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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 r y 1 TO ? --~,....~ ~ EVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 I 6 DDA ' 7 DDO 8 DDS8T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 C/?P/CP X 18 19 20 21 22 ER 88-3443X SUSPENSE Executive ecretary Y s sEP ~s~~ Date STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Lx au-.~44 ~~ DE"rENSE MAPPING AGENCY iU1lDING S6, U.S. NAVAL O~SERVATORV WASHINGTON, DC 20305?)000 DMAINST 8052.6 prLA INSTRtTCTION__ ._8.052. 6 SUBJECT: Crisis Support Procedures REFS: See Enclosure 1. 1 . Purpose . 5 August 1988 '~ a. To establish the authority and point of contact at Headquarters .Defense Mapping Agency (HQ DMA) for crisis support. b. To establish a proactive crisis management system which can effectively focus DMA resources in support of crisis requirements generated by the National Command Authorities (NCA), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (-JCS), the Unified and Specified (U&S) Commands, and government agencies. c. To specify standard operating procedures and expedite the dissemination of critical Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic (MC&G) products and services by providing rapid response to crisis related taskings. d, To establish the procedures to transition from normal operations through a crisis response cell to the establishment of the Headquarters DMA Operations Center (Ops Ctr). e. To establish the procedures to manage crisis support while participating in a JCS exercise. 2. Cancellation. This instruction cancels DMA Instruction 8052.6, "Crisis Support Procedures," 15 June 1987. 3. ~,policabili_v. This instruction applies specifically to HQ DMA Staff Offices and DMA Components involved in providing DMA's response to crisis requirements (i.e., DMA Aerospace Center (DMAAC), DMA Hydrographic/Topographic Center (DMAHTC), and the DMA Combat Support Center (DMACSC)) and, in general, to all other DMA Components. 9. De in; ions. Terms used in this instruction are defined in Enclosure 2. 5. Pori v, a. DMA will provide DoD-wide MC&G crisis support during crisis situations upon notification by the Joint Staff, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Military Departments, U&S Commands, or other DoD agencies and commands. Notification means vary, but are normally accomplished by message, telephone 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 DMAINST 8052.6 5 August 1988 6. Responsihililities, a. DMA (1) The DD/PR will: (a) Appoint a division chief from within the directorate to serve as the Agency's primary point of contact (POC) for crisis support. This will normally be the Chief, PRP. (b) Assign a PR action officer to serve as the HQ DMA Intelligence Officer. (c) Support the Joint Staff and the National Military Command Center (NMCC) by appointing a HQ DMA representatives for the JCS Crisis Action Team (CAT). MJCS 7-88 (reference b) germaine. (d) Maintain .frequent contact with agencies and commands that have potential crisis support requirements and assist them in defining area of coverage and product specifications. (e) Activate the HQ DMA Ops Ctr, when required, for management of crisis operations. This would normally be done only if the Joint Staff has established DMA participation in the CAT, and if the crisis- is of 'a scale larger than that normally associated with low-intensity conflict or counter-terrorist operations. (f) Follow up with supported and supporting commands to determine the adequacy of DMA products and services provided as crisis support. safeguarded. (g) Assure operational security is continuously (2) The Deputy Director, PP, will: (a) Designate PP representatives for ,the HQ DMA CMT. (b) Task DMA Components to distribute, reprint, or revise an existing product (or create a new product), as applicable, in support of a crisis; and establish project funding codes and report expenditures and actions. (c) Program DMA Component resources to fully support crisis actions, including crisis preparedness. (d) Monitor DMA Component production and distribution activities in support of .crisis situations. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 DM7IINST 8052.6 5 August 1988 (g) Coordinate with the Environmental Services Division, Operations Directorate, the Joint Staff (J-3) (telephone 202/697-6668, Secure 2795) as required to ensure MC&G crisis support requirements originating in the Joint Staff-and other commands/agencies are met. (h) Confirm receipt of a request for crisis support to the command or agency point of contact. (5) The Chief, HQ DMA CMT will: (a) Report directly to the DD/PR on crisis support (b) Direct the actions of the HQ-DMA CMT. (c) Brief the HQ DMA command element on a frequent, basis on potential crisis situations, as well as ongoing crises, and recommend actions for resolution of any crisis support problems encountered. (d) Serve as the initial Chief,. Operations Center, upon activation. safeguarded. (e) Assure operational security is continuously (6) The Principal Point of Contact for the HQ DMA GMT, normally the Chief, PRP, will: (a) Coordinate the activities of the CMT with the DMA Liaison Officer to the Joint Staff. (b) Manage access to JCS focal point communications systems for special category (SPECAT) messages and correspondence at HQ DMA and DMA Components. (c) Maintain the administrative records for the HQ DMA-CMT. This includes the-CMT Duty Roster and the CMT SOP. (d) Receive after-action reports for HQ DMA CMT (e) Appoint two individuals, one from the PR Directorate and one from the PP Directorate, to serve as the CMT Duty Officers. (6) The CMT duty officers will: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 DMAINST 8052.6 5 August 1988 1. Represent the PP Directorate during non- working hours in coordinating DMA's response to a crisis. 2? Initiate any necessary action, .such as distributing,, reprinting, or revising a product., which has been validated by the PR CMT. Duty Officer. ~. Carry a paging device for alert by the PR CMT g. Brief the Chief, HQ DMA CMT, on any action initiated during the core duty hours. (e) A sample Crisis Management Team duty roster is provided as Enclosure 4. (7) The HQ DMA Intelligence Officer will: (a) .Serve as a member of the CMT. (b) Provide intelligence support to the CMT in order to ensure they are aware of any potential crisis situations which are identified in the various intelligence sources. (8) The HQ DMA Public Affairs Officer will coordinate the release of any information related to crisis support for the entire Agency. b. DNLA Production (1) Establish a CMT and proactive and reactive procedures to expeditiously respond to crisis support requests during both working and non working hours. (2) Determine products to be produced and coordinate with the DMACSC CMT on items to be shipped to users directly from the Production Centers. (3) Advise the DMACSC CMT of the time products are required and when they will be ready for distribution. (4) Advise HQ DMA CMT of specification modifications for the products to be produced and provide frequent status of ongoing crisis support actions to the HQ DMA CMT or Operations Center. (5) Expeditiously coordinate collection of necessary source materials. Arrange for crisis MC&G imagery source collection, as required, through the HQ DMA CMT. Ensure that the latest source material is considered. 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 DMAINST 8052.6 5 August 1988 ~. Ensure that the DMA Catalogs also contain the following contact information for requesting crisis support via telephone: During Working Hours (0600-1700, Washington, DC) Headquarters Defense Mapping Agency Plans and Requirements Division (PRP) AUTOVON: 294-1469 (also STU III number) COMMERCIAL: (202) .653-1464 (also STU III number) SECURE: KY-3: 2305 KY-71: 653-0492, ID No. 07627. Outside Normal Working Hours (1700-0600, Washington, DC and weekends) Headquarters Defense Mapping Agency, ATTENTION: Staff Duty Officer or PR CMT Duty Officer AUTOVON: 294-1375 (HQ DMA Guard Desk) COMMERCIAL: (202) 653-1375 (HQ DMA Guard Desk) (b) Acknowledge receipt of requirements from agencies and commands, furnish advice as to the disposition of requirements, coordinate shipment of products, and provide name(s) and telephone number(s) of DMACSC POC. (c) Advise HQ DMA CMT or the HQ DMA Operations Center of all crisis support requests and ongoing crisis actions. (d) Expeditiously provide off-the-shelf copies of available products and coordinate print requirements with the Production Centers' CMT. (e) Establish controls to ensure operational security is continuously safeguarded when preparing and shipping stocks. (f) Advise the HQ DMA CMT or the HQ DMA Operations Center upon receipt of requirements to produce nonstandard crisis MC&G products. In a situation where a quick response is imperative, and a representative of the HQ DMA CMT is not immediately available, the DMACSC CMT Duty Officer has the authority to contact the .Production Centers' CMT for production of crisis products. Should this latter situation arise, the DMACSC CMT will advise the HQ DMA CMT or Operations Center at the earliest opportunity. (g) Follow up on all shipments to assure delivery. Take immediate corrective action if timely delivery appears to be endangered. Provide shipping status to the HQ DMA CMT and the requesting unit. n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 .. LriH1iVJT LfU7L.6 _ S August 1988 ESTABLISH OC. OPERATE IAW COMBAT SUPPORT PLAN FORM RESPONSE CELL PRP AO MAINTAIN LIAISON WITH CUSTOMER; PP PROD MGR COORDINATE PRODUCTION Figure 1. Normal Working Hours SPECIFIC CRISIS REQUIREMENTS SUBMIT TAROOGA NORMAL CHANNELS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 UMAINST 8052.6. 5 August 1988 c. Transition to the Operations _ n r, (1) The Chief, HQ DMA CMT will assume the duties as the initial Chief, Ops Ctr. (2) The PR CMT and PP .CMT Duty Officers will assume duties as the initial action officers, Ops Ctr. (3) Additional Ops Ctr personnel will be assigned in accordance with DMA Plan 53020.36 (reference d). d. Crisis Management during an ?x _r_'se. (1) For a scheduled exercise in which DMA is a participant, the Chief, HQ DMA CMT and the CMT duty officers will remain outside of the exercise. This will allow them to form a crisis response cell to support an actual crisis. The remaining PR and PP personnel will be available to staff the Ops Ctr for the exercise. If the support necessary to respond to an actual crisis is more than a crisis response cell can provide, the DD/PR will terminate DMA's participation in the exercise and shift the management of the crisis to the Ops Ctr. (2) For a No-notice Interoperability Exercise (NIEX), the Chief, HQ DMA CMT will determine if he should: (a) Pass the exercise to a designated NIEX Chief, HQ DMA CMT (normally the Chief, PRP) while he, the Chief, HQ DMA CMT, supervises DMA's actions for-non exercise requests for crisis support. (b) Supervise DMA's actions for both exercise and nonexercise requests for crisis support. (c) Decline DMA participation in the NIEX if ongoing crisis response so required. 7: Information RP_~uiramc~ntS, See Enclosure 5 for information per.~t.aining to the report required by this instruction. This report is exempt from licensing in accordance with the exemption identified in DMA Instruction 7750.5, "Policies for the Management and Control of DMA Information Requirements." 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 DMAINST 8052.6 5 August .1988 a. SM 502-85, "Joint. Operation Planning System (JOPS), Volume IV (Crisis Action System)," 12 August 1985. b. MJCS 7-88, "Crisis Staffing Procedures of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," 25 January 1988. c. SM 670-88, "Focal Point Communications, Procedures Manual," 24 February 1988. d. DMA Plan S3020.36, "DMA Mobilization'Plan for Combat Support(U)," 24 February 1987 (Under revision.) Enclosure 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 DMAINST 8052.6 S August 1988 1. Combat SuR,nort. The provision of products or services, including those not previously validated, needed to support the National Command Authorities, the JCS, the U&S Commands, other government agencies, and combat commanders, for the execution of Contingency Plans, Concept Plans (CONPLAN's), Operations Plans (OPLAN's), and Operations Orders (OPORD's). 2. .r;SiS. An incident or situation involving a threat to the United States, its territories, and possessions that rapidly develops and creates a condition of such diplomatic, economic, political, or military importance to the U.S. Government that commitment of U.S. Military forces and resources is contemplated to achieve U.S. national objectives (JOPS, VOL IV). 3. Crisis Preparation. A proactive action taken- (programmed or unprogrammed) that enhances DMA's ability to streamline standard operating procedures and expedite dissemination of critical products and services supporting a crisis. 4. Crisis Manag m n Composite management of DMA resources to provide identification of crisis requirements, analysis and evaluation of feasible production and distribution, and decision making and monitoring of crisis support operations. 5. Crisis Su~,~ort. The rapid provision of products or services, including those not previously. validated, and those needed on a one-time or first-time basis, in support of a crisis. MC&G support of crisis situations includes, but is not limited to, those, products/services listed in Enclosure 7. 6. Non_ 's~~ and Un roc~rammP~ Support. The provision of products or services, including those not previously validated, needed to satisfy an unanticipated requirement within the near-term. MC&G products normally provided in response to noncrisis and unprogrammed requests include special one-time area coverage by a map, chart, or data base; special data overprints on existing products; special formatting of digital and analog data; special purpose studies or technical data. - 7 . F'x _r _; G S ~n~?rt , The .provision of products or services, includinq those not previously validated, needed to satisfy an exercise requirement. Requirements for MC&G products listed in DMA Catalogs of Maps, Charts, and Related Products are to be provided to DMACSC 120 days prior to the required delivery date. Requirements for MC&G products/services not listed in DMA Catalogs of Maps, Charts, and Related Products are to be provided to HQ DMA(PR) 180 days prior to the required delivery date. Enclosure 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP90M005518002001250026-3 DMAINST 8052.6 .Cr.isis Support Request (Message Format) 5 August 1988 ' JOINT MESSAGEFORM '.li I~NIIY ~ IA~:~~1 ~1411~IN .Ai;l 111, g111A11N 1iM1 ~-__ VNtI'l 111 Nl'1 - _ +1A11 ~_~--~-_ ~lPl l'A1 -_ LM1 1; :1. I)N lfi MSG IDENI UA II IIM/ Mt1N IN t{I AGI IN/~) 1){ BOO^ MESSAGI HANDLING IN STnUCTlO NS MESSAGE PRECEDENCE SHOULD BE IMMEDIATE. FROM: (COMMAND) TO: DMACSC WASHINGTON DC//CMT// DMA WASHINGTON DC//CMT// INFO DMAHTC WASHINGTON DC//PP// DMAAC ST LOUIS AFS MO//PP// JCS .WASHINGTON DC//J3// CINC (APPROPRIATE U&S COMMAND//MC&G REP//) (OTHER INTERMEDIATE HEADQUARTERS AS APPROPRIATE) (APPROPRIATE CLASSIFICATION) QQQQ SUBJ CRISIS SUPPORT (U) A. (*) REFERENCE PHONE CALL THIS HQ (IF APPLICABLE) AND YOUR ORGANIZATION ON (DATE). 1. (*) (COMMAND) HAS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING STANDARD MC~G CRISIS SUPPORT PRODUCTS IN THE ORDER OF PRIORITY LISTED BELOW: QUANTITY A.