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Confidential ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS I WO 01190114] 0010110100001iioiol1oi0001010011001011100111110110001001 0 O001yi 0001031001111,0001011000100010001000oolill010011oloilo0000110111 O1 0011}. ,.1 000011101o11010OOOOOIOOloololoolloo10100110110001111011000001010 1i011'10 101100001l01000011111110111000100101io010010001010111110 onn1Mn001 101 1010 laOpp4 110110000100111110,0110Q0001110000100111100000031000111100111 .10,101 po41}Q1}olo 10010oa1110o0010100011000oooolioooiooooio01ao1oolo olioo 001110 Wil yauilu J111. 11010 110 0; a! 97x0a301 LO1S. 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CIA-R P90-00992 App p R0001Q00 Approved For Rase 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992RQj1p100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL The Office of Data Processing is a relatively new organiza- tion. It grew out of the CIA Automatic Data Processing Staff which was established under the Deputy Director for Support on 25 May 1961. On 5 August 1963 the CIA ADP Staff was made an Office, the Office of Computer Services, and placed in the Directorate for Science and Technology. In April 1973, the Office was placed in the Directorate for Management and Services and the name was changed to the Office of Joint Computer Sup- port. Several significant consolidations of Agency computer activity have occurred since 1963. In November of that year, the Automatic Data Processing Division of the Office of the Comptroller was transferred to OJCS. Computer activities in the Central Reference Service were consolidated in OJCS during FY 1974, making possible the release of the CRS com- puter system in November 1973. The computers supporting the Information Systems Group, DDO, were placed under OJCS manage- ment effective with the FY 1975 budget year. In June 1976 the Office of Joint Computer Support was renamed the Office of Data Processing and reorganized with two Deputy Directors. The Deputy Director for Processing includes the operation of the computer centers, the hardware engineering, system software programming, production of com- puter jobs and data base management. The Deputy Director for Applications has four divisions that analyze customer require- ments and develop computer systems and programs to meet those requirements. Approved For Release 2005/08/24 E T& 009928000100020015-3 Approved For Rase 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992ROQ0100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF DATA PROCESSING ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS MANUAL CONTENTS PREFACE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR .........................................1 EXECUTIVE OFFICER ...................... ........................2 MANAGEMENT STAFF ................................................2 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF ...........................................2 CONSOLIDATED SAFE PROJECT OFFICE ...............................4 DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR APPLICATIONS ...............................8 ADP TRAINING STAFF ...........................................8 A. B. C. D DIVISIONS ........................................ 9 DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PROCESSING ................................10 SUPPORT STAFF ...............................................11 CUSTOMER SERVICES STAFF .....................................12 OPERATIONS DIVISION ................ ...........................13 RUFFING CENTER ..............................................13 SPECIAL CENTER ..............................................13 SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING DIVISION ..................................15 BATCH SYSTEMS BRANCH ........................................15 ONLINE SYSTEMS BRANCH .......................................16 INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS BRANCH .................................. 16 DATA BASE SYSTEMS BRANCH .................................... 17 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: C&-N- FTDENTIQ4992R000100020015-3 Approved Fdelease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-009000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL ENGINEERING DIVISION .............. ............................18 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING BRANCH ..................................18 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BRANCH ........... 19 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT BRANCH ...............................20 TELEPROCESSING BRANCH .......................................22 PRODUCTION DIVISION ............................ .......?......23 DATA CONVERSION BRANCH ......................................24 PRODUCTION CONTROL BRANCH ...................................25 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT BRANCH..... ............................25 FIGURES ODP ORGANIZATION CHART ......................?.?................1 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ORGANIZATION CHART ....... ................2 CONSOLIDATED SAFE PROJECT OFFICE ...............................3 DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR APPLICATIONS ORGANIZATION CHART ............ 4 DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PROCESSING ORGANIZATION CHART ..............5 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Rase 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992RQ00100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL The Director of Data Processing is responsible for pro- viding a central computer service to satisfy Automatic Data Processing (ADP) requests'from Agency components and to satisfy Intelligence Community requirements as assigned. FUNCTIONS In performing this assigned mission the Director of Data Processing: 1. Serves as the senior ADP official of the Agency and advises the Director of Central Intelligence and his Executive Advisory Group on Agency-wide ADP issues and management. 2. Represents the Agency on Agency-wide ADP matters to the Congress, Office of Management and Budget, Intelligence Community Staff and federal oversight organizations such as the National Bureau of Standards and GSA. 3. Prepares near and long-term resource plans required for performing an Agency-wide service of common concern, de- fends those resources through the budget process and manages the expenditure of those resources. 4. Reviews and approves Agency proposals for acquisition of computer equipment, software, and services. 5. Performs analyses of requirements for ADP services, conducts feasibility studies, prepares project proposals for new computer applications, develops new computer applica- tions programs, and performs maintenance and production con- trol of completed applications programs. 6. Plans, designs, operates and maintains two major computer centers providing facilities and services for: large capacity batch processing; interactive computer processing through remote terminal networks; data base management and on-line information storage and retrieval. Approved For Release 2005/08( F iMP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved FoIease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-0099000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL 7. Plans, designs and implements dedicated ADP hardware/ software systems to satisfy unique requirements that cannot be accomodated on the Agency central common-use facility. 8. Provides professional ADP personnel, on a rotational basis to advise and assist other Agency components in exploit- ing ADP techniques. The Office of the Director of ODP includes an Executive Officer, Management Staff and Administrative Staff. (See attach- ed organization Chart, figure 2). EXECUTIVE OFFICER The ODP Executive Officer serves as the ODP office man- ager, controlling the flow of paper within the Office; assign- ing staff work to line organizations and establishing dead- lines. He undertakes special ad-hoc research projects, and representational and managerial tasks. As Career Development Officer, he serves as a voting member on the DDA Personnel Panel and the MZ Career Sub-Group Board. He serves as ODP's Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. The Management Staff provides long and short range plan- ning for the effective and efficient allocation of financial and manpower resources. It is responsible for development, coordination and dissemination of management policy. As ODP's comptroller, provides financial management and services. Re- sponsible for liaison with the Agency Comptroller, Office of Finance and other components involved in the planning, pro- gramming and budgeting activities of the Intelligence Community. Exercises staff supervision over ODP activities as assigned by Director of Data Processing. Reviews pro- posals from Agency components for acquisition of ADP equip- ment software and services. Supervises ODP's ADP Security Program. Provides representation to IAC/ADP, etc. The Administrative Staff is charged with providing the full range of administrative support to ODP operations, man- agement and personnel. Professionals are assigned to the staff from the MG, MP and ML career service sub-groups of the DDA. The staff is the focal point for personnel manage- ment from the hiring phase through career development and ultimate retirement. It manages the ODP property account as 2 Approved For Release 2005/OO&4FIDDIpR NT~fAPP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For RJse 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992RQQQ100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL well as supply requisitioning, space allocation and main- tenance, telephone installations and transportation. Provides guidance and advice to the MZ Career Board and Sub-Group Panels. Provides area security assistance and processes security clearances. Manages ODP training activities, coor- dinating training requirements with the Senior Directorate Training Officer and the Office of Training. Coordinates personnel planning, resource requirements and policies with the Office of Personnel. Provides staff assistance to D/ODP and other elements of ODP. Manages ODP's parking program and allocation of permits. Manages the ODP registry and controls compartmented information. Is delegated approving authorities for procurements, travel, training and other managerial authorities of D/ODP. 3 Approved For Release 2005/OI WnRPP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved F?2elease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-009000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL CONSOLIDATED SAFE PROJECT OFFICE (CSPO) The CSPO is a joint CIA/DIA Activity charged with development of a Consolidated SAFE (Support for the Analysis File Environment) system. CSPO is administratively and operationally under the control of ODP. The Director, CSPO is provided by CIA and the Deputy Director CSPO, by DIA each responsible to their respective Agencies. FUNCTIONS In performing this assigned mission CSPO: 1. Will develop an integrated set of CIA/DIA require- ments delineating functions users expect the system to per- form. 2. On the bases of requirements prepare Systems Ac- quisition Proposals. 3. Prepare Requests for Proposals (RFP's). Initiate development of hardware and software. Acquire hardware and software to support development activities. 4. Phase installation testing and acceptance of the SAFE System. 5. Coordinate phased transition of operation and manage- ment to DIA and CIA operational users. ORGANIZATION The CSPO is functionall organized into five activities: PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL (PPC/CSPO) The Chief of Project Planning and Control is responsible for: Development and maintenance of Project plans and for development of control mechanisms, tools and displays for use by all elements of the Project. ? Logistic and site planning for the system. ? Document controls and configuration management. 4 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992RQD0100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Operational requirements and transition planning. ? Budget and Financial Management: - Prepares responses to support budgetary hearings. - Prepares the joint project/program budget re- quest. - Assures proper accounting of all Project re- sources and provides appropriate statements to each Agency. - Obtains the certification of the availability of funds for all procurement actions. Understanding budgetary procedures within each Agency and works in close coordination with the appropriate Agency comptrollers to ensure ad- herence to program budget milestones and pro- cedures. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION The Chief of System Development and Acquisition is responsi- ble for: ? Managing the system design, development, integra- tion, testing, acceptance and transition to operation. ? Monitoring and providing advice on related develop- ment programs in other components of DIA and CIA. ? Providing technical oversight and contract management for the principal contracted effort. The Chief of Systems Analysis is responsible for: ? Integration of CIA and DIA requirements in coordina- tion with the Requirements and Database Administration components. ? Reliability and test programs. 5 Approved For Release 2005/0> 614FISR-IQP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved Fo lease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992Rb00100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Monitoring support contracts. Defining interfaces to other systems. ? Validation and verification of system cost- effectiveness, performance and architecture. ? System security. - Ensuring that the system attains the level of security commensurate with the standing policies and security levels of information contained in the system's files. - Providing security advice to the Project Director and other staff components. DATABASE ADMINISTRATION The Chief of Database Administration is responsible for: ? Identification and definition of all databases on the system to include recommendations for combined use and support where practicable. ? Identification of maintenance responsibility for all files. ? Coordination with System Development and Acquisition and Requirements components to ensure that database structures and management are responsive to users' needs. REQUIREMENTS The Chief of Requirements is responsible for: ? Identification and assembly of all intelligence and support requirements of the users in each Agency. Ensuring the validation and priority ranking of requirements with each Agency. ? Developing (in coordination with Project Planning Control) substantive justification for Project resource requests. ? Advising the Project Director and Deputy Director on all requirements matters. 6 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992f3,QD0100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL ? Establishing and monitoring all appropriate control and reporting procedures for requirements. 7 Approved For Release 2005/a8W6E%2DP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For lease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992M800100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR APPLICATIONS (DDA/ODP) The Deputy Director for Applications is responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of applications software on ODP central and special stand alone computers to support missions of Agency components. In performing the assigned mission the Deputy Director for Applications: 1. Provides technical consultation to Agency compo- nents requiring computer support. 2. Develops proposals, feasibility studies, and cost analyses for new computer applications or enhancements of current applications. 3. Analyzes customer requirements for computer systems, designs system programs, tests systems and programs and documents applications. 4. Advises and assists customers in the role he must perform to bring about a successful application. 5. Provides maintenance on developed software for system life. The Deputy Director for Applications is supported by four Applications Divisions and a Training Staff. ADP TRAINING STAFF (TS/DD/A/ODP) Develop and present automatic data processing (ADP) training courses Agency-wide. In performing the assigned mission the Training Staff: 8 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For R e se 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992RQ,100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL 1. Provides training in four major areas of ADP: a. Introductory level courses for computer careerists. b. Career enhancing and job-related courses for computer professionals. c. Courses for Agency users of ODP Central computer services. d. General descriptive courses in computer technology and computer resources of the Agency. 2. Negotiates and manages contract courses when in-house expertise does not exist. 3. Develops new training courses to coincide with the availability of new ODP central services. 4. Manages the Audio/Video Professional Training Pro- gram to supplement new training courses. 5. Coordinates user ADP training requirements. 6. Reports training to OTR for input into Central Employee Training Records. DIVISIONS A, B, C and D The four divisions are organized on a task basis, to analyze, develop and maintain computer applications for Agency components. The Divisions assist Agency components in utilizing computers by analyzing the component's computing requirements, developing and maintaining programs to meet these requirements, and providing technical guidance to other Agency components or their contractors to insure that software development is suitable for the Ruffing Center's equipment and operating systems. Project teams are organized from Divisional resources to meet requirements of active projects. Approved For Release 2005 4mQ1 RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved Felease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-0099"000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PROCESSING (DD/P/ODP) The Deputy Director for Processing is responsible for ensuring the availability, reliability and stability of ODP computer and terminal hardware operating systems and systems software to provide centralized ADP services to Agency components. FUNCTIONS In performing this assigned mission the Deputy Director for Processing: 1. Operates two major computer centers. 2. Operates five Data Access Centers (DAC's). 3. Manages planning, design acquisition, configuration, and maintenance of ODP computers, operating systems and software related communications terminal equipment. 4. Provides consultation and assistance to users of ODP computer systems. 5. Provides data conversion, production control, and reports distribution services. ORGANIZATION The Deputy Director for Processing is supported by two staff elements and four operational divisions (see Organization Chart Figure 5). SUPPORT STAFF (DD/P/SS/ODP) Initiate procurement actions and monitor contracts for ODP ADP equipment, software and services in accord with approved planning documents. Provide technical writing and related support for ODP. Maintain the ODP Technical Library and pro- vide a central point for ordering and distributing techncial printed publications. 10 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Ref, pse 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992ROD4100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL FUNCTIONS In performing assigned missions the Support Staff: 1. Originates procurement requests for ODP hardware, software, and related services. Coordinates and serves as the focal point for new ADP procurement and contracting actions with the MS/ODP and deals directly with Office of Logistics for contract modifications and renewals. 2. Processes requests for terminals and remote job entry equipment connected to ODP computers. Maintains computerized files on request status, equipment installed and on order. 3. Prepares budget plans consistent with ODP planning and policy papers. Makes budget and financial projections as input to the 5 year budget plan. Develops long range financial plans when budget is approved to assure orderly implementation. 4. Prepares Processing programming and budgeting informa- tion, including ODP hardware and software narrative and justifi- cation, as input to Program Calls. Monitors DD/P/ODP budget. 5. Coordinates general administrative support for DD/P. Maintains central management - information files of common interest for Processing Divisions. 6. Establishes and implements writing standards for techni- cal publications. 7. Writes, edits, generates, and coordinates the publica- tion and dissemination of technical (e.g., Tech Notes, user's guides, procedures, etc.) and non-technical e.g.,-"Newsletter", Technical Writing Standards, Office procedures, RFP's,miscellaneous memoranda, etc. , and computer and office related documentation, as requirements dictate. 8. Assists Office components in their intercomponent writing tasks (e.g., AD004 Documentation Standards, Pavalet User's Guide, Centralized Library Systems, offsite tape storage procedures, etc.). 9. Controls the publication of all ODP-written user documentation. 10. Maintains a technical lending library and controls the procurement of ADP-related textbooks, which includes month- ly updating of a "KWIC Index" computer listing of the textbooks on hand. 11 Approved For. Release 2005/08/24CcUAB@W O-00992R000100020015-3 Approved Felease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-009000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL 11. Maintains an inventory of the most current and common- ly requested vendor manuals and Agency produced, ADP-related documentation. CUSTOMER SERVICES STAFF (CSS/DD/P/ODP) MISSION To provide consulting services to the ODP user community. To ensure that users of ODP services are acquainted with and able to make the most efficient and effective use of the ser- vices. To certify the integrity of systems changes by testing, training, and ensuring the completeness of procedures to install changes to ODP's computer centers. FUNCTIONS In fulfilling the assigned mission the Customer Services Staff: 1. Provides user consultation on computer languages, systems, applications and services, performance improvement, and new techniques and procedures. 2. Provides user problem determination and resolution, develops user tools and procedures, and tests new versions of user products for compatibility and/or adverse impact. 3. Prepares user information and documentation, and conducts user briefings and presentations on changes, new functions, features, and capabilities of ODP's Batch and Interactive computer systems. 4. Tests hardware and software enhancements or changes for implementation readiness into or as the Batch or Interactive production systems in the Ruffing Center and the Special Center. 5. Determines operator training requirements and prepares operator documentation and procedures with the appropriate Processing components for the Batch and Interactive systems. 6. Reviews Batch and interactive systems software problems and initiates recommendations for modifications. 7. Specifies, assembles, and executes benchmark tests on computer systems. 8. Analyzes security spillages, as directed by the Deputy Director for Processing, in support of the ODP Management Staff and the ODP Security Officer. 12 Approved For Release 2005/08/Fg&-,RP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For Ret se 2005/08/24 : P&WI QI -00992R0QI00020015-3 OPERATIONS DIVISION (OD/P/ODP) MISSION 25X1A To operate computers efficiently by scheduling work and preparing jobs for processing on computer center equipment. FUNCTIONS Operations Division is functionally organized into the following two independent computer centers: RUFFING COMPUTER CENTER 1. Operates and schedules work to be processed on the computer equipment located in GC03 and 1D1605 Headquarters, and Computer Centers. 2. Operates the 4D50 Headquarters data-access station. 3. Controls diskpacks and manages a magnetic tape library. 4. Maintains a receiving and distribution point for input to, and output from, the 0003 Ruffing Computer Center. 5. Processes requests for offsite data storage. 6. Executes PRB/P-directed special plans. 7. Produces the Center's short-range (maximum four weeks) scheduling of hardware and operating plans, as coordinated by PRG/P. 8. Identifies and reports incidents adversely affecting the operation of ODP's computing systems to the Chief Engineer (CE/ED/P/ODP). SPECIAL COMPUTER CENTER 1. Operates and schedules the work to be processed on the computer equipment located in the GC47 Headquarters Special Computer Center. 2. Controls diskpacks and manages a magnetic tape library. 3. Maintains a receiving and distribution point for input to, and output from, the Special Computer Center. 4. Processes requests for offsite data storage. Approved For Release 2005/08/24 ~@b-00992R000100020015-3 Approved FAWRelease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-009 8000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL 5. Produces the Center's short-range (maximum four weeks) scheduling and operating plans, as coordinated by PRG/P. 6. Executes PRB/P directed special plans. 7. Identifies and reports incidents adversely affect- ing the operation of the ODP's computing systems to the Chief Engineer (CE/ED/P/ODP). Approved For Release 2005/08/ZVNEIIAMEW90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For RWI ase 2005/080441S~ANf RP90-00992RQA0100020015-3 SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING DIVISION (SPD/P/ODP) To plan, design, install, integrate and maintain operating systems, data base management systems and systems related software on ODP computers. Monitor and analyze private sector state of the art advances and plan for installation and inte- gration of advanced technology which is compatible with ODP's operating environment, customer requirements and availability of resources. Ensure the stability and reliability of operating systems and related systems software in both computer centers. FUNCTIONS The Systems Programming Division is functionally organized into the following four branches: BATCH SYSTEMS BRANCH (BSB/SPD/P/ODP) 1. Using vendor provided systems routines and procedures, constructs current batch operating systems in the Ruffing Computer Center. Plans for installation and integration of technology advances. Maintains current batch operating systems in the Ruffing Computer Center. 2. Analyzes, diagnoses and corrects problems associated with current batch operating systems. 3. Determines need for, analyzes, evaluates, acquires, implements, and maintains special batch operating systems software packages, such as compilers, assemblers, CROSSTABS, and SPSS. 4. Maintains systems software packages required for operation of peripheral systems, such as the CDC Page Printer, IBM/360 Model 20's, and plotters. 5. Analyzes customer requirements for batch operating systems and software packages and, working from vendor supplied materials, constructs individualized batch operating systems to satisfy unique requirements. 6. Provides consultation services in the field of batch operating systems. Approved For Release 2005/0w FIL4,NlbP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved Fo lease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-009928000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL ONLINE SYSTEMS BRANCH (OSB/SPD/P/ODP) 1. Using vendor provided materials, constructs operating systems software to support the Special Center and CAMS. 2. Integrates vendor supplied systems related software into operating systems to provide online support to current batch operating systems. 3. Analyzes, diagnoses and corrects online systems soft- ware problems. 4. Plans for acquisition and installation of online systems software. Provides software support for installed on- line applications. 5. Monitors private sector technology advances. Plans for upgraded online software to improve overall efficiency of central online support. 6. Provides consultation services in the field of online systems support. INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS BRANCH (ISB/SPD/P/ODP) 1. Analyzes requirements for interactive ADP systems. Reviews available private sector software packages, selecting those meeting requirements and compatible with ODP's computer environment and integrating these systems into existing capa- bilities. Plans for upgrading of interactive systems in parallel with technical advances. 2. Analyzes requirements for unique special interactive systems. Develops special interactive systems from vendor supplied materials. Implements and documents new special interactive systems. 3. Analyzes, diagnoses and corrects interactive systems problems. 4. Customizes vendor supplied interactive systems to ensure compatibility with ODP's environment. Implements and documents customized interactive systems. 5. Designs, implements, and maintains communications access packages, such as the Conversational-Access-Method (CAM). Approved For Release 2005/08QP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For Rase 2005/08/ NFS1~4N~2RP90-00992RQUO100020015-3 6. Provides consultation in the field of interactive systems. DATA BASE SYSTEMS BRANCH (DBSB/SPD/P/ODP) 1. Using vendor supplied and internally designed materials, develops enhancements for ODP's Generalized Information Man- agement (GIM) Systems. Documents enhancements to update user information. 2. Analyzes, diagnoses, and corrects GIM problems. Man- ages vendor support for GIMS systems upgrades. 3. Reviews requirements for and develops batch utility programs in support of GIMS data bases. Maintains batch utility programs supporting GIMS. 4. Reviews new GIMS applications to determine impact on overall GIMS workload and availability. 5. Reviews requirements for minicomputer data base man- agement systems. Develops minicomputer data base management systems and provides maintenance support for systems. 6. Installs vendor provided data base management soft- ware such as RAMIS. Interfaces RAMIS software with ODP's batch and online systems. 7. Analyzes, diagnoses and corrects problems associated with ODP's RAMIS systems. Manages vendor support, maintenance and upgradings of RAMIS systems. 8. Provides consultation services in the field of data base management and minicomputers to users of ODP's services. Approved For Release 2005/08/2?IQtCIP RD4t90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved Fdelease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-0099!000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL ENGINEERING DIVISION (ED/P/ODP) MISSION Ensures the reliability and stability of ODP computer and terminal hardware. Ensures efficient utilization of existing ODP systems to meet customer requirements. Respon- sible for acquisition, configuration, and maintenance of ODP computer systems. FUNCTIONS Engineering Division is functionally organized into four branches. SYSTEMS ENGINEERING BRANCH (SEB/ED/ODP) 1. Optimize the performance of existing systems and systems software. o Determine changes required to the hardware configuration of existing systems to meet increased user demand or to improve perform- ance of existing services. o Develops and maintains hardware and software performance evaluation tools for existing and planned computer systems. o Using modeling, analysis of system accounting data, and performance evaluation tools, determine the workload and the capacity of existing systems. o Consults with other Processing Divisions and users of major systems on how to obtain the best performance with existing and planned hardware configurations. o Ensures that existing ODP computer systems are utilized as efficiently as possible consistent with customer requirements. o Determines the appropriate measures of system performance and workload utilized by ODP Management. Determines the costing algorithm utilized by ODP to charge for it's computer services. 2. Provide for the expansion of existing services and the systems design for new services. o Prepare annually a plan for ODP describing all 18 Approved For Release 2005/EAf Ip[4f,ARDP90-009928000100020015-3 Approved For Rase 2005/08/24b - t RrA?0-00992R0QA100020015-3 planned changes to ODP computer systems to meet new or expanded requirements. This plan serves as the formal documentation and rational for changes to existing systems and implementation of new systems. ? Writes the specifications and evaluation criteria for all ODP procurements of computer hardware. ? Determines the system configuration required to meet a stated requirement for feasibility studies. ? Accesses the capability of new and advanced techno- logy to determine when it should be introduced into the ODP systems. ? Projects workload increases used to determine when expansion of existing services is required. ? Consults with customers planning major new systems on the proper configuration and appropriate techno- logy. ? Provides the proper configuration of mini computer systems to meet specific ODP customer requirements. ? Determines when existing ODP computer technology is obsolete and must be replaced. CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BRANCH (CEMB/ED/ODP) 1. Configuration Management ? Coordinates with all ODP Divisions to annually publish an integrated schedule of all activities which will impact the ODP Computer Centers. Manages the execution of the approved plan. ? Coordinates with all ODP Divisions and customer offices all aspects for the planning and installation of mini- computers in support of Agency user requirements. ? Manages and plans all configuration changes to the computer systems in the ODP Computer Centers. ? Coordinates all activities related to the procurement or release of computer hardware. 19 Approved For Release 2005/08/24c AEKOPiJb-00992R000100020015-3 Approved F6110Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-0091MR000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL 2. Resource Management ? Manages the security and control procedures for all direct access storage in the ODP Computer Centers including recovery and backup procedures. ? Analyzes current and future online storage require- ments, reoganizes the use of online space and develops projections for future online storage requirements. 3. Environmental Management ? Coordinates all activities concerned with the in- stallation and/or relocation of computer systems in the ODP Computer Centers. ? Coordinates all aspects of prevention and detection to achieve physical security of equipment and personnel in the ODP Computer Centers. ? Assists in planning for future computer systems particularly with regard to the physical space, environment and power requirements and limitations. ? Coordinates power, environmental and security re- quirements with the appropriate service organizations, and monitors services provided. ? Maintains master drawings and records for the physical layouts and interconnections of computer equipment. Establish five year space and utility requirements for ODP Computer Centers. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (MMB/ED/ODP) 1. Report on Performance of ODP Services ? Maintain data bases on performance of services, hardware failures, system interruptions and usage of each major service. Research each system interruption to verify reported information. ? Produce and distribute reports on system performance to meet the needs of ODP Management. 20 Approved For Release 2005/08/2~4oNA[ANF P90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For Ruse 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992RW100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL 2. Maintain Stability of ODP Services ? Resolve problems of unknown origin. ? Resolve multiple vendor problem responsibility for all hardware and systems. ? Review procedures for recovery from hardware failures and recommend improvements where possible. ? Manage the scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of all hardware to provide required stability. ? Set standards for reliability used in the specifica- tions for procurement of new hardware. ? Manage the acceptance of new hardware to assure it meets reliability specifications. ? Review all interruptions to ODP services to identify problems that need to be resolved. Track the pro- blems until resolved. 3. Manage Maintenance of ODP Hardware ? Review maintenance provided by vendors to assure that contract obligations are fulfilled. ? Select most cost effective overage for all hardware. ? Review annually maintenance coverage of all hardware to determine most cost effective way to maintain the hardware. Recommend and implement required changes in maintenance coverage. ? Contract senior management of maintenance vendors when performance of vendors falls below ODP standards. Closely track vendors performance until it meets ODP standards. TELEPROCESSING BRANCH (TB/ED/ODP) 1. Short and Long Range Planning ? Develop and maintain a short range (12 months) plan of all changes affecting ODP Teleprocessing Systems. ? Develop and maintain a long range (five year) plan for ODP Teleprocessing system. 21 Approved For Release 2005/08/24pp FA90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved Fcltelease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-009000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL ? Provide requirements to the Office of Communications for data communications between ODP systems and present and planned ODP customer sites consistent with over- all ODP long range planning and identified customer requirements. ? Develop and maintain a plan for the orderly introduction of new technology into the ODP Teleprocessing system where it will meet a customer requirement and is cost effective. 2. Teleprocessing Hardware Selection and Procurement ? Write specifications for the procurement or upgrade of controllers connected to the host CPU's. ? Write specifications for the various "standard" terminal that ODP supplies to its customers. These include low, medium and high speed printers, CRT terminals, graphic terminals, remote plotters, remote card readers and remote tape stations. ? Write or assist in writing specifications for special purpose terminals to meet a unique customer require- ment. ? Manage the procurement, and acceptance of all Tele- processing related hardware. ? Design and procure special purpose hardware to meet unique ODP terminal or communication requirements. 3. Installation and Maintenance of Terminals ? Manage the vendors that maintain the owned and leased ODP terminals and related equipment. ? Coordinate with the Office of Communications, Office of Logistics, Office of Security, and Customer office the installation and relocation of remote terminals and related equipment. ? Maintain the inventory of all owned and leased ODP terminals. ? Resolve all terminal related problems of uncertain origin. This includes technical investigation of communications circuits as well as equipment at each end of the circuit. 22 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReI .se 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R0Q 00020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL ? Plan and manage the installation of terminal con- tollers and required patch panels. ? Manage the Tempest testing of ODP terminals. 4. System Software ? Select, maintain, modify and install system software that runs in the front end processors. ? Select, maintain, modify and install system software or micro code that runs in remote terminals. ? Consult with Systems Programming Division on host operating system software related to teleprocessing. ? Consult and advise customers on software require- ments to interface to ODP system through the tele- processing system. ? Consult to other Agency offices on teleprocessing related problems. ? Consult with customers on the design of special purpose systems that will interface with ODP through teleprocessing. PRODUCTION DIVISION (PD/P/ODP) MISSION Production Division manages production applications and data base management systems processed by computers and ensures that major data processing services are provided in support of Agency components and the Intelligence Community. Services include data entry; data verification; data conversion; Remote Processing Center (RPC); small-scale computer/mini-com- puter program design, development and operation; production processing of scientific and business computer applications; computer-generated reports printing and distribution; centra- lized document and machine-readable program libraries for production and development applications; and 24-hour COMIREX Automated ManVement System (CAMS), Automated Message Process- ing Systems (AMPS), Field Automated Message Processing System (FAMPS), DATEX Traffic, and Generalized Information Management System (GIMS) data base management, processing, and control. FUNCTIONS Production Division is functionally organized into the following three branches: 23 Approved For Release 2005/08/24 :&dAFrD-RR[00992R000100020015-3 Approved Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-OOR000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL PRODUCTION CONTROL BRANCH (PCB/PD/P/ODP) 1. Manages and processes production (operational) applications on large-scale computers. 2. Develops and maintains Job Control Language programs, online interactive programs, and the production documentation manuals required for processing production applications. 3. Maintains production and development machine-readable program libraries. 4. Maintains an application and computer program docu- mentation library. 5. Reviews new project documentation for project accepta- bility as a production application and prepares processing procedures and schedules. 6. Ensures processing data integrity and data base re- storation capability by providing data backup and permanent storage. 7. Manages and operates the Xerox 1200 Computer Printing Systems and distributes computer-generated reports. 8. Determines (hardware, facilities, and maintenance) requirements for reports reproduction. 9. Reviews production applications and procedures and assesses the applicability of improved processing efficiency and cost effectiveness. 10. Participates in the testing of production applications against new hardware and software. 11. Analyzes, diagnoses and solves problems associated with production processing. DATA BASE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (DBMB/PD/P/ODP) 1. Staff and operates the 5D55 Data Access Center (DAC) on a full time basis, 24-hours per day, 7 days per week to support Agency information systems as well as a national pro- gram in behalf of the IC. 2. Provide a reliable operational environment for all GIMS systems. 24 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For RelWse 2005/0%?04NFIRMN RQP90-00992R0O) 00020015-3 3. Analyzes, diagnoses and solves technical and procedural problems associated with GIMS processing. 4. Monitors all GIMS operations to detect and circum- vent problem situations. 5. Provides data base management functions including data backup, archival storage, history tape analysis, and data base restoration. 6. Installs new ODP/Applications developed data bases, as approved by the GIMS Review Board. 7. Processes standing and customer-submitted requests against GIMS data bases. 8. Installs and tests new GIMS software developed by the Data Base Systems Branch/SPD. 9. Develops and publishes GIMS operating procedures. 10. Participates in the acceptance of new GIMS application data bases as a member of the GIMS Review Board. 11. Control and issuance of GIMS passwords. 12. Operates the COMIREX Automated Management System (CAMS), which supports the Intelligence Community, in the same mode as described above for GIMS. 13. Primary interface for Data Base Managers and GIM users from within the Agency and from other agencies which make up the Intelligence Community. 14. Provides around-the-clock trouble desk which receives trouble calls and trouble reports, and initiates corrective action. DATA CONVERSION BRANCH (DCB/PD/P/ODP) 1. Manages and processes production applications on small scale computers and minicomputers. 2. Provides data entry and verification services at Key Building and two Headquarters data conversion facilities. 3. Manages and operates the Key Building Remote Processing Center (RPC). Approved For Release 2005/0821*Fi ffi RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved Ftftelease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-003000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL 4. Coordinates RPC (Key Building), data conversion hard- ware, facilities, and maintenance requirements with the Engineering Division. 5. Provides special-handling and courier service for work processed for the Office of Finance. 6. Manages and controls applications and data entry data files to ensure data integrity, including data backup and data file restoration. 7. Develops and maintains the production operating manuals required for processing production applications. 8. Develops and maintains programs for applications pro- cessed on small scale computers and data entry/verification minicomputers. 9. Analyses user requirements for small-scale computer and data entry services. 10. Operates and schedules work to be processed on data entry digital computers. 26 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: QCI&SQAQ0992R000100020015-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 ODP Executive Officer Deputy Director Processing Customer Services Staff Ops Div Management Staff Support Staff . - r- 1 771-1 Sys Prog Div * Joint CIA/DIA Staffing Eng Div Prod Div Consolidated Safe Project Office Administrative Staff Deputy Director Applications Training Staff Div A Div B Div C Div D Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 ODP Office of the Director Director Data Processing Executive Officer EEO Career Development Career Subgroup Panels Chief Management Staff Deputy Chief Policy & r Plans Group i Security Officer Program & Budget Group Logistics Training Registry Chief Administrative Staff Deputy Chief Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 Consolidated SAFE Project Office Project Director (CIA) Deputy (DIA) Project Planning (CIA) & Control Requirements (DIA) 25X1 25X1 System (CIA) Development & Acquisition Systems Analysis (CIA) Database Admin (DIA) 5X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 Approved F6ftelease 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-009 2000100020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Deputy Director for Applications Training Staff D,. Division FIGURE 4 Approved For Release 2005/g$/4 : CI A RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 NTIAL Approved For Rel a 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992ROOD 0020015-3 CONFIDENTIAL Deputy Director For Processing Customer Services Staff Support Staff I Operations Division Systems Programming Division Engineering Division Production Division Approved For Release 2005IOEERDP90-00992R000100020015-3 n f I d e A?- ved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00992R000100020015-3 e n t iIroved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00 n fid