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Publication Date: 
November 8, 1982
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1- L.:Ais 1111CTnT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140056-7 Gs' By Thomas OToole. *ft-"1nRtW) PomMtaff Writer THE WASHINGTON POST 8 NOVEMBER 1982 At the time, the SS organization .U.S. immigration authorities' were told in the early years of the Cold .. War that it was in America's interest to ignore the backgrounds of hun- dreds of East European. Nazi collate=' orators be, smuggled Into this country: In a 1951- letter to the Immigra- tion and 'Naturalization -Service, the late Frank G. Wisner; identified in'i1 new'book as the State Department- official who brought in known war criminals, wrote: '"`In wartime a''4iighiy ~riataonalistic ' Ukrainian political -group4ith` its ' own security service .could conceiv- ably be a great asset. Alienating such a group could, *C'the` other viand,. have no particular advantage-to the United States either nine or in. war-' time' . The letter and the details of, Wis ner's role in. recruiting Nazi collab- orators to help in the Cold War struggle with the Soviet Union are in "The Belarus Secret,' published by Alfred A. Knopf and written- by'.. John Lofws, a Boston 'lawyer' who served for 2' years as a prosecutor in the Justice Departments Office of Special Investigation. In his role as prosecutor, Loftus was assigned to* hunt down Nazis . who lied about their past. in order to emigrate to the United States. ' Loftus says htmdreds. of.Nazi col- .. laboratory illegally were allowed-into the United States : by the INS. Of- ficials of the INS could not be reached for. comment yesterday....::: ,.i The book gets its title from -the. Belarus Brigade of the Nazi SS that was- made up of : Byelortrssians_ :from the White Ruthenia region of the ,oviet Union that the Nazis' bccu ; pied from 1941 in 1944. -In the book. Loftus flays that Wis- ner-smuggied more than 300 mem- hers- of the Belarus Brigade into America.__ :. was outlawed here..,,:, Loftus also says Wisner lied about the backgrounds of the Nazi collab-. urawrs:he brought in:and openly de- tied;=,Congress and President Tru-, The.. letter. Wisner wrotew th e . INS praises the Ukrainian Nazis'f t o .,their anti-communism ':He points out'-that-his secret? Of-- .flee of Policy Coordination in th e State. `Departments hid :them from= the. Saviet~ Liruoii, which attempted. -ern,-Europe where they were. hiding -at.the"end,of World:War.IF .:: ~: "Luckilyt the attempt to 'locate these - anti-Soviet Ukrainians _ was sabgtaged. by, a few farsighted Amer!-. icans,":-Wisner's letter:.states, "who , warned the persons -concerned to;go, ` into hiding.? Wisner;,..says';in 1-hia .letter -4hat many Ukrainian Nazis were.rnnt inu ing.to_ iight.;the Soviets after the-war. was over.with the weapons and am- munition .the: defeated -German.:ar- mies had left behind. "Over 35,000 members of the Rus- sign secret police have been lulled by the OUN [the Nazi-sponsored Or-, ganization of Ukrainian Nationalists] -' since the end of the last war " Wis- ner wrote. "In other words; the main activities of the OUN in the Ukraine cannot .be considered 'detrimental to the United Stag.' = Loftus - says Wisner fold the INS that the OUN had been falsely ac- the German war .ebbs ' ivas tiifi=.: cant, including the raising of vidwt- teers for. several SS divisions.' in -his book. Loftus says Wisner "imported the leaders ol' nearly_ all the :puppet regimes set up. by the' ,''Third Reich from -the Baltic tor- the Black Sea.": "Loftus deals at>lerigth with two-of'. Wisner s ::;recruits.';: Radisfaw:. Qs - --trowsky:,and Emanuel Jasiuk.-They - are '.,.buried. in"e.-White --Ruthenian- .: _cemet,ery.-in':Siiuth Rivet, Aia1.,,at-here :. resided , after being _-smuggled { ~he-states'by Wisner- Ogtaawsk iepresident of the Nazrpuppet regime in Byelorussia . and: -eollabo- rrated:so,dosely with :the.Nazis, Lof-.. ~....tus says; that there were "reports.he. 'would Vie. named mayor of Mpsoow F.: ;its capture." . ,.....: Jasiuk worked'for thesS in'Po- land, where he submitted., names of-,; -Polish Jews who were to be'killed by:' the SS Loftus `.wntes;.that, even ;though .Wisner was-using-halt of the' CIA's budget in recruiting his secret Nazi army, his organization. was .so effect tively penetrated by Soviet spies that many-of them lost their lives in. the Soviet Uniiin' or were. unmasked #; as Americat{:.agents in Soviet radio broadcasts- 'Soviet ? intelligence - `- had penes i Crated every-corner of the Byelorus- ::;sian : network.':.?Loftus :'writes. "The :.;;Byelorussian . and the' Ukrainian OUN were; all.. riddled with -Soviet., The Gerrnark used all means nec. essary to, force_the cooperation Which. .. the Ukrainians were. unwilling to; The ,OUN .;.fought bitterly: .e. ,is was a?=fabricatioit,'?, Loftus rays. "The secret internal files of the OUN clearly show how most of-its members. worked for the Ges- tapo or SS as 'policemen, executiori- ers, partisan hunters and municipal officials. The OUN contribution to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140056-7