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Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 April 19, 1984 LEGISLATIVE REFERRAL MEMORANDUM Legislative Liaison Officer National Security Council Office of Science & Technology Policy Department of the Interior Federal Communications Commission General Services Administration Department of State Depa ent of Agriculture Nati rtl Aeronautics & Space ministration entral Intelligence Agency Department of Transportation Department of.Defense SUBJECT: Department of Commerce proposed report on H.R. 5155 -- Land Remote Sensing Commercialization Act of 1984 -- as passed by the House on April 9, 1984. (House Report 98-647). (We do not plan, at this time, to clear other reports on H.R. 5155 or H.R. 4836.) The Office of Management and Budget requests the views of your agency on the above subject before advising on its relationship to the program of the President, in accordance with OMB Circular A-19. A response to this request for your views is needed no later than COB -- Thursday, April 26, 1984. Oral comments acceptable. Questions should be referred to William A. Maxwell (395-3890.), the legislative analyst in this offic Legislative Refelce Assist n Direct r fo James F. ),Vjr Enclosures cc: Scott Gudes Frank Seidl Mike Horowitz Dan Taft Tim Sorehe Jeff Struthers Bill Hughes Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Washington, D.C. 20230 voncrabl a James H. Scheuer Ch air-an, Subcommittee on Natural, Resources, Agriculture Research and the Environment U.S. =o;:se of Representatives :?:ashincton, D.C. 20515 Dear !r. Chairman: This will respond to your request for the views of this Department on legislation currently pending before your Co:mm ittee - "To establish a system to promote the use of land re-mote- sensing satellite data, and for other purposes." Although your request was in regard to H.R. 4836, a bill then under consideration by the Subcommittee, our response will be in reference to H.R. 5155, a bill subsequently introduced. Our response is on behalf of the Admin'stration, and incor- porates the views of all other interested agencies. The goal of H.R. 5155 is to provide for the orderly transi- tion of United States civil land remote sensing activities from the public sector to the private sector in a manner which preserves both continuity of land remote sensing data and the technological leadership of the United States in the civil land remote sensing field. Title += of the bill provides for the marketing, by a govern- nent contractor, of data generated by the present (Landsat) system. Under the terms of title II, the government would retain ownership of the Landsat system and all data generated. by it, while the contractor would be entitled to a portion of the revenue from sales of the data. Under title II,%the Government may contract for the operation of the system as well, if the Secretary of Commerce (the Secretary) determines what the purposes of the Act will be served thereby. ^it=e of the bill provides for the Secretary to contract with a private sector party for the provision of the capabil- its' cf :roduci ng remote sensing data in certain quantities and a certain minimum level of quality for a period of six yea=s. The contract may provide for a payment by the Secretary Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 to cover the capital costs of .achieving such a capability, b::t may not provide for any guaranteed data purchases by the covern.:.ent. All data generated by the contract operator must be available for sale on a nondiscriminatory basis. Title 1V of the bill grants to the Secretary authority to -ssze licenses for the c:erasion of remote sensing systems. Title V c= the bill provides for a continuing federal role in research and development the field of remote sensing. Title Vi c= the bill states federal policy regarding nondis- cririnatc=y disseminaticn of data;- provides for archiving of data by'the Secretary, and contains a number of miscellaneous provisions. The Administration supports H.R._5155, with certain technical changes, as an appropriate framework for achieving the ce ..:pie:ciali zation of civil land remote sensing from space as soon as possible, while maintaining the U.S. lead'in land remote sensing, with the private sector making the major .financial investment. he Department is now in the process of carrying out what we believe to be the most thorough and exhaustive effort to date to determine the "next steps" in the Landsat program that most. facilitate the transfer of land remote sensing operations to the private sector. t?.e have issued a Request For Proposals ("RFP") for deployment of a follow-on system and the transfer of the current system to the private sector. Seven responses have been received and are being evaluated by a Source Evaluation Board established for this purpose.. The Board expects to submit reco.iendations to the Secretary in June, 1984. In the view of the Adrin-stration., it would be extremely _=.=crtunate if the work cf the Board and the respondents to t e P were to be discarded or repeated. This would result significant and costly delays in the commercialization crocess. Therefore, our principal concerns lie with. any trovisicns of the bill which may cr would invalidate' the RFP. -n additio^, it is essential that agency missions currently. - c=?,-_- cr dependent =on remote sensing not be adversely =_=fe ed ,t- e 1ec_s_at-on. concerns are set forth as follows. Additional -- ca__=_-ents are enclosed. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Required Marketing. Section 2.01(a) of the bill may require the Secretary to contract for the marketing of data generated by the current Landsat system. The Ad..inistration is not opposed in principle to the concept of private-sector marketing of Landsat data, and the RFP encouraged bidders to take over the operation of the Landsat syste-n and the marketing of data generated by the system. cwever, there was no requirement in the RFP that a bidder do sc. hus, if the successful bidder in the RFP process does r:ct undertake to market the data, an additional procurement action may be required for the marketing component. The Adrinistration is opposed to section 201(a) as currently drafted since it could pose a danger to the execution of a contract awarded as a result of the RFP process. Because the RPP did not require that respondents bid on the marketing of Landsat data, companies that were interested primarily in the marketing component likely chose not to submit a proposal. If title II were enacted in its present form, these companies as well as unsuccessful bidders -- may seek to invalidate the-'results of the RFP on the ground that it did not fully comply with the requirements of title II. Such efforts could delay implementation of the title III contract. A delay in implementation would in turn assure significant gaps. in the data stream upon the demise of Landsat -- a result to be avoided at all costs. The thus opposed to the apparent require- vent of section 201(a) that a marketing procurement be undertaken. We would support a provision which grants the Secretary discretion in determining whether to carry out such a procurement. We would also support alternative provisions (1) recuiring further marketing efforts if, upon conclusion of the PIP process, it becomes apparent that such effort would be in. the national interest, or (2) permitting the combination of the two procurements by the Secretary in a -.anrer ccnsistent with that adopted by the RFP. Tern of the Title III Contract. Section 302 of the bill provides that the contract- entered into by the Secretary under Title III shall reasonably assure the provision of re.:.cte sensing data for a period of six years, terminating cne veer after the expiration of this six-year period. a ~e. i ength of the contract .will '.depend on a number of terms and conditions, it is our opinion that the six-year ^ :icc ccntemplated by the bill may be overly restrictive. A Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 more likely period for successful conversion to full commer- cial c?eration would be approximately eight years rather. than six. The eight-year period would not include the time prior to the launch of the first commercial satellite, which is. likely to be two-to-four years. Thus, while the term of the contract described in Title III should be negotiable rather than being set for a prescribed period of time, we would prefer the outer limit to be at least eight years rather than six. ^;tle to LanA_sat Data. Section 2024a) of the bill provides -zhaz E:tle to any and all data generated by the Landsat s?: stem shall r e:-ain with the government, while providing that the Title II contractor be entitled to revenues from the sale of copies of data from the system.- The RFP offered bidders the opportunity to-bid on the entire current Landsat system, ,including both the space and ground segments. If a bidder were to propose assumption of both ownership and operation of the system, acceptance of this proposal would apparently be prohibited by the legislation as currently drafted. The requirement that the government retain title may also create copyright problems, inasmuch as the marketing contractor will undoubtedly insist on the right to restrict redistribution and sale by data purchasers. We therefore suggest that the bill permit a transfer of, title upon a determination by the Secretary that this would be in the national interest. if this recommendation is not adopted, we strongly suggest the addition of appropriate copyright .:r provisions. Capitalization Costs. Section 302(b)(4) of the bill provides that the contract entered into by the Secretary under Title III of the bill may provide for a payment by the Secretary to cover a portion of the capital cost of providing remote ^.sinc capability. This payment may also be made in install- nents based on progress over the life of the contract. ; iie there will be costs associated with developing the capability required by the Title III contract, we are not persuaded that a capital payment (or payments, as the case -- ? b.` = s the only acceptable financial arrangement. It may. financial vehicles, such as loans or loan may be more advantageous to the government. The GAG= d therefore permit the Secretary greater discretion nc the financial structure of the contract. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 Guaranteed data purchases. Section 302 (b) (6) of the bill prohibits guaranteed data purchases by the federal government. While the RFP made it clear that the government would not enter into an exclusive data purchase arrangement with any contractor, and would not necessarily agree to a proposal requiring guaranteed purchases, it is nevertheless the view cf the i ministration that this restriction is not in :the _::terests of the goverment. It may be that some minimal !eve! of guaranteed purchases may recommend itself as an app cpriate means of compensating a contractor over the life of the contract. If so, we do not wish to preclude adoption cf such a contract term. Rebates. Section 303(b) requires that at least 5 percent of the pace of data sold to the government be rebated to the Treasury. This provision unduly restricts flexibility of the 'bidder in structuring his bid. While rebates in connection with government purchases may be perfectly acceptable, it is not in the government's interest to require this arrangement. Such a requirement will only narrow the range of choices available to the Secretary in selecting the best deal for the Government. Reuortirc. Section 502(d) of the bill provides for' 7=* nt ore aration and transmittal to the Congress by. the-, o 7 P Administrators of NOAA and NASA of a report containing, among other things, a unified national plan for remote sensing research and development applied to the earth and its atmosphere. Our experience with such joint reporting is that it works poorly, at best. We would recommend that the requirement for a joint report be deleted. ?? Frequency allocation. Section 605 of the bill encourages the allocation of government and other civil radio frequencies to license holders by the Secretary and the Federal Communi- caticns Commission. We recommend that section 605 be amended =reve=ls to reflect the primary responsibility of the Federal Cc- un cations Corr ission for the assignment of frequencies t-o ncnc-:-ernnental users, and the primary responsibility of the Department of Commerce, through the National Telecommuni cations and Information Administration, for the, allocation of covern.:.ental frequencies. modif_icaticns noted above, and with further technical chances as noted in the attached materials, the Administration -_ s..o supports H.R. 555. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 t?:e have been advised by the office of-Management and Budget that there would be no objection to the submission of this report from the standpoint of the Administration's program. Sincerely, e 1 ,; .^.Erc_ Cc",se nclosure Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 Technical Comments - S. 2292 ?age 5, lines 18 - 23: Strike this subsection and insert the following: "(5) "United States private entity" means any citizen of the United States, any nongovernmental entity, or any consortium of (i) nongovernmental entities, or (ii) governmental and nongovernmental entities. In the case of an entity or consortium, the term means an entity or consortium the majority of whose assets is owned by citizens of the United States, the majority of whose personnel is comprised of citizens of the United States, which (in the case of a consortium) is administered by a central, responsible person or entity designated by the* consortium, and whose principal place of business..-is in the United States." NOTE: The definition has been enlarged to include individual citizens, since the prohibitions of title IV must apply to individuals as well. The idea of a central, responsible management entity for consortia has been transposed from section 402(b), because it is definitional in nature. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Pace 6; line 3 - cage 7, line 6: Strike this section in its entirety. NOTE: The various components of this section are either unnecessary or undesirable. Subsection (a) to a large extent restates existing law. in addition, however, paragraphs (1) and (2) may be interpreted as imposing upon the Secretary a higher duty with respect to the disposition of Landsat 4 and Landsat D' than the government has already undertaken pursuant to international agree- ment. The meaning of paragraph=k3) is unclear, but probably restates existing law. Subsection (b), the purpose of which is-evidently to, protect the title III operator, is unnecessary. The memoranda currently in effect may by their own terms .e extended. The government will not extend its obligations under the memoranda beyond its ability to- them, which will terminate upon the practical =se of the system. These memoranda are binding Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 3 - only upon the government and cannot bind subsequent private sector operators of remote sensing systems. Subsection (c) provides that the government may continue to contract out the operation of the current s vs ter.. This provision restates existing law. S?. section (c) further provides, however, that ownership of the system and the data must remain with the government. -This provision is directly contrary to the terms of the Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the government, which permits the respon- dents to bid on the operation and ownership of the. current system. If an otherwise attractive bid. contains an.element providing for the assumption of title to the existing system, the government-would be unable to accept this bid. As a result, the government may be forced to accept a less satisfactory bid, accept no bid; or repeat the procurement. Any of these results would be undesirable. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Pace 7, line 8: Circe "202" to "201" . Strike the word "shall" and insert the words "is . authorized". NOTE: Section 202 reouires that the Secretary con- tract out for the marketing of Landsat data. This' requirement has two significant drawbacks: First, if this provision is enacted, it will-require that a new, separate procurement action be carried out for this marketing function. This is because the F=? does not require that bidders bid on the market- -ng of Landsat data, and because we anticipate that any, b=criers did so. The requirement that such a procurement be carried out-is extremely. _des one and wasteful. By the time it is completed `c t.!--:e contractor cor nences work, there will be =_ttle - if any - life left in the system and thus cent=actor's opportunities to accomplish anything Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 -- 5 - significant will be either extremely limited or nonexistent. Second, there is the real possibility that enactment of this provision will delay or prevent execution of the title III contract,'thus raising the real possi- bility of significant data gaps. This is because companies who did not respond to the RFP because they were not interested in the operations side may bring suit to invalidate it because they were not given an opportunity to bid on the marketing as this provision apparently requires. Litigation would undoubtedly bring the execution of the title III contract to a halt until the issues raised in the lawsuit were resolved. The undesirability of this provision cannot be overstated. Pace 7, line 11: Before the word "contract", add the word "to".. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 ?ace 7, lines 13-14: Strike and insert the following: "data collected during the useful life of the Landsat system, as determined by the Secretary. Any such contract shall provide that --". This chance makes clear that the contract Governs only data collected-by the Landsat system during its useful life, and that the Secretary has discretion to determine when the useful life of the system terminates. Page 7, lines 17-18: Strike and insert: "able on a nondiscriminatory basis.". NO=E: This term has been defined. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 ?ace 8, ' line 6: Redesignate subsection (b) as subsection (c), and insert a new subsection (b) as follows: "(b) Such contract may provide for the operation of, and transfer of title to, the Landsat system as de-ermined by the Secretary to be appropriate and in the national interest.".. ?ice 8, line 10-page 9,-line 6: Delete this subsection. NOTE: Present subsection (c) creates undesirable and unnecessary ambiguities concern~.ig the role of Congress in-reviewing the selection actions of the Secretary. It may be read to mean that after the Secretary awards a contract, the congress may review. that award. This is bad contracting procedure, and will place the chill of uncertainty on the entire process. Bidders will be reluctant to commit full resources to a bid because they will be -more than usually uncertain of the outcome. Secretary has the obligation to keep Congress of developments . It is also in ' his interes.t Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 - 8 - to do so, since Congress will.-also have the last word on any contract, the contract being contingent-upon monies being appropriated. Eowever, the Congress should set policy governing the award of this contract, and the Secretary should be granted adequate discretion and authority to execute that policy. Pace 9, line 8: Change "203" to "202" _ Page 9, line 15: After the word "data", add: (3) such other factors as the Secretary deems appropriate and relevant". The Secretary should retain some degree of discretion in the award of the title II contract. It Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 would not be desirable to "lock him in" to only two selection criteria. Page 11, line 9: Strike "six" and insert "eight". Page 12, lines 1-21: Delete this subsection. See comments on present section 202(c). Page 14, line 5 - page 16, line 23: Strike the entire section and insert new set out in attachment to these comments. NOTES:' The bill currently contains no provisions governing the "qualifications",of licensees. (The only provision which may be so construed - dealing with the establishment of,.a "central, reponsible Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 entity" by a consortium,, may be considered defini- tional, and we have for this reason proposed moving it to section 103(5).) Ambiguities concerning what constitutes a "cualified" entity are thus raised, but not resolved, by the use of this term. Currently, the bill contains no criteria by which the Secretary can determine whether an application should be granted or.'denied. In.ttheory, all applications from United States parties which are in correct form must be granted, even though it may be quite clear that the applicant is not "qualified", e.g., that it does not have adequate financial or technical-re- sources,. or that it does not have adequate insurance coverage, or that there is substantial evidence that the applicant will not abide by the terms of: the license. we think that section 402 can also be clarified regarding the steps which the applicant must "agree in advance"-to take [e.g., present section 402(c)(2)], and hhat the licensee is required to do 1-nder the terms of the license [e.g., present sec- cns 402(b) and 402(c)(3)]? Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 - 11 - We emphasize that the bill should set forth each action which the government wishes a licensee to take or'refrain from taking during the operation of his system. The bill should further require that each of these steps be set forth in each license issued. Page 17, line 2: The House bill (H.R. 5155) contains expanded provisions regarding the Secretary's regulatory and enforcement authorities. We believe these are an essential feature of any title IV licensing scheme. After "403.", insert "(a)". Page 17, line 11: Insert new subsections (b) and (c), as follows: "(b) The provisions of this Title shall not apply to any activity carried out by the National aeronautics and Space Administration pursuant to its authority under Title IV of the National Aeronautics and Space. Act of 1958, as ..amended. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 "(c) Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of the Federal Communications Commission to assign radio frequencies pursuant to the Federal Communications Act, as amended." -e 19, line 11 - page 21, line 2: Strike this section and insert as follows: 11(b)(1) The Secretary shall continue to provide storage, maintenance and access for unen- hanced data from civil remote land sensing systems, including, in his discretion, such data from the.. Landsat system, the system operated pursuant to title III of this Act, and any system licensed pursuant to title IV of this Act. "(2) Storage, maintenance and access shall be undertaken only with respect to data which the Secretary, following established` archiving practic- es, determines to have real or potential value to the Nation. "(c) Copies of all data generated by any system operator under titles II, III, or IV of this Act shall promptly be made available to-the Secre- tary by such system operator in a form suitable for processing for storage, access and maintenance. The Secretary is authorized, subject to appropria- tions therefore, to pay to. such system operator reaoripble costs fcr reproduction and transmittal of such copies. " (d) (1) Any system operator' shall have the exclusive right to sell all data generated by such operator for a period not to exceed ten years from the date such data are generated. During the ten-wear period, the Secretary shall not engage in ac ti-vity which. infringes upon this right. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 "(2) Any*'system operator may at any time relinquish, with respect to any data generated by such operator, his exclusive right to sell such data. Such relinquishment shall be transmitted in writing to the Secretary. ",(e) Following the relinquishment or expia- tion of such exclusive. right to sell data, the data stall be in the public domain and the Secretary and -ay be distrubuted by the Secretary at prices =ef_ecting the reasonable costs of reproduction and =ra^s:r-ittal. "(f) In-carrying out the function of this section, the Secretary may use existing facilities or may contract for the performance of such func- tions, to the extent provided for in advance by appropriations acts." NOTE: The principal change effected in this re-write is to ensure that the Secretary does not perform a "warehousing" function for system operators at taxpayer expense. Presently, t1_: bill may be inter- preted to require the Secretary to store all data generated by system operators, and return it to them upon demand, for only nominal fees. This is not a desirable result. System operators should be respon- sible for their own storage, maintenance and access, -ntil such time as their exclusive right to the data either expires or is relinquished. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201610024-5 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5 ,race 21, -line 13: .Strike ", such as launch services,". 2_, =_-es _5 - 21: After the word "Commission", add: the Secretary,". it in consultation with Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201610024-5