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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 5 Mav 1988 OCA ?s8-1432 NEMORAI~'DUt, FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Federal Emplc~ees Liability R ~crm and Tort Compensation Act of 1988, ~i. 4358 ,t 1. Or. 5 P.ay 1988, I spoke with Janet Potts, counsel on the Administrative Law Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, with respect to changing the language "common la~~- tort" to "state law tort" in the findings and purposes section cf the above-captioned bill. I had informed her previously that the Agency believed this change would bring the bill mare in line with the ~~?estfall v. Erwin decision and clarify the scope cf ttie law. a so to er that I thought the Department cf Justice (DOJ) was on board with such a change in general, but perhaps had not placed it in the bill because of time constraints. She stated that she had been trying to reach DOJ to discuss the change, but had been unsuccessful. 2. I then telephoned Faith Burton of DOJ to discuss the proposed change with her. She said that DCJ wculd not agree to it because it may brcaden tl-~e scope of the law to cover strange statutory torts. She also expressed her dissatisfaction with cur having dealt directly with the Judiciary subcommittee without first clearing it with them. I told her I thought they hac said they would agree to this change at a previous meeting ar.d, because cf time constraints, I had dealt directly with Ms. Fotts after the subcommittee ffarkup. I further explained tY:at the Agency was not trvirg tc get ahead of DOJ en this issue and that if we were I would not have telepl--ioned her to chec}~ cn L'UJ's agreement with the change. I apologized if this caused a prcbler: anc said I would tell ~.s. Fotts that we were no longer pursuing t~~e cr~ange. Ms. Burton continued tc s~~ow concern that this may beccr.:e a matter that would place the Administration in a bad lig,2-:t. I told her I did not think that was the case at all. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 3. I then sF~oke with rie. Potts to tell her that, since tY.is was not an intelligence issue per se, although the Agency may in all likelihood have more employees sued than. most ether agencies because of the nature of its work and because of public perceptions, we ~~ere not gcing to pursue this change. I explained tt,at there was some misunderstanding with DOJ about this. She seemed satisfied with the explanation. cf DOJ's fear of brcader.ing the scope cf liability and said she would speat: STAT with Ns. Burton. egislation Divis Office of Congressional Affairs STAT STAT OCA/LEd (S May 1988) Distributicn: Original - OCA/Leg/Subject File: Miscellaneous Personnel 1 - OCA/Leg/Subject File: Legislation General 1 - D/ OCA 1 - C/ICA/OGC 1 - 1 - DrL CCA 1 - OCA Registry 1 - F:H Signer 1 - OCA Read Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 100TII CONGRESS ~ ~ ~3~8 2D SFS~IO'~ ? ? To amend title 2R, United States Code, to pro~~ide for an eaclusi~~e remed~? against the I'nited States for suits based upon certain negligent or ~~rongful acts or omissions of t'nited States emplo~~ees comrrlitted ?-ithin the scope of their emplo~-Inent, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE,SENTATI~TES Dir. Fx:~~.s (for himself, Dlr. Flsx, Dlr. Sna?~. and Dlr. ~~~o1J>;) introduced the follo~~~ing bill; ?~hich ??~~~ referred to the Committee on the Tudiciar~~ A BILL To amend title 28, United States Code, to pro~-ide for an exclusi~~e remed~~ against the United States far suits based upon certain negligent or ~~-rongful acts or omissions of United States emploti-ees committed ~~ithin the scope of their emplo~-ment, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of I~epresenta- 2 tines of the Unitea' States of Ameriea in Congress asse~~tbled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This pct may he cited as the "Federal Emplo~-ees 5 Liability- Reform and Tort Compensation pct of 1 J88". Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 2 1 SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PLRPOSF,S. 2 (a) FINDINGS.-The Congress finds and declares the 3 folio?-ing: 4 (1) For more than 40 rears the Federal Tort 5 Claims Act has been the. legal mechanism for compen- 6 sating persons injured b~~ negligent or ?~rongful acts of 7 Federal emplo~~ees committed ~~-ithin the scope of their 8 emplo~?ment. 9 (~) The United States, through the Federal Tort 10 Claims act; is responsible to injured persons for the 11 common la~i- torts of its emplo~~ees in the same manner 12 in ?-hich the common la~i~ historicall~~ has recognized 13 the responsibilit~~ of an emplo~~er for torts committed 14 b~- its emplo~?ees ~~-ithin the scope of thou emplo~~ment. 15 (3) Because Fe~de~ral emplo~`ees for mangy- rears 16 ha~-e been protected from personal common la~~` tort li- 17 a~bilit~~ b~- a broad based immunitti-, the Federal Tort 18 Claims Act has ser~~ed as the sole meads for compen- 19 sating persons injured b~~ the tortiaus conduct of 20 Federal emplo~?ees. 21 (4) The Federal Tort Claims Act has ?`orked ?~ell 2? o~-er the past four decades in pro~-iding fair and e~pedi- 23 tious compensation to persons in~urecl b~~ the camn~on 24 la?~ torus of Federal emplc~~-ees. ~~r.? t7,} 1lE'~``-'ilt }~kf~i(_`1"zi df't.'1`lt.t1`, a?~(.~ p~rilf..'?Eiri~~ l"If` ~~(i ~f'C'I~1C?Ii Jf tllE' ti.~f'ls ~`ia?f'. ~izi!'"E'iIif ~vC~u?'i ;~,: ~~ f'~? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 .she ed 3 1 fall ~-. Er?~in, ha~~e seriousl~~ eroded the common 2 la?~ tort immunit~? pre~-iousl~~ a~~ailahle to Federal 3 emplo~~ees. 4 (6) This erosion of immunit~~ of Federal emplo~-ees 5 from common la~~- tort liabilit~~ has created an immedi- 6 ate crisis in~-ol~-ing the prospect of personal liabilit~- i and the threat of protracted personal tort litigation for 8 the entire Federal ?-orkforce. 9 (r) The prospect of such liabilit~~ ?-ill seriously- un- 10 dermine the morale and Drell being of Federal emplo~~- 11 ees, impede the ahilit~- of agencies to carr~~ out their 12 missions, and diminish the ~-italit~' of the Federal Tort 13 Claims Act as the proper remedy- for Federal emplo~-ee 14 torts. 1 ~ (8) In its opinion in ~'~'estfall ~-. Er~rin, the Su- 16 preme Court indicated that the Congress is in the best 17 position to determine the extent to ?~hich Federal em- 18 plo~-ees should be personally- lia}ale for common la~l- 19 torts, and that legislati~-e consideration of this matter 20 ~rot~ld be useful. ?1 (~) The Congress, as a result of specific pres~i~,r? liahilit~- ccmcerns, already- has made the Federal Tort '?3 Claims het the e~clusiti-e remedy- for drib-erg, medical `'-f personnel, and militar~~ attorney-~ en~t~l~~~~e~l 1~,~- t?,~~ ~~;) ~ sited ~Ta'e.. ~~ht'~E' ~~I'(~~'t ,~_~'~. h~i~~t' (1j~t'~ .r: ,r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 4 1 and protected the interests of the Federal Government 2 while providing compensation to persons injured b~~ 3 such emplo~?ees. 4 (b) PURPOSE.-It is the purpose of this Act to protect 5 Federal employees from personal liability for common la?~ 6 torts committed ?-ithin the scope of their emplo?nent, ~;~hile 7 providing persons injured b~- the common la~ti- torts of Federal 8 emplo~~ees with an appropriate remedy against the united 9 States. lU SEC. 3. JUDICIAL AND LEGISLATIVE BRA'.VCH EMPLOS-EES. 11 Section 2671 of title ?8, United States Code, is amend- 12 ed in the first full paragraph b~- inserting after "executive 13 departments," the following: "the judicial and legislative 14 branches,". l~ SEC. 4. RETENTION OF DEFENSES. I6 Section 2674 of title ?8, united States Code, is amend- 1 i ed b~~ adding at the end of the section the folio?~ng ne?~ I ~? paragraph: 1R "The United States shall be entitled to all defenses oth- 2~ er?-ise available to an emplo~~ee of the united States, inelud- `~1 ing but not limi?ed to Presidential, judicial, prosecutorial, and 2? legislative immunity and any other in~znunity reco~,rnized b~~ 2.'; State or Federal la?-s a~ ~~~~e11 as defenses to ~~-hich the ~'-~ 1'n~ted StatFS indepe~~dently is entitled.". Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/21 :CIA-RDP90M00005R000200070018-9 t 1 SEC. 5. EXCLUSIVENESS OF REMEDY. 2 Section 2679(b) of title 28, United States Code, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 "(b}(1) The rerned~~ against the United States prodded 5 by sections 1346(b) and 26 i 2 of this title for injure or loss of 6 propert~~, or personal injury- or death arising or resulting from 7 the negligent or ?-rong~ful act or omission of any emploi~ee of 8 the Government while acting within the scope of his office or 9 emplo~~ment is exclusive of any other civil action or procee~d- 10 ing b~- reason of the. same subject matter against the 11 emplo~~ee~ or his estate whose act or omission gave rise to the I2 claim. r1n~' other civil action or proceeding arising out of or 13 relating to the same subject matter against the emplo~~ee or 14 his estate is precluded without regard to when the act or l~ omission occurred. 16 "(?) Paragraph (1) does not extend or apple to a cogni- 1~~ zable action against an emplo~-ee of the Government for l~ money damages for a violation of the Constitution of the 19 L'~~nited States." 2t~ SF.C. 6. REYRESE~TATION AXli RE'F10~`_~I.. ''1 Section `?Gi9(dl of title `?S, t'Irited States Codf>, is `'2 amended to read as follows: ~`~ "(d141> l'pon certific~stiol~ 1~v the _~tiorIlet' GeT;er~,~ th