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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 /LI 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: SUBJECT: Director ot Training and Education Weekly Report 31 March 1988 * 1. The Office of Training and Education's (OTE) new skills program "Working with People", conducted by the Leadership Development Division, begins this week with seven courses scheduled for pilot runs in April and May 1988. The first course, one day on Effective Meetings, runs on 1 April. This new program will also "reintroduce" the highly sought 25X1 after Leadership Styles and Behavior. 25X1 * 3. Mr. Peter F. Gruden, Assistant Administrator for Planning and Inspections of the Drug Enforcement Administration, accompanied by staff assistants, Mr. Calvin G. McFarland and Mr. William Oaks, spent 25X1 21 and 22 March for briefings and 25X1 demonstrations. 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 1 SUBJECT: Weekly Report J. From 16 - 19 March OTE's Language Training Development Division (LTD), Chief of Testing, accompanied by an LTD training specialist, conducted an English as a Second Language (ESL) Oral Proficiency Testing and Rating Workshop for the United States Information Agency (USIA). The first of its kind to be held at USIA, the workshop's objective was to train a cadre of overseas English language testing specialists who will screen the English proficiency of foreign nationals planninR to study in 25X1 the United States. 2 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 25A I 11, SECRE11 29 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education 25X1 FROM: Ghia, Intelligence Training Division 25X1 SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report 1. Henry Schreiber of the Soviet Realities Institute attended the 12th Annual Arden House Conference, co-sponsored by the Russian Research Center of Harvard University and the Harriman Institute of Columbia University. This year's theme was "Detente Revisited?", and speakers included the present U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock. Henry's "mission" was both to learn and recruit, and he spotted several prospective speakers among the participants. The Conference is heavily subscribed by the business community, and Henry hopes to draw on participants for a session later this year on "Dealing with the Soviet 25X1 Union." ,on-Ic.? '5 25X1 25X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 25,Decla55ed in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: IT Weekly Report LY.L.A.41W11 4. Nineteen students from all four directorates attended the International Narcotics Intelligence Issues course conducted by the Topical Issues Branch on 22-24 March. The course is a broad overview of international narcotics production and trafficking with emphasis on the Intelligence Community's role in monitoring narcotics movements and providing support to policymakers and law enforcement agencies. DO 25X1 5. of Analysis Training Branch conducted the three-day Analysis section of the 95th Career Trainee Development Course (CTDC) (14-16 March). The students rated particularly well the visit of 25X1 young DI analysts and the main DI exercise. In addition, facilitated a group of students during the CTDC Seminar on Issues Confronting an Intelligence Organization in a Free Society (23 March). 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 7. On 25 March, the National Warning Course graduated 18 students (3 CIA, 4 DIA, 2 INR, and 9 NSA), one of its best groups since the course was founded. All were experienced analysts and contributed much from their personal experiences. Their evaluations were among the highest medians the course has received; nine of the 18 students rated it an overall 7, the maximum. tied for Honor Graduate: Major of DIA and of CIA's ALA. Charles Allen, the new NIO for Warning, spoke o e c ass about consumers and warning and was well received. 2 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 29 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education 25X1 FROM: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Chief, Secretarial, Administrative, and Communication Training Division SUBJECT: Weekly Report 2. attended the 39th Conference on College Composition and Communication, held in St. Louis 16-19 March 1988. Topics discussed at the conference included the use of computers in writing instruction, the evaluation of writing, and the designing of writing programs for adult learners. Among the notables presenting papers were Jane and Joe participated in a post-conference workshop on using word processors in writing classes. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 R Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 28 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: Chief, Leadership Development Division Office of Training and Education 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. Students in MidCareer Course 104 had an excellent response to the case studies drawn up on Thanks for help from an attorney serving in DO/PCS, we used cases drawn from actual problems faced by Agency officers (with slight changes to names and plac ) A least two of the cases applied to components other than the DO. The class was divided into four groups and each group was given four cases to solve based on their understanding of the new regulation. Students presented their solutions in plenum. In dealing with the cases, students drew upon presentations made by several of the previous speakers as well as their own Agency experience. There was a good deal of interaction among the groups and some interesting differences of opinion. For two of the cases, no clear47cut "school solution" existed; problems were not explicitly covered in the regulation. Faced with no specific guidance, students had to discuss what should be done on the basis of professionalism, Agency tradition, ethics, impact on others etc., without the crutch of saying "According to the regs...." They handled this admirably; it was healthy to see Agency officers at this level reach excellent decisions in the gray areas as well as readily 25X1 understand the dors and don'ts of the regulation. 25X1 2. briefed an ITCIA course on role of the DCI in the 25X1 Intelligence Community on 28 March. covered briefly the independent offices serving under the DCI in the Agency and then focused on the functions and organization of the IC Staff, traced the history of the IC function from the National Security Act and CIA Act to the present 25X1 and discussed briefly the roles of the NFIB committees. 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 7X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 W CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 8. By the end of April, MTB will have run 13 Managing and Leading programs so far this year. After that, the pace falls off somewhat--a good 25X1 thing in view of the MTB staffing situation! 25X1 9. ran a PAR workshop for 10 instructors in the OTE 25X1 Language School on 24 March. He was assisted by OTE CMO who spoke about the role of PARs in OTE as well as the workings of the panel system. The overall student evaluation was 4.85; there was a particularly strong endorsement for incorporating sample Language School PARs and AWPs in the program as well as the emphasis on the work of the language panel. This type of custom tailoring of the PAR worksh-op makes it far more effective than a generic workshop teaching only general Agency procedures and regulations. Indeed, there was considerable discussion in the group about revising AWPs to make them more effective. 25X1 125X1 10. attended a CareerTrack Workshop, "Dealing with Difficult People," to look at the utility of running such a program in the Electives for Managers program. This subject is the one topic most frequently mentioned as of interest by managers but not yet treated in the program. Rennie was very positive about the program and the presenter. A formal evaluation and proposal for possible incorporation in the program--which can be presented by one instructor to a 50-60 person 125X1 audience--will be prepared. 1 1 125X1 25X1 11. "Time Management" continues the Electives for Managers program. running on 22 March'lying the course contractor, continues down-to-earth approac . e will try workshop; in addition to his effectiven charged by the current contractor. 12. Overbooking the Electives to be Twenty ?an overall to be him out one of the most popular courses in eight students attended the evaluation of 4.6. The very well received because of his in June in the stress management? his costs are lower than those be an effective way to deal with seems to the continuing cancellation/no-show problem. Although 6 students cancelled and 3 did not show, the overall student numbers were right on target. Although short programs can easily be fitted into schedules, the inclination of managers is that they can be ski ed more easily than less available quota 25X1 courses involving pre-course work. 25X1 a "Management Skills Profile 13. PDI contractor conducted workshop" for 15 managers on 24 March. The class was generally well received, with an overall evaluation of 4.5. Student critiques indicated that many found the feedback from subordinates and co-workers to be a surprise. But most were able to accept this and to be in the ?rocess of 25X1 changing behavior patterns. LDD Senior Instructor attended to gain more familiarity with the instrument; she was posi lye a ou it but had numerous useful observations about how the effectiveness--particularly the 25X1 pacing--of the workshop could be improved. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 II, LUNVIUNIIAL 25X1 SUBJECT: LDD Weekly Report 25X1 14. The Program on Creative Management ran on March 20-25 with 18 participants from each of the directorates (DA-5: DI-4: D0-4: DS&T-4: 25X1 DCI-1). This run was chaired by with the 25X1 UGR and IPS segments conducted by In addition, filled in as an assessor for the first time. We had five female students; we have seem a considerable increase in the proportion of female students in the 25X1 course. 25X1 The course got an overall evaluation of 4.47 (1=worthless and 5=very worthwhile). This is a somewhat lower rating than that POCM typically receives. In the opinion of the instructors, this was due to the fact that there were three students that were particularly resistant to the course. Two of the three students were so disruptive that they had to be taken aside and told to "shape-up". Omitting their evaluations, the course would have received an overall evaluation of 4.80, a rating consistent with the norm. A course report will follow outlining the issues in this situation. The time has come to replace the equipment used in the control room (behind the one-way mirrors). Since it is highly unreliable (this is not surprising since we procured this "surplused" e ui ment from the VA ten years 25X1 ago), has an arrangement with to repair the equipment each time it is turned on. As last week progressed, the equipment problems became more frequent and pronounced; one of the three amplifiers "died" on Wednesday. With the help of Media and RMB, three new amplifiers 25X1 will be purchased CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 . lir 25 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Training and Education 25X1 FROM: Deputy Director at iraining and Education for Curriculum SUBJECT: DDC Area Events (21 March - 1 April 1988) Where We Are 1. CBTG is now installed in new quarters in 835 CoC. They are happy with their situation, which is space-efficient but gives each person a degree of 25X1 privacy, stays on the second floor in anticipation of her assignment to PEDS beginning 11 April. 25X1 25X1 3. The Visual Aids Section stayed busy this week. In addition to regular graphics work, it: hosted a demonstration of GRAFTIME, a software package which allows for the transmission of graphic data from IBM PCs to the Genigraphic system; began experimenting with a Tektronix Polaroid camera which has the capability of capturing computer screen text and quickly producing an overhead viewgraph; and started using a new form that elicits reasons for poster requests through a series of questions. 4. The Audiovisual Section was on the road and on the go this week. It: videotaped the last session of lectures in the Soviet Realities series for this season; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 gir -- did a videotaping Headquarters -- partici of INF-related presentations at the building on very short notice; and ated in a meeting to settle on audiovisual requirements 25X1 for the Learning Center. 5. The Television Production Section put its equipment aside this week and concentrated on planning strategies as it: 25X1 -- met with of the Soviet Realities Institute to clarify 'requirements for the Headquarters TV grid; and developed a number of remote location possibilities for the 25X1 videotaping to Talk of on 25 April and a revision to his "How to a Foreigner" lecture/videotape. As has been the practice since the beginning, it also maintained the basement TV monitor lists. 25X1 6. C/PEDS attended the Program on Creative Management this week. 7. The DDC broke into a serious siege of lollygagging to: 25X1 attend a HQs luncheon for FSI's Senior Seminar; represent C/PEDS at an enlightening session on the needs of INF inspectors; audit "Effective Briefing" and COFC; attend a pre-STO meeting; and discuss hitherto unheard-of admin courses in payroll regulations and the acquisition process. 25X1 8. DDC met with C/ASB/SACTD, C/MTB, and request for help in training on the acquisitions process. to discuss an OL Where We Are Going 9. The Soviet Realities Institute will take a hard look at future lectures and designate those worth videotaping specifically for replay on the Headquarters TV grid. 10. We are starting to do some amazing new things to simplify graphics production and publication. Let's talk. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 ? 25X1 11. has now joined the Television Production Staff as an 25X1 independent contractor, is a video systems engineer who will assess the present OTE system and make recommendations for its improvement. 25X1 12. I will be meeting with our CI subcommittee on 28 March. 3 SECRE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 MP' CONFIDENTIAL Administration Division Weekly 21-25 March 1988 Conferencing Requirements forwarded for senior-level State/CIA conference being hosted 25X1 by SSA/DDA on 27-29 March Space 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 An additional classroom (20' X 30') has been identified on the floor of the North Tower of NHB which will be ready for occupancy in October 1988. Requirements, which are due 1 April, are being collected to set this room up as a Learning Center. Requirements are also due 1 April for the 4th floor classrooms connected by a projection booth and are presently being worked. Survey packages were received for the computer classrooms for each device/terminal that will need access to CTT computer facilities. Preliminary arrangements have been made for 5-6 May for OTE and RPO representatives to visit IBM's corporate technical educational facility in Thornwood, New York. DC/AD worked with NHBO regarding several technical wiring support questions that arose regarding classroom designs. Miscellaneous C/AD attended working lunch with new Chief, C/AD met with and work in CTE/Admin. designate, re her schedule for training DC/PB attended "Time Management for Managers" training on 22 March. C/LCGS on promotion panel all week. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 ? IF CONFIDENTIAL C/AD secretary notified the recipients of the OTE Awards Ceremony on 28 March at 1400 hours. 28 people will receive awards. D/OTE will present the awards. Prepared draft memo to OTE Division Chiefs re updating locator cards. Security Met with Lee Allder, Dominion Management, to discuss plans re opening of stairwell during the day. Allder's concern is whether the Arlington County Fire Officials would approve locking dock doors without an automatic fire release mechanism; he will meet with fire officials and get back to us. Worked with WOTD/Personal Security Course instructors re de ndent spouses ,25X1 and mature teen-agers attending personal security course on Saturday, March 26. Special badging and other procedures were worked out with SPOs so 25X1 Training Selection Board Reserved two more spaces at the Aspen Institute in the Executive Seminar. Budget and Finance 25X1 25X1 25X1 include $1.7 claims. Personnel The Audit Staff started their audit Received DDA guidance on the FY 1990 a new initiative on Foreign Language million and for FY 1991 $1.5 million DC/B&F briefed the S&T ops course of the Program for Office on 21' March. New Initiatives. We will Training for four positions and Facility Expansion. re preparation of reimbursement D/OTE. for OTE. Held biweekly personnel meeting with Distributed Etployee Benefit Statements CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 11, CONFILIBliAL 25X1 Panel Support: C/PB acted as advisor to the GS-11/13 panel which met 22 March for its semi-annual review. Finalized and sent out secretarial career system SIF's and training sheets in preparation for Secretarial Promotion Panel. Continued to work on the GS-07/08 Training Assistant Panel. Started preparation for the GS-15 Annual Panel. Check-ins: Title Office Grade Date TA WOTD/CIB GS-06 03/21/88 Logistics LOGS moved CB TG from 2nd floor to 8th floor; new furniture also received. Auditors checked LOGS imprest fund - no problems found. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 11, 29 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education STAT FROM: STAT Chief, Information Systems Training Division SUBJECT: ISTD Weekly - 23-29 March 1988 Computer Skills Training Branch 1. Texas Instruments has completed work on the proof-of-concept phase of the EXpert TRaining Advisor (EXTRA). On 24 March, Texas Instruments representatives briefed DDA, DDI, and DDS&T officials on the results of the nine month research and development effort. 2. The EXTRA project is an ORD-sponsored investigation into the feasibility of applying artificial intelligence technology to assist Agency employees in selecting appropriate computer skills training. EXTRA would mimic the advice a human counselor would give an employee regarding the most appropriate computer skills courses to take, the sequence in which to take them, and whether to take them in instructor-led classes or through self-study. 3. If such a system can be built and made readily available to all employees, ISTD believes that the Agency would realize substantial benefits in two ways. First, employee training time would be better focused, employees would not take a computer course because "it might be helpful." Each employee who uses EXTRA to develop a personalized training plan would know how each course contributes to the development of skills he or she needs. Second, ISTD would be better able to offer training that meets employees needs--TRAINING THAT COUNTS--because EXTRA would be able to aggregate individual needs into a summary of Agency needs. This analysis of Agency needs would always be current, thus shortening the time delay between the events which created a training need and the delivery of that training. 4. During the proof-of-concept phase, ISTD and ORD found that EXTRA could be developed on a stand-alone artificial intelligence work station. In the next research phase, the engineering phase, we will investigate the problems of making EXTRA work on an easier-to-use computer, and making it work in a mainframe computing environment. We will also work on refinement of the logic used to recommend subjects each employee should study (i.e., the REXX language or the AIM model-building language). If the level of the system works sufficiently well, it could be generalized to other OTE courses. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 28 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education STAT FROM: STAT STAT Acting Director, Center for the Study of Intelligence SUBJECT: Weekly Report/CSI The Executive Director hosted a luncheon for 15 Brookings participants on 25 March 1988. He was assisted by Agency officers representing each directorate. Director of Public Affairs Bill Baker was the guest of the Interdirectorate Seminar on 22 March 1988. His talk on the Agency and the media was interesting and sparked a lively discussion among the 25 attendees. OTE's Executive Officer and AD/CSI met with the Deputy Director of Public Affairs and the Academic Affairs and Presentations Coordinator regarding proposed revisions to Request for Agency Officials as Guest Speakers. We agreed that the overall responsibility for providing Agency speakers to outside groups should be in the purview of the Public Affairs Office. The Public Affairs Office will initiate the appropriate revisions to the regulations and present them to OTE for coordination before submitting them for publication. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 1111 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 29 March 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training and Education FROM: SUBJECT: Chief, Language Training Division Language Training Division Weekly Report 2. On 22 & 23 March 1988, independent contractor from the University of Chicago visited the LTD Testing Department. Mr. wrote a computer program that allows LTD staff to scan test data directly into a SYSTAT database for use in running MICROSCALE calibration analyses for field test validation purposes. This new program eliminates the need for time-consuming hand-entry of data. The new program will enable LTD to develop testing databases quickly and efficiently and to calibrate the backlog of newly developed reading proficiency tests. 3. From 4-7 March 1988 Actin. Chief, Slavic & Germanic Department Testing Specialist and Chief of Testing attended the Tenth Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium at the University of Illinois at Champagne/Urbana. The colloquium brought together the foremost testing specialists in the U.S. and other countries. This year it was devoted to measuring powered statistical models. A significant exchange of experience took place. In conjunction with the meeting, Chief/Testing went on to the University of Chicago where he attended a half-day seminar conducted by Prof. Benjamin Wright. The seminar presentation focused on theory and use of the Rasch Model in carrying out test validation studies and on applications of MICROSCALE, the program LTD now uses to aid in norming Agency foreign language reading proficiency tests. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/18 : CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: Language Training Division Weekly Report A41,0 4. From 16-19 March 1988 LT13 Chief of Testing , kli ,,11-2' . vr conducted an English as a Second Language (ESL) Oral Proficiency est ng \ , and Rating Workshop for the United States Information Agency (USIA). -Mr. -ipme-as-s-i-s-ted-by-ITD-6'we'd1Sh?Instnictori.ESL-Special4s4T The first of its kind to be held at USIA, the workshop's objective was to train a cadre of overseas English language testing specialists who will screen the English profi ? o tionals planning to study in the United States. e ESL oral proficiency test will be administered in conjunction wit the Test of English as a For -i Language (TOEFL) examination, which has never before containe component. As a result of the CIA/USIA colloboration, the In agency Language Roundtable (ILR) Testing Committee will be able to use the taped tests as ESL validation tapes in future tester training. 6. Under the auspices of the Interagency language Roundtable, LTD 25X1 Chief, Curriculum & Staff Development served on a Foreign Service Institute Romance Languages Department open forum panel on 23 March 1988. Panelists discussed and exchanged information on teacher training; teacher supervision, and classroom methodologies in their 125X1 agencies language training programs. 25X1 7. On 21 March 1988, (Russian, Slavic & Germanic Department, LTD) was one of the speakers at the DI and DO Geography Workshop for Secretaries. He responded to questions on Soviet religion 25X1 and culture. 25X1 8. On 22 March 1988, LTD Greek instructor met with the Foreign Service Institute's Greek supervisor to obtain specific 25X1 lesson materials. Turkish instructor met with her FSI 25X1 counterparts for the same purpose. 25X1 9. On 23 March 1988, LTD Russian curriculum consultant 25X1 visited the first Russian class to use the newly deve 25X1 curriculum. A report on his observations is forthcoming. 10. There were 71 reading and 18 oral proficiency tests during the 25X1 past week. ourse (2) CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/18: CIA-RDP90-00998R000100140001-2