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March 20, 1986
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 NOTE FOR: D/ICS Chief, Legislative Liaison SUBJECT: HPSCI Vote on Aid to Angola The attached bill was reported favorably to the House by the HPSCI yesterday after- noon. My understanding is that while the vote went strictly along party lines, Mr. Daniel plans to oppose the measure when it comes to the House floor. Floor action has not yet been scheduled in the House. cc: DD/ICS EXO/ICS C/HC D/OCA/CIA L_CthCR[SSIONA1 atEf'~ - F,-duo. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 99TH CONGRESS H 2D SESSION . R. 4276 To require that any United States Government support for military or paramilitary operations in Angola be openly acknowledged and publicly debated. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FEBRUARY 27, 1986 Mr. HAMILTON (for himself, Mr. STOKES, Mr. BEILENSON, Mr. KASTENMEIER, Mr. ROE, Mr. BROWN of California, Mr. MCHUGH, and Mr. DwYER of New Jersey) introduced the following bill; which was referred jointly to the Com- mittees on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- gence A BILL To require that any United States Government support for military or paramilitary operations in Angola be openly acknowledged and publicly debated. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. DECLARATION THAT ANY SUPPORT FOR MILI- 4 TARY OR PARAMILITARY OPERATIONS IN 5 ANGOLA SHOULD BE OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGED 6 AND PUBLICLY DEBATED. 7 The Congress finds that the United States Government 8 should support military or paramilitary operations in Angola I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 2 1 only if the provision of that support is the openly acknowl- 2 edged policy of the United States. It is, therefore, the sense 3 of the Congress that the United States Government should 4 not provide any such support until the President has publicly 5 informed the Congress and the American people that United 6 States Government support for military or paramilitary oper- 7 ations in Angola is important to the national security and the 8 Congress has approved such support. 9 SEC. 2. ENSURING THAT SUPPORT IS OPENLY ACKNOWL- 10 EDGED. 11 (a) ANY SUPPORT MUST BE OPENLY ACKNowL- 12 EDGED.-During fiscal years 1986 and 1987, a department, 13 agency, or other instrumentality of the United States Gov- 14 ernment may obligate or expend funds- 15 (1) to conduct, directly or indirectly, military or 16 paramilitary operations in Angola, or 17 (2) to provide any financial, material, or other as- 18 sistance, directly or indirectly, to any group engaged in 19 military or paramilitary operations in Angola, 20 only if the use of funds for that purpose is the openly ac- 21 knowledged policy of the United States Government, as de- 22 termined in accordance with subsection (b). 23 (b) PRESIDENTIAL REQUEST AND CONGRESSIONAL 24 APPROVAL.-In order to ensure that any United States Gov- 25 ernment support for military or paramilitary operations in OR 4276 II Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 3 1 Angola is openly acknowledged, funds may be used for the 2 purposes described in subsection (a) only if-- 3 (1) the President determines that United States 4 Government support for military or paramilitary oper- 5 ations in Angola is important to the national security 6 and submits to the Speaker of the House of Represent- 7 atives and the President of the Senate a request that 8 the Congress approve openly acknowledged United 9 States Government support for those operations; and 10 (2) the Congress enacts a joint resolution approv- 11 ing United States Government support for military or 12 paramilitary operations in Angola. 13 Any such support may be provided only to the extent permit- 14 ted by that joint resolution. 15 (c) INTERPRETATION OF LIMITATION.-Nothing in 16 this section should be construed to prohibit the obligation or 17 expenditure of funds for- 18 (1) United States diplomatic activities; 19 (2) activities of the United States Armed Forces 20 which are reported to the Congress pursuant to section 21 4(a) of the War Powers Resolution; or 22 (3) assistance provided through the United Na- 23 tions High Commissioner for Refugees or the Interna- 24 tional Committee of the Red Cross. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7 4 1 (d) RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER LAWS.-The require- 2 ments of this section may not be waived under the authority 3 of any other provision of law. This section supercedes any 4 provision of law which might otherwise be construed to allow 5 funds to be used for the purposes described in subsection (a). 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/10: CIA-RDP90B01390R000400480025-7