well as leasehold improvements. These assets may also be discussed in terms of accountability units which are of concern when a tangible capital asset is a component of plant and equipment. Each compo- nent is an accountability unit if it is capitalized when acquired or if its replacement is capitalized when the unit is removed, transferred, sold, abandoned, demolished, or otherwise disposed of. ACCOUNT/NG STANDARD .02 Al]. property, plant, and equipment with an initial acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and an estimated service life of 2 years o* ? greater must bc capitalized and reported in the financial state- ments. However, these limits do not affect an agency's. responsi- bility for proper control of property. Agencies shall establish appropriate internal controls over all assets, particularly those sensitive items that are subject to theft. .03 Purchased or constructed property, plant, and equipment shall be accounted for at cost, which includes all amounts paid to acauire and install the assets in their current form and place. . The Acquisition Cost of Assets standard, section A20, paragraphs .02 through .05, provides further guidance on determining acquisition costs. Donated fixed assets received from nonfederal entities shall be accounted for at estimated fair value at the date of acquisition. Statues and monuments shall be reported at their historical cost or other rational basis, with depreciation not applied. .04 ADLsoftwire (programs, routines, or. subrauttnes),-7,1wed -ate, $5,000 or more, with a useful life of 2 years or greater, shall be capitalized as property, plant, and equipment. For ADP software used in research and development activities, whether purchased or developed by agency personnel, refer to the Research and Develop- ment standard, section R40. .05 When initially recording property, plant, and equipment that was previously acquired, the cost shall be recorded or, if cost cannot be estimated, the fair value of the fixed asset at the date acquired shall be estimated from available records or evidence. See the Fair Value standard, section F10 for guidance on fair value determinations. 90 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 ? APPSNOIX. APPENDIX I P40 .06 Costs of additions, alterations, betterments, rehabilitations, or reolacements that extend theuselTiLlife of the asset or its service capacity-The/1' be capitalized as property, plane, and uipment. Costs of assets installed in or added to another asset shall be capitalized either individually or as part of the other asset. Costs of assets or components removed, superseded, or destroyed in the improvement process shall be expensed, net of accumulated depreciation, if any. .07 Expenses incurred to maintain property, plant, and equipment in satisfactory operating condition (repair and maintenance expenses) shall be accounted for as operating expenses. .08 If current costs would be distorted in a given period by charging to expense a large quantity of items, such as the initial complement of equipment of a building, that individually cost less but collectively cost more than the $5,000 capitalization criter- ion, such items shall be grouped in a separate asset group ac- count. (An example would be a substantial amount of purchased office furniture, involving many pieces that individually cost 146s than $5,000.) See paragraph .13 for further discussion of property records. Such items shall be depreciated if the agency adopts depreciation accounting. .09 Property, including assets acquired through installment con- tracts and lease purchases, shall be capitalized when placed in service. All costs associated with preparing property, plant, and equipment for service shall be recorded in the Construction in Pro- gress account and reported in the financial statements. (See the Long-Term Contracts standard, section L40, paragraph .04.) When assets are placed in service, the accumulated costs shall be trans- ferred to the appropriate asset account. .10 The cost of property acquired as a result of trade-ins shall be recorded at the lesser of (1) the cash paid and/or liability incurred plus the net book value of the traded-in property or (2) the amount that the purchase price would have been without .11 Property acquired by foreclosure shall be recognized at the appraised (or fair market) value. The difference between amounts due and costs incurred and assets recorded at the appraised or fair market value shall be recognized as a current period loss or gain in the Statement of Operations when the foreclosure occurs. (See Debt Agreement Modification, section D10, paragraph .03 and .04.) .12 Property acquired by donation, devise (bequeath), forfeiture, or confiscation shall be carried in agency accounts at a fair value plus any costs incurred to place the property in use. 91 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05 : CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 ? APPENDIX I_ APPENDIX / P40 .13 Agency property records must: (1) capture all transactions affecting the agenWs invest- ment in property, including: (a) all acquisitions, whether by purchase, transfer from'other actencies, donation, or other means, as of the date the agency takes custody of the property; (b) the cost of use as an operating cost over the pro- perty's estimated useful life accounted for as depreciation or amortization, where provided by the standard on Depreciation and Amortization, section D20; and (c) all disposals or retirements when the property leaves the custody of the agency; (2) control physical quantities of government-owned propeity and its location. These records should be designed to be of maximum assistance in the procurement.and utiliza- tion of such property and, therefore, should include the identification of excess property and its use, transfer, or disposal in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements; .(3) enable periodc independent verifications of the ac- curacy of the accounting records through periodic physical counts; (4) identify property, plant, and equipment which were capi- talized and reported in financial statements and those assets that do not meet the capitalization criteria and that were charged As expenses in prior periods but are included in the records for control purposes; .(S) ha. integrated,.eithor recorkIlled w-ith-the-accounting- systems; (6) accumulate costs of construction in progress projects as costs are incurred for comparison with authorized amounts; (7) include all government-owned property (even if held by others) as well as property of others held by the government; (8) identify leased property (even if not capitalized); and 92 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 . ? 0 A fr APPENDIX r_ APPENDIX I P40 (9) account for capitallied additions and improvements. Retirement of Property, Plant, and Equipment .14 When nondepreciated property, plant, and equipment are re- tired, agencies shall remove the assets from the property account and an equal amount from the Invested Capital account. Unless Otherwise specified by law, any proceeds received shall be ac- counted for as Cash and Miscellaneous Receipts Due Treasury (a liability) or used to replace similar assets when permitted by law. Also, contracts may authorize the proceeds from the sale of property in a contractor's or subcontractor's custody to be credited to the cost of work, in accordance with the contract or subcontract, pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 485(e). When the proceeds are deposited with the Treasury, agencies shall remove the amounts from the Cash and Miscellaneous Receipts Due Treasury accounts. Refer to the illustration in the Equity of the U.S. Government standard, section ;E20, paragraph .15. .15 when depreciated property, plant, and equipment are retiredE agencies shall recognize gains or losses on retirement if the assets were disposed of outside of the federal government. For assets transferred to other federal agencies, see Transfers of Assets and Liabilities Between Federal Agencies standard, section T10, and Equity of the U.S. Government standard, section E20, paragraph .14. .16 When retiring depreciated property, plant, and equipment, agencies shall remove the net book value (difference between the amount at which the asset is recorded and its related accumulated depreciation) from the Invested Capital account, the related depre- ciation from the Accumulated Depreciation account, and the amount of the assets from the property account upon retirement. Any pro- ceeds received shall be accounted for as in paragraph .14 above. The difference between the proceeds received and the net book value of the assets shall be accounted for as gains or losses on the retirement of property, plant, and equipment. See the Equity of the. U.S.. government standard, section E2.0.. paragraph .17 The gains or losses shall be recognized in the accounts as a financing source or an expense as applicable and as a charge to the Cumulative Results of Operations account. In addition, the gains or losses shall be shown on the agencies' financial statements as an adjustment to the accumulated results of operations at the beginning of the year. See the Equity of the U.S. government standard, section E20, paragraph .15. 93 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 a APPENDIX I - APPENDIX I P40 Disclosure Property,- plint,-and equipment reported in the financial statements are to be classified into the following categories (separated for depreciated and nondepreciated assets): (e) land and improvements; (b) structures, facilities, and improvements; (c) furniture and equipment, including ADP equipment; (d) construction in progress; (e) ADP software; and (f) statues and monuments. .19 The basis for determining asset values, i.e., actual costs, . fair value, and estimated cost, ?are to be disclosed in the finan-f cial statements. Disclosure shall also include the lives and 7 depreciation methods used, if any. Similar assets can t4 grouped for purposes of these disclosure requirements. .20 Each fiscal year, additions to and retirements of property, plant, and equipment shall be disclosed in the financial state- ments. Fully depreciated assets still in use, if any, shall be disclosed. Agencies shall periodically review the remaining useful life of assets and adjust per period depreciation charges to pre- vent full depreciation of assets still in use. .21 Any restrictions as to the use or convertibility of property, plant, or equipment shall be disclosed in the footnotes to the fi- nancial statements. 94 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 MPEN9IX I TRANSFERS OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES BETWEEN FEDERAL AGENCIES APPENDIX I T10 INTRODUCTION .01 This standard specifies the accounting to be followed by fed- eral agencies for transactions that involve the receipt or disposi- tion of assets and liabilities between federal agencies but do not involve cash disbursements. Assets covered include accounts and loans receivable, inventory, and property. Liabilities covered include payables, accruals, loans, and debts. ACCOUNTING STANDARD .02 Assets and liabilities transferred without a monetary exchange between federal agencies shall, except as 'provided below, be accounted for at the amount recorded on the transferor's books. No gains or losses shall be recognized on such transactions. .03 This standard does not apply to sales and other transactions that occur in the normal operation of business-like activities (e.g., revolving and stock funds). It does apply to transfers of s property that are not part of the normal operation of such business-like activities. .04 Federal agencies purchasing assets for cash from other federal agencies shall follow the accounting provided by the Acquisition Cost of Assets standard, section A20. Federal agencies selling as- sets for,cash to other federal agencies shall follow paragraphs .14 through .17 of the Property, Plant, and Equipment standard, section P40. Nonreciprocal Transfers Within the Federal Government .05 When a federal agency transfers assets and/or liabilities to another agency without any offsetting transfer from the other agehey, the transferor's asset, liability, and equity accounts shall be reduced for the items transferred-and the- cransferseOsassst, liability, and equity accounts increased accordingly. The trans- feree shall record the items received at the net book value on the transferor's books. Reciprocal Transfers Within the Federal Government .06 When two or more federal agencies exchange assets and/or lia- bilities (offsetting transfers), each transferee agency shall record the assets and/or liabilities received at the amount the asset 106 Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364Rooc7on1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 ). APPENDIX r APPENDIX I T10 and/or liability was.carr;.ed at in the transferor's records. In effect, the agencies are transferring net book values as well as assets or liabilities, and, consequently, no gains or losses shall be recognized by either agency although a change in equity occurs, where net book values are not identical. Transfers of Depreciated or Depreciable Assets .07 Differences in depreciation policies complicate transfer ac- counting. Accounting for such transfers shall be as follows: (a) If, under the transferor's depreciation policy, the asset has been depreciated, the asset shall be recorded by the transferee at the transferor's net book value even if the transferee's policy is not to depreciate such assets or the transferee has different depreciation policies. (b) If, under the transferee's depreciation policy, the asset will be depreciated but the transferor has not recorded- depreciation on the asset, the transferee shall recor0 the asset at the transferor's original book value. The transferee shall then record accumulated depreciation (reducing the equity account by a like amount) equal to the amount it would have recorded if it had originally acquired the asset and had depreciated it based on its depreciation policy. Depreciation after the transfer shall be calculated based on the net asset amount recorded. .08 An example of accounting under the.above standard follows. Agency A exchanges an asset carried at $10,000 (not depreciated) for an asset from Agency B that is carried at $5,000 (original cost of $10,000., less depreciation of $5,000). (1) Invested Capital Asset (Agency A. records transfer to B.) $10,000 (2) Asset $5,000 Invested Capital (Agency A records receipt of asset.) (3) Invested Capital .Accumulated Depreciation Asset (Agency B records transfer to A.) 107 $5,000 $5000 $10 , 000 $5,000 $10,000 11_ lgAd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 APPENDIX I APPENDU I (4) Asset $10,006 invested Capital (Agency B records receipt of asset.) (5) invested Capital Accumulated Depreciation (Agency B records accumulated depreciation based on its poli- cies. One-half of the useful life of the asset would have passed. Agency B uses straight- line depreciation.) 108 $5,000 T10 $10,000 $5,000 Tq 7.04 October 31, 1934 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4 25X1 25X1 0 2 SEP 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Inspector General for Audit VIA: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: John M. Ray Director of Logistics SUBJECT: Report of Audit of Real Estate and Construction Division, 1 July 1985 - 31 March 1988 The following action has been taken on recommendations #1 and #2 of the subject audit report: a. Recommendation #1 - Representatives from Real Estate and Construction Division, OL met with the Deputy Assistant to the Director for Policy and Plans, Office of Finance (OF) on 11 August 1988 and reviewed the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Real Property Reporting. The provisions of the MOO are completely acceptable to OF, and we are proceeding with finalizing it for signature by the Directors of OF and OL. A copy of the executed MOO will b provided to the Inspector General. b. Recommendation #2 - The MOO includes definitions and requirements for real property reporting. With OF's acceptance of the MOO, we are proceeding with the review, evaluation, and revision of the property reporting systems. After revised reporting formats are established, we will issue written instructions on preparing Real Property Reports; provide briefings, where needed, on preparing the reports; and request reprogramming or a new automated system for real property reporting. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/05: CIA-RDP90M01364R000700150001-4