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August 3, 1979
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140089-1
` `- _~---- y r..
Jack Anderson
3 August 1979
Are the horrors of Nazi Germany tion of Chilean exile leader Orlando
being relived in South America Letelier in Washington three years ago
through an unholy alliance between was listed by the FBI as a possible Con-
right-wing totalitarian regimes and dor operation.
war criminals from Adolf Hitler's. DINA, the infamous secret police of
Third Reich? A top-secret Senate re- Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet,
port raises this disquieting possibility. was responsible for the Letelier mur-
Over the years, we have reported der, according to the. confessed hit
eyewitness accounts of the unspeaka- man. And a top-secret Senate report
ble methods of torture used by the mil- raises the possibility that DINA, carry-
itary dictators of Latin America ing on under a new name after
against political opponents and their Pinochet "reformed" it, is perpetrat-
suspected allies. Women are raped re- ing SS-type brutalities at a Nazi err
peatedly while their husbands are slave called "The Colony" at Parral,
forced to watch; babies are tortured in Linarest Province, Chile.
front of their parents. Uncooperative "An informed source indicated that
suspects are asphyxiated in piles of ex- DINA has maintained a detention cen-
crement, or roasted to death over bar- ter inside The Colony, and there are al-
becue pits. legations that torture has taken place
Apparently, it is no coincidence that there," the secret report states. ` Alle-
some of these dictatorships are havens gations also have been made that Ger-
for Nazi war criminals who managed man personnel, who are described as
to escape the collapse of Hitler's Ger- Gestapo and SS ex-officers, have given
many in 1943. Competent sources have instruction in torture techniques and
told our associate Dale Van Atta that have actually taken part in the applica-
Nazi refugees have offered their inhu- lion of these techniques."
man expertise to the secret police of The Colony, a commune officially
their adopted countries and may even named "La Dignidad" ("Noble Bear-
be directing some of the Hitler-style ing"), was established on a 3,000-acre.
torture and extermination of political tract by refugee German Luftwaffe of-
dissidents. ficers at the end of World War If CIA
And it may be no coincidence that
sources have identified the leader
five of the countries named in the tor- Franz Pfeiffer Richter, referred to as
ture charges-Chile, Paraguay, Uru- "The Commander." He runs The
guay, Brazil and Argentina-are also Colony? in military fashion; the men
members of an international assassina- wear uniforms and maintain close ties
'ion consortium known as "Operation with Chilean military officials, particu;
Condor." As we reported earlier, Con- Iarly with Chilean Air Force officers.
dor's "Phase Three" section first iden- "The Colony maintains complete au=
tifies common enemies in foreign tonomy over its territory," the report.
countries (including the United States), states. "Investigations into its activities'
then tracks them down and finally have always come to an abrupt halt."
eliminates them. The dynamite execu- The Colony's main source of liveli-
hood for its 250 men, women and chil-
dren is a large dairy farm. But it has
"modern, sophisticated, German-made
communications equipment which al-
lows it to maintain contact with other
pro-Nazi elements throughout south I
America and Europe," the report
.notes, adding: ''The Colony has re-
ceived large amounts of money over
the years, probably from German i
Nazis." _
And DINA, the Chilean military's
tinhorn Gestapo, used the Colony's in-
ternational contacts to further its mur-
derous dirty work in foreign countries.
the report concludes. - , -
Adolf Hitler's "1,000-Year Reich"
may not have perished in the rubble of
Berlin after all.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140089-1