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' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6 The Dkctor of Centrrl IntdII nce VWVAVM DC20505 ER 88-3984/1 October 20, 1988 The Honorable Gilbert A. Robinson Laymen's National Bible Association, Inc. 815 Second Avenue New York, New York 10017-4503 Dear Gil: I have just received your invitation to address the November 18th luncheon sponsored by the Laymen's National Bible Association. I wish that I could do it, but I am just not in a position to take on any more commitments during that period of time. I have just returned from two weeks out of the country, have a heavily committed schedule in front of me, and will be devoting very substantial amounts of time to transitional planning. I hope you will understand. I know it will be a lovely luncheon and I wish you and the association all the best. Sincerely, William H. Webster Distribution: Orig - Addressee (mailed by ER 10/20/88) 1 - D/PAO 1 - DCI 1 - ER p 3t97e Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6 ER 88-3984X National Bibb Week. 1989 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND MRS. RONALD WREAGAN Honorary Chairpersons WILLIAM SMITH KANAGA Chairman of the Advisory Board Arthur Young & Company National Chairman Officers and Directors VICTOR W. EIMICKE President KENNETH S. GINIGER Chairman MAX CHOPNICK Vice President RICHARD L. MOORE Vice President JAMES C. BOWLING Vice President HENRY W. WYMAN Treasurer F. CHARLES GRAVES Secretary PEARL BAILEY DEANE BAKER MILTON A. BARLOW BETTY K. BRUCE KARL T. BUTZ, JR. JOHN B. CARTER EMANUELDEMOS GEORGE GALLUP. JR. J. PETER GRACE CHARLES KIP JORDON BOWIE K. KUHN HON. THEODORE R. KUPFERMAN MALA POWERS MILLER GLORIA R. MOSESSON GEORGE O. NICHOLS RUTH STAFFORD PEALE HARRY F. PEARSON THOMAS L. PHILLIPS MARTIN S. OUIGLEY HON. GILBERT A. ROBINSON P. JAMES ROOSEVELT GARY I. ROTHSTEIN HERBERT H. SCHIFF DONALD V. SEIBERT BARBARA THOMAS DONALD L. THOMAS HON. IVAN WARNER Honorary Chairmen HON. GILBERT A. ROBINSON HON. THEODORE R.KUPFERMAN DEANE BAKER MYRON L. BOARDMAN CHARLES R. SLIGH, JR. REUBEN H. GUMS Executive Director THOMAS R. MAY Associate Director Former National Bible Week Chairmen C. FRED FETTEROLF JOHN B. CARTER HERBERT H. SCHIFF JAMES E. LEE WILLIAM M. ELLINGHAUS AMORY HOUGHTON, JR. THOMAS L. PHILLIPS HOWARD C. KAUFFMANN THOMAS A. MURPHY DONALD E.PROCKNOW DONALD V. SEIBERT BOWIE K. KUHN RICHARD I. FRICKE JOHN R. RICCARDO CHARLES B. (Bud) WILKINSON DR. PAUL W. McCRACKEN HON. ARTH' -o I -- nncor_ LAYMEN'S NATIONAL BIBLE ASSOCIATION, INC. 815 SECOND AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017-4503 ? Phone (212)687-0555 Celebrating the 48th interfaith NATIONAL BIBLE WEEK November 20-27,1988 The Hon. William H. Webster Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 For many years I have been on the Board of Directors of The Laymen's National Bible Association and was its President at the time President Reagan invited me to join his administration. This interfaith organization sponsors the annual nonsectarian observance of National Bible Week. Each year the observance is kicked off with a major luncheon that is held in The Plaza Hotel in New York City. It is attended by about 450 business and religious leaders from across the nation. Last year Secretary of the Interior Hodel was our special guest. The year before Secretary of Transportation Dole was with us. Both have a keen interest in the Bible. This year is a little different. We are honoring President and Mrs. Reagan who have been the Honorary National Chairpersons of National Bible Week for the past eight years. Until the end of last week we had hopes that the President himself would be present with us for the luncheon on Friday, November 18th. We have now had definite word that he will be unable to attend. I suggested your name to the Board and was immediately asked to extend an invitation on its behalf. We would be delighted and most honored if you will help us inaugurate the 48th annual observance of National Bible Week at our luncheon on November 18, at 12:00 Noon in The Plaza Hotel in New York City. P.S. Enclosed is a copy of the luncheon invitation about LNBA and National Bible Week. Declassified and Approved For EXEC CI REG Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6 `\ .ice Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6 FACT SHEET ICE. 48TH ANNUAL NATIONAL BIBLE DATES.: NOVEMBER 20-27, 1988, National Bible Week coincides with Thanksgiving. America's only nonsectarian religious holiday. PURPOSE: To remind all Americans of the Bible's importance, to motivate Bible reading and study, and to reaffirm the founding principles of the United States. SPONSOR: LAYMEN'S NATIONAL BIBLE ASSOCIATION, INC,, now in its 48th year, is the only interfaith, nonsectarian laity organization in the U.S. Wholly directed by lay men and lay women, LNBA has no official sponsorship from or ties with any faith group, denomination or church, yet works with all on an interfaith basis. LEADERS: Honorary National Chairpersons: President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan. National Chairman: William S. Kanaga, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Arthur Young & Company, New York. Honorary Co-Chairpersons: Marian Anderson, Rosalynn Carter, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Betty Ford, Joe Gibbs, The Hon. Arthur J. Goldberg, The Rev. Dr. Billy Graham, The Rev, Dr. Theodore M. Hesburgh, The Hon. Benjamin L. Hooks, H.E. Archbishop Iakovos, Lane Kirkland, Tom Landry, Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale, Ginger Rogers, Archbishop John F. Whealon, and Dr. Michael Wyschogrod. (LNBA leadership listed on reverse side) Mayors Chairman: Mayor George Voinovich of Cleveland. Governors Chairman: Governor Robert P. Casey of Pennsylvania Congressional Co-Chairmen: Sen. John C. Danforth of Missouri and Rep. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery of Mississippi. ELEMENTS OF THE WEEK-LONG OBSERVANCE: A public service media campaign created by WernerChepelsky & Partners, the 1988 volunteer ad agency, on the theme: "TO KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING, READ THE BIBLE." Local observances conducted in over 7,500 communities across America by civic groups, schools, libraries, bookstores, churches and synagogues use a basic materials kit supplied free by LNBA, Governmental proclamations are issued by mayors and governors in the U.S. and its territories. President Reagan's Bible Week message is widely distributed in the secular and religious press. (Copies available from LNBA) KICK-OFF: The Annual Bible Week Luncheon, Friday, November 18, at the Plaza Hotel, N.Y.C. PARTICIPATING CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS; AFL-CIO, Armed Forces Chaplains, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., Kiwanis Intl., General Federation of Women's Clubs, Church and Synagogue Library Association, National Council of Catholic Women, National Exchange Clubs, Christian Booksellers Association, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce. COOPERATING RELIGIOUS GROUPS: American Bible Society (sponsors Bible Sunday on first day of National Bible Week), Intl. Bible Society, Salvation Army, John Milton Society for the Blind, Jewish Publication Society, Foundation For Christian Living, Lutheran Church, Catholic Biblical Apostolate, Christian Science Church, United Synagogue of America, Southern Baptist Convention, Seventh-day Adventist Church, United Methodist Men, National Council of Churches, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, United Presbyterian Men, Greek Orthodox Church, Episcopal Church, Reformed Church in America, Lutheran Bible Ministries, Scripture Union, Lord's Day Alliance, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, United Church of Christ, Seventh-day Baptist Church, Christian & Missionary Alliance, and hundreds of local churches and synagogues. CONTACT: To book interview guests for radio, TV newspapers and magazines, or to obtain additional information, write or call: REUBEN H. GUMS, Executive Director, or KEVIN HOGAN, Assistant for Media & Program. LAYMEN'S NATIONAL. BIBLE ASSOCIATION Q1 CZ eernMn A IcMI IC Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6 CeteDrating the 48th interfaith NATIONAL BIBLE WEEK November 20-27, 1988 Officers and Directors PRESIDi 4T: Dr. Vkter W. EWeke, P. V.W. Elmicke Asoclates, Inc. Bronxvlle. N.Y. CHAIRMAN: Kenneth S. Gill er. Pres. The K.S. Glntger Company, Inc. New York. N.Y. VICE PRESIDENTS: Mass Chognitk. Eeq., Partner Conner & Chopnick New York, N.Y. Richard L Moore Sr. Public Affairs Consultant W.R. Grace & Co. New York. N.Y. James C. Bowling Sr. Counselor Burson-Mar teller New York. N.Y. TREASURER: Hart' W. Wyman. Chmn. of the Board Pantasote Inc Greenwich. Conn. SECRETARY: F. Charles Graea.Pres. Charles Graves Associates New York. N.Y. Peed Bailey, Entertainer Lake Havasu. Anz Deane Sober. Pros ' The Ann Arbor Group. Inc. Ann Arbor. Mich. Milton A. Beddow, Pres. The Barlow Corporation Chevy Chase. Md. Getty K. Bruce Larchmont, N.Y. Karl T. Bata. Jr., Vice Chinn. MCorp San Antonio. Texas John B. Carter, Pres. & CEO' The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. New York, N.Y. Emanuel G. Dennis. Esq. White & Case New York, N.Y. Geary Gallup. Jr., Res. The Gallup Poll Princeton. N.J. J. Polar Grate. Chmn. & CEO" W.R Grace & Co. New York, N.Y. Charles Kip Jordow, Exec. V.P. Word, Inc. Waco, Texas Bowls K. Kuhn. Esq.. Partner'. Myerson & Kuhn New York, N.Y. Hon. Theodore R. Kupferman' Sr. Associate Justice N.Y. State Supreme Court Appellate Div. New York, N.Y. Male Pown Miller, Actress & Author North Hollywood, Calif. Gloria R. Moseaeon, Pres GRM Associates, Inc. New York, N.Y. George Q. Nichols. Pres. National Publishing Company Philadelphia. Pa. Ruth Stafford Peale, Founder & CEO Foundation for Christian Living Pawling. N.Y. Harry F. Peenon. Pres & CEO The Princeton Group. Inc. Princeton, N.J. Thomas L. PhWlpe. Chmn. & CEO" Raytheon Company Lexington. Mass. Dr. Martin S. Quigley, Pres. Quigley Publishing Co. New York, N Y. Hon. Gilbert A. Robinson, Chmn.' Gilbert A Robinson. Inc. Washington, D.C. P. James Rooenreh. Pres. P.J. Roosevelt. Inc. Oyster Bay. N.Y. Gary 1. Rothstein Hiller Real Estate. Inc. Norwalk. Conn. Herbert H. Schiff, Chmn. & CEO" The Schiff Company Columbus, Ohio Donald V. Seibert. Chmn. fret.)" J.C. Penney Company, Inc. New York, N.Y. aarbera Thomas Garden City, N.Y. Donald L. Thow. Chmn. & CEO Anchor Savings Bank FSB Hewlett. N Y. Hon. leap Warner Justice N.Y. Swe Supreme Court Bronx. N.Y. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Reuben H. Game 'Pap Resident of LNBA "Pap National Bible Week Nall Chmn. Council of Advisors C.E. Rd) Andrew (rot) Evangekal Christian Publishers Amn Visa. Cam Rinse Aim ABC Spars M New York, NY Mrs. Decree Otis Arnold AARP Washrrgton. D.C Willis. R. Burster. Jr. (rat) Fuming H Revell Company Ft Mayen. Fa Mpree L. Baardmeta' Iret I Foundation for Christian Living Gudwyne. Pa Rut ERitgten Beam. ht Tempo Music. Inc New York. N Y Jttso.e Hteso MNapoAlan Opera New Yak, N Y Wallace E. Jalnaas" Memphis. Tenn Dr. Walser H. Judd Washington. D C Hewed C. KaeBmana" he I Exxon Corporation New York. N Y Mrs. Walter A. wash Rancho Santa Fe. Calif James E. Lae" (rot) Chevron Corporation Ptttabregh. Pa A. Lora, Lightest Garden & Chen, Advertising Nashville. Tenn Walla F. Carat' Bloomfield Milk. Mich Utilities CMNoeree (rot) LNBA Long Wand Cry. N Y W.W. Clearest, Dr Peppy Company Dallas, Texas Close* can Clear Cox Associates. Inc Somers. N Y Harry Dakota Chardon. N C Jams. Dickey Uric of So Carolina Columbia. S C Frdartck H. Delaware Iret I The F Dohmen Company Mequon. War Heupbrsg Donahue AFL-CIO New York. N Y William M. EBMabetae" Irv ) AT&T New York. N Y Fred R. Eaty Security Columbian Div U S Banknote Company New York. N Y C. Fred Formals! ALCOA Pcsburgh. Pa Willie. S. Fishman (rat I ARA SERVICES. INC Philadelphia. Pa Richard 1. Fricke" National Lik Insurance Co Montpelier. Vi Has. Wilier J. Galdbma" Washington. D C Mrs. Williams H. HwMeack Lincoln. Nab Joseph W. Might Iret I Reuben H Donnelley Corp Dallas. Tex n Malcolm V. Macirles Hawhorne. N J Darnall McCracken (Founder, Word Inc Waco. Texas Or. Pass W. McCracken" (Prof Emeritus) LJnrversey of Michigan Ann Arbor. Mich The.s A. Murphy' ' leer I General Motors Corp Boynton Beach Fa James L. Passes. Jr. Paxton-Mitchell Company Omaha. Neb Bill Price lee, I Bill Price Buick. Inc Burlington. N C Dream E. Rackaav" vet AT&T Technokyres. Inc Saddle River NJ Vice Ad.trel William F. Roberts Irer I Aerop-General Corp McLean. Va Jab. J. Riccardo' ' lees i Chrysler Corp Birmingham Mich Dr. Marble, Bahrein AFL CIO Washington D C Gledp SlaBey Composer New York. IS Y Climb* R. nigh. Jr." het j Skgh Fumewe Company Hound. Mich W. Clarest steer" AON Corp Chicago. Ile Massed P. van"" Mid America Lvyal Fndn Nortbheld W Chat. a. Wilkinson PEBaCO Sr Louis M. P.J. ZasMew (Founder) Zandman PuNishing House Grand Rapids Mich 'Pau Resident of LhBA "Pau tsatiunai SM trek Nall Chinn Laymen's National Bible Asteriaiines Ian Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP90GO1353R002000010007-6