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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 RX11rCU17VE S CKETAKIAT. TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDCI 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO x 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 18 19 20 21 22 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 .1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 YOU" ents' OrOnization, Inc. Elam IteQlsul t Please reply to: THE, Inc. 26 East 64 Street New York, NY 10021 (212) 980-8888 STAT September 25, 1987 Mr. William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Thanks so much for your note of September 8. I am sorry you will not be able to join us as a luncheon speaker. Should your schedule change, April and May 1988 are still dates that need to be firmed up. For your perusal our luncheon following speakers: schedule includes the September 23 Dr. Frank Stanton October 7 Daniel Ortega November 17 Gerald Greenwald December 8 Dr. Ruth Westheimer January 7 Admiral Elmo Zumwalt February 25 Dr. Steven Berglas March 8 Rick Pitino I wish you all the best in your new position. If I can ever be of any assistance, please call me. Warm regards, ~ ~_?-/ r, Chapter Chairman, Philip L. Milstein, Milford Management Corp., 212-708-0840 ? Education Chairman, Bruno Bich, BIC Corp., 203-783-2090 ? Membership Chairman, Faye Wattleton, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 212-541-7800.71 easurer, Munawar H. Hidayatallah, Orange Julius International, Inc., 212-308-6920 ? L4P Chairman, Stephen E. Mixon, Newburgh Miron Lumber Corp., 914-336-6000 ? Daytime Education Chairman, Zane 7knkel, Tankel Holding Enterprises, Inc., 212-980-8888 ? Sounding Board Chairman, Michael R. Potack, Unitex Textiles Rental Service, Inc., 212-293-8900 ? Communications Chairman, William A. Hirsh, Muzak, 212-307-3600 ? Special Events Chairman, Joel R. Ross, AVI Group, Inc., 212-575-0707 ? Long Range Planning Chairman, Martin H. Kern, Supermarket Distribution Services, Inc., 201-930-4400 ? Member-at-Large, John S. Singer, Louis Lavitt Co., Inc., 212-564-8280 Chapter Administrator, Denise M. Caruso ? 42 North Corona Avenue, Valley Stream, New York 11580.516-872-6472 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Speaking Invitation - New York Metro Chapter of the ~Qi~,g?.$~Sls~n~ 'aan i ~aT ~OA_ ? --- FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 1.79 EDITIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152RO01202390020-1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 'AU 6/-UU91 ADMINISTRATIVE 1if1ERNAL USE ONLY 31 August 1987 RE: Speaking Invitation New York Metro Chapter of the Young Presidents' Organization New York City Convenient Date in October Mr. Zane Tankel, Luncheon Chairman of the New York Metro Chapter of the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), has invited you to be a luncheon speaker on a convenient date in October or any other month that would fit with your schedule. The proposed format would be approximately 20-30 minutes of remarks with 15 minutes of questions and answers. The topic of your speech would be at your discretion. Members of the media would not be present and all remarks would be off-the-record. You could expect an audience of between 40 to 60 small-company presidents at Le Cirque restaurant. The YPO is a worldwide, 4,600-member group of small-company presidents and is divided into 95 chapters. According to Mr. Tankel the New York Metro Chapter of YPO is the largest chapter with 210 members. Confirmed speakers for this year's luncheon prograps lre.Admiral Zumwalt, Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth and Vice Chairman?:if the Board for Chrysler Corporation Gerry Greenwald. In your role as Director of Central Intelligence, I would rather see you address national gatherings rather than the individual chapters of such organizations. If you agree, attached is a letter of regret to Mr. Tankel for your signature. STAT ADMINISTRATIVE, WERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 Central Intelligence Agency 0 i:, SEP 1987 Mr. Zane Tankel 26 East 64th Street New York, NY 10021 Dear Mr. Tankel: Thank you for your invitation to speak to the New York Metro Chapter of the Young Presidents' Organization at one of your luncheon program meetings at Le Cirque in New York City. Unfortunately, my schedule in my new position is so full that I will not be able to accept your invitation to address your group. It is good of you to mention our meeting in Vail at the Vail University. Please give your members my regards and I wish you a successful season of programs. Sincerely yours, is! William H. wehster William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 STAT Q1/_%1 STAT STAT DCI/PA~ jam Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 1 - D/ExStaff 1 - PAO-87-009 1- 1 - D/PAO 1 - PAO Chrono 1 - PAO Ames 1 - MED (Subject) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90G00152R001202390020-1 26 East 64th Street New York, NY., 10021 (212) 980-8888 July 21, 1987 Mr. William Webster Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Mr. Webster, Hopefully you will recall we met in Vail at the Vail Univer- sity. As luncheon Chairman of the New York Metro Chapter of YPO (the single largest Chapter with 210 members) 1 would like to invite you to speak at our October luncheon. it would be held at Le Cirque on any day in October you prefer. Our luncheon begincat 12 noon and ends promptly at 2 p.m. A speaker generally talks for approximately 20-30 minutes with 15 minutes for questions. Hopefully your schedule will permit lunch in the Big Apple with 40 to 60 fans of yours. May we hear from you? Thanks, Z ne P.S. If another month is more favorable please let us know. We already have Admiral Zumwalt, Peter Ueberroth and Gerry Greenwald confirmed. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90G00152R001202390020-1 tufts null tvr I1!/3 10005 xec.; b. Wilkinsbut`, Pa., r Eleanor (Heacock) T.; F fellow), 1965, Ph.D., Crawford, Aug. 3, 1963; Exxon Corp., Linden, sing specialist Engelhard 71, asst. to exec. v.p., Energy Research Inst. Comml. Devel. Assn., in. Engrs., Am. Mgmt. and Blade, Tau Beta Pi, me: 40 Holly Glen Ln ,lancey St Newark NJ ewark, Feb. I, 1923; a. . ache., Rome, 1930-37; ldren-Robert, Frank, oberto & Figli, Rome, 1947-53; owner Merit Clifon, 1947-53; owner 1953-55, -59, IGA Supermarket, . Industries Inc., Pine in. Internat., Soc. Glass lesigner mech.-chem. r and aluminum cans. 97039 Office: 4 Barnet Italy, May 9, 1914; a. i.S., 1920, naturalized, ilton Inst., electronics Schlemmer, N.Y.C., sducts Corp., N.Y.C., ? 1962-, Plummer -46; ETO. Decorated e: 36 Sutton PI S New York City NY 10022 kiang, China, Aug. 3, -.B., Nat. Wu-han U., Lee, Jan. 7, 1945; rntral Bank of China, Dms, 1942-44; econ. 936-60; with Chem. budgets and analyses New York City NY Maui, Hawaii, Apr. I, Mt U. Hawaii, 1948; rew T., Timothy M., chief accountant 047-52; comptroller 60-. Dir., sec. Alii i) Community Assn., 1968, 70, 74, 76. and of the State of ts, Nat. Soc. Pub. area. 1974-75), Inst. of C. Democrat. Ionic: 1657 Paaaina i Blvd Honolulu HI b. Portland, Ore``. A.B. cum laude, U. do, Nov. 14, 1940; Vesley. Editor Los scary historian War mds Service Corn.' ech. Soc., 1945-52? sl. Press, Inc., Loa Inc., Los Angeles, Redevel. Agy., Los Lot Angeles; mem. h. Dist.; bd. govs. hodist Ch.; trustee ioc. Advancement 1953, 1st award oc. Advancement ors Assn., Western i Angeles C. of C. a Kappa, Pi Sigma (dir. Los Angeles Composition and w to Talk More sways in English. 4 Office: 1001 S 3kerage exec.; b. d and Jessie M. am U., 1948; m. II H. Ill, Spencer . Guarantee Co., lyna, Harrison A :Lennon, N.Y.C., mem. Lloyds of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 TANG, (TOMJ YUNG CHIEN, chem. co. exec.; b. Shanghai, China, May 4. 1919; a. Pei Tong and C.Y. (Wu) T.; came to U.S., 1945, naturalized, 1964; B.S. in Chem. Engring., Nat. Chekiang U., 1940. M.S., 1944; M.S., Pitts. U., 1948; Ph.D., Columbia, 1952; m. Jane Yao, Aug. 9, 1944. Div. mgr. Gen. Felt Products, Standard Packaging Corp., Bklyn., 1964-66, group tech. dir. flexible packaging group, 1966-67; pres. Tckni-Plex, Inc., Bklyn., 1967-. Mem. Chinese Inst. Engrs. (pres. 1960, mem. exec. com. 1961-), Alpha Lambda. Patentee process mfg. plastic tabulating card stock, process of making atyrnee plastic under irradiation. Home: 7855 Blvd E North Bergen NJ 07047 Office: 68 35th St Brooklyn NY 11232 also 201 Industrial Pkwy Somerville NJ 08876 TANIS, HERBERT SPENCER, heating service co. exec.; b. Hammond, Ind., Nov. 24, 1912; a. Peter T. and Carrie (Koedyker) T.; student pub. schs.. Hammond; m. Ruth Hellen Beilfuss, June 8, 1934; children-David Ronald, Peter Timothy, James Herbert. Serviceman, service supr. Montgomery Ward & Co., Hammond, Ind., Chgo., 1934.44; indsl. engr. Sinclair Oil Co., East Chicago, Chgo., 1945-48; pres. Ridgeway Heating Service, Inc., Lansing, III., 1948-. Mem. Nat. Environ. Systems Contractor Assn. (dir., past pres.), Nat. Warm Air Assn., Spl. Indsl. Radio Service Assn. (dir., pres.). Republican. Home: 18527 Rose St Lansing IL 60438 Office: 2701 Bernice Rd Lansing IL 60438 Samuel nd Mildred (Shindler) cc. T~ B.S., U. Pa!. 1962; Feb. in. Joan 19N40; Oct. 22, 1966; children-Melani Kim, Nicole Wylie. Exec. trainee Met. Life Ins. Co., N.Y.C., 1962; with Collier Photo Engraving Co., Inc., N.Y.C., 1963-, pres., 1969-; dir. Liberty Mills, Inc., Kearney, N.J. Mem. Met. Lithography Assn., Printing Industries Am., Photoengravers Bd. Trade. Democrat. Home: 2 Century Rd Palisades NY 10964 Office: 240 W 40th St New York City NY 10018 TANKOOS, SAMUEL JOSEPH, JR., really investor; b. N.Y.C., Mar. 11, 1921; a. Samuel J. and Mary (Walsh) T.; grad. Mass. Inst. Tech., 1943; m. Catherine Moore; children-Dianne, Bradley Joseph, Lisa Suzanne. Adminstrv, engring. with Sperry Gyroscope Co., 1942-44; advt., pub. relations exec., 1946-49; real estate financing and investment exec., 1949-; founder, gen. partner Tankoos & Co., N.Y.C.; chmn. bd. Tankoos Yarmon, Ltd., Toronto, Ont., Can.; pres., dir. Tankoos Yarmon Hotels, Inc. (Dclmonico's Hotel), 155 Hammon Ave. Corp. (Colony Hotel), Palm Beach, Fla., 1959-70; pres. Muss-Tankoos Corp.; mng. dir. Dollar Land Corp., Ltd., 1961-67; pres., dir. County Dollar Corp., Inc., 1961-68; churn. bd. Victory Fund Ltd., Panama; dir., mem. exec. com. Western Realty Projects, Ltd.; dir. Exec. Fund Can. Ltd., Exec. Internat. Investors Ltd., Montreal. Hon. consul Republic Panama, 1964-70, Republic Nicaragua, 1970-76; pres. Nicaraguan Relief Commn.; hon. comnjr. N.Y.C. Dept. Pub. Events; mem. adv. council N.Y. State Joint Legts. Coin.; mem. devel. coin. Mass. Inst. Tech.; mem. Nat. Adv. Com. on Regional Econ. Devel. Trustee Citizens Budget Commn. N.Y., 1960-70, Library Presdl. Papers; bd. dirs. N.Y. World's Fair, 1964-65. Served with Am. Field Service, attached Brit. 8th Army, 1944-46. Decorated Brit. Empire medal: 1 I cuore di rincalzo (Italy). Mem. Chi Phi. Clubs: Mass. Institute of Technology, Wall Stteet, Canadian, Madison Square Garden, Metropolitan (N.Y.C.); Westchester Country; Coral Beach, Mid-Ocean (Bermuda); Deepdale Golf; Mayacoo Lakes (Palm Beach). Died Sept. 20, 1976. Home: 770 Park Ave New York City NY 10021 TANNEN, STEPHEN DANIEL, consumer prdducts;co. exec.; b. Bklyn., July 24, 1946; a. Henry W. and Natalie (Fleischer) T.; B.S., Cornell U., 1968; M.B.A., Columbia, 1970; m. Anh Beverly Koeppel, Oct. 18, 1970; 1 dau., Heather Dawn. Mem. new krodtcidevel. staff Colgate Palmolive Co., N.Y.C., 1970-74, sr. product mgr. Curity first aid products, 1974-76, group product mgr., personal care products div., 1976-; lectr. Fashion Inst. Technology. Republican. Jewish. Club: Masons. Home: 803 Porter PI Woodsburgh NY 11598 Office: 300 Park Ave New York City NY 10022 TANNENBERG, DIETER ERNST ADOLF, but. equipment co. exec.; b. Chevy Chase, Md.. Nov. 24, 1932; a. Wilhelm and Mar`arete (Mundhenk) T.; B.S. in Mech. En ring., Northwestern U., 1959; in. Ruth Hansen, Feb. 6, 1956; 1 dau., Diana. Supervising engr. Flexonics div. Calumet & Heels, Inc., Chgo., 1959.61, chief engr., 1961-63, program mgr. advanced space systems, 1963-65, dir. mfg. services, 1965-67; dir. mfg. engring. Smith-Corona, Cortland, N.Y., 1967-69; tech. dir. internal. Singer Co., N.Y.C., 1969-71; v.p. tech., internal. Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Cleve., 1971-74; mng. dir. Addressograph Multigraph GmbH, Frankfurt/M. Germany, 1974-; dir. Mathias Bauerle GmbH, St. Georgen, 1972-75, Ahlborn Technische Papiere GmbH, Hilchenbach, 1976-. Served with M.I., U.S. Army, 1953-56. Registered proll. engr., Ill., N.Y., N.J., Conn., Ohio, Wis., Ind. Mcm. ASME, Nat. Soc. Profl. Engrs.. Pi Tau Sigma. Club: Bad Homburger Golf. Contbr. chpt. to Handbook of Modern Manufacturing Management, 1970. Patentee in field. Home: 13-A Ellerhohweg Bad Homburg 6380 West Germany Office: 5 Robert-Bosch Sir Dreieich 6072 West Germany TANOUS, PETER JOSEPH, investment banker; b. N.Y.C., May 21, 1938; a. Joseph Carrington and Rose Marie (Mokarzel) T.; B.A. in Econs., Georgetown U., 1960; m. Barbara Ann MacConnell, Aug. 18, 1962; children-Christopher, Helene William. With Smith, Barney & Co.. Inc. (now Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co., Inc.), N.Y.C., 1963-, 2d v.p., mgr. Paris office, 1967, v.p., 1%8-, resident European sales mgr., Paris, 1969-, internat. sales mgr.. N.Y.C., 1971-, 1st v. . 1975-. Served to 1st It. AUS, 1%1-63. Mem. Georgetown U. Alumni Assn. (gov. 1968-71), Georgetown Club France (pres. 1968.71). Roman Catholic. Club: Automobile de France (Paris). Co-author: The Petro dollar Takeover, 1975. Home; 136 E ?I..,,,,..,.,, n,Y.aa6". I/lulllaa. With lappan Co., Mansfield, 1938--, salesman, asst. to sales mgr., mgr. war product devel., mgr. new product devel., exec. v.p., 1938-58, pres., 1958-, also chmn., chief exec. officer, dir.; dir. Ohio Edison Co., Akron. Home: 926 Marion Ave Mansfield Oil 44906 Office: Tappan Park Mansfield OH 44902 TARASI. LOUIS MICHAEL, JR., lawyer; b. Cheswick, Pa., Sept. 9, 1931; a. Louis M. and Ruth (Records) T.; B.A., Miami U., Oxford, Ohio, 1954; LL.B., U. Pa., 1959; m. Patricia R. Finley, June 19, 1954; children-Susan Louise, Louis Michael III, Beth Marie, Brian R., Patricia A.. Matthew John. Admitted to Pa. bar, 1960; also. Burgwin, Ruffin, Perry. Pohl & Springer, Pitts., 1959-65, became partner, 1965; now partner Conte, Courtney, & Tarasi, Pitts. Cons.; Icctr.; research asst. U. Pa. Law Sch., 1958-59. Mcm. St. Vincent de Paul Penal Coin., Pitts., 1961-; sec. St. Thomas More Sue. Pitts., 1963-, also mem. bd. goys. Served with AUS, 1954-56. Mem. Am., Pa., Allegheny County bar assns., Am., Pa. (asso. editor, sec. 1976-), Western Pa. (gov., editor Parliamentarian, pres. 1975-76) trial lawyers assns. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Allegheny, Lewis Law, Pittsburgh Athletic. Home: 940 Beaver St Sewickley PA 15143 Office: Grant Bldg Pittsburgh PA 15219 TARAVELLA, JOSEPH PHILIP, land devel. co. exec.; b. N.Y.C.. Jan. 19, 1919; a. James and Margaret (Capuccio) T.; B.S. (Hayden scholar), Fordham U1940; M.S., Columbia, 1940-41; m. Florence E. Wright, May 27,194; children-Joseph Philip, Mark James. In sales mgmt., merchandising R.H. Macy Co., N.Y.C., 1940-41; exec. v.p., gen. mgr. Coral Ridge Properties, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., pres., 1946-66; chmn. bd., pres. Coral Ridge Properties subs. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Coral Springs, Fla., 1966-; pres. Community Devel. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pitts., 1974-; dir. S.E. Bank of Broward, S. E. Bank of Gait Ocean Mile; dir., mem. exec. coin. Bank of Coral Springs, Fla. Power & Light Co., Conn. Gen. Mortgage & Realty Investments, Hartford. Trustee Urban Land Inst.; churn. Fla. Council 100, 1974-; mem. Gov.'s Econ. Dcvcl. Council, State of Fla. Served to It. USCGR, 1941-45. Mcm. Fla. C. of C. (bd. dirs.). Roman Catholic. Clubs: Coral Ridge Yacht (Ft. Lauderdale); Coral Springs Golf and Tennis; Broken Woods Country. Office: 3300 University Dr Coral Springs FL 33065 TARBOX, FRANK KOLBE, ins. co. exec.; b. Mineola, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1923; s. John Preston and Mary (Kolbe) T.; student Swarthmore Coll., 1940-42; A.B., U. Pa., 1947, I.L.B., 1950; m. Eleanor Borden. May I, 1948; children-John Borden, Kathryn Ann. Pvt. practice law, 1950-53, 55-58; asst. U.S. atty. Eastern Dist. Pa., 1953-55; v.p. adminstrn. Penn Mut. Life Ins. Co., Phila., 1958-71, pres., 1971-, also chief exec. officer; dir. Phila. Nat. Bank, PNB Corp. Trustee Meth. Hosp., United Fund Phila., Dickinson Coll., Carlisle, Pa.; bd. dirs. Phila. Food Distbn. Center, Phila. Urban Coalition, Old Phila. Devel. Corp. Served with USNR, 1942-46. Mem. Ins. Fedn. Pa. Methodist. Home: 520 Jardcn Rd Philadelphia PA 19118 Office: Independence Sq Philadelphia PA 19172 TARGAN, ROBERT SCOTT, pharmacist, health co. exec.; b. Phila., Dec. I. 1938; a. Samuel H. and Sarah (Greenspan) T.; B.S., Registered Pharmacist, Phila. Coll. Pharmacy 1960; postgrad. U. Del., 1963.64, Temple U., 1965-67; in. Myra Wolf, Mar. 19, 1961; children-Michele Kayla, Eric David. Partner, Stolker & Targan Pharmacy and Bus. Brokerage, Phila., 1960-63; dir. hosp. and govt. sales and mktg. Armour Pharm. Co., Chgo., 1965-68; pres. Whitehall Pharmacy & Surg., Inc., Phila., 1968-; pres., churn. bd. PAC Enterprises Inc., Phila., 1969-; pres. Whitehall Surg. Inc., Phila., 1970-, Universal Profl. Cons.'s, Phila., 1971-72, Surg. Fitting Services, Phila., 1971-; cons., lectr. in field. Bd. mgrs. Am. Cancer Soc. N.L Div.; bd. dirs. Harry B. Kellman Hebrew Acad., Bur. Jewish Edfl. So. N.J. Served to It., USAF, 1962-65. Recipient Lunsford Richardson Pharmacy award, 1959; Kahaner Found. Med. fellow, 1960-61; certified drug distbr. Pa.; licensed pharmacist Pa., Del., real estate broker, Pa. Mem. Am., Pa. pharm. assns., Phila. Assn. Retail Druggists, New Eng. Surg. Trade Assn., Phila. Coll. Pharmacy and Sci. Alumni Assn., Nat. Assn. Engine Boat Mfg., Am. Soc. Hosp. Pharmacists, Recreational Vehicle Inst., Am. Speech and Hearing Assn., Am. Assn. Safety Engr., Assn. Mil. Surgeons U.S. Jewish religion. Clubs: Netanya Aleph Israel Investment (pres. 1975-), Brith Sholom, Gourmet Cherry Hill. Home: 1016 Tampa Ave Cherry Hill NJ 08034 Office: 5045 Torrcsdalc Ave Philadelphia PA 19124 TARNAY, ROBERT STEVENS, lawyer; b. N.Y.C.. May 13, 1913; s. Victor William and Irma (Stevens) T.; A.B., U. Mich., 1934; J.D. with distinction, George Washington U., 1938; in. Anne Marie Larson, Sept. 5, 1936; I dau., Alice Anne. Admitted to D.C. bar, 1938, C Phila., Calif and Hawaii, 1939-45; onn. bar, 1938; spl. asst. to ally. Sen. Dept. of Justice, Washington, Washington, 1945-; pres., chmn. bd. cTarrsh Co., Washington; pres., dir. Gen. Pub. Co.; exec. v.p., chief exec. officer Cashier and Restaurant Trig. Sch., Inc.; exec. v.pp gen. counsel Mini Rhea, Designer, Inc.; v.p., chmn. bd., pub. Washington Banktrends, Inc.; pres. Mechtronics. Inc.; operating trustee Schiavone Popcorn Devices, Inc., Washington. Active local, state juvenile delinquency work, 1940-; fin. chmn. local chpt. Girl Scouts of Am. 1954.56; chmn. Alexandria (Va.) area Community Chest Budget, 1957-; mem. PTA Council, Family and Welfare Council. Mem. Am., Conn. bar assns., Bar Assn. D.C., Order of Coif, Phi Alpha Delta, Kappa Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Tau. Congre ationalist. Author numerous articles, related econ. works. Home: Farm Route I Box 88F Newburg MD 20664 Office; 734 15th St NW Washington DC 20005 TARPLEY, JOHN WILLIAM, elec. engr.; b. Bonham, Tex., Nov. 8, 1919; a. William Everett and Cora (Bivans) T.; B.S. in Elec. Engring., U. Tex., 1942; children-Bill Tarpley, Joy Alice (Mrs. Moneyhon). Asst. div. en r. Tex. Power & Light Co., McKinney, 1945-48; design engr. City of Austin, Tex., 1948.50; distbn. engr. City of Lubbock, I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152RO01202390020-1 7Wlio'sWlio in Finance and Industry 20th edition 1977-1978 MARQUIS Who's%Mio Marquis Who's Who, Inc. 200 East Ohio Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 U.S.A. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152ROO1202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 26 East 64th Street New York, N .Y., 10021 (212) 980-8888 July 21, 1987 Mr. William Webster Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Mr. Webster, Hopefully you will recall we met in Vail at the Vail Univer- sity. As luncheon Chairman of the New York Metro Chapter of YPO (the single largest Chapter with 210 members)) 1 would like to invite you to speak at our October luncheon. it would be held at Le Cirque on any day in October you prefer. Our luncheon begin, at 12 noon and ends promptly at 2 p.m. A speaker generally talks for approximately 20-30 minutes with 15 minutes for questions. Hopefully your schedule will permit lunch in the Big Apple with 40 to 60 fans of yours. May we hear from your P.S. if another month is more favorable please let us know. We already have Admiral Zumwalt, Peter Ueberroth and Gerry Greenwald confirmed. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 7Neacock) T.; 1965, Ph.D., ~omml. Devel. Assn., ,. Engrs., Am. Mgmt. end Blade, Tau Beta Pi, nc: 40 Holly Glen Ln lancey St Newark NJ work, Feb. 1, 1923; a. schs., Rome, 1930-37; Idren-Robert, Frank, oberto & Figli, Rome, 1947-53; owner Merit Clifon, N.J., 1953-55, 59, IGA Supermarket, Industries Inc., Pine n. Internat., Soc. Glass lesigner mech.-chem. and aluminum cans. 17039 Office: 4 Barnet Italy, May 9, 1914; a. .S., 1920, naturalized, ilton Inst., electronics Schlemmer, N.Y.C., ducts Corp., N.Y.C., 1962-, Plummer -46; ETO. Decorated e: 36 Sutton P1 S New York City NY 10022 kiang, China, Aug. 3, ..B., Nat. Wu-han U., Lee, Jan. 7, 1945; antral Bank of China, oma, 1942-44; econ. 956-60; with Chem. budgets and analyses New York City NY Naui, Hawaii, Apr. 1, eat U. Hawaii, 1948; Irew T., Timothy M., chief accountant 947-52; comptroller 60-. Dir., sec. Alii i) Community Assn., 1968, 70, 74, 76. rund of the State of its, Nat. Soc. Pub. pres. 1974-75), Inst. . of C. Democrat. ionic: 1657 Paaaina si Blvd Honolulu HI b. Portland, Oreg., A.B. cum laude, U. ids, Nov. 14, 1940; Wesley. Editor Los ntary historian War ends Service Com., rech. Soc., 1945-52; dsl. Press, Inc., Los Inc., Los Angeles, Redevel. Agy., Los Los Angeles; mem. ch. Dist.; bd. goys. thodiat Ch.; trustee Soc. Advancement 1953, 1st award Soc. Advancement ton Assn., Western s Angeles C. of C. to Kappa, Pi Sigma (dir. Los Angeles Composition and w to Talk More thways in English. 124 Office: 1001 S rokerage exec.; b. nd and Jessie M. ham U., 1948; in. sell H. 111, Spencer I.S. Guarantee Co., Flynn, Harrison & 4c hash, N.Y.C., p.; mem. Lloyds of r.+,v,,, t A Untl r t,'." ~rsis. , u,uu. co. exec.; b. Shanghai, China, May 4, 1S,19; s. Pci Tong and C.Y. (Wu) T.; came to U.S., 1945, naturalized, 1964; B.S. in Chem. Engring., Nat. Chekiang U.. 1940, M.S., 1944; M.S., Pitts. U., 1948; Ph.D., Columbia, 1952; in. Jane Yao, Aug. 9, 1944. Div. mgr. Gen. Felt Products, Standard Packaging Corp., Bklyn., 1964-66, group tech. dir. flexible packaging group, 1966-67; pres. Tckni-Plcx, Inc.. Bklyn., 1967-. Mem. Chinese Inst. Engrs. (pres. 1960, mem. exec. com. 1961-), Alpha Lambda. Patentee process mfg. plastic tabulating card stock, process of making atyrnee plastic under irradiation. Home: 7855 Blvd E North Bergen NJ 07047 Office: 68 35th St Brooklyn NY 11232 also 201 Industrial Pkwy Somerville NJ 08876 TANIS, HERBERT SPENCER, heating service co. exec.; b. Hammond, Ind., Nov. 24, 1912; a. Peter T. and Carrie (Koedyker) T.; student pub. schs., Hammond; in. Ruth Hellen Beilfuss, June 8, 1934; children-David Ronald, Peter Timothy, James Herbert. Serviceman, service supr. Montgomery Ward & Co., Hammond, Ind., Chgo., 1934-44; indsl. en``r. Sinclair Oil Co., East Chicago, Chgo.. 1945-48; Pres. Ridgeway Heating Service, Inc., Lansing, III., 1948-. Mem. Nat. Environ. Systems Contractors Assn. (dir., past pres.), Nat. Warm Air Assn., Spl. Indsl. Radio Service Assn. (dir., pres.). Republican. Home: 18527 Rose St Lansing IL 60438 Office: 2701 Bernice Rd Lansing IL 60438 TANKEL, ZANE, punting co. exec.; b. Bklyn., Feb. 7, 1940; s. Samuel and Mildred (Shindler) T.; B.S., U. Pa.. 1962; in. Joan Noar, Oct. 22, 1966; children-Melani Kim, Nicole Wylie. Exec. trainee Met. Life Ins. Co., N.Y.C., 1962; with Collier Photo Engraving Co., Inc., N.Y.C., 1963-, pres., 1969-; dir. Liberty Mills, Inc., Kearney, N.J. Mem. Met. Lithography Assn., Printing Industries Am., Photoengravers Bd. Trade. Democrat. Home: 2 Century Rd Palisades NY 10964 Office: 240 W 40th St New York City NY 10018 TANKOOS, SAMUEL JOSEPH, JR., realt investor; b. N.Y.C., Mar. 144192 1? s. Samuel J. and Mary (Walsh T.; grad. Mass. Inst. Tech., 3; m'Catherine Moore; children-Dianne, Bradley Joseph, Lisa Suzanne. Adminstrv. engring. with Sperry Gyroscope Co., 1942-44; advt., pub. relations exec., 1946.49; real estate financing and investment exec., 1949-; founder, gen. partner Tankoos & Co., N.Y.C.; churn. bd. Tankoos Yarmon, Ltd., Toronto, Ont., Can.; pres., dir. Tankoos Yarmon Hotels, Inc. (Delmonico's Hotel), 155 Hammon Ave. Corp. (Colony Hotel), Palm Beach, Fla., 1959-70; pres. Muss-Tankow Corp.; mng. dir. Dollar Land Corp., Ltd., 1961-67- pres., dir. Count Dollar Corp., Inc., 1961-68; chmn. bd. Victory Fund Ltd., Panama; dir., mem. exec. earn. Western Realty Projects. Ltd.; dir. Exec. Fund Can. Ltd., Exec. Internat. Investors Ltd., Montreal. Hon. consul Republic Panama, 1964-70, Republic Nicaragua, 1970-76; pres. Nicaraguan Relief Commn.; hon. comm. N.Y.C. Dept. Pub. Events; mem. adv. council N.Y. State Joint Legis. Cora.; mem. devel. com. Mass. Inst. Tech.; mem. Nat. Adv. Cora. on Regional Econ. Devel. Trustee Citizens Budget Commit. N.Y., 1960-70, Library Presdl. Papers; bd. dirs. N.Y. World's Fair, 1964-65. Served with Am. Field Service, attached Brit. 8th Army, 1944-46. Decorated Brit. Empire medal: 11 cuore di rincalzo (Italy). Mem. Chi Phi. Clubs: Mass. Institute of Technology. Wall Street, Canadian, Madison Square Garden, Metropolitan (N.Y.C.); Westchester Country; Coral Beach, Mid-Ocean (Bermuda); Deepdale Golf; Mayacoo Lakes (Palm Beach). Died Sept. 20, 1976. Home: 770 Park Ave New York City NY 10021 TANNEN, STEPHEN DANIEL, consumer products co. exec.; b. Bklyn.. July 24, 1946; a. Henry W. and Natalie (Fleischer) T.; B.S., Cornell U., 1968; M.B.A., Columbia, 1970; in. Ann Beverly Koeppel, Oct. 18, 1970; I dau., Heather Dawn. Mem. new product devel. staff Colgate Palmolive Co., N.Y.C., 1970-74, sr. product mgr. Curity first aid products, 1974-76, group product mgr., personal care products div., 1976-; lectr. Fashion Inst. Technology. Republican. Jewish. Club: Masons. Home: 803 Porter P1 Woodsburgh NY 11598 Office: 300 Park Ave New York City NY 10022 TANNENBERG, DIETER ERNST ADOLF, bus. equipment co. exec.; b. Chevy Chase, Md., Nov. 24, 1932; a. Wilhelm and Margarete (Mundhenk) T.; B.S. in Mech. Engring., Northwestern U., 1959; in. Ruth Hansen, Feb. 6, 1956; 1 dau., Diana. Supervising engr. Flexonics div. Calumet & Heels, Inc., Chgo., 1959-61, chief engr., 1961-63, program mgr. advanced space systems, 1963-65, dir. mfg. services, 1965-67; dir. mfg. engring. Smith-Corona, Cortland, N.Y., 1967-69; tech. dir. internat. Singer Co., N.Y.C., 1969.71; v.p. tech., internat. Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Cleve., 1971-74; mng. dir. Addressograph Multigraph GmbH, Frankfurt/M. Germany, 1974-; dir. Mathias Bauerle GmbH, St. Gcorgen, 1972-75, Ahlborn Technische Papiere GmbH, Hilchenbach, 1976-. Served with M.I., U.S. Army, 1953-56. Registered profl. engr., Ill., N.Y., N.J., Conn., Ohio, Wis., Ind. Mem. ASME, Nat. Soc. Profi. Engrs., Pi Tau Sigma. Club: Bad Hamburger Golf. Contbr. chpt. to Handbook of Modern Manufacturing Management, 1970. Patentee in field. Home: 13-A Ellerhohweg Bad Homburg 6380 West Germany Office: 5 Robert-Bosch Sir Dreieich 6072 West Germany TANOUS, PETER JOSEPH, investment banker; b. N.Y.C., May 21, 1938; a. Joseph Carrington and Rose Marie (Mokarzel) T.; B.A. in Econs., Georgetown U., 1960; in. Barbara Ann MacConnell, Aug. 18, 1962; children-Christopher, Helene William. With Smith, Barney & Co., Inc. (now Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co., Inc.), N.Y.C., 1963-, 2d v.p., mgr. Paris office, 1967, v.p., 1968-, resident European sales mgr., Paris, 1969-, internat. sales mgr., N.Y.C., 1971-, 1st v.p. 1975-. Served to 1st It. AUS, 1961-63. Mem. Georgetown U. Alumni Assn. (gov. 1968-71), Georgetown Club France (pres. 1968.71). Roman Catholic. Club: Automobile de France (Paris). Co-author: The Petro dollar Takeover, 1975. Home: 136 E 1. U., 4JiU11G W, 'via , a?i. u, snick uigr., mgr. war product devcl., mgr. new product dcvel., exec. v.p., 1938-58, pres.. 1958-, also chino., chief exec. officer, dir.; dir. Ohio Edison Co., Akron. Home: 926 Marion Ave Mansfield OH 44906 Office: Tappan Park Mansfield OH 44902 TARASI, LOUIS MICHAEL, JR., lawyer; b. Cheswick, Pa., Sept. 9, 19311 s. Louis M. and Ruth (Records) T.; B.A.. Miami U., Oxford, Ohio, 1954; LL.B., U. Pa., 1959; m. Patricia R. Finley June 19, 1954; children-Susan Louise, Louis Michael Ill, Beth Marie, Brian R., Patricia A., Matthew John. Admitted to Pa. bar, 1960; asso. Bur{win, Ruffin, Perry, Pohl & Springer, Pitts., 1959.65, became partner, 1965; now partner Conte, Courtney, & Tarasi, Pitts. Cons.; lectr.; research asst. U. Pa. Law Sch., 1958-59. Mem. St. Vincent de Paul Penal Com., Pitts., 1961-; sec. St. Thomas More Soc. Pitts., 1963-, also mem. bd. govs. Served with AUS, 1954-56. Mem. Am., Pa., Allegheny County bar assns., Am., Pa. lasso. editor, sec. 1976-), Western Pa. (gov., editor Parliamentarian, pres. 1975-76) trial lawyers assns. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Allegheny, Lewis Law, Pittsburgh Athletic. Home: 940 Beaver St Sewickley PA 15143 Office: Grant Bldg Pittsburgh PA 15219 TARAVELLA, JOSEPH PHILIP, land devel. co. exec.; b. N.Y.C., Jan. 19, 1919; s. James and Margaret (Capuccio) T.; B.S. (Hayden scholar), Fordham U., 1940; M.S., Columbia, 1940-41; in. Florence E. Wright, May 27, 1944; children-Joseph Philip, Mark James. In sales mgmt., merchandising R.H. Macy Co., N.Y.C., 1940-41; exec. v.p., gen. mgr. Coral Ridge Properties, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., pres., 1946-66; churn. bd., pres. Coral Ridge Properties subs. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Coral Springs, Fla., 1966-; pres. Community Devel. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pitts., 1974-; dir. S.E. Bank of Broward, S.E. Bank of Galt Ocean Mile; dir., mem. exec. com. Bank of Coral Springs, As. Power & Light Co., Conn. Gen. Mortgage & Realty Investments, Hartford. Trustee Urban Land Inst.; churn. Fla. Council 100, 1974-; mem. Gov.'s Econ. Dcvcl. Council, State of Fla. Served to It. USCGR, 1941-45. Mem. As. C. of C. (bd. dirs.). Roman Catholic. Clubs: Coral Ridge Yacht (Ft. Lauderdale); Coral Springs Golf and Tennis; Broken Woods Country. Office: 3300 University Dr Coral Springs FL 33065 TARBOX, FRANK KOLBE, ins. co. exec.; b. Mineola, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1923; s. John Preston and Mary (Kolbe) T.; student Swarthmore Coll., 1940-42; A.B., U. Pa., 1947, LL.B., 1950; in. Eleanor Borden, May 1, 1948; children-John Borden, Kathryn Ann. Pvt. practice law, 1950-53, 55-58; asst. U.S. atty. Eastern Dist. Pa., 1953-55; v.p. adminstrn. Penn Mut. Life Ins. Co., Phila., 1958-71, pres., 1971-, also chief exec. officer; dir. Phila. Nat. Bank, PNB Corp. Trustee Meth. Hosp., United Fund Phila., Dickinson Coil., Carlisle, Pa.; bd. dirs. Phila. Food Distbn. Center, Phila. Urban Coalition, Old Phila. Dave(. Corp. Served with USNR, 1942-46. Mem. Ins. Fedn. Pa. Methodist. Home: 520 Jarden Rd Philadelphia PA 19118 Office: Independence Sq Philadelphia PA 19172 TARGAN, ROBERT SCOTT, pharmacist, health co. exec.; b. Phila., Dec. I, 1938; a. Samuel H. and Sarah (Greenspan) T.; B.S., Registered Pharmacist, Phila. Coll. Pharmacy, 1960; postgrad. U. Del., 1963-64, Temple U., -1965-67; m. Myra Wolf, Mar. 19, 1961; children-Michele Kayla, Eric David. Partner, Stalker & Targan Pharmacy and Bus. Brokerage, Phila., 1960-63; dir. hosp. and govt. sales and mktg. Armour Pharm. Co., Chgo., 1965-68; pres. Whitehall Pharmacy & Surg., Inc., Phila., 1968-; pres., chmn. bd. PAC Enterprises Inc., Phila., 1969-; pres. Whitehall Surg. Inc., Phila., 1970-, Universal Profi. Cons.'s, Phila., 1971-72, Surg. Fitting Services, Phila., 1971-; cons., Iectr. in field. Bd. mgrs. Am. Cancer Soc. N.J. Div.; bd. dirs. Harry B. Kellman Hebrew Acad., Bur. Jewish EdR. So. N.J. Served to It., USAF, 1962-65. Recipient Lunsford Richardson Pharmacy award, 1959; Kahaner Found. Med. fellow, 1960-6 1; certified drug distbr. Pa.; licensed pharmacist Pa., Del., real estate broker, Pa. Mem. Am., Pa. pharm. assns., Phila. Assn. Retail Druggists, New Eng. Surg. Trade Assn., Phila. Coll. Pharmacy and Sci. Alumni Assn., Nat. Assn. Engine Boat Mfg., Am. Soc. Hosp. Pharmacists, Recreational Vehicle Inst., Am. Speech and Hearing Assn., Am. Assn. Safety Engr., Assn. Mil. Surgeons U.S. Jewish religion. Clubs: Netanya Aleph Israel Investment (pres. 1975-), Brith Sholom, Gourmet Cherry Hill. Home: 1016 Tampa Ave Cherry Hill NJ 08034 Office: 5045 Torresdalc Ave Philadelphia PA 19124 TARNAY, ROBERT STEVENS, lawyer; b. N.Y.C., May 13, 1913; s. Victor William and Irma (Stevens) T.; A.B., U. Mich., 1934; J.D. with distinction, George Washington U., 1938; m. Anne Marie Larson, Sept. 5, 1936; 1 dau., Alice Anne. Admitted to D.C. bar, 1938, Conn. bar, 1938; spl. asst. to atty. gen. Dept. of Justice, Washington, Phila., Calif. and Hawaii, 1938-45; corp. adminstrv. law practice. Washington, 1945-; pres., chmn. bd. Tarsh Co., Washington; pres., dir. Gen. Pub. Co.; exec. v.p., chief exec. officer Cashier and Restaurant Tag. Sch., Inc.; exec. v.p., gen. counsel Mini Rhea, Designer, Inc.; v.p., chmn. bd., pub. Washington Banktrends, Inc.; pres. Mechtronics, Inc.; operating trustee Schiavone Popcorn Devices, Inc., Washington. Active local, state juvenile delinquency work, 1940-; fin. chmn. local chpt. Girl Scouts of Am. 1954-56; chmn. Alexandria (Va.) area Community Chest Budget, 1957-; mem. PTA Council, Family and Welfare Council. Mem. Am., Conn. bar suns., Bar Assn. D.C., Order of Coif, Phi Alpha Delta, Kappa Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Tau. Congregationalist. Author numerous articles, related econ. works. Home: Farm Route I Box 88F Newburg MD 20664 Office: 734 15th St NW Washington DC 20005 TARPLEY, JOHN WILLIAM, elec. engr.; b. Bonham, Tex., Nov. 8, 1919; s. William Everett and Cora (Bivans) T.; B.S. in Elec. Engring., U. Tex., 1942; children-Bill Tarpley, Joy Alice (Mrs. Moneyhon). Asst. div. engr. Tex. Power & Light Co., McKinney, 1945-48; design engr. City of Austin, Tex., 1948-50; distbn. engr. City of Lubbock, 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 202390020-1 /VN10'SVH10 in Finance and Industry, 20th edition 1977-1978 MARQUIS VMhosWho Marquis Who's Who, Inc. 200 East Ohio Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 U.S.A. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/07: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001202390020-1