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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90G00993R000400080007-8 OIT IRIS i -,? ': Director Intelligence Community Staff Washington, :).C 20505 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. William F. Donnelly Deputy Director for Administration, CIA LOGGED DCI/ICS 4085-87 26 June 1987 Deputy Director for Foreign Intelligence, DIA Mr. Richard J. Kerr Deputy Director for Intelligence, CIA Deputy Director for Information Systems, DIA SUBJECT: Support for the Analysts' File Environment (SAFE) 1. I am forwarding for your review and concurrence a Memorandum for the Record (MFR), Attachment 1, outlining our deliberations at the 17 June 1987 SAFE meeting. I appreciated your candid discussion of the issues, highlighted in Attachment 2, and feel progress was made toward identifying and resolving program problems. 2. Your agency responses to FY 1989-1993 DCI Guidance, Attachment 3, will provide further information on progress made in areas of transition planning and post FY 1988 activities. However, I also remain concerned about FY 1987-1988 program costs and deficits and, therefore, request that a briefing be scheduled in early August for me and my Staff to update the preliminary FY 1988 program estimates provided at our June meeting and to present commodation of those costs. Further, request that you advise at 376-5565 of any changes to the MFR by 15 July 1987 T to ensure a comp e e and accurate reflection of the proceedings. I remain interested in, and supportive of, your activities to complete the SAFE Program in an expeditious and cost-effective way. Lieutenant General, US F Attachments: 1) SAFE MFR (DCI/ICS 4086-87) 2) SAFE Program Review Slides 3) FY 1989-1993 DCI Guidance for DIA and CIA D/CSPO Mr. J. Helgerson, ADDI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90G00993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 DCI/ICS 4086-87 24 June 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Information Handling Committee, ICS SUBJECT: SAFE Meeting, 17 June 1987 1. A meetin nvened by the D/ICS to discuss programmatic and fiscal SAFE issu w as co Mr. Helgerson, Mr. Donnelly, in attendance. In his opening comment, Lt Gen Heinz expressed Wis -concern with program delays, costs, and potential Congressional oversight, and advised of his willingness to be an. "honest broker" in facilitating resolution of problematic issues. 2, presented a short program review addressing CSPO organiza- tion, FY 1987-1988 budget, delivery status, issues and policy considerations highlighted in Attachment 2. Key points made by include: a. D/CSPO's objective is to achieve a well-managed SAFE Program by improving cost accounting, configuration management, and vendor management. Separate CIA and DIA elements were created in the recent CSPO reorganization to prepare agency personnel to operate, maintain, and manage their own SAFE Programs. b. All Delivery 3 and 4 schedules have slipped since October 1986, pushing Deliveries 3.5, 3.6, and 4, Set 1 into FY 1988. These new projected dates are tentative, pending Configuration Control Board (CCB) approval. c. Total FY 1988 costs (hardware, maintenance, and contractual services) to accomplish all remaining Deliveries (3.0-6 and 4, Set 1) are $53.6 million in FY 1987 and $52.5 million in FY 1988. A deficit of $2.3 million in FY 1987 and $10.5 million in FY 1988 is projected. d. To achieve all scheduled deliveries, FY 1987 vendor and government staffing must be maintained through FY 1988. e. Augmentation of the CSPO Staff with CIA and DIA personnel is needed to properly support resource management, system integration, and system engineering. f. Policy guidance regarding FY 1988 cost sharing and separation goals is required from CIA's and DIA's senior-line management before CSPO can further plan FY 1988 budget allocations and transition. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 SUBJECT: SAFE Meeting, 17 June 1987 3. Lt Gen Heinz focused the discussion of the issues on the immediate objective of completing the remaining deliveries and the longer-term objective of determining how to handle the future transition. a. asserted that CIA and DIA should jointly support CSPO development activity until the requirements in Delivery 4, Set 1 had been met and DIA, too, received its primary SAFE goal, an integrated data base (IDB). To achieve this, emphasized the need to stabilize the program and to discourage any diversion of critical CSPO vendor or government resources to non-CSPO activities, including technology transfer. Mr. Donnelly reasserted that the CIA and DIA commitment last October was to "stay together" until Delivery 4, Set 1 has been achieved. He, however, questioned whether DIA would be prepared to receive any delivered capability without substantial effort, as yet not apparent. DIA representatives assured Mr. Donnelly that DIA was prepared to undertake a full-court press to get the job done. Mr. Helgerson expressed apprehension with providing indefinite funding support to completing Delivery 4, Set 1, given other DI commitments. Nonetheless, advised that the Congressional Staff would not look favorably on disbanding the joint program without first providing DIA its primary goal. There was tacit agreement by all present to remain together through the completion of Delivery 4, Set 1. b. With clear understanding of the nroiected costs for completing all remaining Deliveries, as presented by discussion on FY 1988 funding focused on CIA's and DIA's cost sharing of the FY 1988 shortfall. No one questioned the presumption that both CIA's and DIA's total FY 1988 SAFE Programs, $18.3 million (CIA) and $23.7 million (DIA), would be fully committed to CSPO's remaining development activities. It was agreed that FY 1988 budget figures would be refined to reflect Congressional cuts and improved estimates, whereupon both agencies would reach agreement on their "fair share" obligation to cover the $10.5 million FY 1988 shortfall. It Gen Heinz requested to be informed on the "fair share agreement" reached to accommodate FY 1988 program costs and to be advised of any unaccommodated deficit. Post FY.1988 transition goals were discussed, relative to Mr. equest for policy guidance. In response to Mr. Helgerson xplained DIA's ultimate goal was to separate from CIA and achieve independent operations, but that it -0d takp tw- +^ five years before that would be realistic or feasible. further stated one of his primary concerns was the SAFE Programs epen ence on CIA's proprietary AIM application and its undocumented state, which makes separate maintenance by DIA impossible. Mr. Donnelly assured that as long as CIA uses AIM, CIA will nrt DI even the plethora of transition issues and optionsL77- nd Mr. Helgerson agreed to bring appropriate parties together, immediately, to outline the issues and options for senior management. CIA and DIA would then concur on a specific transition goal and strategy from which CSPO could develop a transition plan and schedule. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 SUBJECT: SAFE Meeting, 17 June 1987 4. In closing, optimistically stated "the end is in sight," and Lt Gen Heinz charge a E participants to forget history and move forward to resolve the open issues and get the job done. Mr. Donnelly advised Lt Gen Heinz that formal responses to his SAFE concerns, expressed in the FY 1989-1993 DCI Guidance, would be forthcoming by 1 August 1987. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 3 = am z GO no a) c m= 3 C'7 mm m 0 Cn m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90G00993R000400080007-8 O H Cn Cn --~ H n Cl) c m Cn -~ c C~ n m C) m Cn T1 m O C7 m V C-4 c m C0 co V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90G00993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90G00993R000400080007-8 Q - 4 m O x C CD n n m o Z H Z Cl) --I Z Q C!) cn -~ m r m n mc-, z ~v p 0 O O ('1 m C') cI a 3 r r r -< Co m v m v 00 00 00 N O Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 H C7 C7 3 a O C C/) a ? -I C) m -I m m m 3 C C, ? O m v m O r C z ?m < z w C) C/) m r -mc m U) o m C C) 00 C7 m O = C) V -1 = 1H-I O - Z C) z z T m a r a H ~ z 00 3 H D C) 00 - m m 3 m m c) m < CD o ---I -l O O m C Cn C) C) -1 a = H -r N -< a CO -~ CO H O m m m 8 C-) c) C/) m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 O 3 D O C Cn m n m n --4 I H 1 - rrn < n m o n n z m r n C7 C) m -~ O ::a -n C7 O O z o ~ ~ m 3 Cn V) 3 O H Z m m -4 H C Cn D Z H ? O m 69 3 m m r z cn m D -1 m -< 3 m m H 0 3 r Cn O r -i C H z m O c -~ z n H C") O c o r m m D -i z m m m m < m o H -< m Cn I m C~c Cb m O O m m 3 H = CO Cn H H Z N --4 m m C:) C H C) ---1 C -< Cl) CO Cb CO m H Cn CO m Coe) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8 FY89-93 DCI GUIDANCE FOR DIA AND CIA 6 April 1987 1. DIA Support for the Analysts' File Environment (SAFE) Joint agency development activities for the SAFE Program are expected to continue until SAFE Delivery 4 Set 1 has been fully implemented at DIA. Even with the projected achievement of this milestone in FY 1988, many DIA/SAFE requirements will remain unsatisfied. DIA/SAFE activities are identified in SAFE/GDIP outyear program. Accordingly, DIA shall commence planning for in-house management of SAFE follow-on activities and shall assess SAFE life- cycle issues, specifically addressing: (1) SAFE concept of operations as envisioned by DIA user organizations; (2) DIA concept of support for SAFE operations and maintenance; and, (3) DIA plans and schedule for continued SAFE development activities (FY 1988-1992). A report describing the planning and actions to accomplish the foregoing shall be submitted to the Director, Intelligence Community Staff by 1 August 1987. 2. CIA Support for the Analysts' File Environment (SAFE) Joint agency development activities for the SAFE Program are expected to continue until SAFE Delivery 4 Set 1 has been fully implemented, which is expected in FY 1988. To effectively plan for the transition of Consolidated SAFE Program management, while ensuring continued implementation of SAFE functionality within CIA and DIA user organizations, the following shall be prepared: (1) plan and schedule for transition of SAFE Program into separate management structures; and (2) plan and identification of post FY 1988 CIA support to DIA/SAFE. In addition, CIA, as Program Manager for the CSPO, shall initiate a "retrospective study of the consolidated SAFE Program" and, with DIA assistance, review SAFE development experiences, focusing on lessons learned, not criticism, so that maximum feasible institutional learning can be derived from the SAFE activity. A report addressing plannings and actions to accomplish the foregoing shall be submitted to the Director, Intelligence Community Staff by 1 August 1987. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90GO0993R000400080007-8