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Document Release Date: 
February 18, 2011
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Publication Date: 
May 7, 1978
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/18: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100210002-8 v ? RADIO TV REPORTS, INC. PUBLIC AFFAIRS STAFF 60 Minutes STS DATE May 7, 1978 7:00 PM CI An Interview with John Stockwell I MIKE WALLACE: Why are there now b Cuban troops In Africa, allies and tools of cording to a former CIA officer, the Cubans part, because of the failure of a secret war n the CIA In Angola In 1975 and '76. You're unc just what happened lIn Angola during those yet were sketchy at best. But according to the former'UTA otttcer you're about to meet, that secret Intervention was a debacle for the United States and a major triumph for the Soviets and their Cuban allies. JOHN STOCKWELL: Had the CIA not existed, had the CIA option, the violent option not existed In Angola, we wouldn't have had the escalation of war and we wouldn't have had Cuban soldiers entrenched In the country, with great credibility, looked upon as heroes of the people of Africa. And this is because of the blundering stupidity, If you will, of the CIA's paramilitary operation. WALLACE: Who is this man who talks of the blundering stupidity of the CIA? He was the chief of the CIA's Angola task force, John Stockwell, a twelve year veteran of the Agency's covert operations section. His unauthorized account of the covert war he helped run, a book he calls in Search of Enemies, has.been secretly published and is just now 6eIRg-UTstrTbuWd-To book stores across the country. Stockwell was an ideal recruit for the CIA. He had grown up In Africa, went to college in the United States. After a hitch In the Marine Corps, he joined the agency in 1964. He served tours in Africa, Vietnam. Then in July, 1975, he was asked to ride herd from CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia on the OFFICES IN: NEW YORK ? LOS ANGELES ? CHICAGO ? DETROIT ? AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITES Mat dM suppkd by Rath- TV Rapwb, Inc. may be used Jor II. and n0wer ? prpows ony. M may not be r produe?t sold w pubidy danionsrs~tds- ?sMlfiuJ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/18: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100210002-8