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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005R001100010044-6 - .,. 1 VIITTEE PRINT] I L' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE JURISDICTION . 100TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 72-761 WASHINGTON : 1987 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (100th Congress) JAMIE L. ?WHITTEN, Mississippi, Chairman EDWARD P. BOLAND, Massachusetts WILLIAM H. NATCHER, Kentucky NEAL SMITH, Iowa SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois DAVID R. OBEY, Wisconsin EDWARD -R. ROYBAL, California LOUIS STOKES, Ohio TOM BEVILL, .Alabama BILL CHAPPELL, JR., Florida BILL ALEXANDER, Arkansas JOHN P. MURTHA, Pennsylvania BOB. TRAXLER, Michigan JOSEPH D.. EARLY, Massachusetts CHARLES WILSON, Texas LINDY'(MRS. HALE) BOGGS, Louisiana NORMAN D. DICKS, Washington MATTHEW F. McHUGH, New York WILLIAM LEHMAN, Florida MARTIN OLAV SABO, Minnesota JULIAN C. DIXON, California VIC FAZIO, California W. G. (BILL) HEFNER, North Carolina LES AuCOIN, Oregon DANIEL K. AKAKA, Hawaii WES'WATKINS, Oklahoma WILLIAM H. GRAY III, Pennsylvania BERNARD J. DWYER, New Jersey BILL BONER, Tennessee STENY H. HOYER, Maryland BOB CARR, Michigan ROBERT J. MRAZEK, New York RICHARD J. DURBIN, Illinois RONALD D. COLEMAN, Texas ALAN B. MOLLOHAN, West Virginia SILVIO O. CONTE, Massachusetts JOSEPH M. McDADE, Pennsylvania JOHN T. MYERS, Indiana CLARENCE E. MILLER, Ohio LAWRENCE COUGHLIN, Pennsylvania C. W: BILL YOUNG, Florida JACK F. KEMP, New York RALPH REGULA, Ohio VIRGINIA SMITH, Nebraska CARL D. PURSELL, Michigan 'MICKEY EDWARDS, Oklahoma BOB LIVINGSTON, Louisiana BILL GREEN, New York JERRY LEWIS, California JOHN EDWARD PORTER, Illinois HAROLD ROGERS, Kentucky. . JOE SKEEN, New Mexico FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia BILL LOWERY, California VIN WEBER, Minnesota TOM DELAY, Texas JIM KOLBE, Arizona Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 100th CONGRESS 1st Session [Approved July 1987] COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS 'UNITED STATES HOUSE OF-REPRESENTATIVES SUBCOMMITTEE JURISDICTION SUBCOMMITTEE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary............ Department of Commerce. Department of Justice. Department of State: (Except Migration and Refugee As- sistance.) Department of Transportation: Maritime Administration. The Judiciary. Related Agencies: ' Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Board of International 'Broadcast-. Ing Legal Services Corporation. .;Marine Mammal Commission. James. Madison Memorial Fellow- ships. Japan-United States Friendship Commission. 'Christopher Columbus Quincenten- ary Jubilee Commission. Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. Commission on Civil Rights. Commission on Security and Coop- eration in Europe. ;Commission for the Study-of Inter- national Migration and Coopera- tive Economic Development. `Constitutional Law Resource Cen- ters. ters. Dwight David Eisenhower Centen- nial Commission. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Federal Communications, Commis- sion. Federal Maritime Commission. Federal Trade'Comniission. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 2 SUBCOMMITTEE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Commerce, Justice, State, Related Agencies-Continued and the Judiciary- Continued Office of the United States Trade Representative.. Securities and Exchange Commis- sion. Small Business Administration. State Justice Institute. United States Information Agency. Defense ................................. Department of Defense-Military: Departments of Army, Navy (in-, eluding Marine Corps), Air Force, and Office of Secretary of De- fense (Except Military Construc- tion.) Central Intelligence Agency. 'Intelligence Community Staff. District of Columbia ........... District of Columbia. Energy and Water Development. ................... Department of Energy: (Except the Economic Regulatory Administration; Energy Informa- tion Administration; Emergency Preparedness, Office of Hearings and Appeals; Strategic Petroleum Reserve; Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves; Fossil energy research and development; Energy conservation; Alternative fuels production and related mat- ters.) Department of Defense-Civil: Department of the Army: Corps of Engineers-Civil. Department of the Interior: Bureau of Reclamation. Related Agencies: Appalachian Regional Commission. Appalachian Regional Development Program. Delaware River Basin Commission. Interstate Commission on the Poto- mac River Basin. National Council 'on Public Works Improvement. Nuclear' Regulatory Commission. Office of Water Policy. Susquehanna River Basin Commis- sion. ' Tennessee Valley Authority. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005R001100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005ROO1100010044-6 3 SUBCOMMITTEE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs............ Agency for: International Development. African -Development Foundation. African. Development Fund and Bank. Asian Development Fund and Bank. Department of State: HUD-Independent Agencies ........................ :.:. Aency. Overseas, Private Investment Corpora- tion. Peace Corps. Peacekeeping Operations. Special Defense Acquisition Fund. Special Assistance for Central America: Assistance for Democratic Nicara- guan Resistance. Trade and Development. Program. Training. International Monetary Fund. International Organizations and Pro- grams. Military Assistance Program. Multilateral Investment - -Guarantee International Military Education and velopment. International Fund for Agricultural De- Inter-American Development Bank. Inter-American Foundation. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank). International Development Association. International Development Cooperation Agency. International Finance Corporation: Guarantee Reserve Fund. :-Export-Import Bank. - :' Foreign Military Credit. Sales. Antiterrorism Assistance. International Narcotics Control. Migration and Refugee Assistance. U.S. Emergency Refugee and Mi- gration Assistance Fund. Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment. . American Battle Monuments Commis sion. , Cemeterial Expenses, Army (DOD). Consumer Information Center (GSA). Consumer Product Safety Commission. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005ROO1100010044-6 4 SUBCOMMITTEE DEPARTMENTS AND. AGENCIES HUD-Independent Agencies-Continued ,. '. Interior` ......................... ..:.... Department of the Interior: Council on Environmental Quality' and Office of Environmental Quality. Environmental Protection Agency. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Federal Home Loan Bank Board. National ,:. Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration. National Credit Union Administration. National Institute of Building Sciences. National; Science Foundation. ,Neighborhood' Reinvestment Corpora- Office of Consumer Affairs (HHS). Office of Science and Technology Policy. Selective Service System. Veterans Administration. " (Except Bureau of Reclamation.)' Department of Energy: (Economic Regulatory Administra- tion; Energy Information Admin- istration; Emergency Prepared- ness, Office of Hearings and Ap- peals; Strategic Petroleum Re- serve Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves; Fossil energy re- search and development; Clean .Coal . Technology; Energy conser- vation; Alternative fuels .produe- tiori and related matters.) Other Agencies: Advisory Council on Historic Pres- ervation. Commission of Fine Arts. Energy 'Security Reserve (Treas- ury). Federal Inspector for the Alaska Gas Pipeline. Forest Service (USDA): Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memori- al Commission. ' Holocaust Memorial Council. Indian Education (DOEd). Indian Health Services and Facili- ties (HHS). Institute of Museum Services. National Capital Planning Commis- sion. National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005R001100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005ROO1100010044-6 5 SUBCOMMITTEE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Interior-Continued Other Agencies- Continued National Gallery of Art. - Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission. Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation. - Smithsonian Institution. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Labor-Health and Human Services Education ................ .... Department of Education: (Except Indian Education Activi- ties.). Department of Health and Human Services: (Except Food and. Drug Administration. Indian health services and facili- ties. Office of Consumer Affairs.) Department of Labor. Related Agencies: Action. Corporation for.. Public Broadcast- ing. Federal" Mediation and Conciliation Service. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. 'National Council on the Handi- 'capped.. National Labor Relations Board. National Mediation Board. Occupational Safety and. Health Review Commission. Physicians Payment Review Com- mission. Prospective Payment Assessment Commission. Railroad Retirement Board. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home. -United States Institute of Peace. Legislative ............................ House of Representatives. Joint Items. Commission on Central American Nego- tiations.. fl Architect of the Capitol (Except Senate items.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 : CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005ROO1100010044-6 6 DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Legislative-Continued Botanic Garden. . l Ethi dic Bi Board: cs ome a Congressional Budget Office. Copyright Royalty Tribunal. General Accounting Office. Government Printing Office. Library of Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.. Railroad Accounting Principles Board. Military Construction......... Military construction, Army, Navy (in- eluding Marine Corps), Air Force, and Defense Agencies, and Reserve Forces. Military family housing. Homeowners Assistance Fund. NATO Infrastructure. Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies ..:........ Department of Agriculture ; (Except Forest Service). Farm Credit Administration. Commodity Futures Trading Commis- .-sion. Food and Drug Administration (HHS). Transportation and Related- Agencies ........... :. Department of Transportation (Except Maritime Administration). Department of the" Treasury: Rebate of Saint Lawrence "Seaway Tolls. sRelated Agencies: Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. Aviation Safety Commission. Interstate Commerce Commission. National Transportation Safety Board. Panama Canal Commission. United States Railway Association. "Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Treasury-Postal Service- General Government ...... Treasury Department (Except Office of Revenue Sharing). United States Postal Service. Executive Office of the President: Compensation of the President. Council of Economic Advisers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005R001100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 SUBCOMMITTEE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Treasury-Postal Service- Continued Executive Office of the President-Continued Executive Residence. National Critical Materials Coun- cil. National Security Council. Office of Administration. Office of Federal Procurement Policy. Office of Management and.Budget. Office of Policy Development. Official Residence of the Vice Presi- dent. Special Assistance to the President. Unanticipated Needs.. White House Conference on Drug Abuse and Control. White House Office. Independent Agencies: Administrative Conference of the United States. Advisory Commission on Intergov- ernmental Relations. Advisory Committee on -Federal Pay. Commission on Executive,.,Legisla- tive, and Judicial Salaries. Committee for Purchase of Prod- ucts and Services of the Blind and Other Physically Handi- capped . Federal Election Commission. Federal Labor Relations Authority. General Provisions, Government-, wide. General Services Administration (Except Consumer Information Center). Merit System Protection Board. National Archives and Records Ad- ministration. Office of Personnel Management and related trust funds. President's Commission on Pension Policy. Other: United States Tax Court. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15 CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15: CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/15: CIA-RDP90M00005RO01100010044-6