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Document Release Date: 
November 6, 2008
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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1984
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Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201600053-4 BARRY GOLDWATER, ARIZ.. CHAIRMAN DANI=L PATRICK MOYNIHAN, N.Y.. VICE CHAIRMAN JAKE GARN. UTAH :. WALTER D. HUDDLESTON, KY JOHN H. CAAFEE. R.I. JOSEPH R. SIDEN, JR., DEL. RICHARD G. LUGAR, NO. DANIEL K. INOUYE, HAWAII MALCOLM WALLOP, WYO. PATRICK J. LEAHY, VT. DAVID V. ROTH. DURENBERGER. MINN. LLOYD N. GEN, TEX WILLIAM M V V. ROTR , DEL SAM AM NUNN GA. niter *tatz senate WILLIAM S. COHEN, MAINE HOWARD H. BAKER, JR., TENN., EX OFFICIO ROBERT C. BYRD. W. VA., EX OFFICIO ROBERT R. SIMMONS, STAFF DIRECTOR GARY J. SCHMITT, MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR April 11, 1984 The Honorable William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 #84- 1.33 Chrono On Tuesday, March 26, 1984, Senator Kennedy introduced Amendment #2836 to the Urgent Supplemental for the Fiscal Year 1984 PL-480 Program [H.J.Res. 492]. At that time, Senator Kennedy said his amendment was based on his concern that there have been "persistent allegations-that high Salvadoran officials are deeply involved in the death squads, possibly with the complicity or acquiescence of the CIA." Kennedy's amendment stated the following: "The Senate and House Select Committees on Intelligence, in coordination with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, shall conduct a full investigation of death squads in El Salvador and shall report to the Senate and the House of Representatives by May 31, 1984, on the extent of death squad activity, responsibility for organizing, directing and carrying out death squad killings, and progress in prosecuting those responsible for such killings." The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence routinely does reports on its own recognizance or if requested by other Committees or Members of the Senate. So on April 3, 1984, we agreed in a colloquy on the Floor of the Senate to hold a series of hearings on the death squads in response to Senator Kennedy's concern. We further agreed to investigate the matter of these allegations and to make the record of that investigation known to the extent that it can be published. On the basis of our commitments to Senator Kennedy, the Staff Director and Minority Staff Director of the Committee have established a Death Squad Working Group which is being coordinated by Larry Kettlewell and Steve Ward. Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201600053-4 Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201600053-4 The Honorable William J. Casey Page Two April 11, 1984 The purpose of this letter is to ask your maximum cooperation in this undertaking. We expect your staff to cooperate with the Coordinators and with the Professional Staff Members who are on the Death Squad Working Group. In a week or ten days, we will be issuing letters of invitation to various individuals to appear before our Committee in closed session on this issue. We will also be requesting certain documents from the Intelligence Community, as well as access to certain files in the possession of your Agency. We look forward to and expect full cooperation in this important undertaking which we hope to complete by July 4, 1984. Pleaet us know if you have any questions regarding this matter. Daniel Patrick Moynihan Vice Chairman Approved For Release 2008/11/06: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201600053-4