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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ? ------ 19 May 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Director of Training and Education St]BJECT: Weekly Report 1. The Office of Training and Education's (OTE) Language Training Division has recently become very active in total-immersion language courses. Chinese and Farsi total-immersion courses were completed on 13 May and on 16 May a six-week Spanish program began. The completion of 25X1 2. The OTE' s Slavic and German Branc h (S&G) recently conducted a 25X1 weekend Russian- la ua a immersion 25X1 25X1 ICI 25X1 ~~25X1 4. Members of OTE's Science and Technology Institute (STI) met with Dick Thomas, Senior Program Director for Training and Professional Development at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), to discuss courses that STI is seeking to include in the FY89 Science and Technology Seminar Series. Of particular interest are offerings on remote sensing and systems engineering. 5. About 45a people attended an OTE Guest Speaker Program address by Nobel prizewinner Elie Wiesel in the auditorium on 11 May. es to the address cited it as "humorous, uplifting, and moving." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18 :CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 25X1 Lill I 25X1 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Q Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18 :CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 _ cuivr lLr~v i ltw 17 May 1988 25X1 25X1 25X1 ~~,25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education Acting C ie Intelligence Training Division SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report ~~ T~ 1. Members of (S'TI~ met with Dick Thomas, Senior Program Director for Training and Professional Development at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), to discuss courses that STI is seeking to include in the FY89 Science and Technology Seminar Series. Of particular interest are offerings on remote sensing and systems engineering? .rt,;,-~, cTT w-il-1- ~u ~ eu~s~~An added bonus was the revelation that RIT is proposing to eliver a course on Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) to another US Government agency. Mr. Thomas wil~orwarding to STI additional information on the CIM course. the process of developing STI's CIM course, and met with Dr. Dennis A. Swyt, the Deputy Director o t e enter for Manufacturing Engineering at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). The NBS Center has about 300 personnel investigating and developing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. A tour of its manufacturing laboratory was included. Dr. Swyt addressed the issues that a CIM course for the la an should include and has agreed to host the CIM course on 14 July. 3. The Experienced Intelligence Assistants Course on 6-13 May, attended by only three students, was a complete success. The decision was made to go ahead with the course despite the small enrollment because the instructor was available and the next running is scheduled in October. The students were given a choice and opted to proceed with the course. Fewer students allowed more time for exercises and more individual attention. The course incorporated for the second time a class project presented on the last day to the Chairman of the DI Intelligence Assistants Panel. The project chosen was a survey form to be completed by IAs listing training and travel opportunities. The students will present the project to the IA Panel at a later date. The students greatly appreciated the training. One stated in her evaluation: "This has been the best course I have taken in the Agency in terms of a relevant learning experience. I feel I can immediately put into practice the skills I've been exposed to." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 vVa~i 1LL!\ 11L"\L ~ ?~ 25X1 ;25X1 '25X1 ~~25X1 SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report 4. Professor Herbert Levine of the University of Pennsylvania spoke to the Soviet Economy Block on 10 May on "Capital--Investment, Capital Stock, and Capital-Output Ratios." He noted that the Soviet Union has sustained a high level of investment in its economy since the end of World War II, but since the late 1970s economic growth has been very low. Part of the reason has been the lack of new technology and innovation in machinery output--some machinery currently produced is already obsolete when it is placed into operation. One of Gorbachev's goals is to modernize Soviet capital stock as rapidly as possible, and some turnaround has been achieved since he assumed the leadership. 5. On 13 May the Topical Issues Branch successfully completed the fifth running of Understanding Insurgency and Counterinsurgency. All 15 students gave the 3 1/2-day course very high marks. The three State/INR attendees remarked that they planned to recommend the course for State's country-desk officers as well as for others in INR. The Agency students, ranging in grade from GS-7 to GS-13, represented three of the four directorates (DO 2, DS$T 2 DI 8). The teaching staff appreciated the cooperative attitude in administration of the course and benefited from new system for handling of mail. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY 17 May 1988 STAT MEMDORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education Intelligence SUBJECT: Weekly Report/CSI Director, Center for the Study of STAT STAT encountered. meeting with the DCI) and by the quality of the people they E1 ie Wiesel in the auditorium on '1`1 May. ^ T'? `'?L`' ~ "~+ __--- --- "humorous, uplifting, and moving." r. an '' Mrs. Wiesel greeted wellwishers and signed autographs outside the auditorium for almost half an hour after the speech. During the drive back to their hotel, they made clear that they had been greatly and favorably impressed by their reception (including their ?,~r~' ~'~~- ~''[ ~ A1....,+ A[/1 ........1 .. .,++enrle.~ nn n~~lrncc by Mnhol rrivo~ainncr The Center's invitation to a seminar on oral history project has encountered a tremendous response. The DS$T, for whatever reason, is the only Directorate not sending anyone. To accommodate the demand we are changing the format of the seminar. Instead of holding two two hour sessions for about 20 people, we are dividing the group in half and holding one two-hour session for each group. This will give Ralph a broader sam ling. of Agency views and give more people a glimpse of his work. Representatives of the Harvard program will be in town on 18 and 19 May for a study group session on the program's first real case study (The fall of Marcos) and a meeting with the participants in the first three runnings of the seminar. We will also be discussing ways of malting discreet and fruitful contact with the Dukakis staff. STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ~ ~ 17 May 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education ~, STAT FROM Chief, Information Systems Training Division SUBJECT: ISTD Weekly - 5/11/88 - 5/17/88 STAT Last week, STAT of Security (OS) course on Laptop Computers been informed by the OS that Kathy quickly mastered the material, and in fact, ended up teaching part of the course that she was observing for the first time. The class was very successful, and the Office of Security is looking forward to our continued participation in their training program. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ~~~I~i~T~~l 25X1 25X1 Administration Division Weekly 9-13 May 1988 Conferencing Rived FY 1989 course schedule from TSD and began scheduling dates at Provided C/AD with the number of office visits) for FY 87 Coordinated last minute requirements for OGC Intel Community Legal Conference for 65 people 9-11 May. Forwarded requirements for AF COS Conference 18-19 May. ace DC/AD attended 12 May ILSP meeting. According to the new schedule, OTE's room in the South Tower should have 100 drawings by June. DC/AD met with NHB representative re vaulting requirements for the OTE classrooms and then discussed ramifications with users of the rooms. 1008 drawings have been received for the Learning Center and classrooms with projection booth in the North Tower of NHB; construction bids should be received soon. Miscellaneous C/AD and C/PB attended 12-13 May Personnel Conference DC/AD TDY to 9-11 May. DC/AD attended Secure Conference Committee meeting at Hqs 12 May. Various options were discussed to identify an off-site facility to be used for classified conferences to the Secret level. Training Selection Board New C/ETB worked half-day in TSD learning about the Branch. Prepared letter to Harvard for Chairman, TSB's signature nominating four officers to the Program for Senior Managers in Government. t~~~~~~ i ~~~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 25X1 Summerronly (Danielle) corrected locator cards from information submitted by employees. Majority of OTE employees responded; there are a few outstanding. Security Gave security briefing to S&G/LTD at their 11 May staff meeting. Personnel DC/PB attended meeting on 12 May with DD/PERS to discuss concerns of the MP career service. Liz attended the Office of Personnel meeting in the Auditorium to meet the new Director of Personnel, Royal Flmendorf. Liz sent out the OTE letters and posters advertising for Co-ops to the identified colleges and universities; so far one student from the University of Michigan has called expressing interest. Liz and DC/PB spoke with DA/CMS and re contract extension actions for Independent Contractors worcing for OTE. CII'E/Pers will no longer be sending "routine" contract actions through DDA/CMS for AC/CMS' signature; however, this may change when a new C/CMS is named. Panel Su ort: -- C/PB served as Advisor to the GS-12 Panel on 9 May. -- DC/PB acted as advisor to the Language Instructor GS-11 Panel on 11-12 May. -- Completed preparation for the GS-12 Semi-Annual and the GS-11 LIP Semi-Annual review. -- Continued preparation for the GS-10 LIP and GS-11 Semi-Annual Panels. -- Requested the SIFs for the GS-11 LIP Semi-Annual Panel. -- Started preparation for the GS-09 and the GS-09 Semi-Annual review. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ~~~ , =: ~~~~aE~T~AI Check-ins: Title Office Grade Date Check-outs: Logistics There will be a State inspection of the elevators 27-28 June from 0800-1200; only one elevator at a time will be affected. rrng IJLL 1'rll/5&'r GS-U9 05/09/88 Computer Oper ISTD/IC GS-06 05/09/88 Summer Only SACTD GS-03 05/12/88 Summer Only O/C/LTD GS-03 05/10/88 Summer Only DDC/PEDS GS-03 05/10/88 Summer Only O/C/LTD GS-03 05/10/88 Summer Only ITD/ATB GS-03 05/12/88 Title Office Grade Date TA LDD/MTB GS-07 05/13/88 Reassign Out Coop-Student ISTD/IC GS-06 05/13/88 IIn1OP New furniture delivered and installed in Personnel and B&F Branches. C~~'~~E~T~AL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ~ ~ CONFIDENTIAL 17 May 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education 25X1 FROM: 25X1 SUBJECT: 25X1 .5X1 25X1 5X1 25X1 Chief, Leadership Development Division Office of Training and Education LDD Weekly Report' 2. On 9 - 11 May, haired a running of the Counseling Skills course as part o e ectives for Managers program. The course ran "extremely well" with all seventeen students giving it a perfect 5 on a scale of 1 - S. This is the first time in two years that a management training program has received a perfect "5" for value. It underscores both the toughness of the managerial audience and the ex ertise and commitment of and contractor the staff. Assisting were illness on the t it day, wer Also pitc ing in due to C/EAP. A highlight or most participants is the extensive vi~n~an~ he specific feedback they receive during the role-play 25X1 3. attended the "Terrorism and the Traveler" session in the Bubb e on 2 May, sitting next to some senior officers from the D0, OCA and PAO. He passed on to C/PSB/WOTD some suggestions for improvements to the program based on comments made during the break and after the session by these other officers_ ThP fPPrihark Lrac urnlrnmar~ h., 25X1 WOTD. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ~~ ~ ~ SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 25X1 4. ill conduct a creative problem solving and team-building session for IMS group chief son 31 May-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 June. IMS asked for help in setting up a new budget initiative called "Dolphin" which will integrate the DO's information handling systems of the future. Creativity sessions will focus on the information needs of the IMS consumers after the year 2000 and explore approaches to the processing and handling of these data. A secondary objective of the session will be to bring together as a team all those officers in IMS who can help solve the problem and get them to work more effectively with each other, listen to their customers needs and concerns, and bring into the planning process those support elements such as OC, OIT, and OS. This should be a fairly challenging session for our OTE facilitators for many of the participants already have their minds made up on what needs to be done and there are many turf issues. 6. met with Positive Power and Influence (PPI) contractors Bev Kaye and Allen Vengel on 11 May to complete plans for FY 1989. MTB will sponsor five runnings of PPI as part of the Electives for Managers program. Two MTB trainers will begin the instructor certification process; now of CT division will complete the process. OTE trainers will co-train in all the runs; this will reduce the need for contractors and eliminate it by the end of the year, thus considerably reducing the cost of the program. 7. On 17 May, "CEO Colloquium" travelled to New York City for a working dinner at the Wall Street Club with the CEO of Kidder, Peabody. (This corporation is an investment brokerage house that plays a leading role in international finance). Wednesday morning, the Colloquium travels to Fairfield, Connecticutt to meet with top executives at General Electric Corporation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 ~ ~ 25X1 '~~ 25X1 25X1 '25X1 'I25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 8. The opening session of the "Intelligence Issues and Challenges" seminar (formerly Advanced Intelligence Seminar) was held on 16 May. Eloise R. Page, former Deputy Director, Intelligence Community Staff, addressed the seminar on " The Agency and the Intelligence Community". Ms. Page's candid comments and reminiscences about her career fascinated the audience. The seminar will be held 23 - 27 May in room 1001, C of C with twenty participants. 9. Midcareer Course No. 105 is in its second week James Taylor, Executive Director is scheduled to meet wi t e mi careerists Wednesday evening, 18 May. substituting for the DDO, cancelled his session sc e u e or .ursday evening. No DDO speaker was made available as a replacement. At his among Agency executives with the DS$T leading the pack. Ten courses are scheduled to be conducted during CY-88 for 120 Agency officers; six Agency courses were conducted in CY-87. The Maine Hurricane Island school will host six runnings--NPIC (1), NIESO (2), OTE (1), and OSP/DST 10. Interest in the Outward Bound program continues to increase convenience, we are trying to arrange a meeting with Stolz. (2)--and the North Carolina Outward Bound school will host the remaining four--OTE (1), OSP/DS$T (2), and OTS (1). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 17 May 1988 STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education Chief, Secretarial, Administrative, and Communications Training Division STAT STAT SUBJECT: Weekly Report 1. In response to a request from the Director of Communications, the Communication Training Branch conducted the Essentials of Writing course for 12 Office of Communications employees~~ 2-6 May 1988. 2. An instructor in the Secretarial Training Branch briefed the newly appointed Training Officer for Secretaries in the DO's Latin America Division on the Secretarial Training Program, including the Professional Development Programs and the self-study courses available for field secretaries. The instructor also introduced the Training Officer to the new Secretarial Training Trac:kina svstem suaaested by OP and developed by OIT on the mainframe. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18 :CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Q Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18 :CIA-RDP90-009988000100160002-9