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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 STAT JI/AI STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUOJECT: (Optional) FROM: Secretarial Training Requirements O/D/CO TO: (Officer designation, MOT numbor, and building) DATE NO. DATE 10 March 1986 REalvto FORWARDED OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INMALS to whom. Draw a liner across column after each comma) O/D/OF 1212 Key Bldg. 0/D/OIT 2D02 HQS 0/D/OL O/D/OTE 936 CoC 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. Thank you for soliciting and compiling your Office's response to the call for comments regarding training requirements for your Office. The responses from OC, OF, OIT, OL and OTE were forwarded to. the Secretary to the Executive Ditectol on 27 February. I have not heard any feedback since the package's submission. If there is indeed feedback, I will pass it along to you. Thanks again for your support! FORM 6i1% USE PREVIOUS 1-79 v EDITIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 STAT I DATE 3/10/86 TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: o/D/OIT ATTN: Nancy ROOM NO. 1 BUILDING REMARKS: Nancy, As we discussed attached is a copy of the OC input regarding secretarial training requirements. Sorry to be so slow in getting it to you. There always seems to be other priorities to handle. I'd be interested in your comments. Thanks. FROM: Becky O/D/CO ROOM NO. BUILDING res1,111 REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 ADMINISTRATIVE- RNAL USE ONLY 28 FEB 1986 Composite of Office of Communications' Comments Re Proposed Secretarial Pay Plan/Training Requirements "The training that has been identified for the various levels generally seems appropriate, however, more attention needs to be given to the basic skills that EOD'ers should possess. My experience has been that too many of our new (and some times old) secretaries lack the necessary spelling, grammar, and proof reading skills to effectively handle the preparation of correspondence. Unfortunately these individuals are assigned to positions that require these skills without the benefit of testing or training to verify their existence. I am of the opinion that these skills are essential for all secretaries and that our entry testing should be designed to. detect deficiencies in these areas." "Based on my experience throughout the Agency, I believe Proofreading should be required." "Is telephone courtesy included in one of the required courses? If not, it should be?" "A suggestion was made, based on past experience, that certain courses should be made available to all EOD secretaries. Training should begin approximately 3-5 months subsequent to on-the-job in order to allow the secretary to adjust and be able to relate to the office. The courses suggested are: 1). Agency Procedures, 2). Telephone Etiquette, 3). WANG courses, and 4) Office of Communications procedures and formats." "It states several places that secretaries will be asked to demonstrate certain skills. How will this be demonstrated? Will it be an exam or will the person's supervisor provide certification or what. It seems like these things should be spelled out." "Some of the courses listed are restricted. Not all of the secretaries currently would be able to take them." "Am interested in knowing how the secretaries in the field will get the training that will be/is needed for advancement into the next level? How will the secretaries in the field be rated along with HQS secretaries?" ADMINIST -INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 ADMINISTRA NTERNAL USE ONLY STAT STAT TO: FROM: 0/EXDIR U/D/UU 28 FEB Ises SUBJECT: Thoughts and Comments Re Secretarial Training It would seem logical that a determination would be made upon entry on duty as to what level/degree of training an individual would need before placing him/her into an Agency work environment. Factors to be taken into consideration in making this determination might include: a review of the person's employment history--are they changing career fields or do they have any secretarial work experience; review of his/her educational background--did they take secretarial courses in high school or attend a secretarial school; or how did they fair on the SET test--did they do well on the grammar test. There seems to be a general consensus that the entry level secretaries need to receive refresher training in the very basic skills--typing, shorthand, grammar/punctuation, etc. Upon reviewing an Agency Orientation and Office Procedures Course Schedule, I noted that Proofreading, Classification System, Grammar and Punctuation, Correspondence, Interpersonal Skills, Office Automation and Telephone Operating Procedures are covered. A session on Office Practice Skills might also be considered. Subjects that really need to be covered are how to take a telephone message--what information do I need to obtain when I take a telephone message, office and telephone etiquette--how to present a professional image; appointment making--do not write in ink on appointment calendars, what info do I need to obtain--who, what, when, where and why; and prioritizing work--what work needs to be completed first, second, etc. The Agency phone book should also be covered. The phone book is a valuable source of information to the secretary. It is used not only to find telephone numbers but also provides you with a protocol list, locations of offices, titles of officers/offices and names can be written in beside the-specific offices. ADMINISTRATIVE- ERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY SUBJECT: Thoughts and Comments Re Secretarial Training I also noticed that the Agency Orientation and Office Procedures course does not have any guest speakers who are presently working in the clerical profession. One section on the schedule was titled "A Framework for Success in CIA" this seems like an ideal time to have a senior secretary tell her story as to how her career has been "successful and rewarding in the Agency". Each Office needs to provide the secretary with a tailored version of some of the topics that are covered in the clerical orieqtation course. Such topics include: an overview of the Office--missions and functions, chain of command, etc.; informational Office mechanisms--staff meetings, Office notices, newsletters; Office uniqueness in preparing correspondence-- internal distribution, suspense systems, glossaries in preparing electrical correspondence, etc.; filing procedures, special jargon used in your Office and how the clerical panel functions to name a few. The training courses to be offered to the mid-level secretaries need to be instructional as well as broadening. These would include courses on Time Management, Stress Management, shorthand, word processing (glossaries and visual memory) and computer training. The knowledge obtained from these types of courses will encourage the secretary to contribute more to the office team effort. The word processing and computer training will enhance their efforts in making a contribution by creating mechanisms for tracking and maintaining information. Courses such as Getting Your Ideas Across, Supervisory Skills for Secretaries, Management Skills for Secretaries and Advanced Writing seem like a good basis for preparing secretaries for the senior secretarial positions. As senior secretaries, the talents of interpersonal relationships and interacting amongst your peers are honed. The guidance supplied in the above mentioned courses should provide a gateway to success. With the enhancement of duties of the executive secretary such as preparing statistical reports and providing briefings, a new dimension is added to this position These individuals will need training along the lines of how to prepare such reports and how to prepare for a briefing and make the presentation. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY SUBJECT: Thoughts and Comments Re Secretarial Training Secretaries need to be prepared for movement into such positions. If they are not aware of what can be expected of them, there may be even more secretaries leaving this profession. To give you an idea of what types of courses OC secretaries need, a copy of a proposed Training Profile for clerical personnel is attached. This profile was prepared by the OC clerical Career Management Officer and is based upon the training courses that are available in OTE today. What courses are mobile? What and how do we take courses to the field. Basically, all courses are mobile. Their presentation may be in person or through the audio or video medium. The video taping of a number of the OTE courses would definitely be apropos. At this writing, OC provides the field with the following handbooks: Office of Communications Catalog of Self-Administered Courses and Office of Communications Correspondence Course Handbook. Some of the courses in the self-administered handbook provide the employee in the field the opportunity to meet training requirements in their respective occupation. A Program Completion certificate is completed by the supervisor for some of the courses and returned to Headquarters. OC is also in the process of taking two courses to the field. Part of the OC training team will be TDYing to the field to provide this instruction. Everyone needs to be made aware and encouraged to use the self study libraries that are available. Some of the outer buildings should check into starting self study centers. OTE might want to take a closer check into what is available on the market in the audio and visual cassette area. Some of the audio cassette programs that I have listened to and found to be very informative are: Beyond the Typewriter, The Seminar for Senior and Executive Secretaries and Effective Speaking for Managers. People need to be made aware that they should make the completion of these programs a matter of record by updating Form 444n (Qualifications Update). I am attaching information on a workbook and audio cassette course (The Professional Secretary) that may be of interest to OTE. I have not had an opportunity to review this course. 3 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT SUBJECT: Thoughts and Comments Re Secretarial Training Another route in training secretaries might want to look into are the workshops that are offered in the secretarial field. I've attached a copy of a brochure that is reasonably priced and seems to offer an individual a variety of information. Of course, the formal academic world should not be forgotten. With the opportunity of having the Agency reimburse individuals for courses that are work related and even the possibility of full academic sponsorship, individuals should be encouraged to pursue formal academic training. How do we implement the training? A possible suggestion is that when an Office begins the conversion process under the new Secretarial Pay Plan a team be formed within that Office which is comprised of at least a personnel officer, clerical panel chief or career management officer and Office training officer. The training officer would be in the loop from the beginning and would be the Office focal point with OTE and the secretarial population within that particular Office. The Office training officer needs to work closely with the Office clerical advisor to ensure a smooth transition into the new training program. Attachments: A. OC Proposed Clerical Training Profile B. Info on "The Professional Secretary" Cassette Package C. "The Secretary Who Makes a Difference" Brochure 4 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 ADMINISTRAT ERNAL USE ONLY PANEL A CAREER_DEVELOPMENT PROFILE POSITION LEVEL ANTERNAL TRAINING GS-04 GS-05 Agency Orientation & Office Procedures (Required of all EOD Clericals) Introduction to OC T&A Workshop (given on request for groups by OF) Computer Training (as required for job) Proofreading Shorthand Refresher (to assist in qualifying in shorthand) Typing for Speed & Accuracy ( to assist in qualifying in typing skill) OC Secretarial Conference EXTERNAL TRAINING WAND Training Course as required for jpb) Basic Skill Courses !- GS-06 Role of the Secretary in the Auto- WANG Training Course mated Office for job) Stress Management Basic Skill Courses Time Management Employee Development Locator Card Briefing (special briefing on request) Field Administration (if required for Admin. Asst. position overseas.) Trends & Highlights (recommended for secys. & A/A returning from overseas) GS-07 Management Skills for Secretaries/ Admin. Assistants Getting Your Ideas Across Women in the Workforce as required Skills Courses Job Related External Courses that are not given internally. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 POSITION LEVEL GS-08 GS-09 ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY -2- INTERNAL TRAINING Leadership Styles & Behavior Essentials of Writing Effective Oral Presentations Professional Women's Course EXTERNAL TRAINING Skills Courses Job Related External Courses that are not given internally. Skills Courses Job Related External Courses that are not given &nternally. ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 - PROPOSED OC TRAINING FOR PANEL A Correspondence Workshops Classification Workshops Briefing on External & Internal Training (includes completing forms for training & handout package) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 advancement is possible. Very taw leach- era ever become supaintsndsres of schools, for exempla Most swamis, reach their maximum potential in 10 years, with no chance for promotion "Women at home are critical of those women who woe* and NCO MU. Each has made the choice and should be respected for that choice." McCamley is vice chairman, Council for the Status of Women and a fuli-dme Trade Union Official with the Industrial Diwsiop- ment Authority. She has lectured widely on women in employment and in trade unions. Double Standards The presentation of Dorothy Dennis FRSAI suggested that discrknination to- ward the female is universal. She hit home with the staMment: "Fe- males are loyal, discreet, have integrity: are expected to arrive for work wady and stay late; be well groomed; arrange seminars; but are not asked to 'make a Maar; they are asked to stay sober; not steal a husband; and look the other way wiwn a wile is moan." Dennis is with New Ireland Assurance. She was the first woman member of the Council at the Insurance Institute of Ireland. She has debated and adjudicated through- out Ireland and England, and spoken at meetings in Bangkok, New York, and a lot of places in between, including China. She is a Founder Member and Past President of Avis Executive Secretaries Club. PSI Membership-- A Common Bond of Professional Peers Sylvia Cash CPS emphasized the im- portance of membership in a professional organization such as PSI in piornoting the status of secretaries among pews and management alike. "PSI and AESC provide opportunities for participation in educational seminars, study ? _ courses, other activities to enhance and el- evate the standards of the profession, and for personal growth. PSI and affiliates pro- vide a network for experienced secretaries for career advancement and encourage msritoring for novice secretaries to help them develop expertise on the job." "PSI membership," Cash said, "fosters a camaraderie regardless of age, color, or re- ligion. The common bond is the profession and the desire to exemplify professionalism in the wofic environment and in the com- munity." Secretarial Training that Fits Your Needs Workbook ad Audio Cassette cease Module 1: Telephone Skills Module 2: HandlingCorrespondence Module 3: Writing Effective Business Letters Module 4: Arranging Appointments, Meetings and Teleconferences Module 5: Filing Module 6: Getting Along With People Module 7: Keeping the Office Running Module 8: Professional Attitudes Solves Today's Problems! ? Interactive design, entertaining presentation ? Emphasizes the secretary's role as a player on the office team ? Includes innovative Build-Your-Own Office Manual in each module Satisfied Users Say: "The format is self-explanatory, and the situations are believable. I found the tapes to be especially useful, as they gave me real-life applications for the workbook material .. ." "I found many valuable pointers in the program, new and better ways to perform old tasks.. ." Send us ClUintitY sets of The Professional Secretary course @ $92.50 ? NY residents, add sales tax + Shipping + 2.50 TOTAL CI Check Enclosed O Bill us O Send C.O.D. (C.O.D. charge added) Send more information. Tell me about quantity discounts. p I'm interested in adapted or customized training. Company, Attention, Address, City, Send to: Prometheus Training Corporation s 3000 Winton Road South State, Zip, Roe-heater, New York 14623 -J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 \OD SI'ICC aStteet ? & 13t2" ' Irts?lte it tttis DIltl?,t citsj lt?11. Come 17406kStV39 The proven answer to getting ahead . . . and staying ahead: Dun & Bradstreet's one-day workshop "I can The do it!" Secret Who Makes a Difference . . . a fresh, new workshop full of proven ways to help you become a recognized asset to your boss, develop your own professionalism, and take the extra step past "acceptable" to superior! Special prices $ Only Coming to these cities: 7per person 0 Wilmington, Delaware 0 Baltimore, Maryland Cross ICeys Inn-Balthnore 0 Bethesda, Maryland March 25, 1986 Ramada Inn-Bethesda 0 Tysons Corner, Virginia March 26, 1986 0 Richmond, Virginia Holiday Inn-Tysons Corner March 27, 1986 Richmond Marriott Hotel March 14, 1986 Sheraton Brandywine Inn March 24, 1986 See inside for program guarantee and valuable extras .........???.,..+ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 L1%...1.1111 141 .G.2ku-a45 Meet Sandra Glosser she'll show you how! th outstanding D&B seminar leader, TV and radio personality, 'rid organizational consultant, Sandra Glosses specializes in the field of personal and profes- sional growth for secretaries and support personnel. She has worked with thousands of individuals and organizations, including IBM, Bank of America, Hewlett- Packard, Control Data Corpora- tion and the American Red Cross, personally helping secretaries become more effec- tive on the job. She has helped a wide variety of companies, government agencies and educa- tional institutions to improve employee Job satisfaction and productivity. And, she regularly presents public and private. sector seminars, captivating au- diences with her humor and in- depth knowledge of how the working world operates. A sparkling guest speaker, she discusses with first-hand candor the unique problems of secretaries, having begun her career 23 a congressional legislative secretary. Later, as a journalist for the Dallas Morn- ing News, she devoted herself to the concerns of working women in the corporate structure. Sandra has a BA in Political Science and has done grad'uate work in Organizational Com- munications. She will show you ways to put into practice the im- portant interpersonal skills necessary to your success in business. Secretaries! Think about this. . . The good secretary ? does everything she's asked to do ? gets the job done on time ? gathers information the boss asks for ? keeps track of the details The difference-maker ? does more ? gets the Job done ahead of schedule ? provides the boss with what he/she needs ? makes sure every project closes with nothing unanswered or overlooked Turn this flap over to see how you can be a difference-maker and increase your professional and personal rewards . . . EXTRA #1 Personalized Problem-solving Session As an integral part of this workshop, a directed problem-solving session will take place during the afternoon. EXTRA #2 Specially Designed Handbook To help you put the workshop's many techniques into day-to-day The Secretary Who Makes a Difference EXTRA #3 Tips and Techniques for Secretaries Tips and Techniques for Secretaries It's designed colleagues sc pressing job In small p peers will de most crucial, your woritsh ways to redu communicad own professi practice, this developed to gram and the Specially c? checklists an easily throug tions of the $ key points kc refreshed evc you're lookit to continue t At the back c book, you'll Tips and Tec A Difference It outlines ways to inc.( project the it confrontatios listener and I fectiveness Two ways to register ? Call the D&B registrar at 212-312-6880. ? Use the mail-in registration form on the bat Seminar Fee $97 per person Fee ctners seminar instruction, the workbooW reference manual and refreshment breaks. Reservations/Daily Schedule Space is limited and reservations are accepted In the order received. The seminar starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 4:30 p.m. C.E.U. Certificates Conforming to guidelines of the National Task Force on Continuing Education Units, each one-day seminar is authorized for .6 COI's. Cancellations Confirmed registrations may be cancelled up to 5 working days prior to the seminar date. Thereafter, cancellations are subject to a $25 service charge, e within 3 woridn. are subject to th substitutions car Hotel Accot For out-of-town rooms have beet hotels. Make res hotel at least tw, (The seminar fet Tax Deduct Education expet ing) undertaken business or prof (Ttess. Reg 1.l( Monet 203 F 2d See registration form on back SOM1C06 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 ? Dun &.Bradstreet's one-day workshop The Secretary Who Makes a Differ What's a difference-maker? A difference-maker is a person who's somehow indispensible to the smooth working of daily of- fice life . . . who's found the ways to generate respect and coopera- tion . . . whose whole attitude and appearance shouts "projessionall" "The Secretary Who Makes A Difference" is a practical workshop to help you powerfully affect your working environment in the most positive, productive ways. ft helps you appreciate your own and others' strengths, and gives you techniques for What you get: You'll learn to ? Project greater self-confidence so others will trust your skills ? Convey the professional image which moves you ahead on the job ? Communicate better with dif- ficult people without losing temper or self-esteem ? Actively listen to build rapport with supervisors, peers and customers ? Develop a polished personal style that helps you present yourself to your best advantage handling everyday situations so that work continues smoothly. And, most importantly, it gives you tools for building a strong rapport with your manager based on a more effective, polished performance. Attending "The Secretary Who Makes A Difference" can make tbe big difference in your career and in the satisfaction your job brings you. Below are Just some of the ways you and your boss will benefit from this experience: What your manager gets: A secretary who ? Is a team player and recognizes the boss's priorities ? Assumes responsibility without reluctance or fear ? Clearly communicates with all levels of the organization to get the Job done ? Keeps alive a "can-do" attitude to help the boss achieve more ? Performs at a level that wins respect for the boss and the organization All D&B seminars are backed by a promise of your satisfaction: 1 14 1 41 iliiiii1,41,114 1 ,1 ?16144444144 1,1 1 1 1,1 Quality Guaranteed! If, after attending this workshop, you are not satisfied that we have delivered everything promis- ed in our brochure, simply (II ii'll ii notify us within 10 days of the program's dose. Dun & Bradstreet will promptly refund your payment?in full. Workshop outlit 1 Building blocks to professionalisr a. unlock your hidden abilities a b. develop a "can-do" attitude d ? self-esteem and productivity c. improve working relations* yourself as a professional 2 Tools for becoming a difference- 3 ? a. b. C. d. go beyond the stereotype of' apply improved communicati cooperation and respect present yourself and your wo eliminate negative approache situations Your "winning" personality:. building rapport with others a. techniques for remembering: ? b. how to develop the power of c. becoming an effective listene d. why you don't hear everythir e. reading "between-the-lines": f. how to communicate in a prc over the telethone time-saving techniques for co directing conversation Working together: you and your a. techniques for assisting your accomplishing more ? b. the secrets of "timing": when approach your manager c. persuading others to help you d. identifying the office "games'' to side-step them e. when to assume responsibilip f. how to work for more than o s. Workshop starts at 9:00 a.m.: and ends at Here's another way you can ber from this exciting workshop. . . At significant savings per partic- ipant, D&B will bring this pro- ? gram to your premises for groups of 15 or more, and will tailor its content to your company's needs. It's a convenient way to take advantage of the tent and leader a the office. ? Call Loy VAnt - or ask your mr director to call t. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Dun & Bra The Wh Mall tO: Dun & Brads Business Edu P.O. Box 80 New York, N 0 Please resc The Secre O Wilminc O Baltimo O Bethes( O Tysons O Richma Participants: (i NANIF NAME NANIE COMPANY STREET Makes a Difference Workshop outline C11 Y PHONE ( 0 Check enc Dun & Bra Business BBPell./.1114kalree(ffle P.O. Box R03, New York, Nei 1 Building blocks to professionalism a. unlock your hidden abilities and talents b. develop a "can-do" attitude that builds ? self-esteem and productivity c. improve working relationships by projecting - yourself 23 a professional Tools for becoming a difference-maker a. go beyond the stereotype of "secretary" b. apply improved communication skills to gain ? cooperation and respect c. present yourself and your work most effectively d. eliminate negative approaches to everyday situation., Your "winning" personality:. building rapport with others a. techniques for remembering names b. how to develop the power of your voice c. becoming an effective listener d. why you don't hear everything you should e. reading "between-the-lines": non-verbal messages f. how to communicate in a professional way over the telephone time-saving techniques for controlling/ directing conversation 3 4 Working together: you and your boss as a team a. techniques for assisting your boss in accomplishing more b. the secrets of "timing": when, where and why to approach your manager c. persuading others to help you help your boss d. identifying the office "games" and learning to side-step them e. when to assume responsibility and show initiative f. how to work for more than one boss ? g. Workshop starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. Here's another way you can benefit from this exciting workshop. . . At significant savings per partic- ipant. D&B will bring this pro- gram to your premises for groups of 15 or more, and will tailor its content to your company's needs. It's a comenient way to take advantage of the workshop's con- tent and leader without ever leaving the office. Call tarry Winters at 212-312-6869 - or ask your manager or training director to call today Mail this Please incl 'Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0 Seminar Extras EXTRA #1 Personalized Problem-solving Session As an integral part of this workshop, a directed problem-solving session will take place during the afternoon. ? EXTRA #2 Specially Designed Handbook To help you put the workshop's many techniques into day-to-day The Secretary Who Makes a Difference EXTRA #3 Tips and Techniques for Secretaries Tips and Techniques for Secretaries It's designed to help you and your colleagues solve some of your most pressing job difficulties. In small groups, you and your peers will decide which areas are most crucial, and then together with your workshop leader, you'll find ways to reduce conflict, improve communication or develop your own professional style. practice, this handbook has been developed for use during the pro- gram and after. Specially created questionnaires, checklists and exercises take you easily through the four basic sec- tions of the seminar. Summaries of key points keep your memory refreshed even months later when you're looking for guidance on how to continue to grow in your job. At the back of your workshop hand- book, you'll find a special section of Tips and Techniques for Becoming A Difference-Maker. It outlines in quick-scan format, ways to increase your confidence, project the image you want, handle confrontations, become a better listener and increase your overall ef- fectiveness at work. Two ways to register ? Call the D&11 registrar at 212-312-6880. ? Use the mail-in registration form on the back of this flap. Seminar Fee 197 per person Fee covers seminar instruction, the workinxik/ rekrence manual and refreshment breaks. Reservations/Daily Schedule Space is limited and reservations are accepted In the order received. The seminar starts promptly at 9:00 2.M. and closes at 4:30 p.m. C.E.U. Certificates Conforming to guidelines of the National i* Force on Continuing Education Units, one-day seminar is authorized for .6 CEU's. Cancellations Confirmed registrations niay be cancelled up to 5 working days prior to the seminar date. Thereafter, cancellations are subject to a 125 service charge, except that cancellations within 3 working days prior to the seminar are subject to the entire fee. However, substitutions can be made at any time. Ilotel Accommodations For out-of-town registrants, a number of (001113 have been reserved with the seminar hotels. Make reservations directly with the hotel at least two weeks prior to the meeting. (The seminar fee does not include this cost.) Tax Deduction Education expenses (fees, trawl, meals, lodg- ing) undertaken to maintain or imprint business or professional skills are deductible. (nuts Reg. 1.162-5, Coughlin vs. Commis- sioner, 203 F 2d. 307) See registration form on back SOPA 1C05 rD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP90G00993R000300020002-0