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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 IP 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: SUBJECT: Director of Training and Education Weekly Report 27 April 1988 * 1. On 18 April 1988, the Office of Training and Education (OTE) officially toasted the OIT project team and OTE personnel who worked on TEAMS--the Training and Education Automated Management System--that is now operating. This on-line system allows students to sign up for OTE courses through VM. Although conceptualization of this OTE/OIT-developed system goes back several years, the actual design and programming took about one year. On a typical day last week, 200 students were 25X1 automatically enrolled in OTE courses through TEAMS. 25X1 3. The initial running of GTE's revised Leadership Styles and Behavior course concluded on 22 April after a two-year stand down. Thirty students representing all four directorates and the DCI area 25X1 participated in this pilot running. STAT 25X1 4. An OTE Leadership Development Division instructor gave a paper on "The Intelligence Community and Low Intensity Conflict" at an academic conference in Chicago from 22 - 23 April The conference, which was sponsored by National Strategy Information Center and the National Strategy Forum, brought together about 50 university professors who are teaching courses in national security policy. The conference focused on topics such as understanding terrorism, counterinsurgency and covert action. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 111 25X1 LOA-I 'SUBJECT: Weekly Report 5. Representatives of GTE's Science and Technology Institute and officers from the Directorate of Intelligence met with IBM's Vice President for Corporate Manufacturing and its Director of Executive Resources on 20 April for discussions on developing a course on Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). The IBM representatives proposed a three-day training program incorporating two days of lectures and one day of tours of IBM facilities in Fishkill and Pou hkee sie 2 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 ? uivr o IAL 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: SUBJECT: Chief, Training Support Division Weekly Report 26 April 1988 5X1 25X1 3. The Office of Personnel has notified TSD that a request for statistics on external and internal training for the last several years is on the way. The statistics will be used by the NAPA Task Force. 4. During the month of April, members of TSD have briefed all of the DI, DA, and DO training officers--collectively and/or individually--on TEAMS. OTS, NPIC, and OSO have been briefed, and we are scheduled to meet with the DS&T Training Officers on 4 May. The Training Officers briefed are excited about the information which is now available to them in TEAMS. Also, during the month, most of OTE's instructional divisions were briefed on TEAMS. 5. In April 1988, OTE ran 54 courses/71 runnings of those courses. In comparison, in April 1987, OTE ran 40 courses/47 runnings. 6. Over 100 hours of overtime were worked in support of Internal Training Branch (ITB) this pay period. Members of ITB and the "overtime" crew continue to work an average of 80 to 100 hours of overtime per pay period. tint vW' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 25X1 25X1 26 April 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: SUBJECT: Chief, Language Training Division Language Training Division Weekly Report During the week of 18 -21 April 1988, LTD Chief, Testin 125X1 as a member of the Research Proposal Review Panel of the Center or International Education at the invitation of the Department of Education. The five-member panel represented the USG and academic sectors. The panel's objective was to review seventy-five research proposals in foreign language education and area studies and determine which ones should be funded. The deliberations resulted in fifteen funded proposals or twenty percent of those competing for a total of over one million dollars. Funded proposals involved materials development in several less-commonly taught languages, proficiency test development and validation projects for reading and speaking. and artificial intelligence 25X1 applications to language teaching. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 pAfg 2. LTD Chinese instructor gave a briefing on Beijing to before his departure to that city was also presented with a set of cards containing basic Chinese nhrases and a cassette tape to help him get around the city. Assistant NIO/EA last week. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 re:q --1t;01: it SUBJECT: Language Training Division Weekly Report 6. LTD is currently conducting a 2-week Spanish Total Immersion with n students and five instructors. One of the students, C/CMS/DO 25X1 commented to C/RLD that he was most impressed by the pro essiona ism and stamina of the Spanish instructional staff. He also 25X1 praised the job relevance of the program exercises for case officers. 25X1 7. On 22 April 1988, a group of Language Training Division (LTD) instructors met to share trends/techniques presented at the American C uncil on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Northeast Conferences they recently attended. Topics included using radio broadcasts to teach listening comprehension, use of video to integrate all four language skills, self and peer evaluation, and the function of grammar in the communicative approach to teaching. The audience discussed the applicability of the above topics to the LTD environment. 8. There were 21 reading proficiency and 16 oral proficiency tests the past week. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 IIP 25X1 gipk,Jrir.LJirvi MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: 26 April 1988 Acting Chief, Leadership Development Division Office of Training and Education 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 1. The initial running of the re ed Leadership Styles and Behavior course concluded on 22 April 1988 Thirty students, nominated by the directorate Senior Training Officers, and representing all four directorates and the DCI area participated in this pilot running. Alfhnqgh_c te-vvera-1-1?rating7?377-6176-1-Terr 25X1 ,an?z-..6 ,on-2,--_6 May 1988. This was the first time in almost two years that Leadership Styles and Behavior (LSO) has been offered. Even after two years, interest in the course remains high judging from the comments we've received from Agency managers. For example, one supervisor said his employee would probably be in a new job upon completion of the course, "...which, I predict he will do better in having had the experience of the course". Some managers are using LSO to groom potential supervisors, as indicated by the comment that LSO is "...intended to in ni e her to this 25X1 challenging discipline (supervision)". 2. MTB ran the seventh Managing in CIA in CY 1988 for an audience of 24 GS-11 and above managers. The group was a particularly challenging and demanding one, containing many of the professional level managers who were never impressed by the old Management Development Course. In this case, however, they gave the program an overall evaluation of 4.5 out of 5 with numerous accolades for the staff, program and content. Much 25X1 credit should go to the instructional team headed by along 25X1 with They teamed up wltn 25X1 manager-in-the-clasroom Chief of the Counterintelligence Support Group, Office of Security, with unusual effectiveness. Also noteworthy was the first ba tism-by-fire in an MTB course of former 125X1 Inspector General who sat on the panel concerning 125X1 managerial accounaliy an responsibility. \AA-4 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 LUNI-? DENT1AL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 25X1 SUBJECT:. LDD Weekly Repo The running was also noteworthy because it appears that it has broken the back of the queue for Managing in CIA, at least in the DI, DST and DO. This is demonstrated by the testimony of the STOs and the fact that the initial class roster for the next MCIA run in June contained only about 10 students from these directorates. Although this is a notable accomplishment in view of the longstanding inability of OTE to meet the demand for introductory management training, there are still many 25X1 managers in the DA who are in line for the ouKse. Tr- 0/1"1""le 25X1 3. gave a paper on "The Intelligence Community and Low Intensity Conflict" at an academic conference in Chicago 22-23 April. The conference, which was sponsored by National Strategy Information Center and the National Strategy Forum, brought together about 50 - ' university professors who are teaching courses in national security policy. MuLli (A-The conference ./ ;-(044.00/0.6 MN. understanding terrorism, counterinsurgency and covert action. .-Othar -r-em-the-Nav-a-1-W-a-r Cold Shat-z-f-r-em-thr-Fret c er nyol-r-VellneR-Aspawr-i-an-f-rom-Flenn-8-t-a.ter-ancr Leueza-1--P-aba-Gorman7 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 II- I - ; - paper was very well received and he had ample opportunit for ui ing networks with the academics who are working in this area. 4. participated as discussion group leaders in a session on ethics in the current running of the ITCIA course. This was the first group of recent EOD's to be exposed to a basic discussion of ethical issues as part of their EOD training. We 25X1 used the sa7e discussio7 format as that employed in the CTDC; and it went quite well. 25X1 5. From 10 to 23 April, visited the headquarters of the Fleet Marine Force in London as part of his Reserve Active Duty for Training. F---:] who is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve, STAT worked on a project designed to support Marine forces committed to defend NATO against an attack by the Warsaw Pact. During his active duty, also traveled to Stuttgart to brief seni r lied Officers a STAT 25X1 headquarters of the US European Command. 25X1 25X1 25X1 6. Electives for Managers Program Administrator met with contractor Marsha Osterer to review the first running or Achieving Sustained High Performance (ASHP) held in March. Although the evaluations of the program were very good, there were numerous suggestions to make the program even better. In the next run, in June, we will try better student introductions, more efficient use of time, and a new segment on utilizing the high performance model with subordinates. Based on the impact on these changes in the next run, we will reexamine the recurrent student comment that they wanted more time for the program. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 UUNrIDLNILAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 25X1 SUBJECT:. LDD Weekly Repo 7. Effective Management of Groups ran on 18-19 April as part of the Electives for Managers program. Sixteen students attended with 4 last minute cancellations or no-shows. We will work with TSD to refine the overbooking quota in the new TEAMs system. Technically, TEAMs does not allow overbooking but we will find a way around this since it is our most effective weapon against the cancellation/drop- u roblem. The program 25X1 received a solid 4.2 for value with contractor getting a 4.6 25X1 for effectiveness. 8. LDD trainin SU ort ersonnel under the leadership of Senior 25X1 Training Assistant met on 20 April for a discussion of issues including T unctions, instructor TA relations, and OTE TA career 25X1 management and development issues. from MTB served as group facilitator. A report is being prepared on the conference and will be forwarded; those segments dealing withcareerssues may be worth 25X1 tabling at the June OTE TA conference. 9. DDA Ray Huffstutler presented MTB with a Mer 25X1 Citation at a ceremony at headquarters on 19 April. 10. The precourse meeting for Midcareer Course 0105 was held 20 April 1988. Twenty-four of the twenty-seven participants attended as well as two of the alternates. At that time, participants were briefed on course objectives and received special security clearances. They discussed critical organizational issues and intelligence problems facing the Agency. A compilation of the issues and problems they generated will be sent in advance to course speakers. The first two weeks of the course, which will begin on 9 May, two weeks at Chamber of Commerce, and the final week is a field trip to Minneapolis to visit several private 25X1 organizations. 25X1 11. provided support to an office conference on 28-29 April tor the Supply Division/OL. She is also developing a series of seminars on Managing Change in conjunction with the move of OIA to HQS. The expected combined audiences for the various conferences include 25X1 over managers and employees. Separate reports will be forwarded. 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 STAT unk....unooxrl.uu 26 April 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: Acting Chief, Intelligence Training Division SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report (U) 1. Professor Karen Brooks from the University of Minnesota spoke on "Land: Soviet Agriculture--The Archilles Heel?" to the Soviet Economy Block on 19 April. Professor Brooks stated that the main difficulties in agriculture are the high costs of production and a slowdown since the early 1970s in the annual growth rate of output. One result is that the government has been subsidizing food costs by as much as 55-60 billions of rubles annually and has been forced to import substantial amounts of grain. Professor Brooks concluded that neither climate nor scientific backwardness are the main causes of agricultural difficulties but rather institutional problems--to a large extent the linkage breakdown between the suppliers (of machinery, fertilizers, etc.) and the farms. Class participation in this session was very .gh and this was an outstandin afternoon. (U) -r 0.A.r& A IBM's Vice President for Corporate Manufacturing and its Director of Executive Resources SOVAI?entti-4T-E4STI, on 20 April for discussions on developing a course on Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). LBMi-oIy -Leadec--144.G444-epptirrtionv;?comptrter-hardwarer-and-stiftwarer. The IBM representatives offcrcd a three-day training program incorporating two days of lectures and one day of tours ofIBM facilities in Fishkill and Poughkeepsie, NY. Aga-.27.Appi4..to evaluate acisit.s?terriMinThs4+1.4114. (U) 3. attended a conference on Middle East Fundamentalism ana ferrorism on 21-22 April held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington. The conference provided a forum for a variety of distinguished anti-terrorism scholars and an opportunity to meet and discuss the issue with them. (U) STAT STAT STAT 4. attended a presentation by Clayton Yeutter, US Trade Representative, on 20 April in Washington. At issue was the status of the trade bill before Congress, which Yeutter believes faces difficult passage and possible Presidential veto because of the plant closing provision. (U) 5. The fourth running of the Introduction to Military Forces course was held on 19-21 April. Twenty-two students attended, including three officers from State INR. (U) UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 jf A 4- : Declassified in Part:- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 UW -4RWIDENTTAL STAT DATE: April 25, 1988 NOTE TO: SUBJECT: IIAC Course Twelve new intelligence assistants attended the Introduction to Loy Intelligence Assistance Course that ran from 14-22 April. (Eleven students were from the DI and one was from the DS&T.) The students rated the course well in meeting its goals of understanding Directorate of Intelligence reference resources and organization and in affording an opportunity to practice the DI writing style and to give a short oral briefin . The students particularly appreciated instructor Josef STAT instruction in the DI's writing style. For the first time in e run ing of this course, the students worked on a class project suggested by the DI 's Intelligence Assistants panel. The project the panel suggested was drawing up guidelines for mentors to new IAs. Some in the class, however, felt that the mentoring relationship was too personal to be subjected to general guidelines. (u. ) STAT CONFIDENTIAL, tu C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 25X1 25X1 Conferencing ? CONMENTIAL Administration Division Weekly 18 - 22 April 1988 Preliminary requirements have been received for 10-12 May OGC Intelligence Community Conference for 70 people. The DCI will be a special guest. Space Miscellaneous C/AD and C/Logs met with D/OTE and architect discuss plans for renovation of ground floor. on 18 April to C/AD, DC/AD, and C/B&F held meeting with OTE management re 1988 status of funds. C/AD attended first meeting of committee working facilities for secure conferencing on 21 April at Hqs. Executive Secretary, TSB, sent OTE changes for new CIA Telephone Directory scheduled for distribution circa May 1988 to OIT. Training Selection Board Gave EXO some bullets on TSB and OIR for paper he is getting together for DDA on OTE activities. Budget and Finance Diane audited and forwarded for payment 25 accountings for FOFC. C/B&F prepared a briefing paper for meeting with OTE on the status of funds as of 31 March 1988. GUNFIDENTIAL STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 W CONFIDENTIAL W 25X1 Security Participated in safety inspection on 21 and 22 April; write-up will be forthcoming in about a month. Two suspicious boxes in parking area were reported to SPOs. The Arlington County Police were called and the boxes taken away. Later reports indicated no threat. Domestic Security Branch came by on 18 April to check OTE's classified trash storage area to ensure it conforms to SCI certification. The storage area will need a couple of things done before being certified. Attended meeting on 20 April with reps from OS/Clearance Division, Central Cover, and OTE/LDD re clearances to companies and areas being visited by OTE courses. Personnel 25X1 Personnel Branch staggered its attendance at the OP Conference held from 18-21 April; all members of PB were able to attend. Liz provided the Security Officer with seven PHS packages to use in upgrading seven LTD instructor's clearances from Secret to Top Secret. Liz verified that each of these employees is working at an acceptable level. Liz was informed by members of the Contracts Branch that amendment requests to IC contracts will no longer be sent to Contracts Branch for inclusion in contract, but will be done in the respective office that is the primary holder of the contract. If and when this is implemented, OTE will be receiving a Wang diskette explaining procedure. Awards: Sent Division Chiefs a reminder of January-April 1988 Trimester Award. Nominations are due in OTE/PB by COB 11 May. Received a group EA Award recommendation for 17 employees. Processed three SSP Award recommendations. Processed an Intelligence Medal of Merit recommendation. Processed an EA Award recommendation. CUFENT9AL Declassified' in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 41P CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 Panel Support: C/PB served as Advisor to the GS-15 SCP on 19 April. DC/PB served as Advisor to the SPB which met on 20 April. Continued preparation for the GS-12 Semi-Annual, GS-11 LIP Semi-Annual, and the GS-11 Semi-Annual Panels. Check-outs: Title Office Grade Date Logistics One elevator will be out of service for a week or more while awaiting parts for burned out motor. GSA is in process of installing new compressor in roof air conditioner. Work expected to be completed 26 April. New air conditioner for roof has been ordered -- expected delivery 6-8 weeks. OTE/Logs personnel attended OL Quarterly 21 April. Architect given requirement to proceed with final drawings for replacement of guard counter. Request for replacement of kitchen in 1006 forwarded to OL. CffIDETiAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 R Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 25X1 22 April 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Training and Education FROM: Deputy Director of Training and Education for Curriculum SUBJECT: DDC Area Events (18 - 29 April 1988) Where We Are 1. CBTG postponed the 19 April Bain briefing on their interactive video course, "Code of Confidentiality" until 10 May due to hardware and software problems. We'll let you know exactly where and when the briefing will 25X1 happen. In the meantime, has solved the problems, and the package itself can be seen here at CofC. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 3. stood in for Contract Process Course. and taught a segment of the 4. assumed responsibility for coordinating two contractor-offered courses for instructors: "Training Theory and Practice" and "Positive Power and Influence." Mary discovered that the audience for the "Training Theory and Practice" course is quite small at the present time, so we are not conducting it this Spring as originally scheduled. 5. The Television Production Section had a particularly busy week as it: met with representatives of the Office of Logistics regarding their segment of the "DA Orientation" videotape; compiled props, graphics and relevant video for the production of "Soviet Nationalities," a project for the Soviet Realities Institute; and started editing the "PC-Mainframe" videotape at the DI Television Center. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1 ? ? Where We Are Going 25X1 6. All CBTG personnel except Training Assistant will be attending the CBT Conference and Expo at the Washington Sheraton 24-27 April. CBTG has scheduled several working lunches with vendors currently under contract. 25X1 7. Several CBTG staffers and I will meet briefly with on Thursday 28 April to bring him up to date on ELECTAS CBT development and to 25X1 introduce him to who is picking up responsibility for the 25X1 course. will be at CofC that morning for the Personnel Perspectives Course. 25X1 8. The Audiovisual Section will be meeting with members of LTD to determine specific audiovisual requirements for the forthcoming Interagency Language Roundtable to be held at the West Park Hotel in Rosslyn 1-3 June. 9. The Visual Aids Section will start producing the artwork requirements for the "Domestic Travel" handbook. 10. The Television Production Section will be videotaping Jim Bostain's presentation, "How to Read a Foreigner," in a private home setting. 2 LLJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100150001-1