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Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890001-7 Office of legislative liaison Routing Slip SUSPENSE I +1ct 1-4 Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890001-7 OLL 34-3584/2 Lary 27-,;K, 84 Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BOl370R001501890001-7 Respectfully referred to CIA Congressional Affairs Room 7-B24 CIA Washington, D.C. 20205 Please find enclosed a recent communication received by our office. I would appreciate any informa- tion or assistance you can pro- vide us in this regard so that we may answer this correspon- dence. Thank you. Sincerely, Clarence E. Miller Member of Congress Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, D. C. 20515 Contact: RAR This follows telephone conversation May we know if he is being held in captivity or not. If so, state of health and well-being. Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BOl370R001501890001-7 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. WASHINGTON, D.C. STAT Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890001-7 Cthono Date Scl~t. 13. 1984 Raymond Booker - Nicaraguan Captured STAT (called to advise that Mr. Raymond Hooker is a personal friend of his. Mr. Hooker lived in Ohio for years and has received numerous. 'degrees from O.U. Mr. Hooker works for the Nicaraguan Government and was captured by the o osition to the Anti-Sandinistas* WXiXMXXXRXRXR STAT XXXXXXXXOlXX wants Congressman Miller to call the CIA and tell them to release Raymond Hooker. I became very confused about the call as I was assuming up to this point that Raymond Hooker was an American - he is Nicaraguan but was educated at O.U. STAT I told) that I would discuss this with others in our office and let him know if there is anything that we could do in sending a plea for the life of Raymond Hooker. Mr. Hooker's Nicaraguan sister is employed in the Press'Section of the Nicaraguan Embassy here - Mariam Hooker. ? Bob Reintsema, AA for Congressman Miller, called the CIAO and.an official advised that we send over the inquiry and they would try to get us a report on Mr. Raymond Hooker. Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890001-7 Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BO1370R001501890001-7 THE NEW YORK TIMES, MOIIDAY, SEPTEMBER ANTI-SANDINISTAS SAID TO KIDNAP 2 Managua Says Rightist Rebels Have Abducted 80 Others Since Beginning of July 'By STEPHEN KINZER ? Specfa! fo The New York Times BY.UEFIELDS, Nicaragua, Sept. 9- Two local Sandinista leaders were ap- parently kidnapped by Nicaraguan rebels last week, and Government offi- ci4 "'re said today that they feared both -had been killed.. The reported abductions brought to 82 the number of people believed car- ried oft by United States-backed insur- gents since the beginning of July, the officials said. They asserted that peo- ple involved in Sandinista organiza- tions were being targeted in an effort to discourage residents from cooperating with the Government. One of the two Sandinista leaders re- ported kidnapped, Ray Hooker, is a for- mer university dean educated in the United States. He had been chosen as a Sandinista candidate for the new Na- tional Assembly that is to be elected in November, and was traveling from this Atlantic coast city to the Indian village of Karawala, about 70 miles north of here; to promote his candidacy. The.other victim, Patricia Delgado, is a member of the regional Sandinista governing committee and was travel- ing with Mr. Hooker to the village. Thy captain of the small launch in l u'h' they were traveling, Santiago Mayof?ga, was also missing in the inci- dent: which occurred Wednesday. The Nicaraguan Defense Ministry was quotgd as saying Friday that the three had been abducted by.80 insurgents. 4.Bodies Have Been Found Of'tbe 82 Nicaraguans reported kid- naplied by right-wing rebels since July, the bodies of 4 were found in the Escon- tlido.River last month, but the fate of ti i unknown Some s i 78 h ms ot v c the er are tfelleved to have been taken to rebel I ACIVEM, Sandinista officers believe teat nearly 4,000 rebels, known as contras, are icdttered throughout southeastern Nicaragua, a sparsely populated ex- panse of swamps, jungles and tropical rain forests. Over the last 10 days, they have mounted a series of attacks. On Aug. 30, a raiding party captured and burned a barge used to haul food and other goods to Bluefields from the western part of the country. Three crewmen aboard the barge were car- riood off, and there has been no word of their fate. There is no road to connect Blue- fields with the rest of Nicaragua, so the ton tesioels lu Vu~however ornmont i ' 6d~ Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90B01370R001501890001-7 . Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BO1370R001501890001-7 Attack by 200 R----- AV am vi vi ` timated at es f ore cnt wednesday, a more than 200 rebels attacked the town of La 'Cruz del Rio Grande, killing 4 people and suffering 14 dead; according to Government figures. . Two.days later, the head of an agri- cultural cooperative in Caiaonero, less than 10 miles from Bluefields, was killed . in an ambush along. with two rnemtlers of the cooperative. The head of the cooperative, Jacinto Vargas Es- trada, had urged his neighbors to work with Sandinista officials. do two "The contras are trying to things," said Harry Chavez, a local Sandinista spokesman: "They want to terrorize people so they will not work with the revolutionary Government, and. at the same time they are laying the groundwork for an effort to seize some territory. Taking Bluefields would be their greatest triumph." In recent months, Insurgents have moutttcd several attacks in which they have made special efforts to single out and kill leaders of pro-Sandinista or- ganizations. Coordinators of Sandinista block committees, youth e groups, health centers and cooperatives have been among the victims. Mr. Hooker, who maintained rela- tions with Indians opposed to the Gov- ernment, is among the most widely re- spected citizens of Bluefields. He graduated from Ohio University with a degree in -history, became assistant dean of humanities at the National Uni- versity in Managua, and in 1981 was named director of the Institute for the Atlantic Coast, a Government agency. More recently, he had been in charge of adrbinistering social services for in- digenous groups in the coast region. The official Sandinista newspaper Barricada charged Saturday that Mr. Hooker's kidnapping was planned by the Central Intelligence Agency, which has provided millions of dollars in cov- ert aid to rebel groups. Report of Cuban Deaths Denied Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 - The Nica- raguan Mission to the United Nations has.dismissed a Reagan Administra- tiod: assertion that four senior Cuban military advisers were killed in a rebel air "raid last Saturday in which two Americans were killed. Tpe statement, issued Saturday night by the Nicaraguan Embassy here, accused Administration officials of "lying," and reiterated earlier Nica- raguan assertions that the only people killed in the attack against a military school in Santa Clara were three chil- Fifth Avenue, White Plains, Manhasset, N.Y., Shoit 1-ii _.. w.t, r.,fl It" at Altmarts. Use your Aitn dren.and a cook. The statement said the Adminfstra- tioirs portrayal of the situation in Cen- )t tral America was based on an "insidi- w ous.and systematic use of deceit.", -- A will help the ...40 amount of lying nt the eve three-year Nica Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BO1370R001501890001-7 Reagan Administration to pr people of the United states and the in- tervational community from clearly seeing the reality of the aggression of a big' power against a small nation," it said. The Administration has denied any connection with the air attack or the participation of the Americans, the first known American casualties in the