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September 18, 1984
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Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890083-7 QX4 Ciu.e)60 Central Intelligence Agency OLL 84-3394 18 September 1984 Ms. Deborah K. Owen Majority General Counsel Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 2226 Senate Dirksen Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 As I indicated to you earlier, we have several important intelligence concerns with respect to proposed legislation establishing a new policy board to coordinate Federal efforts to combat drug abuse. These concerns are reflected in the enclosed letter of Chairman Boland of the HPSCI to Representative Hughes. We have been in contact with Mark Gitenstein and Scott Green with respect to our concerns, and they have informally indicated that they would be willing to consider an amendment that would accommodate intelligence equities. We intend to meet with them shortly to work out specific language, and I will keep you apprised as to our efforts in this regard. Sincerely, Legislation Division Office of Legislative Liaison Distribution: Original Addressee 1 D/OLL 1 DD/OLL 1 - C/ILD/OGC 1 - OLL Chrono 1 - LEG Subject (Narcotics) 1 - DP Signer OLL/LEG/DP:ngn{_18 Sept 84) Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890083-7 AOYANO L W4UO1A BY. t10AM u+ V. MNIR/, CAMP. WYCMI POwLj, At. OA. "t M HAMILTON. MO. "Off" OONL J IL TTNN. LOUIS srOCCS. DN10 DAVE McCUROT.ORIA ANTHONY C. SININSOII CALIF. J ,PNwm 1101111090"'v4 G w1LLl*M w1fltIMURST. VA C W SILL YOUNG. FLA SOS STUMP. AN X WILLMM F. OOODUNC. PA. Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890083-7 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE ?"O"AS L LATIM111. STAR gNCT011 110ICi4AEl J. O'NII.. CNII? COUNSR 5TmV IN S. SIRNY. "Boca" COUNSIL September 10, 1984 Honorable William J. Hughes Chairman, Subcommittee on Crime Committee on the Judiciary .207 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: Tltrt.r M A01. U S C.Me P02111164111 EECI;LYRI [J I;CN H.R. 4028, which would establish a high level Office of Drug Abuse Policy for coordination of all federal efforts to combat drug abuse, will be considered by the House today. In light of its imminent passage and your future conference discussions on resolving the differences between H.R. 4028 and its Senate counterpart, it is important that you be aware of several intelligence concerns raised by that bill, S. 1787. Unlike the coordinating and leadership role H.R. 4028 would give the Director of a new Office of Drug Abuse Policy (ODAP), S. 1787 invests the Chairman of a National Drug--Enforcement Policy .Board (NDEPB) with final budgetary, personnel and other authorities over an`y trjencies, including intelligence agencies, contributing to the national drug effort. Such authority, in my view, is inappropriate and inevitably will intrude into intelligence matters having no bearing on narcotics intelligence matters. It could also involve the Chairman of the NDEPB unnecessarily in matters directly affecting intelligence sources and methods. Since H.R. 4028 avoids such concentration of power in the person of the Director of the ODAP, I urge that in negotiations with the Senate, you insist on the House approach to these matters. An explicit disclaimer that the Director of Central Intelligence's authorities are not affected by any House-Senate compromise bill would be one way to accomplish this. H.R. 4028 now contains such a disclaimer relating to the authorities of the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of the Veteran's Administration. I or the Committee staff would be happy to expand on these concerns at your convenience. With every good wish, I am Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890083-7