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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 iA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 I i I MEI01, TE ./.. ROUTING AND SUBJECT: (Optional) Testimony of CIA Official! m l?Oc (13) FROM: John L. Helgerson Director of Congressional Affairs TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) 1. Deputy Director of Central Intelligence DATE I EXTENSION NO. DATE 30 September 1988 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from wh to whom. Draw a line across column after each comm STAT OG 74 cw_e_ a,ttaLe)/LAA 9- ;&Olt-0 )4-L-c-r? (w?? TXA-i-LL)-- Jkze2-4^_02; oc. taf2A-6 JuD2-6 . ot'hue__4-1--frcy fLuels-L_ ? 6-)\-&-YY\ b444, lc/ 15. FORM 1-79 610 USEED7IEjtI413US GPO : 1983 0 - 411-632 4 STAT ,e) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 OntraMmdipmaAgng NtiNhinpon D C 20505 OCA 3289-88 The Honorable William J. Hughes Chairman Subcommittee on Crime Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: 30 SEP 1988, This is in response to your letter of 27 September 1988 requesting that the Central Intelligence Agency provide an appropriate witness to testify before your Subcommittee on 4 October to discuss allegations of drug trafficking by the Nicaraguan Contras. While I-certainly understand the importance of the investigation you are conducting, I do not believe it would be appropriate for a CIA official to testify before your Subcommittee on this subject. Intelligence information concerning drug trafficking by specific individuals invariably involves sensitive intelligence sources. Testimony regarding the extent of our knowledge regarding such drug trafficking, therefore, could identify intelligence sources and would be inconsistent with the Director's legal responsibility to protect intelligence sources and methods. Even if the hearing were closed to the public and media, I would still have concerns about autho,riting an Agency official to testify. We have in the past confined disclosure of highly classified and source-sensitive information to the Intelligence Committees. In this instance, we have briefed the House and Senate Intelligence- Committees extensively on our knowledge of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 allegations of drug trafficking by members of the Nicaraguan Resistance. I would suggest that you contact the House Intelligence Committee regarding their investigation of this matter. Should your investigation unearth new information or significant questions that the House Intelligence Committee has not considered, I suggest that you pass that new information to that Committee. We would be happy to appear before the House Intelligence Committee to discuss this issue further if they request us to do so. Sincerely, is/ Retut M. Cates Robert M. Gates Deputy Director of Central Intelligence DAXYVJUI, Distribution: Orig - addressee 1 - ECCI 1 - EXDIR 30 Sep 88 )1i:7=-Ekecutive Registry 1- D/OCA 1 -J1m/ocA - Ciihrono 1 - OCA Records 1 - OCA/LEG Subj. File OCARead Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 STATi STAT -3, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 CF7NTRAL INTELLIGENCE Appscy Director of Congressional Affairs OCA 88-3262 30 September 1988 NOTE TO DDCI Bob: If possible, I would like to discuss the attached letter with you early this afternoon. My strong inclination is to decline this invitation. I have also sent this letter to the DO. 'John A Helgerson ,Attachment cc: EXDIR (Watt) DO (Watt) Distribution: Original - DDCI, 1 -. EXDIR c-71-11-1 1 - OCA Record 1 - JLH Chrono STAT , DCI EXEC REG -c;23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 ).-T.: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-IT6P90-sGOla--53.1001400120003-5 mL OTTE. vK Ft0E5INO JR >OS TEXAS BIR W ELATEHMEIER, WISCONSIN DOH EDWARDS CALIFORNIA JOHN CONKERS. JR.. MICHIGAN KKOKAAJNO I MAZZOLI. KENTUCK v WILLIAM J HUGHES. NEW JERSEY MIKE SYNAF. OKLAHOMA PATRICIA SCHROEDER. COLORADO DAN GLICKMAJ, KAJ4SAS LARNE, FRANK. MASSACHUSETTS CEO W CROCKM. JR MICHIGAN CHARLES E SCHUMER_ NEW YORK BRUCE A MORRISOK. CONNECTICUT E.DwAJc., FUGHAN OHIO LAwRS NCI J Sum,. ILOEUDA HOwalIm L liERKKAN CAL IKORKRK NCK 150iJCHER. ViRGIKRK HARLE, 0 STAGGERS. JR . WEST ViRGtNi? JOHN BRTANT. TEXAS SEIQA.laiN C CANDift, MARYLAND NEW A PtStr. CHAIRMAN NAA,KILTON FISH. JR NEW YORK CARLOS .1 MOORHEAD. CALIFORNIA HENRY J HYDE. ILLINOIS DAN LUNGRIN. CALIFORNIA F JAMES SEMSENBRENNER. JR.. WISCONSIN DILI IWCOU.Lni. FLORIDA E CLAY SHAW, JR.. FLORIDA GEORGE w GEKAS. PENNSYLVANIA \MCRAE" WHINE, OHIO WILLIAM E DANNEADYER. CALIFORNIA PATRICK L SYVINDALL GEORGIA HOWARD COBLE. NORTH CAROLINA FRENcu SLAUGHTER, JR., VIRGINIA LAMAR S SMITH. TEXAS September 27, 1988 11.6.f4ouge of RepresSentatibeB Committee on tbe Yubiciarp agbington, 13C 20515-6216 Macao= 202-225-3951 Judge William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence Washington, DC 20505 Dear Judge Webster: SA ELAINE WELKE STAN, DIRECTOR ARTHUR P SNORES. JR ASSOCIATE COUNSEL ALAN F. COFFIN', JR The Subcommittee on Crime of the House Committee on the Judiciary is conducting an important oversight investigation regarding the enforcement of Federal laws concerning narcotics, firearms, and money laundering laws. I believe the Central Intelligence Agency can information to assist the Subcommittee in its In this regard I request that the CIA provide witness to testify before the Subcommittee at for 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 4, 1988. provide significant important work. an appropriate a hearing scheduled The witness should be prepared to discuss allegations of drug trafficking by the Nicaraguan Contras. A July 1986 State Department report indicates that the U.S. intelligence community had developed information regarding drug trafficking by persons associated with the contras. The witness will be asked to provide substantive information related to that report, and information regarding the narcotics related reports that were passed on to law enforcement. The Committee on the Judiciary has legislative and oversight responsibility for Federal narcotics laws and their enforcement. The Agency on -a number of occasions has stated to the Congress that it promptly turned over to the Justice Department information relative to drug trafficking connected to the Nicaraguan conflict. It is concerning these law enforcement matters that we are asking the CIA to provide information to this Subcommittee. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 ,Tudge Webster, September 27, 19_88_, _Page 2 Anyi 'questions regarding this matter can be directed to Subcommittee Counsel Hayden Gregory or Investigator Jim Dahl at 225-1695. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincere William J. Hughes Chairman Subcommittee on Crime WJH:jd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 EALl...LJ 1 1 V AK1AT ? ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1/ Da r(2._ DDC1---7 -) X 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO X 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA X 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 c/LA/DO X 18 19 20 21 22 SUSPENSE Date Remarks D/OCA will prepare a response for DDCI signature. ER 88-3673X STAT ExecGtive Secretary 3 Oct '88 Date ni,n7 (10-81) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Yrdm: -,Tonn L. Heigerson So . ' plan to prepare an answer for signature. We ? We plan to prepare an answer for my signature. No answer expected or required John, I prefer to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 ? EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI X 3 EXDW 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO X 11 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA X 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/ExStaff 17(e-in,p) X 1 f` 20 21 22 SUSPENSE Date Remarks D/OCA will prepare a response for DDCI signature. ER 88-3673X STAT "RA17 (10-81) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Execatiye Secretary 3 Oct '88 ? Date Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 - V, ' ? Washington D C 20505 OCA 88-0516 2 3 FEB 1988 The Honorable William J. Hughes Chairman Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: The Director has asked me to respond to your.11 February 1988 letter requesting certain records in connection with your . investigation of the enforcement of Federal laws regarding narcotics, firearms and money laundering. The records that you have requested all relate to matters that have been investigated by the House and Senate Iran/Contra Committees. All CIA documents relevant to these matters have already been made available to the select committees. Accordingly, I .believe that the most expeditious manner to proceed would be for you to obtain relevant CIA documents directly from the House select committee. It is our understanding that these documents have been indexed by the select committee ? and thus should be readily retrievable from the record repository of the Committee. The documents that originated from CIA will be readily identifiable because they have been all copied on paper that identifies the CIA as the originator of the document. I want to emphasize that almost all the CIA documents provided to the select committee in their full text are classified. It will, therefore, be necessary to ensure that not only your staff have the appropriate clearance to review the documents, but that the documents are stored in a facility that meets the security standards for protection of this information. We are particularly concerned about Top Secret documents, which must be stored in areas that meet stringent security requirements. I would urge that your staff review this Top Secret material in the offices of the select committee. We are prepared to assist your staff in ensuring that appropriate security standards are adhered to in handling the CIA documents. I appreciate your offer for the staff of the subcommittee tc meet with us to discuss the necessary restrictions against dissemination of sensitive intelligence materials. I suggest Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 that before such a meeting is arranged, your staff review the relevant documents in the possession of the select committee and) identify those documents that may need to be disseminated beyond those cleared individuals on the staff of your Committee. Finally, I note that your letter also requests information on records in the possession of the National Security Agency "or any other United States intelligence operation or bureau." Since each Federal agency had separate responsibilities for providing ,pertinent information to the Iran/Contra investigating committees, I suggest that you communicate directly with NSA and these other agencies on this issue. If you have any further questions on these matters your staff may contact my Deputy, who served as the Agency's focal point with the House and Senate Iran/Contra Committees. telephone number is: Sinrprplv //John L. Helgerson Directbr of Congressional Affairs Distribution: Original - Addressee 1 - D/OCA 1 - DDL/OCA 1 - DD/HA/OCA FYI)_ (a-1--?b 1.-ference/ACTION#O-CA- 0609X-88) 1 - OCA Le? Subject File: Select Conunittee(s) OCA/Leg (22 February 1988) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 STAT STAT STAT STAT - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 HUNDREDTH CONGRESS ER 0609X-88 U ELAINE WELKE PETER W RODINO, JR.. JACK BROOKS. TEXAS ROBERT W. KASTENMEIER. WISCONSIN DON EDWARDS. CALIFORNIA JOHN CONYERS, JR.. MICHIGAN ROMANO L MAZZOLI. KENTUCKY WILLIAM J. HUGHES. NEW JERSEY MIKE SYNAR. OKLAHOMA PATRICIA SCHROEDER. COLORADO DAN GLICKMAN. KANSAS BARNEY FRANK. MASSACHUSETTS GEO. W. CROCKETT. JR.. MICHIGAN CHARLES E. SCHUMER. NEW YORK BRUCE A. MORRISON. CONNECTICUT EDWARD F. FEIGHAN. OHIO LAWRENCE J. SMITH, FLORIDA HOWARD L. BERMAN, CALIFORNIA RICK BOUCHER, VIRGINIA HARLEY O. STAGGERS. JR.. WEST VIRGINIA JOHN BRYANT. TEXAS BENJAMIN L CARDIN, MARYLAND NEW JERSEY. CHAIRMAN HAMILTON FISH. JR. NEW YORK CARLOS J. MOORHEAD. CALIFORNIA HENRY J. HYDE, ILLINOIS DAN LUNGREN. CALIFORNIA F JAMES SENSENBRENNER. JR., WISCONSIN BILL McCOLLUM. FLORIDA E CLAY SHAW. JR_ FLORIDA GEORGE W. GEKAS. PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL DEWINE OHIO WILLIAM L DANNEMEYER. CALIFORNIA PATRICK L. SWINDALL. GEORGIA HOWARD COBLE, NORTH CAROLINA D. FRENCH SLAUGHTER, JR., VIRGINIA LAMAR S. SMITH. TEXAS Judge William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Judge Webster: jliousk of Repraentatiba committee on tbe jubiciarp assbington, 3DC 20515-6216 ttelepbone: 202-225-3951 February 11, 1988 STAFF DIRECTOR ARTHUIRIDRES.JR ASSOCIATE COUNSEL ALAN F COFFEY JR Pursuant to Article I of the Constitution of the United States and the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Subcommittee on Crime of the House Committee on the Judiciary is conducting an oversight investigation of the enforcement of Federal laws regarding narcotics, firearms and money laundering. On or about March 31, 1986, Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Jeffrey Feldman, met in the U.S. Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica with U.S. Ambassador Lewis Tambs and CIA Chief of Station Joseph Fernandez concerning an investigation Mr. Feldman was conducting in Costa Rica in which he discussed the alleged role of Lt. Col. Oliver North and his associate Robert Owen, among others, in providing arms to the Nicaraguan resistance. Assistant U.S. Attorney Feldman was accompanied by two special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, George Kiszynski and Kevin Currier. It has been alleged that participants in that arms supply operation have had some form of complicity with the traffic in illegal narcotics, money laundering or violations of Federal firearms and export control laws. The notebooks of Lt. Col. North indicate that on that day Mr. Fernandez called him to report on this investigation into the Contra supply network. To carry out its investigation, the Subcommittee needs from the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, or any other United States intelligence operation or bureau, a copy of all records and communications they have concerning this meeting and the subjects discussed at that meeting: an alleged plot to assassinate Ambassador Tambs; an alleged plot to blow up the U.S. Embassy in San Jose; and the activities of Lt. Col. Oliver North and Robert Owen and their associates in providing lethal assistance to Nicaraguan Contras after passage of the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Judge Webster, February 11, 1988, page 2 Boland Amendment. In particular, the Subcommittee would like a copy of any communications, or notes on such communications, from Ambassador Tambs, Chief of Station Joseph Fernandez, or any one else in Costa Rica to any personnel of the CIA and any other U.S. intelligence operatives relating to the investigation being conducted by Messrs. Feldman, Kiszynski and Currier. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. If you have provided any of these documents to the House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions With Iran, please let me know just which documents you provided so that I may obtain them from that Committee without troubling you further. The staff of the Subcommitte on Crime, which has been issued top secret clearances, is prepared to meet with your General Counsel to discuss the necessary restrictions against disseminating sensitive intelligence materials. I wish to stress that the Subcommittee on Crime places the highest priority on protecting the integrity and confidentiality of intelligence sources, procedures and operations, law enforcement investigations and prosecutions, and protecting the security and confidentiality of law enforcement data. WJH:ees Sinc ely your ii lam J. Hu.ies Chairman Subcommittee on Crime Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 ?? ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDCI X 3 EXDIR X 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO X 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC X 10 GC X 11 IG X 12 Compt ' ' D/OCA X 4 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 C/LA/DO X 18C DO X 19 20 21 ?W) 1-Z_ X SUSPENSE Date Remarks D/OCA will respond over his signature STAT STAT 3637 (10-81) Executive Secretary 17 Feb 88 Dote Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 16 From: John Helgerson 476:9 We plan to prepare an answer for your signature. /We plan to prepare an answer for my signature. No answer expected or required John, I prefer to 41It Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP90G01353R001400120003-5 STAT