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February 12, 1983
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140041-3
12 February 1983
A ~-fascist returned
part of a shameful pattern.
:? Barbie is only one of many notorious Nazi
leaders who were welcomed like prodigal sons
into service with Western Intelligence agencies
after the war. - Their unspeakable crimes
against humanity were implicitly forgiven and
ccinveniently forgotten. They were paid and
protected so that they could return to active
duty in the anti-Communist crusade which
theirzfuehrer. Adolf Hitler. had temporarily dis-
credited with his extremism.
Their names compose a rogues' gallery of
_ fascist thuggery. Hitler's master spy, Rein-
hardt Gehlen, was made chief of the West Ger-
man intelligence agency (BND) and shared his
Nazi intelligence data with his protectors in the
CIA. Otto Skorzeny. a Nazi specialist at orga-
nizing terror networks in occupied countries.
was employed in the US Army's historical divi-
sion, which served as a way-station for former
Nazis who would go on to serve in the Gehien
CIA Intelligence network. Skorzeny used his
As Gestapo chief In Lyons during the ' Ger tacit immunity to shepherd old Nazi comrades
man occupation. Klaus Barbie tortured and out of Europe. working through cover organiza-
muirdered Resistance . members and ' French Lions known as Odessa, Kamaradenwer?k, and
Jews. Sometimes he did the torturing himself. Die SpLnne.
wxh whips and clubs and boiling water, and
sometimes he signed a piece of.paper sending the years went by, Gehlen. Skorzeny and
Jewish children to the death camps. g their network of old-boy collaborators ac cumu-
- lated.enormous influence both in Europe and
His return to the same prison where he once Latin America: Skorzeny shuttled between
tormented his victims may seem a 'curious Franco s Spain and Peron 's Argentina, where
an=achronism. But the extradition of Barbie is. he served the Argentine dictator as a gray emi-
more than a random example of historical sym- . nenee.. His goal was to foster the growth of a
metry because his post-war Itinera
fascist Fourth Reich -centered in Latin America.
..He could count on such loyalist operatives
as Josef Mengele in Paraguay: on Adolf Eich-
mann and Hans Ulrich Rudel in Argentina: on
Walter Rauff in Chile: and on Klaus Barbie in
Rauff, who is charged with sending 97.000'
Jews to their death. has served as a revered ad-
viser to the fascist dictatorship imposed on
Chile by Augusto Pinochet after the overthrow
of Salvador Allende, and was instrumental in
setting up the infamous Chilean secret police
agency known as DIVA. Barbie. In Bolivia, or-
ganized paramilitary death squads and drug
smuggling networks for a succession of mili-
tary regimes.
To grasp the full meaning of Barbie's belat-
ed appointment with justice, his career may be
seen as an emblem of the unchecked metasta-
sis of fascism. It is particularly mortifying for
Americans to be reminded that our government
put Barbie on its payroll a few years after he
ed for Hitler.
-]1,;, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100140041-3