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? c,irC/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP96M00005-R000900130003-1 -GCA ,-) es's \ \, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Congressional Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505 t Telephone: 482-6136 TO: L. Britt Snider Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 211 Hart Senate Office Building Attached, per our conversation, is the language we will discuss on Monday, 19 SepteMber 1988. STAT Legislation Division 15 SepteMber 1988 OBSOLETE FORM 2-86 I 1533 PREVIOUS EDITIONS. (40) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 Declassified in Part- SanitizedCopy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1_33 I believe the Senator from Louisi- ana, as manager of the bill on his side, would agree that it k a good proposal. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, we believe this leave policy has been used successfully in the Defense Logistic Agency and can very well be employed Defense Department-wide. We support the amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment offered by the Senator from Alaska Mr. Srzetesl. The amendment (No. 2818) was agreed to. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment was agreed to. Mr. JOHNSTON. I move to lay that motion on the table. Thc motion to lay on the table was agreed to. aMiND1121171110. 2815 (Purpose: To specify that the public an- nouncement of projects. programs, or grants that are In whole or in part funded by the federal government identify the portion of federal funds involved) Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk and ask for Its immediate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report. The legislative clerk read as follows: The Senator from Alaska (Mx. Sza-vints) proposes an amendment numbered 2819. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading Of the amendment be dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICt.R. With- out objection, it is so ordered. The amendment is as follows: At the appropriate place. insert the fol- lowing: Sac. . When issuing statements, Dress re- leases, requests for proposals. bid solicita- tions, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, all grantees re- ceiving Federal funda. including but not lim- ited to State and local governments, shall clearly state (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money. and (2) the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, the amendment I have proposed has no budgetary impact, and does not add to detract from a single program con- tained in this bill This proposal simply requires the recipient of Feder- al funds for any project, or program, or grant to identify the portion of Fed- eral support provided for that activity. The budget constraints that have faced the Congress over the past 2 years have generated a significant change in how many public works and improvement programs are funded. The States, local governments, and the Federal Government have forged a new partnership to share in the costs of many projects previously supported solely by Federal funds. I believe that this has been a positive development, leading to better projects and a genu- ine shared commitment to the success of these initiatives by all parties in- volved. I believe that the Federal Govern- ment should remain a significant con- tributor to such projects. Recognizing the various resources critical to the success of these programs. I simply propose that any announcement or publication of these programs specifi- cally and fully identify the Federal contribution. I believe that this ap- proach respects the roles of all partici- pants in such projects, while insuring that the beneficiaries of these activi- ties can perceive the cooperative role of all levels of government. Mr. President, this amendment is quite shnilar to an amendment that has now been added, at my request, to five other appropriations bills this year. I would hope it would become a general provision. but I must add that to a defense authorization bill one of these days. This is, as we all know, an annual bill. I think it is a matter of taxpayer concern. They ought to be informed how much money comes from Federal sources in any program, project or grant activity. This would accomplish that objective. Air. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, the distinguished Senator from Alaska correctly describes the amendment We support the amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment offered by the Senator from Alaska (Mr. STrvexs). The amendment (No. 2819) was agreed to. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment was agreed to. Mr. JOHNSTON. I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum_ The PRESIDING OFFICk.R. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. IIMENDK1217 O. 2820 (Purpose: To reduce certain appropriations for consulting services) Mr. PRYOR Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk and ask for Its immediate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be stated. The legislative clerk read as follows: The Senator from Arkansas (Mr. PRYOR) proposes an amendment numbered 2820. Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the amendment be dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. The amendment is as follows: At the end of the bill, add the following-. "01) P(7 ?-;N /X__ npriassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 gowstryrniotZtVICES Sac. . (a) Notwithstanding any tither Pro- vision of this Act. no department. agency, or instrumentality of the United States Gov- ernment receiving appropriated funds under this Art for Decal year 1989. shall. during flocal year 1989. obligate land expend funds for consulting services involving manage- ment and professional aervicesa Maeda] stud- ies and analyses. technical assistance: and management review of program funded or- ganizations. in excess of an amount equal to 85 percent of the amount obligated and ex- pended by such department, agency, or in- strumentality for such services during fiscal year 1987. (b) The Director of the Office of Manage- ment and Budget shall take such action as may be necessary, through budget instruc- tions or otherwise, to direct each depart- ment, agency, and instrumentality of the United States to comply with the provisions of section 1114 of title 31. United States Code. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the aggregate amount of funds appropriated by this Act to any such depart- merit, agency, or instrumentality for fiscal year 1989 is reduced by an amount equal to 15 percent of the amount expended by such department, agency, or instrumentality during fiscal year 1987 for purposes de- scribed under subsection (a). (d) As used in this section, the term -con- sulting services" includes any service within the definition of "Advisory and Assistance Services" in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-120. dated Januar), 4, 1988. Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, this is the ninth of a series of amendments that I have been offering to the appro- priations hills coming through the Senate. All of these amendments have dealt with the issue of the shadow gov- ernment of contracting out of services that have normally been performed by Federal employees that are now per- formed in the private sector. We have anticipated, Mr. President, the savings of something in the neigh- borhood of probably $300 to $400 mil- lion thus far saved. In some cases re- turned to the Treasury directly, in some cases kept by the respective sub- committees that have dealt with these particular matters before the Senate. Tonight's amendment, Mr. Presi- dent, will relate to the Department of Defense and if this amendment is agreed to, if this amendment is suc- cessful, and if it is passed in the Senate and in the House, 'we will be saving the American taxpayers ex- penditures, on dollars now being spent for consultants, somewhere in the neighborhood of $420 million. Mr. President, we arrive at this figure very simply. The General Ac- counting Office in recent months has actually listed, now, 11 categories of consulting and outside services that the Federal Government is employing. For example, we in this particular bill are taking from the top four cate- gories that definitely without ques- tion, according to the General Ac- counting Office, involve consulting services which amounted. In 198'7 to $2.8 billion. We are taking 15 percent from that $2.8 billion figure, thus Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 H.R. 4761 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill Amend amendment numbered 2851 to read as follows: (f) This section shall not apply to a contract for advisory and assistance services which, as determined by the Secretary of Defense, involves-- (1) sensitive foreign intelligence or foreign counterintelligence activities; [) (2) sensitive law enforcement investigations; or (3) information concerning a contract, including the parties, when either the subject matter of the contract, or the fact of the contractual relationship between the consultant and any other person for whom he performs consulting services, is classified pursuant to Executive Order 12356 - its successor orders or is otherwise protected f om unauthorized disclosure by statute. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 eire,f/ e Zetr - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 S 11674 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE August 11, 1988 ineetbig mibtary requirements for an inter- im period, and after the year 2000. including both new aircraft and modifications of ex- isting aircraft. and, as a minimum. the A-7 Plus Strikefighter. the P/A-16, the Ail-SB. and the A-10 aircraft models in current or modified forms: the Secretary's asiseasment shall address the issues of costs, schedules. technical risks, manpower, force structure. five-year funding profiles, and cost- and ntilitary-eff ectivenes.a (b) The director of Defense Operational Test and Evaluation, after consultation with the Air Force Test and Evaluation Center, the Army Operational Testing and Evalua- tion Activity, and the Marine Corps Oper- ational Test and Evaluation Activity, shall develop, no later than March 31, 1989. an operational test plan for a competitive fly- off of close air support alternatives; (c) The Secretary of Defense shall assess the feasibility of transferring, from the Air Force to the Army, the close air support mission beginning no later than FY 1992, in- cluding the costs, schedules, five-year fund- ing profiles, manpower, and force structure Implications: (d) The Secretary of Defense shall provide the Committees on Appropriations and Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives, no later than March 3L 1989. an interim report containing informa- tion required in the above-mentioned sub- sections (a)-(c). and a final report no later than December 31, 1989; such reports shall be in both classified and unclassified ver- aims. SYMMS AMENDMENT NO. 2847 Mr. JOHNSTON (for Mr. Symms) proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 4781, supra; as follows: At the appropriate place in the bill insert: SEC. . Of the funds appropriated, reim- bursable expenses incurred by the Depart- ment of Defense on behalf of the Soviet Union in monitoring United States imple- mentation of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimina- tion of their Intermediate-Range or Short- er-Range Missiles ("INF Treaty"), conclud- ed December 3. 1987, may be treated as orders received and obligation authority for the applicable appropriation. account, or fund increased accordingly. Likewise, any reimbursements received for such costs may be credited to the same appropriation, ac- count, or fund to which the expenses were charged. Provided. That reimbursements which are not received within one hundred eighty days after submission of an appropri- ate request for payment shall be subject to interest at the current rate established pur- suant to Section 203X1)(13) of the Export- Import Bank Act of 1945 (59 Stat. 526). In- terest shall begin to accrue on the one hun- dred eighty first day following submission of an appropriate request for payment. COHEN (AND LEVIN) AMENDMENT NO. 2848 Mr. JOHNSTON (for Mr. COHEN, for himself and Mr. LEviti) proposed an amendment to the bill Hit 4781, supra: as follows: At the appropriate place in the bill, insert: SEC. . Section 3554 of title 31. United States Code, is amended- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking out "unless the Comptroller General determines and states in writing the reasons that the specific circumstances of the protest require a longer period"; (2) in subsection (c)- (A) by striking out "may declare an appro- priate interested party to be entitled to the costs of-" in paragraph (1) and inserting in lieu thereof "may recommend to the Feder- al agency issuing the solicitation, proposing the contract award, or awarding the con- tract, as the case may be, that such agency pay to the appropriate interested party re- imbursement for the costs of-"; and (B) by striking out "Monetary awards to which a party is declared to be entitled under paragraph II) of this subsection shall be paid promptly" in paragraph (2) and in- serting in lieu thereof "A payment of costs reconunentied by the Comptroller General under paragfaph (1) of this subsection may be paid"; and (2) in subsection teal), by striking out "those recommendations within 60 days of the receipt of the Comptroller General's recommendations under subsection (b) of this section." and inserting in lieu thereof "the recommendations of the Comptroller General under subsection (b) or (c) of this section within 60 days after the head of such procuring activity receives those rec- ommendations.". JOHNSTON AMENDMENT NO, 2849 Mr. JOHNSTON proposed an amendment to the bill HR. 4781, supra; as follows: On page 9, beginning on line 20. strike through "Provided further, That", on line 21; and on page 10, line 1, immediately pre- ceding "of the amount", insert ": Provided further, That". On page 21, line 8, restore ";" and on line 14 delete On page 34. line 1, strike ": Provided." and on line 8, immediately preceding the word "That" insert ": Provided,". On page 35, line 14, strike ": Provided,". On page 36, line 16, strike ":", and on page 37. line 12. insert ":" immediately preceding "Provided.". On page 113, line 1, delete and insert in lieu thereof":". BUMPERS AMENDMENT NO. 2850 Mr. JOHNSTON (for Mr. BusarEss) proposed an amendment to the bill HR. 4781, supra; as follows: On page 114, after line 22, insert the fol- lowing new section: SEC. 8127. Section 2345 of the Military Construction Act, 1988 and 1989 (division B of Public Law 100-180: 101 Stat. 1230), is amended to read as follows: `SEC. 2145. USE OF SEM ACE FACILITIES AT FORT CHAFFER. ARKANSAS "(a) Is GENERAL.-The Secretary of the Army shall permit the City of Harting. Ar- kansas, to use the sewage treatment facili- ties at Port Chaffee under an agreement that would require the city to pay a reason- able cost for the use of such facilities and to pay any reasonable costs incurred by the Army in increasing the capacity of the sewage treatment facilities at Port Chaffee In order to accommodate the use of such fa- cilities by the city. An agreement entered kilo under this section shall be for such period, not less than 20 years, as may be agreed upon by the Secretary and the city. "(b) REQUIREMENT FOR COMPLETION OF ALL ASSESS/AT-NTS. STUDIES, AND REPORTS.-(1) The Secretary of the Army shall complete all necessary environmental assessments, studies, and reports and all baseline studies that may be required in connection with the Increased use and expansion of the sewage treatment facilities at Port Chaffee as a result of the enactment of this section not later than 120 days after the date of the en- actment of this Act. "(2) The city shall be required to reim- burse the United States for all coats in- curred by the Secretary in carrying out such assessments, studies, and reports. Such costs shall be amortized over the period of the agreement entered into by the Secretary and the city pursuant to subsection (a). "(E) DEADLINE TOR AGRZEMENT.-The Secre- tary shall enter into negotiations with the City of Besting at the earliest practicable date after the date of the enactment of this Act regarding the use of the sewage treat- ment facilities at Port Chaffee and shall make every effort to conclude negotiations and sign an agreement with the city not later than 160 days after the date of the en- actment of this Act. "Aritirrioluu. TERMS AND Coinirriows.-Any agreement entered into under this section shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as the Secretary of the Army de- (ermines necessary or appropriate to protect the interests of the United States.". PIMAITDT OTHER), A - 1110.VM Mr. PRYOR (for himself, Mr. Lynx, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. GORE, Mr. GRAsSizY, and Mr. BINGAMAN) proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 4781, supra; as follows: On page 114, below line 22, add the follow- ing: SEC. 8127. (a)(1) Chapter 141 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2397c the following new sec- tion: '1 2397d. Registration of consultants "(a)(1) An agency may not award a con- tract for the procurement of advisory and assistance services to a consultant unless- "(A) such consultant complies with the registration requirements of this section; and "(B) the contracting officer responsible for such contract has reviewed the informa- tion provided by such consultant in its regis- tration and such other information as may be available to the contracting officer and determined, with the approval of his super- visor. that, with respect to such contract, the consultant does not have a conflict of interest that could be prejudicial to the in- terests of the United States. "(2) An agency may not award a contract to any person submitting a bid or proposal to such agency unless such person certifies that, to the best of such person's knowledge and belief, each consultant that has fur- nished advice, information, direction, or as- sistance to such person in support of the preparation or submission of the bid or pro- posal has complied with the registration re- quirements of this section. A consultant submitting a bid or proposal for a contract referred to in subsec- tion (a)(1) shall, within such Lime after sub- mitting the bid or proposal as the Secretary of Defense shall prescribe in regulations, register with the Office of Standards of Conduct of the Department of Defense and provide a copy of such registration to the contracting officer responsible for such con- tract. '(2) A consultant retained by a person in connection with the preparation or submis- sion of a bid or proposal for a Department of Defense contract shall register with the Office of Standards of Conduct of the De- partment of Defense within such time after Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 August 11, 1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE the retention of such consultant as the Sec- retary of Defense shall prescribe in regula- tions. "(3) A consultant who is registered with the Office of Standards of Conduct under this subsection with respect to one contract. bid, or proposal shall update the registered information whenever the consultant sub- mits a bid or proposal for another Depart- ment of Defense contract (if such contract is for the procurement of advisory and as- sistance services) and whenever the consult- ant is retained by a person in connection with the preparation or submission of a bid or proposal for another Department of De- fense contract. The consultant shall update such information within such time as the Secretary of Defense shall prescribe in regu- lations. "(c) A person registering as a consultant under this section shall include in its regis- tration the following information: "(1) The name and address of the consult- ant. "(2) A description of the nature of the services furnished by the consultant in the normal course of the consultant's business and a description of the nature of the cli- ents (public and private, foreign and domes- tic) for which the consultant has furnished such services. "(3) A list of all clients for which the con- sultant has furnished related advisory and assistance services within three years before the date of the registration and a descrip- tion of the related advisory and assistance services furnished each such client by the consultant. "(4) A statement of whether the consult- ant has ever been convicted of a felony and whether, at the time of the registration, there is pending any indictment or informa- tion charging the consultant with a felony. "(5) A statement of whether, at the time of the registration, the consultant is ineligi- ble. by reason of suspension or debarment, to be awarded a contract by the Federal Government. "(6) A certification that, to the best of the consultant's knowledge and belief at the time of the registration, such consultant and all employees of the consultant are not In violation of any applicable requirement set out in, and are not engaged in any con- duct prohibited by, sections 2397, 2397a, 2397b. and 2397c of this title and any con- tract term required by such section 2397c. "(d) The Inspector General of the Depart- ment of Defense shall monitor the compli- ance of consultants with the registration re- quirements of this section and shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives an annual report containing a discussion of the extent of such compliance. "(e) Each consultant who intentionally fails to comply with the registration re- quirements of this section shall be subject to suspension and debarment proceedings. "(f) This section shall not apply to a con- tract for advisory and assistance services which, as determined by the Secretary of Defense. involves? "(1) sensitive foreign intelligence or for- eign counterintelligence activities; or "(2) sensitive law enforcement investiga- tions. "(g) In this section: "(1) The term 'agency' means those agen- cies listed in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of section 2303(a) of this title. "(2) The term 'consultant' means any person (including, in the case of a business organization, any affiliate of such organiza- tion) that-- "(A) furnishes or offers to furnish adviso- ry and assistance services; or "(B) pursuant to a contract, furnishes advice, information, direction, or assistance to any other person in support of the prepa- ration or submission of a bid or proposal for a Department of Defense contract by such other person. "(3)(A) The term 'advisory and assistance services' means those services acquired by an agency from any nongovernmental source, by contract, to support or improve agency policy development, decisionmaking. management, and administration, or to sup- port or improve the operation of manage- ment systems. "(B) Such term includes? "(i) 'management and professional serv- ices; "OD the conduct and preparation of stud- ies, analyses, and evaluations; and "MD engineering and technical services. "(4) The term 'management and profes- sional services' means professional services relating to the management and control of programs, including? (A) management data collection services; (B) policy review and development serv- ices; (C) program evaluation services; (D) program management support serv- ices; (E) program review and development serv- ices; (F) systems engineering services; and (G) other management and professional services of a similar nature which are not related to any specific program. "(5) The term 'studies, analyses, and eval- uations' includes the following: "(A) Any analysis or other examination of a subject which? "(i) is undertaken to provide greater un- derstanding of relevant issues and alterna- tives regarding organizations, policies, pro- cedures, systems, programs, and resources; and "(ii) leads to conclusions or recommenda- tions with respect to planning, program- ming, budgeting, decisionmaking, or policy development. "(B) With respect to a program of an agency, any study initiated by or for the program management office of the agency. "(C) A cost-benefit analysis, a data analy- sis (other than a scientific analysis), an eco- nomic study or analysis, an environmental assessment or impact study, a legal or litiga- tion study, a legislative study, a regulatory study, a socioeconomic study, and a feasibili- ty study which does not relate to construc- tion. "(D) A geological study, a natural resource study, a scientific data study, a soil study, a water quality study, a wildlife study, and a general health study. "(E) Any similar study or analysis. "(6) The term 'engineering and technical services' means the furnishing of advice, training, or direct assistance to personnel in order to ensure the efficient and effective operation or maintenance of existing plat- forms, weapon systems, related systems, and associated software by such personnel. "(7) The term 'related advisory and assist- ance services' means advisory and assistance services provided to any person or to the Department of Defense regarding a con- tract, subcontract, or prospective contract or subcontract awarded or to be awarded by the Department of Defense.". (2) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2397c the following: "2397d. Registration of consultants.". (b) The first report required by section 2397d(d) of title 10, United States Code, as S 11675 added by subsection (a), shall be submitted not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. BYRD (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO, 2852 Mr. JOHNSTON (for Mr. BYRD, for himself, Mr. DOMENIC', and Mr. BINGA- MAN) proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 4781, supra; as follows: On page 80. line 10. after ". .. manufac- turers", insert the following.": Provided further, That of the funds appropriated for "Other Procurement. Army" for fiscal year 1988. those funds provided for a supercom- puter may only be obligated to purchase a system to be installed at a competitively se- lected independent academic institution." HATFIELD AMENDMENT NO. 2853 Mr. STEVENS (for Mr. HATFIELD) proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 4781, supra; as follows: At an appropriate place in the bill, insert the following new section: SEC. . (a) Of the amounts available for the University Research Initiative Program In 'Research, Development, Test and Eval- uation, Defense Agencies', no more than $12.000,000 shall be available for National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships to be awarded on a competitive basis by the Secretary of Defense to United States citizens or nationals pursuing ad- vanced degrees in fields of primary concern and interest to the Department. (b) Fellowships awarded pursuant to sub- section (a) above shall not be restricted on the basis of the geographical locations in the United States of the institutions at which the recipients are pursuing the afore- mentioned advanced degrees. GARN AMENDMENT NO. 2854 Mr. JOHNSTON (for Mr. GARN) pro- posed an amendment to the bill H.R. 4781, supra; as follows: At an appropriate place at the end of the bill, insert the following new section: SEC. ,Of the amounts available for obli- gation for research, development, test, and evaluation, no more than $2.500,000 shall be made available in equal amounts to the Army and the Air Force for the testing and evaluation of low-profile antenna systems for ground level communications: Provided, That whatever total amount made available by this section shall only be available if it is matched on an equal basis by any industrial participant in the testing and evaluation: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force shall report the results of these tests and evaluation to the Committees on Appropria- tions of the Senate and House of Represent- atives by June 30, 1989. INOITYE AMENDMENT NO. 2855 Mr. JOHNSTON (for Mr. INotryE) proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 4781, supra; as follows: On page 78, at the end of line 15, before the period, add: ": Provided further, that any and all funds derived from contracts or subcontracts issued pursuant to this Solici- tation shall not be subject to any Hawaii State or local sales, general excise, or simi- lar taxes imposed upon gross sales, gross Income or gross receipts, except to the extent that such taxes are uniformly im- naa-Imacifirari in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1 S. 2674 Consultant Registration and Reform Act of 1988 Amend section 10(c) to read as follows: (3) This subsection shall not apply to a contract for consulting services, or any data, reports, or other material pertaining to such services, if the contract -- (A) involves sensitive foreign intelligence or foreign counterintelligence activities; (B) involves sensitive law enforcement investigations; [] (C) is classified under the national security classification system; or (D) involves an agency or component of an agency as described in section 3.4(f) of Executive Order 12333 or its successor orders. t (01 Cor44-1-4 i a ? Amend section 13 to read as follows: Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 shall not apply to a contract for advisory and assistance services, or any data, reports, or other material pertaining to such services, if the contract -- (1) involves sensitive foreign intelligence or foreign counterintelligence activities; (2) involves sensitive law enforcement investigations; [] (3) is classified under the national security classification system; or (4) involves an agency or component of an agency as described in section 3.4(f) of Executive Order 12333 o its successor orders. 7 ernfezd-a4 de4,,,j1Y6-?4/ Lc414.5.--? re,d' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP90M00005R000900130003-1