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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration STAT FROM: Director of Training and Education SUBJECT: Weekly Report * 1. In a first, the Office of Training and Education (OTE) and the Office of Information Technology (OIT) co-sponsored Tom Peters' presentation "Managing Your Company" live via satellite in the Headquarters Auditorium. The 51-plus students in attendance received the program enthusiastically. He used themes from his newest book, Thriving On Chaos, to discuss what organizations must do now to be competitive in the future. (U) * 2. On 3 November Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government held a faculty seminar on the relationship between the Intelligence Community and Congress. The seminar was part of OTE's contract with the Kennedy School on intelligence assessment and policy; it is one aspect of the school's cautious effort to make its relationship with the Agency more widely known. The topic also reflects the school's growing realization of the importance of the intelligence-congressional link. The seminar panel comprised John Helgerson, Director, Office of STAT Congressional Affairs; and George Tenet of the Senate Select STAT Committee on Intelligence sta f; Tom Latimer of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff; and Greg Treverton of the Kennedy School and the Council on Foreign Relations as moderator. (U) 3. OTE's five-week Soviet Realities Course ended on 4 November. This course, presented primarily in Russian, was marked by a significant number of very recent Soviet emigres among the speakers. Many who had left since Gorbachev introduced his perestroyka reforms were genuinely hoping he would succeed, but none believed he would. (U) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education ie ea ership Development Division Office of Training and Education SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report MTB Activities 25X1 LJ/~ I 25X1 25X1 25X1 A new version of the Electives course, Managin Chan e was conducted for 17 participants representing all directorates. the ,. ,.......... ~-._.~~.__-V~r~.._. .._... instructor~~ -receiwed~ a-?4:2"fir instructor effectiveness~~but=the-overall numerics-l. .average--fo-r-this ~running,~"3: 7; was not as-high~-as-we--want. Judging from the_.wri-tten?and verbal comments about this course,._students feel that it was a positive experience for them. Eighteen participants from all Agency Directorates, attended the 31 Oct. - 4 Nov. running of Program On Creative Management The group responded quietly, introspectively but searching y was t e outside contractor and segments. -- In a first, ~ OI'~ Jco-sponsored Tom Peters' presentation, Managing Your om~any, live via satellite in the headquarters auditorium. The fifty-plus students in attendance received the program enthusiastically. Peters hid-~9~-te~~-; ~~ - _ ----~__-'~~~~:-~~ used themes from his newest book, Thriving On Chaos, to discuss what organizations must do now to be competitive in the future. Ni ~ won+,-~, tr - ______~--~,~,,;~, , ;;~.~ ect'iV~only The Electives for Managers Program ran an MSP workshop on 3 November for sixteen managers. The course received 4.4 on a scale of 5 from students, and 4.75 in instructor effectiveness. However, some students and MTB staff again thought that the workshop could be presented in less than a whole day. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 /' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap= ved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report~~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 '25X1 125X1 25X1 On 4 November,) 'conducted a PAR workshop for the CPAS Cartography, Design and Publishing Group. The workshop was well received with the 16 students rating it an overall 4.4. This is the first OTE~ted PAR workshop for a DI component in at least several years. Working With People Program attended the NTL Human Interaction Lab in Bethel, Maine from c o er - 1988. found it a valuable learning experience. He gained insig t a out himself, his styles of interaction and received feedback on how he is perceived by others. Although the NTL lab is more "touchy-feely" than Leadership Styles and Behavior (LS~,B), it does have some relevance to the course. In fact,~ntends to incorporate the model of conflict resolution taug att ~ e lab into segments of LS~,B as well as the conflict resolution segment that he teaches for the CTDC. On 4 November 88,1 (visited Security American International~3'A~ near Dulles airport to evaluate their new training faci"lities as possible sites for future runnings of "Working With People" Program courses. SAI was founded by day programs. SAI is about a 45 minute drive from the Chamber of Commerce and has plenty of parking. However, students would have to bring their lunch as there is only one hotel within easy access of the equipped classroom an our sma reak out rooms--for short one or two Julian Patterson. recommend the aci i ies--a u y site. SAI has no Agency affiliation On October 19, and November 3, 1988 respectively, Womens Executive Leadershi (WEL) Pro ram coordinators (DU) , (DA) , (DSF,T) to discuss t e gency s continue participation in t e PM sponsored program and to identify issues we want to present to OPM prior to the November 16, 1988 coordinators' meeting. Program coordinators, based on individual feedback sessions with current and past WEL participants, recommend we continue with the OPM program. We are currently in the process of nominatinr? candidates for FY-89. A separate memo on this topic follows. IDS Activities completed a revision of the Midcareer Course's DI exercise. The revisions were needed to keep the assumptions of the exercise valid in light of recent events in Southwest Asia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 R~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 . CONFIDENTIAL - 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 25X1 25X1 '25X1 'I25X1 The Intelligence Issues and Challenges Course began 7 November with a one-day presentation by a private contractor with outstanding credentials in management, training, and writing. Participants were asked to identify and discuss major trends and values in American Society. This approach immediately engaged the group in interacting with each other and stimulated thinking about issues that will be addressed more s ecifically when the course resumes 14-18 November. are the course coordinators. LDD Activity met with the new DO Senior Training Officer. said he had made LDD his first parish call, apparently because o our chidiri of the DO to make better use of management training. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 STAT ME1140RANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education Director, Center for the Study of. Intelligence Weekly Report/CSI STAT /~. - - --- - _ a ~.v vlc a'y.411 1lY Qll Educaat~on was represented by the ~D; r cto of Trairi.ng nd E cation, th ~ moderator. A Yoad spectrum~of influent' 1 Harvard faulty i-f?embers attended, with the Cl?A continue at the Kenr~,~y School's On 3 November Harvard University's~enrledy School of Government held a faculty seminar on the relati~a~iship between the Intelligence Community and Congress. The semin ~r was part of CIA's contract with the Kennedy School on intelligentassessment and policy; it is one aspect of the school's cautious ~~-p~ to make its relationship with the Agency more widely knorm. The topic also reflects the school's growing realization,~er-vet iar~gely~rom~the~snput~of Semluur~a.ax~iFci~ant~-a~~-he~(5~~~~sem%a~nwa~~-s-em~.~~~ of the importance of the intelligence-congressional link. - The seminar panel comprised John Helgerson, Director, Office of Congressional Affairs~;~Sven Holmes and George Tenet of the Senate Select Committee orl Intell~igen~e st^i=; Tam Latimer of the riouse Permanent SelectrCommittee on Intelligence staff; ^r~ Greg Treverton of the Kennedy School and the Council oz Foreign Relations as ~_ ~rector of the Center for the 'tu of Int li, nce, nd Jack each other. / f` participant~~claimed the analogy with Agrf ialturevcouly be pushed too far (and Tom Latimer in particular doubted that tie change was as great a`s others indicated`), bui the consensus clearly was that the two entities had to a remarkable degree learned to work with '' v p ~a er t an an adversarial process: as Professor Richard Neustadt put its; "CIA is learning what along with Officer-in-Res i. ence, The main point to eme:-ge from the very lively discussion was the degree to which the`'relationship between the Com~iunity and C~6ngress is a coo erati th h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 STAT SUBJECT: Meekly Report - CSI It was striking (albeit not too surprising) how strongly the faculty perceptions were colored by events in. Central America over the past few years. The biggest worry of more than one senior Harvard professor was that the Agency was making its own policy, or unilaterally enunciating the Administration's policy, in congressional hearings on covert action. These critics were largely mollified when they finally realized that the State Department is represented at all such hearings. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-0099. 88000100220003-1 ,,;, ADISISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY- - J STAT M6IvI0RANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education Chief, Intelligence Training Division '~ STAT 1. On 3 November, Geer~a~t-~rr"~rrdw~~i~"` '"""' ce and ITD ti~leekly Report -~~.~P~ ff".,~ ~~~~2~~`1~" Technology Institute, met with ISTD, OIR, and OIT to discuss computer viruses. The group agreed that STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT completed his rotation to ATB and returned to OIA. (U) Agency employees needed to increase their awareness of what computer viruses are and how the Agency would respond to a virus. The participants decided to pursue a two-part program, including a guest speaker on viruses and an Agency-led presentation on the threat to our systems, which would be coordinated with the Office of Security's Information Systems Awareness Program. (U) 2. of the Analysis Training Branch attended a "faculty seminar' on _on~ress and the CIA, sponsored by Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, under the CIA=funded program on Assessments and Policymaking (3 November, Cambridge, Massachusetts). The guest speakers included Director of Congressional Affairs and the staff chiefs of the oversight committees. Director of Training and Education and Chief, Center for the Study of Intelligence also attended. (U) 3. f the Analysis Training Branch briefed the DI Management Advisory Group on the types of training available for DI managers. the course director for Agana ing in CIA, represented DD an iscussed their program. from MPSS addressed the specific issue of surveys that are one o etermine levels of analyst job satisfaction and their perceptions of their managers. The briefing was to assist the DI A9AG to determine how it should explore the issue of manager-analyst relations. (AIUO) Also in ATB, began around of open forums in the DI on the Analysis Training Program with a discussion with 15 OGI analysts and managers. Among the reactions was a very supportive response for the seminar series being developed for DI managers. On the personnel front, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 ' ~\ 1 J 1 1tl111 1 Y l.i 11\ 1 JLL~1tlI1L V ~71i V1YL 1- a ~. STAT STAT STAT STAT J STAT STAT STAT SUBJECT: ITD Weekly Report (U) 4. On 4 November the Topical Issues Branch complet its four-week Defense Industries Analysis Course (DIAC) with serving as course director. The DIAC provides an overview of the weapons systems acquisition process and is offered largely for DI analysts studying the acquisitions cycle in the USSR and elsewhere. Phase I, which is held at the Chamber of Commerce, is a week of intensive briefings by DOD and other officials on the entire acquisition cycle from the generation of requirements through the completion of contracts. The class will spend the next three weeks on the road, visiting U.S. defense 5. The first FY89 runnin of the National Warning Course, taught by 7 November. Eight students--from the DI, ODCI, DIA, NSA, and Defense Intelligence College--attended the course. (U) of ATB and f NWS/NIC, was completed on 6. ~e five-week Soviet Realities Course ended on 4 November. This course, presented primarily in Russian, was marked by a significant number of very recent Soviet emigres among the speakers. Many who had left since Gorbachev introduced his perestroyka reforms were genuinely hoping he would succeed, but none believed he would. (U) 7. OGI, discussed Soviet active measures in support of foreign policy in the Soviet Foreign Policy Block on 7 November. Among the techniques covered were the funding of political groups and communist parties, use of agents of influence, and disinformation campaigns. He concluded that the scale of the Soviet effort has not diminished sinne 1985. SOVA, followed with an examination of Soviet military and economic ai programs. He noted Moscow's disappointment with the payoff in terms of influence or tangible gains from the extensive investment in aid. (U) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 ~ ~ STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education Chief, Training Support Division SUBJECT: Weekly Report 1. The Training Support Division received 250 requests for training at non-Agency facilities during the week of 31 October-4 November 1988. During the same period, TSD sent 437 student "instant confirmation" notes for OTE courses and confirmed 22 courses. 2. The External Training Branch is joining the electronic age. On 31 October, ETB started to give training officers throughout the Agency OTE approval numbers for requested training via AIM. In only those offices where the needed equipment does not exist, the training officers are notified by telephone. So far, it seems to be working and the "telephone tag" that used to take place has been cut considerably. 3. ETB has instituted a monthly listing to TOs to alert them of any training that was completed the previous month. This monthly notification is already beginning to help cut down on delinquent receipt of completion evidence from students. `"'-" 4. who recently attended DOE's Nuclear Threat Awareness Seminar in Albequerque briefed the component representatives at the Senior Training Officers Meeting last week on what type of training DOE is conducting through its Office of Threat Awareness. She also presented DOE's offer to run two special courses just for CIA offices. The STO's were given a briefing paper and critiques of the Nuclear Threat Awareness Seminar. The cost of each program is $50,000 and would have to be shared by the components. The STOs were asked to review the information and let OTE know if they were interested by 18 November. As (STAT a follow-on to the course,0 went on a field trip to the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plan in southern Maryland on 4 November. STAT 5. On Monday) briefed DI Training Officers from CPAS, NESA, SOVA, OEA, EURA, and OIA on the use of certain TEAMS screens. The Training Officers find their new access very useful and, as a group, stated that TEAMS is working. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 SUBJECT: Weekly Report 6. Secretarial Training Branch and Internal Training Branch are in process of phasing secretarial training registrations to Central Registrations. The following courses are currently being transferred: Effective Oral Presentation Electronic and Pouched Communications Professionalism in the Office Quickhand Supervisory and Management Skills for Secretaries. 7. The first fiscal year statistics were reported from TEAMS week. Preliminary numbers were given to OTE instructional units. The actual reports will be disseminated to division representatives on Monday. TSD will work closely with the divisions on this exercise, which is working much more smoothly than last year. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 ~ S E C R E T ~ MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education ie anguage Training Division 25X1 25X1 25X1 ~I25X1 SUBJECT: Language Training Division Weekly Report 1 Recently, completed a two-week tour of facilities in where he worce wi of er members of the Community to identify sites appropriate for in-country total immersions.. A proposal for such an immersion in spring of 1989 will be forthcoming. 2. As art of on oing exhanges among members of the Interagency Language Roundtable, is teaching a second running of Survival Spanish at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI). Since FSI plans to make survival training an inte ral art of its courses, FSI selected one of its instructors to work with and learn the instructional techniques needed for the training. 3. (Chinese instructor, reports to the Near East Asian Languages Department, on 7 November 1988. 4. Anew Chinese reading comprehension test is now on the shelf. Two individuals have already taken the test. S E C R E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 _ ~ CC~~CE~~'~AL ~ Administration Division Weekly 31 October - 4 November 1988 '25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ''25X1 ,25X1 Conferencing Representatives from Security Evaluation Office visited on 1 November to coordinate requirements for their conference 21-23 November. State and NSA representatives will also attend. Kitchen hood will be installed 11-13 November, and Public Works has also reserved ~~19-21 December to work in equipment room. Space DC/AD and C/Logs accompanied DD/OTE, EXO, DDC, and others on walk-through of 4X42 South Tower. After some touch-up work, room will be released to OTE on 7 November. The group also visited the other classrooms in New Headquarters Building to check progress of fit-up. DC/AD, Doug/Logistics, SAC TD, and WOTD representatives attended meeting in E Street. Tentative date for OTE move is week of 17 January. Building on 2 November re construction progress and move-in schedules for Miscellaneous objectives meeting. C/AD accompanied D/OTE and EXO Ion 3-4 November for goals and Budget and Finance eported on 31 October as the Deputy Chief, Personne]. Branch. sent first group of data on goals and objectives to P&PD. Chief D/Chief and Payroll Administrator/B&F attended a meeting with personnel and representatives from OP Payroll on 4 November. Great strides were made toward resolving reconciliation problems and redundant work at facility. Security Accompanied ADP Control Officer, C/ISTD, and Security Office~~ to NSA on 4 November for briefing and demonstration of NSA Access Control System (badging system) for possible application at ~~ Headquarters area. CC~~CENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 ~ CO~I~E ~ SQL ~ Personnel Panel Support -- The GS-11 Language Instructor Panel met on 1-3 November for the annual review. '25X1 25X1 Check-ins: Title Office Grade Date Instr-LTD LTD/RLD GS-09 10/31/88 Instr LTD GS-15 10/31/88 Check-outs? Instr-Intel ITD/ATB GS-13 11/04/88 Rotate Out Instr-ADP DDC/CBTG GS-11 11/04/88 Reassign Out Logistics Published and circulated notice on power outage at CofC on 5 November. New kitchen for 1006 installed. Cellular phone for new OTE van installed on 3 November. CO~f ~dE~TIAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 ~ ~ STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education Chief, Washington Operations Training Division (WOTD) Weekly Report for 31 October - 04 November 1988 2. Operations Training Division (OTB) Programs: a. The current OCA class is the first class ever to use a full field version of the CRAFT system. With the CRAFT software package, trainees in the OCA class have automated glossaries for cables, ongoing effort to add realism to the OCA program. (This is a new use for the printer and a time saver for OCA instructors. c. Seventeen students took Operational Records II on 2 - 4 November. The second segment of an OTE-produced computer-based training module on DO records was successfully field tested. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18 :CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18 :CIA-RDP90-009988000100220003-1