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_a .. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90B01390R000200180004-5 Rccord The Director of Central Intelligence Intelligence Community Staff ICS 3351 -86 6 June 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution FROM: Executive Secretary Senior Interagency Group - Intelligence Attached, pleased find the above-named document, which has been signed by the SIG-I Chairman, Director of Central Intelligence Casey. It incorporates the comments of the concerned organizations, and there are no outstanding issues or disagreements. 25X25X1 Attachment: SIG-I Directive No. 2 CL BY: SIGNER DECL: OADR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 29 May 1986 SENIOR INTERAGENCY GROUP-INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 2 SUBJECT: Counterintelligence and Countermeasure Responsibilities of Subordinate Interagency Groups 1. This Directive supersedes SIG-I Directive No. 1 of 5 August 1982, which is rescinded. 2. Three subordinate interagency groups (IGs) are established pursuant to the provisions in NSDD-2, "National Security Council Structure," dated 12 January 1982 and my authority as Chairman, SIG-I. These IGs will assist the SIG-I in carrying out its responsibilities to be cognizant of, provide policy guidance on, and assure that there are coordinated and integrated programs of counterintelligence and countermeasures to the foreign intelligence threat. Counterintelligence is as defined in Executive Order 12333, "United States Intelligence Activities," of 4 December 1981.* Security countermeasures encompass all other activities seeking to counter the foreign intelligence collection threat. These include countermeasures against technical threats such as SIGINT and imagery; security countermeasures, including TEMPEST and technical surveillance; and personnel, physical, information, industrial, communications, computer, and operations security (OPSEC). 3. The IGs are working groups to develop and coordinate policy positions. They report to the SIG-I. Their chairmen are responsible to the Chairman, SIG-I, and will attend SIG-I meetings at which counterintelligence and countermeasure matters are discussed. There will not be a formal voting procedure among members of the IGs. 4. The reorganization amalgamates into the IGs the structure and pertinent functions of the DCI Security Committee (SECOM), which is being abolished by separate directive, and provides for a vigorous, aggressive approach to raising and solving counterintelligence and countermeasure issues and problems. 5. Three IGs will support the SIG-I, one for counterintelligence and two for countermeasures. The structure of the IGs will be flexible. The two IGs *Counterinti1Tigence means information gathered and activities conducted to protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations, or persons, or international terrorist activities, but not including personnel, physical, document, or communications security programs. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 CONFIDENTIAL for countermeasures will have standing committees as appropriate and useful. IG/CM chairmen will appoint committee chairmen, subject to concurrence by the Chairman, SIG-I, for a term of three years, based upon nominations received from member agencies. Should a vacancy occur during such three-year term, the IG/CM chairman shall call for new nominations from member agencies. Each committee chairman must be a senior line manager from an agency with a significant equity involved in the specific function or have other recognized expertise. Members of these committees will also be senior line managers from agencies across the government with major equities and/or a useful role to play. Where appropriate, committee chairmen should have parallel responsibilities outside of intelligence to ensure that Intelligence Community and non-Intelligence Community efforts are congruent or complementary. Membership of each IG is specified below. In addition, representatives of other departments, agencies, and committees with responsibility for specific matters may attend relevant IG meetings by invitation of the IG Chairman. a. The IG/CI, chaired by the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or nis representative, will continue to be responsible for national counterintelligence policy under the SIG-I, including counterespionage, counters to other foreign intelligence HUMINT collection, and the countering of "active measures." Membership will consist of one representative of each of the following: Director, CIA; the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; the Deputy Secretary of State; the Deputy Secretary of Defense; the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Attorney General, Department of Justice; the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Director, National Security Agency; Director, Defense Intelligence Agency; Army; Navy; Air Force; Marine Corps; and the Department of Energy. b. The IG/CM(T), chaired by the Assistant Secretary of Defense/C31, will be responsible for national countermeasures policy under the SIG-I relating to COMSEC, COMPUSEC, TEMPEST, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), and R&D for the technical aspects of both counterintelligence and countermeasures. The IG/CM(T) will have committees subordinate to it as the Chairman deems appropriate. Initially, subordinate committees shall consist of: (1) The Technical Countermeasures Committee, supplanting SECOM's Computer Security Subcommittee, and with purview over COMSEC, COMPUSEC, and TEMPEST; over research and development for technical countermeasures other than Technical Surveillance Countermeasures; and over requirements for physical, personnel, and information security for COMSEC and COMPUSEC, coordinating such requirements with the appropriate committee of the IG/CM(P). The matters under the purview of the proposed Technical Countermeasures Committee (COMSEC, COMPUSEC, and TEMPEST) are not intended to duplicate the responsibilities of the NTISSC (governed by NSDD 145). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 CONFIDENTIAL (2) Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Committee, supplanting SECOM's TSCM Subcommittee and having purview of research and development activities concerning TSCM. Membership will consist of representatives of the same organizations cited above for the IG/CI; the members, again, are to be operating officials of cognizant elements of the member organizations. c. The IG/CM(P), chaired by the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy), will be responsible for national countermeasures policy under the SIG-I relating to personnel, physical security, information, industrial, and operations security (OPSEC). The IG/CM(P) will have committees subordinate to it as the Chairman deems appropriate. Initially, subordinate committees shall consist of: (1) Personnel Security Committee, supplanting SECOM's Subcommittees for Personnel Security and for Security Awareness and Education; the Office of Personnel Management will be invited to participate; (2) Physical Security Committee, supplanting SECOM's Facility Protection Subcommittee, Armor and Protective Systems Working Group, and Security Advisory Group-USSR, with purview over all government-wide physical security policy and programs and responsibility for effecting, as required, national coordination of physical security policies of more limited scope, developed by or under the auspices of other interagency bodies, and responsibility for identifying needs for research and development on physical security problems, and for coordinating requirements involving technical systems with the appropriate committee of the IG/CM(T); (3) Information Security Committee, including participation by the Director, Information Security Oversight Office; (4) National OPSEC Advisory Committee, a continuing IG/CM committee; Membership will consist of representatives of the organizations cited above for the IG/CI, and will be subject to the same rules as is participation on the IG/CM(T). 6. The interagency-staffed Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures Staff (CCISCMS), the organization and functioning of which will be the subject of a separate DCI Directive, will serve as the permanent staff of the SIG-I and the secretariat of its IGs on CI and CM matters. The Director, CCISCMS, will provide staff support for the SIG-I for CI and CM matters; he or his designee will serve as Executive Secretary of the IGs for such matters. The SIG-I Secretariat will remain as it has been. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 CONFIDENTIAL 7. Matters for which SIG-I action is sought will normally first be addressed by the appropriate IG, or one of its subcommittees, and referred via the Secretariat. However, at the discretion of the SIG-I principals, a proposal may be brought directly to the SIG-I through the Executive Secretary, the Director, CCISCMS, or his designee. Matters which can be handled adequately at lower levels do not need to be brought to the IGs. The objective is to avoid layering while providing a mechanism for recommending coordinated national policy. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 Distribution ICS 3351-86 Copy 1 - Office of the Vice President 2 - Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs 3 - Deputy Secretary of State 4 - Deputy Secretary of Defense 5 - Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 6 - Director, FBI 7 - Director, NSA 8 - Director, DIA 9 - Attorney General 10 - Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I (Donald Latham) 11 - Counsel for Intelligence Policy, Dept. of Justice (Mary C. Lawton) 12 - Assistant Director, Intelligence Division, FBI (James Geer) 13 - Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)(Craig Alderman) 14 - Director, Counterintelligence and Security Policy, ODUSD(P) (Britt Snider 15 - NSA, Q-4 L 25X1 16 - Chief, Counterintelligence Division, DIA 25X125X1 17 - Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, State (Amb Abramowitz) 18 - Director, Office of Intelligence Coordination/INR, State (Francis Corry) 19 - NSC Staff (Ken deGraffenreid) 20 - Director, OMB 21 - Chairman, PFIAB (Ambassador Armstrong) 22 - DC I 25X1 23 - DDCI 24 - Executive Director, CIA 25 - General Counsel 26 - DDO 27 - C/CI Staff/DDO 28 - DOI 29 - DDI/CRES/FICG 30 - DDS&T 31 - DDA 32 - Director, Office of Security 33 - Director, Office of Communications 34 - Chairman, COMIREX 35 - Vice Chmn/CIPC 36 - Chmn/FIPC 37 - Chmn/EIC 38 - Chmn/FLC 39 - Chmn/HUMINT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5 40 - Chmn/IHC 41 - Chmn/IDC 42 - Chmn/JAEIC 43 - Chmn/STIC 44 - Chmn/SIGINT 45 - Chmn/TTIC 46 - Chmn/WSSIC 47 - D/OC/COMSEC 48 - D/IC Staff 49 - DO/IC Staff 50 - ER 51 - IC Re istry 52 - SIG(I) Secretariat Subject 53 - SIG(I) Secretariat Chrono 54 - Chief/Admin Staff/ICS 55 - C/LL/ICS 56 - D/PPS/ICS 57 - D/PBS/ICS 58 - D/CCISCMS/ICS 59 - Office of Congressional Affairs, CIA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/24: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000200180004-5