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Document Release Date: 
June 18, 2012
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90B00184R000100110069-2 1 ? :5 0 P F0i uk0U The ground crew will be umier the con eoa-se n r. C Es tti i eport to preflight - ~J500 to 0630. Arid starting C) to ()65O. ~ e; sin c t AT. x,s inal until thirty i.nut es *tt :rr oe *rture. 4eport to tl1 ten ne.l - 1730. Aid In parking A/C. service A/C to pilo request (noraelly 16) $s1. gas - full oil). Pr-Worn neee ea i7 maintenance, on A/C. t;mplete It/C foray. Ti,, d ~;/C for the night. Norton Air Faroe Base will support the A/C an maintenance ,n,tt ers. "the bb $e will 3i ntain a bench stock of C-54 parts in Teruel. Any uthor parts and aa.intonaanco can be obtai. d by csUtn , collect tot for ? cw'lug Norti Air area 8"+a actension 418 4. Aircraft ' aytera are encouraged to use Air force : "ora ]$ for obtaining P ./C parts at Loci .r :;ervtce, "lying sigera Airline, and fatter Air service, all located on l T, have e supply of C..5t parts and will moll them on ora 15. Fuel and oil nay be obtained by caL ing nwaal.1 2-5231, cxteion 218 or 219. Duel is Air orce Contract fuel. Aircraft will operate six days a vook with a poa+sible second trip at =scheduled intervals during the week arse alse a possible trip on bunday. round. *row is atpocted to . pert ore during all flights. InCor tion conceernia schedule of all trips W=0046 from x l Te mina l op tors 'telephone gsnss t 1-5418. C_,O,f A& G~y/yU/FF Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90B00184R000100110069-2