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November 18, 1984
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?STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100100018-3 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE ~_ . Little, Brown & Company. Illustrated. 422 pp. Boston: By Michael Burke. spotlight early in life asa sti' -?born.and raised in Connecticut, he became accustomed to the UST one of Michael "Burke's many careers.. would - be. NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW 18 November 19814 - N general', Mr. Burke was., good for baseball and the New York Yankees. How- ever, many fans will never With this sort of material at. !' forgive him for ruthlessly firing his fingertips, Mr. Burke could''... Red Barber, generally consid-, hardly wri te a dull autobiogra-' ;, erect the best play-by-play an- phy. In fact, he has turned out a' .nouncer of all time, after Mr. . sparkling one, filled with behind-. Barber properly called attention" enemy-lines derring-do, confron- to the sparse attendance (413 ' tations with Jimmy Hoffa and his- paying customers) in Yankee Teamsters; skirmishes with Stadium one' dreary September George Steinbrenner 'and 'his afternoon in 1966. We never learn minions, encounters with . Elea- ; { whether Mr. Burke has ever had ! nor Roosevelt and her children second thoughts about the firing,- and nights on. the. town with the. since he never mentions Mr. Bar- I likes of Ernest Hemingway, Kiln -, ber. It would have been nice if he Philbyand. Reggie Jackson. This ;had admitted his- misjudgment-1 more than .enough'for any, owns the Rangers hockey' teams Garden Corporation.'.which also Burke .decided leaving was .bet- j George Steinbrenner, but the two Yankees himself, along _witli A decade later he bou t the the baseball team..- in 1964, he became president `of4 quisitions,.. and ' after`- acquiring the New York-Yankees for';CBS as vice president in charge of ac-.' Columbia' Broadcasting System:. Ringling Brothers and Barnum accepted the job of running the (r: of the C.I:A.' dercover operative in the employ..,:-:. War II found him unhappily sell- , an effective administrator, . a nance at New York University ing insurance, but before the war .. good friend who caii . be counted and is the author of "The Glory of was over he was parachuting be. on when needed; a.genial drink- I Their Times" a nds' a children's. hind German lines to work with ing buddy and a man with a so- book, "The story of Baseball." cial conscience the French underground. After and s well-honed the war, he wound up in Holly- sense of equity and fair play - in? wood working as a technical ad general, an all=around prince of a wiser on cloak-and-dagger films, fellow.-It is clear,,however; that. from which it was a natural se- ambition has played an ? impor- quel to spend a number of years-!' tent role in his life, more'so,.per- abroad as a real-life spy - an un-,: ?; Naps, than he, likes` to' acknowl-__ extraordinary . range of people.:.., and offered a belated apology to and events msures something of Barber and New York's o Y interest for just ab utevery kind ;-' baseball fans. That's what. Mr: .of-reader. n _ ` $ { Burke's idealized alter ego would Every more have done- anyway:' I . ^ Pennsylvania's top-ranked _f~;t__. 1'_', and Mr. Burke': is noexception. -- - - .. ball team The start of World = By and large, he sees himself as ' ' Lawrence S. Ritter teaches fi- t ball team..A couple of years"ago;.: I _ ment. We learn a 1ot about per approaching the age of 65, he as-, sonal rewards; but-human costs tonished everyone who knew him. 1 are barely mentioned. by suddenly resigning from j.._,. Madison Square Garden `'" and retiring to. County Galway, Ire- . land, where he still lives. Mickey Mantle at ceremonies for Mantle's retirement, Yankee Stadium V1969. edge Like `most compulsive :. sacrificed family Considerations on the altar of: career advance Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100100018-3