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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 ~tl.Kt I 2 7 JUf~ eggs MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FI20h1: Richard J . Kerr Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: Comments on Recommendations of the Open Source Action Group REFERENCE: Memo for DDCI fm DC I, dtd 17 Jun 86, Sub: Open Source Exploitation Program: Final Report (ER 86-2733) 1. Representatives from several offices within the Directorate of Intelligence and the Directorate of Science and Technology participated in the meetings of the Open Source Action Group (OSAG) and its various subcommittees. The OSAG was tasked with outlining ways to improve the collection and exploitation of open source material, particularly in the S&T area but also in the political, economic, and sociological fields. Two of the benefits derived from this effort are the dialogue that has been initiated among providers and users of open source materials, and the final report which constitutes the first detailed compilation of the workings of the open source community. However, given the level of effort devoted to ~.he OSAG--the process started in early 1985--the results should have been more beneficial and realistic. 2. In our view the production of intelligence can be best served by focusing on the near-term recommendations in the OSAG report. Several of the proiects cited are alread underwa but some might need additional resources to be completed. 3. It is in the area of long-term recommendations that we have the u~eatest concern. The extensively detailed plan for an Open Source Information Exchange (OSIE), while appealing in concept, is neither ~.:~arkable nor cost effective. In fact, support for this recommendation SECRET 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 St(:Kt I SUBJECT: Comments on Recommendations of the Open Source Action Group within the OSAG was uneven at best. The concept involves electronically linking all open sources users, who would share their data bases with all other users--those who have not already automated their data bases -would have to first take that step--and offer them a series of services, such as an electronic directory, an automated online library, an electronic mail system, an electronic gateway to external data bases, and a collection of services to analysts and managers to help them more effectively exploit open source data. No total cost estimate is provided, and each individual agency would be expected to bear the cost for automating its services and making its data available to all users. In addition to resources, security would be a significant issue. A key to the success of this plan is the willingness of each agency to cooperate. Traditionally, the onus has fallen on the three major services of common concern (FBIS, OIR and FTD) to provide services, and we are not optimistic that OSIE would change this. 5. Our bottom line is that it would be much more cost effective to build on the decentralized cooperative effort that we have in existing mechanisms. Creating an OSIE would require much bureaucratic and administrative overhead, require substantial resources, and would not guarantee us much more than we already have. Finally, we see no need to perpetuate the OSAG or the Executive Steering Group when standing committees, such as the Information Handling Committee, already exist to coordinate concerns and monitor program 'W Richard J. Kerr CCf nCT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 SUBJECT: Comments on Recommendations of the Open Source Action Group DI /OIR/C/MPD/~ Distribution: Orivinal - Addressee V 1 - D DC I 1 - Executive Registry 1 -DDI 1 - DDI Registry 2 - OD/OIR 2 - C/MPD/OIR (25 June 1?86) ? 3 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 ~ 5 JUN ~8fi MEP~IORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence Associate Deputy Director for Intelligence F P.OM SUBJECT: Di rector~of Information Resources Comments on the Recommendations of the Open Source Action Group REFERENCE: Your note to D/OIR dtd 19 Jun 86, dub: Open Source Exploitation . Program: Final Report 1. We participated in all of the meetings of the Open Source Action Group (OSAG), primarily because of the Community-wide responsibilities carried out by our Publications Procurement Branch (PPB)--formerly Acquisitions Branch. We found the year-long endeavor to be of limited value from the standpoint of support for intelligence production in this Directorate. In fact, we adopted for many sessions a damage-limiting approach because other agencies attempted to use the OSAG as a means to have CIA/OCR perform functions for which they have allocated few resources over the years. In contrast, FBIS and ORD were more positive about the OSAG effort primarily because they were looking for resources to meet their communit res onsibilities. During the course of the meetings, it was apparent that the Chairman and Executive Secretary, respectively, had their own agen a, w is drove many of the final requirements. 2. As you are aware, DCID 2/5 requires us to coordinate--no more, no less--the procurement of open source material for members of the Community who choose to participate in the Foreign Publications Procurement Program, which is managed by PPB, as INR/P. It became apparent at several OSAG meetings, however, that some members of the Community would have us venture farther from our mission by requiring us either to allow open source users access to our internal data base, which currently lists all the books acquired by Agency analysts, along with the analysts' names, or to provide a library or locator service by brokering requests from non-Agency users who would like to "borrow" books from Agency analysts. We find the first proposal objectionable from a security standpoint (besides, we are already providing essentially the same information through published booklists), and the second is unacceptable because of the resource implications. Rather, other agencies ought to enhance the support they provide their own people instead of looking to us to do more. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 SECRET SUBJECT: Comments on the Recommendations of the Open Source Action Group 3. The production of intelligence can be best served by focusing on the near-term recommendations in the OSAG report. On the other hand, we do not think much of the long-term recommendations. They are by and large pie-in-the-sky; security issues, resource limitations, and bureaucratic realities argue against them. In fact, support for the Open Source Tnformation Exchange (the concept that engulfs the long-term recommendations) within the OSAG was uneven at best; the strongest proponents were ~ contrary to what the final report appears to imply. 4. Attached is a draft memorandum for you to forward to the DCI and DDCI. We discussed the OSAG report with OSWR. Attachment As Stated DI/OIR/C/MPD~ Distribution: Original - Addressee 1 - ADDI 1 - DDI Registry 2 - OD/OIR 2 - C/MPD/OIR (25 June 1986) 25X1 25X1 crrorT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6 Central Intelligence Agency Office of the Deputy Director for Intelligence NOTE T0: D/OIR SUBJECT: Open Source Exploitation Program: Final Report Give me your candid evaluation of this report as well as any suggestions you might have for either following up on the recommendations or actions that we should suggest to the DCI. I would like this ASAP. Richard J. Kerr DDI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/24 :CIA-RDP90G01359R000300030008-6