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Document Release Date: 
November 19, 2010
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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1984
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90B01370R000801030017-2.pdf350.92 KB
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90BO137OR000801030017-2 84 3408870 SSO PAGE 001 TOR: 171858Z FEB 84 00 RUEAIIB ZNY SSSSS ZOC STATE ZZH 00 RUEHC RUEHTH DE RUEHC #9071 0481857 ZNY SSSSS ZZH 0 171631Z FEB 84 FM SECSTATE WASHDC TO AMEMBASSY ATHENS IMMEDIATE 3552 BT S E C R E T STATE 049071 E.O. 12356: DECL:OADR TAGS: PTER SUBJECT: MOYNIHAN REWARDS BILL REF ATHENS 1834 1. SECRET --ENTIRE TEXT 2. SENATOR MOYNIHAN SEEMS TO HAVE ACCEPTED'THE POINTS EXPRESSED IN REFTEL. NONETHELESS, HE HAS CHOSEN TO ENTER A MORE GENERAL BILL ON THE SUBJECT OF REWARDS LEGISLATION. HIS BILL. PROPOSED ON FEBRUARY9, WOULD ESTABLISH A GENERAL FUND OF TEN MILLION DOLLARS FOR-THE PURPOSE OF OFFERING REWARDS IN SUCH CASE WHEREIT MIGHT HELP TO BRING PERPETRATORS OF TERRORIST-ACTS TO JUSTICE. 3. THIS LEGISLATION WOULD EMPOWER THE SECRETARY OF STATE IN FOREIGN CASES, AND THE ATTORNEY GENERAL IN DOMESTIC - CASES, TO OFFER AND PAY LARGE REWARDS FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO APPREHENSION OF TERRORISTS. THE SENATOR OPINED THAT REWARDS OF AS MUCH AS ONE MILLION-DOLLARS MIGHT BE COUNTENANCED IN SOME CASES. 4. WHILE THE BILL DOES NOT SPECIFICALLY APPLY TO THE TSANTES CASE, THE SENATOR DID ALLUDE TO THAT CASE IN HIS INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. HE SUGGESTED THAT BOTH GREECE AND EL SALVADOR WOULD BE PLACES IN WHICH SUCH LEGISLATION AS HE IS PROPOSING MIGHT BE HELPFUL. DAM END OF MESSAGE SECRET Sr ~1 116m 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90BO137OR000801030017-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90BO137OR000801030017-2 I February 9, 1984 interested in r ing allotments under the bloc _ t. The State' matching requirement would be r used from 20 percent and 33 / perceto 10 percent for each of the 3 f' years that authority is ex- Under th vised block grant. States would con to be required uring the to fund Federal gran 7.4 first year States receive a ents, but at levels the State deems ap pri- ate. My bill would continue curren law provisions for funding CHC's ich meet the requirements of the tion 330 categorical authority anir which serve medically underservpopula- tions, but would require e active in- volvement of the Gove or of a State in the entire medic y underserved In addition to pose criteria which the Secretary t now consider in designating dically underserved areas, he wo also be required to take into 4count those factors deemed releva t by the Governor. Finally, my ill would require the Secretary to prepare a report by March 30, 1985, which would review the current form used for alloting funds to the States d would make recommendations on a e equitable distribution of funds to States. Among other things, this report should examine the merit: ,:o using medically underserved populati ns in the determination of the amo of a State's allotment. I am confide these changes will encourage more tes to be involved in primary h th care service delivery and to ap y for allot- ments under the p ' y care block I ask unanimou 'consent that the text of the bilVbe printed in the There being o objection, the bill was ordered o be printed in the RECORD, as foil ws: S. 2308 Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives the United States of America in Conp s assembled that this Act may be cited the "Primary Health Care Amendments of 1 Ssc. 2. Except as otherwise ecifically provided, whenever in this Act amend- ment or repeal is expressed in to of an amendment to, or a repeal of, a se ion or other provision, the reference sh con- sidered to be made to a section o her pro- vision of the Public Health Be Act. PRIMARY CARE RL GRANT SEC. 3. (a) Section (c) I. amended to "(c) For grants der subsection (a), there are authorized to appropriated $2,500,000 for the period bening on October 1, 1984, and ending on Sep mber 30, 1987.". (b) Section 1922 is ended to read as fol- "AUTHORIZATION OF ROPRIATIONS or "SEC. 1922. F allotmen under section 1924 and for grants under s ion 330, there is authorized to be I appropriated $340,000,000 for fiscal year 1985, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE