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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140065-7 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE THE WASHINGTON POST 23 May 1982 Aeli'thp, 1, BY?Thomas OToole Washington PostSratr writer SOUTH RIVER, N J, May 22--No more than 15 miles from the busy New Jersey Turnpike outside,- New York City is a private, fenced in cemetery unlike any other in'the United States..: ; In it are buried at. least two sus2 pected Nazi war criminals and as many as a dozen former members of a Waffen 'SS division? that. fought::. under Hitler and were smuggled into the United States in .'the 1950s . to' help in the Cold War struggle "with... the Soviet, Union.-,. Buried : undeP ,a' black' tombstone seven 'feet high is Radoslaw Ostrowski, a native of Byelorussia, the westernmost region of the Soviet Uniori.. ; .: Ostrowski was also the president of then White Ruthenian. state set up by Adolf Hitler -when the .German Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union,in 1941.....:. Ostrowski occupied .the puppet leadership position until 1944, when ' the Red Army reoccupied Byelorus- sia During that time as,`rnany as 750,000 citizens of Byelorussia were-. massacred by their Nazi masters and the puppet civilian auxiliary police force under the control of the SS. Thirty feet from.Ostrowski's-tomb is a grave -narked only by a white wooden Byzantine cross. There is no nm'ne-on that cross, but the grave is "No old immigrants ?f U Ua Y of St. Euphrosynia's," said John J. .:roster and mostl Loftus, a former Justice Department, Y by Byelorusslans. Its ?ement are d Prosecutor. "Old immigrants are 1 mented on microfilm in the National? not Arc5ivec ~0N'~ to join St. Euphrosynia's: Church." . -'The document identifies 447 of its, 300 Loftus has charged that as many 600 men as White Ruthenians, with Y . .names that . sound remarkably like; Byelorussian Nazis were' gled into the United the .ofthose on the tombstones inj -Ste Department d to States by l the cemetery near ash St. Euphrosynia's: spies and propagandists aga worinstk the! thmara. Grabowski. Radiejeti~ski Soviet Union. To hear him tell it St, ' Tarasowski. Paschkow. Ba:aoki. :Euphrosynia's is the shrine cvh St. Misluchowski. n ere .many of these Byelorussians came to Now former SS troops `managed! Worship after they entered the Unit-? .to emigrate to the United: States is -id States. Still something of a mystery, - and is It is clearly a curious church. On? Departrnen tlandon by . the. Justice , 'top of a hill behind the church is a' said that a Byelorussian R priest Tonument = to ' . Byelorussia's war dead. Inscribed on the n4m0-- ?Tlkolai Litsky . helped j ussian and English are t them to emigrate . Like Ost helped I1 ;words: "Glory to those who fought eLavitsky died six years-ago: He isj for freedom and independence of Byelorussia" is, next s toO "The trouble with that inscription trowski's: that they fought for the Nazis in i "catesMany that I Byelorussian- birth' certif of P the 30th Waffen-Grenadier Division as a prosecutor ford the ument is SS," Loftus literally a This said. the Justice Department had fa; -.of birth and false dates monument monto- ~ places ~II o 'dead members of the SS. It is even birth to suggest they were-too young topped off to have' fought with the SS," Loft in by a circle of iron around; said. "These birth certificates were the Russian cross, which was they Sworn to 'by Father Lavitsky, w?h9 symbol adopted by the 30th Waffen: serving as' a cleric in DP [dls; ThSS."e tombstone that marks Os- was Hplace sdow eperson] camps in Germany." ' ros ~Nazcs are buried in Stn trowski's grave in the White Ruthe-' Eu h many Man' cemetery six P ynia's. There are 96 krav was es,l ree .unmarked. marks the .grave blocks of a from in the an in of th -i the them who founded Nobody church church the other- day . the 30th Waff ' en SS whnpr s .e a reortetopped by to aska s,,d to contain the remains of Em- This fact is noted in a docume t1 1 otner li h - once t e mayor of describing Archives .- the Byelorussian city of . Kledsk. It is a document describing the de More than 5,000 Jews were slaw h- briefing. of a White Ruthenian p?(_; tered in Kledsk 'in a single day in l ttlclan , Stanialas Hrynkjewietsch, by 1942. Eyewitnesses to the massacre U.S. Third Army intelligence officer;; have told Justice Department inves- in May, 1945' t: tors. that Mayor Jasiuk ordered Nrsmllewtetsch names Ostrowski the slaughter. as the Puppet ruler of the White Ru-! Less than six city blocks from this] :thenian state that served Hitler in' cemetery is the cemetery's mother to the S1944.oviet city of Minsk from 1941 church, the 10-year-old Byelorussian ."Ostrowski came Orthodo:c Church ..of St. Euphro with the SS E ~into Byelorussia' symia. t?gruppen, the mo-j bile killing units of the SS," Loftus! In a Slavic immigrant city, where ;said. He had his own Gestapo staff church onion-shaped domes of Russian' car, and was so efficient at his work churches are common, St. Euphro-I that inside of a week he had orga-' sy iia's is uncommon. The church; razed a Nazi Collaborationist net-' 11--is only 300 parishioners from 100; work in every town in the county families, all imnl:grant; to the Unit , '.''here Minsk located." ed Slates since the Displaced Per-, vies ['here is no dr--h,, i t ---J vin ,? person in the cemetery was the SS- . year-old caretaker, who did not want' to tell his name. Nevertheless' ' the question was asked: ' - "People . say Nazis buried here." the-caretaker said -inheavily broken' English. "No Nazis here: My wife here. Is- my wife I Nazi? Those are veterans' crosses on these' . graves. :.That's 'a veterans' cross on the cnon ument behind the church: There are,'. no swastikas on these crosses. There, are no. Nazis. here." _ ?lat the 30th: sci,Is act was passed by Congress in} SS Wafron n..:_:..- - ~I,. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140065-7