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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Invitation to address the Bonneville Knife and Fork Club Salt Lake City, Utah FROM: William M. Baker EXTENSION NO. PAO-87-0022 Public Director 2-7676 DATE , 19 June 1987 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. ER 2 4 J i;: 1997 2. 3 2 s JUN 1 387 D/ExStaff 4. 5. ExDir 6. 7. F C J' N 1987 DDCI 8. DCI 10. 11. D/PA0 12. 13. 14. Oct EXEC 1s. ,FJ G FORM 610 USE PR I-79 V VIOUSS EDITIONE STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 'c- 6 ( )-a 1O( Central Intelligence Agency 7 JUL 1987 Mr. William B. Smart Senior Editor DESERET NEWS P.O. Box 1257 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Thank you for your invitation to speak to the Bonneville Knife and Fork Club in Salt Lake City at some convenient date this fall or next spring. A repeat invitation is indeed an honor. Unfortunately, due to the transition period of moving from one agency to another, I am unable to make a commitment at this time. If I find my official duties bring me to Salt Lake City, I will keep your invitation in mind. Please express my good wishes to all your members. I regret missing the opportunity for a return match with you. Sincerely yours, William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence 71" ~W~ qkH~ . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01 : CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Central Intelligence Agency Mr. William B. Smart Senior Editor DESERET NEWS P.O. Box 1257 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Thank you for your invitation to speak to the Bonneville Knife and Fork Club in Salt Lake City at some convenient date this fall or next spring. A repeat invitation is indeed an honor. Unfortunately, due to the transition period of moving from one agency to another, I am unable to make a commitment at this time. If I find my official duties bring me to Salt Lake City, I will keep your invitation in mind. Please express my good wishes to all your members. I regret missing the opportunity for a return match with you. Sincerely yours, /s/ William H. Webster William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence STATI/PA0/WMBI Ibp/30 June 87/. Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - ER-87-2401 1 - PAO 87-0022 1 -, DCI Security STAT i - 1 - D/Exec Staff 1 - PAO Chrono 1 - PAO Ames 1 - MED (Subject) ,,, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380034-8 ER 87-2401 PAO-87-0022 19 June 1987 RE: Speaking Invitation Bonneville Knife and Fork Club Salt Lake City, Utah September 1987 - May 1988 STAT Senior Editor of the DESERET NEWS William B. Smart has invited you to speak to the Bonneville Knife and Fork Club at a convenient time during the period between September 1987 and May 1988. You spoke to this group on "Law Enforcement as a Judicial Process" in January 1983. Approximately 50 community leaders attended including the Governor of Utah. The Bonneville Knife and Fork Club is a local chapter of the national social dinner club of professional men and women. At this time, the Knife and Fork Club does not seem to be the best group for you to address, and I believe that you should decline the invitation. If you agree, I have attached a letter of regret to William Smart for your signature. STAT `"^'I/PAO/WM~ laa/19 June 87, Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - ER-87-2401 1 - PAO 87-0022 1 -,DCT Security STAT 1 - 1 - D/Exec Staff 1 - PAO Chrono 1 - PAO Ames 1 - MED (Subject) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Central Intelligence Agency William B. Smart Senior Editor DESERET NEWS P.O. Box 1257 Sal t Lake City, Utah. 84.110 Thank you for your invita Club in Salt Lake City at some ion to speak to the Bonneville Knife and Fork onvenient date this fall or next spring. A repeat invitation is indeed an h period of moving from one agency por. Unfortunately, due to the transition commitment at this time. If I fin City, I will keep your invitation i another, I am unable to make a official duties bring me to Salt Lake ind. Please express my good wishes to al\your members. I regret missing the opportunity for a return match with you. Sincerely yours, William H. Webster Director of Celqral Intelligence STATT I /PAO/WMB bp/30 June 87/ Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - ER-87-2401 1 - PAO 87-0022 1 - DCI Security STAT 1 - 1 - D/Exec to f 1 - PAO Chrono 1 - PAO Ames 1 - MED (Subject) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01 : CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 J - 1.1 .% ?4 I i S'I ..' rrr Senior )dicor DESERET NEWS F' 0 BOX 1257. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH E34110 "',ONE (801) 237 2175 March 10, 1987 William H. Webster, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Heartiest congratulations on your appointment to direct the CIA and attempt to restore its stature and credibility as you did so effectively with the FBI. You are a great public servant, and it is remarkable how two different Presidents have turned to you in times of trouble. I join millions of Americans in wishing you all success in this difficult and tremendously important task. Now, a request. Would you consider a return trip to Salt Lake City to address the Bonneville Knife and Fork Club, the same distinguish- ed group you addressed so effectively several years ago? Members of the club still speak of the splendid talk you gave, opening and broaden- ing our understanding of the operations of the FBI. I can hardly imagine a more important talk that could be given here in the next few months than one helping our community leaders to understand better what the CIA is all about and what you are doing to improve it. The timing would be any time between next September and May, 1988. We would make almost any accomodation to meet your schedule. I have, of course, my own special agenda--a return of our friendly tennis competition. I so much enjoyed playing with you, and look forward to another match. Again, our hopes and prayers are with you for success in meeting the great challenges ahead of you. Y.S. You may be interested in the enclosed local editorials on your appointment. P.P.S. I have just read the T 9E magazine article. My tennis game may not be as exciting as Eva Gabor's, but I will. do my best. WBS/mma Enclosures Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01 : CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 tobei atio J is in the, last ua~lified &fbr the'pew as- ` vestiga n, ureau of tio cellen>l;udrninstrator. and persistent e- are QW the work [at the innovator. These are qualities amd qualifications that will stand him in FB11 the Axperlcan people expect of CIS, and we , are; doing it the way the good stead'in the move to Langley' Constitution demands of us. .. " As FBI chief he took over an outfit It is . viewa..like these that make still: racked by disclosures of its in- this j edlaw-enforcer well volvement in a wide range of unsa- qualified to takl 'over the nation's top vory, activities, including domestic intelligence gathering operation. He surveillance campaigns, illegal wire- appears.to d appreciate the, ab- taps and "black bag" jobs directed at solute need for ll-run, effectively- radical and civil rights groups. Under manned spy., age.,At the same time Mr. Webster's guidance, the. FBI has he is dedicated to enforcing theope a- been pulledinto the modern era of law tional restrictioni-necessarily placed enforcement-, and `nits reputation,-; ~ on awagen `Ilikethe CIA in art open restored. and free society. Mr. Webster, during his tenure at William 11. Webster is the right ,the FBI, has assigned a`special`impor- man at.the right time. By his proven fence to the-bureau's ?counterintelli- track record at the FBI he is singular- gence work, ann interosst>that;has been ly qualified to bolster morale at the especially successful of late, and, as CIA, hale 'simultMeously lifting -the such, should give him a leg up in over- cloud of suspicil9 hanging over the coming any lingering remnants of the agency as a resfid of its involvement -historic feuding between the,CIA and In the .Iran-Contra fiasco. "Judge" the FBI. Webster is de '`. Most'. observers see his confirma- ministrator'. n at this : troubled Lion by the U.S. Senate as a definite time, at the Central Intelligence shoo-in, and for good reason if one ex- Agency. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Preskient's an at President Reagan's decision to h ve'Willi'am H.'' Webster head the Central Intelligence'Agepccyqy is some- 'thing.aki t tti'~getting a full. hopse.'on Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 n Don't Je the cony on 4,.w. :_=-~---- - -" ~ ar fa$drelatidbs. I.ikewis~ ~i' tha.;~'~ ;Z. oo necessary } ss . i~ J +'f n~ya r ule' agel~l WOO, antral Intellig w, z -.+~ .,.o t 'Q~~' vu .agf Gq~6t'rr tue 11 31.: g dogs ;not ounte fi rr Intel emit is to be dept , _, i , the man' ~~i~ ~fllMaiiewbi..~+? administratlo%'"~'.` `LIeVW1 'dent Webster to lead the CIA, per: went iii supplyiag~ iearaguan Con- dent Reagan showed a diacerniug a tra~qs rwii"?3a 71-viol fj atioy of g ha no one wants or needs mitten ai ional. com- By Promptly replacing Gate`s' n`omi- L6~_ dent counsel e ph the Senate,., it ads-fah gam, deal: with .would have required a.1 IMEL CU i ninne 4:1. . ong and aeri`ino- tin bTlre ' t: lso' wilder investiga- fi at t Thou h the no ` ? r vi ?" .ac aLGy d nation ve :1 iavol arran. been forc used his e should have . with the task of extricating' the CIA Position as deLuty CIA director from the Iran-Contra scandal. Both the Ito wg~~ thP.le9Lirifniis`1'wwtt..~"!~ e was unable to satisfyrcaragua, Gates twu Yaar ago. Senators who If confirmed, Webster, will be. faced 'questioned whether h au and the scheme to divert,profits. to;, .,1978, but the number fell steadil the Contra reb ls ' reiichln 13" Y. vaauca we circumstance acting di- ;``~ -' '`~ r bat ground. gives for Robert :Gates"43, dit the right credibility where?the new Cu di- ~thing for the country as well as for rector will needit -- on Capitol Hill and 'self this week in withdrawing his.no>Yii in the intelligence community. nation to -become full-fledged director As FBI director, Webster has warned ,of the CIA. If confirmrmed, he; would have that the U.S. faced thieats by terrorists, r'been the youngest CIA director ever. but during his tenure acts of domestic Despite his consistent denials of any terrorism `declined. There were more ;wrong-doing in the sale of U.S. arms to 100 terrorist acts in the U.S. in A o-year-old a ier fe ra jtt~'~S Y'~ q y ._. t.4 111 the le and. Websteir`has run the. FBT'for idy at -0~ pdssibe and longer than anyone-but J..Edg0 y eve tdf keep'th Hoo- e ,n cy from being var. Webster took Over;`*" hen;the FBI:, pr p .by laog, bitter confirmation - ,-- rte' .v ~, ~d ...v.c ,,2i background ,', Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8 Central Intelligence Agency William B. Smart Senior Editor DESERET NEWS P.O. Box 1257 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Dear Bill: Thank you for your invitation to speak to the Boj'neville Knife and Fork Club in Salt Lake City at some convenient date this fall or next spring. A repeat invitation is indeed an honor. Unfortunate.y, due to the transition period of moving from one agency to another, I unable to make a commitment at this time. If I find my official uties bring me to Salt Lake City, I will keep your invitation in mind. Please express my good wishes to all you/ members. I regret missing the opportunity for a return match with you. Sincerely yours, William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence STAT; I / PA0/WMB as/19 June/87~ Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - ER-87-2401 1 - PAO 87-0022 1 - DCI Security STAT 1 - 1 - D/Exec Staff 1 - PAO Chrono 1 - PAO Ames 1 - MED (Subject) ,', Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380034-8